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Solar Meditations

The SUN is LIFE. It is as simple as that. Without it we would not exist. The SUN
is a living being full of wisdom and healing qualities. When we e!ogni"e the
SUN as su!h# we !an foste a living and potent elationship with the SUN. We
!an e!eive insights and infomation# e!eive healing and send healing to othes.
The Sun is a doowa$ to univesal %nowledge. The an!ient taditions of the
&mei!as %new this fa!t and still do toda$' (u fea of the SUN has onl$ blo!%ed
us fom its beaut$ and powe and the SUN)S abilit$ to !onne!t intimatel$ with us
and shae its %nowledge of the vastness of the univese. We ae not sepaate fom
an$thing in the univese. The SUN# the moon# the planets and pla!es we do not
have names fo as $et. &s s!ien!e pobes futhe into the !osmos# we !an onl$
stand ba!% in awe of its vastness# and $et we ae !onne!ted to it all. We ae an
intimate pat of that in!edible vastness. These mediations# pa$es and
!eemonies# that I have been inspied to wite ove the $eas# ae onl$ the tip of
the univese. Use them as a doowa$ to futhe and deepen $ou !onne!tion to
the ama"ing whole we ae a pat of. Use them to help $ou emembe that $ou ae
one with all that is. Use them to e*!onne!t to the !olle!tive spiit of all life.
+a$ the sun shine bightl$ in $ou heats foeve.
&luna ,o$
Dear Great Creator
We come beore !o"# $it% %"mble# &rate"l#
'eace"l %earts(
We stand %ere illed $it% o)er$%elmin& lo)e
and res'ect
or t%e eart%# %"manit! and all creation(
We acce't $it% &reat %onor t%e 'ositi)e intent
o balance# 'eace and %armon!
alon& $it% t%e immeas"rable blessin&s and
lo)e o"r amil! rom t%e East %as sent "s(
We t%an* !o" or t%ese blessin&s(

As $e mo)e into a ne$ $a! o bein&# $e also
m"st learn a ne$ $a! to recei)e ener&!( T%is
ne$ $a! is to learn abo"t and $or* $it% t%e
li&%t o t%e S"n( We need to remember t%is
nat"ral talent b! reconnectin& $it% t%e
&rasses# 'lants and trees o Eart%( T%e!
"nderstand %o$ to be s"''orted b! t%e S"n
and so do $e- O"r 'ineal and 'it"itar! &lands
res'ond to s"nli&%t $%en $e o'en o"rsel)es
to t%e S"n( T%is can initiate resol"tions to
conlicts# %eal o"r bodies and create 'roo"nd
inner 'eace( T%e '"re li&%t o t%e S"n is
Dear Great Creator
We %a)e ne$ e!es to see as !o" see(
We %a)e ne$ ears to %ear as !o" %ear(
We %a)e ne$ %earts to lo)e as !o" lo)e(
We %a)e ne$ minds to "nderstand as !o"
Dear Great Creator
We no$ brin& ort% t%e ne$ &its t%at are
$it%in "s
We no$ a$a*en to t%e ne$ li&%t t%at is
$it%in "s
We no$ $al* a ne$ 'at% t%at is a%ead o "s(
We no$ $al* in balance# 'eace# and
$it% li&%t# lo)e and tr"t% o t%e &lor! and
'o$er o t%e "ni)erse(
Dear Great Creator
We %a)e co"ra&e to sei.e t%e blessin&s t%at
are oered to "s(
We %a)e a ne$ boldness to s%are t%ese &its
in t%e $orld(
We %a)e t%e 'erse)erance to li)e in eac%
in t%e $a!s o balance 'eace and %armon!(
Dear Great Creator
We no$ intend t%at t%e 'eace# balance#
%armon!# tr"t%# lo)e# inte&rit!# com'assion#
t%at $e eel in o"r %earts toda!# are anc%ored
on Mot%er Eart%#
t%ro"&% all time# s'ace# dimension#
'ast# 'resent and "t"re#
t%ro"&% bod!# mind and s'irit o all li)in&
/ da!s a $ee*# 01 %o"rs a da!# 234 da!s a
We no$ send t%ese 'ositi)e intents ort% to
o"r brot%ers and sisters in t%e $est#
$it% &reat lo)e and &ratit"de(
LOVE and IN+ORMATION rom t%e so"rce
t%at can ill t%e em'tiness inside all o "s( We
can eel s"''orted# lo)ed# and )al"ed be!ond
an! 're)io"s e6'erience( In t%is meditation#
$e $ill $or* $it% t%e s"n in con7"nction $it%
t%e o"r conscio"sness8s to acilitate Omni,
conscio"sness( 5o" $ill breat% 92 times or
eac% conscio"sness( T%ese 92 breat%s time 1
e:"als 40 breat%s $%ic% re'resent t%e
s!nc%roni.ation o t%e Eart% $it% t%e
+ind a comortable s'ot in t%e s"n to sit so
t%e S"n can s%ine on to' o !o"r %ead( Close
!o"r e!es and eel t%e %eat <inormation<
rom t%e s"n %ittin& t%e to' o !o"r %ead(
=reat% in slo$# )er! dee' breat%s in t%ro"&%
!o"r nose and e6%ale ALL t%e breat% o"t
t%ro"&% !o"r mo"t%( W%en !o" let o"t !o"r
breat%# let &o o all !o"r stress# con"sion and
ot%er c%allen&es !o" ma! be e6'eriencin&( It
is most im'ortant d"rin& t%ese breat%s t%at
!o" ima&ine !o" are breat%in& in t%e li&%t o
t%e S"n t%ro"&% t%e to' o !o"r %ead and
do$n t%ro"&% !o"r s'ine-
In t%is $a!# breat% 92 times or indi)id"al
conscio"sness and t%in* o onl! !o"rsel(
+eel !o"r bod! and its nat"ral r%!t%ms( +eel
t%e 'rimal instincts $it%in !o"( +eel t%e
essence o sel( No$# breat% 92 times or
comm"nit! conscio"sness( T%in* o !o"r
amil! and close riends and brin& t%em into
t%e meditation as i t%e! are a 'art o !o"(
+eel t%e coo'eration bet$een !o" and t%ese
bein&s( +eel t%e inter,connectedness and
%armon! $it%in !o"r en)ironment( +eel t%e
essence o comm"nit!( Contin"e no$ b!
e6'andin& !o"rsel $%ile still mer&ed $it%
!o"r comm"nit! conscio"sness to encom'ass
t%e 'lanet( =reat% anot%er 92 breat%s( Mer&e
$it% t%e 'lanet and %"manit! as a $%ole
entit!( See t%e barriers bet$een c"lt"res and
continents dissol)e( +eel t%e Eart% and all o
%"manit! as 'art o !o"r bein&( +eel t%e
essence o &lobal conscio"sness( No$ breat%
!o"r inal 92 breat%s or "ni)ersal conscio"s(
Updated damati!all$ this $ea due to
ma-o shift in !ons!iousness.
We ae ead$'
Arri)e at t%e c%osen location 9 %o"r beore
da$n# and ace east( 5o" can eit%er sit or
stand( It is also beneicial to 'lace !o"r 'alms
o"t# or e)en arms o"tstretc%ed "ll! to t%e
sides $it% 'alms "'( Sensiti)e ones ma! ind
t%is too 'o$er"l and ma! need to *ee' t%eir
%ands olded in ront o t%em( Do $%at eels
ri&%t to !o"(
Call in all !o"r &"ides# &"ardians and an&els(
As* t%at t%e &ro"' be 'laced in a b"bble o
li&%t and t%at an! ener&! t%at is not 'art o t%e
&ro"' be remo)ed( Also as* or all ener&!
