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FAQs for Dish+

About Dish+
What is Dish+?
Dish + is the Standard Definition Recorder service offered by DISHTV, the No. 1 DTH player in India. It
offers the best of television entertainment alon !ith advanced recorder capabilities.
How does recording on Dish+ work?
Traditional DVRs"Recorders come !ith an in#b$ilt hard drive to store the recorded content. %or the first
time in India, Dish+ comes !ith $ni&$e and innovative b$ilt#in recorder soft!are. To en'oy recordin yo$
!ill simply need to pl$ in a (S) storae device e.. (S) HDD or *en Drive in the (S) port located at
the front panel of the Dish+ ST).
What is a USB storage device?
+ (S) storae device is a data storae device that consists of flash memory !ith an interated (niversal
Serial )$s ,(S)- interface e. (S) HDD or *en Drive. (S) flash drives are typically removable and
How do I setu! a new USB storage device?
To set $p (S) storae device please do the follo!in#
a. *l$ in the (S) storae device located on the front panel of the Dish+ ST)
b. *o!er .%%#.N the bo/ from the main s!itch
c. Dish+ !o$ld as0 yo$ to format the device, press .1 to format
d. *ress the record b$tton on the remote and et ready to e/perience the recorder
Which t"!e of USB storage devices does Dish+ su!!ort?
Dish + s$pports all (S) 2.3 standard mass storae devices
What is the s#a$$est si%e of USB storage device that the Bo& su!!orts?
To access recordin f$nctionality minim$m of 14) (S) storae device sho$ld be inserted in the
Dish +
To access both recordin as !ell as Time Shift f$nctionality, ST) re&$ires minim$m of 24) (S)
storae device sho$ld be inserted in the Dish+ bo/
Where do I insert the USB storage device?
5o$ can insert the (S) device in the (S) slot located on the front panel of Dish+ set top bo/.
Wi$$ e&isting data on the USB device be de$eted u!on insertion in the USB s$ot of Dish+?
5es, Dish+ !o$ld as0 yo$ to format the device and after the format it !ill delete all e/istin data on yo$r
e/ternal (S) device. 6e therefore recommend dedicatin an e/ternal (S) device for recordin on Dish+
Dish+ Features
What are the various functions of Dish+ re#ote?
The vario$s f$nctions of Dish+ remote are as follo!s#
What are the !ro#inent features of Dish+?
Dish+ has several feat$res, the most prominent bein7
Un$i#ited 'ecording( 8reate yo$r TV library and record $nlimited on m$ltiple e/ternal devices
)ause* 'ewind and Forward( No! yo$ have the po!er to record, pa$se, re!ind and for!ard
yo$r favorite sho!s.
'ecord in Standb"( Sched$le prorammes to Record a$tomatically even if the TV is s!itched off
+vent and ,i#e Based 'ecording( Sched$le recordins for a specific time"event
How can I do un$i#ited recording on Dish+?
Since Dish+ !or0s !ith an e/ternal (S) drive, yo$ can o!n TV library and record $nlimited on m$ltiple
e/ternal devices
How #uch is the #a&i#u# ca!acit" of the e&terna$ USB which Dish+ records on?
Dish+ ives yo$ the po!er to record $nlimited on m$ltiple (S) devices and th$s there is no cap on the
limit of each e/ternal (S) device.
How #uch can I record in -.B?
In 1 4) of dis0 space enables appro/imately 93 min$tes of SD recordin
How do I 'ecord?
To Record#
a. Simply press the record b$tton on the remote to record at any point d$rin a
c$rrent playin event
b. To record a proram select that proram from the :*4 or the Info )ar and press Record
)$tton on the Remote.
c. %or time based recordin select a channel from the DVR men$ and set time to record
How to rewind* !ause and Forward?
a. *ress the pa$se b$tton d$rin any playin event to *a$se live TV ;
b. Simply press the play b$tton on the remote to res$me from !here yo$ pa$sed
c. 5o$ can also for!ard "re!ind recorded content by pressin the for!ard b$tton
"re!ind b$tton on yo$r remote
/)ause and )$a" wi$$ not ha!!en in case the channe$ being watched is a$so being recorded0
How do I 1anage 'ecordings?
a0 Simply press the %ile b$tton on yo$r Remote to access the recorded content.
b. Select from the list of recorded events and vie! yo$r favorite event
Dish+ .uide
For how $ong can I store #" recordings?
Recordins !o$ld be available as lon as the $ser decides to 0eep it and can be played only on the same
bo/ on !hich it !as recorded.
