A Thing

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Karthusin: *Lucious approaches, plopping down infront of the bed/sofa/whatever,

seating himself proper, glancing back at Darius. How he isn't getting a load of
this, he just cannot believe. And valora has her friendly tendrils spring to lif
e, starting to rub off against her bottom*
Szilev Kaal: *She welcomes them, crossing her legs for a few moments before spre
ading them, looking down at the tendrils.* Mmmm...~
Karthusin: *One just stretches out and prods her entrance a few times, before go
ing flat against it, starting to rub directly* Very straightforward today, ain't
cha lead?
Szilev Kaal: *She moans softly in pent-up arousal, arching her chest forwards an
d tilting her head back in a very much feminine fashion. She tilts her head towa
rds Lucious.* Are you implying that I am ever dishonest about my preferences? *S
he smirks, closing her eyes and lifting her head.* This has always been my favou
rite thing to do.
Szilev Kaal: *Darius meanwhile keeps glancing at her like this - but seems to be
trying not to look, for whatever reason.*
Szilev Kaal: *His music is audible. Through his headphones. Then again, when isn
't it?*
Karthusin: *Not like anyone minds. Noise marines live with any kind of music.* .
.. That's a very good point, why did I not think of that? *He leans forward, obs
erving the steady advance. Another joins in and they begin to rhytmically rub up
against her multiple times*
Karthusin: You're the Daemonette that's not a Daemonette. *Narrows eyes*
Karthusin: *The stubby ones she's seated upon create the feeling of a fine massa
ge on her bottom*
Szilev Kaal: *She meets the tendrils with mutual love, rubbing her groin up agai
nst them, lusting for more. She opens one eye, looking at Lucious. She doesn't r
eally say anything or even comment wittily on his silly "pickup line", currently
having too much fun with the feeling of her body in this situation to care. Not
that it's a lot of fun, but it's definitely where her interests are most at rig
ht now...*
Szilev Kaal: Come on... Where are the rest...?
Karthusin: *More or less triggered, the bed would now take form of a chair, conv
ulsing around her form. And as it does so, the ''armrests'' just stretch out as
another two slithery extensions, wrapping themselves around her stomach. Another
... surprising amount of 6 would burst out from between her legs and the two pre
vious ones spread her open for 4 of the smaller ones to more or less invade her
Karthusin: *The noise raptor beneath her would be staring intently. Not taking p
art for the first time*
Szilev Kaal: *She gasps, a grin of mild excitement upon her face, looking down a
nd watching herself getting spread. She's invaded effortlessly, moaning, throwin
g her head back again and clutching her own breasts. She starts to squeeze and f
ondle them without restraint, squirming out against the delightful 'fabric' and
the tendrils; she wouldn't half mind if the fleshy material were to literally en
gulf her entirely.*
Karthusin: *To some extent it has, atleast around her back. Instead of leaving h
er to pleasure herself, two more lash out, much lengthier, and slither around he
r breasts, trying to wrap themselves around them entirely and begin to squeeze a
nd slither against her skin. Meanwhile the 4 from beneath move in squads of two,
for each time one pulls back, another replaces it in thrusting. The ones left f
rom the total of 6 stretch out, with a bigger tip, starting to sqush her clit be
tween themselves*
Karthusin: ( Yup. this is surprisingly fun to RP, just... not practically playin
g a character here xD )
Karthusin: ( This is likely the wonderous life of a dildo )
Szilev Kaal: *She starts to breathe with more frequent gasps, rhythmically thrus
ting her hips back and forth, rapidly picking up pace. She tilts her head down,
her mouth open, observing once more - moaning out loudly as her clit is pressed
upon. It feels so good right there, overpowering with the pressure. It hurts in
an exquisite way.*
Szilev Kaal: ( LOL. Yeah, not a bad one to have, that's for sure. I find this se
xy too; you're doing a great job! )
Karthusin: *Another 4 or so lash out around her belly, two of which begin to dra
w downwards, larger in size. Other two begin to slither across the toned surface
of her stomach, to simply stimulate her. Her breasts are meanwhile pressed toge
ther, with the tentacle tips wrapping themselves around her nipples, starting to
pull on them tight*
Karthusin: Just come freakin' watch, Darius, lead's putting up a show for us. Yo
u're -probably- gonna get sick of glancing this way every 5 seconds.
Szilev Kaal: *Darius looks over at Valora - who is writhing in ecstasy, her legs
spread considerably wide in a very sexual pose indeed, her nude body rubbing it
self against the delightful pleasures the tentacles have to offer her - moaning
all the while. She cries out, arching her back and throwing her hair behind her
once more as the nipple pressure is added to the clitorial pressure, moaning out
loudly.* Yess!! Slaanesh...!! Take me! Ohhhhh...! *Her legs kick somewhat as he
r horniness starts to really build up. Her eyes are smiling in deep enjoyment, h
er mouth hanging open in atypical inelegance.*
Szilev Kaal: *Darius grimaces, after a good while of simply staring at this spec
tacle.* I really don't feel like it. *He looks away, rather forcibly.*
Karthusin: Mmmhmmm... *He seems convinced. Meanwhile, the two that slithered dow
n draw forth and prime themselves, soon adding in to the two group of 4, now sti
mulating the feeling of having Lucious inside of you, overfilling her. Another t
wo stick out from the side of the chair and slither on upwards towards her face,
these shaped more or less like Fate's retarded excuse for plot a plot device -
