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Dear Friends,

We have the pleasure to invite you to the XII BrazilFoundation Gala New York,
which will take place at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center on September 18,
2014. This is one of the most important fundraising events of the year
for BrazilFoundation, gathering 500 people from the business, media, academic,
diplomatic and artistic communities of Brazil, the US and Europe to
celebrate BrazilFoundation's efforts for a more just and equitable Brazil.

In this edition of the Gala we will be "Celebrating Women" and recognizing the efforts
of some extraordinary women leaders as well as celebrating the accomplishments of
programs advancing the rights of women in Brazil and around the world.

We will be recognizing the accomplishments of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
Program, which has provided economic opportunity for over ten thousand women in
43 countries, many of them in Brazil. The Foundation will present the Global Brazilian
Award to Bebel Gilberto, one of the most talented and recognized Brazilian singers.

Finally, we will be honoring three of our own partners who have each dedicated over
two decades of their lives towards improving the lives of people from the communities
in which they serve:

Anlia Timb, Founder of Vidana, who for
33 years has provided opportunity through
cultural and educational activities in the Vila
Velha neighborhood in Fortaleza, Cear.

Maria de Lourdes Braz Vieira, Founder of
Casa de Santa Ana, who has pioneered
innovative methods of caring for the elderly,
including inter-generational approaches, in the
City of God neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro.

Brigitte Louchez, Coordinator of 20 years
at Barraca da Amizade, who leads the
organization in combatting the sexual
exploitation of girls and adolescents in
Fortaleza, Cear.

At the Gala we will also launch the BrazilFoundation Fund for Women, which will
promote the much needed collaboration of both local and global resources advancing
women in Brazil, focusing on promoting their economic opportunity, leadership and

We count on your support and presence on September 18th!

Thank you and best regards,
Patricia Lobaccaro
President and CEO of BrazilFoundation


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