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Maxwell Maltz Psycho-Cybernetics [NOTES]

by: serDUDE
What is Psycho-Cybernetics. It is not nearly a psychology or philosophy
of life, it is not positive thinking it is positive oing, it is a g!ie a gateway
to creative living.
It means steering your mind to a productive useful goal.
Psycho-Cybernetics can "ean lot of things, it "eans#
how to i"prove yo!r self i"age
how to stan !ner stress
how to t!rn crisis in opport!nity
con$!est of fr!stration
art of co""!nication
isn%t a c!lt or religion is a ay to get more out of life! t"e most important
of all it means t"e searc" for your on self respect#
&o!ng girl ca"e to "y office "any "any years ago, she was '( a bea!tif!l blon chil she ha
a scar on her left chick, I operate on her an when I re"ove the final ressings fro" her chick I was
very pro! of the res!lts, an I says )take a look at yo!rself in the "irror* she looke an say-e )oh
octor I on%t see any ifference* I sai )what o yo! "ean yo! on%t see any ifference,* I showe her
the pict!re of the scar right after the accient an tol her to look herself again in the "irror, she finally
say-e )well octor I see a difference but I dont feel any different*. + years before the accient she
was engage to a yo!ng "an that r!n off an "arrie so"eone else, that left her with h!rt feelings,
-hat experience opene !p a whole new reality to "e. I realize that plastic s!rgeons eal with
scars on the faces on '. of the pop!lation an with people with nor"al faces that are $$% of t"e
population it" scars t"at t"ey "ave imagined t"emselves#
&any people "ave emotional scars! to guard t"emselves from similar emotional in'uries
t"ey form emotional callus t"at protects t"eir ego! a emotional all is build troug" no
friend or foe can pass...
("ange t"e self image and you c"anged t"e personality and be"avior, the self
i"age efines what yo! can an can not o, expan the self i"age an yo! expane the area of
)ositive t"in*ing can only or* "en its consistent it" t"e self image###
-he brain is sort of a!to"atic goal striving syste", witch works for yo! as a s!ccess "echanis"
or against yo! as a fail!re "echanis", epening on how yo! operate an the goals yo! set to it.
+ou develop your self image by your e,periencing in t"e past! you can c"ange it by t"e same
met"od# +our present state of self confidence is a result of "at you "ave
e,perienced rat"er t"an "at you "ave learned###
&emory-s of past successes act as built in stored information t"at gives us confidence for
t"e present tas*s###
If you don.t "ave any memories of successes you can reprogram yourself by using
auto suggestion! t"e mind can.t tell a difference beteen real e,perience and one
t"at is vividly imagined
/n yo! can i"agine s!ccess an yo! can beca"e s!ccessf!l, when yo! !se yo!r i"agination that is
for" of hypnotis", Psycho-Cybernetics is not that "!ch of a hypnotis" as it is ehypnotizing yo!rself
fro" negative thinking. Not"ing in t"e orld is impossible!you 'ust "ypnoti/ed yourself into
0eep practicing for a minimum of 12 days, in plastic s!rgery it takes 0' ays for the average
patient to get !se to his new face, when ar" or leg is a"p!tate it takes 0' ays to stop feeling the
place where originally the li"b was, it re$!ires for a "ini"!" of 0' ays for a ol "ental i"age to
issolve an new one to appear.
&o! can%t prove or isprove the concepts escribe here yo! can prove the" to yo!rself by
oing the" an 1!ging res!lts. T"e building of self image s"ould be done along t"e life time! but
you can e,perience improvement it"in 12 days, an so"eti"es the i"prove"ent is $!ite ra"atic.
)eople don.t 'ust find success and failure! t"ey carry t"em it" t"eir
/ goo personality is one that allows !s to eal appropriately with o!r environ"ent an with reality
an to gain satisfaction fro" reaching goals that are i"portant to !s.

