Work in Team Enviroment ISheet

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Ethiopian TVET-System

Level II
Unit of Competene! "o#$ in Team Envi#onment
Mo%&le Title! "o#$in' in Team Envi#onment
L( Co%e! ICT ITS) *+ ***+
TTLM Co%e! ICT ITS) *+ ***+ +*
MO,ULE ,ESCRI.TION ! This &nit ove#s the s$ills/ $no0le%'e an% attit&%es to
i%entify #ole an% #esponsi1ility as a mem1e# of a team
At the en% of the mo%&le the lea#ne# 0ill 1e a1le to!
Describe team roe a!" sco#e
I"e!ti$% o&! roe a!" res#o!sibiit% &it'i! team
(or) as a team member
,es#i1e team #ole an% sope
*2 "o#$in' 0ith team envi#onment
"hat is team0o#$3
Team&or) is "e$i!e" as +a ,oi!t actio! b% a -ro.# o$ #eo#e/ i! &'ic' eac' #erso! s.bor"i!ates
'is or 'er i!"i0i".a i!terests a!" o#i!io!s to t'e .!it% a!" e$$icie!c% o$ t'e -ro.#1+ T'is "oes
!ot mea! t'at t'e i!"i0i".a is !o o!-er im#orta!t2 'o&e0er/ it "oes mea! t'at e$$ecti0e a!"
e$$icie!t team&or) -oes be%o!" i!"i0i".a accom#is'me!ts1 T'e most e$$ecti0e team&or) is
#ro".ce" &'e! a t'e i!"i0i".as i!0o0e" 'armo!i3e t'eir co!trib.tio!s a!" &or) to&ar"s a
commo! -oa1
"hy 0e Inte#est in Team0o#$3
T'e most im#orta!t eeme!t o$ team &or) is s'are i!$ormatio!1 Team&or) 'as become a!
im#orta!t #art o$ t'e &or)i!- a!" ma!%!esses !o& oo) at team&or) s)is &'e!
e0a.ati!- a #erso! $or em#o%me!t1 Most com#a!ies reai3e t'at team&or) is im#orta!t eit'er t'e #ro".ct is s.$$icie!t% com#e4 t'at it re5.ires a team &it' m.ti#e s)is to
#ro".ce/ a!"6or a better #ro".ct &i res.t &'e! a team a##roac' is ta)e!1 T'ere$ore/ it is
im#orta!t t'at &or) i! a team e!0iro!me!t
What is a team role?
A team roe is a te!"e!c% to #er$orm/ co!trib.te a!" i!terreate &it' ot'ers i! a &a%1
Team roe s'o&s t'e "i$$ere!t t%#es o$ co!trib.tio! t'at is ma)e to t'e team1
Team roe7 "escribe %o.r +so$t #ro".ct+ co!trib.tio! to team "isc.ssio!s a!" i!teractio!s1 For
e4am#e/ &'e! a team meets to reso0e a team #robem/ eac' team member co!trib.tes a
"i$$ere!t t%#e o$ #ers#ecti0e to t'e "isc.ssio!/ a!" tries to ac'ie0e a "i$$ere!t e$$ect1 O!e #erso!
ma% &a!t to cari$% t'e #robem bei!- "isc.sse"2 a!ot'er ma% s.--est i"eas $or reso.tio!2 a
t'ir" ma% tr% to a!a%se t'e sit.atio! a!" #ro".ce a! e4#a!atio! o$ 'o& t'e #robem came
Team #ole mo%el 45el1in6s Mo%el7
9ebi! i"e!ti$ie" !i!e team roes a!" 'e cate-ori3e" t'ose roes i!to t'ree -ro.#s7 Action
Oriented/ People Oriented/ a!" Thought Oriented1 Eac' team roe is associate" &it' t%#ica
be'a0iora a!" i!ter#erso!a stre!-t's1
T'e !i!e team roes are7
Action Oriented
C'ae!-es t'e team to
Im#eme!ter P.ts i"eas i!to actio!1
Com#eter Fi!is'er
E!s.res t'oro.-'/ time%
People Oriented
Coor"i!ator Acts as a c'air#erso!1
Team (or)er E!co.ra-es coo#eratio!1
Reso.rce I!0esti-ator
E4#ores o.tsi"e
Thought Oriented
Prese!ts !e& i"eas a!"
