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Mini-FEA Assignment 4.1.

Comparison of FEA and Beam Theory Predictions For Beam with M!tip!e Cop!es
"eometry# $ength % 4&' (eight % 4 Materia!# E % 1&
*1E)+' % &.4.
Mesh# 2& , 2 -adratic E!ements.
$oads# at *,'y+ % *&'2+' ., % &' .y % &/ at *4&'2+' F, % &' .y % &/ a!! other forces are 0ero
e,cept at nodes shown *Fy % & at nodes shown' F, has indicated 1a!es+.
FEA 2es!ts to E,tract
, and , at *,'y+ % *2'&+' *2'4+' *1&'&+' *1&'4+' *3&'&+' *3&'4+.
., at *,'y+ % *4'4+' *5'4+' *4'3+' *5'3+' *4'2+' *5'2+' *4'1+' *5'1+' *4'&+' *5'&+.
.y at points on the center!ine *,'y+ % *4'2+' *6'2+ and *5'2+.
Ana!yses to Compare with FEA 2es!ts
(i) Stress Comparison
Con1ert three pairs of e7a! and opposite forces to three cop!es
For 8eam with these three cop!es app!ied' draw the shear force *9+ and 8ending
moment *M+ diagrams for this 8eam.
At cross-sections' , % 2' 1&' and 3&' ca!c!ate 8ending stress at top and 8ottom' sing
8ending stress *8eam theory+ form!a % -My:;. 2emem8er that in this 8ending stress
form!a y is 0ero at the centroid' not the 8ottom/ a!so 8e caref! a8ot signs.
Compare yor ca!c!ated 8ending stress with stress from FEA.
For each of the three cross-sections' note whether stresses from FEA and 8eam theory
agree reasona8!y we!! *within a few percent+. ;f they do not' discss why not.
(ii) Shape Change
<raw origina! rectang!ar 8ondary' and on top of it draw deformed 8ondary.
=8ser1e how s7are formed 8y points *6'&+' *12'&+' *6'4+ and *12'4+ changes as the
mesh is deformed.
=8ser1e how s7are formed 8y points *26'&+' *32'&+' *26'4+ and *32'4+ changes.
<raw origina! and deformed shape of two s7ares 8y hand. .nderneath' write down
8ending moment *M+ at these two cross-sections.
(iii) Strain related to displacements
.se ., from FEA to ca!c!ate the change in !ength of the fi1e hori0onta! segments *4 to
5'&+' *4 to 5'1+' *4 to 5'2+' *4 to 5'3+' and *4 to 5'4+. *remem8er# % .right > .!eft+
Ca!c!ate the a,ia! strain of these segments from % :$ and enter into ta8!e.
Enter into ta8!e FEA strains , and strains from 8eam theory % -My:E; at points *6'&+'
*6'1+' *6'2+' *6'3+' and *6'4+' midpoints of a8o1e fi1e segments.
Mini-FEA Assignment 4.1.2
(iv) Deflection, Slope, Curvature
Estimate the s!ope of center!ine at , % 4.?' sing .y:,' with .y at *4'2+ and *6'2+.
Estimate the s!ope of center!ine at , % 6.?' sing .y:,' with .y at *6'2+ and *5'2+.
Estimate cr1atre' % d
from *s!ope+:,' sing s!opes at , % 6.? and 5.?.
Ca!c!ate M % E;' and compare this with 8ending moment M at , % 6 fond ear!ier.
Mini-FEA Assignment 4.1.2
(i) Stress Comparison
<raw 8ody as a 8eam with !oads. .nderneath' draw 9 and M diagrams *watch signs+.
@how terms in ca!c!ation of stress from 8eam theory % -My:;.
*2'&+ *2'4+ *1&'&+ *1&'4+ *3&'&+ *3&'4+
, *FEA+
, *Beam+
Comment on stress comparison#
Mini-FEA Assignment 4.1.2
(ii) Shape Change
<raw origina! shape of rectang!ar 8ondary. <raw on top of it the shape of the
8ondary when the 8ody is deformed.
<raw origina! shape of two s7ares then as they are deformed. Arite down 8ending
moment *with sign+ nderneath each.
(iii) Strain related to displacements
*4'4+ *5'4+ *4'3+ *5'3+ *4'2+ *5'2+ *4'1+ *5'1+ *4'&+ *5'&+
*6'4+ *6'3+ *6'2+ *6'1+ *6'&+
, *:$+
, *FEA+
, *Beam+
(iv) Deflection, Slope, Curvature
*4'2+ *6'2+ *5'2+
*4.?'2+ *6.?'2+
@!ope *% .y:,+
% *@!ope+:, M % E; M *from 8ending+
At , % 6


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