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Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014

Issue No. 586

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Friday Bulletin
The Weekly Muslim News Update
www. i sl amkenya. org
Page 2
Israel surpasses Hitler with
Gaza atrocities-Turkish MP
Page 5,6,8
Page 2
Continued To Page 2
urkey's Prime Minister Re-
cep Tayyip Erdogan has
fercely criticized Israel's
offensive in Gaza, comparing
it to atrocities carried out by the
former German leader Adolf Hitler
during World War Two.
Speaking at a rally in the Black
Sea city of Ordu on Saturday, Er-
dogan cursed what he said was
a racist Israeli mentality that was
killing innocent infants and chil-
dren in Gaza and expanding its
brutalities into the West Bank.
Erdogan said: "(Israelis) have no
conscience, no honour, no pride.
Israelis curse and swear about
Hitler day and night for the Holo-
caust, but now the terrorist state
of Israel has surpassed Hitler with
its atrocities in Gaza.
Israel aims to break the unity of
the Palestinians ... Turkeys anger
and disgust is against the oppres-
sor Israel, not the Jewish people."
Erdogan strongly scorned Israeli
MP Ayelet Shaked, who recently
said that the blood of all Palestin-
ians should be on their hands and
that Palestinian mothers should
be killed as they give birth to little
He said such people were not
even human beings and had no
understanding of piety, or of being
a mother. An Israeli woman said
Palestinian mothers should be
killed, too. And shes a member of
the Israeli parliament. What is the
difference between this mentality
and Hitlers? he asked.
He accused the United States of
defending Israel's "disproportion-
ate" tactics, and bemoaned the
failure of the Muslim world to take
a stronger stance.
Erdogan went on: "Now the Is-
raelis are wearing a T-shirt with
an image of a pregnant Muslim
Kenyas youngest university has put in place an
ambitious roadmap to revitalize its academic
programmes aimed at furthering education in
the Muslim community and the country at large.
Ummah University which is soon moving to its
ultra- modern home in Kajiado County is ex-
pected to unveil other academic disciplines
which include computer science and nursing
as part of its expansion drive to provide more
opportunities for students to access higher ed-
In addition, more campuses will be opened up
in various parts of the country to make it easy Continued To Page 6
for students to access education. At present,
the institution, the frst Muslim university to be
recognized by the government offers certifcate,
diploma and degree programmes in Business
Management, Information and Communication
Technology, Islamic Shariah, Islamic Banking
and Finance and Islamic Studies.
Umma University was awarded the Letter of In-
terim Authority (LIA) in August last year, becom-
ing the frst Muslim university to gain govern-
ment recognition.
The newly appointed vice chancellor Prof. Ab-
Continued To Page 10
The overall winner of the Quran memorization competition being presented with pre-
sents by the Charge d' Affaires of the Saudi Arabian embassy Ibrahim Barnawiy (Right).
Standing on the left is Anwar Abdulaziz al Souly the Saudi Cultural Attache and Abu Mu-
hammad, an offcal from the Saudi embassy. INSET: Sara Suhayl Esmailjee, the winner of
the girls competition being feted by Anwar al Souly
Friday Bulletin commentary
Umma University unveils roadmap for growth
Members and Staf of Jamia Mosque Committee wishes all Muslims Eid Mubarak
Eid public holiday for Tuesday Gaza Under Attack
Mourners gather at the funeral of
the Al Dalu family. Nine members
of the family who included children
were killed during an Israeli air-
strike which targeted their home.
INSET: Anti-Israel protesters in
Chile with holding a banner which
reads " Israel is a terrorist state"
The Friday Bulletin
Address relevant issues instead of iftar parties
Page 2
The sacred month of Ramadhan is in its
fnal stretch. Since its advent almost a
month ago, it has been a time of spiritual
growth, refection and religious devotion
for Muslims.
This years Ramadhan has however,
come amidst growing challenges facing
the nation as well as the Muslim commu-
nity both at the national and global level.
Within the country, challenges of insecu-
rity continue to be on the rise with armed
gangs creating havoc in many parts of
Coast region killing and maiming innocent
people. More than 100 people have so far
been killed in the attacks in Lamu, Tana
River and Mombasa and going by recent
trends, the possibility of an increased
body count cannot be ruled out.
Till today, Kenyans are still grappling with
the identity of the attackers which remains
a mystery after the government disowned
statements from the Somalia based mili-
tant group Al Shabbab which had claimed
responsibility for the Lamu attacks and in-
stead blamed politicians for perpetuating
the spate of killings.
While, the governments efforts to smoke
out these marauding gangs should be
given unfettered support, there are grow-
ing concerns that like in other security op-
erations, innocent people are once again
bearing the brunt of police harassment.
Reports of innocent people being arrested
in knee jerk police operations about as
well as tales of terror and torture faced by
the detainees. One of the horrifying inci-
dents reported in the Standard newspaper
is the case of Bule Muhammad Abdul, a
Tana River resident who apart from being
tortured, police offcers went ahead and
sexually abused his wife in the full glare of
his family. What is more shocking is that
this obnoxious act happened during the
month of Ramadhan when a husband is
not allowed to have intimate relationship
with his wife.
If citizens can be subjected to this kind
brutal attitude by the people who are man-
dated to protect them, where else can
safety and justice be found?
In addition, the scores of people who have
been arbitrary arrested in the attacks in
Lamu, it appears were targeting a particu-
lar community and most of them were later
released without being charged, a pointer
to their innocence which was abused by
the law enforcers.
It is also baffing that in the measures
to tame this acts of insecurity, the gov-
ernment can think of coming up with a
draconian law which inhibits freedom of
worship. The decision to impose a dusk
to swan curfew in the last ten days of
Ramadhan in Lamu was malicious, ill con-
ceived and aimed at suppressing the con-
stitutional rights of the freedom of worship
against Muslims.
Instead of ensuring that adequate securi-
ty was provided during the nights of Ram-
adhan when Muslims are encouraged to
undertake various rights of worship after
sunset, it did not behoove for the police
chief David Kimaiyo to issue an order to
bar Muslim from exercising their rights of
Even during the turbulent times of the
post election violence, no such order of
dusk to dawn curfew was made.
In the war against insecurity, the gov-
ernment needs cooperation and support
from the local people but measures which
serve to punish and alienate the popula-
tion are counterproductive and will not
help it achieve the desired goals of resort-
ing peace and sanity.
