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IBMR IPS ACADEMY, Indore Institute of Management

Submitted to Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore for the partial fulfillment for the degree
of Master of Business Administration (2012-2014)

Guided By: Submitted By:

Prof. Anita Ahuja Ritesh Chouhan
M.B.A.-III Semester



Review of Literature

Rationale of the study

Objectives of Study

Research Methodology

Research Design

Sample Size

Tools used for Data Collection

Tools used for Data Analysis



Print Media
Print is one of the most important marketing tools available to your business. We custom design
and print Brochures, Business Cards, Flyers, Postcards and more! We help our clients provide
valuable information to their respective audiences and target markets with our premium quality
print products. Hundreds of small businesses trust Blue Link Design not only for web design but
also for their print product needs.

In this electronic age, people will often ask, What is the value of print media? To answer this
question, one must first understand its nature. Firstly, it is highly accessible. Newspapers and
magazines, for instance, provide breaking and established news respectively and where they
score over their electronic counterparts is in their ease of accessibility. To get the results of
yesterdays rugby game, one is unlikely to need anything more complicated than a pair of
spectacles when consulting a newspaper and, despite the hopes of Dell and Hewlett Packard,
most readers still does not own a laptop.
What is best about print media though, is perhaps its direct relevance to most readers. A local
newspaper will always carry content that is predominantly local and only the most significant
national and international stories are normally included. Sports results will relate mainly to local
games and much of the advertising content will promote local businesses and thus be relevant to
local consumers.
Many publications, such as angling and pop music magazines, appeal to specific niche groups
and present an ideal shop window for targeting that particular market segment.
Understanding what is the attraction of print media, is something that is often very difficult for
those that believe so strongly in the supremacy of cyberspace. While both of these media share
the common goal of providing information, they still tend to address differing needs. An
advertising flyer, for instance, can be read and stuffed into a pocket for future reference if it is of
interest to the reader or discarded if it isnt. A similar advert on a website requires that one
memorizes its address to view it again.
Eco warriors may ask, what is the point of print media other than to destroy trees? They will
then, of course, seek to have their arguments published in as many national newspapers as
possible! It is, of course, equally true, that the cost to the ecology of sustaining the various
electronic media is the depletion of the planets non-renewable resources.
The power of the written word is indisputable. Quite apart from being more tangible, statements
that are seen in writing also tend to seen as having far more credibility than the spoken word.
What is print media? Simply put, it is a versatile, easily accessible and still very popular means
of conveying a written message to a mass audience. To the business owner, it offers a relatively
inexpensive means of promoting his or her products and services and has been used for centuries,
eventually resulting in the birth of a multi-billion dollar advertising industry.


Literature review
Cronley (1999) examined advertising in terms of the correspondence bias. The correspondence
bias is the tendency to assume that a person's behavior is a true reflection of their beliefs or
opinions, and thus, their underlying dispositions when in fact; their behavior could be explained
entirely by situational factors.
Jones (1979; 1986; Gilbert and Malone 1995). Examined people make strong inferences from
behavior and fail to adjust sufficiently for situational constraints. The correspondence bias is one
type of inferential bias that arises when a person has to make a judgment, such as a prediction,
causal attribution, or an attitude formation. Inferential biases result from the limited amount of
cognitive capacity (i.e., limited attention and memory) people has to process information and the
inappropriate use of relevant and irrelevant information.
Today, advertising companies invest huge amounts of their earnings in advertising in different
media such as television, radio, magazine and etc. that television is one of the prevalent media
for this purpose.
Rice and Atkin (2001) note that, television is generally assumed to have massive effects on
viewers for a variety of reasons. First, a great deal of money is spent on advertising, and big
spenders are assumed to know what they are doing. Also, people spend a deplorable percentage
of their waking hours in front of television sets, presumably with proportional effects. Effective
advertisements are advertisements that help the advertiser to reach its goals.

Ram lingam (2006) measured the effectiveness of TV broadcast advertisements (toothpaste) by
discovering important factors that influence the advertisement effectiveness by using artificial
neural network (ANN). In this study the effects of each of these factors has been studied and it is
used for measuring the advertisement effectiveness .They examined 13 factors for evaluating the
effectiveness of advertisement. Experimental results show that advertiser must take attention to
these 13 factors in their advertisement. They found there is a meaningful relationship between
the effectiveness of advertisement and these factors. Also, their study shows that the ANN model
achieves 99% accuracy for measuring the advertisement effectiveness.