How do I know how #uch USB disk s!ace is avai$ab$e for recording?
To 0no! the dis0 space, *ress %ile b$tton on the Remote, <5 R:8.RDIN4 screen appears no! press
yello! 0ey.
*ress <en$##= 4o to DVR ##= Select <y Recordins ##= *ress 5ello! 0ey on the Remote.
What ha!!ens when #" disk gets fu$$ during a recording in !rogress?
5o$ et a >?o! Dis0 Space@ !arnin messae. (ser needs to delete some of the recorded content. If he
does not deletes some of the recordins and contin$es !ith the recordin after some time his dis0
!o$ld be f$ll and a >Dis0 %$ll messae@ !o$ld and be displayed. He !o$ld not be able to do any f$rther
Wi$$ I be ab$e to record on one S,B and !$a" the 'ecording on another S,B?
D$e to content piracy la!s, the recorded content is stored in an encrypted file and can be played only
on the same ST).
I a# not ab$e to view a !revious$" recorded event2 I current$" don3t have the channe$ in #" !ack
which I recorded ear$ier* 4an I sti$$ view the recorded content?
In order to contin$e !atchin recorded content, it is necessary to s$bscribe to the recorded channel in
the pac0 c$rrently chosen by the s$bscriber.
How do I for#at the USB storage device fro# the S,B
*ress <en$ 0ey on the Remote o to DVR o to DVR Settins%ormat Dis0$se ?eft ARiht 1eys
to select 5es press .1
I a# unab$e to record 15D
DVR f$nctionality is not enabled on <.D channels
What ha!!ens if there is a !ower fai$ure during a recording in !rogress?
In case of a po!er fail$re mid#recordin, recordin !ill et discontin$ed.
I a# not ab$e to access the D6' #enu on #" screen
In s$ch cases re&$est yo$ to please contact the c$stomer care of Dishtv at#
Send S<S to et a call bac07 DISHTV 8+?? <: to 9B9B9
8all $s7 1CD3#1C3#EFBF ,.nly <TN?")SN? lines-, D331EFBF ,.nly Non <TN?")SN? lines- ,*refi/ 311 for
North, 322 for !est, 3EE for :ast G 3FF for So$th-, 3123#2993333 ,+ll lines-
4usto#er )re#ise +7ui!#ent
Dish ,6 8D,H9 Set to! bo&
+ DISHTV Set Top )o/ ,ST)- is a diital receiver that connects to a television. It receives dishtv sinals from a
minidish and t$rns the sinals into content on yo$r screen. +dditionally, each Set top bo/ comes !ith its o!n
remote control, ma0in it easy to operate. Dish Tv offers different type of Set Top )o/es A Standard Set Top bo/,
HD set top bo/ G Dish + video recorder set top bo/.
IndiaHs only standard definition Diital set top bo/ !ith recorder at an $nmatched
:n'oy the po!er to record $nlimited.
4usto#er !re#ises e7ui!#ent
The :&$ipment or 8$stomer *remise :&$ipment ,8*:- consists of the follo!in7
I Dish +ntenna !ith ?N)
I Set top bo/ !ith Remote
I *re#activated Vie!in 8ard
The Dish +ntenna is installed at an appropriate location at the c$stomerHs premise. It is then connected to
the Set to! bo& thro$h a cable. The cable in t$rn, is connected to the TV set. The encrypted TV sinals are
received from the satellite on the Dish +ntenna and transmitted to the set top bo/. The c$stomer is also
provided !ith a Vie!in 8ard, !hich is inserted into the vie!in card slot in the diital set top bo/. The Vie!in
8ard decrypts the TV sinals chosen G paid for by the c$stomer, for better clarity of vie!in on TV.
Dish Antenna
Dishtv has a small 1$#)and Satellite Dish +ntenna ,appro/. D3 cm diameter-. It has a ?N) ,lo! noise bloc0- that
amplifies and do!n converts the sinal. This sinal is transmitted to the set top bo/.
)reactivated viewing card
This card is '$st li0e a SI< card of mobile phone. To receive dishtv sinals, this card needs to be activated after
installation. :very V8 is $ni&$ely n$mbered. This n$mber is of 11 diits follo!ed by a hyphen and 1 diit after
that. 5o$ can locate this on yo$r V8. %or :/ample7 31933313333#1. No 2 V8Js can have same serial n$mber. The
vie!in card is pre#activated so that yo$ can start !atchin the channels as soon as yo$ et yo$r dishtv

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