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The Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE) is an initiative launched in February 2008 to develop
and transform Sarawak into a developed state. SCORE covers an area of 70,709 sq km from Tanjung Manis
to Similajau.
The 5-prong development strategy of SCORE is to:
Drive investments in priority industries to the three major growth nodes of Tanjung Manis, Mukah
and Samalaju.
Build a network of industrial class transportation and communication infrastructure within the
Accelerate the development of energy supply.
Accelerate human capital growth within the Corridor.
Develop the tourism industry, focusing on natural attractions of the Central Region.
Key economic focus areas
Investments are focused on the following 5 major synergistic growth nodes:
Tanjung Manis Industrial Port City and Halal Hub
Mukah Smart City
Samalaju Heavy Industry Centre
Baram Tourism and resource-based industries
Tunoh Tourism and resource-based industries
The secondary growth centres such as Semop, Balingian, Selangau, Samarakan, Bakun and Ng Merit will
also be developed.
SCOREs top 10 priority industries are the aluminum, glass, steel, oil-based, palm oil, fishing & aquaculture,
livestock, timber-based, marine, engineering and tourism industries.
Regional Corridor Development Authority (RECODA)
RECODA is entrusted with the task of implementing the SCORE initiative. Its primary task is to bring about
the success of SCORE by executing marketing and investment programmes, as well as ensuring the
successful implementation of projects. RECODAs functions also include facilitating the growth and
development of infrastructure and human resources in SCORE by mobilising the natural resources of
Sarawak and providing investor support.
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Financial Incentives
The existing incentives in Malaysia are available for various industries and approved activities under the
Promotion of Investments Act 1986 and the Income Tax Act 1967. The incentives include:
Pioneer status;
Investment Tax Allowance on qualifying capital expenditure;
Deductions for research and development; and
Reinvestment allowance.
There are various sales tax and import duty exemptions as well.
Specific incentive packages customised to suit the special needs and requirements of SCORE investors are
available on a case-to-case basis.
Non-financial Incentives
Investors in the top 10 priority industries will be eligible for industrial land at competitive lease rates and
favourable payment terms such as minimal down payment and flexible payment terms. With abundant
energy resources (i.e. hydropower, coal and natural gas), SCORE can offer its energy supply at more
competitive rates compared to other regions. Furthermore, companies which are intensive users of energy
will be eligible to negotiate for energy resources at lower than competitive rates.

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