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New Yorkers Against Bratton


Nick Malinowski (631) 278-9472
Josmar Trujillo 646 732 7734

"It Ends Today" Rally & Shrine at City Hall
Parents & Activists Continue Call For Resignation of Bratton, End to 'Broken Windows', Will
Commemorate Brutality Victims With Shrine at City Hall FRIDAY July 25th, 1pm CITY HALL
(Bk Bridge Side)

July 25th, 2014 -- With the support of Parents Against Police Brutality and National Action Against
Police Brutality, New Yorkers Against Bratton and other activists continue calls for the resignation of
NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton, a federal investigation into the NYPD's culture of brutality and an
end to 'Broken Windows' based policing. Iris Baez, mother of Anthony Baez (killed in 1994 by a
chokehold at the hands of a police officer), Nicholas Heyward Sr., father of Nicholas Jr., will join us, and
we have invited families of police brutality victims to attend as well. Together we will commemorate
past victims of police brutality (including Eric Garner) with a shrine, pictures and flowers outside the
gates of City Hall.

The death of Staten Island man Eric Garner continues to outrage the city--drawing parallels to the
1994 chokehold death of Anthony Baez by an NYPD office. But the pattern and culture of brutality
likely won't be addressed simply by calls for investigations. New Yorkers must heed some of Garner's
last words and ensure that all is done to make sure "it ends today" with police brutality. Garner, like
Baez, died as a result of a chokehold done in spite of the tactic being banned by the NYPD's patrol guide
since 1993. Bratton--who was commissioner during both Baez and Garner's deaths-- called the families
of Heyward, Rosario and Baez 'a bunch of fools' during a 1995 town hall. In fact, there were dozens of
fatal victims of NYPD brutality during his stint between 1994-1996. He has shown he is incapable of
controlling his police officers, his policies are a poison for communities of color and his presence will
only hinder police-community relations.

The incident last Thursday when Garner died is also directly attributable to Broken Windows policing-
-Bratton's signature policing theory. Bratton--who introduced it in NYC as commissioner in the 90's--
has responded that were will be "no change" in his approach. In effect, he has announced that they are a
package deal--which suggests no substantive reforms to the NYPD are possible with him at the helm.
Bratton's increase of arrests of panhandlers, homeless NYers and performers in the subways are an
extension of this approach. So as most of the city rightfully supports the Garner family, we continue to
call for more substantive changes to the NYPD, as well. Bratton's offers of 'more training' for officers
and calls from electeds for 'investigations' fall short of the historic changes that this historic moment
demand. Bratton did a top-to-bottom review of the department earlier this year--and he apparently
didn't think officer training was an issue then. Investigations that focus on the individual officer
involved similarly inspire little hope.

We need fundamental changes to the NYPD. New Yorkers demand solutions--not just answers.

- Fire Bratton
- End Broken Windows
- Federal Investigation into the NYPD

New Yorkers Against Bratton

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