Social Responsibility of A Business

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Social Responsibility of a Business

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Tutoria Ca!!:
Corporate Social Responsibility
T#i! re$er! to t#e %ommitment or o&igation! t#at &u!ine!!e! #a'e in t#e !o%ietie!( in
)#i%# t#e* $un%tion+ Aternati'e*( it re$er! to t#e 'ountar* a%tion! underta,en &* %om-anie! to
addre!! t#e en'ironmenta( !o%ia and e%onomi% im-a%t! o$ it! &u!ine!! o-eration and it!
-rin%i-a !ta,e#oder!. %on%ern!+ A%%ording to t#e Euro-ean %ommi!!ion( CSR i! a %on%e-t
)#ere t#e $irm!/%om-anie! 'ountari* de%ide to %ontri&ute to a %eaner en'ironment and a &etter
!o%iet* 01ind!or "223( -+456+ T#e CSR %on%e-t !ugge!t! t#at a &u!ine!! !#oud identi$* it!
ree'ant grou-! o$ !ta,e#oder! and in%or-orate it! 'aue! and need! )it#in it! o-erationa and
!trategi% -ro%e!! o$ de%i!ion ma,ing+
A%%ording to 7iton Friedman( t#e !oe &u!ine!! !o%ia re!-on!i&iit* i! to utii8e it!
re!our%e! and -arti%i-ate in a%ti'itie! meant to en#an%e it! -ro$it! gi'en it o-erate! )it#in t#e !et
rue! o$ t#e game+ T#i! im-ie! t#at t#e &u!ine!! i! e9-e%ted to -arti%i-ate in a $ree and o-en
%om-etition )it#out $raud or de%e-tion+ T#e main argument i! t#at t#e ,e* !o%ia re!-on!i&iit*
o$ a &u!ine!! i! ma,ing o$ -ro$it+ Bu!ine!!e! %annot !ur'i'e )it#out ma,ing o$ -ro$it: in%rea!e in
%om-an*.! -ro$it &ene$it! t#e e%onom* and it! %iti8en! 07%1iiam!( Siege ; 1rig#t "223( "6+
T#ere$ore an e'auation o$ t#e !tatement <T#e !o%ia re!-on!i&iit* o$ &u!ine!! i! to in%rea!e
-ro$it!. i! %ondu%ted in t#i! ana*!i!+
Theories of Corporate Social Responsibility
i. Economic Model
A &u!ine!! i! an e%onomi% $irm or !etu- )it# a goa o$ ma,ing -ro$it+ =i'en it #a! it!
inde-endent e%onomi% intere!t!: it a!!ume! t#e ega entit* !tatu!+ In %on!idering t#e %om-an*.!
!o%ia re!-on!i&iitie!( t#e e%onomi% !%#oar! toget#er )it# indi'idua! in $a'or o$ t#i! o-inion
argue t#at( t#e o&?e%ti'e! o$ a %or-orate ie in %reating $a'ora&e e9i!ten%e %ondition! and
-ro!-e%t o$ !ound de'eo-ment $or a %om-an*+ T#i! im-ie! t#at( a %om-an*.! manager! !#oud
$o%u! on t#e %om-an*.! o-tima %a-ita gain! in t#e ong term in order to attain %or-orate goa!+
T#ere$ore( in order to attain t#e o-tima -ro$it! in t#e ong term( a %om-an* )i &e re@uired to
underta,e !o%ia re!-on!i&iitie!( toget#er )it# an* !o%ia %o!t( )#i%# ma* &e in%urred in t#e
-ro%e!!+ In !tud*ing t#e reation!#i- amid e%onomi% e$$i%ien%* and -er$orman%e and !o%ia
re!-on!i&iitie!( t#e em-#a!i! i! aid on t#e reation!#i- re!ear%# &et)een t#e e%onomi%
e$$i%ien%* and -er$orman%e and !o%ia re!-on!i&iitie! during a %om-an*.! ongA!tanding
de'eo-ment -ro%e!! in order to deri'e a -o!iti'e %orreation &et)een t#e t)o 'aria&e!+
T#ere$ore( t#i! mode re!tri%t! t#e !o%ia re!-on!i&iit* o$ a %om-an* to o-tima e%onomi%
re!-on!i&iit* o$ good! and !er'i%e!. -rodu%tion and -ro$it ma9imi8ation )it# t#e $rame)or,! o$
t#e a) 0Hu!ted ; de Be!u! Saa8ar "223( -+CDAC6+
ii. Social Web Model
So%iet* i! a %on!idered a! an organi% )#oe+ Enter-ri!e! 0%om-anie!6 are %om-onent!
