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University of South Wales, Newport

Business School

Course Title: MSc Digital Marketing
Module Title: Strategic Digital Marketing
Module tutor: Juli and Jackie Harris
Module Number: 21136688
Assignment Topic: SOSTAC plan will be implemented as a pilot program at the Faculty of
Digital Marketing Department, University of South Wales. This project will educate the students to
choose an industry and implement the literacy passport initiative in the SME (Small Medium
Enterprises) sector of South Wales.

Date of Submission: 09
of December 2013

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 4
3 Organisation Vision, Mission & Values ........................................................................................................ 5
4 Marketing Vision & Mission ......................................................................................................................... 5
5 Situation Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 5
6 Organisation & Marketing Objectives ........................................................................................................... 8
7 Strategy .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
8 Tactic ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
9 Action and Control ....................................................................................................................................... 12
10 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 14
11 References ................................................................................................................................................... 15

The University of South Wales, formed by the merger of the University of Glamorgan and the
University of Wales, Newport, is one of the largest in the UK, offering more opportunities and better
prospects for students. Students are benefitting from the Universitys growing reputation as a major
university for jobs and employers The University of South Wales was formed in 2013 by the merger
of the University of Glamorgan and the University of Wales, Newport. Both the institutions that have
come together to create the University of South Wales have a rich and varied history, and can each
trace their roots back more than 100 years. (University of South Wales: History)
The Faculty of Digital Marketing is one of the major academic units in the University of South Wales
Newport Campus. It plays a pivotal role in producing digital marketer personnel to serve in the new
and fast-growing knowledge-based industry in addition to support the local and across UK industries
[Mias, 2012].
The Faculty of Digital Marketing was set up with the collaboration of the Wales industries to launch
new program, includes that the faculty of Digital Marketing of the University of south Wales will
redesign and apply the below:
Enhance employability and enterprise skills for students of the University by providing them
with a Digital Literacy Passport that they will apply in a paid-for multi-client work-based
learning environment, thereby experiencing a portfolio-managed career opportunity.
Provide value-added resources to SMEs that lack digital insight and capacity for whom
employing a full time member of staff to do so would not be viable at this stage. However it
could help to enhance their digital offering and could increase, for example, sales, customer
service or insight into the value digital technologies could add to their business.
There are a lot of techniques to implement the digital marketing plan in a business but SOSTAC
analysis is one of the best ways to start creating a digital marketing plan.
Situation analysis, asks what the current state of the business is. It means that where is our
project we started literacy passport and now we are about to complete the program etc.
Objectives, helps list an overview of goals for the business like whether we achieve or
complete the Literacy passport in a given time and budget and also take care of the quality of
Strategy helps provide a big picture plan to achieve the goals, like we work according to our
plan strategy and how it is useful in achieving the goals.
Tactics breaks down the big picture strategy into smaller details. In other words that as we
plan a strategy to implement the literacy passport according to this strategy, so to act on that
strategy we need to break down the strategy into small tasks.
Action helps assign responsibility and deadlines for certain tasks, similarly we need to
identify the time, quality and budget for every small task. We also need to distribute the
responsibilities. Like who will be responsible for the implementation, who will responsible
for the brand awareness and so on.
Control offers an easy way to track the progress of the plan. The most important part of the
SOSTAC plan is that how to control the performance. Like we need to be vigilant and too
much reactive towards the performance. We need to focus on every single step on the


This Digital Marketing plan will cover out the vision, mission and objectives as well as the core
values of the Faculty of digital marketing department as they are to launch a literacy passport program
in South Wales. The plan gives a support as concerns the evolution of the marketing departments of
the whole South Wales SME Sector and help to convert the traditional way of marketing into the
digital marketing. It also has an analysis of the strategic goals as well as the strategies/strategic
objectives to be pursued in the mission to realize the set goals.
Similarly working with partner companies of South Wales from the digital technology industry the
University is introducing TOWID and would implement through their students. As a student of the
university or as a student working within a company will promote the literacy passport project to a
targeted industry sector group of companies that could be interested in getting involved and welcome
digital marketing.
This plan further defines the action plans and specific activities in line with the set objectives to apply
the digital marketing strategy. The specific goals set out are mentioned below:
The faculty of Digital Marketing Department of University south Wales will educate the
students to choose an industry and implement the literacy passport initiative in the SME
sector of South Wales.
To improve students, academic and digital marketing education.
Ensure to cover the whole South Wales SME sector.
Work with SME sector for 6 to 18 month to enhance the awareness about digital marketing.