Mo!itor:E0a.ator A!a%3es t'e o#tio!s1
S#eciaist Pro0i"es s#eciai3e" s)is1
1. Action Oriented Roles:
i1 Shape#! S'a#ers are #eo#e &'o c'ae!-e t'e team to im#ro0e1 T'e% are
"%!amic a!" .s.a% "emo!strati0e #eo#e &'o e!,o% stim.ati!- ot'ers/
5.estio!i!- !orms/ a!" $i!"i!- t'e best a##roac'es $or so0i!- #robems1
ii2 Implementer (IMP)
Im#eme!ters are t'e #eo#e &'o -et t'i!-s "o!e1
T'e% t.r! t'e team;s i"eas a!" co!ce#ts i!to #ractica actio!s a!" #a!s1
ompleter!"inisher (")
Com#eter:Fi!is'ers are t'e #eo#e &'o see t'at #ro,ects are com#ete" t'oro.-'%1
T'e% e! t'ere 'a0e bee! !o errors or omissio!s a!" t'e% #a% atte!tio! to t'e smaest
o$ "etais1
T'e% are 0er% co!cer!e" &it' "ea"i!es a!" &i #.s' t'e team to ma)e t'e ,ob is
com#ete" o! time1
T'e% are "escribe" as #er$ectio!ists &'o are or"er%/ care$./ a!" co!cer!e"1
#. People Oriented Roles:
iii1 Coo#%inato# 4CO7
Coor"i!ators are t'e o!es &'o ta)e o! t'e tra"itio!a team:ea"er roe a!" 'a0e aso bee!
re$erre" to as t'e c'airme!1
T'e% -.i"e t'e team to &'at t'e% #ercei0e are t'e ob,ecti0es1
T'e% are o$te! e4cee!t iste!ers a!" t'e% are !at.ra% abe to reco-!i3e t'e 0a.e t'at
eac' team members bri!-s to t'e tabe1
T'e% are cam a!" -oo":!" a!" "ee-ate tas)s 0er% e$$ecti0e%1
Their potential weaknesses are that they may delegate away too much personal
responsibility, and may tend to be manipulative.
i01 Team "o#$e# 4T"7
Team (or)ers are t'e #eo#e &'o #ro0i"e s.##ort a!" ma)e t'at #eo#e &it'i! t'e
team are &or)i!- to-et'er e$$ecti0e%1
T'ese #eo#e $i t'e roe o$ !e-otiators &it'i! t'e team a!" t'e% are $e4ibe/ "i#omatic/
a!" #erce#ti0e1
T'ese te!" to be #eo#e &'o are 0er% ca#abe i! t'eir o&! ri-'t/ b.t &'o
#rioriti3e team co!siste!c% a!" 'e#i!- #eo#e -etti!- ao!-1
Their weaknesses may be a tendency to be unsure, and to maintain uncommitted
positions during discussions and decision-making.
01 Reso&#e Investi'ato# 4RI7
Reso.rce I!0esti-ators are i!!o0ati0e a!"
T'e% e4#ore a0aiabe o#tio!s/ "e0eo# co!tacts/ a!" !e-otiate $or reso.rces o! be'a$ o$
t'e team1
T'e% are e!t'.siastic team members/ &'o i"e!ti$% a!" &or) &it' e4ter!a sta)e'o"ers to
'e# t'e team accom#is' its ob,ecti0e1
T'e% are o.t-oi!- a!" are o$te! "emo!strati0e/ mea!i!- t'at ot'ers are o$te! i!tereste"
to t'em a!" t'eir i"eas1
On the downside, they may lose enthusiasm quickly, and are often overly positive.
$. Thought Oriented Roles:
0i1 .lant 4.L7
T'e Pa!t is t'e creati0e i!!o0ator &'o comes .# &it' !e& i"eas a!" a##roac'es1
T'e% s.ccee" o! a"mire b.t criticism is es#ecia% 'ar" $or t'em to "ea &it'1
Pa!ts are o$te! i!tro0erte" a!" #re$er to &or) a#art $rom t'e team1 t'eir i"eas
are so !o0e/ t'e% ca! be im#ractica at times1
T'e% ma% aso be #oor comm.!icators a!" ca! te!" to i-!ore -i0e! #arameters a!"
0ii1 Monito#-Eval&ato# 4ME7
Mo!itor:E0a.ators are best at a!a%3i!- a!" e0a.ati!- i"eas t'at ot'er #eo#e >o$te!
