Electromagnetic Induction Practice Problems-2009!05!13

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Electromagnetic Induction

Practice Problems Homework

PSI AP Physics B Name___________________________________
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A square loop of wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the magnetic
lines. The strength of the magnetic field is 0.5 T and the side of the loop is 0. m. !hat
is the magnetic flu" in the loop#
A$ 0.0 !% &$ 0.0' !% C$ 0.0( !% )$ 0.0* !% +$ 0.10 !%
. A circular loop of wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the magnetic
lines. The strength of the magnetic field is & and the radius of the loop is ,. !hat is the
magnetic flu" in the loop#
A$ - &.,

&$ - &,

C$ - &., )$ - &, +$ &.,

/. A square loop of wire with one side of 0.' m is placed in a uniform magnetic field & 0 T.
The normal line to the loop ma1es ( with the magnetic field lines. !hat is the magnetic 00
flu" in the loop#
A$ 0.1 !% &$ 0.1' !% C$ 0.1( !% )$ 0.1* !% +$ 0.0 !%
'. A circular loop is initiall2 placed in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the field
lines and then remo3ed quic1l2 from the field. The induced emf causes the electric
charge flow in the loop. !hich of the following e"plains the force on the induced current
due to the original field#
A$ 4orce causes the loop to turn around its a"is
&$ 4orce causes the loop to turn around its diameter
C$ 4orce causes the loop to accelerate in the field direction
)$ 4orce causes the loop to accelerate perpendicular to the field direction
+$ 4orce opposes to an2 motion of the loop
5. A magnet %ar with the north pole down is held a%o3e a
hori5ontal aluminum ring. !hich of the following is true
a%out the induced current in the ring# 67iew from a%o3e$
A$ There is no current in the ring
&$ There is a cloc1wise current in the ring
C$ There is a countercloc1wise current in the ring
)$ There is an AC current in the ring
+$ More information is required
(. A magnet %ar with the north pole down is held a%o3e a
hori5ontal aluminum ring. !hich of the following is true
a%out the induced current in the ring# 67iew from a%o3e$
A$ There is no current in the ring
&$ There is a cloc1wise current in the ring
C$ There is a countercloc1wise current in the ring
)$ There is an AC current in the ring
+$ More information is required
8. A circular loop of wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field directed out of the page.
9uddenl2 the magnetic field disappears. !hat is the direction of the induced current in
the loop#
A$ Cloc1wise &$ Countercloc1wise C$ No current in the coil
)$ :nto the page +$ ;ut of the page
*. A square loop of wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field directed into the page.
9uddenl2 the magnetic field grows stronger. !hat is the direction of the induced current
in the loop#
A$ Cloc1wise &$ Countercloc1wise C$ No current in the coil
)$ :nto the page +$ ;ut of the page
<. A copper rod M= mo3es at a constant speed in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to
the magnetic lines. !hich statement is true a%out the electric potential in the rod#
A$ >oint M is at higher potential
&$ >oint = is at higher potential
C$ >otential is higher at the surface of the rod
)$ >otential is higher at the center of the rod
+$ More information is required
10. A copper rod M= mo3es at a constant speed in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to
the magnetic lines. !hich statement is true a%out the electric potential in the rod#
A$ >oint M is at higher potential
&$ >oint = is at higher potential
C$ >otential is higher at the surface of the rod
)$ >otential is higher at the center of the rod
+$ More information is required
11. A square loop of wire with one side of a and resistance , is pulled out the field with a
constant speed of 3. The strength of the field is &. !hich statement is true a%out the
magnitude and direction of the induced current#
Magnitude )irection
A$ &a3., Countercloc1wise
&$ &a3., Cloc1wise
C$ &a3, Countercloc1wise
)$ &a3, Cloc1wise
+$ &a.3, Countercloc1wise
1. A square loop of wire with one side of a and resistance , is pulled out the field with a
constant speed of 3. The strength of the field is &. !hich statement is true a%out the
magnitude and direction of the magnetic force on the loop#
6A$ &a3., :n the direction of the loop?s motion
6&$ &a3., :n opposite direction to the loop?s motion
6C$ &

3., :n the direction of the loop?s motion

6)$ &

3., :n opposite direction to the loop?s motion

6+$ &

3, :n the direction of the loop?s motion

1/. A square loop of aluminum wire is initiall2 placed perpendicular to the lines of a constant
magnetic field of 0.5 T. The area enclosed %2 the loop is 0. m

. The loop is then turned

through an angle of <0@ so that the plane of the loop is parallel to the field lines. The turn
ta1es 0.1 s. !hat is the induced emf in the loop#
6A$ 0.5 7 &$ 1.0 7 C$ 1.5 7 )$ 1. 7 +$ 0.* 7
1'. A square loop of wire with one side of a and resistance , is placed in a uniform magnetic
field of strength &. The field 3anishes and results an induced current : in the loop. !hat
is the rate of change of magnetic field#
6A$ :,.a &$ :,.a