the dicktentacles. Atleast these don't try to hide that they're just there for s
ervice. Both try to push themselves into her open mouth, just right in terms of
Szilev Kaal: *Her fingers curl, spreading, clawing at the air as her arms now sp
read - no need to keep them on her breasts. Her eyebrows raise as the tentacles
raise themselves to her lips, forcing their way into her mouth - able to find en
try. Her eyes roll into the back of her head and she emits a muffled moan - her
entire, naked body restraintlessly writhing in perpetually growing bliss. The sh
eer enjoyment is still visible in her expression somewhat, although a lot harder
with her mouth having been filled. She rocks violently back and forth, her whol
e body shuddering and gratuitous quantities of pussy juices starting to leak fro
m below gradually. She's heard moaning uncontrollably into the tentacles which i
nvade her mouth, a muffled but nonetheless noisy series of sounds.*
Karthusin: *They push in and out in turns, making sure she remains occupied, muc
h like each individual tentacle down below. Another two of the mark. III dickten
tacles burst out, and encroach upon her chest, the previous tendrils now pushing
against the sides of her breasts, whilst tugging at her nipples, giving the two
an entry into her cleavage, where they are thereafter stuck via Valora's boobs*
Karthusin: *They begin to rapidly slither back and forth*
Karthusin: *Another two coil around her wrists, setting themselves in her hands,
whilst pinning them to the stubby armrests*
Karthusin: *Massive attack*
Karthusin: Geez, it's like... *he merely repeats* I'm surprised you ain't a daem
onette, lead.
Szilev Kaal: *Her body completely given to the whims of the tentacles - to unsto
ppable pleasure - she submits herself entirely, conscious of what Lucious says,
yet lacking the resolve - or perhaps the interest - to respond. Her eyelids flic
ker and her eyes roll, her voice moaning out loudly into the tentacles with her
voice becoming a divine crescendo of unholy ecstasy. The pleasure builds up and
up and up and soon, she climaxes - her insides clenching, her fluids spewing out
in a gushing torrent, the good squad leader crying out in pleasure.*
Karthusin: *The oral assault seizes momentarily, to let her cry out, before shor
tly repositioning themselves back in place, filling her out once more. The handy
ones just push up against her palms repeatedly, sliding along, and the ones bel
ow just don't seize at all. They persist to shove themselves up inside her, keep
ing her overfilled. The ones who kept her open no longer need to do so and silen
tly slither inside through a few tiny gaps, adding just a little bit to the alre
ady overflowing pleasure*
Karthusin: *Lucious jerks sideways on purpose, letting the stream go past him, s
o that he may sample it all later off the ground*
Szilev Kaal: *She undergoes a second orgasm within the first, her whole body tre
mbling and shaking violently, her voice crackling just as her mouth is filled ag
ain - reducing her once more to muffled moans of pleasure.*
Szilev Kaal: ( Aaaa, sorry. I'm getting really sleepy. This is very sexy though.
Just to say that stopping soon ish I think would be appropriate. )
Karthusin: ( Works. Give it another 10-15 minutes of fun )
Karthusin: ( And then we drop )
Karthusin: ( Cause I'm getting sleepy too )
Szilev Kaal: ( Certainly! )
Karthusin: *The tentacles now pick up the pace, starting to much more rapidly th
rust away at her, somehow managing to efficiently slither within her despite the
quantity, being experts at the job. Some begin to ooze something that she more
or less gets out of sticking to Lucious for days, which occurs rarely. Sticky st
Szilev Kaal: *The exquisitely naughty sensation of the hot, sticky cum within he
r in this situation plays upon her already-twisted sexuality, serving to arouse
her further. She doesn't stop. With no sign of loss in energy, the leader's body
continues thrashing - writhing about in pursuit of another orgasm, another peak
to the wonderful pleasure; more, always more. Her eyes shut as she groans loudl
y, shiveringly twitching with each thrust - her body responding to the welcome i
Karthusin: *She feels it multiplying rapidly, with more oozing out with each pas
sing moment. They persist, trying to push her there as well, with three now pres
sing against her clit, while the other two toy with her nipples and breasts to s
timulate the two within her cleave as well. They speed up further*
Karthusin: cleavage*
Szilev Kaal: *High Squad Overlord Valora can hardly take it, the clitoral pressu
re and the vigorous, filling thrusting sending her overboard. Her whole body shu
ddering, submitted fully to the tentacles' whims, she begins to moan out even lo
uder into the tentacles - breathing audibly rapidly and heavily through her nose
. She builds up and up until finally she undergoes a thunderous orgasm, the sens
ation of which causes her whole body to thrash - her spine arching forwards as s
he practically screams - interrupted by a sudden period of silence as her voice
seems to briefly fail her in this wonderful moment.*
Karthusin: *She feels a creamy sensation down below, as it begins to push out an
d flow out of her abused pussy, with the tentacles retracting back into the sofa
. The ones at her hand take a bit more, before just thrusting forward, and shoot
ing out white streaks of cum crossfired across her belly. Her breasts get the ji
st of it from the four they were dealing with, coated thoroughly and lastly the
ones within her mouth pull out and paint her face white as well, sending a few s
treaks of cum across it. Efficient bukkake, no annoying guys, other than the one
going ''i don't like it'' with his eyes stuck on it*

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