Pa!ts? come .# &it'1
T'ese #eo#e are s'ar# a!" ob,ecti0e a!" t'e% care$.% &ei-' t'e #ros a!" co!s o$ a t'e
o#tio!s be$ore comi!- to a "ecisio!1
Mo!itor:E0a.ators are critica t'i!)ers a!" 0er% strate-ic i! t'eir a##roac'1
T'e% are o$te! #ercei0e" as "etac'e" or .!emotio!a1
Sometimes t'e% are #oor moti0ators &'o react to e0e!ts rat'er t'a! i!itiati!- t'em
0iii1 Speialist 4S.7
S#eciaists are #eo#e &'o 'a0e s#eciai3e" )!o&e"-e t'at is !ee"e" to -et t'e ,ob "o!e1
T'e% #ri"e t'emse0es o! t'eir s)is a!" abiities/ a!" t'e% &or) to mai!tai! t'eir
#ro$essio!a stat.s1
T'eir ,ob &it'i! t'e team is to be a! e4#ert i! t'e area/ a!" t'e% commit t'emse0es $.%
to t'eir $ie" o$ e4#ertise1
This may limit their contribution, and lead to a worry with technicalities at the epense
of the bigger picture.
Role an% o18etive of team
11 To so0e #robems i! .!co!0e!tio!a &a%s
*1 To #ro0i"e a o-ica e%e/ ma)e !e.tra ,."-me!ts &'ere re5.ire" a!" to &ei-' .# t'e
teamAs o#tio!s i! a "is#assio!ate &a%1
81 To "ra& o.t team members a!" "ee-ate &or) a##ro#riate%1
('e! t'e team &as at ris) o$ becomi!- isoate" a!" i!&ar"%:$"/ Reso.rce
I!0esti-ators #ro0i"e" i!si"e )!o&e"-e o! t'e o##ositio! a!" ma)e t'at t'e teamAs i"ea
&i carr% to t'e &or" o.tsi"e t'e team1
Im#eme!ters #a! a #ractica/ &or)abe strate-% a!" carr% it o.t as e$$icie!t% as #ossibe1
Com#eter Fi!is'ers c'ec) errors/ s.b,ecti!- it to t'e 'i-'est sta!"ar"s o$ 5.ait% co!tro1
Team &or)ers 'e# t'e team to i"e!ti$% t'e &or) re5.ire" a!" com#ete it o! be'a$ o$ t'e
*2) In%ivi%&al #ole an% #esponsi1ilities 0ithin the team
11 Members &or) i!ter"e#e!"e!t% a!" &or) to&ar"s bot' #erso!a a!" team -oas/ a!"
t'e% .!"ersta!" t'ese -oas are accom#is'e" best b% m.t.a s.##ort1
*1 Members s'o." $ee a se!se o$ o&!ers'i# to&ar"s t'eir roe i! t'e team1
81 Members s'o." &or) to-et'er a!" .se t'eir tae!t a!" e4#erie!ce to co!trib.te to t'e
s.ccess o$ t'e team;s ob,ecti0es1
<1 Members base t'eir s.ccess o! a!" e!co.ra-e a members to e4#ress t'eir
o#i!io!s/ 0ar%i!- 0ie&s/ a!" 5.estio!s1
=1 Members ma)e e$$ort to be 'o!est/ res#ect$./ a!" iste! to e0er% #erso!;s #oi!t o$ 0ie&1
@1 Members s'o." o$$er t'eir s)i/ )!o&e"-e/ a!" i! t.r! eac' member is abe co!trib.te
to t'e team s.ccess1
B1 Members #artici#ate e5.a% i! "ecisio!:ma)i!-/ b.t eac' member .!"ersta!"s t'at t'e
ea"er mi-'t !ee" to ma)e t'e $i!a "ecisio! i$ t'e team ca!!ot come to a co!se!s.s
*2- Team st#&t&#e
Teams &or) best &'e! t'ere is a baa!ce o$ #rimar% roes a!" &'e! team members )!o& t'eir
roes/ &or) to t'eir stre!-t's a!" acti0e% ma!a-e &ea)!esses1
To ac'ie0e t'e best baa!ce/ t'ere s'o." be7
O!e Co:coor"i!ator
A Pa!t to stim.ate i"eas
A Mo!itor6e0a.ator to mai!tai! 'o!est% a!" carit%