On the international level, the world con-
tinues to be horrifed at the continued
carnage and horror being witnessed in
Gaza due to the relentless Israeli bom-
bardment of the already beleaguered en-
clave whose people have for more than a
decade faced strangulation from a relent-
less Israeli blockade. Almost 700 people
have lost their lives in the carnage which
has received the express backing of the
United States President Barrack Obama.
For the third week now, the US-supplied
Israeli war machine has wreaked death
and destruction on Gaza reducing much
of the enclave into rubble. No area in
Gaza is considered safe as even hos-
pitals and mosques have also not been
spared the Israel bombardment.
But even these ferocious attacks have not
stopped the resistance of the Palestin-
ians people whose spirit remains strong
and continue to stand frm in resisting the
occupation and theft of their lands.
The horrifc carnage has elicited a strong
wave of condemnation from across the
globe with protests going viral in various
cities in North and South America, Eu-
rope, Asia pacifc region and many parts
of Africa. World leaders have also lodged
strong protests with others recalling their
envoys in protests against the brutal at-
tack on the Palestinian people.
Amidst this sad state of affairs, it is baf-
fing that the Kenyan government has
decided to keep a studious silence and
buried its head in the sand against this in-
cessant evil which is being perpetrated by
Israelis against the occupied population.
Kenyans and Muslims in particular are
horrifed about the situation in Gaza and
it does not behoove that the government
chose to shy in from condemning these
acts of brutality in the occupied Palestin-
ian lands.
The fertile Uasin Gishu was one of the
area which the British had earmarked as
a homeland for the Jews before they set-
tled on Palestine and had this earlier plan
succeeded, Kenyans now would have
Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014
been in the same situation as Palestini-
ans and considered to be terrorists by the
occupied power and its backers.
It is therefore, ludicrous for the govern-
ment to entertain an atrocious and blood-
thirsty state like Israel which openly ad-
vocates for carrying out massacres and
genocide massacre against the Palestin-
ian population whose crime is to resist the
subjugation and occupation of their land.
It is an insult to the conscience of Muslims
for the government to commit resources
to organize lavish state iftar banquets
when at the same time it is entertaining
as well as wining and dining with the oc-
cupiers of the third holiest shrine in Islam
who are unleashing their military power to
strangle an oppressed people.
Further, it is outrageous and unaccep-
table to use the excuse that Israel is a
long-time friend of Kenya, as a justifca-
tion for keeping silence about Israels cru-
elty to the Palestinian people. We expect
the government to review its ties against
this inhumane State which is built on land
stolen from its original owners, the Pales-
tinians who have inhabited it since time
The Eid ul Fitr public holiday will be
marked on Tuesday July 29. The offcial
gazzetment was made by the Interior cabi-
net secretary Joseph Ole Lenku in a spe-
cial issue of the Kenya Gazette released
this week.
The gazzetment followed a request from
the Chief Kadhi Sheikh Ahmad Muhdhar to
the head of the civil service Joseph Kinyua
to declare the day as a public holiday.
Unlike other countries which offcially mark
the day after the sighting of the crescent
of Shawwal, the tenth month in the Islamic
calendar, in Kenya the Eid ul Fitr holiday
is marked on the 31st day after the offcial
announcement of the start of Ramadhan.
Eid ul Fitr is the only Muslim national pub-
lic holiday in the country. While all Kenyas
neighbor including Tanzania, Somalia,
Uganda and South Sudan mark Eid ul
Adha-the other important Muslim event-
as a public holiday, here in the country it
is observed as a public holiday for only
Persistent calls from Muslim leaders to
the government to declare the event as a
national public holiday appear to have not
pricked the ears of the authorities. It was
only in 2007 when former head of state
Mwai Kibaki declared Eid ul Adhha day
as a national event but this later became
clear that the announcement was a pub-
lic relation exercise meant to win Muslim
votes in the 2007 general elections.
Eid public holiday for
The Friday Bulletin
Page 3
Sababu za kuingia Jannah
By: Jafar Juma 26/27 July 2014
Time: 10.00 am -12.00 pm
Venue: Makina Mosque Kibera
By the end of Ramadhan, Muslims antici-
pate the great reward for their devotion and
dedication to their Creator, Allah Almighty.
Every Muslim earnestly implores Allah to
accept his Fasting. Zakat Al-Fitr was de-
clared by the Prophet, peace and blessings
be upon him, as a perquisite for the accept-
ance of fasting.
It is meant to cement the relationship be-
tween the members of the Muslim society,
to alleviate the pain of the poor, to cultivate
the sense of brotherhood and solidarity in
the hearts of the Muslims.
Zakat Al-Fitr is incumbent on every free
Muslim who possesses one Saa` (about
2.5 kilograms) of dates or barley or other
types of food which is not needed as a
Signifcance of Zakat Al-Fitr
Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi
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Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014
basic food for himself or his family for the
duration of one day and night. The head of
the household must pay this amount on be-
half of all the members or the dependant,
males or females, adults or children.
Ibn `Umar, may Allah be pleased with them
both, said, "The Prophet, peace and bless-
ings be upon him, enjoined the payment of
one Saa` of dates or one Sa` of barley as
Zakat Al-Fitr on every Muslim, young and
old, male and female, free and slave." (Re-
ported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
Zakat Al-Fitr is a special charity of the
month of Ramadhan. This charity should
be given during the month of Ramadhan
before going for the `Eid-ul-Fitr prayer. The
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) urged Muslims to pay this charity in
the month of Shawwal after the sighting the
moon and before the Eid Prayer.
There are various reasons for the obliga-
tion of this charityas it helps the poor and
needy and takes care of their needs in the
Day of Eidand also makes it possible for
them to celebrate the `Eid festival with oth-
er Muslims. And alsothis charity is meant
to expiate (Kaffarah) for any mistakes or
wrongdoings a person may have done dur-
ing this blessed month.
Ibn `Abbas said: The Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) enjoined Zakat
Al-Fitr so that those who fast are purifed
of their sins and the poor and needy peo-
ple are enabled to arrange for their basic
needs of food. Therefore, the Sadaqah
(charity) of the person who gives before
the `Eid prayer is the accepted Zakat, but
if someone delays and gives it afterwards,
his charity will be an ordinary one.(Report-
ed by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah.)
Zakat Al-Fitr is obligatory upon every (ca-
pable) Muslim, whether male or female.
The head of the household must pay this
amount on behalf of his/her own self and
on behalf of their spouse, children and
even slaves.
The Sadaqah should be given to the poor
and the needy.
