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Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off

everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race
marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy
set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame.
Hebrews 12:1-2
This past week we have been running a Vacation Bible School for a number of very energetic
young people. It was a joy and a delight to watch the children as they learned about the Lord Jesus
Christ and spent time praising Him. Today, on our final day our theme was serving Jesus. As we were
leading the children in their Bible Study time I found myself reminded of part of a chapter in Jack Popjes
book A Bonk on the Head. In this chapter, entitled, It Hurt. But it was worth it Popjes leads us in a
reflection on the cost of serving the Lord Jesus Christ as well as the great joy that comes to those who
take the plunge into His service as he writes.
Coming home from hospital with a new hip is not the same as coming home with a new baby.
But according to my wife, there are similarities like being willing to suffer pain in order to receive a
greater joy.
It reminded me of an incident in my speaking ministry. A few years ago, I spoke at a number
of Chinese churches in greater Vancouver. I encouraged the bright, articulate English-speaking
Chinese young people to get involved in cross-cultural missions. Ad, using Cantonese and Mandarin
interpreters, I also challenged the older Chinese Christians to make the sacrifice of giving their children
to God to become missionaries not easy for any parent.
One Sunday morning, as I was shaking hands at the door, a young mother came with her little
son, Elisha. Pastor Jack, she said, we would like a picture of you on the steps in front of the pulpit.
A few minutes later, I sat down in front of the pulpit with the young mother and her little son,
while her husband started his video camera as he sat on a pew facing us.
The mom looked directly into the camera and said, Elisha, you are now still too young to
understand, but we will someday show you this video when you are older. Today is a special day.
Today your daddy and I dedicated you to God to become a missionary. This man sitting next to you
was the one God used to speak to us during these last few days.
By this time, tears were already beginning to sting my eyes. It is not easy for any parent to let
their child go live and work in some far-off country. But it is particularly difficult for Chinese parents
to give up their dreams for their children not just that they will be well-educated, with healthy
bodies, and have a secure career, but that their children and grandchildren will live nearby and be
financially prosperous. These goals are highly valued in Chinese culture, but they are not always
feasible if the children get involved in cross-cultural missions.
Popjes gets to his point when he describes the sacrifice that his and his wifes parents made
when he and his family went off into the mission field.
We stood in that Edmonton airport, my dad said, and watched your plane until it
disappeared. We cried, knowing we would not see any of you again for four years.
Oh, it hurt to have you gone for so long, Jos mom said.
It hurt, they kept saying, but it was worth it. Today, to see the Canelas receive Gods Word
in their own language. Oh yes it was worth all the pain. (A Bonk on the Head, Wycliffe Bible
Translators, Inc., Orlando, FL, 2011, p. 157-159)
The redemption of the lost always comes at a cost. For the Lord Jesus our redemption led Him
to Calvarys cross. For the Father, He had to give up His only Son to the cross. For us, we are called to
sacrificially serve the Lord each day. The question and the challenge is this, are we willing?

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