O!e or more Im#eme!ter/ Team &or)er/ Reso.rce i!0esti-ator or Com#eter6$i!is'er
9&estions to in%ivi%&als in a team
('at team roe am I #a%i!- at &or)C
('at co!trib.tio! am I ma)i!- to t'e teamC
Does %o.r team roe matc' %o.r #erso!ait% #re$ere!ces or stretc' %o.C
Do I 'a0e a cear .!"ersta!"i!- o$ &'at is e4#ecte" o$ meC Do I )!o& m%
Do t'e #eo#e aro.!" me .!"ersta!" m% roeC Do t'e% .!"ersta!" t'e reatio!s'i#
bet&ee! m% roe a!" t'eirsC
Does eac' member o$ m% team cear% .!"ersta!" t'eir roes a!" res#o!sibiitiesC
The following are some of the points that a team must full fill
The team m&st have a lea# 'oal2 Team -oas s'o." ca $or a s#eci$ic #er$orma!ce
ob,ecti0e/ e4#resse" so co!cise% t'at e0er%o!e )!o&s &'e! t'e ob,ecti0e 'as bee! met1
The team m&st have a #es&lts-%#iven st#&t&#e2 T'e team s'o." be ao&e" to
o#erate i! a ma!!er t'at #ro".ces res.ts
The team m&st have ompetent team mem1e#s2 I! t'e e".catio! setti!- t'is ca! be
ta)e to mea! t'at t'e #robem -i0e! to t'e team s'o." be o!e t'at t'e members ca!
tac)e -i0e! t'eir e0e o$ )!o&e"-e1
The team m&st have &nifie% ommitment2 T'is "oes!;t mea! t'at team members
a-ree o! e0er%t'i!-1 It mea!s t'at a i!"i0i".as be "irecti!- t'eir e$$orts to&ar"s
t'e -oa
The team m&st have a olla1o#ative limate2 It is a cimate o$ #ro".ce" b%
'o!est/ o#e!/ co!siste!t a!" res#ect$. be'a0io.r1 (it' t'is cimate teams #er$orm
&e111&it'o.t it/ t'e% $ai1
The team m&st have hi'h stan%a#%s that a#e &n%e#stoo% 1y all2 Team members
)!o& &'at is e4#ecte" o$ t'em i!"i0i".a% a!" coecti0e%1
The team m&st #eeive e:te#nal s&ppo#t an% eno&#a'ement2 E!co.ra-eme!t a!"
a"mire &or)s ,.st as &e i! moti0ati!- teams as it "oes &it' i!"i0i".as1
The team m&st have p#iniple% lea%e#ship1 Teams .s.a% !ee" someo!e to ea" t'e
e$$ort1 Team members )!o& t'at t'e team ea"er 'as t'e #ositio! t'e%
'a0e -oo" ea"ers'i# s)is a!" are &or)i!- $or t'e -oo" o$ t'e team1
Team #epo#t
T'e team ma!a-er is re5.ire" to s.bmit a &ee)% #ro-ress re#ort $or t'e team1 Foo& t'e same
-e!era &riti!- -.i"ei!es
*2 Name!; Mana'e# Name an% ,ate S&1mitte%! E
P.t team ma!a-er6coor"i!ator !ame a!" t'e s.bmissio! "ate at t'e to#1
)2 Team Aomplishments!
S.mmari3e &'at t'e team accom#is'e" i! t'e ast &ee)1
-2 Unfinishe% Tas$s!
List t'i!-s %o. &ere s.##ose" to 'a0e $i!is'e" b.t "i"!;t1
<2 She%&le Revisions!
Describe a!% c'a!-es t'at 'a0e bee! ma"e to %o.r team&or) Pro,ect Sc'e".e1
=2 (#o&p .#o1lems!
Describe a!% "i$$ic.ties %o.r team is e4#erie!ci!-/ &'et'er tec'!ica/ #erso!a/ or
i!ter#erso!a1 Describe a!% i"eas or #a!s %o. 'a0e $or a""ressi!- t'ese #robems1
>2 Late Stat&s Repo#ts!
List a!% team members &'o "i" !ot s.bmit t'eir i!"i0i".a stat.s re#ort o! time1
?2 S&1mission!