I feel compelled to put this together be-
cause I have seen the following errors be-
ing committed when paying Zakat Fitr.
What is Zakat Al-Fitr? Think Iftar, Zakat
Al-Fitr is the charity that we pay at the end
of Ramadhan. Here is the foundational ha-
dith that establishes the obligation of Zakat
Ibn `Umar reported that the Prophet
(salAllahualayhiwasallam) , made Zakat al-
Fitr compulsory on every slave, freeman,
male, female, young and old among the
Muslims; one Saa` (a measurement: four
double handfuls) of dried dates or one Saa`
of barely. [SahihBukhari]
But unfortunately, our community makes
some basic errors in the payment of Zakat
Al-Fitr that must be clarifed.

Error One: Paying at Eid Salah
Some people go to Eid prayers and drop
money into the donation box thinking that
they have paid their Zakat Al-Fitr. No, Zakat
al-Fitr, which is food, must be in the hands
of the needy family BEFORE Eid prayer. If
someone goes to Eid prayer and pays then
it is GUARANTEED that the money will
NOT arrive on time. And thus the person
paying is sinful for having missed the pay-
ment of Zakat al-Fitr. May Allah forgive us.

Error Two: Not paying
Yes, as simple as this error is, it is HAR-
AM to skip the payment of Zakat Al-Fitr.
EVERYONE must pay Zakat Al-Fitr, every
member of the household. So if you have
8 people in your house, Zakat Al-Fitr must
be paid x 8, even if the youngest member
is just a few days old.

Error Three: Confusing Zakat Al-Fitr with
Zakat ul-Maal
We are talking about Zakat al-Fitr here
(think Iftar, i.e. Ramadhan). Zakat Al-Maal
(Maal literally means wealth), is the Zakah
due on ones money and that could be
due any time during the year depending on
when it was due.

Error Four: Giving money instead of
Although some scholars have allowed
giving money instead of food, the spirit of
Zakat Al-Fitr is to give food to the needy
of the community, NOT money. (One can
give money to the local masjid or organi-
sation and they can give food with that
money inshaa Allah). The Companion of
the Prophet, Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree, radi-
Allahu anhu, said, In the Prophets time,
we used to give it (Zakatal-Fitr) as a saa`
of food, dried dates, barley, raisins or dried
cheese. [Bukhari]

Error Five: Giving ones Zakah al-Fitr to
a charitable building project
Some people mistakenly give their Zakah
Al-Fitr to a charitable building project: like
the building of a Masjid, or Islamic school.
There is a difference of opinion on this is-
sue, but suffce it to say that the spirit of
Zakah Al-Fitr is that the needy should have
plentiful food on Eid. All eight types of re-
cipients of Zakah mentioned in the Quran
are HUMANS, not building projects.

Error Six: Giving Zakat Al-Fitr to non-
Charity is given to both Non-Muslims and
Muslims. However, Zakah al-Fitr charity is
something exclusive to the MUSLIM poor
and needy. Hence, one could not give
Zakah Al-Fitr to any needy person on the
street. Regular charity can be given to
them, but not Zakah Al-Fitr.

Error Seven: Delaying distribution
Sometimes Masjids might collect Zakah
Al-Fitr money and then put it in a bank. It
doesnt reach the needy for months and
months. The correct method is to give
Zakah Al-Fitr immediately when it is due.

Errors Muslims make when paying Zakat Al-Fitr
By Muhammad Alshareef
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The Friday Bulletin
Page 4
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O you who believe, Fear Allah (s.w) and give up what remains of your demand for
Interest, if you are indeed a believer,If you do not,
then you are warned of the declaration of war from Allah
and His Messenger; But if you turn back you shall have your principal:
Deal not unjustly and you shall not be dealt with unjustly.
Al Buqarah v 278 - 279
Allah (s.w), said in the Quran:
Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014
For almost two weeks, Israel practically bris-
tled with confdence and pride: The Iron Dome
air defense system was dependably zapping
incoming Hamas rockets from the skies, the
military was successfully repelling infltration
attempts on the ground and from the sea, and
the confict with Hamas was causing almost no
casualties in Israel.
That has changed in what seems like a fash,
after at least 32 soldiers were killed and scores
injured a predictable yet still stunning out-
come of the fateful decision, announced late
Thursday, to send troops and tanks by land
into Hamas-ruled Gaza.In a country where
military service is mandatory for most citi-
zens and military losses are considered every
bit as tragic as civilian ones, the reaction to
the setbacks was electric. Newspapers and
broadcasts have been dominated by images
and tales of the fallen mostly young faces
barely out of high school and interviews
with parents concerned for offspring so clearly
now imperiled.
Angst over the highest military toll since the
2006 Lebanon war now mixes with a cocktail
of emotions: on one hand, a strong current of
determination to press on with efforts to end
the rocket fre from Gaza; on the other, the
sinking feeling that a quagmire is at hand.
"It's ugly and it's no walk in the park," said Alon
Geller, a 42-year-old legal intern from central
But the Haaretz newspaper warned against
mission creep and the "wholesale killing" of
Palestinian civilians. "The soft Gaza sand ...
could turn into quicksand," it said in its edito-
rial Monday. "There can be no victory here. ...
Israel must limit its time in the Strip."
There was always near-consensus among
Israelis for the airstrikes aimed at ending the
rocket fre. The government felt it necessary
to take such a risky step of a ground invasion
because despite all the damage being
inficted on Gaza by the airstrikes, the
Hamas rocket fre simply did not stop.
Complicating the situation from Israel's
perspective, Hamas does not seem to
be coming under signifcant pressure
from the people of Gaza despite the
devastation they are enduring. This
seems to refect genuine support for
Hamas' aim of breaking the blockade
imposed by Israel and Egypt on the
Emboldened, Hamas ratcheted up at-
tempts to carry out deadly attacks
against Israeli border communities
through tunnels dug underneath the
fence separating Israel from Gaza. For
Israelis, that raised a terrifying specter
of families in placid farming areas on
the edge of the Negev desert waking
up to fnd swarms of Islamic militants in
their midst.
