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2014 Illinois

800 Interviews with very likely registered voters in Illinois

Conducted July 9-10
Accuracy level +/- 3.9%
The survey was conducted by phone with registered voters in the Illinois. It was conducted by
telephone which allows interviewers to conduct surveys with people who list mobile phones as their
primary number (it is illegal for automated polling to call mobile phones). More than 30% of the interviews
were conducted with mobile users..

I'm going to read you a list of political figures. Please tell me whether you have a Strongly
Favorable, Favorable, Unfavorable or Strongly Unfavorable opinion of each person. (ROTATE)(Do
not read: Cant Rate and Never Heard Of)
2. Barak Obama 14% 29% 44% 13% 0% 0%
3. Bruce Rauner 11% 29% 35% 9% 13% 2%
4. Pat Quinn 19% 27% 36% 8% 10% 0%
5. Lisa Madigan 8% 40% 33% 10% 9% 0%

6. What is the most important issue you would like to see the next Illinois Attorney General
1. Taxes 12%
2. Crime 12%
3. Jobs 10%
4. Ruling on Pensions/Money Spent on Pension 8%
4. Debt/Budget 8%
4. Political Corruption 8%
5. Veterans Issues 6%
Would you be much more likely, somewhat more likely somewhat less likely or not likely at all to
vote for a candidate for Illinois Attorney General who (s)
(Do not read: Doesnt Matter and Dont Know)

7. Opposed passage of a concealed and
carry gun law in Illinois 13% 31% 17% 26% 11% 2%

8. Has worked in government and politics all her life 5% 54% 13% 18% 9% 1%

9. Will protect the rights of legally qualified gun owners 17% 52% 14% 12% 0% 5%
10. Served 20 years in US Marine Corp most of it as a
Prosecutor, including the trial of Saddam Hussein 27% 53% 7% 9% 4% 0%
11. Has never run for offices and will run Attorney
Generals Office from a prosecutors perceptive 20% 22% 16% 14% 27% 1%

12. Is considered strongly pro-life on the abortion issue 2% 27% 17% 18% 33% 3%

13. Is considered strongly pro-choice on the abortion issue 14% 37% 16% 13% 18% 2%

14. Opposes gay marriage 9% 11% 7% 18% 55% 0%
15. Father is Illinois Speaker of the House and as Attorney
General has rarely pursued political corruption cases 0% 13% 26% 34% 20% 7%

16. Would your community be better served if the next Illinois Attorney General was from outside
49% Yes 14% No (Dont Read) 37% Dont Know

17. Which area would you like to see the next Illinois Attorney General concentrate on?

31% Political corruption
18%_ Consumer Fraud
(Don't read) 49% Both
(Don't read) 2% Don't Know
18. Should the next Illinois Attorney General be a strong advocate for veterans, including suing
federal veterans hospitals that are not giving Illinois veterans proper treatment? (ROTATE)

91% Yes 2% No (Dont Read) 2% Doesnt Matter (Dont Read) 5% Dont Know

19. Illinois is deeply in debt which of the following do you believe is most responsible for the
hugh debt: Public employee Pensions; state tax and fee increases; Political corruption or
failed political leadership?

23% Public employee Pensions
11% State Tax/Fee increases
29% Political corruption
29% Failed political leadership
(Don't read) 8% Don't Know

20 Do you support pension reform that would include a reduction in benefits to public employees?

24 Yes (GO to 21)
70% No
(Dont Read) 6% Dont Know (GO to 21)
21. Would you support a reduction even if those benefits were already promised to the employee
by the state of Illinois?
85% Yes
0% No
(Dont Read) 15% Dont Know
22. If the election for Governor of Illinois were held today, for whom would you vote? (ROTATE)
34% Democratic Pat Quinn
40% Republican Bruce Rauner
(Dont Read) 26% Dont Know
23. If the election for Illinois Attorney General were held today, for whom would you vote?
46% Democratic Lisa Madigan
37% Republican Paul Schimpf
(Dont Read) 17% Dont Know

24. Are you or any member of your family currently serving in the U.S, military or a veteran?

38% Yes 62% No (Dont Read) 0% Dont Know

25. Are you or a member of your family currently a member of a union?
15% Yes 5% Public or 5% Private sector 5% Not sure
85% No

26. In which age category are you 20% 18-30 23% 31-45 31% 46-60 26%_60+

27. Are you classified as: 75% Caucasian 16% African American 7% Hispanic 2% Other

28. Do you consider yourself a: 42% Democrat 33% Independent 25% Republican

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