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The Influence of Brand Marketing on Customers Purchase

Incentives: Cases of ADIDAS, NIKE, and PUMA in Taiwan


Hsiu-Ting ,Yeh
Yu-Hsuan ,Wang
Chiao-Hui ,Chang
Yu-Ting ,Yeh

Department of Applied English
Ming Chuan University
Kweishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan
June, 2011


The keen competition on consumer market nowadays has increased the cost and
marketing rapidly. As noted, the brand is one of the key points to competition for
growth because similarity of products from different companies has been increasing.
In this sense, marketing strategy can be seen as the main reasons for competition and
maintaining customers.
Most people including college students tend to purchase well-known brands and
their buying incentives are strong. In order to know their motivation better, we take
college students as participants in this research. Among all the products, sports shoes
are one of daily necessities for most people, and many sport companies invite
well-known persons as representative. Among many sports brands, ADIDAS, NIKE
and PUMA have highly market share. Therefore, this research takes ADIDAS,
NIKE, and PUMA as examples and to conduct an investigation on the connection
between consumer response and marketing strategies of companies.


Table of Contents
Abstract ....
Table of Contents ........
I. Introduction 1
1.1 Background ..... 1
1.2 Purpose of Study . 2
1.3 Research Questions .... 2
1.4 Hypotheses .. 2
1.5 Significance ..... 3
1.6 Expected Results ..... 3
1.7 Research Framework ..... 3
II. Literature Review ... 4
2.1 Brand loyalty ...... 4
2.2 Celebrity ...... 5
2.3 Advertisement ..... 6
2.4 Service ..... 6
2.5 Placement Marketing ..... 7
III. Methodology ..... 10
3.1 Materials ... 10
3.2 Questionnaire Design ....... 10
3.3 Participants ....... 12
3.4 Procedure ...... 12
3.5 Data analysis ..... 13
3.6 Timeline to Complete the Study ...... 13
3.7 Statistic Result ...... 14
3.7.1 Background Information ..... 14

3.7.2 Well-known persons ......... 18
3.7.3 Advertisement ....... 19
3.7.4 Limited edition .......................... 20
3.7.5 Service ............................................... 21
3.7.6 Placement marketing ....... 22
IV. Discussion and Result .................. 23
4.1 ADIDAS ... 23
4.2 NIKE ........ 39
4.3 PUMA ............... 54
4.4 Discussion ......... 69
V. Conclusion ..... 73
5.1 Summary .......... 73
5.2 Research Findings ....... 73
5.3 Contributions ....... 74
5.4 Research Limitations .. 75
5.5 Future Agenda ........ 75
VI. Reference .......... 77
VII. Index ...... 79
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Chapter One
1.1 Background
With the popularity and innovation of sports products, no matter in public space
or on TV, most customers can receive product information at anytime. They may be
influenced by mass media to increase purchase incentives; however, many companies
have similar products in market both in the appearances and in the functions, as they
continually respond to the customers demands. Therefore, how to catch potential
customers eyes and make them consume again has been the key of success in brand
According to Bee and Kahles (2006) study, three characters for understanding
the relationship of formation and maintenance have been noticed, including
compliance, identification and internalization. Research studies also found a
significant relationship between a companys corporate image and customers
willingness to purchase the products (Pope& Voges, 2000). Besides, their results also
showed a significant relationship between brand name and incentive to purchase the
product. Clarke and Mannion (2006) noted that sports marketers may be compelled
to adapt current marketing approaches because of the differences in cultural values
and general consumer behavior. The research also revealed that sports marketers
comprehend a successful marketing plan in the Asian-American population.
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1.2 Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among three different
brands in their marketing, the way of new products promotion and customers
purchase incentives.
1.3 Research Questions
Here are two questions in this research:
1. In what ways do customers get the information of new products?
2. What factors will affect the customers purchase incentive?
1.4 Hypotheses
Hypothesis 1: Hiring well-known persons as the brand representative could stir the
purchase incentive of college students.
Hypothesis 2: Creative advertisement will affect the purchase incentive of college
Hypothesis 3: The limited edition of products will affect the purchase incentive of
college students.
Hypothesis 4: Service provided by service personnel may have a close relationship
with purchase incentive.
Hypothesis 5: Placement Marketing on TV program will influence college students
purchase incentive.
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1.5 Significance
This study will provide the business with practical suggestions and references to
promote the brand management and increase customers responses. Furthermore,
business might be more aware of the fact that fashion is a kind of indicator and need
to have more creative ideas on new products.
1.6 Expected Results
In this research, we expect to find if marketing strategies of sports brands will
affect incentives of customers. On the aspect of identification of customer will affect
purchase incentive mostly. Moreover, we are eager to find if advertisement including
mass media, placement marketing, and advertisement sponsor will affect each others.
Celebrity and fashion element are the main factors to affect and attract college
students to buy new products.
1.7 Research Framework

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Chapter Two
Literature Review
This chapter will investigate the previous researches, including the importance
of marketing strategies. These researchers found these factors related to purchase
incentive of customer.
2.1 Brand loyalty
Brand loyalty is referred to customers commitments to repurchase. It presents
that customers continue to use the brand and repeat buying the product or service or
other positive behaviors. Aaker (1984) presents that brand loyalty as a fundamental
concept in strategic marketing. Now, brand loyalty has been used extensively in
marketing. There are three types of brand loyalty: After-sale guarantee, Identification
of customer and corporate image.
Research studies found a significant relationship between a companys
corporate image and customers willingness to purchase that companys products
(Pope& Voges, 2000). According to Chuang and Lee (n.d.), the word customer is
the central idea in Customer Relationship Management. When the enterprises work,
they take the three steps- obtaining customers, enhancing the number of customers,
and maintaining the number of customers, expanded into four central relationships
which enterprises hope to accomplish customers satisfaction. According to the
developed relationship between enterprises and customers, they can be divided into
- 5 -

Customer Capture, Customer Purchase, Customer Service and Customer Analysis.
2.2 Celebrity
In their study, Bush, Martin and Bushs (2004) examined the relationship
among athlete role models, teenagers purchase incentives and behaviors. And they
noted advertisers spend millions of dollars on hiring famous athletes to promote their
products. For advertisers, there are great potential at target markets- teenagers.
Because teenagers have been became a part of Generation Y, who were born between
1977 and 1994. Researchers investigated whether sports celebrity affect teenagers
purchase incentives and behaviors. This study has found teenagers select products
depending on mass media. They also found sports celebrities have positive influence
on teenagers brand loyalty.
Teenagers play an important factor for advertisers doing marketings. It is
important to make sponsors know the impact of sport celebrity (Bush, Martin and
Bushs, 2004).Some researchers found three most influential source affecting
customers purchase incentives, brand attitudes and attitudes towards the
advertisement are celebrity trustworthiness, celebrity expertise, and celebrity
attractiveness ( Amos, Holmes & Strutton, 2008, p.209)