Despite the absence of panic Monday,
it is clear that if soldiers continue to be
killed at this rate, the fexibility enjoyed
by Netanyahu to date will likely be re-
placed by a growing sense of urgency
to stop the casualties. Many Israeli
leftists will demand an end to the op-
eration. Hard-liners will demand more
radical action, up to and including a
takeover of Gaza. That will add to the
already mounting pressure from an out-
side world horrifed by the carnage on
the Palestinian side.The prime minister
is probably mindful that the popularity
tipping point for his predecessor, Ehud
Olmert, came when the public conclud-
ed too many soldiers were being killed
and that the military was not fully pre-
pared during the 2006 war. (AP)
Israeli mood turns dark with
mounting casualties
The Friday Bulletin
Page 5
Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014
Hamas rockets force airlines to suspend
fights to Israel
Deputy chairman of Hamass political bu-
reau Ismail Haneyya said Monday that the
Palestinian peoples demands for ceasefre
are clear: stop the aggression, do not re-
peat it, and lift the siege on Gaza. We de-
cided to end Gaza siege by our blood and
resistance and there would be no return
back, he said.
In a televised speech, Haneyya stressed
that the Palestinian people are sacrifc-
ing their lives to end the occupation and
its siege, saying that the Israeli enemy
has failed to silence resistance. Israel is
deliberately targeting Gazan civilians and
children after failing to confront Palestinian
resistance fghters, he added.
We waited for an international interven-
tion to end an 8-year-old siege, but nothing
changed. Today we decided to break the
siege by ourselves, he continued. "We call
on the free world to stand by us and sup-
port the Palestinian peoples demands for
Haneyya underlined that the international
communitys deafening silence over the
Israeli war crimes and not holding Israeli
leaders accountable provide a green light
for Israel to perpetrate more crimes. Gaza
is a graveyard for its invaders Gaza is
the bridge to the liberation of Jerusalem,
he said. Haneyya said in a previous state-
ment that the terms of the resistance are
the minimum conditions for any ceasefre
agreement with the Israeli enemy.
He pointed out that the Israeli enemy has
been defeated on the borders of Gaza,
stressing that the Palestinian resistance
will meet all the Palestinian peoples de-
mands and aspirations.
Haneyya: We decided
to end the siege with
our blood
In what many experts see as a blow to Israel's
economy, US and European air carriers have
halted fights to Israel, citing concern over Ha-
mas rockets fred from Gaza and hitting an
area near Ben Gurion airport.
The US Federal Aviation Administration pro-
hibited American airlines from fying to Tel Aviv
for 24 hours due to the potentially hazardous
situation created by the armed confict in Israel
and Gaza, Reuters reported.
Later, the European Aviation Safety Agency is-
sued an advisory to airlines saying it strongly
recommends airlines avoid the airport.
Germanys Lufthansa, Air France, Air Canada,
Alitalia, Dutch KLM, Britains easyJet, Turkish
Airlines and Greeces Aegean Airlines were
among those carriers canceling fights to Tel
Aviv over safety concerns amid the increasing
Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael
Katz called on the US aviation author-
ity to reconsider, calling the fight ban
unnecessary and saying Israels Iron
Dome missile defense system provided
cover for civil aviation.
An Israeli offcial said Netanyahu had
asked Kerry to help restore the US
A US offcial said the Obama adminis-
tration would not "overrule the FAA" on
a security precaution.
The fights cancellation decision fol-
lowed the fring of a rocked by Hamas
resistance group that exploded Tues-
day near Israels main airport, prompt-
ing the fights ban as aviation authori-
ties responded to the shock of seeing a
civilian jetliner shot down over Ukraine.
Israeli warplanes blasted three mosques in
different areas of the Gaza Strip at dawn
Tuesday with no casualties reported. Eye-
witnesses said that Israeli warplanes fred
a number of missiles at Shuhada al-Aqsa
mosque in downtown Gaza City reducing
it to rubble. All houses surrounding the
mosque were damaged due to the raid.
Another raid targeted al-Farouk mosque
in Rafah city, south of the Strip, locals re-
Al-Abrar mosque in Deir al-Balah in central
Gaza Strip was completely destroyed in a
third raid after two missiles slammed into
it, local sources said. The Israeli military
campaign on Gaza that started 15 days
ago has so far destroyed 40 mosques, 15
of them were leveled to the ground while
25 were partially destroyed, the Palestinian
ministry of housing and public works said in
a statistical report.
Israeli warplanes destroy
3 mosques in Gaza
Tens of thousands of angry protests
marched against Gaza ground inva-
sion of Gaza strip on Saturday, July
19, demanding "justice and freedom"
for Palestine and an end to Israeli
war in the tiny besieged strip.
"London has already shown its out-
rage at Israel's attacks on the mostly
refugee population of Gaza, with
people turning out in their thousands
last week, Sarah Colborne, director
of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign,
told London Evening Standard.
"Today's national demonstration will
give people from across the country
the chance to say enough is enough,
Israel's siege of Gaza and its occu-
pation of Palestinian land has to end
"People want justice and freedom
for the Palestinians, and they will be
voicing this in their thousands."
In London, up to 15,000 people
marched through the capital from
Downing Street to the Israeli embas-
sy in Kensington this afternoon.
Pro Palestine supporters carried
placards with the messages "Gaza,
stop the massacre" and "stop Israel's
war crimes".
Labour MP Diane Abbott was among
the speakers to address protesters
as they gathered in Whitehall.
"I am here to show solidarity with the
people in Gaza," she said.
"We call for an end to the occupation
and justice for Palestinians."
Angry protesters did not march in
London only.
From Jakarta, Indonesia to Berlin,
Germany, protests have been staged
in condemnation of Israel's offensive
on Gaza.
In Johannesburg, numerous traffc
jams occurred on Friday as thou-
sands of pro-Palestine protesters
gathered outside the Israeli Embas-
sy trade offce, waving Palestinians
fags and banners criticizing Israels
assault on the Gaza Strip.
However in Paris, French police
banned a pro-Palestinian demon-
stration on Saturday after protesters
last weekend tried to storm two syna-
gogues in the capital during a similar
rally, according to Agence France-
Presse news agency.
Similar protests erupted in Auckland
when hundreds gathered at Auck-
land's Aotea Square to protest the
Israeli ground invasion of Gaza have
been urged to shut down the Israeli
embassy in New Zealand.
Green MP Kennedy Graham told
protesters their purpose was to pro-
mote peace. "And there can be
no peace without justice," Gra-
ham added, The New Zealand
Herald reported on Saturday.
John Minto, speaking on behalf
of the Mana movement, said the
last few days had been a contin-
uation of 66 years of Palestinian
"We're on the side of justice," an-
other speaker told the crowd.
Waving Palestinian fags and
various banners, protesters
marched down Queen Street.