an! &ro"' member %as &i)en a$a! to be
ret"rned( Uni! !o"rsel and !o"r &ro"' as
!o" lin* to&et%er as a &lobal amil!( In
silence call on t%e ener&! o t%e Stars and t%e
Uni)erse( Dra$ t%is 'o$er"l ener&! into
!o"( As* to be illed $it% t%e '"rit! o
balance# 'eace# %armon! and lo)e or Eart%
and H"manit!( Inside# as* or 'ersonal
s"''ort and stren&t% or t%e da!s a%ead# so
t%at !o" ma! be a stron& ser)er o tr"t% and
li&%t( As* to be rea$a*ened to t%e ancient#
timeless *no$led&e o t%e cosmos( Let !o"r
inner mantra be a Ma!an code# <In La*>ec%
Ala ?>in<@ <I am !o"# and !o" are me<A <I
am !o" and !o" are me<( <I am !o" and !o"
are me<( Contin"e "ntil t%e s"n rises(
W%en t%e S"n brea*s t%e %ori.on# ace t%e
S"n and as* H"nab ?>" BT%e Creator o t%e
Uni)erse or t%e Ma!aC and ;acacama& BT%e
+at%er o t%e Uni)erse or t%e IncaC or
blessin&s and 'ermission to enter t%eir
memor! and $isdom( As t%e S"n rises# loo*
directl! at t%e S"n( ;lease "se discretion %ere(
D"st one second o '"re s"nli&%t directl! in
t%e e!es is eno"&%# b"t do $%at is
comortable( ;"re s"n li&%t is %olistic
E6'and t%e 'lanet o $%ic% !o" and !o"r
comm"nit! are a 'art o into t%e a$areness o
"ni)ersalit!( =e&in to eel t%e 'resence o
ot%er $orlds and ci)ili.ations( +eel t%e
'resence o o"r cosmic brot%er and sisters(
We become one $it% all lie in t%e cosmic(
T%e ener&! o t%e cosmos s"''orts o"r lie(
+eel t%e essence o t%e "ni)erse as one
inte&rated $%ole( O'en !o"r e!es and stand
"'( As* H"nab ?>" to anc%or t%ese cosmic
remembrances o conscio"sness in !o"r
bein&( As* or &"idance or t%e ne$ $a!s to
li)e in t%e "ni)erse as a "ni:"e 'art o a
inte&rated $%ole(
Here is a :"ic* sim'le e6ercise to %el' !o"
lin* $it% t%e cosmos(
It is 'reerable to do t%is o"tside standin& on
t%e eart%# bareoot# "nder t%e stars( Stand $it%
!o"r bac* strai&%t( =ecome a$are o
!o"rsel( =ecome a$are o t%e "ni)erse( No$
en)ision !o"rsel inside a brilliant tetra%edral
'!ramid o trans'arent li&%t( All !o" can see
are t%e strai&%t ed&es o t%e trian&"lar orm(
See !o"r s'inal col"mn as t%e core
da!sEm!stic col"mn o t%e sacred calendar(
En)ision !o"r arms and le&s as t%e 'ortal
da!s on t%e T.ol*>in c%art( 5o"r %ead is t%e
ca'stone o t%e '!ramid( Ma*e t%e
bo"ndaries o t%e '!ramid &ro$ and &ro$
"ntil !o" are as tall as t%e tallest tree# t%en t%e
tallest mo"ntain((( and no$ !o"r %ead is
reac%in& t%e bo"ndaries o t%e Eart%>s
atmos'%ere( 5o" are inside t%e Eart% based
tetra%edral '!ramid( T%is '!ramid contains
t%e re:"encies o lie on Eart%# its %istor!
and inl"ences o its in%abitants(
No$ loo* "' and see an "'side do$n#
brilliantl! trans'arent# cosmic tetra%edral
'!ramid descendin& to !o"( T%is tetra%edral
As t%is irst li&%t brea*s# $%ile breat%in& in
dee'l! o)er and o)er# brin& %ea)enl! ener&!
do$n into !o"r '%!sical# emotional and
s'irit"al bodies acti)atin& !o"r entire bein&(
As* to be rea$a*ened to t%e ancient
*no$led&e and $isdom o t%e Cosmos( Dra$
in t%is ener&! t%ro"&% t%e to' o !o"r %ead
and o"t t%e bottom o !o"r eet( Send it t%e
center o t%e Eart%( +irml! anc%or it t%ere(
, , , 5o" %a)e 7"st become a Cosmicall!
a$are bein&(
No$ breat% in dee'l! o)er and o)er# and
brin& "' t%e 'o$er"l ener&! o t%e Eart% into
!o"r '%!sical# emotional and s'irit"al bodies
acti)atin& !o"r entire bein&( As* to be
rea$a*ened to t%e ancient *no$led&e and
$isdom o t%e Eart%( Dra$ in t%is ener&!
t%ro"&% t%e bottom o !o"r eet and o"t t%e
to' o !o"r %ead( Send it t%e center o t%e
Uni)erse( +irml! anc%or it t%ere(
, , , 5o" %a)e 7"st become an Eart%l! a$are
A&ain $%ile breat%in& in dee'l! o)er and
o)er# add !o"r o$n inner &its and li&%t into
t%is brid&e( See !o"r ener&! &oin& o"t t%e
center o t%e Hea)ens and t%e core o t%e
Eart%# and t%en ret"rn to !o" one t%o"sand
old( 5o" are no$ 'art o a li)in& cond"it o
"ni)ersal "nendin& ener&!( +irml! anc%or t%is
m"lti'lied ener&! into !o"r %eart(
, , , 5o" are no$ a balanced brid&e bet$een
Hea)en and Eart%(
W%ile breat%in& in dee'l! o)er and o)er#
dra$ all t%e 'ositi)e intent t%at %as been
anc%ored in t%e SOLAR WAVE b! earlier
s"nrises beore !o"( Listen# %ear# see and eel
t%e 'ra!ers o o"r brot%ers and sisters o t%e
East $%o %a)e 7"st inis%ed t%eir 'ra!ers and
anc%ored t%eir 'ositi)e intentions $it% t%e
risin& SUN( Allo$ t%eir intents to mer&e $it%
!o"rs( Allo$ t%is ener&! to 7oin t%e li)in&
cond"it o "niied intent( 5o" %a)e 7"st
'!ramid contains $isdom# tr"t% and '"re
radiant li&%t o t%e "ni)erse( Stretc% !o"r
arms "' to t%e stars ma*in& an "'side do$n
trian&le abo)e !o"( T%is ma*es a 'lace or
t%is cosmic '!ramid to mer&e $it% t%e Eart%
based tetra%edral '!ramid( Conscio"sl! '"ll
t%is tetra%edral '!ramid to !o"( ;"ll it to !o"
"ntil t%e a'e6 o t%e cosmic '!ramid is
to"c%in& t%e to' o t%e Eart%>s tetra%edral
'!ramid B!o"r cro$n c%a*raC( Slo$l! '"ll t%e
cosmic tetra%edron into !o"r bein& "ntil t%e
to' 'oint o t%e Uni)ersal '!ramid descends
'ast !o"r eet# into t%e Eart%# and do$n to t%e
Eart%>s core( 5o" %a)e no$ anc%ored t%e
"ni)ersal re:"encies $it% Eart%>s re:"encies
$it%in !o"r %"man bod!( In t%is s'ace# reali.e
!o" are a cosmic bein&( 5o" al$a!s %a)e
been( 5o" are a c%ild o t%e "ni)erse((( b"t
some$%ere !o" 7"st or&ot( Airm to
remember t%e $isdom o t%e "ni)erse and
t%at all nat"ral states o bein& %"man are "ll!