%on!tituting t#i! organi% )#oe+ T#e reation!#i- &et)een %om-anie! and !o%iet* i! t#at( in
i!oation $rom a !o%iet*( a %om-an* )i $ai to !ur'i'e+ T#i! interde-enden%* di%tate! roe! t#e
%om-anie! and !o%iet* inter-a* )it# one anot#er( )#ie re!tri%ting t#e t)o -artie! &* t#eir
de'eo-ment rue! re!-e%ti'e* 0P#ii-!( Freeman ; 1i%,! "22>( -+D2"6+ Addition( a a! a !o%ia
!etu-( %om-anie! #a'e t#eir inde-endent intere!t!( )#erea! $or t#e )e$are o$ t#e -u&i%( t#ere
are !o%ia &ene$it!+ T#e %om-anie!. de'eo-ment o&?e%ti'e! ie in t#e %or-orate -ro$it
ma9imi8ation( )#erea! t#eir o&?e%ti'e! o$ !o%ia de'eo-ment ie in t#e %ommon &ene$it!.
in%rement $or it! !o%iet* mem&er!+ Additiona*( a! one !o%ieta tier( %om-anie!. mandate t#at t#e
!o%ia intere!t! are -ut under !o%ia &ene$it! %on!traint and t#e o&?e%ti'e! o$ t#e %om-an* )oud
aign )it# i! !o%ia &ene$it!+ T#i! e9-ain! )#* %om-anie! !#oud -arti%i-ate in t#eir 'ariou!
!o%ia re!-on!i&iitie!+ T#ere$ore( t#i! a--roa%# -er%ei'e! t#e e9i!ten%e o$ &u!ine!! )it#in t#e
!o%ia reation!#i-!. )e&+ A%%ording to Sto 0"22E( -+""6 t#e mode ta,e! &u!ine!! a! a %iti8en
)#o o-erate! in t#e !o%iet*( and !imiar to a !o%iet* mem&er!( t#e %om-an* mu!t o&ige to t#e
norma range o$ o&igation! and et#i%a dutie! t#at a %iti8en! in a !o%iet* $a%e+

iii. Philanthropy model
T#i! mode #od! t#at &u!ine!! i! at i&ert* to %ontri&ute a! a matter o$ %#arit* or
-#iant#ro-* to t#e !o%ia %au!e! 0Lanto! "221( -+D446+ Ho)e'er( t#i! doe! not im-* a !tri%t a)
or e%onomi%! o&igation to !o%ia %au!e!. %ontri&ution+ In t#i! %a!e( &u!ine!! -arti%i-ate! in
%#arit* &e%au!e it &ring! t#e &u!ine!! re-uta&e -u&i% reation!( &uid! t#e good)i o$ t#e
%om-an* )it# t#e %ommunit* and -ro'ide! a u!e$u ta9 dedu%tion+
P#iant#ro-* in'o'e! t#o!e a%tion! o$ t#e &u!ine!! or %or-orate( )#i%# are in re!-on!e
to t#e e9-e%tation o$ t#e !o%iet* t#at $irm! &e good %or-orate %iti8en!+ T#i! en%om-a!!e! a%ti'e
-arti%i-ation in -rogram! or a%ti'itie! to -romote good)i or #uman )e$are+ Communitie!.
de!ire &u!ine!! to ma,e %ontri&ution! o$ em-o*ee time( $a%iitie! and mone* to #umanitarian
-ur-o!e! or -rogram!: #o)e'er( t#e* do not %on!ider t#e &u!ine!! a! unet#i%a )#en t#e* $ai to
-ro'ide t#e -re$erred e'e+ T#e -#iant#ro-i% -er!-e%ti'e o$ CSR %an &e ana*8ed $rom atrui!ti%
and mora -oint o$ 'ie)+ A %ertain -ro-ortion o$ %or-orate -#iant#ro-* i! $a'ora&e $or &u!ine!!
and )or,! $or t#e in'e!tor!. &ene$it in t#e ong term+
iv. Integrative/Strategic model
T#i! mode !tate! t#at( $or !ome &u!ine!! %om-anie!( t#ere i! $u integration o$ t#e !o%ia
re!-on!i&iit* a!-e%t in t#e !trategi% -an or mi!!ion o$ t#e %om-an* 0Baron "22C( -+ C2C6+ T#i!