Transforming lives, economies and communities through accessible, distinctive and responsive
education, innovation and engagement
The University of South Wales is committed to
Accessible, distinctive and responsive education
Providing an excellent student experience
Economic development and job creation across South Wales
Cultural enrichment across Wales
Expansion of international education

Student Faculty
Academic freedom
Service Excellence

The purpose of the project is to educate the SME industries about the cheap and effective utilization
of digital medium/digital marketing channels, to increase the profitability of industry, with digital
literacy passport the students will be given intensive hands on training to enable them to carry out
strategic audit of their client companies and establish strategic plan for them.
Increasing the Digital Marketing knowledge among the University South Wales and SME industries.
Support academics and professionals accomplish their Digital Marketing aims.
Wales construction industry plays a vital role in delivering a vibrant role in the economy with spend
for the sector estimated at more than 2.3 billion per annum. This sector contributes 10% in the GDP.
Wales is committed to cutting its carbon footprint by 3% per annum from 2011. The Preliminary
Estimate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) published on 25 October 2013 contained a forecast for
quarterly construction output of 2.5%. This estimate has been revised within this release based on
updated survey responses and is now estimated to be 1.7%, a downward revision of 0.8 percentage
points. This downward revision has no effect on the preliminary estimate of GDP growth to 1 decimal
place. Construction currently accounts for 6.3% of GDP [Saren S, 2012]
The Welsh construction industry will not emerge out of recession under next year, new research
shows. Over the 2010 to 2014 period, construction output in Wales is expected to average 2.5%
growth each year that makes Welsh has higher than the UK average of 1.7% and the fourth highest
of the 12 regions and nations [Pestle, 2013].
Construction in Welsh housing is predicted to be in contrast to the UK trend, with private housing
likely to have an annual average growth at nearly 8%. Wales is also expected to lead the way across
the UK in the repair and maintenance sector, with an annual growth rate of 3.8% over 2010-2014,
above the UK figure of 0.4% [Pestle 2013]
The University of South Wales has over 33,000 students, making it one of the largest universities in
the UK and a major regional university.
Total Number of Students 33,584
Students on campus 26,805
Students at partner colleges 6,141
International Students 4,516
Full-time undergraduate 16,379
Full-time postgraduate 2,281
Part-time undergraduate 8,796
Part-time postgraduate 2,969
Further Education 2,547
Wales 23,600
England 5,267
Rest of UK 201
Other EC countries 1,127
Overseas (non-EC) 3,389
Under 21 11,227
21-24 7,807
25-29 4,376
30+ 10,174
Prospective students
Wales SME Industry
Construction Industry
Marketing Professionals
Touch Point Department Does it meet their expectation/need? Competitive
Website IT Dept. Could be clearer on what we do
Easy to find information
Good call to action
Video Centric
Social Media Advertising
Easy to get information
No prompt reply
Language barrier
Opt In E-
Sale And Mkt.
Area wise availability
Site Visits
Co Branding
Barter arrangement between
two parties who exchange goods or services wit
hout any cash changing hands.
Top up Size Information
Price Information
Quality Standards
Search engine
The most critical activities in digital marketing strategic planning are to analyse both internal
environmental and external environment factors within which the business operates. [PRweb, 2013].
One approach used in this analysis is that SWOT analysis. It stands for Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats. SWOT was used to analyse both the external and internal environment.
[Weisheng Lu, 2010]
For every business assessment of environment of the institutions/organization is just like a backbone.
Similarly to launch digital department new product Literacy Passport has also some sort of strengths,
challenges and the opportunities. This assessment commonly referred to a SWOT analysis that
enables the faculty to develop strategies to manage both the internal and external environment as
discuss below.
Newly innovation in marketing
Ample land for strategic development
National recognition
Rich history and legacy in Business Administration.
Existing and new infrastructure
Ability to attract International linkages and collaboration
Vast potential to utilize the existing facilities for income generation
Programming Efforts
Perceived high tuition cost
No uniqueness.
Lack in existence all over the UK.

Increased demand for higher education
University- Industry collaborations
Growing demand for consultancies
Rapid technological advances

Competition from other universities
Escalating cost of education
High cost of Business infrastructure and technical equipment
Fast technological changes in Business studies.
Global economic recession.
Normally we use SMART analysis to set the objectives for the organization. It stands for:
Time bound
Below mention are some digital marketing objectives:

The faculty of Digital Marketing Department of University south Wales will educate the
students to choose an industry and implement the literacy passport initiative in the SME
sector of South Wales.
To improve students, academic and digital marketing education.
Ensure to cover the whole South Wales SME sector.
Work with SME sector for 6 to 18 month to enhance the awareness about digital marketing.
To Improve all the to student's academic and digital marketing staff