In t%is cosmic state o a$areness# ta*e some
time to listen $it% !o"r cosmic ears( Listen to
t%e son& o t%e stars and Moon( =e a$are t%at
!o" are not alone on Eart% or in t%is "ni)erse(
=e o'en to t%e 'resence o !o"r cosmic
brot%ers and sisters( T%ese are t%e ones $%o
star seeded !o"( T%e! are !o"r amil!# and
t%e! miss !o" as m"c% as !o" miss t%em(
Listen to t%eir messa&e( No$ &o be!ond all
'ersonalit!# and listen to t%e son& o t%e
"ni)erse( T%is son& cannot be s"n& b! one
bein&( It can onl! be s"n& b! t%e collecti)e
$%ole( It is indescribable# nearl! a"dible and
$%en !o" e6'erience it# !o" $ill %ear and
eel t%e re:"enc! o t%e "ni)ersal $%ole(
Remember# !o" are an irre'laceable 'art o
t%is son&( 5o"r cosmic brot%ers and sisters
are %ere to &"ide !o"# and it is !o"r
res'onsibilit! to re,anc%or t%e "ni)ersal li&%t
o tr"t% and $isdom to t%e Eart% 'lane a&ain(
T%is is $%! $e are %ere( No$ radiate o"t$ard
t%e li&%t !o" tr"l! are and be&in to $al* in
t%is *no$led&e(
entered t%e Solar Wa)e( As* t%at all t%e
'ositi)e intent 'laced in t%e Solar Wa)e be
m"lti'lied a t%o"sand old( =rin& t%is into
!o"r %eart s'ace( Anc%or it irml! t%ere(
, , , 5o" are no$ t%e sons and da"&%ters o
Eart% and S*!(
A&ain breat%in& in dee'l! o)er and o)er# %old
a )ision o a 'ositi)e "t"re or %"manit! in
!o"r %eart( Don>t see $%at needs to be %ealed#
as t%is $ill add ener&! to t%e imbalances A
sim'l! see Eart% and H"manit! 'erect and
$%ole( Add !o"r )ision o 'eace# balance and
%armon!( See !o"r )ision o Hea)en on
Eart%# Nir)ana# S%ambala( See t%e element o
$ater bein& calm( See t%e element o eart%
bein& in 'erect balance( See t%e element o
ire bein& in %armon!( See t%e element o air
bein& at 'eace( See t%e bodies# minds and
s'irit o %"manit! "ll! a$a*e# conscio"s and
"ll o lo)e# 'eace# %armon!# balance and
"tter &rate"lness and 7o!( Last# b"t not least#
see !o"rsel 'erectl! %ealed in all $a!s# or
all time( As* t%at t%is )ision be m"lti'lied one
t%o"sand old( Anc%or it irml! $it%in(
, , , 5o" are no$ born a&ain and %a)e become
a 'o$er"l li)in& c%alice or Eart% and
W%ile still breat%in& in dee'l! o)er and o)er#
see t%e s"n $it%in !o" &et bri&%ter and
stron&er to t%e 'oint t%at !o" can no lon&er
contain it( See t%is li&%t b"rst ort% rom !o"r
%eart center illed $it% all t%e 'ositi)e
collecti)e intent( See it &o o"t to t%e Eart%
and all o %"manit!(
, , , 5o"r li)in& c%alice %as s'illed o)er $it%
a 'o$er"l cosmic orce(
No$ t"rn to$ard t%e $est , a$a! rom t%e
s"n# and $it% a &rand and 7o!o"s s$ee'in&
motion and ener&etic $%oo'# send a carbon
co'!# so to s'ea*# o t%e collecti)e intent or
'eace# balance and %armon! to t%e ones
$aitin& or t%e s"n to rise in t%e $est(
, , , 5o" are no$ celebratin& bein& one $it%
T%is sim'le e6ercise can be done at s"nrise or
s"nset# "nder t%e moon in its dierent '%ases#
or "nder t%e stars# or e)en loo*in& o"t a
$indo$( W%en !o" %a)e 'racticed t%is
eno"&%# it onl! needs to ta*e a e$ seconds to
sta! in s!nc $it% t%e "ni)erse( It is as sim'le
as loo*in& "' and $e are c%ildren o
t%e "ni)erse( T%is is an e6ce'tionall! brilliant
'ro7ection to anc%or into o"r %earts-
T%ere are man! $a!s to stretc%( Here $e
s%are a meditation# b"t do not limit !o"rsel
to t%ese s"&&estions( Do $%at S'irit calls !o"
to do to re,reconnect( T%is little
meditationE)is"ali.ation $ill %el' !o" on
!o"r $a! to sel,em'o$erment and maniest
t%e "ll embodiment o !o" tr"e di)ine
Sit :"ietl!# and ma*e s"re !o" are
comortable and $arm( Tra)el bac* in !o"r
mind to a 'lace $%en !o" $ere )er! !o"n&(
T%is 'lace or time ma! be t%e memor! o
!o"r irst 'roo"nd )isionEe6'erience or as
sim'le as $%at !o" $o"ld call a <reall! &reat
da!(< ;reerabl! 'ic* a time $%en !o" $ere
o"tside "nder t%e S"n or $it% t%e Moon and
stars( Some'lace in time t%at is nat"ral is
o'tim"m( I !o" %a)e not done t%is *ind o
$or* beore# !o" ma! %a)e a lon& $ait beore
!o" can recall a s"itable memor!( +or some
o !o"# it ma! ta*e man! da!s or e)en
mont%s# beca"se !o" %a)e b"ried t%ese
c%ild%ood memories )er! dee'( M"c% o t%e
collecti)e c%ild%ood %as been b"ried beca"se
o ne&ati)e sit"ations !o" $o"ld rat%er
or&et( =e 'atient( We ass"re !o"# eac% o !o"
%as t%is dimensional door inside o !o" to
access t%e ma&ic o !o"r destin!(
all lie(
In closin&# send &rate"lness to all t%ose $%o
arose beore !o" to anc%or t%eir 'ra!ers in t%e
irst ra!s o a ne$ E:"ino6 !ear( Send t%an*s
to all !o"r &"ides# &"ardians and an&els $%o
$ere 'resent and %el'in& $it% t%is 'rocess(
Ta*e do$n t%e b"bble o li&%t do$n aro"nd
t%e &ro"' ( ( ( And last# b"t not least# send
!o"r lo)e and res'ect to t%e &reat Creator or
$%o all t%in&s are 'ossible(
W%at $e &i)e is $%at $e recei)e ( ( ( Once
!o" %a)e com'leted t%is $or*# !o" $ill be at
a %i&%er re:"enc!( T%is is a &ood time to
listen in silence or !o"r 'ersonal messa&eG
or $%at !o" recei)e toda! $ill inl"ence and
em'o$er !o"r entire !ear(
T%is is an e6am'le o a 2,ste' Solar
Ceremon!EMeditation t%at $as ins'ired b! a
Ma!an Elder# and an Incan Elder and t%e
'o$er"l 'resence o o"r =rot%ers and Sisters
rom t%e ;leiades(
Arri)e at t%e c%osen location 9 %o"r beore
da$n( Call on t%e cr!stalline# electric bl"e
ener&! o t%e ;leiades( +eel t%is s'iralin&
ener&! descend into !o"r '%!sical# emotional
and s'irit"al bodies acti)atin& !o"r / c%a*ras(
;"ll in t%is ;leiadian ener&! t%ro"&% t%e to'
o !o"r %ead# t%ro"&% !o"r c%a*ras and o"t
t%e bottom o !o"r eet and send it to t%e
center o t%e Eart%( +irml! anc%or it t%ere(
+eel t%e cr!stalline# electric bl"e ener&! "ni!
!o"rsel and !o"r &ro"' as $e lin* to&et%er
as a star amil!( As* to be illed $it% t%e
'"rit! o com'assion# lo)e# allo$ance and
Once !o" disco)er t%e c%ild%ood memor!# sit
$it%in t%e eelin&s !o" %ad( Don>t mo)e
or$ard or bac*$ard in time( Sta! )er! still
in t%at moment and let it settle into !o"( +eel
t%e S"n# t%e $ind and t%e birds# or eel t%e
cris' ni&%t air and t%e cric*ets( Once !o"
%a)e anc%ored t%is eelin& $it%in# %a)e a
dialo&"e $it% t%is eelin&( As* $%! t%is
e6'erience is s'ecial to !o"( Loo* or $%ere
t%e re:"enc! is comin& rom( As* or t%e
messa&e( No$# )is"ali.e a cord o li:"id &old
anc%ored at t%e Eart%>s core( See t%is cord &o
t%ro"&% t%e base o !o" s'ine and o"t !o"r
cro$n to t%e center o t%e "ni)erse( Anc%or
t%is cord to t%e '!ramidal center o t%e
creati)e orce rom H"nab ?>"( No$ !o"
%a)e establis%ed !o"r door$a! to t%e so"rce
t%ro"&% a door$a! !o" nat"rall! %ad $%en
!o" $ere a c%ild( No$ be&in to mo)e !o"r
bod! and t%e &olden cord inside !o"r s'ine as
i !o" $ere t"nin& a radio to t%e ri&%t
re:"enc!( +eel t%e bloc*s $it%in !o"r s'ine#