C$ :,a

)$ :,a +$ :a.,
15. A metallic %ar with ends l2ing on two parallel conducting rails mo3es at a constant speed
3 in the direction of the uniform magnetic field &. The induced emf in the %ar isA
A$ )irected to the left side of the page
&$ )irected to the right side of the page
C$ )irected to the top of the page
)$ )irected to the %ottom of the page
+$ Bero
1(. A loop of wire is pulled with constant 3elocit2 3 to the right through a region of space
where there is a uniform magnetic field & directed into the pageC as shown a%o3e. The
magnetic force on the loop is
A$ )irected to the left %oth as it enters and as it lea3es the region
&$ )irected to the right %oth as it enters and as it lea3es the region
C$ )irected to the left as it enters the region and to the right as it lea3es
)$ )irected to the right as it enters the region and to the left as it lea3es
+$ 5ero at all times
18. A 3ertical length of copper wire mo3es to the right with a constant speed 3 in the
perpendicular direction of a constant hori5ontal magnetic field &. !hich of the following
descri%es the induced charges on the ends of the
>oint M >oint =
A$ >ositi3e Negati3e
&$ Negati3e >ositi3e
C$ Negati3e Bero
)$ Bero Negati3e
+$ Bero Bero
1*. !hen the switch is closed the direction of the electric
current isA
=oop 1 =oop
6A$ Cloc1wise Countercloc1wise
6&$ Countercloc1wise Cloc1wise
6C$ Cloc1wise Cloc1wise
6)$ Countercloc1wise Countercloc1wise
6+$ Bero Bero
1<. !hich of the following procedures will not produce
an induced current in the loop A
6A$ Closing the switch
6&$ ;pening the switch
6C$ ,otating loop with respect to its a"is when
switch is close for a long time
6)$ ,otating loop with respect to its diameter
when switch is close for a long time
6+$ ,emo3ing loop from loop 1 when the switch is
closed for a long time
0. A magnet %ar with a north pole down is dropped from a certain height and on the wa2
down passes through a closed coil of wire. !hich statement is true a%out the magnet?s
6A$ Dreater than g &$ =ess than g C$ g )$ Bero acceleration
+$ More information is required
4reeE,esponse >ro%lems
1. A 0. F rectangular loop of wire has an area of 0.5 m

and placed in a region where
magnetic field changes as shown on the diagram.
a. !hat is the magnetic flu" in the loop at 0.' s#
%. !hat is the induced emf for the following time#
i. _______ 0.1 s ii. ________0./ s iii. ________ 0.5 s
c. !hat is the induced current for the following time#
i. _______ 0.1 s ii. ________0./ s iii. ________ 0.5 s
d. ;n the diagram %elow graph the induced current as a function of time.
. A rectangular loop of wire 0.5 m wide and 1.5 m long is mo3ing out of a uniform
magnetic field & 0 T at a constant speed of m.s. The left side of the loop sta2s
inside the field when the right side is out. The resistance of the loop is 0.5 F.
a. !hat is the direction of the induced current in the loop#
%. Calculate the induced emf in the loop.
c. Calculate the induced current in the loop.
d. Calculate the applied force required to mo3e the loop at the constant
e. Calculate the power de3eloped %2 the force.
/. A metallic rod has a length = and slides at a constant speed 3 on the top of two
conducting parallel rails. The rails are connected to a resistor ,. The apparatus is
placed in a uniform magnetic field & which is perpendicular to the plane where
rod is mo3ing.
a. !hat is the direction of the induced current#
%. )etermine the induced emf.
c. )etermine the induced current in the circuit.
d. )etermine the electric field + induced in the rod.
e. )etermine the force required to mo3e the rod at the constant speed.
f. )etermine the power dissipated in the resistor when the rod crosses the
magnetic field.
'. A coil /0 cm in diameter consist of 0 turns of circular copper wire mm in
diameter. The coil is connected to a low resistance gal3anometer. :nitiall2 coil is
placed in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to its plane. )uring the
e"periment the magnetic field changes from 0.5 T to .5 T in 0.' s. :gnore the
resistance of the connecting wires.6copper resisti3it2 1.(*G10
a. Calculate the initial flu" in the coil.
%. Calculate the induced emf in the gal3anometer.
c. Calculate the induced current in the coil.
d. Calculate the power dissipated in the coil as the field changes.

Multiple Choice AnswersA
1. +
. &
/. C
'. +
5. A
(. H
8. &
*. &
<. A
10. D
11. )
1. )
1/. &
1'. &
15. +
1(. A
18. &
1*. &
1<. C
0. &
4ree ,esponse AnswersA
a. 0. !%
i. E1 7
ii. 0
iii. 3
i. 5 A
ii. 0
iii. 10 A
a. Counter cloc1wise
%. 7
c. ' A
d. ' N
e. * !
a. Counter cloc1wise
%. I 0 &=3
c. : 0 &=3.,
d. + 0 &3
e. 4 0 &

f. > 0 &

a. 0.81 !
%. 0.< 7
c. 0.0*'1 A
d. 0.0858 !

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