- 6 -

2.3 Advertisement
Advertising means a way of marketing communication to persuade potential
customers to buy products or particular brand. It usually includes the name of a
product or service, products benefits, even memorable slogan to attract customers
eyes. Creative advertisements are interesting and always stay customers mind.
Advertisements became prospering in the late 19th and early 20th. There is diversity
of mass media to promote products, such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio,
billboards or direct mail. Moreover, in modern society, internet has become a new
trend for shopping. It has been considered as one of the key factors to affect and
attract customers shopping online, Wang (2010).
2.4 Service
Chuang and Lee (n.d.) stressed that companies whose aim to sell products must
also provide service to customers, including before-sale service and after-sale
guarantee which are valuable and important to customers. After-sale service means
the need to meet any requirements from customers after selling, which is essential to
hold brand loyalty of customers. Therefore, enterprises must take it seriously to deal
with the management regarding after-sale service. Also, the research shows that the
management related to satisfaction of customers is significant to the Customer
Relationship Management. When enterprises carry out Customer Relationship
- 7 -

Management, the customer service should contain establishing service system,
after-sale service management and the survey of customers satisfaction. The elements
are valuable to achieve customers satisfaction. After-sale service is tightly connected
with the satisfaction of customers to the brand.
According to Bee and Kahles (2006) study, there are three qualities for
understanding the relationship of formation and maintenance, including compliance,
identification and internalization. Bee and Kahle also shows that relationship is the
most important and powerful aspects of sports marketing; moreover, Kalakota and
Robinsons (1999) research proposed the ideal architecture of customer relationship
which is accomplished by obtaining customers, enhancing the number of customers,
and maintaining the number of customers. However, it needs to be used through
another function of management, such as sale and service to reach customers satisfy
and accomplish the framework of customers relationship.
2.5 Placement Marketing
Based on Boucher, Brunet and Fredettes (2008) research, advertisers always
look for new channels or techniques to publicize their messages, and brand placement
becomes a new form of communication. Furthermore, traditional media are failing
promptness. Brand Placement has been practiced in the film and television industry.
The purpose of this plan is to enhance brand recognition and cause an impact on
- 8 -

purchasing incentive. The research also shows that there are three factors affect
customers attitudes to products purchasing. The first one is recall, information that
novel captures peoples attention easily, and it is also easier to remember. Second,
brand recognition will increase peoples impression to the brand in an individuals
recall. The final factor is state of mind, and it will affect individuals behavior.
Applying Brand Placement as a way to promote the products, it makes an influence
on customers memories.
Meenaghan (2001) found multiple elements of brand identity are beneficial for
establishing the brand image. In order to achieve brand image effects, one of better
way to reach is marketing communication which is the most important part. However,
commercial sponsorship is growing rapidly in marketing communication. Nowadays,
commercial sponsorship is similar with advertisement in sponsorship investment. It
increases the profile and image by sponsors. As this study indicates, there are three
levels in image development. At the product brand level such as Coca-Cola and the
Olympic Games. Coca-Cola increases brand image by sponsoring the famous sport
games. In sponsor activity, advertisements convey some messages to intensify
peoples impression on product.
Mason (2005) noted that investigating how customers attitudes are formed and
change are important and it is benefit to build an effective sport sponsorship. Also,
- 9 -

researcher found attitudes can be divided into three components which are affective,
cognitive, and behavior. However, brand belief has a relationship to customers
cognitive on product. Although sponsorship is an indirect way to promote, dealer can
reinforce corporate image in customers mind through plenty of activities, games, and
rate of exposure. Therefore, corporate sponsorship increases customers awareness
and impact customers attitudes.

- 10 -

Chapter Three
As shown on our research motivation and literature review, we have focused on
investigating teenagers motivation when purchasing new products and its
relationship with brand marketing strategies. This research will compare the
relationships marketing management and customers purchase incentives among
Adidas, Nike, and Puma.
3.1 Materials
We will use questionnaires as a tool to do this research. The questionnaire was
a revised version of the questionnaire designed by Liu (2004) in order to explore the
relationship among brand associations, brand loyalty, and customer response-with
sports shoes. The questionnaire was designed to know what factors will influence
teenagers purchase incentives.
3.2 Questionnaire Design
According to the hypothesis, the questionnaire is divided into five parts which
contains seventy-five questions in total. At first, we investigate the background
information of interviewees about gender, grade, average purchase period, the way of
getting information, and average allowance per month. In the following are five parts-
well-known persons, advertisement, limited edition of products, service, and
placement marketing.
- 11 -

Part I contained five questions about well-known persons personal charming,
popularity, social appearance, recommendation, and professional knowledge. This
research will investigate how these factors influence teenagers purchase incentives.
Part II contained five questions about product effect, high exposure rate, slogan,
attraction, and preference of advertisement. This research will investigate how these
factors influence teenagers purchase incentives.
Part III contained five questions about unique style, effect of peers, superiority,
design, and celebrity endorsement of limited edition. This research will investigate
how these factors influence teenagers purchase incentives.
Part IV contained five questions about personnel attitude, after-sale, return and
exchange goods, provide new information, and send peripheral products of service.
This research will investigate how these factors influence teenagers purchase
Part V contained five questions about high exposure rate, plot, hot topic, and
advertisement billboard of placement marketing. This research will investigate how
these factors influence teenagers purchase incentives.