and stretc% to clear t%em( It %el's i !o"
ima&ine !o" are taller( T%is $ill %el' !o"
stretc%( T%is is !o"r dimensional door$a!(
Send o"t lo)e to t%e Creator# and allo$
!o"rsel to recei)e rom t%e so"rce( 5o" are
no$ a t$o $a! cond"it o ener&! t%at is
bein& s"stained b! t%e center o t%e creati)e
orce( T%is t$o $a! connection is a state o
bein& a nat"ral %"man( A&ain# in t%is re,
ali&ned s'ace# let !o"r '%enomenal lie
e6'eriences 'ass b! !o"( Notice t%e common
cord bet$een t%ese memories( As* to
remember !o"r di)ine '"r'ose $it%in t%e
ascendin& s'iralEe)ol"tion o !o"r c"rrent and
'ast li)es( =ein& in t%is s'ace $ill accelerate
!o"r transormation# &alactic ali&nment and
!o"r abilit! to access "ni)ersal tr"t%(
5o" no$ can access a door$a! to disco)erin&
!o"r 'ersonal &"ide boo* to "ni)ersal tr"t%(
Once !o" %a)e o"nd !o"r $a! to it# !o" can
&o t%ere an! time to lin* $it% !o"r inner tr"t%
and $isdom to %armoni.e and "nderstand
!o"r c"rrent sit"ations !o" ma! be
e6'eriencin&( We are ste''in& bac* rom !o"
s"''ort or Eart% and H"manit!( As* or
'ersonal s"''ort and stren&t% or t%e da!s
a%ead so t%at $e ma! be stron& ser)ers o
tr"t% and li&%t( As* to be rea$a*ened to t%e
ancient# timeless *no$led&e o t%e cosmos(
Reali.e in t%is moment t%at $e %a)e become
'art o t%e stars# and t%e li&%ted ones o t%e
;leiades %a)e become o"r brot%ers and
sisters( State o"t lo"d t%e Ma!an code In
La*>ec% <I am !o"# and !o" are me<( <I am
!o"# and !o" are me<( <I am !o"# and !o" are
me<( Wit% t%is action# $e mer&e realities and
anc%or t%e ener&! o o"r star brot%ers and
sisters into o"r %earts( As $e a$ait t%e arri)al
o +at%er SUN# be&in to meditate on 'ositi)e
intentions# 'ra!ers or %"manit!>s a$a*enin&
and %ealin&# etc((( or t%e !ear to come(
Holdin& t%e 'ositi)e "t"re o H"manit! in
!o" %eart(
W%en t%e S"n brea*s t%e %ori.on# ace t%e
S"n and as* H"nab ?>" BT%e Creator o t%e
Uni)erse or t%e Ma!aC and ;acacama& BT%e
+at%er o t%e Uni)erse or t%e IncaC or
blessin&s and 'ermission to enter t%eir
memor!( As t%e S"n rises# loo* directl! at t%e
S"n( ;lease "se discretion %ere( D"st one
second o '"re s"nli&%t directl! in t%e e!es is
eno"&%# b"t do $%at is comortable( +eel t%e
ener&! o Mot%er Eart% rise "'$ard rom
"nder !o"r eet# loodin& !o"r bod! and
c%a*ras and streamin& o"t t%e to' o !o"r
cro$n c%a*ra "' into t%e %ea)ens( =e illed
$it% t%e &ro"nded ener&! o Mot%er Eart%(
As* to be illed $it% t%e '"rit! o
com'assion# lo)e# allo$ance and s"''ort or
Eart% and H"manit!( As* to be rea$a*ened to
t%e ancient *no$led&e and $isdom o t%e
Eart%( As* or 'ersonal s"''ort and stren&t%
or t%e da!s a%ead so t%at $e ma! be stron&
ser)ers o tr"t% and t%e li&%t( State o"t lo"d
a&ain t%e Ma!a code In La*>ec% <I am !o"#
and !o" are me<( <I am !o"# and !o" are me<(
<I am !o"# and !o" are me<( Wit% t%is action#
$e mer&e $it% t%e ener&! o Mot%er Eart%(
Allo$ t%e 're)io"s collected ener&! o t%e
;leiades to mer&e $it% t%e ener&! o Mot%er
no$# alon& $it% t%e ot%er &ro"'s o li&%ted
ones %el'in& !o" at t%is time( We *no$ it is
time t%at %"manit! becomes ener&!
inde'endent((( e)en rom "s- Learn to dra$
stren&t% and $isdom directl! rom t%e core o
t%e "ni)erse( T%is $ill liberate %"manit! rom
its limitations( All $ar on Eart% is ca"sed b!
ener&! de'endence( I !o" $ant 'eace on
Eart%# be res'onsible or %o$ !o"r obtain
!o"r ener&!( 5o"r %a''iness and s"r)i)al as a
%"man race de'ends on it( 5o"r ascension
into t%e ne$ realit! de'ends on it( We can
&"ide !o" to a certain 'oint in !o"r e)ol"tion(
Ater t%at 'oint (((($ell((( t%e rest is "' to
!o"((( and !o" can do it-
Sit in ront o an east acin& $indo$ $%ere
t%e s"n or moon is li&%tin& "' t%e room(
Rela6 and breat%e dee'l!( W%en !o" are
rela6ed# %and o)er !o"rsel to t%e Creator(
Sim'l! &i)e !o"rsel a$a! to t%e li&%t( Gi)e
a$a! !o"r %eart# !o"r '%!sical bod!# !o"r
emotional bod!# !o"r s'irit"al bod! and
s"rrender com'letel!( W%en $e &i)e
o"rsel)es a$a!# $e are o'en or %el' rom t%e
Creator and t%e Masters( I $e sta! attac%ed
to o$nin& o"r %eart# $e close t%e doors or
di)ine assistance( Once !o" eel !o" %a)e
&i)en !o"r entire bein& a$a!# be&in to as* to
see $%at e&os need to be mastered( Write
t%em do$n- I !o" $ant to &et radical# 'ost
t%is list all o)er !o"r %o"se and in !o"r car(
No$ call "'on t%e cr!stal cities in
Mac%"'icc%" and La*e Titicaca BI !o" %a)e
a 'ict"re o t%ese 'laces# it ma! %el' i !o"
"se t%emC( Call "'on t%e Inti R"na# t%e 'eo'le
rom t%e SUN( As* t%em or t%eir %el' in
o'enin& !o"r inner tem'le( ?ee' callin& to
t%e Inti R"na BT%e ones rom t%e SUNC "ntil
!o" can eel t%eir li&%ted 'resence(
Eart% $it%in "s( We become a li)in& cond"it
bet$een t%e Eart% and Stars(
No$ %old !o"r arms o"t to t%e side o !o"r
bod! $it% 'alms o"t( Ima&ine '"llin& in t%e
ener&! o t%e S"n( O'en all / c%a*ras to t%e
SUN and listen# %ear# see and eel t%e 'ra!ers
o o"r brot%ers and sisters o t%e East $%o
%a)e 7"st inis%ed t%eir 'ra!ers and anc%ored
t%eir 'ositi)e intentions $it% t%e risin& SUN(
Allo$ t%eir 'ra!ers to mer&e $it% !o"rs#
$it%in t%e collected ener&! o Mot%er Eart%
and t%e ;leiades( 5o" %a)e 7"st entered t%e
Solar Wa)e(
=e&in to sa! t%e name o t%e S"n# ?>IN in t%e
Ma!an lan&"a&e# and dra$ in# collect# and
catc% t%e s'irit o t%e S"n in !o"r arms( D"st
as Om,m,m is t%e name o t%e Eart%# ?>IN is
t%e name o t%e S"n( T%e name o t%e S"n
so"nds li*e# <?>ieeeeeennn< $it% a distinct E
so"nd( W%en !o" do t%is 'ro'erl!# !o" $ill
eel t%e so"nd o t%e S"n )ibratin& in !o"r
%ead( Sa! ?>IN# ?>IEN# ?>IEENN#
?>IEEENN# / times or o"r / c%a*ras and o"r
connection $it% t%e ;leiades( No$ '"ll !o"r
arms in$ard and 'lace t%e ener&! o t%e S"n
into o"r %earts# and center it inside o"r inner
Mer&e t%e Eart%,;leiadian ener&! $it% !o"r
s'irit# !o"r %eart>s son&s# !o"r 'ra!ers# and
!o"r 'ositi)e intentions $it% t%ose $%o
$al*ed t%is 'at% 7"st moments beore( Wit% a
s$ee'in& motion# send it o"t to t%e "ni)erse
$it%in t%e 'at% o t%e S"n>s $esterl! co"rse(
Send t%e collecti)e 'ra!ers to Eart%#
H"manit! and Stars on to t%e ne6t &ro"'
$aitin& in t%e $est to &reet t%e SUN( +eel
!o"r %eartson& bein& recei)ed b! t%e Creator#
H"nab ?>"E;acacama& and o"r cosmic
brot%er and sisters( +eel !o"r %eartson& bein&
recei)ed b! !o"r brot%ers and sisters in t%e
West( Send t%an*s and a''reciation to t%e
;leiades# Mot%er Eart% and H"nab ?>" and
;acacama& or t%eir %el' t%is mornin& and
t%eir contin"ed %el' t%ro"&%o"t t%e !ear(
+ind !o"r %eart center( See !o"r %eart in a
ca&e $it% a bi& door on t%e ront( =e&in to
o'en t%e ca&e( Ima&ine !o"r %eart as !o"r
entire bein&( As* a&ain t%e Inti R"na or t%e
