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Here is our food combining chart, you can see the list of foods for each food category at

the end of this article.

1. The most important principle is to always keep fat separate from sweet fruit. There are
many people including raw chefs who are ignoring this rule, telling us that they dont
have any bad reactions with that combination. Yes, you might not notice any reaction
right away, especially if your eating habits where not so optimal recently. But you can be
sure, that the fat-sweet fruit combination is affecting your body negatively every time,
even if you dont notice that at first.
Why the fat-sweet fruit combination is not good for you?
Firstly, sweet fruit digests much more rapidly than fat. Combining them together insures
you will get a traffic !am" in your belly. #esult $ fermentation with gas and alcohol
production. This creates a to%ic environment, which is perfect for the bad bacteria and
harsh for your good bacteria.
&nother reason to avoid that combination is that fat traps sugar in the blood stream. &lso,
consumption of sugar releases insulin, but instead of getting and transporting sugar from
the blood to muscles, brain, etc., insulin grabs" fat and transports it into the fat storage.
2. &nother important rule is to 'eep starchy, cruciferous and other slowly digesting
vegetables away from fruit. The reason is the same as with the fat $ slowly digesting
veggies 'eep fruit in the traffic !am", causing fermentation and indigestion. (%ceptions)
sprin'le of the orange or grapefruit !uice on the salad seems to be *+ for many people,
but its your responsibility to find out if you are one of them.
&cidic veggies ,non-sweet fruit- li'e tomatoes can go *+ with mangoes for many
people, but not for everybody.
3. Keep sweet fruit away from acidic fruit, li'e citrus, 'iwis and sour berries. This
combination also upsets digestion due to the different digestive !uices needed for their
weet fruit generally combines well with sub-acid fruit, li'e sweet apples, but again, you
need to listen to your body and might avoid apple-banana or apple-date combination if
you e%perience any discomfort after eating them.
weet fruit also combines well with sweet pods li'e carob and mes.uite.
!cidic fruit usually combines very well with sub-acid fruit. &nd again, you should ma'e
sure it agrees with your body.
". Keep fresh #uices$ watermelons and water separate from the other foods, because
they are of the highest water content and they need to go through the stomach almost
instantly and other foods would 'eep them in longer then needed and messing up the
%. &at only one type of fat at a time. Fatty foods, li'e avocado, olives and especially nuts
and seeds are hard to digest. /f you give your body two types of fat, it is even harder for
the body, lowering your energy levels and immune system. You might also get
indigestion and gases from eating too much fat.&s you can see, greens and herbs are
generally combining good with most foods, but you should always listen to your body. /f
you feel heavy and gassy after combining greens with fruit, then you should 'eep them
separate until your digestion becomes better or even for your whole life if you wish.
0othing is wrong about eating simple or even mono meals as long as you get all the
essential nutrients from a big variety of fresh vegan foods.Fats combine well with greens
and veggies and can help to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.1prouts, spices and mushrooms
combine best with veggies, greens and fats. They all digest pretty slowly, so give your
body time after your salad meal before you eat fruit. (%act time depends on your personal
physiology and health of digestive trac'. /t can ta'e anywhere from 2 up to 3 hour for
some individuals.
/f you eat fruit 2-4 hours after a fatty meal and feel great with no discomfort or other
symptoms li'e pimples, rashes, tiredness, blood sugar spi'es and so on, you probably
digested all your fats and they left your stomach before the fruit.
&nother good sign that a fatty salad is digested well is a real feeling of hunger.
The good news is, you can improve your digestion by eating well combined raw vegan
food and become more efficient at digesting and absorbing your food.
'ucumbers and celery are a very neutral food and you can eat them li'e greens with
almost any food.
(urian is a very comple% fruit $ it contains both, fat and sugar along with certain
en5ymes to digest that combination . /t should be eaten separately and not too often.
6e did not invent any of these rules, they where wor'ed out for generations by health
enthusiasts and natural healing practitioners. But all this is not written in stone, its !ust a
guidance for you to find your own uni.ue way to feel your best and feed your body in a
way, that will allow to heal it as fully as humanely possible.
/f you will remember only one rule, let it be this) if you dont feel good after certain
combination or if you see some unpleasant symptoms ne%t day, dont have that 'ind of
combination anymore, its obvious, right7 8 -
Food lists for each food category:
(The list is not complete of course, but you can get the idea)
!cid )ruit
ub-acid )ruit
1weet varieties of grapes
Sweet Fruit
$amey %apote
$elons (some people say it&s better to eat melons alone)
&ll 'inds of root vegetables, e%cept inedible ones, li'e potato ,you can eat it raw if you
really have to, but its mildly to%ic and very hard on your digestion-
Cruciferous vegetables, li'e cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, 'ohlrabi and so on.
Non-sweet fruit
'll fruit (ith lo( sugar and fat content, li!e:
,gg plants
Bell peppers
&ll nuts, including coconut
&ll seeds
Fatty fruit, li'e avocados and
0B= 6e do not recommend any 'ind of oils, including cold-pressed oils

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