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naka !

ac|f|c Warr|or & 1r|ba| Mus|c


roclalm 1he Warrlor ln Muslc"

Maasa| !

*8uss Landau and SonoklneLlc [olned forces wlLh paclflc warrlors.

1hls llbrary ls guaranLeed Lo help you lmpress your opponenL and proclalm your sLrengLh
and prowess ln order Lo lnLlmldaLe your opposlLlon. 8ecorded on locaLlon deep wlLhln Lhe
vanuaLu, Samoan, Pawallan, new Zealand and Lhe Marquesas lslands, Lhls ls orlglnal Lrlbal
warrlor muslc LhaL we dlscovered and capLured ln hlgh quallLy audlo. WlLh Lhls producLlon
we're proud Lo presenL you a LesLamenL of Lhese anclenL muslcal culLures ln song, chanL and
Scraplng Lhe surface of Lhls vasL culLural herlLage 8uss Landau and SonoklneLlc lnvesLed ln
produclng a collecLlon of samples LhaL are unmaLched ln auLhenLlclLy, reallsm, power and
beauLy. Lomax would have been [ealous and anxlous lf he'd knew whaL would be posslble
wlLh modern Lechnology.

1hls second volume of Lhls speclal sample llne we're enrlchlng fleld recorded genulne
orlglnal eLhnlc muslc wlLh a hlgh mark on orlglnallLy and usablllLy.
1he lnLelllgenL scrlpLlng and use of Lhe konLakL sample formaL makes Lhls sample pool of llve
performed muslc and dance flL rlghL ln, or be Lhe base Lo work from for, your composlLlons
and producLlons.

8ullL ln a slngle **konLakL paLch, Lhls new seLup wlll glve you Lhe flexlblllLy Lo consLrucL your
own lnsLrumenL by selecLlng and addlng groups of samples and slmply dragglng Lhem Lo
your mldl keyboard. So gone are Lhe days LhaL you had Lo weed Lhrough Lons of paLches.

SonoklneLlc has esLabllshed a name ln user-frlendly, very affordable, hlgh quallLy audlo and
unlque orlglnal sample llbrarles.

SonoklneLlc pushes Lhe llmlL Lo capLure Lhe rooLs of all muslc wlLh a wlde selecLlon of easy Lo
use vocal and lnsLrumenLal samples

We wlsh you Lhe besL lnsplraLlon and creaLlvlLy.

WlLh warm regards,

1he Paka roducLlon 1eam

!"#$%#&'( *+ ",+ -. &'(/'& 0+1(2/2#(3
!!4'51/('&6 789/2' :;&9(1$';9& <#;98=9 >?@ #( A/BA'( C;#9 D#$%89/EF' G/9A <#;98=9 %F8H'(I

I|rst run the |nsta||ers to make sure you have a proper|y funct|on|ng |nstrument!!!

I|rst run the |nsta||ers to make sure you have a proper|y funct|on|ng |nstrument!!!

- Core samples: 1 lnsLrumenL paLch conLalnlng:
o Paka (Manu Slva 1au, Clbl, Pula, Paka and oLher aclflc orlglnaLlng warrlor
o 1rlbe Lnsemble performances (lnsLrumenL & vocals comblned)
o vocals
o urums & ercusslon
o 8onus
- 1 lnsLrumenL for konLakL 4.1 and hlgher wlLh 3 Lab screens -
Maln vlew, l8, and a credlLs Lab
- ConvoluLlon reverb applled Lo Lhe mulLl lnsLrumenL Lo represenL Lhe
orlglnal acousLlc space. 4 lmpulses avallable
- SonoklneLlc cllckable l8 sphere! deslgn knob
- uynamlc sample loadlng & purglng for efflclenL memory usage
- CusLomlzable lnsLrumenL grouplng and mapplng - bulld your own paLches
Lo sulL your needs.
- 600+ sampled looped samples. (681M8 samples)
-1empo synchronlzaLlon:
WlLh Paka we lnLroduce Lempo synclng Lo all samples. Lach sample group (paLch) has been
carefully edlLed lnLo Lempo locked loop zones. Whlch wlll make Lhese paLches a breeze Lo
sync wlLh your arrangemenL Lempo and be easy Lo flL ln any composlLlon.
- CollecLlon SpeclflcaLlons:
- Paka: Paka MuLu, Paka MuLu Whlsper, Paka MuLu2, Paka MuLu Whlsper 2, Paka
MuLu Whlsper group, Mahau, SofL CuLLeral, Marquesans,
- 1rlbe Lnsembles: urums ChanL, urums and vocals sLlng, Marquesan 8ooLs, lorlorn
vanu Cowboys, vanu War dance, urum & ChanL, urum and ChanL sLlng, urum and
Laughlng, Slpu Llka ua lellow, vakahue, Slpu Awayeyay, Slpu ?ahah
- urums & ercusslon: urums grouped, urums Solo, Marquesan urummers, urum
- vocals: Mahau, ChanLs, ShorL ShouLs, Peave Pey, Mave Solo lemale, Slpu's Call,
?eah Pey Po Whlspers, 1empo free paLches

-Sample selecLor
8y cllcklng Lhe sample selecLor you can browse Lhrough Lhe full
sample pool wlLhouL loadlng new paLches. !usL cllck Lhe seL
you're lnLeresLed ln and Paka wlll load all avallable sub
collecLlons. 8y presslng add" you can appolnL Lhe sub
collecLlon Lo your ul preferred locaLlon on your keyboard.
We've also bulld an auLo audlo prevlew when you cllck Lhe
subgroup. (1 sec audlo example play feaLure)

- uue Lo Lhe recordlng sLyle we've used (lleld recordlngs), we capLured Lhe raw auLhenLlc
sound from our muslclans. 1hese loops are perfecLly zero-crossed looped and loop zone
marked (LranslenLs). Some loops have alLernaLe sLarLlng polnLs Lo accompllsh a 'perfecL'
- 4 lmpulse responses: 24 blL alf formaL. 3 PuLs/Pouses and one CuLdoor 8each l8

- lnLerface lnsLallers for Mac, C and manual lnsLrucLlons

- 8oyalLy and copyrlghL free conLenL llcense.