%el' in reein& !o"r %eart and to re)eal !o"r
inner tem'le( =e&in to ste' o"t o t%e ca&e(
+eel !o"rsel ste''in& o"t o %istor!# and o"t
o t%e dar* a&es( 5o" %a)e %idden in t%is
inner tem'le or a lon& time( It is time to let
!o"rsel o"t( It is sae( It is time( +eel
!o"rsel becomin& ree# limitless and
W%en !o" eel !o" %a)e re)ealed !o"r inner
tem'le# as* 'ermission rom t%e Inti R"na to
enter t%e cr!stal cities or teac%in&s and
$isdom( State !o"r intention and !o"r
'"r'ose or t%is re:"est# or as* to be s%o$n
$%at is a''ro'riate or !o" to learn at t%is
time( W%at $e e6'erience and learn in t%ese
cities is in direct 'ro'ortion to $%o $e are
and t%e inner $or* $e %a)e com'leted( ?ee'
on *ee'in& on( T%e rest is "' to "s-
D"rin& m! n"mero"s )isits to sacred sites# I
learned a 'rocess to %el' crac* t%e doors
o'en( I call t%is 'rocess <Gi)in& 5o"rsel
A$a!<( I *no$ or some t%at t%is ma! be a
$ild idea# b"t once !o" %a)e %ad e)en a small
e6'erience o a dimensional door$a!# !o"
$ill not be t%in*in& t%e same $a! as !o" are
no$( It is not as o"tra&eo"s as one mi&%t
t%in*( It is 'erectl! nat"ral- Gi)in& !o"r
%eart a$a! is a $a! to enter ot%er
Here is a meditationEoc"sE'ra!er !o" can do
to be&in t%e 'rocess o mo)in& into t%e ne6t
dimension( Since t%ere is a door$a! ri&%t in
ront o !o" all t%e time# !o" can do t%is
Send t%an*s to all t%ose $%o arose beore !o"
to anc%or t%eir 'ra!ers in t%e irst ra!s o a
ne$ !ear(
Once $e %a)e com'leted t%is# $e $ill be in a
%i&%er re:"enc!( T%is is a &ood time to do
some 'ersonal inner $or*( We can dedicate
o"rsel)es as *ee'ers o t%e Eart% and ser)ants
o t%e li&%t and tr"t%( +eel t%e in%erent
res'onsibilit! o "ll! a$a*enin&( Acce't t%e
$ei&%t o t%is res'onsibilit! $it%in t%e 7o!"l
and em'o$ered s'irit t%at !o" are( Allo$ t%e
s'irit o t%e S"n and t%e Creator# H"nab
?>"E;acacama& to s%ine brilliantl! rom !o"r
In silence# listen or !o"r 'ersonal messa&e#
or $%at !o" recei)e toda! $ill inl"ence
!o"r entire !ear( Remember to listen to t%e
son& o lie( W%en t%e Creator calls "'on !o"#
remember !o"r dedication and res'onsibilit!
to %"manit!# Eart% and t%e cosmos(
Remember# !o" are a 'iece o t%e S"n# Eart%
and Stars# and !o" %a)e a s'ecial messa&e to
&i)e to %"manit!( SO =E IT-
T%is e6ercise %el's "s to learn %o$ to ta*e
control# conscio"sl!# o o"r o$n creati)e
ener&! rom t%e Creator( T%e creati)e '"lse o
creation radiates# encom'asses and 'enetrates
e)er!t%in&# '%!sical and non,'%!sical( It is
e)er!$%ere and no $%ere at once( It is
memor! and 'ossibilit!( It is t%e mo)ement o
t%e Creator( T%e Ma!a called t%is orce <Lol<
Bs'irit t%at 'ermeates e)er!t%in&C or <I*< Bt%e
$indC( T%e Ma!a belie)e t%at all creati)e
ener&! comes to "s t%ro"&% t%e lens o t%e
Creator# o"r S"n( T%e s"n sends cosmic
ener&! to Eart%( W%en t%is ener&! reac%es
meditation an!$%ere( I ind it %el'"l to 'lace
a 'ict"re o a sacred site t%at I am dra$n to in
ront o me( So !o" co"ld c%oose a '%oto o a
site t%at calls to !o"( I !o" do not "se a
'%oto&ra'% to oc"s on# allo$ !o" e!es to
sot oc"s abo"t H , 9I eet in ront o !o"(
Let !o"r e!es rela6 and &o bl"rr!( T%is is
called s%amanic )isionin&( Allo$ !o"r
'ers'ecti)e to s%it as i !o" $ere $atc%in&
'ond ri''les( +ace in t%e direction t%at eels
ri&%t or !o"( 5o" ma! need to t"rn !o"r bod!
to a dierent direction( I li*e acin& nort%# b"t
it ma! be dierent or !o" and t%e direction
ma! be dierent in )ario"s locations( Hold
stron& attention on eit%er t%e '%oto or t%e
em't! s'ace in ront o !o"(
T"ne o"t t%e $orld aro"nd !o"( Enter !o"r
o$n little $orld( Settle in and allo$ !o"rsel
to eel ot%er$orldl! ener&! comin& to$ard
!o"( I !o" can>t eel it# ima&ine t%is ener&! at
irst as t%is enco"ra&es !o" to connect to t%e
ener&! t%at is alread! t%ere( Allo$ !o"r
dee'l! elt emotions o lo)e# &ratit"de or lie
and t%e Creator# and !o"r &reat desire to
connect $it% !o"r 1t% dimensional amil! to
&ro$ inside !o"r %eart( Allo$ t%ese eelin&s
to $ell "' in !o"r %eart "ntil !o" eel t%at !o"
co"ld b"rst( Sometimes I "se %eart o'enin&#
"'litin& m"sic to %el' m! eelin&s o
&ratit"de to &ro$ inside me( Sometimes I sin&
alon& $it% t%e m"sic( Sometimes I cr! tears
o 7o!( Ot%er times I am illed $it% 'roo"nd
'eace( Use an!t%in& !o" need to &et t%e &ood
)ibes &oin& inside !o"rsel(
Don>t tr! to see t%e door$a! $it% !o"r e!es(
See t%e door$a! $it% !o"r %eart# emotions
and int"ition( 5o" $ill be&in to eel a
door$a! in ront o !o"( ;"t !o"r oc"s on
t%e door$a!( T%e more oc"s !o" &i)e t%e
door$a! t%e more ener&! !o" $ill &et bac*
rom it( Soon !o" $ill eel !o"rsel bein&
'"lled to$ard t%e door$a! as i a bi& r"bber
band $as attac%ed to t%e ne6t dimension( T%e
ener&! o lo)e and bliss $ill e6'and inside
!o"( T%is is t%e $a! $ere are intended to eel
Eart%# it is collected b! t%e trees( T%en t%e
trees create t%e $ind and distrib"te t%e
inormationEener&! t%o"&%o"t t%e Eart%
&arden( Wit% t%is is mind# t%e ob)io"s 'lace
to connect $it% t%e creati)e '"lse o o"r
"ni)erse is in its 'rimar! orm# on Eart%# in
nat"re and "nder t%e s"n(
=e&in to reconnect $it% t%e creati)e '"lse b!
indin& a 'lace in t%e s"n# near some trees( I
!o" are more darin&# climb a tree- I
recommend t%e second s"&&estion %i&%l!(
Remember ( ( ( t%e trees collect t%e ener&!
sent to "s b! t%e Creator( T%e idea %ere is to
connect $it% t%e s'irit,ener&! o t%e Eart%
and t%e trees(((( t%en mo)e be!ond t%is ener&!
to t%e 'rimar! creati)e ener&! o so"rce t%at
is t%e &enesis o all S'irit(
Get comortable eit%er in t%e tree or ne6t to it(
Wit% !o"r ace t"rned to$ard t%e S"n# be&in
to mer&e $it% t%e tree( +eel t%e tree( =ecome
t%e tree( Reco&ni.e t%e tree>s s'irit( Let t%e
tree>s s'irit reco&ni.e !o"( Let t%e s'irit o t%e
tree ill !o"r %eart(
W%en !o" %a)e s"ccess"ll! mer&ed $it% t%e
tree# be&in to notice t%e $ind# t%e bree.e t%at
ma*es t%e lea)es ri''le in $a)es( Watc% t%is
or a$%ile( +eel t%e s'irit o t%e $ind blo$in&
in t%e trees( Watc% t%e trees and t%eir "niied
interaction $it% t%e $ind( See %o$ t%e $ind
and t%e trees become one( Reco&ni.e t%e
s'irit o t%e $ind# and allo$ it to reco&ni.e
!o"( Allo$ !o"r S'irit to blo$ $it% t%e $ind
and mo)e $it% t%e tress( Let t%e $ind ill
!o"r %eart( T%is is :"ite 'o$er"l $%en !o"
are act"all! in t%e trees mo)in& $it% it(
Remember t%e Ma!a belie)e t%at t%e trees
ma*e t%e $ind rom ener&! recei)ed rom t%e
Once !o" %a)e connected $it% t%e ob)io"s
ener&!,s'irit o t%e trees# be&in to connect
$it% t%e more s"btle ener&! o t%e roc*s# t%e
b"s%es# t%e sand(((( Loo* all aro"nd !o"( See
t%e s'irit,ener&! in e)er!t%in& o t%e Eart%(
all t%e time- Allo$ !o"r bod! to eel %ea)!
