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Address line 1, address line 2, address line 3, postcode

Email address Phone number
Explain where you are now (which course you are an undergraduate of) and what opportunities you are looking for.
Briefly explain what experience you have and what skills you can bring to the role. Explain what attracts you to the
role and the organisation. Try to include buzz words which the organisation uses in their literature (have a look on
their website), words such as effective, passionate, support, client centred, reliable. Your profile should be
about the length of this paragraph.

Write 3-4 bullet points explaining where you have used your communication skills.
You use one bullet point for verbal communication, another for written, another for presentation skills.
Or one bullet point for each role you have had where you have used communication skills.

Explain where you have had to organise your time effectively.
This might be managing your time to meet course deadlines.
Or managing your time to meet course and work commitments.

Team Working
As above, write 3-4 bullet points explaining where you have used team working skills.
This might be as part of a team at work
Or in group work as part of your course
Or as part of an extra-curricular activity

Have you completed some research as part of your course
Explain what the project was about
Explain what you did in completing research

Explain when you have used your lab skills as part of your course
Perhaps also as part of some work experience
What tests are you skilled in carrying out
Can you work in accordance within lab health and safety

Explain that you have used the internet to access resources and carry out research as part of your course
Explain that you use Microsoft Office to complete coursework
Say that you can use SPSS or any other software if it is relevant to the role you are applying for

Coventry University BSc/BA (Hons) Course Classification Year-present
Modules studied include: Module 1, module 2, module 3, module 4 (include the modules you have done which are
most relevant to the role.) You can also add a sentence or two about your final year dissertation.

Example Secondary School Year-year
A-levels in Psychology (B), Business Studies (B) and Art (B)
10 GCSEs grades A-C including English and Maths

Employer Name Job Title Year-year
Aim for 6 bullet points here explaining your duties and responsibilities.

Employer Name Job Title Year-year
Aim for 6 bullet points here explaining your duties and responsibilities.

Employer Name Job Title Year-year
Aim for 6 bullet points here explaining your duties and responsibilities.

Employer Name Job Title Year-year
Aim for 6 bullet points here explaining your duties and responsibilities.

Include any other qualifications you have or information relevant to the role

Briefly explain any interests or achievements you have which will stand out
Or include any interests you have which you can link to the role you are applying for


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