-ut! &u!ine!! in a diemma o$ !o%ia re!-on!i&iit* 'er!e! t#e -ur!uit o$ -ro$it( Ho)e'er( it
a--ie! to Not $or -ro$it organi8ation i,e t#e -u&i% #o!-ita!( -u&i% !%#oo! and go'ernment
agen%ie! or de-artment!+ Ho)e'er( t#ere are a!o -ro$ita&e organi8ation! t#at o-erate in t#e!e
!imiar )a*! and !u%# entre-reneur! demon!trate t#at( doing good and ma,ing -ro$it are
%om-ati&e+ T#e in%or-oration o$ !o%ieta im-ro'ement #arm -re'ention into %reation o$
e%onomi% 'aue #are t#e main ta%ti%! em-o*ed &* &u!ine!!e! %urrent* to rede$ine it!
reation!#i- )it# t#e %ommunit*/!o%iet*( uni,e t#e u!ua donation o$ a -ro-ortion o$ -ro$it!+
Organi8ation! )#i%# in%or-orate !o%ia re!-on!i&iit* into it! !trateg*( mi!!ion or 'i!ion do t#i!
t#roug# mea!ure! o$ !u!taina&iit*+ It in%ude! !u!taina&iit* !te)ard!#i- $or t#e &u!ine!! and t#e
range o$ !ta,e#oder! it im-a%t!+
Criti!es of CSR
T#e %riti%! o$ CSR 'ie) it a 'ioation o$ ma9imi8ation o$ -ro$it+ A%%ording to t#eir
argument( &u!ine!! i! #ig#* !o%ia* re!-on!i&e )#en it engage! in e%onomi% intere!t! on* and
ea'e! ot#er in!titution to ta,e %are o$ ot#er a%ti'itie!+ CSR diute! t#e $undamenta -ur-o!e o$
&u!ine!!( )#i%# i! e%onomi% -rodu%ti'it* and !o%iet* i! &ound to !u$$er i$ t#e &u!ine!! $ai! to
attain t#e e%onomi% goa!+ A ma?orit* o$ t#e !o%ia* re!-on!i&e a%ti'itie! do not %ater $or t#eir
o)n %o!t!: #en%e( !ome&od* #a! to in%ur t#e !o%ia %o!t!+ In mo!t %a!e!( &u!ine!! in%ur! to %o!t!
or !#i$t! t#em in $orm o$ #ig#er %o!t! to %u!tomer!+
Bu!ine!! i! %on!idered one o$ t#e -o)er$u in!titution! in t#e !o%iet*+ T#i! im-ie! t#at
-ur!uing !o%ia goa! a%%ord! it e'en more unne%e!!ar* -o)er+ So%ietie! !#oud not ao)
&u!ine!! to #a'e !u%# -o)er! a! t#e* are &ound to mi!u!e it+ T#e -rimar* a&iitie! and outoo, o$
t#e &u!ine!! eader! i! to)ard! t#e e%onomie!: t#u!( &u!ine!! -eo-e are not @uai$ied to %o-e
)it# !o%ia i!!ue!+ It i! di$$i%ut to #od &u!ine!! -eo-e a%%ounta&e $or t#eir a%tion! in -ur!uing
!o%ia goa! a! t#ere are no dire%t ine! to t#e -u&i% $rom t#e &u!ine!! !e%tor! to #od t#em
Ref!ting "rg!ments of s!ch criti!es
T#ere i! a tenden%* $or &u!ine!!e! -arti%i-ating in CSR ena&e &u!ine!! to earn more and
!e%ure -ro$it! in t#e ong run+ T#i! re!ut! $rom en#an%ed &u!ine!! image and &etter %ommunit*
reation!+ CSR i! an et#i%a o&igation o$ an* &u!ine!! )it# a %on!%ien%e a! re!-on!i&e a%tion!
are rig#t $or t#e &u!ine!! o)n !a,e 0Friedman "22C( -+1C>A56+ 7o!t &u!ine!! o-erate in and t#at
&eong! to !o%iet*( t#ere$ore( CSR i! t#e on* a--re%iation or -a*ment t#e* )oud a%%ord t#e
!o%iet* $or ao)ing t#em to o-erate -ea%e$u*+ It i! t#e &e!t )a* a &u!ine!! %an gi'e &a%, to t#e
!o%iet*+ CSR en#an%e! t#e -u&i% image o$ %or-oration! ena&ing t#em to gain &etter em-o*ee!(
more %u!tomer! and a%%e!! to mone* mar,et! among ot#er!+
T#e -ro&em! in a !o%iet* )i #a'e to &e deat )it# at a %ertain -oint+ T#ere$ore( it i!