- 12 -

3.3 Participants
Because of the time limitation in the study, we used stratified random sampling.
We have selected students of Ming Chuan University at Taoyuan campus as the
subject in this research due to the fact that college student are the main consumer
group of sport brand market. We will investigate the students of Department of
Applied English at MCU. The participants were grouped into 4 groups from different
levels. Each group would have fifty students. In this research, our participants are all
Department of Applied English students age between 18 and 22. The interviewees are
mainly in female because the ratio of female to male is 8:2 in Department of Applied
English. Due to the test surrounding, the test subjects of junior are less than other
3.4 Procedure
First of all, we redesign questionnaire based on the original version by Liu
(2004). This research questionnaire will be distributed formally to two hundred
participants on December 1st, 2010. Then, pick up a class for each grade. We will
provide these questionnaires to the students to finish it in the class about ten minutes.
After one month, we retrieve forty-five invalid and one hundred fifty-five valid

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3.5 Data Analysis
With the valid questionnaires, we will use EXCEL to analyze data and verify
each research hypothesis. Based on the results, we generate the related charts and
examine the influence of marketing strategies on college students purchase behavior
in sport brand products to show percentage of each question, and to count. Doing so
would make the results of research more specifically.
3.6 Timeline to Complete the Study
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Literature Review
Literature Classification

Questionnaire Design
Questionnaire Revise
Data Collection

Results and Statistic

Discussion and

Paper Writing
Hand in Paper
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3.7 Statistics Results
3.7 .1 Background Information

According to figure 3.1, 79% (123 persons) of the interviewees were female.
21% (32 persons) of them were male.

According to figure 3.2, 23% (36 persons) of the interviewees were freshman,
33% (51 persons) of them were sophomore, 14% (22 persons) of them were junior,
and 30% (46 persons) were senior.

- 15 -

Q How often do you buy sports product?

According to figure 3.3, 31% of the interviewees (48 persons) would buy sports
products half a year to one year. 23% (36 persons) would buy sports products half a
QHow do you get information about sports product?

According to figure 3.4, 34% (103 persons) of the interviewees would get
information from store. 24% (73 persons) of them got information from Internet. 18%
(56 persons) of them would be influenced by TV Ads.

- 16 -

Figure3.5 -Allowance per month

According to figure 3.5, 35%(54 persons) of the interviewees have allowance per
month under NT$ 3000, 34%(53 persons) of the interviewees are NT$ 3001~5000,
20%(31 persons) of the interviewees are NT$ 5001~7500, 8%(12 persons) of the
interviewees are NT$ 7501~10000, 3%(5 persons) of the interviewees are above NT$
- 17 -

Q How much do you think reasonable for spending sports products?

According to figure 3.6, 90% (140 persons) of the interviewees would spend
under NT $ 3000 on sports products, 6% (10 persons) of them spend NT$ 3001~5000,
2% (3 persons) of them spend NT$ 5001~7500, 1% (1 persons) of them spend NT$
7501~10000, 1% (1 persons) of them spend above NT$ 10001.
Figure3.7-Preference for ADIDAS, NIKE and PUMA

According to figure 3.7, 63% (98 persons) of the interviewees favorite is
ADIDAS, 29% (45 persons) of them secondary favorite is NIKE, 5% (8 persons) of
them third favorite is PUMA, 3% (4 persons) is others.
- 18 -

3.7.2 Well-known persons
Figure 3.8- Statistics of well-known persons

According to figure 3.8, most interviewees agree personal charming of
well-known persons will most influence their purchase incentives. In ADIDAS, there
are 105 interviewees choose personal charming of well-known persons. In NIKE,
there are 96 interviewees choose personal charming of well-known persons. In
PUMA, there are 77 interviewees choose personal charming of well-known persons.

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1.personal charming of well-known persons
2.popularity of well-known persons appearance of well-known persons
4.recommendation of well-known persons
5.professional knowledge of well-known persons


- 19 -

3.7.3 Advertisement
Figure 3.9- Statistics of advertisement.

According to figure 3.9, most interviewees agree product effect in the Ads will
most influence their purchase incentives. In ADIDAS, there are 132 interviewees
choose the product effect in the Ads. In NIKE, there are 124 interviewees choose the
product effect in the Ads. In PUMA, there are 99 interviewees choose the product
effect in the Ads.

1. product effect in the Ads
2. high exposure rate of Ads
3. slogan of Ads
4. Ads attraction.
5. preference of Ads


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
- 20 -

3.7.4 Limited edition
Figure 3.10- Statistics of limited edition.

According to figure 3.10, most interviewees agree the design of limited edition
will most influence their purchase incentives. In ADIDAS, there are 127
interviewees choose the design of limited edition. In NIKE, there are 116 interviewees
choose the design of limited edition. In PUMA, there are 89 interviewees choose the
design of limited edition.


1. the unique style of limited edition
2. the influences from peers.
3. the superiority of limited edition

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
4. the design of limited edition
5. the limited edition with celebrity

- 21 -

3.7.5 Service
Figure 3.11- Statistics of service.

According to figure 3.11, most interviewees agree the attitude of service personnel
and after-sale service will most influence their purchase incentives. In ADIDAS, there
are 135 interviewees choose the after-sale service. In NIKE, there are 134
interviewees choose t the attitude of service personnel. In PUMA, there are 113
interviewees choose the attitude of service personnel


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1. the attitude of service personnel
2. after-sale service
3. the service about returning and exchanging goods
4. the seller initiative to provide new product information
5. sending peripheral products
- 22 -

3.7.6 Placement marketing
Figure 3.12- Statistics of placement marketing.

According to figure 3.12, most interviewees agree the high exposure rate of placing
products in movies/ dramas and the hot topic of product in the movie/ drama will most
influence their purchase incentives. In ADIDAS, there are 87 interviewees choose
the high exposure rate of placing products in movies/ dramas and the hot topic of product in
the movie/ drama. In NIKE, there are 90 interviewees choose the high exposure rate of
placing products in movies/ dramas. In PUMA, there are 64 interviewees choose the
high exposure rate of placing products in movies/ dramas.


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1. the high exposure rate of placing products in movies/ dramas
2. placing product in the movie/ drama
3. the hot topic of product in the movie/ drama
4. the billboard of product at the competition arena
5. the advertising of product placement
- 23 -

Chapter Four
Results and Discussion
This chapter describes research the data according to the valid questionnaires. Then
test would be carried out to ascertain the relationships among well-known persons,
advertisement, limited edition, service, and placement marketing in the case of sport
brand- Adidas, Nike, and Puma.
Part One- Well-known persons
Figure 4.1-The personal charming of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentives
3% (4) 10% (15)
20% (31)
59% (92)
8% (13)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the personal charming of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.1, most interviewees (59%+8%, 105
persons) chose satisfied and only 13% (19 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that the personal charming of well-known
persons will influence their purchase incentives.

