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lost my

Hes a white tailed
deer, and I need you
to help me find where
he lives! Were going to have to look in the
different biomes. Those are large places that are
very different from one another. Lets start with


Welcome to
Brrrrr! Its very cold here! The average temperature is between
-26 degrees Celsius and -12 degrees Celsius. Permafrost is
found here- thats a layer of soil thats frozen beneath the soil.
Corey the Caribou says its too cold here for Willie the White
Tailed Deer.

The next biome well visit is the Taiga Its
still too cold for my friend Willie here!
The average temperature is
between -10 degrees Celsius and
-14 degrees Celsius. There are more
trees here than in the Tundra, such as
pine trees, spurs, and spruces.
Henry the Hawk has a home
here. He told us to look for
Willie in the Temperate

This biome is found mostly on the inside
of continents. Theres really not enough
rain for big trees, but there is a lot of
grass, and rich, fertile soil. This makes the
grasslands perfect for grazing animals,
such as antelopes and bison. Barry the
Bison told me that this isnt the right
place to find Willie the White Tailed Deer.
He said to look in the Desert.

Whew! Its hot
here! Much too
hot for Willie! The
desert is a very
dry and barren
biome. While its
very hot during
the day, the temperatures can decrease by
30 degrees Celsius at night. Plants here
are very sparse, as well animals. They
need to conserve water to survive. Why?
The desert only gets about 25 cm of rain a
year! Camels save water in their humps to
survive. Carl
the Baby Camel
told me that
Willie cant
survive here,
but he may be
in the Savanna!

The savanna is very like
the grasslands. It is sort of
a middle ground between
the desert and the
rainforest. It has distinct
wet and dry seasons. This
is where you find a lot of animals, such as the
lion, giraffe, and zebra. Evan the Emu says that
Willie the White Tailed Deer doesnt live here,
either. He says that we should look in the

Tropical Rain Forest

The tropical rainforest gets the most
rain out of any of the biomes. A thick
covering of trees called the canopy lets
hardly any light reach the ground. Willie
the White Tailed Deer doesnt belong
here! Animals like monkeys, snakes, and
many insects live here. Also, colorful birds
like Tessa the Toucan live in the
rainforest. Tessa tells us to
look in the chaparral
for Willie.

The chaparral is a biome with hot
summers and wet winters. The dry
summers make the chaparral prone to
fires, and consist of mostly shrubs.
Animals like the jackrabbit and foxes
live here. This is not the right place for
Willie to live, though! That means theres
one place left to look The temperate
deciduous forest!
Willie is in his home, the temperate
deciduous forest biome. The temperate
forest has lots of trees, and four very clear
seasons. In the autumn these trees lose their
leaves. Some animals in this biome
hibernate during
the winter. White
tailed deer, as well
as chipmunks,
squirrels, and
eagles, are some
animals that live

Now that youve
visited all 8 biomes,
heres a little game to
help you remember

chaparral desert rainforest savanna
taiga tundra temperate deciduous forest
temperate grasslands

Thanks for helping me find Willie! Lets
retrace our path to see where weve been!
Follow the numbers on the maze in order to get to the end!

1. Tundra
2. Taiga
3. Temperate Grasslands
4. Desert
5. Savanna
6. Rainforest
7. Chaparral
8. Temperate Deciduous Forest

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