2014 All Stars Sport Week

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Christopher Murphy
Director of Public Safety
City of Montgomery, Alabama
Charles W. Jinright-President David M. Burkette Arh !ee
"ray !arkin- Pres. Pro "em Cornelius #C.C.$ Calhoun %len &.
Pruitt, Jr.
'ihard Bollinger Jonathon Do( Charles W. )mith

Chief Kevin J. Murphy P. O. Box 159 Montgomery, Al!m "#1$1%$159 Phone &""'( )'1%)*1$ +x &""'( )'1%)"""
Chief of Poli,e
To: Captain C. D. Cook
From: Lieutenant C. Oliver #469
Date: June 17, 2014
Subject: 2014 All-Stars Sports ee!
T"e 2014 All-Star Sports ee! #$ll be "oste% b& t"e '$t& o( Mo)t*omer& o) T"urs%a&+ 24 ,ul&
2014+ at 1-00 "ours. T"e #ee! lea%$)* up to t"$s e/e)t #$ll "a/e )umerous e/e)ts (or t"e
pla&ers a)% coac"es to atte)% to $)clu%e pract$ces+ %$))ers+ a)% tour$)* e/e)ts. T"e Sc"ool
E)(orceme)t 0ureau "as bee) tas!e% #$t" pro/$%$)* secur$t& (or t"e teams %ur$)* t"$s #ee!.
T"e o(($cers #$ll be*$) t"e$r secur$t& %eta$l o) Su)%a&+ 20 ,ul&+ at 1100 "ours at eac" teams2
respect$/e Dorms. T"e teams #$ll sta& at t"e AUM campus %orms. Eac" o(($cer #$ll meet #$t"
t"e teams at t"e$r respect$/e Dorms at 0300 eac" mor)$)* (or t"e rema$)%er o( t"e #ee!. T"e&
#$ll escort t"e teams to t"e$r respect$/e pract$ce ($el%s+ %$))ers a)% tour$)* e/e)ts.
Eac" e/e)$)* t"ere $s a spec$al e/e)t (or t"e teams. T"e o(($cers #$ll e)sure t"at t"e teams arr$/e
at t"e$r %est$)at$o)s a)% sta& #$t" t"e team t"rou*"out t"e e/e)t.
At t"e e)% o( t"e %a&+ t"e o(($cers #$ll escort t"e team bac! to t"e$r respect$/e Dorms. T"$s #$ll
co)clu%e t"e %eta$l (or t"at %a&.

J. Chri-topher Murphy
.ire,tor of Pu!li, /fety
0o11 /trnge
T"e U)$(orm o( t"e #ee! #$ll be lo)* slee/e class 405. T"e o(($cers #$ll ut$l$6e /e"$cles 7210-4148 a)%
7210-1931. T"$s e/e)t #$ll be a) o/ert$me e/e)t.
O) Satur%a&+ 14 December+ t"e All-Star Football :ame #$ll be pla&e%. T"$s e/e)t #$ll occur at
'ramto) 0o#l. Roll 'all #$ll be at 0-10 u)%er t"e Easts$%e sta)%s. T"e u)$(orm o( t"e %a& #$ll be
class 4A5 #$t" "ats. A%m$ss$o) to t"e *ame #$ll be*$) at 1000 "ours. O(($cers ass$*)e% to t"e *ates #$ll
)ee% to report a(ter roll call to escort *ate perso))el to t"e$r respect$/e *ates. Also at 1000 "ours+
t"ere #$ll be a meet-a)%-*reet #$t" t"e pla&ers a)% c"$l%re) o) t"e pla&$)* ($el%. T"$s #$ll last u)t$l
1049 "ours. At t"at t$me+ o(($cers #$ll e)cour*e t"ose t"at are )ot *ame perso))el to e;$t t"e pla&$)*
($el%. 'ramto) 0o#l operat$o)s #$ll be co)%ucte% as )ormal *ame operat$o)s. <erso))el ass$*)me)ts
#$ll be complete% b& T"urs%a&+ 12 December+ at 0800 "ours. T"e super/$sors ass$*)$)* perso))el to
#or! t"e ball*ame s"oul% ut$l$6e as l$ttle o/ert$me as poss$ble.

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