- 24 -

Figure 4.2-The popularity of well-known persons will influence customers
purchase incentive
3% (4)
12% (19)
33% (52)
43% (66)
9% (14)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the popularity of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.2, most interviewees (43%+9%, 80
persons) chose satisfied and only 15% (23 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the popularity of well-known
persons will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.3-The social appearance of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentives
2% (3) 10% (15)
35% (55)
45% (70)
8% (12) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the social appearance of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.3, most interviewees (45%+8%, 82
persons) chose satisfied and only 12% (18 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the social appearance of
well-known persons will influence their purchase incentives.
- 25 -

Figure 4.4-The recommendation of well-known persons will influence customers
purchase incentives
1% (2)
20% (31)
34% (53)
38% (58)
7% (11)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the recommendation of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.4, most interviewees (38%+7%, 69
persons) chose satisfied, and only 21% (33 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the recommendation of
well-known persons will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.5-The professional knowledge of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentive.
2% (4)
12% (18)
46% (71)
34% (53)
6% (9) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the professional knowledge
of well-known persons. According to figure 4.5, 40% (62 persons) of interviewees
chose satisfied, and only 14% (22 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the
professional knowledge of well-known persons will not affect their purchase
- 26 -

According to the statistics in part one, the personal charming of well-known
persons influences customers purchase incentives the deepest.
- 27 -

Part two- Advertisement
Figure 4.6-The product effect in the Ads will influence customers purchase
0% (0) 1% (1)
14% (22)
72% (112)
13% (20) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the product effect in the
Ads. According to figure 4.6, most interviewees (72%+13%, 132 persons) chose
satisfied, and only 1% (1 person) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that the product effect in the Ads will
influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.7- The high exposure rate of Ads will influence customers purchase
1% (2) 11% (17)
24% (37)
54% (83)
10% (16)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the high exposure rate of
Ads. According to figure 4.7, most interviewees (54%+10%, 99 persons) chose
satisfied and only 12% (19 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the high exposure rate of Ads
will influence their purchase incentives.
- 28 -

Figure 4.8-The slogan of Ads will influence customers purchase incentives
3% (4)
12% (19)
39% (61)
8% (12)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the slogan of Ads.
According to figure 4.8, most interviewees (38%+8%, 71 persons) chose
satisfied and only 15% (23 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the slogan of Ads will
influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.9-Customers will increase their purchase incentives by Ads
1% (1)
11% (17)
21% (32)
53% (83)
14% (22)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of Ads attraction. According
to figure 4.9, most interviewees (53%+14%, 105 persons) chose satisfied and
only 12% (18 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that they will increase their purchase
incentives by Ads attraction.
- 29 -

Figure 4.10- The preference of Ads will influence customers purchase incentives
2% (3)
11% (18)
28% (43)
49% (76)
10% (15)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the preference of Ads.
According to figure 4.10, most interviewees (49%+10%, 91 persons) chose
satisfied and only 13% (21 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the preference of Ads will
influence their purchase incentives.
According to the statistics in part two, product effect in the Ads influences
customers purchase incentives the deepest.

- 30 -

Part three- Limited edition
Figure 4.11-The unique style of limited edition will influence customers
purchase incentives
2% (3) 15% (24)
17% (26)
44% (68)
22% (34)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the unique style of limited
edition. According to figure 4.11, most interviewees (44%+22%, 102 persons)
chose satisfied, and only 17% (27 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the unique style of limited
edition will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.12-It will increase customers purchase incentives to buy limited edition
by the influences from peers
3% (4)
16% (25)
21% (32)
45% (70)
15% (24)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of peers. According to figure
4.12, most interviewees (45%+15%, 94 persons) chose satisfied and only 19%
(29 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that they will increase their
purchase incentives to buy limited edition by the influences from peers.
- 31 -

Figure 4.13-The superiority of limited edition will influence customers purchase
3% (4) 15% (24)
25% (39)
41% (63)
16% (25)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the superiority of limited
edition. According to figure 4.13, most interviewees (41%+16%, 88 persons)
chose satisfied and only 18% (28 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the superiority of limited
edition will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.14-The design of limited edition will influence customers purchase
1% (1) 5% (8)
12% (19)
55% (85)
27% (42)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the design of limited
edition. According to figure 4.14, most interviewees (55%+27%, 127 persons)
chose satisfied, and only 6% (9 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that the design of limited edition will
influence their purchase incentives.
- 32 -

Figure 4.15-The limited edition with celebrity endorsement will influence
customers purchase incentives
3% (5)
18% (28)
32% (50)
34% (52)
13% (20)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the limited edition with
celebrity endorsement. According to figure 4.15, 47% (72 persons) of
interviewees chose satisfied, and 21% (33 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, most students think that the limited edition with
celebrity endorsement will not influence their purchase incentives.
According to the statistics in part three, the design of limited edition influences
customers purchase incentives the deepest.

- 33 -

Part four- Service
Figure 4.16-The attitude of service personnel will influence customers purchase
1% (1)
10% (16)
6% (9)
44% (69)
39% (60)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the attitude of service
personnel. According to figure 4.16, most interviewees (44%+39%, 129 persons)
chose satisfied and only 10% (16 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that the attitude of service personnel will
influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.17-After-sale service will influence customers purchase incentives
3% (5)
18% (28)
32% (50)
34% (52)
13% (20)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of after-sale service.
According to figure 4.17, most interviewees (34%+13%, 72 persons) chose
satisfied and 21% (33 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that after-sale service will influence their
purchase incentives.

- 34 -

Figure 4.18-The service about returning and exchanging goods will influence
customers purchase incentives
0% (0) 3% (5)
14% (22)
49% (76)
34% (52)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of service about returning and
exchanging goods. According to figure 4.18, most interviewees (49%+34%, 148
persons) chose satisfied and only 3% (5 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that service about returning and exchanging
goods will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.19-The seller initiative to provide new product information will
influence customers purchase incentives
1% (2) 1% (2)
31% (47)
46% (71)
21% (33) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the seller initiative to
provide new product information. According to figure 4.19, most interviewees
(46%+21%, 104 persons) chose satisfied and only 2% (4 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the seller initiative to provide
new product information will influence their purchase incentives.

- 35 -

Figure 4.20- Sending peripheral products will influence customers purchase
0% (0) 2% (3)
19% (29)
55% (86)
24% (37)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of sending peripheral products.
According to figure 4.20, most interviewees (55%+24%, 123 persons) chose
satisfied and only 2% (3 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that sending peripheral products will
influence their purchase incentives.
According to the statistics in part four, after-sale service influences customers
purchase incentives the deepest.