S.bmit t'e #ro-ress re#ort to t'e co!cer!e" bo"% 0ia emai or a!% mea!s o$ tra!smissio!
b% t'e ".e "ate state" i! t'e Pro,ect Pa!1
: Use as a s.b,ect i!e7 Progress Report: team name
: I! a se#arate messa-e/ $or&ar" a t'e i!"i0i".a stat.s re#orts >i!c."i!- %o.r o&!?1
: Use as a s.b,ect i!e7 Status Reports: team name
"o#$in' 0ith Team envi#onment Tips
Fo#m teams to solve #eal 0o#$ iss&es a!" to im#ro0e rea &or) #rocesses1 Pro0i"e
trai!i!- i! s%stematic met'o"s so t'e team .ses its e!er-% o! t'e #ro,ect1
Hol% %epa#tment meetin's to #evie0 p#o8ets an% p#o'#ess/ to obtai! broa" i!#.t/
a!" to coor"i!ate s'are" &or) #rocesses1 I$ team members are !ot -etti!- ao!- e4ami!e
t'e &or) #rocesses t'e% m.t.a% o&!1
5&il% f&n an% sha#e% oasions into the o#'ani@ationAs a'en%a2 Ho" #ot .c)
.!c'es2 ta)e t'e team to a s#orti!- e0e!t1 S#o!sor "i!!ers at a oca resta.ra!t1 S#o!sor
s#orts teams a!" e!co.ra-e team $a!s1
Use ie 1#ea$e#s an% team0o#$ e:e#ises at meetin's1 E!abes team &or)ers to a.-'
to-et'er a!" -et to )!o& eac' ot'er1
Cele1#ate team s&esses p&1lily2 E4am#e 9.% e0er%o!e t'e same T:s'irt or 'at1 P.t
team member !ames i! a "ra&i!- $or com#a!% merc'a!"ise a!" -i$t certi$icates1
)2 Le'islation
Le'islation is "e$i!e" as t'e #rocessor act o$ ma)i!- a& or a set o$ a&s b% t'e Le-isati0e
9o"% >Go0er!i!- 9o"%? i! a co.!tr%1
Le'islation is .s.a% a0aiabe i! #ri!t or eectro!ic $ormats a!" o!e ca! -et t'eir co#% $rom
a!% s#eci$ie" Go0er!me!t I!$ormatio! ce!tres or A-e!cies as &e as $rom Go0er!me!t
(ebsites1 T'e 0ario.s areas i! &'ic' t'ere is a !ee" o$ Le-isatio! are!ess/ crimes/
Co!tracts/ Stam# D.ties/ Heat' a!" Sa$et%/ I!".stria Reatio!s/ Ta4atio! a!" ma!% more1
Company le'islation
Le-isatio! is a&a%s -i0e! a S#eci$ic Name a!" mai!% co!sists o$ coectio! o$ 0ario.s
&ritte! #ri!ci#es >i! t'e $orm o$ C'a#ters or Parts or Di0isio!s or S.b"i0isio!s or
Sc'e".es? $or -.i"i!- t'e be'a0ior o$ a! i!"i0i".a or a! or-a!i3atio! i! t'e societ%1
I! Le-isatio! it is acce#te" t'at t'e &or"s are .se" -i0i!- t'e or"i!ar%/ !at.ra a!"
&i"e% acce#te" mea!i!-s e4ce#t i! tec'!ica areas1
9e$ore a!% tas) be-i!s/ be t'e team )!o&s e4act% &'at it !ee"s to "o t'e tas)1
T&o basic 5.estio!s !ee" to be a!s&ere"7 ('at are t'e steps o$ accom#is'i!- t'is tas)/ a!" &'at are t'e resources re5.ire" to accom#is' t'e tas) T'e team;s
tas) is bei!- $.rt'er re"e$i!e" at t'e e0e o$ o#eratio!a "etai1
I! #ractica terms/ t'at mea!s to tra!sate %o.r -ro.#;s assi-!me!t i!to a s#eci$ic &or) #a!1
T'e com#e4it% o$ a &or) #a! &i "e#e!" o! t'e com#e4it% o$ t'e #ro,ect/ b.t t'e% a
i!c."e a $e& )e% eeme!ts7
a? a ist o$ tas$s
A +tas)+ is a t'i!- t'at ca! be "o!e b% o!e #erso! i! o!e &or) sessio!1 A tas) is
somet'i!- i)e +ma)e a #'o!e ca+ or +"eci"e t'e coor o$ tabecot's+1 A tas) is NOT a
ma,or res#o!sibiit% or a series o$ tas)s t'at ma)e .# a ar-er -oa1
b? a #ro,ect alen%a#
A cae!"ar be create" t'at i!c."es a t'e "ates b% &'ic' t'e tas)s be
c? t'e assi-!me!t o$ #eso&#es
O!ce t'e team )!o&s &'at &or) !ee"s to be "o!e/ t'e reso.rces to do t'at &or) be