and rela6ed( Slo$ !o"r breat%in& and allo$
t%e ener&! to be&in to '"ll !o"(
;o"r !o"r Heart o"t$ard into t%e door$a!
and sim'l! &i)e !o"rsel a$a!( 5o" $ill eel
t%e ener&! rom !o"r %eart disa''earin& into
a )oid in ront o !o"( I t%e ener&! is &oin&
be!ond t%e oc"s 'oint !o" are %oldin&# !o"
need to oc"s %arder and let all o"tside
distractions &o( Sometimes I>ll 'ra!# <I &i)e
m!sel to !o"(< )<I do not belon& to me
an!more( I am in ser)ice to %"manit!<( I
ma*e dedications and send t%an*s# etc((((
Soon !o"r c"rrent realit! $ill ade and !o"r
s%ort term memor! $ill ade also( Soon all o
!o"r 2D realt! $ill disa''ear# and !o">ll be in
t%e ne6t $orld not rememberin& tra)elin&
t%ere( Do not let t%is ri&%ten !o"# as !o">ll be
sna''ed bac* immediatel!( 5o" $on>t li*e
comin& bac* so soon# I can 'romise !o"(
Remember ( ( ( s"rrender# tr"st and t%e
com'lete absence o ear are absol"tel!
re:"ired( LOVE and a &rate"l %eart are
essential( T%ese re:"irements to enter act"all!
sae&"ard t%ese ot%er $orlds rom ne&ati)e
inter7ection( No ne&ati)e ener&! can 'ass
t%ro"&%( I !o" %a)e ear or do"bt# !o" $ill
not ma*e it t%o"&% t%e door( Remember#
DESIRE and an O;EN HEART are t%e *e!s
to enterin& t%e 1t% dimension( Ho$ m"c% !o"
desire and %o$ clear o"r %earts are $ill
determine %o$ :"ic*l! $e $ill enter t%ese
ne$ $orlds(
It is time or man! o "s to be&in to mo)e
bac* and ort% rom t%ese realties( W%en $e
do t%is# $e $ill e6'erience a %i&%l! reined
ener&! t%at $ill alter o"r and :"ic*en o"r
s'irit"al e)ol"tion( W%en $e ret"rn# $e $ill
brin& some o t%e 1t% dimensional re:"enc!
$it% "s( T%is ener&! $ill aect e)er!one
aro"nd "s in a 'ositi)e $a!( Sometimes $e
do not $ant to come bac* and t%at is "' to
eac% one o "s( ="t t%ere is a lot o $or* to
do %ere to %el' %"manit!( W%en $e do t%is
Mer&e $it% t%e Eart% and its s'irit# and let
t%is creati)e '"lse lood !o"r %eart(
W%ile containin& t%e s'irit o t%e Eart% in
!o"r %eart# be&in to s%it !o"r conscio"sness
b! '"llin& in t%e ener&! o t%e cosmos into
!o"r bein&( Sei.e t%e ener&! o t%e S"n( E)en
i !o" can>t see t%em d"rin& t%e da!# be a$are
o t%e stars and 'lanets( T%e! are also sendin&
!o" ener&!( Remember !o" are a 'iece o t%e
s"n and a 'art o t%e cosmos( No$ mer&e
!o"rsel $it% t%is cosmic ener&! and let t%e
s"n# stars and 'lanets ill !o"r %eart( =e&in to
combine to&et%er t%e ener&! o t%e cosmos
$it% t%e s'irit o t%e Eart%( =ecome one $it%
t%is "niied s'irit( Let all o t%e creati)e
ener&! o t%e "ni)erse enter !o"r %eart and
lood !o" $it% s"stainin& ener&!( 5o" $ill
be&in to eel li*e !o" are in an ocean o s'irit#
and t%e indi)id"al deinitions o realit! $ill
become "..! and blend(
Once !o" %a)e mer&ed $it% t%is
encom'assin& s'irit o t%e "ni)erse# as* to &o
be!ond t%is s'irit and "nderstand t%e 'rimar!
ener&! be%ind it( Listen $it% !o"r %eart to
%ear t%e solar $ind t%at is not a $ind( Listen
to t%e cosmic )oice t%at is not a"dible $it%
o"r '%!sical ears# nor can it be seen $it% o"r
'%!sical e!es( Hear t%e son& o creation(
=e&in to e6'erience t%is 'lace beore '%!sical
realit!( Sit $it% t%is creati)e '"lse "ntil !o"
eel !o" %a)e connected com'letel!( 5o"
%a)e no$ reoriented !o"rsel $it% t%e center
o creation(
At t%is 'oint# it is dee'l! meanin&"l to
commit !o"rsel to t%is ne$ orientation 'oint(
I "se )ario"s orms o airmation and 'ra!er(
T%e e6am'le belo$ is a s"&&estion onl!( Sin&
$%at is in !o"r %eart(
I am one $it% t%e memor! o t%e Creator(
I am one $it% t%e 'ossibilit! o t%e Creator(
I am one $it% t%e intention o t%e Creator(
I am one $it% t%e creati)e '"lse o creation(
I remember no$# I al$a!s %a)e been(
$or*# $e become brid&es bet$een t%e
$orlds# t!in& t%e realities bac* to&et%er
a&ain( We also become door o'eners and $ill
%old t%e doors o'en or ot%ers to 'ass
t%ro"&%( We $ill be t%e $a! s%o$ers to t%e
ne6t $orld(
Dee' in t%e ;er")ian Andes is a Sacred
Valle! o t%e Inca Masters( T%is )alle! is t%e
door$a! to t%e 1t% dimensional M!ster!
Sc%ools( Stories s'annin& man! decades
s'ea* o initiates enterin& t%e m!ster!
sc%ools to be instr"cted in t%e $a!s o t%e
Masters( One ma! not be a$are o t%eir
entrance to t%ese sc%ools# as some so"ls enter
$%ile t%e bod! contin"es to %i*e t%e Inca trail
or e6'lore sacred sites o t%e area( Eit%er $a!
!o" enter# conscio"sl! or "nconscio"sl!# it
does not matter( 5o"r lie %as c%an&ed and
$ill ta*e a ne$ direction( 5o" %a)e %ad !o"r
irst lesson in %o$ to $or* $it% li&%t li*e t%e
Near t%e )illa&e o Ur"bamba on t%e east side
o t%e sacred )alle!# is an insi&niicant trail
leadin& "' into t%e sno$ 'ac*ed Andes( 5o"
*no$ !o" are in a s'ecial 'lace beca"se on
t%e o''osite side o t%e )alle! is a %"&e
messa&e $ritten on t%e mo"ntain side( It sa!s#
<C,God<( On t%is trail# d"rin& a t$o,da! %i*e#
one 'asses cr!stal clear la*es and to"c%es a
'iece o Mot%er Eart% $%ere Masters still
$al* to t%is da!( It is %ere# at t%e ed&e o one
o t%ese cr!stalline Andean la*es# $%ere t%e
Masters rom t%e 1t% dimension come o"t at
mid,da! to transm"te cosmic ener&! to %el'
%"manit! a$a*en and to %eal Mot%er Eart% ,
T%e Masters enter o"r 2rd dimensional $orld
$earin& &lo$in& $%ite robes( T%eir semi,
trans'arent bodies loo* m"c% li*e o"rs( T%e!
I dra$ all m! lie>s creati)e orce rom t%e
so"rce o t%e creation(
I $ill remember t%is al$a!s(
T%is ener&! is attainable to me at all times(
E)er! second# e)er! min"te# $it% e)er!
breat% I ta*e#
or I am a 'iece o t%e Creator(
I commit m! s'irit to t%e so"rce o creation#
and t%"s is m! orientation 'oint or all m!