- 36 -

Part Five- Placement marketing
Figure 4.21-The high exposure rate of placing products in movies/ dramas will
influence customers purchase incentives
2% (3)
9% (14)
33% (51)
48% (75)
8% (12) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the high exposure rate of
placing products in movies/ dramas. According to figure 4.21, most interviewees
(48%+8%, 87 persons) chose satisfied and 11% (17 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the high exposure rate of
placing products in movies/ dramas will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.22-Customers purchase incentives will be influenced by placing
product in the movie/ drama
2% (3)
10% (16)
36% (55)
43% (67)
9% (14)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of placing product in the
movie/ drama. According to figure 4.22, most interviewees (43%+9%, 81 persons)
chose satisfied and 12% (19 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that their purchase incentives will
be influenced by placing product in the movie/ drama.
- 37 -

Figure 4.23-The hot topic of product in the movie/ drama will influence
customers purchase incentives
3% (4)
13% (21)
28% (43)
45% (70)
11% (17)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the hot topic of product in
the movie/ drama. According to figure 4.23, most interviewees (45%+11%, 87
persons) chose satisfied and 16% (25 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the hot topic of product in the
movie/ drama will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.24-The billboard of product at the competition arena will influence
customers purchase incentives
3% (4)
18% (28)
38% (59)
35% (54)
6% (10)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the billboard of product at
the competition arena. According to figure 4.24, 41% (64 persons) of interviewees
chose satisfied and 21% (32 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, most people think that the billboard of product at the
competition arena will not influence their purchase incentives.
- 38 -

Figure 4.25-The advertising of product placement will more influence customers
purchase incentives than general advertising
1% (2) 15% (23)
45% (69)
32% (50)
7% (11)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the advertising of product
placement. According to figure 4.25, 39% (61 persons) of interviewees chose
satisfied and 16% (25 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most people think that the advertising
of product placement will not more influence their purchase incentives than
general advertising.
According to the statistics in part five, the high exposure rate of placing products
in movies/ dramas and the hot topic of product in the movie/ drama influence
customers purchase incentives the deepest.
- 39 -

4.2 NIKE
Part One- Well-known persons
Figure 4.26- The personal charming of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentives
2% (3)
12% (18)
26% (41)
52% (80)
8% (13)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the personal charming of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.26, most interviewees (52%+8%, 93
persons) chose satisfied and only 14% (21 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More half of interviewees agree that the personal charming of
well-known persons will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.27-The popularity of well-known persons will influence customers
purchase incentives
2% (3) 12% (19)
36% (55)
44% (68)
6% (10)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the popularity of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.27, most interviewees (44%+6%, 78
persons) chose satisfied and only 14% (22 persons) of them chose
- 40 -

2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the popularity of well-known
persons will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.28-The social appearance of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentives
2% (3)
8% (13)
36% (55) 46% (71)
8% (13)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the social appearance of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.28, most interviewees (46%+8%, 84
persons) chose satisfied and only 10% (16 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the social appearance of
well-known persons will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.29-The recommendation of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentives
2% (4) 16% (25)
37% (57)
39% (60)
6% (9)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the recommendation of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.29, most interviewees (39%+6%, 69
persons) chose satisfied, and only 18% (29 persons) of them chose
- 41 -

2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the
recommendation of well-known persons will not affect their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.30-The professional knowledge of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentives
3% (5)
12% (19)
44% (68)
36% (55)
5% (8)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the professional
knowledge of well-known persons. According to figure 4.30, 41% (63 persons)
of interviewees chose satisfied, and only 15% (24 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the
professional knowledge of well-known persons will not affect their purchase
According to the statistics in part one, the personal charming of well-known
persons influences customers purchase incentives the deepest.
- 42 -

Part two- Advertisement
Figure 4.31-The product effect in the Ads will influence customers purchase
1% (2) 5% (8)
14% (21)
67% (104)
13% (20)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the product effect in the
Ads. According to figure 4.31, most interviewees (67%+13%, 124 persons) chose
satisfied, and only 6% (10 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that the product effect in the Ads will
influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.32- The high exposure rate of Ads will influence customers purchase
1% (2) 12% (19)
32% (49) 48% (75)
7% (10)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the high exposure rate of
Ads. According to figure 4.32, most interviewees (48%+7%, 85 persons) chose
satisfied and only 13% (21 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the high exposure rate of Ads
will influence their purchase incentives.
- 43 -

Figure 4.33-The slogan of Ads will influence customers purchase incentives
2% (3)
11% (17)
40% (62)
36% (56)
11% (17)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the slogan of Ads.
According to figure 4.33, most interviewees (36%+11%, 73 persons) chose
satisfied and only 13% (20 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the slogan of Ads will
influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.34-Customers will increase their purchase incentives by Ads attraction
2% (3)
11% (17)
16% (25)
63% (97)
8 % (13)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of Ads attraction. According
to figure 4.34, most interviewees (63%+8%, 110 persons) chose satisfied and
only 13% (20 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that they will increase their purchase
incentives by Ads attraction.
- 44 -

Figure 4.35-The preference of Ads will influence customers purchase incentives
3% (5)
9% (13)
28% (43)
52% (81)
8% (13)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the preference of Ads.
According to figure 4.35, most interviewees (52%+8%, 94 persons) chose
satisfied and only 12% (18 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the preference of Ads will
influence their purchase incentives.
According to the statistics in part two, product effect in the Ads influences
customers purchase incentives the deepest.

- 45 -

Part three- Limited edition
Figure 4.36-The unique style of limited edition will influence customers
purchase incentives
2% (3) 13% (20)
21% (32)
45% (70)
19% (30) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the unique style of limited
edition. According to figure 4.36, most interviewees (45%+19%, 100 persons)
chose satisfied, and only 15% (23 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the unique style of limited
edition will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.37-It will increase customers purchase incentives to buy limited edition
by the influences from peers
2% (3)
13% (20)
25% (38)
50% (78)
10% (16)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of peers. According to figure
4.37, most interviewees (50%+10%, 94 persons) chose satisfied and only 15%
(23 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that they will increase their
purchase incentives to buy limited edition by the influences from peers.
- 46 -

Figure 4.38-The superiority of limited edition will influence customers purchase
3% (4) 16% (25)
28% (44) 39% (60)
14% (22) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the superiority of limited
edition. According to figure 4.38, most interviewees (39%+14%, 82 persons)
chose satisfied and only 19% (29 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the superiority of limited
edition will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.39-The design of limited edition will influence customers purchase
1% (3) 7% (20)
17% (38)
50% (78)
25% (16)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the design of limited
edition. According to figure 4.39, most interviewees (50%+25%, 94 persons)
chose satisfied, and only 8% (23 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the design of limited edition
will influence their purchase incentives.
- 47 -

Figure 4.40-The limited edition with celebrity endorsement will influence
customers purchase incentives
3% (5)
20% (31)
28% (44)
34% (52)
15% (23) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the limited edition with
celebrity endorsement. According to figure 4.40, 49% (75 persons) of
interviewees chose satisfied, and 23% (36 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, most students think that the limited edition with
celebrity endorsement will not influence their purchase incentives.
According to the statistics in part three, the design of limited edition influences
customers purchase incentives the deepest.