ocate" a!" assi-!e"1
-2 "o#$ team omm&niation
comm.!icatio! is a! acti0e #rocess i! &'ic' i!$ormatio! i!c."i!- i"ea/ -oas/ $eei!-s/
&or) or"ers a!" so o! is e4c'a!-e" amo!- team members1 It -i0es a! o##ort.!it% to
se!" t'eir t'o.-'ts a!" $eei!-s/ a!" to 'a0e t'ese t'o.-'ts a!" $eei!-s recei0e" b%
someo!e ese1
Team comm.!icatio! is a!% $orm o$ comm.!icatio! amo!- members o$ t'e same -ro.#
or or-a!i3atio! t'at is cr.cia $or a 'eat'% a!" e$$ecti0e "%!amic1 Ma!% $r.stratio!s/
mis.!"ersta!"i!-s a!" 5.estio!s ca! easi% be a""resse" &it' t'e #ro#er team
Team comm.!icatio! is esse!tia $or a 'eat'% team
Team comm.!icatio! is .se" to -.i"e a!" "irect t'e team as a &'oe1 It is .se" to a""ress
-e!era 5.estio!s/ a!" a-e!"as i! a -ro.# setti!-/ eit'er i! a or ro.!":tabe
$ormat1 Team comm.!icatio! is .se" to )ee# #ote!tia $rom arisi!- a!" to a0oi"
-2* Team0o#$ 'oals/ vision an% mission
Team0o#$ is a &or) #er$orme" b% a team to&ar"s a commo! -oa1
Team0o#$ 'oal7 A ,ob "escri#tio! !ee" !ot be imite" to e4#ai!i!- t'e c.rre!t sit.atio!/ or
&or) t'at is c.rre!t% e4#ecte"2 it ma% aso set o.t -oas $or &'at mi-'t be ac'ie0e" i! $.t.re1
The nee% omm&niation
: To " #robems
: To -et 'e#
: To assist c.stomers
: To recei0e or #ass o! i!$ormatio! a!" i!str.ctio!s1
-2) .#iniples of onst#&tive fee%1a$
Pre#are care$.% $or a!% $orma $ee"bac) sessio! re-ar"ess o$ &'et'er %o. are t'e
reci#ie!t or t'e #ro0i"er o$ t'e $ee"bac)1
T'i!) abo.t t'e co!te!t o$ t'e i!$ormatio! %o. are -oi!- to #ro0i"e ".ri!- t'e $ee"bac)
sessio!1 It s'o." be s#eci$ic a!" to t'e #oi!t1
T'e $ee"bac) s'o." $oc.s o! t'e iss.e/ !ot t'e #erso!1
Co!si"er t'e timi!- o$ %o.r $ee"bac) sessio!1
Pa! it so t'at %o. bot' 'a0e a! o##ort.!it% to be!e$it $rom t'e e4#erie!ce
Steps to team 0o#$ omm&niation
*2 ,efine the team tas$
T'e $irst or"er o$!ess is to a-ree o! t'e -ro.#;s -oa1 T'is &i sometimes be a $.%
"e0eo#e" stateme!t o$ t'e team;s c'ar-e/ b.t it ca! aso be a sim#e se!te!ce t'at "e$i!es t'e
)2 ,efine the mem1e#ship
9ei!- #art o$ a productive team is !ot a matter o$ .c)1 Pro".cti0e teams are create" b%
members &'o 'a0e t'e s)is to ma)e t'em #ro".cti0e1
-2 ,ete#mine .#ima#y Roles
I$ t'e team 'as bee! $orme" i! or"er to accom#is' a tas)/ t'e reaso! $or eac' #erso!;s
members'i# &i "e$i!e t'at #erso!;s #rimar% roe i! t'e -ro.#1 T'e IT s#eciaist &i be i!
c'ar-e o$ IT as#ects o$ t'e tas)/ $or i!sta!ce/ &'ie t'e re#rese!tati0e $rom! Reso.rces
&i bri!- ,ob a!a%sis e4#ertise to t'e -ro.#1
<2 ,evelopin' Team Cohesion
A se!se o$ team i"e!tit% a!" co'esi0e!ess amo!- team members is a )e% $actor i! -ro.#
satis$actio! a!" #ro".cti0it%1
-2< Ethial ,imension
T'e &or" +et'ics+ re$ers to 'o& a #erso! s'o." be'a0e1
Et'ics are a #ro".ct o$ societ% t'at "eas &it' t'e i!"i0i".a a!" t'e -ro.# at ar-e1
or-a!i3atio!/ at a! e0e!t/ or ".ri!- a tra!sactio!1
Resolve Conflits 0ithin team
T'e #oi!t o$ .si!- -oo" team comm.!icatio! s)is is to #re0e!t co!$ict $rom -etti!- i! t'e
&a% o$ s.ccess1
Team Meetin'
Whats a meeting?