-he 2 characteristics of the s!ccesses type personality#
Sense of direction.
3"en you dont "ave any personal goal it is li*ely for you to go in circles! feel lost
and find life itself purposeless. 3in a goal or pro1ect that is worth foc!sing on, always
have so"ething ahea of yo! to look forwar to
It epens !pon goo co""!nication an is vital for any g!iance syste", yo! can%t
react appropriately if the infor"ation are fa!lty or "is!nerstoo. Mis!nerstaning is
the basics for ne!rosis, re"e"ber that no one reacts to things as they are b!t on their
own !nerstaning. 4s* yourself "o is t"is appears to ot"er persons "o do t"ey
feel about it! try to understand "y t"ey act t"e ay t"ey do and 'ust as important
"y you act t"e ay you do# 3e color incoming senses it" our on fears#
It doesn-t matter "o is rig"t but "ats rig"t#
4aving a goal an !nerstaning the sit!ation is not eno!gh, yo! "!st have co!rage to
act on yo!r goal. Standing still causes people to feel fear! act impotent and trapped#
+ou need to study t"e situation 255% go over in your mind t"e various
actions possible to you! and t"e conse6uences t"at may follo from
eac" action# -ake the co!rse 5action6 that looks "ost pro"ising. /ny ti"e yo! act yo!
can be wrong b!t yo! "!st not let this stop yo!, yo! "!st have the co!rage to go after
yo!r goals every ay. 4 step in t"e rong direction is better t"at staying in t"e same
place your "ole life# 7nce yo! "ove forwar yo! can correct yo!r co!rse as yo! go.
T"e prescription for overcoming lac* of courage is not to be afraid to
ma*e fe mista*es! to suffer a little pain to get "at you ant! most
people dont *no "o brave t"ey are until t"ey act# 8y practicing co!rage
in little things we evelop the power an talent to act in "ore i"portant "atters.
+ou need to respect ot"ers problems and needs!dont treat ot"ers li*e
ob'ects# 3"en a person feels more c"aritable about ot"ers "e feels more
c"aritable about "imself#
Self esteem.
)eople it" ade6uate self esteem dont feel "ostile toards ot"ers!
aren.t out to prove anyt"ing can see facts more clearly# People who beco"e
offene the easiest have the lowest self estee", e are "urt by t"ose t"ings t"at e
perceive as t"reat to our ego and self esteem# People who feel !neserving that
beco"e 1ealo!s easily. 7reat self esteem is derived by appreciation of our
self for "at e are! a uni6ue person a "uman being# -he prescription to
evelop self estee" is to stop caring aro!n a "ental pict!re of yo!rself as being a
efeate worthless person, stop ra"atizing yo!rself as an ob1ect of petty an in1!stice.
+ou can use your imagination to train your self esteem. What is the
ifference between confience an eceive, there is one wor that separates the" an
that is h!"ility. +ou must be "umble "en you succeed! and you must not brag
about your ac"ievements any more t"an you "ine about your failures#
Is built upon t"e e,perience of success! remember past successes and forget
failures. It oesn9t "ater how "any ti"es we have faile it "aters how "any ti"es we
s!cceee. 8ividly remember and visuali/e past successes#
Self 4cceptance#
-he "ost "iserable people in the worl are those that strive to convince others that they
are so"ething other than what they really are. ("anging your self image does
not mean c"anging your self or improving yourself but c"anging your
on mental picture# -he res!lts on%t co"e fro" self transfor"ation b!t fro" self
realization. &ost of us are better! stronger! more competent and confident
t"an e reali/e# :elf acceptance "eans accepting o!rselves now 1!st as we are, with
all o!r fa!lts,weakness, errors as well as o!r assets, strengths. T"e negatives belong
to us! but are not us 9you can ma*e a mista*e! you can.t become a
mista*e:# 8egin to learn to tolerate i"perfection in yo!r self. If you "ave a lo
opinion of yourself ot"ers ill to# T"e most important friend in your
life is yourself# -he self is the central axis of yo!r existence it is what "akes yo!
!ni$!e. Change yo!r self i"age an the change of everything will follow a!tocratically.
;e "onest! you can not c"eat yourself you can only fool yourself# <orgive
yourelf for your mista*es and forgive ot"ers for t"eirs#

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