- 48 -

Part four- Service
Figure 4.41-The attitude of service personnel will influence customers purchase
0% (0) 3% (4) 11% (17)
52% (81)
34% (53)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the attitude of service
personnel. According to figure 4.41, most interviewees (52%+34%, 134 persons)
chose satisfied and only 3% (4 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than three-fourths agree that the attitude of service personnel will
influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.42-After-sale service will influence customers purchase incentive
1% (2) 3% (4) 12% (18)
55% (86)
29% (45)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of after-sale service.
According to figure 4.42, most interviewees (55%+29%, 131 persons) chose
satisfied and only 4% (6 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Almost two-thirds agree that after-sale service will influence their
purchase incentives.

- 49 -

Figure 4.43-The service about returning and exchanging goods will influence
customers purchase incentives
1% (2)
4% (6)
14% (22)
50% (77)
31% (48) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of service about returning and
exchanging goods. According to figure 4.43, most interviewees (50%+31%, 125
persons) chose satisfied and only 5% (8 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than three-fourths agree that service about returning and
exchanging goods will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.44-The seller initiative to provide new product information will
influence customers purchase incentives
1% (1) 3% (5)
24% (37)
50% (78)
22% (34)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the seller initiative to
provide new product information. According to figure 4.44, most interviewees
(50%+22%, 112 persons) chose satisfied and only 4% (6 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that the seller initiative to provide new
product information will influence their purchase incentives.
- 50 -

Figure 4.45- Sending peripheral products will influence customers purchase
1% (2) 3% (4)
22% (34)
52% (81)
22% (34)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of sending peripheral products.
According to figure 4.45, most interviewees (52%+22%, 115 persons) chose
satisfied and only 4% (6 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that sending peripheral products will
influence their purchase incentives.
According to the statistics in part four, the attitude of service personnel influences
customers purchase incentives the deepest.

- 51 -

Part Five- Placement marketing
Figure 4.46- The high exposure rate of placing products in movies/ dramas will
influence customers purchase incentives
3% (5) 10% (16)
28% (44)
47% (72)
12% (18)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the high exposure rate of
placing products in movies/ dramas. According to figure 4.46, most interviewees
(47%+12%, 90 persons) chose satisfied and 13% (21 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the high exposure rate of
placing products in movies/ dramas will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.47-Customers purchase incentives will be influenced by placing
product in the movie/ drama
2% (4)
13% (20)
32% (49)
43% (65)
10% (12)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of placing product in the
movie/ drama. According to figure 4.47, most interviewees (43%+10%, 77
persons) chose satisfied and 15% (24 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Half the interviewees agree that their purchase incentives will be
influenced by placing product in the movie/ drama.
- 52 -

Figure 4.48-The hot topic of product in the movie/ drama will influence
customers purchase incentives
2% (3) 17% (26)
31% (49)
42% (65)
8% (12)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the hot topic of product in
the movie/ drama. According to figure 4.48, most interviewees (42%+8%, 77
persons) chose satisfied and 19% (29 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Half the interviewees agree that the hot topic of product in the movie/
drama will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.49-The billboard of product at the competition arena will influence
customers purchase incentives
2% (3)
19% (30)
36% (56)
38% (58)
5% (8)
Strongly Dissatisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the billboard of product at
the competition arena. According to figure 4.49, 43% (66 persons) of interviewees
chose satisfied and 21% (33 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, most people think that the billboard of product at the
competition arena will not influence their purchase incentives.
- 53 -

Figure 4.50-The advertising of product placement will more influence customers
purchase incentives than general advertising
3% (5)
17% (27)
39% (60)
34% (52)
7% (11)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the advertising of product
placement. According to figure 4.50, 41% (63 persons) of interviewees chose
satisfied and 20% (32 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most people think that the advertising
of product placement will not more influence their purchase incentives than
general advertising.
According to the statistics in part five, the high exposure rate of placing products
in movies/ dramas and the hot topic of product in the movie/ drama influence
customers purchase incentives the deepest.
- 54 -

4.3 PUMA
Part One- Well-known persons
Figure 4.51- The personal charming of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentives
4% (7)
13% (20)
33% (51)
39% (60)
11% (17)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the personal charming of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.51, most interviewees (39%+11%, 77
persons) chose satisfied and only 17% (27 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: Half the interviewees agree that the personal charming of well-known
persons will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.52-The popularity of well-known persons will influence customers
purchase incentives
4% (7)
18% (28)
37% (57)
32% (49)
9% (14)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the popularity of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.52, most interviewees (32%+9%, 63
persons) chose satisfied and only 22% (35 persons) of them chose
- 55 -

2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most people think that the popularity
of well-known persons will not more influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.53-The social appearance of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentives
4% (7)
14% (22)
43% (66)
32% (49)
7% (14)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the social appearance of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.53, 39% (63 persons) of interviewees
chose satisfied and 18% (29 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the social
appearance of well-known persons will not affect their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.54-The recommendation of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentives
5% (7)
24% (37)
39% (61)
26% (41)
6% (9)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the recommendation of
well-known persons. According to figure 4.54, 32% (50 persons) of interviewees
chose satisfied and 29% (44 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the
recommendation of well-known persons will not affect their purchase incentives.
- 56 -

Figure 4.55-The professional knowledge of well-known persons will influence
customers purchase incentives
4% (7)
17% (26)
49% (76)
25% (39)
5% (7)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the professional knowledge
of well-known persons. According to figure 4.55, 30% (46 persons) of
interviewees chose satisfied, and 21% (33 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the
professional knowledge of well-known persons will not affect their purchase
According to the statistics in part one, the personal charming and the popularity of
well-known persons influences customers purchase incentives the deepest.
- 57 -

