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Network LCD Digital Signage


SC-8028 Network D|g|ta| S|gnage |ayer

SC-8028 neLwork dlglLal slgnage player ls Lhe laLesL lull Pu 1080 neLwork-manage soluLlon
for hlgh-sLandard professlonal pro[ecLs. lL recelves medla conLenL vla an l neLwork, and
sLores Lhe conLenL ln lLs lnLernal sLorage. 1he conLenL ls dlsplayed accordlng Lo elLher a pre-
deflned playllsL or neLwork commands. 1he SC-8028 feaLures Lhe lndusLrlal grade quallLy
and Lrouble-free performance, leL you bulld up a sLable and cosL-effecLlve sysLem. WlLh Lhe
unlque hlgh deflnlLlon vldeo decodlng capablllLy, 1080 over PuMl and ?br, lL allows you
Lo dellver lmpresslve, dynamlc slgns.

lor vldeo presenLaLlon, versaLlle PuMl,
vCA, ?br and Cv8S (n1SC/AL) vldeo
ouLpuLs allow you connecL anyLhlng from
LradlLlonal C81s Lo mlnl pro[ecLors.
WlLh Lhls plug-and-play bundle you
can be up and runnlng wlLh your
slgnage ln mlnuLes.

Features and Benefits
k|ch Content resentat|on & Max|mum Advert|s|ng Lff|c|ency
1he SC-8028 ulglLal Slgnage soluLlon supporLs MCv, Avl, M4, uvu, ASl, WMv, Mkv, 8M,
8Mv8, 1S, uA1, MC, MLC, vC8, M3, WMA, WMA ro, AAC, MLC1/2 Layer x, AuCM,
CCC vorbls, uolby ulglLal AC3, uolby ulglLal lus, 8A-CCCk, lLAC and oLher formaLs for vldeo
& audlo, and !LC, 8M, Cll, nC, and 1lll formaLs for graphlcs. Scrolllng LexL dlsplays
mulLlple languages. lL offers user-deflnable layouL LemplaLes Lo dellver maxlmlzed adverLlslng
efflclency for our cusLomers.
|ug-and-p|ay rofess|ona| D|g|ta| S|gnage
1he SC-8028 ls englneered for Lrouble-free, plug and play professlonal dlglLal slgnage. lanless
and dusL-proof deslgn leLs Lhe player work quleLly and ln long Lerm sLablllLy. Su card can be
expanded Lo maxlmum 128C Lo sLore conLenL locally.
Iu||-nD 1080p v|deo decod|ng & nDMI output
1he SC-8028 ls lnLegraLed wlLh 32 byLes A8M based processor wlLh dedlcaLed vldeo decodlng
performance. lL supporL full Pu resoluLlon over boLh PuMl and ?br, provldlng besL
posslble vlsual presenLaLlon aL 1920 x 1080 resoluLlon.
8u||t-In W|re|ess network connect|v|ty
1he SC-8028 ls posslble Lo reallze wlreless funcLlon Lhrough bullL-ln Wl-ll module and
exLernal 3C or Wl-ll uS8 module. Wl-ll 802.11b/g, 3C WCuMA and CuMA 2000 are
Network LCD Digital Signage

SC-8028 Network D|g|ta| S|gnage |ayer


Contents & |ayback
Med|a Support vldeo/Audlo/lcLure/Scrolllng LexL

V|deo format
MCv, Avl, M4, uvu, ASl, WMv, Mkv, 8M, 8Mv8, 1S, uA1, MC, MLC,

Aud|o format
M3, WMA, WMA ro, AAC, MLC1/2 Layer x, AuCM, CCC vorbls, uolby
ulglLal AC3, uolby ulglLal lus, 8A-CCCk, lLAC
|cture format !LC, 8M, Cll, nC, 1lll
Scro|||ng Message (1|cker) SupporL
D|sp|ay keso|ut|on up Lo 1920 x 1080
n|gh Def|n|t|on(n.D.) 1080 lull P.u.
ortra|t Mode SupporL
8ackground |cture SupporL
Mu|t|p|e 2ones D|sp|ay SupporL mulLlple zones on screen
nardware Spec|f|cat|on
|atform non-C based , 8lSC or Lmbedded based plaLform
V|deo output ?br (1080), PuMl (1080), vCA (720), Cv8S (AL/n1SC)
Aud|o Cutput 8CA L / 8 [ack, Sull dlglLal audlo [ack
Storage 2C Su card (Maxlmum up Lo 128C)
rocessor A8M based MulLlmedla processor , 720MPz
Network 10/100 Mbps lasL LLherneL
W|re|ess Wl-ll 802.11b/g, 3C (WCuMA, CuMA2000, Lhrough exLernal uS8 module)
US8 uS82.0 x 1, uS81.0 x 1
Cperat|ng 1emperature 0~70C PumldlLy: 10~83
Storage 1emperature -20C~80C PumldlLy:3~90
Mean 1|me 8etween
Ia||ure (M18I)

10,000 hours
L|fe cyc|e 100,000 hours
ower Input AC220v/30Pz
ower Consumpt|on Approx. 12W
D|mens|on 160mm*114mm*30mm
Net We|ght 820g
nous|ng MeLal
Co|or Cray, cusLomlzaLlon ls avallable
Accessor|es AC AdapLer (lnpuL: AC/100-240v, CuLpuL: uv/12v), ower Cord
Cert|f|cat|on CL, 8oPS, lCC
Network LCD Digital Signage

SC-8028 Network D|g|ta| S|gnage |ayer

I/O Ports & Dimension

System Configuration

Management Software

DSM80 Management Software Ieatures:

:Web-8ased Interface (Us|ng by IL browser)
:Support un||m|ted p|ayers
:Content Management
:|ay||st Schedu||ng, Layout Change
:|ayer Group Management
Network LCD Digital Signage

SC-8028 Network D|g|ta| S|gnage |ayer

Displaying Effect

Management Software

DSM80 Management Software:

:Web-8ased lnLerface (uslng by lL browser)
:SupporL unllmlLed players
:MulLlple-CorporaLlon supporL
:ConLenL ManagemenL
:layllsL Schedullng, LayouL Change
:user ManagemenL, 8eporLlng

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