Creati)e ener&! is a)ailable to "s at all times
to be "sed b! o"r indi)id"al intentions( We
reali.e t%at $e are e6istin& and creatin& $it%
t%is ener&! in e)er! moment( Remember t%at
all $e create be&ins rom t%is so"rce( We
need to be&in to be a$are o $%ere $e are
recei)in& o"r ener&! rom on a dail! basis( I
$e are recei)in& ener&! rom ot%ers# $e are
ta*in& in a ra&mented so"rce o ener&!# and
ma! be im'airin& t%e 'erson $e are '"llin& it
rom( =e conscio"s to dra$ s"stainin& ener&!
rom t%e "ni)erse# in $%ic% to create# and
center o"rsel)es $it% t%e core o creation in
t%is 'lace,ener&! be!ond '%!sical orm( T%is
meditation,e6ercise can also be done d"rin&
t%e ni&%ttime "nder t%e nat"ral li&%t o t%e
Select a s'ecial 'lace t%at aces t%e risin& S"n
or t%is ceremon!( =e&in to meditate beore
t%e s"n rises( Wit% res'ect# as* H"nab ?>"
BGod in Ma!anC or 'ermission to re,enter %is
memor! to remember %o$ to $al* "'on t%e
Eart% in a scared $a! a&ain( As* t%e Cosmos
to %el' !o" remember t%e ancient *no$led&e
o t%e "t"re( ;ra! or t%e Eart% and t%e "t"re
o t%e a$a*enin& cosmic %"man(
Contem'late t%e "t"re o %"manit! and !o"r
'art $it%in t%is "t"re(
are taller t%an "s# abo"t / eet# and emit a
'o$er"l re:"enc! t%at can onl! be
described as %ea)enl!( W%en !o" see t%em#
!o" eel li*e !o" %a)e 7"st met God( T%e
tr"t% is t%at it is not t%e Masters t%at are God#
b"t t%e ener&! o t%e Cosmos t%at r"ns
t%ro"&% t%em( In t%is sense# t%e! are God ( ( (
and $e can be too-
It is clear t%at t%ose o "s $it% t%e so"l>s
intention to a$a*en t%at $e are on t%e brin*
o becomin& masters( It is also clear t%at $%at
$e 'lace o"r attention on# "' "ntil t%e S'rin&
E:"ino6# $ill determine o"r "t"re realit!(
T%ese are t%e inal da!s o decision# and
e)er!t%in& $e do and e)er!t%in& $e s'end
o"r 'recio"s time on sends a )ote to t%e
"ni)erse( So it is im'ortant to learn %o$ t%e
Masters in t%e Andes $or* $it% li&%t( It $ill
ta*e time or eac% o "s to $or* as lon& and
$it% t%e &reat intensit! as t%e Masters do# b"t
i $e be&in toda! $e can ta*e t%e ne6t ste' in
anc%orin& more li&%t into o"rsel)es# into t%e
Eart%# and s'read li&%t o"t into t%e $orld(
T%e $a! t%e Masters $or* $it% li&%t is eas!#
and %ere is %o$ !o" can do t%is $or*( Eac%
da! at midda! &o to a 'ri)ate location( As*
t%at !o" are cleared o an! ne&ati)e e&os and
ne&ati)e ener&ies( As* or t%e Masters> %el'
b! callin& on members o t%e
=rot%erESister%ood o t%e / Ra!s or
assistance( T%is is im'ortant $%ile $e are
learnin& %o$ to do t%is( W%en !o" eel a
calmin& 'resence and eel clear# ace t%e S"n(
Stretc% !o"r arms o"t to !o"r sides $it%
'alms "' so t%e S"n is %ittin& !o"r %ands(
;oint !o"r ace to t%e S"n and allo$ t%e
ener&! o t%e S"n to enter !o"r bod!( Allo$
t%e ri)er o ener&! to lo$ all t%e $a!
t%ro"&% !o"# do$n to !o"r eet and into t%e
Eart%>s core( Once !o" become a lo$in&
ri)er o solar ener&!# !o" are &ro"ndin& star
ener&! , solar ener&!( No$ brin& t%is ener&!
bac* "' t%o"&% !o" and ma*e e)er! cell o
!o"r bod! a radiant SUN( Do not attac% an!
deinitions or ideas to t%is ener&!( D"st *ee' it
As t%e SUN be&ins to rise# stand and ace t%e
SUN( Loo* at t%e SUN directl!( ;lease "se
discretion %ere as some can %andle more s"n
li&%t t%an ot%ers( D"st one second o '"re s"n
li&%t directl! in t%e e!es is eno"&%( T%en
close !o"r e!es and be&in to sa! t%e name o
t%e SUN( Sa! ?>IN / times or !o"r bod!# /
times or !o"r s'irit and / times or t%e
a$a*enin& o t%e Cosmic %"man as ollo$s(
Hold !o"r %ands o"t in ront o !o"r ace as i
!o" $ere %oldin& a s'%ere( W%en !o" sa! t%e
name o t%e SUN# remember !o" are 'lacin&
a bit o !o"r s'irit into !o"r %ands( D"st as
Om,m,m is t%e name o t%e Eart%# ?>IN is t%e
name o t%e SUN( 5o" can act"all! eel t%e
ener&! o !o"r s'irit in !o"r %ands-
Sa! , ?>IN , ?>INN , ?>INNN
+eel t%e )ibration in !o"r %ands( Hear t%e
so"nd o t%e SUN( No$ %oldin& !o"r s'irit in
!o"r %ands# 'lace t%e blessin& o !o"r s'irit
on t%e Eart% b! bendin& do$n and 'lacin&
!o"r %and lat "'on t%e eart%( Allo$ !o"r
s'irit to enter t%e Eart% and send !o"r
blessin& and intentions to $al* on Eart% in a
$a! t%at $ill a$a*en !o"rsel and ot%ers into
ri&%t"l li)in& once a&ain(
It $ill ta*e !o" lon&er to read t%is t%en to
'ractice it---
Since $e %a)e re)ealed t%e West S"n>s need
or s'eed in t%eir transormational 'rocess# I
t%o"&%t it $o"ld be a''ro'riate to s%are an
instant Ma!an mediation( T%is :"ic* 'rocess
reali&ns !o" to t%e )ibration to t%e S"n in
abo"t 3I seconds lat--
+ind a comortable s'ot or t%is meditation#
'reerabl! in t%e li&%t o t%e S"n( T%is
tec%ni:"e is disorientin&# so !o" m"st not tr!
t%is standin& "'( ;"t !o"r %ands on !o"r ace
'"re li&%t( Once !o" eel e)er! cell o !o"r
bod! illed $it% li&%t(((# &i)e it a$a!- Allo$
t%is ener&! to radiate o"t rom !o" in all
directions( Ma*e !o"rsel bri&%ter and
bri&%ter( 5o" can conscio"sl! send it
$%ere)er !o" see t%e need or %ealin&( I !o"
don>t %a)e an! 'artic"lar 'lace in mind# 7"st
as* t%at t%e ener&! be "sed $%ere it is most
needed( I li*e t%is $a! m!sel beca"se %o$
co"ld I *no$ better t%an t%e Creator $%ere
t%e ener&! $as best needed( I li*e '"ttin& t%e
Creator in t%e dri)er seat( I 7"st become t%e
T%e Inca Masters $or* li*e t%is or 9 %o"r at
midda!# b"t in t%e be&innin&# tr! i)e min"tes
to b"ild "' some stamina( I t%e ener&! o t%e
midda! S"n is too stron& and ma*es !o" eel
$ea*# "se t%e ener&! o t%e risin& S"n "ntil
!o" b"ild "' stren&t%( An!one can 'ractice
t%is e)er!da!( W%en $e b"ild inner stren&t%#
$e become more and more eecti)e( We
came rom t%e stars and t%e S"n( It is
%"manit!>s res'onsibilit! to &ro"nd t%is
ener&! rom t%e Stars and S"n to Eart%( T%is
ener&! %el's Eart% and e)er! li)in& t%in&( We
anc%or t%is ener&! $it% e)er! breat% $e ta*e
on a smaller scale# b"t $%en $e conscio"sl!