A meeti!- is a!% time t&o or more #eo#e come to-et'er to -i0e or -at'er I!$ormatio!/ ta)e
actio!/ #a!/ #robem so0e/ a!" ma)e "ecisio!s1
Ho0 to on%&t meetin'
11 P.r#ose
*1 Date/ time/ a!" #ace
81 Name o$ $aciitator a!" recor"ers
<1 Atte!"eeAs !ame
(a%s $or a! E$$ecti0e Team Meeti!-
11 Ma)e a! A-e!"a
D.ri!- a team meeti!-/ be-i! b% stati!- t'e a-e!"a1
A! a-e!"a is a! o.ti!e o$ a t'e #oi!ts or to#ics t'at !ee" to be "isc.sse" i! t'e -i0e!
amo.!t o$ time1
A-e!"a ca! be #ai! soicitatio! o$ i"eas to reso.tio! o$ co!$icts to #rese!tatio! o$
.#"ates to brai!stormi!-1
*1 9e Time Se!siti0e
81 Assi-! Someo!e to Ta)e Notes
A ma!a-er assi-! someo!e $rom t'e team to ta)e mi!.tes o$ t'e meeti!- a!" t'ese s'o."
be se!t to a members to remi!" t'em o$ t'eir tas)s a!" res#o!sibiities1
<1 Liste! to t'e Team
=1 Assi-! Tas)s a!" Res#o!sibiities
Meeti!-s are !ot'i!- i$ members "o!At )!o& t'eir tas)s a!" res#o!sibiities1 9e$ore a ma!a-er
coses a meeti!-/ 'e assi-! a t'e tas)s re5.ire" $or t'e #ro,ect a!" eac' member s'o."
'a0e a roe to #a%1 E0er% member 'a0e a cear .!"ersta!"i!- o$ &'at 'e or s'e "o1
@1 As) Fee"bac)
Fee"bac) is im#orta!t i! a!% team a!" ma!a-ers -et $ee"bac) !ot o!% &it' t'e
stat.s o$ t'e #ro,ects b.t aso i! 'o& meeti!-s are co!".cte"1
B1 Determi!e Fre5.e!c% o$ Meeti!-
It ma% be a! o0er)i to 'a0e "ai% meeti!-s $or ,.st o!e #ro,ect1 Ma!a-ers ma)e e$$icie!t
.se o$ t'eir time a!" ma)e t'at t'eir team s#e!"s more time &or)i!- o! #ro,ects1
Ma!a-ers "o!At !ee" to or-a!i3e team meeti!-s to -et .#"ates $rom t'eir team1
4.1 Planning a meeting
A cear .!"ersta!"i!- o$ ob,ecti0es to be accom#is'e" is esse!tia to a! e$$ecti0e meeti!-1 O!ce
t'e #.r#ose is a##are!t/ 5.estio!s as to &'o &i atte!"/ a!" &'ere >a!" &'e!? t'e meeti!- &i ta)e
#ace ca! be "eat &it'1
A-e!"as ma% i!c."e time $or
A1 re0ie& o$ !otes $rom #ast!ess2
91 "isc.ssio! o$ !e& iss.es2 a!"
C1 e0a.atio! o$ #ro-ress to&ar" -oa ac'ie0eme!t1 S.#er0isors are ca.tio!e" !ot to be
o0er% o#timistic abo.t &'at ca! be accom#is'e" i! a si!-e meeti!-1
4.2 Conducting the meeting
T'e roe o$ t'e i!"i0i".a co!".cti!- t'e meeti!- is to
>1? )ee# t'e "isc.ssio! o! tar-et >tas) $.!ctio!? &'ie at t'e same time
>*? ma)i!- e0er%o!e -ets 'ear" a!" #eo#eAs !ee"s are met >mai!te!a!ce $.!ctio!