The first part of segmentation is to cover the whole South Wales population like demographical as per
below classes to cover the business audience customer for our digital marketing strategy
Age: Teens, youths, middle age, adults
Gender: male and female
Education: high school, college and university
Income: Low, medium, high
Marital status: All marital status
Ethnic or religious background: all ethnic group
Family life cycle
The geographical area to be cover of the whole South Wales is our target area to provide the covering
segmentation by area wise, so we need to cover the below whole area of South Wales.
The objective and aims to focus the target market for the University of South Wales need to cover the
below mention market for the Pilot Program. Since the faculty of University is looking to cut down
the cost, mass marketing or concentrated marketing would be best for the faculty.
Students of Digital of Marketing of University Of South Wales
SME Sector of Construction Industry.
Like 199 construction industries working in south Wales which even dont have websites so it is good
opportunity and potential to hit this sector as I have choose for my assignment to cover the industry
and apply literacy passport initiative.
University of south Wales newly launched new program in south Wales by namely pilot program
known as literacy passport initiative of digital marketing to cover the SME industry of South Wales
which is also competitive advantage from other competitors universities. Position by products
benefits shows how product/service (literacy passport program) would produce benefit to potential
customers (SME industry of the South Wales). Applying this program on the SME business the
customer will be more easily to contact what they need from their doorstep.


Objective Proposition/mix
Product Literacy Passport Initiative program for SME industries of South Wales
Place South Wales
Price Zero ( as this is a voluntary program)
Promotion Internet (Website)
Interactive Ads
Social Media
Search Engine Optimization
Opt In E-Mail
People Full post graduate staff and students
Personal contacts
Face to face communication
Good contact points on faculty website(live chat)S
Physical Evidence Conducive facilities
University Offices
Processes Excellent administrative process
As the Faculty of Digital Marketing has an almost outstanding online position in the market like an
easy navigation website having good and striking content with a clean user Interface. The website
needs to fit properly into Literacy passport overall marketing objectives and marketing plan. A
consistent message across all marketing tools uses is essential as internet can be more cost effective
than other marketing tools.
There are many digital marketing tools to generate awareness about brands, but according to Digital
marketing program literacy passport below mention tools can be useful and will effective and efficient
Search Engine optimization
Wed site
Interactive ads
Online Partnership
Social Media Marketing
Opt in E-Mail
The University is reintroducing phased out degrees could be done by raising awareness about this
pilot program. A competitive edge over the other universities can be achieved the target goal and
objectives. Promotion is the key element. Creating education based task to the student can be helpful
and also non media public relations such as newsletters, websites press room for targeting the right
audience for this pilot program. The below are some tactics to achieve objectives.
Search marketing is the process of gaining traffic and visibility from search engines through both paid
and unpaid efforts. It encompasses:
SEO: Earning traffic through unpaid or free listings
SEM: Buying traffic through paid search listings
Originally called search engine marketing, the shorter phrase search marketing is now often used
as the umbrella term over SEO and SEM. The longer phrase search engine marketing or SEM
is now typically used to describe paid search activities.
SEM is the process of gaining traffic by purchasing ads on search engines. It is also called paid search
and sometimes referred to as CPC (cost-per-click) or PPC (pay-per-click) marketing, because most
search ads are sold on a CPC / PPC basis.
SEM is short for search engine marketing, which once was used as an umbrella term to encompass
both SEO (search engine optimization) and paid search activities. However, over time, many adopted
the SEM acronym to refer solely to paid search
Build a good website, publishing and sharing content brings people in to your website but this is only
part of it. In order to make the return on your investment have to convert those visitors into leads and
become customers. The information must fulfil all the areas of information that an audience requires.
The main focus is also to share the latest information with the customers about the companys current
and latest information about products, services of new construction sites to engage the customer and
build an online PR and then convert it into customer.
To send an email to the customer on their requests and to sent the information about the current
projects and build relationship.
The new and emerging channel to transfer the information to the customer is Social media marketing
like you can easily develop great content in the form of blogs, articles, videos and images on the
internet. It will work on a personal level as well as within construction industry and provides a way of
engaging with others for the purpose of generating exposure and sales of new projects.
The way to discuss the new project or product just needs to launch a discussion or articles about your
products, services. In this way the customer will have enough information about the new buildings,
houses and hostels etc. through this way customer can easily share queries and suggestions.
The core inbound marketing will be the main website of the University, But to provide ultimately
information about the product and service the customer sometimes searching on the web within the
major search engines. Inbound marketing starts off with website visitors who are brought to your site
by what you publish, promote and share in blogs, articles, online press releases, videos and images.
Because many B2B businesses focus to establish social media marketing strategies just to increase
brand awareness and increase traffic to the main website.
Title Responsibilities
Marketing Manager Planning/Strategy/Tactical
IT Manager Implement and controlling the traffic
Software Engineers Development the websites.
CRM Manager Control the traffic and feedback to management.
Annual costs Annum Month
Exhibition operating costs 100,000 8,333