$or* to anc%or t%e Cosmic ener&! to Eart%#
$e become t%e 'o$er"l Masters t%at is o"r
It is time to ta*e anot%er ste' $it% t%is
'rocess# and t%e Inca Masters are read! to
s"''ort an! $%o $is% to do t%is $or*( All $e
%a)e to do is as* or t%eir assistance( W%en
t%e time o t%e &reat s%it o t%e a&es is near#
t%e Inca Masters $ill ret"rn rom t%e Golden
Cities to re,in%abit t%e Eart%( I $e $ant t%is
re,"nion# t%e! sa! $e m"st do t%e Li&%t
$it% t%e t%"mbs "'( ;lace !o" little in&ers
7"st belo$ !o"r mo"t%( ;lace !o"r rin&
in&ers on !o"r nose to close t%e nasal
'assa&es( ;lace !o"r middle in&ers on !o"r
closed e!es a''l!in& a sli&%t 'ress"re( ;lace
!o"r inde6 in&ers on !o"r tem'les $it% a
sli&%t 'ress"re( ;lace !o"r t%"mbs in !o"r
ears to com'letel! bloc* o"t all o"tside
so"nd( T%e idea %ere is to com'letel! loc* o"t
t%e senses o o"r '%!sical realit! in order to
enter into t%e non'%!sical $orld o S'irit(
5o" can>t smell# see or %ear an!t%in&- 5es# it
ma! loo* sill! b"t don>t :"it no$( Gi)e it a
tr!( No$ beore !o" s"ocate sa! t%e name
o t%e s"n <?>in<( Sa! ?>IEEENN $it% a
distinct <E< so"nd "ntil !o" r"n o"t o breat%(
;ractice sa!in& t%e name o t%e S"n a e$
times in )ario"s so"ndin& re:"encies "ntil
!o" can eel t%e )ibration o t%e s"n in !o"r
bod! and %ead( 5o" $ill *no$ $%en t%is
%a''ens correctl! or !o" $ill not be able to
eel an!t%in& else b"t t%e )ibration o t%e
S"n( 5o" $ill loose to"c% $it% t%e '%!sical
$orld( Ta*e anot%er breat% and close !o"r
nose once a&ain and re'eat( Sa! ?>IEEENN(
Do t%is as man! times as !o" li*e( In t%is
internal s'ace# $e can )is"ali.e $e are a
'iece o t%e S"n( We %a)e become t%e
e6'ansi)e cosmos and are on o"r $a! to
becomin& Cosmic %"mans- Until t%e ne6t
iss"e# ma! !o" be ?>inan Ra ?>" <t%e s'irit o
t%e S"n God-<
T%e I DARE ;ra!er
I dare to LOVE in eac% moment
e)en i I am araid o bein& %"rt(
I dare to li)e in TRUST t%at all is $ell
e)en i I eel ear $it% mo"ntin& 'ro'%ecies
to t%e contrar!(
I dare to let &o o GUILT or $%ate)er reason
e)en i it %as 'ro)ided me $it% a sae %a)en
in $%ic% to limit m!sel(
I dare to let &o o SHAME or $%ate)er
e)en i I eel ot%ers blame me(
I dare to eel WORTH5
Under all conditions and circ"mstances(
I dare to S;EA? TRUTH in eac% moment
e)en i it ma! ca"se tem'orar! c%aos(
I dare to be =RILLIANT
e)en i I am araid t%at I mi&%t ma*e ot%ers
I dare to be ;OWER+UL
E)en i I am araid I mi&%t mis"se t%is
and OUTS;O?EN , e)en i I am araid t%at it
ma! intimidate(
I dare to be UNIJUEL5 ME
E)en i I am araid t%at I mi&%t not be
I dare to be WEALTH5
e)en i I am araid t%at I mi&%t lose it all
andEor ot%ers belie)e it is not s'irit"al to be
I dare to be a +AITH+UL SERVANT
e)en i I am araid t%at no one $ill ta*e care
o me(
I dare to do S;IRIT>S CALLING
E)en i ot%ers ma! t%reaten me to sto'(
I dare to enter t%e NEFT WORLD 7o!o"sl!
e)en i I am araid o t%e )ast )oid in ront o
Most o all A(( I dare to GIVE M5SEL+
bac* to GOD
E)en i I am araid I mi&%t lose m!sel(
=eca"se losin& m!sel to God ma*es all t%e
ot%er t%in&s
I t%in* I need to DO or =EA(( obsolete(
Star Elders , t%ro"&% Al"na Do!
All t%at !o" *no$# all t%at !o" eel# and
and tr"st# it is onl! LOVE t%at &i)es it lie(
5o" sa! LOVE is t%e ans$er# b"t it is not( It
is t%e :"estion(
Lo)e is $%at !o" ma*e it(
So t%e :"estion is %o$ $ill !o" "se LOVE
Lo)e is t%e Creator( LOVE is t%e "ni)ersal
t%at ma*es t%in&s $%at t%e! are(
LOVE does not 7"d&e( It sim'l! becomes#
o)er and o)er#
e)er! t%in& !o" t%in*# eel# LOVE# and
Is it LOVE so %o$ co"ld it do an!t%in& else
b"t create $%at %"manit! is(
It is 7"st LOVE# and al$a!s LOVE# and onl!
So i t%e :"estion is LOVE t%en !o" are t%e
And t%e ans$er is %o$ !o" "se LOVE toda!(

Al"na Do! 5a6*>in ( ( ( A Star Messen&er , Eart% Oracle , So"l Reader , Sacred Site D"n*ie $as literall! born
a$a*e and in t%e com'an! o %er &"ides# t%e Star Elders( Toda! s%e %as e)ol)ed into an a"t%or# s'irit"al lie
coac%# sacred site &"ide# alternati)e %istorian# ordained minister and modern m!stic( In t%e Inca $orld# Al"na
is considered a Ja$a: Bco$,$a*C# a clair)o!ant or seer o li)in& ener&!( Al"na acts as a s'irit"al
arc%aeolo&ist "sin& %er clair)o!ant E clairsentient &its to e6ca)ate c"rrent messa&es rom t%e masters o
ancient# enli&%tened c"lt"res to "nco)er $%at aect t%is %as on %"manit! and t%e collecti)e conscio"sness(
S%e is $ell *no$n or %er do$n to eart%# acce'tin& attit"de t%at ma*es eac% one eel li*e t%e! %a)e come
%ome( S%e ins'ires and enco"ra&es ot%ers to reco&ni.e and acce't t%eir o$n a"t%entic di)init! and connection
to t%e Creator( <O"r &ro"'s are amil!# and eac% one is a teac%er and also a st"dent( We $or* to&et%er as a
team to "nra)el t%e sacred m!steries o lie(< Al"na coined t%e term <sacred site 7"n*ie< beca"se s%e is one
%ersel( Ater %er irst tri' to T"l"m# Me6ico# %er lie c%an&ed dramaticall!# and s%e $as sent on an entirel!
dierent 'at% in lie( Since t%is time# %er $or* %as been inl"enced b! "nco"ntable s%amanic e6'eriences in
sacred sites o Me6ico# G"atemala# =eli.e# Hond"ras# ;er"# =oli)ia# E&!'t# Greece# En&land# A"stralia and
Ne$ Kealand( Al"na %as been leadin& &ro"'s in t%e Ma!a $orld since 9LH3# t%e Inca $orld since 9LL3# and
t%e E&!'tian $orld since 0IIH# and t%e m!stical $orld o A)alon BEn&land and ScotlandC since 0II/( Al"na
oers Star Elder Sessions# orm"lates Sacred Site Essences and a ree ne$sletter( S%e is t%e a"t%or o <Ma!an
Astrolo&!< and %er articles %a)e been '"blis%ed $orld$ide( Website@ $$$(Al"naDo!(com +aceboo*@
%tt'@EE$$$(aceboo*(comEal"na7o!!a6*in 5o"T"be@ %tt'@EE$$$(!o"t"be(comE"serEeelt%elo)e0I90
Co'!ri&%t G"idelines@
Al"na Do! 5a6*in M $$$(Al"naDo!(com 9LL4,0I92 , Una"t%ori.ed "se andEor d"'lication o an! material on
o"r $eb site $it%o"t e6'ress and $ritten 'ermission rom its a"t%or andEor o$ner is strictl! 'ro%ibited(
Violators $ill be re'orted to t%e DMCA( ;lease res'ect o"r $or*# t%at $e intend to contin"e to oer to !o"
RE,;OSTING GUIDELINES@ We a''reciate !o"r desire to s%are o"r messa&es and 'osts on !o"r o$n $eb
sites# +aceboo* 'a&es# blo&s# etc(((# b"t or man! s'eciic reasons# o"r messa&es# 'osts and ima&es need to
remain solel! on $$$(al"na7o!(com( We enco"ra&e# and &i)e !o" 'ermission to 'lace a WE= LIN? to o"r
'osts an!$%ere !o" li*e( T%an* !o" or !o"r &reat s"''ort( We $o"ld not be able to contin"e t%is $or* i it
$ere not or !o"( We send !o" a$esome radiant blessin&s toda! and or t%e bea"ti"l "t"re t%at $e are co,
creatin& to&et%er( As al$a!s lo)e donations are a''reciated and treas"red( 5o" can contin"e to s"''ort "s
%ere@ %tt'@EE$$$(al"na7o!(comE%eartdonation(%tml

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