Part two- Advertisement
Figure 4.56-The product effect in the Ads will influence customers purchase
2% (3)
11% (17)
23% (36)
55% (85)
9% (14)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the product effect in the
Ads. According to figure 4.56, most interviewees (55%+9%, 99 persons) chose
satisfied and only 13% (20 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the product effect in the Ads
will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.57- The high exposure rate of Ads will influence customers purchase
3% (5)
16% (24)
30% (47)
43% (66)
8% (13)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the high exposure rate of
Ads. According to figure 4.57, most interviewees (43%+8%, 79 persons) chose
satisfied and only 19% (29 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the high exposure rate of Ads
will influence their purchase incentives.
- 58 -

Figure 4.58-The slogan of Ads will influence customers purchase incentives
5% (8)
12% (19)
43% (67)
33% (51)
7% (10)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the slogan of Ads.
According to figure 4.58, 40% (61 persons) of interviewees chose satisfied and
17% (27 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the slogan of
Ads will not influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.59-Customers will increase their purchase incentives by Ads attraction
4% (6)
12% (18)
30% (47)
45% (70)
9% (14)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of Ads attraction. According
to figure 4.59, most interviewees (45%+9%, 84 persons) chose satisfied and
only 16% (24 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that they will increase their
purchase incentives by Ads attraction.
- 59 -

Figure 4.60-The preference of Ads will influence customers purchase incentives
4% (7)
12% (18)
32% (49)
42% (66)
10% (15)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the preference of Ads.
According to figure 4.60, most interviewees (42%+10%, 81 persons) chose
satisfied and only 16% (25 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the preference of Ads will
influence their purchase incentives.
According to the statistics in part two, product effect in the Ads influences
customers purchase incentives the deepest.

- 60 -

Part three- Limited edition
Figure 4.61-The unique style of limited edition will influence customers
purchase incentives
2% (3)
20% (31)
31% (48)
34% (53)
13% (20)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the unique style of limited
edition. According to figure 4.61, 47% (73 persons) of interviewees chose
satisfied and 22% (34 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the unique
style of limited edition will not influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.62-It will increase customers purchase incentives to buy limited edition
by the influences from peers
3% (5)
23% (36)
30% (46)
33% (51)
11% (17)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of peers. According to figure
4.62, 44% (68 persons) of interviewees chose satisfied and 26% (41 persons) of
them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that they will not
increase their purchase incentives to buy limited edition by the influences from
- 61 -

Figure 4.63-The superiority of limited edition will influence customers purchase
5% (7)
22% (34)
32% (50)
33% (51)
8% (13)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the superiority of limited
edition. According to figure 4.63, 41% (64 persons) interviewees chose satisfied
and 27% (41 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the
superiority of limited edition will not influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.64-The design of limited edition will influence customers purchase
3% (5)
14% (21)
26% (40)
42% (65)
15% (24)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the design of limited
edition. According to figure 4.64, most interviewees (42%+15%, 89 persons)
chose satisfied and only 17% (26 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the design of limited edition
will influence their purchase incentives.
- 62 -

Figure 4.65-The limited edition with celebrity endorsement will influence
customers purchase incentives
4% (6)
20% (31)
42% (65)
24% (37)
10% (16)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the limited edition with
celebrity endorsement. According to figure 4.65, 34% (53 persons) of
interviewees chose satisfied and 24% (37 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, most students think that the limited edition with
celebrity endorsement will not influence their purchase incentives.
According to the statistics in part three, the design of limited edition influences
customers purchase incentives the deepest.

- 63 -

Part four- Service
Figure 4.66-The attitude of service personnel will influence customers purchase
2% (3) 5% (8)
20% (31)
45% (69)
28% (44) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the attitude of service
personnel. According to figure 4.66, most interviewees (45%+28%, 113 persons)
chose satisfied and only 7% (11 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that the attitude of service personnel will
influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.67-After-sale service will influence customers purchase incentives
2% (3) 4% (6)
22% (34)
50% (77)
22% (35) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of after-sale service.
According to figure 4.67, most interviewees (50%+22%, 112 persons) chose
satisfied and only 6% (9 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that after-sale service will influence their
purchase incentives.

- 64 -

Figure 4.68-The service about returning and exchanging goods will influence
customers purchase incentives
2% (3) 2% (3)
24% (38)
51% (79)
21% (32) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of service about returning and
exchanging goods. According to figure 4.68, most interviewees (51%+21%, 111
persons) chose satisfied and only 4% (6 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than two-thirds agree that service about returning and exchanging
goods will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.69-The seller initiative to provide new product information will
influence customers purchase incentives
3% (4)
6% (10)
32% (50)
43% (67)
16% (24)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the seller initiative to
provide new product information. According to figure 4.69, most interviewees
(43%+16%, 91 persons) chose satisfied and only 9% (14 persons) of them chose
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that the seller initiative to provide
new product information will influence their purchase incentives.
- 65 -

Figure 4.70- Sending peripheral products will influence customers purchase
3% (4)
4% (6)
30% (47)
46% (71)
17% (27) Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of sending peripheral products.
According to figure 4.70, most interviewees (46%+17%, 98 persons) chose
satisfied and only 7% (10 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: More than half of interviewees agree that sending peripheral products
will influence their purchase incentives.
According to the statistics in part four, the attitude of service personnel influences
customers purchase incentives the deepest.

- 66 -

Part Five- Placement marketing
Figure 4.71- The high exposure rate of placing products in movies/ dramas will
influence customers purchase incentives
3% (5)
41% (63)
33% (52)
8% (12)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the high exposure rate of
placing products in movies/ dramas. According to figure 4.71, interviewees 41%
(64 persons) chose satisfied and 18% (28 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the high
exposure rate of placing products in movies/ dramas will not influence their
purchase incentives.
Figure 4.72-Customers purchase incentives will be influenced by placing
product in the movie/ drama
4% (6)
18% (29)
42% (65)
28% (43)
8% (12)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of placing product in the
movie/ drama. According to figure 4.72, 36% (55 persons) of interviewees chose
satisfied and 22% (35 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that their
purchase incentives will not be influenced by placing product in the movie/
- 67 -