Steps on How to Conduct ffecti!e "eetings
9e$ore %o. ca %o.r !e4t meeti!-/ t'e FIRST ste# is to "eci"e i$ it is rea% esse!tia1 To
"etermi!e t'at/ as) %o.rse$ t'e $oo&i!-7
H Is t'is meeti!- esse!tiaC H Ca! &e "o &it'o.t itC H Ca! &e accom#is' t'e tas) &it'o.t a
meeti!-C H Ca! it &ait a!ot'er &ee)C H Ca! &e -et t'i!-s "o!e &it' $e& meeti!-sC
T'e!/ i$ %o. 'a0e "eci"e" a meeti!- is t'e best &a% to accom#is' %o.r ob,ecti0e/ t'e $oo&i!-
ti#s ca! 'e# %o. co!".ct more e$$ecti0e meeti!-s7
11 Start a!" e!" meeti!-s o! time1 Ma)e e0er%o!e )!o&s &'at time %o. are to start a!" to
e!"1 I$ %o. 'a0e a! e!"i!- time/ %o. &i $i!" %o.r time is more #ro".cti0e i! t'e time
*1 Ha0e a! o#e! a-e!"a o! t'e c'a)boar" or $i# c'art1 Partici#a!ts ca! a"" a! item be$ore t'e
meeti!-1 Ho&e0er/ t'e% be #re#are" to ea" t'e "isc.ssio! i$ t'e% #.t a! item o! t'e
81 I$ a! item is!At o! t'e o#e! a-e!"a/ resc'e".e it $or "isc.ssio! at a ater time1
<1 Gi0e eac' item o! t'e a-e!"a a time imit1 I$ actio! or "isc.ssio! ca!!ot be com#ete" ".ri!-
t'e aotte" time/ it be "ea%e" .!ti t'e e!" o$ t'e meeti!-1
=1 A$ter a a-e!"a items 'a0e bee! "isc.sse"/ a""ress t'e "ea%e" items a!" estimate 'o& o!-
it &i ta)e to " t'em1 Deci"e i$ t'e item ca! be "isc.sse" to"a% or !ee"s $.rt'er actio!
be$ore a "ecisio! ca! be ma"e1
@1 A!% "ea%e" item s'o." be t'e $irst item o! t'e !e4t o#e! a-e!"a1
B1 S.mmari3e a!" recor" actio! items be$ore a",o.r!i!- t'e meeti!-1 I"e!ti$% &'o is
res#o!sibe $or &'ic' actio!1
#ollow up the meeting "inutes
A1 Mi!.te
a1 A meeti!-s s'o." 'a0e mi!.tes1 Mi!.tes assist t'e -ro.# i! recor"i!- actio!s a!"
#re0e!ti!- &asti!- time re#eate"% "isc.ssi!- t'e same iss.e1
b1 Mi!.tes s'o." i!c."e7
i1 I!tro".ctio!
11 Name o$ t'e team
*1 P.r#ose
81 Date/ time a!" #ace
<1 Name o$ $aciitator a!" recor"er
=1 Atte!"eesI !ames
ii1 9o"%
11 9rie$ s.mmar% o$ re#orts
*1 Decisio! o! a!% actio! items1 Care s'o." be ta)e! i! t'e &or"i!- o$ t'e
a-ree":.#o! "ecisio!1 I$ .!certai!/ c'ec) &it' t'e team to be t'e
&or"i!- o$ t'e "ecisio! is acc.rate
81 A""itio!a "ecisio!s
<1 Assi-!me!ts ma"e i!c."e !ame o$ #erso! assi-!e" a! item !ee"i!-
$oo& .#/ its com#etio! "ate/ a!" t'e e4#ecte" re#orti!- "ate
iii1 Co!c.sio!
11 Time meeti!- co!c."e"
*1 Date o$ !e4t meeti!-/ i$ )!o&!
i01 Mi!.tes S'o." Not I!c."e
11 A! acco.!t o$ &'at &as sai" at t'e meeti!-
*1 O#i!io!s/ i!ter#retatio!s/ or ,."-me!ta stateme!ts b% t'e #erso!
recor"i!- t'e mi!.tes
91 9et&ee! meeti!-s/ ma)e t'at t'at actio! items are bei!- com#ete"
C1 Imme"iate% a$ter t'e meeti!-/ be-i! t'e a-e!"a $or t'e !e4t meeti!- .si!- t'e Par)i!- Lot

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