Advertising 100,000 8,333
University Website improvement 15,000 1,250
Digital Marketing 60,000 5,000
Sub Total 260,000 22,916
Marketing campaign is one of the important tasks ever in integrated marketing campaign because
workout on the marketing campaign is directly proportional to your return on investment. The second
reason for this is that customer is directly watching you so be careful in launching a campaign. The
digital world has made tracking online behaviour and visitors much easier as marketers strive to
understand where visitors come from, what pages they viewed, how long they spent on your website
through purchasing.
In our marketing campaign we are launching a new literacy passport programme into the
market place.
We need to have a specific micro site where visitors will be directed to from all sources used
within the campaign.
The channels for this campaign will use are Email, Paid Search, Twitter, Blog, Banner
Advertising and Print Advertising
The real performance and effectiveness of campaign can be evaluated and watched closely. It is all
well and good generating thousands of visitors but if they are not converting into become your
customer then the campaign has failed to achieve its primary objective. Because the main purpose and
objective is to attract and generate new customers
There are many performance monitoring tools out there, some free some paid for, and if you are not
careful they will overwhelm with you tonnes of data. It is important to measure what you need to
measure in order to achieve your objectives. If your objective is to increase site traffic then your one
metric to measure is unique visits over time. If your objective is to increase traffic and increase
engagement levels on your site then you will need to monitor unique visitors, time spent on site
and depth of visit. Obviously, you will need to benchmark where you are today before starting on
your social media adventure.
How many unique visitors visit your site a month?
How long do they stay?
How often do they come back?
How much content do they consume?
How much of your overall site traffic is search traffic?
How much of your overall site is direct traffic?
How much of your overall site traffic is sent via referring sites?
What is your current conversion rate?
Once you have established where you are today, you have a much clearer idea for measuring the
uplifts in each of the areas above from each source such as LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter etc.
As well as measuring people visiting your website, what they do on your site and if they convert into
opportunities, you will also need to measure your social media performance and engagement levels
on platforms like Twitter and YouTube. Monitor how many people mention your brand and reply
back thanking them for the mention. If you see a question posted on Twitter, reply back with an
answer or a link to a blog post which answers the question. Immediately you are engaging with your
audience. Monitor how many views your videos are getting and how many referrals you received to
your website from YouTube or your blog. Here are some metrics to measure for your social media
performance on Twitter:
Retweets how many times have your messages been shared by others
Engagement how many people mention you and you mention them (conversation)
Clout how many times your brand is being mentioned by others
Influence your relative reach in Twitter
Sentiment tone of voice used (negative, neutral, positive)
For some of the above metrics you may need a tool to help you. I recommend using Twitalyzer which
will collate the information and provide you with a score which you can monitor on a weekly basis.
The majority of youre the remarkable content you create will live on your blog. Your blog will be the
living soul of your social media content and therefore it is important to monitor and measure how well
your blog is performing over time. You can monitor the performance of your blog by measuring the
Unique visits to the blog (daily, weekly or monthly)
Retweets how many times your articles have been shared by others
RSS feed subscribers how many people have subscribed to your blog for new updates
Social media return on investment is always going to be a big factor. For any business, start small.
Measure what matters and when you are familiar with what these metrics mean and correspond to
move on to more advanced tools and techniques. Setting your objectives is important and measuring
to reach those objectives is all that matters. The rest is less important. [Nick Pauley Managing
Look to Google Analytics to provide a comprehensive set of best practices, techniques, and how to
make the most out of your measurement planning.
Advertising and Campaign Performance
Advertising Reports
YouTube walkthrough video
Campaign Measurement
Cost Data Import
Blog posts
Success Stories
Mobile Ads Measurement
Search Engine Optimization

Social media marketing relies on great content and a great plan or strategy. There are many
construction companies already using social networking sites to promote their brand and increase
exposure. An effective strategy requires three steps:
Set objectives (increase traffic to site, increase brand exposure, establish as thought leaders,
improve customer service levels)
Content strategy (what we say, how we educate our audience)
Measurement (the effect social media participation has on our website, enquiries, new leads)
Social media has changed the way any company, small or large, should go about implementing their
marketing campaigns and strategies. Since social media has become mainstream, smaller companies
now have access to the same channels as larger companies. Ten years ago smaller companies did not
have large advertising budgets enabling TV advertising. They could not afford full page adverts in
every construction magazine or newspaper or a stand at all the large trade shows. Now using low-cost
inbound marketing techniques and social media in particular, smaller companies are establishing
themselves with a wider audience and engaging with their prospects and customers more easily and
effectively. One thing that is apparent is that social media is here to stay and those that fail to adopt
now will feel the consequences later. The generation of smart phones users are your customers of
tomorrow. How they behave and go about sourcing information and making decisions is evolving.
The internet, websites, search engines and social media channels play a huge part in how construction
companies and building product retailers will carry out their marketing in the future.


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