"From Auckland to Gaza, support
the Intifada," they chanted, and
"we don't want your bloody war."
Another pro-Gaza protest in Cal-
gary, Canada turned violent on
Friday when a number of pro-
Israel supporters showed up,
starting confrontations with the
peaceful protesters.
In the South African parliament
on Friday, Stone Sizani, the chief
whip of the ruling African Na-
tional Congress, joined growing
calls in South Africa for the Israeli
ambassador to be expelled from
the country, and for the South Af-
rican ambassador to be recalled
from Tel Aviv.
We echo the widespread con-
demnation of these senseless
attacks on defenseless Palestin-
ians and call on the government
of Israel to immediately cease
with this blatant act of criminal-
ity, he said. As the ANC in par-
liament, we stand unapologeti-
cally with the people of Palestine
and pro-Palestinian campaigners
As one of the measures to put
pressure on Israel, we are of a
frm view that our government
must recall our ambassador to
Israel and also ask the Israel
ambassador to South African to
leave with immediate effect.
In Norway, leftist parties sup-
ported a call by a member of par-
liament to boycott Israeli prod-
ucts against the backdrop of the
deadly Israeli onslaught on the
Gaza Strip.
Labor Party MP and chairwoman
of the defense and foreign affairs
committee in the Norwegian par-
liament, Anniken Huitfeldt, has
earlier called for boycotting Is-
raeli products which Israel manu-
factures on occupied territories.
Palestinian offcials said military
strikes had killed more than 700
people, most of them civilians.
World outrage against Israel war
on Gaza
Page 6
The Friday Bulletin Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014
dulrazak Ali Shaukat stressed that the University will pro-
vide market oriented academic programmes which will help
realize the countrys agenda in attaining the Vision 2030
economic blue print.
As the country discovers oil, we are considering starting
oil and gas studies to help build the capacity of Kenyans in
this sector, he said during an iftar (breaking the fast) event
to honour his appointment as the frst vice chancellor of the
He pledged to drive Umma University to be one of the best
centers of excellence in teaching and research adding that
the university campus at Kajiado has some of the best
modern academic facilities in the country and urged Mus-
lims to enroll into the institution which provides a conducive
Islamic learning atmosphere.
On his part, the chairman of the University Board of Trus-
tees Prof Abdul Ghafur H.S. El-Busaidy expressed opti-
mism that the Prof. Shaukat will positively drive the uni-
versity to be among the top education institutions in the
country. Prof. Shaukat has had a successful and distin-
guished career in government and university education. He
brings with him tremendous expertise as leading academi-
cian. His exemplary career in university education span-
ning over 30 years attests to his dedication and commit-
ment, he said.
He expressed optimism that the university will contribute
greatly to the socio and economic development of the
country and described it as a gigantic contribution of Mus-
lims to national development.
From a simple madrasa and college, Prof. El-Busaidy, said
it was well on the path to establish itself as one of the fore-
most institution of higher learning in the country. Umma
University started as a dream but I note with pride and sat-
isfaction that the dream has slowly transformed in to reality,
the university has now been established and it is frmly on
the path to a successful journey, he said.
The guest of honour at the event, Supreme Court Judge
Justice Muhammad Ibrahim who represented the Chief
Justice Wali Muhammad Mutunga praised the institution
for its role in building the capacity of Kadhis saying that a
signifcant majority of the judicial offcers were graduates
from the institution.
The director of Africa Muslim Agency Dr. Ismail Hassan
was lauded for his efforts to steer the former Thika College
of Shariah and Islamic Studies into the frst Muslim univer-
sity recognized by the government.
Continued To Page 11
Continued from Page 1
Umma University unveils roadmap
The Vice chancellor of Umma University Prof. Abdulrazak
Shaukat (centre) shares a word with Mandera West MP
Muhammad Mahmoud. On the left is board of Trustee
member and Garissa Senator Muhammad Yusuf Hajj.
Page 7
The Friday Bulletin
Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014

From all of us at
The Chairman, Board of Directors, Management and Staff of TIA
wish all our esteemed participants EID MUBARAK, may Allah
accept your prayers and fill your
day with joy and barakah.
We thank you for embracing Takaful Insurance and we are proud
to be your preferred Islamic Insurer.
On the 13th day of Israels so-called Op-
eration Protective Edge, stories of entire
families collectively pulverized, women
and children keenly targeted by Israeli sol-
diers saturate the media.
Until now, 430 Palestinians have been
killed, mostly women and children; and 18
Israeli soldiers were killed at the hands of
the Resistance. In Shejaiya, elders, moth-
ers and children scrambled for cover as
shells mercilessly rained down, stealing
the souls of countless innocents.
The destruction is overwhelming, and
everywhere, Palestinians lament there is
nowhere that is safe. Regardless, resolve
is strong and the people of Gaza will not
The resistance movement in Gaza is of-
ten misrepresented intentionally at times,
and at other times innocuously. In the heat
of the information battle that has ensued
since Israel unleashed its latest war many
facts and essential context have gone
Historically, Gaza has been a hub for un-
interrupted popular resistance since the
ethnic cleansing of Palestine at the hands
of Zionist militias, and later the Israeli
army, in 1947-48. An estimated 200,000 of
Palestines then nearly 800,000 refugees
were forced there, with most enduring
squalid and humiliating conditions.
Despite the shock of war and the humilia-
tion of defeat, Gazans fought back almost
immediately. There was no Fatah, no Ha-
mas, and no siege, in comparison to its
current defnition, and Gazans didnt or-
ganize around any political factions or ide-
ologies. Rather they assembled in small
groups known to Gazans as Fedayeen
freedom fghters.
These were dispossessed refugees still
unaware of the complexity of their politi-
cal surroundings, and the Fedayeen were
mostly young Palestinian refugees fghting
to return to their home. But their opera-
tions grew bolder day by day.
They would sneak back into their towns,
which then eventually became part of Isra-
el, with primitive weapons and homemade
bombs. They would kill Israeli soldiers,
steal their weapons and return with the
new weapons the second night.
Some would secretly go back to their vil-
lages in Palestine to steal food, blankets
and whatever money they had failed to re-
trieve in the rush of war. Those who never
returned received the funerals of martyrs,
with thousands of fellow refugees march-
ing with symbolic coffns to graveyards.
Hundreds never returned and few bodies
were ever recovered.
Following every Fedayeen strike, the Israe-
li Army would hit back at Gazas refugees,
Gazas resistance will not be crushed
Page 8
The Friday Bulletin Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014
inspiring yet more support and recruits for
the growing commando movement.