(Fox 1996; Mc Neal, 1999). A teenager possessing greater financial resources would have more
money to spend on discretionary items for her/himself and may also exert greater influence on
family purchases (Beatty & Talpade, 1994).
The girl teenagers are more attracted toward TV advertisements featuring celebrities, children or
(Dubey & Patel, 2004). While purchasing cosmetics, toiletries, stationary, gifts and cards, the
girls give importance to informational input by the TV advertisements into their decision to buy.
It was also found that girls had positive attitude towards TV commercials (Kotwal et al, 2008).
The reason for higher response rate among females for products could be the higher number of
advertisements is targeted at them

Thus, it can be said the marketers and advertisers who are having eyes on this market, must
perceive opportunities to target rural consumers of India which is full of young generation

North and Kotze (2001) observed that parents can use television advertisements in various ways
as a means of communicating and educating their children on consumer matters. According to

Liebeck (1998) teenagers are now more knowledgeable. They are truly the internet generation,
and get their news and information primarily from television.
Atkin (1978) observed that children or adolescents are most influential when they are primary
customers. There is a substantial variation in the amount of teenagers influence in purchase
decision for products for their own use and for their family
(Cotte & Wood, 2004).All the products used by a customer are not necessarily those of
advertisements they liked. The key lies not only in the attractiveness of the advertisements, but
also the interest of the target

Objectives of Study

1. To study the influence of print media advertisement on the customer purchasing

2. To find out the customer perception on print media advertising.

3. To study the ways on print media advertising.

Rationale of the study

The buying behavior of the consumers would be analyzed with regard to the Print advertisements
done by companies who are operating in the industry in India. This study will enable the
companies to understand their consumers and plan their future promotions in a way in which it
will increase customers satisfaction.
The studies will also emphasis on possible consequences that may arise in the long run if the
companies target the overall market. It will also enable the companies to get an idea about the
impact of using print media advertisements in Indore city.
As this study enables to indentify customers perception of the advertisements, the companies
would be able to fulfill customer expectations by providing what customers perceive. It will
create positive attitudes towards the product and the company, ensuring their sales would not
drop as a result of print media advertisement.


All responded of Indore city.


Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be
understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. To do my study I will
adopt exploratory research design.



Convenience sampling is used in exploratory research where the researcher is interested in
getting an inexpensive approximation of the truth .as the name implies the sample is selected
because they are convenience.


For the study a sample size of 80 has been taken into consideration.


Research will be a two source
1. Primary date
2. Secondary data


Questionnaire, primary data was collected by preparing questionnaire and the people. Were
randomly being requested of filled them.


Secondary data will consist of different literature like books which are published, articles,
internet and website.

Data analysis wills b done with the help of appropriate statistical tools.


Hypothesis interprets the learning and evaluation of persuasive communications, such as
advertisements, in memorial terms. The availability-valence hypothesis is an extension of the
concept of the availability.

Hypothesis can be evoked to explain the learning and evaluation of a persuasive communication,
such as an advertisement. According to this view, the degree to which a communication is
learned is dependent on the availability of the information in the communication.

According to the availability-valence hypothesis, the learning and evaluation of a communication
depends on the availability of information associated with the communication.


Burke M.C., Edell J.A. (1989), The Impact of Feelings on Ad-Based Affect and
Cognition,Journal of Marketing Research, 26.

Bogart L. (1996), What Forces Shape the Future of Advertising Research Journal of
Advertising Research, 16, 1.

Healey J.S., Kassarjian H.H. (1983), Advertising Substantiation and Advertiser Response: A
Content Analysis of Magazine Advertisements, Journal of Marketing, 47, 1.
Holbrook M.B., Batra R. (1987), Assessing the Role of Emotions as Mediators of Consumer
Responses to Advertising, Journal of Consumer Research, 14.
Lutz R.J. (1975), Changing Brand Attitudes Throught Modifications of Cognitive Structure,
Journal of Consumer Research, 1...
Wright P.L. (1974), Analysing Media Effects on Advertising Responses, Public Opinion
Quarterly, 38, estate.

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