-Paka 8eference manual (pdf).

- ArLwork : Paka" dvd cover. ueslgned by avel luksa

Iormat: All flles ln 44.1 kPz , 24 8lL wave formaL. (looped + loop zones waves)

rogrammed for konLakL 4.1. >

kontakt patch examp|e and deta||ed exp|anat|on

- ked 2ones: (lasL added sub collecLlon)
- 8|ue zones: Paka samples sub collecLlon added
- Wh|te zones: LmpLy zones

atch Conf|gurat|on: 4'$8% J1;D9/#; 8;K 2#F1$' =;#E 9# E8F8;D' 9A' 2#F1$'& E'9G''; &1E

-Samp|e behav|or conf|gurat|on: ALLack, uecay, SusLaln and 8elease knobs.


1lme-sLreLchlng can be a Lrlcky buslness and Lhls sample pool has been opLlmlzed lnLo
funcLlon wlLhln Lhe borders of Lhe Lechnlcal capaclLy of naLlve lnsLrumenLs konLakL
1lmemachlne 2 preseLs. (more Lhan 20 down and 30 up Lempo dlfferences from Lhe
orlglnal labeled Lempo wlll lnevlLably spawn undeslred dlglLal sound arLlfacLs.)

Sonok|net|c !c||ckab|e Ik sphere

A|| NkI patches have reverb app||ed to them by defau|t. 1he convo|ut|on reverb can be
bypassed when the amount |s turned down to 0 by c||ck|ng on the |eft s|de "Wet Leve|"
and d|a| |t a|| the way down.

1o keep Lhe your cusLom seLLlng please resave Lhe paLch. nexL Llme when loaded lL'll load
Lhe cusLom seLLlngs. C"#;&/K'( (';8$/;B 9# A82' 8 E8D=1% GA'; ;''K'KI?

Impu|se kesponse se|ect|on: by presslng Lhe l8 sphere anoLher one of Lhe four avallable
rooms ls acLlvaLed.
Ava||ab|e Ik's
-Sea PuL 1: olyneslan house cenLered sLereo l8
-PuL 2: cenLered sLereo l8
-PuL 3: cenLered sLereo l8
-!ungle: CuLslde recorded area sLereo l8

koom S|ze s||der: 1hls compresses or sLreLches Lhe lmpulse response ln Llme. Cllck & drag
on Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe sphere Lo ad[usL Lhe blue level bar.

Wet Leve|: ConLrols Lhe level of Lhe orlglnal and processed slgnals. 0 = bypass 100 = full
slgnal. Cllck & drag on Lhe lefL slde of Lhe sphere Lo ad[usL Lhe blue level bar.
Add|t|ona| Ik: uelay and LC applled Lo Lhe whole lnsLrumenL. So each sub group wlll be

A note by kuss Landau
8rlnglng auLhenLlclLy of place and LradlLlon has been very lmporLanL Lo my scorlng
for Survlvor. l've been forLunaLe Lo have had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo record LradlLlonal
ancesLral muslc all over Lhe globe and lncorporaLe lL lnLo my scores. "PAkA" ls Lhe
resulL of Lhe fanLasLlc people from SonoklneLlc Laklng Lhe besL of my personal fleld
and sLudlo recordlngs of muslclans from 1ahlLl, Lhe Marquesas, vanuaLu and Samoa
and brlnglng Lhese Lo your flngerLlps. 1hanks Lo all Lhe muslclans and LradlLlonal
performers from Samoa, vanuaLu and Marquesas/1ahlLl who lenL Lhelr exLraordlnary
LalenLs Lo Lhls pro[ecL.

8uss Landau

M|ss|on Statement

Cur goal ls Lo creaLe hlgh quallLy and very affordable sample and sound llbrarles for muslc
and sound deslgn producLlons. uslng Lhe besL lnsLrumenLs, acousLlcs and Lechnology and
hlrlng Lop-noLch muslclans for performances we Lry Lo dellver very speclflc producL

WlLh our producL llne, we alm for a large group of composers and sound deslgners who are
looklng for non-legal blndlng and llcense free sample llbrarles for Lhe blggesL creaLlve
freedom ouL Lhere. Cur phllosophy ls slmple: lasL and low-prlced. 1he accesslble sample
klLs are avallable for qulck scorlng and bulldlng powerful Lracks for your producLlons. lease
feel free Lo conLacL us for any of your quesLlons or feedback on our producLs or
company. We wlsh you Lhe besL creaLlvlLy and [oy playlng around wlLh our lnsLrumenLs.

lor more lnformaLlon check our webslLe:

!oln us on facebook


or emall us on:


All Lhe creaLlve besL,


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