The prowess of those young refugee fght-
ers was on full display in November 1956,
when Israel invaded the Gaza Strip and
large swathes of Sinai following the Suez
Crisis. Egyptians fought the Israeli Army
with much courage, but the Palestinian
garrison based in Khan Younis, now a ma-
jor target in the latest Israeli war, refused
to surrender.
When the fghting was over, Israel moved
into Khan Younis and carried out what is
now etched in the Palestinian collective
memory as one of the most horrifc mass
killings in Gazas history, a massacre of
124 men and boys in the Rafah refugee
camp known as Al-Amiriyah School Mas-
The victims were herded into the school
under the batons of the soldiers, refects
Dr Ahmed Yousef, in a recent article.
Those who survived the beatings were
met with a hail of bullets and the demoli-
tion of the building over their heads. The
bloodstains stayed on the school walls
for years to remind us children of Israels
Yousef, then a child in a brutalized Rafah,
would later become a top adviser to Ha-
mas frst Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh
in Gaza. His article, originally published in
Arabic, was entitled: The resistance will
not surrender... we will be victorious or
Are there any surprises in how the past is
knitted both to Gazas present and future?
It should also be of no surprise that Pales-
tines resistance today, the Izz Al-Din Al-
Qassam Brigades, was formed by a small
group of school kids in the central Gaza
These were poor refugees who grew up
witnessing the brutality of the occupation,
and the abuse it invited into their daily
lives. (The group adopted the name of Izz
Al-Din Al-Qassam, an Arab preacher who
fought British colonialism and the Zionist
forces until he was killed by British forces
in a Jenin orchard in 1935.)
The frst young men and women who
started Al-Qassam were all killed shortly
after the inception of their group. But what
they started has since become a massive
movement of thousands of fghting men
and woman which, as this article was be-
ing written, were keeping Israeli forces in
northern Gaza at bay.
Resistance in Gaza, as in any historical
inevitability, can never be interrupted. Suc-
cessive Israeli governments have tried
extreme measures for decades before the
so-called Operation Cast Lead of 2008-9.
After the 1967 war, Ariel Sharon was en-
trusted with the bloody task of pacifying
the headstrong Strip. Then the head of
Israels Defense Forces southern com-
mand, he was nicknamed the Bulldozer
for good reason.
Sharon understood that pacifying Gaza
would require heavy armored vehicles,
since Gazas crowded neighborhoods and
alleyways weaving through its destitute
refugee camps were not suited for heavy
machinery. So he bulldozed homes, thou-
sands of them, to pave the way so tanks
and yet more bulldozers could move in
and topple more homes.
Modest estimates put the number of
houses destroyed in August 1970 alone
at 2,000. Over 16,000 Palestinians were
made homeless, with thousands forced to
relocate from one refugee camp into an-
The Beach Refugee Camp near Gaza City
sustained most of the damage, with many
feeing for their lives and taking refuge in
mosques and UN schools and tents. Sha-
rons declared objective was targeting ter-
rorist infrastructure. What he in fact meant
to do was target the very population that
resisted and aided the resistance.
Indeed, they were the very infrastructure
he harshly pounded for many days and
weeks. Sharons bloody sweep also re-
sulted in the execution of 104 resistance
fghters and the deportation of hundreds
of others, some to Jordan, and others to
Lebanon. The rest were simply left to rot in
the Sinai desert.
It is the same terrorist infrastructure that
Sharons follower, Benjamin Netanyahu,
is seeking to destroy by using the same
tactics of collective punishment, and ap-
plying the same language and media talk-
ing points.
In Gaza, the past and the present are in-
tertwined. Israel is united by the same pur-
pose: Crushing anyone who dares to re-
sist. Palestinians in Gaza are also united
with a common threat: Their resistance,
which, despite impossible odds seems
likely to intensify.
Just by taking a quick glance at the his-
tory of this protracted battle the refu-
gees versus the Middle Easts strongest
army one can say with a great degree of
conviction that Israel cannot possibly sub-
due Gaza. You may call that a historical
inevitability as well.
Ramzy Baroud ( is an in-
ternationally-syndicated columnist and the
editor of Email:
Ramzy Baroud
The Friday Bulletin
page 9
Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014
P.O. BOX 4658-01002 THIKA KENYA, TEL. 0703-969 000, 0739-969 000
Umma University is the frst Islamic-based institution of higher learning
in Kenya, recognized by Commission for University Education offering
Degree, Diploma and Certifcate programmes.
The University is located in Thika Makongeni off Garissa road. The
Universitys ultra modern Campus in Kajiado has been completed and
will open its doors in September, 2014 intake. Its serene atmosphere
is ideal for learning.
To be a centre of excellence and a seat of knowledge in the
region and Contribute to the improvement and upgrading of the
quality of human life and civilization.
To provide University education that is effective, efficient,
accessible and Sustainable. To produce competent leaders and
scholars of high integrity and moral uprightness.
- Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Sharia
- Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Diploma in Islamic Banking & Finance
- Diploma in Islamic Studies
- Diploma in Arabic Language & Islamic Studies
- Diploma in Business Management
- Diploma in Information Communication Technology (ICT)
- Certifcate in Arabic Language
- Certifcate in English Language
- Certifcate in Business Management
- Certifcate in Computer Studies
Our intakes are in January, May and September for full-time & distance
programmes. School based intakes are in April, August and December.
Application form are available at Thika main campus or can be downloaded
from our website Non-refundable application fee of
Kshs. 1,000 (for degree courses) & 500/= (for diploma & certifcate courses)
should be deposited into the University accounts: Umma University, Account No.
1144757848 Kenya Commercial Bank any branch or Commercial Bank of Africa,
Account No. 7157980019. Dully flled application forms and pay-in slip should
be returned to the offce of the Registrar Academic Affairs at Thika main campus
or Kajiado campus. Application can also be made online through the students
portal from University website.
The Friday Bulletin
page 10
Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014
Continued from Page 1
woman with the slogan: 'Kill two with
one shot,' which shows the hatred and
racism these people are bearing in
their minds.
"Turkey will not remain silent on the
ongoing cruelty because a great state
does not remain silent and unmoved,
but mediates and strives for peace.
Israel on Saturday advised its citizens
not to travel to Turkey amid protests
in support of the Gaza Strip in several
Turkish cities, saying travel to Turkey
should be avoided if not essential.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry said on
its website that Israelis should "avoid
non-essential visits" to Turkey, advis-
ing Israeli nationals to be vigilant and
stay away from anti-Israel demonstra-
tions when they are in Turkey.