Figure 4.73-The hot topic of product in the movie/ drama will influence
customers purchase incentives
3% (5)
17% (27)
41% (63)
32% (49)
7% (11)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the hot topic of product in
the movie/ drama. According to figure 4.73, 39% (60 persons) interviewees chose
satisfied and 20% (32 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most students think that the hot topic
of product in the movie/ drama will influence their purchase incentives.
Figure 4.74-The billboard of product at the competition arena will influence
customers purchase incentives
3% (4)
19% (30)
48% (75)
25% (39)
5% (7)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the billboard of product at
the competition arena. According to figure 4.74, 30% (46 persons) of interviewees
chose satisfied and 22% (34 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, most people think that the billboard of product at the
competition arena will not influence their purchase incentives.
- 68 -

Figure 4.75-The advertising of product placement will more influence customers
purchase incentives than general advertising
4% (6)
15% (24)
48% (74)
27% (42)
6% (9)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied

1. Result: The chart was about the degree of influence of the advertising of product
placement. According to figure 4.75, 33% (51 persons) of interviewees chose
satisfied and 19% (30 persons) of them chose dissatisfied.
2. Analysis: Based on the chart, it showed that most people think that the advertising
of product placement will not more influence their purchase incentives than
general advertising.
According to the statistics in part five, the high exposure rate of placing products
in movies/ dramas influence customers purchase incentives the deepest.

- 69 -

4.4 Discussion
Figure4.76 - ADIDAS

1. Well-known persons - personal charming
2. Advertisement - product effect
3. Limited edition - design
4. Service - after-sale service
5. Placement marketing - the high exposure rate in movies/ dramas

From this study, there are three sport brands to be discussed. The first brand is
ADIDAS. The questionnaire result shows the personal charming of Well-known
persons ( 67% ), the product effect in the Ads ( 85% ) , the design of limited edition
( 82% ), the after-sale service ( 87% ), and the high exposure rate of placing products
in movies/ dramas ( 56% ) are the most influential factors to teenagers purchase
incentive in five parts.
- 70 -

Figure4.77 - NIKE

1. Well-known persons - personal charming
2. Advertisement - product effect
3. Limited edition - design
4. Service - attitude of service personnel
5. Placement marketing - the high exposure rate in movies/ dramas

The second brand is NIKE. The questionnaire result shows the personal
charming of Well-known persons ( 60% ), the product effect in the Ads ( 80% ), the
design of limited edition ( 75% ), the attitude of salesman ( 86% ), and the high
exposure rate of placing products in movies/ dramas ( 58% ) are the most influential
factors to teenagers purchase incentive in five parts.

- 71 -

Figure4.78 - PUMA

1. Well-known persons - personal charming
2. Advertisement - product effect
3. Limited edition - design
4. Service - attitude of service personnel
5. Placement marketing - the high exposure rate in movies/ dramas

The third brand is PUMA. The questionnaire result shows the personal charming
of Well-known persons ( 50% ), the product effect in the Ads ( 64% ), the design of
limited edition ( 57% ), the attitude of salesman ( 73% ), and the high exposure rate of
placing products in movies/ dramas ( 41% ) are most influence teenagers purchase
incentive in five parts.
There is high percentage of interviewees agree that personal charming of
well-known persons, the product effect in the ads, the design of limited edition, and
the high exposure rate of placing products in movies/ dramas will affect customers
purchase incentives most in each five part among ADIDAS, NIKE, and PUMA.
- 72 -

Therefore, research group found that ADIDAS, NIKE, and PUMA have high
homogeneity from the data.

- 73 -

Chapter Five
5.1 Summary
This study investigates the marketing strategies of three major sports brands and
their influence on customers purchase incentives. In this study, researchers use five
parts (well-known persons, advertising, limited products, service, and placement
marketing) to discuss which factor in each part most influences the purchase
incentives of young groups. The survey aims to understand how marketing techniques
used by three major sports brands--ADIDAS, NIKE, PUMA--maintain their
competitiveness and high market share.
5.2 Research Findings
In this study, our research group found that the personal charming and popularity
of well-known person, the product effect in the Ads, the design of limited edition, and
the high exposure rate of placing products in movies and television will affect
customers purchase incentives most among three major sports brands-ADIDAS,
NIKE, and PUMA. In addition, interviewees think that the attitude of service
personnel of NIKE and PUMA will affect their purchase incentives most. Thus, it can
be seen that the three major sports brands in this study have high homogeneity.
The study shows that most interviewees chose personal charming the section of
well-known persons. Males prefer NIKE and females prefer ADIDAS. Take NIKE,
- 74 -

for example; its spokesperson is Michael Jordan, and its advertising of goods focuses
mainly on men shoes. In relation to this, ADIDASs spokesperson is Rainie Yang, and
its advertising of goods focuses chiefly on womans sportswear. Therefore, the
preference for sports brand may be affected.
In this study, customers brand preference is ADIDAS (63%), NIKE (29%), and
PUMA (5%). It is worth noting that the percentage among PUMA and the other two
brands is dramatically different. This study shows that PUMA has a much lower
favorability with interviewees.
According to survey results, the money to buy sports products per month is
limited so that money within 3000 dollars was generally accepted by the young group.
In addition, most young people receive new sport information from stores and the
5.3 Contributions
This study helps to illuminate the effectiveness of three major sports brands
marketing strategies with the public. International marketing strategies are a key
element of the brands success. The research group is from the Department of Applied
English and it concentrated in international trade, so this research is related to
business track, not only accumulating our expertise knowledge in the field of business,
but also providing juniors research reference in the future.
- 75 -

5.4 Research Limitations
Due to the funding limitations of this study, the research population was
restricted to students (freshman, sophomore, junior and senior) in the Department of
Applied English at Ming Chuan University. Thus, this study can only offer a sample
and cannot fully deduce young consumer preferences in Taiwan. Moreover, the ratio
of female to male is 8:2 in the Department of Applied English. Because the majority
of interviewees are female, the ratio is unbalanced.
Due to time limitations, when the research group took random samplings of
junior students, the attendance at the class was small. Thus, the numbers of juniors are
less than those of other grades.
5.5 Future Agenda
This study focuses on five parts--well known persons, advertisement, limited
edition, service and placement marketing--in order to examine the influence of brand
marketing on customers purchase incentive. However, there are still other factors
influencing customers purchase incentives, and the research group suggests future
researchers to focus on other factors such as pop culture, promotion and enterprise
The research population is only restricted to students in the Department of Applied
English at Ming Chuan University. The research group suggests future researchers to
- 76 -

deliver questionnaires in other areas, to compare the differences between the data and
results, to add more samplings in future questionnaires, to conduct further interviews
and to discuss other sports brands in their research.

- 77 -

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