Protests broke out in several Turkish
cities early on Friday against Israel's
ongoing assault on the Gaza Strip, one
that has left at least 341 Gazans dead
and more than 2560 others injured so
Israel's military operation, which start-
ed on July 7, is the self-proclaimed
Jewish state's third major offensive
against the embattled Gaza Strip,
which is home to some 1.8 million Pal-
estinians, in the last six years.
Israel degraded its diplomatic repre-
sentation in Ankara on Friday, follow-
ing angry demonstrations outside its
diplomatic missions in Turkey.
On Friday, Israeli Foreign Minister Av-
igdor Lieberman said in a statement
that he had ordered the recall of the
families of Israeli diplomats in Ankara
and Istanbul.
Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Bu-
lent, meanwhile announced three days
of mourning beginning on Tuesday
to show solidarity with Palestinians
against the Israeli campaign on Gaza.
Arinc said Turkey condemns Israel's
massacre on Palestinians and he de-
scribed Israel's military operation, as
an "atrocity that has almost turned into
"We condemn the merciless massacre
committed by Israel against the Pal-
estinian people, which has turned into
a collective punishment. Our Cabinet
has decided to declare three days of
mourning," Arn told reporters follow-
ing a fve-hour-long Cabinet.
Municipal authorities in Turkey are
backing a boycott of Israeli goods in
response to Israels military attack on
Gaza, which has claimed nearly 600
lives so far.
As well as Israeli goods, many are also
banning Coca-Cola in protest at U.S.
support for Israel
Gaza atrocities worse
than Hitler -Turkish MP
A 17-year old Zanzibar
student emerged the
overall winner of the 12th
edition of the Internation-
al Quran Memorization
Competition which closed
last week in Mombasa.
Abdulswamad Abdallah
took honours as the best
participants in memoriz-
ing the whole 30 chap-
ters of the Quran and he
received a cash prize of
Sh40, 000 plus a full paid
hajj (pilgrimage to Mak-
kah) package for himself
and his parent. He was
also awarded a scholar-
ship by the Nassburayya
Foundation which will
cover his education up to
In second place was
Suleiman Omar from Tan-
zania mainland who was
awarded a cash prize
of Sh50, 000 as well as
scholarship to cover his
Khalil Musa who emerged
the winner of the Jamia
Mosque organized Quran
memorization competi-
tion was ranked in third
position overall and he
emerged the best among
Kenyan participants. He
also received an edu-
cation bursary from the
Nasspurayya Foundation
and a cash prize of Sh40,
It was a successful com-
petition and this time
round, there was marked
improvement among
participants, said Said
Abeid Said, an offcial of
the Muslim Mercy Youth, the organizers of the annual event.
The event which was held at the Makadara grounds attracted
hundreds of people with Dr Muhammad Abdallah Khatib the prin-
cipal of the Kisauni Islamic College as the guest of honour.
Zanzibari wins International Quran competition
The Deputy Imam of Jamia Mosque Sheikh Juma Amir with
Hudhu Abdullahi, a hearing impaired woman shortly after fa-
cilitating her discharge from the Nairobi East Hospital. Hudhu
had been detained at the hospital for more than a month after
she sustained injuries after being pushed by the police from a
three storey building during the Operation Usalama watch in
The principal of the Kisauni Islamic College Dr. Abdallah
Khatib hands a prize to Abdulswamad Abdallah who emerged
the winner of the International Quran competition in Momba-
sa. On the left is Khatib Mwashetani, the MP for Lunga Lunga
The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL
page 11
Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014
A curfew imposed on Lamu County over
escalating insecurity in the area has being
lifted after an outcry by Muslim leaders.
On Saturday the inspector General of Po-
lice David Kimaiyo imposed a dusk to dawn
curfew in Lamu following the killings of sev-
en people on Friday by unknown people.
A night travel ban was also issued after
gunmen attacked a Tahmeed bus plying
the Mombasa-Lamu highway killing the
seven including four police men.
Kimaiyo said the curfew would remain in
force for the next one month and asked the
residents to remain indoors until security is
restored in the troubled County.
The news that a dusk to dawn curfew had
been imposed in the County did not go well
with Lamu residents who on Sunday went
to the streets in protest and vowed to ig-
nore the ban.
The majority leader in the National Assem-
bly Aden Duale however, told Muslims to
ignore the directive saying that the order
goes against Muslims religious freedom
during this blessed month of Ramadhan.
Muslims in Lamu County must go to the
mosques for the last 10 days for Ramadhan
prayers despite the curfew. Our religion su-
persedes curfew order, Duale posted on
his twitter handle.
Maintaining security in Lamu County is
paramount but denying Muslim faithful
their religious obligation on this holy month
is unacceptable, he added.
Kimaiyo later issued a statement saying
that after consultation with Muslim lead-
ers and security offcials, the Ramadhan
timetable will not be disrupted by the cur-
few. Muslim faithful will go on with the
holy month prayers as per the Ramadhan
schedule, he said.
The decision to lift the ban was welcome
by the residents who said the order was
going to interfere with their spiritual life in
The last 10 days of the month of Ramad-
han are considered to be the pinnacle of
spiritual reinvigoration during Ramadhan
and the faithful are encouraged to under-
take more acts of worship particularly dur-
ing the night hours.
Muslim students raise concerns over profling
Muslim students from Maina Wanjigi Sec-
ondary School in Nairobis Eastleigh area
have raised concerns over what they
termed as ethnic and religious profling
by the school administration.
The students said they were being victim-
ized by teachers due to their ethnic and
religious affliation and branding them as
Al-Shabaab and radicals.
Learning programmes at the school locat-
ed at Eastleigh 4th street were last week
disrupted after the school suspended the
Muslim Students Association.
The schools principal Zuhura Rajab dis-
missed the victimization claims as base-
less and exaggerated, saying that the
students want to impose their own rule
on the schools administration adding that
the situation is nothing more than cases
of indiscipline which the school will take
action upon.
This school is a public school. The rules
and regulations are set by the Ministry of
education, the administration will not run
the school the way the students want it to
be run, said the principal.
She said the matter has being resolved
after the intervention of the Ministry of Ed-
ucation saying it is business as usual at
the school and learning programmes have
resumed normally.
Last week police were called after protest
Police brutality must stop says Imam
Lamu curfew lifted
after Muslim outcry
The police have been urged to stop brutal-
izing citizens and exercise respect for hu-
man rights during security operations.
The Imam of Nairobis Jamia Mosque
Sheikh Muhammad Swalihu said arbitrary
arrests, detentions, extortions and other
human rights violation have become com-
mon features during police operations
which should be brought to an end.
Speaking during last weeks Friday ser-
mon at the Mosque, the Sheikh stressed
that human rights should be respected as
enshrined in the constitution adding that
it is unacceptable to watch fundamental
rights and freedom that are entrenched in
the constitution being violated by state or-
gan that are employed to protect Kenyans.
In the recent Operation Usalama Watch
which targeted the Eastleigh area, the
Imam said innocent people bore the brunt
of the operation adding that women were
not handled according to respected Islam-
ic moral values adding that their rights and
privacy were infringed on.
The public continues to lose trust in the
police because instead of serving the pop-
ulation, they are brutalizing innocent peo-
ple, Sheikh Swalihu said while addressing
the congregation.
He said the plight of Hudho Abdullahi who
was allegedly pushed from the balcony of
a three storey building by the law enforces
during the much criticized security opera-
tion was a testament on how the police
handled the citizens.
The 20 year-old hearing impaired woman
had spent more than a month in hospital
after she sustained spinal an foot injuries
as a result of the plunge. According to her
family, she was pushed by police offcers
who apparently found her uncooperative.
He had been detained in the hospital for
more than a month due to an outstanding
medical bill of Sh325, 519 but the amount
was cleared after worshippers at Jamia
Mosque and wellwishers raised the re-
quired funds.
Last week the Independent Police Over-
sight Authority (IPOA) released a damning
report on the Eastleigh swoop saying the
operation was marred by corruption, arbi-
trary arrests, harassment, assault, unlawful
detention and deportations.
In his sermon Sheikh Swalihu called on the
government particularly and the Inspector
General of Police David Kimaiyo to allow
Muslims to perform their religious obliga-
tions during the last few days of Ramad-
The Imam urged the Muslim community to
make use of the last ten days of the bless-
ed month of Ramadhan and offer prayers
for the country during this time of tribula-
Let us return to Allah by praying the night,
reciting the Quran, giving support to the
unprivileged in the society and relating well
with people of other faiths, he added.
staged by the students after some mem-
bers of the schools students body were
sent home due to what the school said
were acts of indiscipline.
Last Friday, parents and students went
to Jogoo house to demonstrate and vent
their grievances to the offce of the County
Director of Education.
Parents said they were dissatisfed with
how their children were being handled by
the schools administration and they were
seeking answers from the Ministry of Edu-
The University is a brain child of the found-
er of Africa Muslim Agency, the Kuwaiti phi-
lanthropist Dr. Abdulrahman al Sumait who
passed away last year and is recognized
for his role in championing education, wel-
fare and development projects in many Af-
rican countries.
Prof Shaukat was the immediate former
CEO of the National Commission of Sci-
ence, Technology and Innovation (NA-
COSTI). He was also the frst chairman of
the multitrillion shillings (Lamu Port South-
ern Sudan-Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET)
project which has been billed as the largest
infrastructure project in Africa. He had pre-
viously served as the Deputy Vice Chan-
cellor of the Egerton University, Njoro.
He brings to Umma University three dec-
ades of teaching, research, university and
public service administrative experience.
During the event, the Vice Chancellors
Scholarship scheme was unveiled where
seven fully paid scholarships were given
out with a promise to provide more sup-
port to facilitate the education of students
at the university. The Muslim Education
Council also offered one scholarship.
Present at the occasion were members
of the Senate and National Assembly, the
Kuwaiti ambassador to Kenya Yaqub Al
Sanad, Muslim leaders from various or-
ganizations and representatives from vari-
ous universities in and outside the country.
Umma University unveils roadmap
Continued from Page 6
Ummah Foundation has been involved in Prison Rehabilitation
programs for quite some time and its very imperative to let eve-
ryone know that there are several cases of inmates that are very
pathetic. Over the years we realized that many of the prisoners
are convicted on wrong grounds. Many are there by virtue of be-
ing poor and cannot afford a fne after being guilty of a minor of-
fence of spitting in public, failed to bribe a traffc police offcer or
contravening a traffc law that never existed in his/ her mind. Such
people are left to serve 3months to 2 years without understanding
what offence they exactly did.
When the court has issued the defendant a fne, it is considered
money and money is hard to fnd especially when most of them
fnd it hard to put any meal on the table for their families. The
aftermath of it is to end up behind bars serving a sentence that
poverty has condemned you to.
For the past three years, Ummah Foundation has started a pro-
gram where we offer to pay the fnes for prison inmates who re-
main incarcerated on minor offences like traffc contraventions,
pick pocketing, loitering at night, or on grounds that are not very
certain. This is done after an assessment is done by our Prison
Maalims who establish the reforms of the inmates after undergo-
ing severe rehabilitation under their tutelage. This week Ummah
Foundation with the help of our Prison Maalims was able to release
50 inmates who were convicted at Kodiaga Maximum Prison in
Kisumu, Kakamega, Bungoma and Nakuru Prison for women. 9
out of those released were women. They all had failed to raise the
Ummah Pays fnes for Prison inmates
The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: Printed by Graphic Lineups Limited-Kweria Road
fnes after being guilty of petty and other minor offences.
"In about 84 jails in Kenya, there are 600 or more of such inmates
who have completed their jail term but are still inside because
they cannot pay fne due to fnancial problems. In some circum-
stances convicted criminals are required to pay a fne as well as
serving a jail term. Failure to pay the fne may result in an addi-
tional jail term. This is where we need interventions especially if
we establish from the Authorities that they are reformed individu-
als and deserve to be given fnancial support to help them restore
back to the society.
A case study is of one brother Musa Mugo who was convicted for
a period of 12 years at Kamiti Maximum Prison. He utilised his
time properly as he reverted to Islam in prison and got the formal
training of being a professional tailor. After his release, Ummah
Foundation has bought for him a sewing machine and its acces-
sories, materials, iron box with its ironing board and stand. This
will empower him to earn a decent living inshallah.
This is where you can play a role and help save our Brothers and
sisters who due to poverty are subjected to this fate.
Contact us:
Ummah Foundation
P.O.Box 58717-00200, Nairobi
Tel: +254-20-2680610/13 Mob; 0734-845277
Eid Mubarak

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