!igni$i%ant $or &u!ine!! to a%t on t#em &e$ore t#e* e!%aate deraiing t#e energ* o$ management
$rom attain t#e -rodu%tion goa+ Bu!ine!! #a! t#e ree'ant $inan%ia re!our%e!( manageria taent(
and te%#ni%a e9-ert! to -ro'ide !u--ort to %#arita&e and -u&i% -ro?e%t!+ T#e !to%,#oder!.
intere!t i! %atered $or t#roug# CSR a! it ena&e! in%rea!e in t#e -ri%e o$ a &u!ine!! !to%, in t#e
ong run+ Baan%e o$ -o)er o$ &u!ine!! and !igni$i%ant amount o$ re!-on!i&iit* i! ne%e!!ar* to
di!%ourage irre!-on!i&e &e#a'ior+ In'o'ement &* &u!ine!!e! ena&e! t#em !o'e t#e !o%ia
-ro&em! %reating &etter en'ironment and @uait* o$ i$e to attra%t and retain !,ied em-o*ee!+
Sta#eholder Theory
A! a mode o$ %or-orate !o%ia re!-on!i&iit*( t#i! t#eor* #od! t#at &u!ine!! manager!
#a'e et#i%a re!-on!i&iitie! to 'ariou! grou-! o$ !ta,e#oder!( )#i%# go &e*ond t#e -er%ei'ed
'ie) t#at t#e !oe or -rimar* re!-on!i&iit* o$ manager! i! to !#are#oder!/!to%,#oder!+ It i! a
!#i$t to)ard! ot#er indi'idua! )#o are a$$e%ted &* t#e a%ti'itie! o$ t#e &u!ine!! eit#er dire%t* or
indire%t*+ T#e re!ut o$ t#e !#i$t i! a re$o%u! to !ta,e#oder $rom !o%ieta o&igation!+
A%%ording to 7aignan and Ferre 0"2256( t#e $our ,e* main %ategorie! o$ !#are#oder!
!ugge!ted in%ude:
a6 Organi8ationa !ta,e#oder!( )#i%# %om-ri!e o$ !#are#oder!( em-o*ee!( %reditor!(
%u!tomer! and !u--ier!+
&6 Communit* Categor* in%uding intere!t grou-! and o%a re!ident!+
%6 7edia !ta,e#oder!+
d6 Reguator* Bodie!+
In addition( Ben!en 0"22"( -+ ">E6 a!o -ro-o!e! a more e9-an!i'e 'ie) t#at in%ude!
natura en'ironment a! -art o$ t#e !ta,e#oder!+
T#e !ta,e#oder t#eor* #a! &een 'ita in going &e*ond t#e CSR traditiona e%onomi%
-er!-e%ti'e! a! it em-#a!i8e! t#e $a%t t#at t#ere are muti-e %ontri&utor! to t#e &u!ine!! a-art
$rom t#e !#are#oder!+ T#e !#i$t to reationa %om-re#en!ion o$ t#e !ta,e#oder management i!
e9-ained &* Bu%##o8 and Ro!ent#a 0"22D( -+15D6 a! $oo)!:
1#erea! a &u!ine!! mu!t &e a&e to %om-ete in order to !ur'i'e( gro)t# i! needed $or t#e
!ur'i'a( gro)t# need! de'eo-ment o$ reationa )e&( and t#e gro)t# dire%tion e'o'e! t#roug#
t#e !e$ dire%tion o$ t#e d*nami%! o$ t#e $irm.! %ommunit*+ In addition( t#e gro)t# o$ a
%ommunit* %annot &e !oe* mea!ured in e%onomi% term!( &e%au!e it in'o'e! t#e #uman i$e
enri%#ment a! a )#oe+ T#e $irm.! mora meaning i! rooted in t#e d*nami%! o$ t#e %ommunit* &*
)#i%# i$e t#ri'e! and 'aue.! e9-erien%e and it! $urt#eran%e emerge!+ T#i! eu%idate! t#at CSR i!
#ea'i* 'e!ted in t#e management o$ !ta,e#oder( )#i%# i! di$$erent $rom t#e e9%u!i'e
!#are#oder and re!ut! in &ot# reationa and 'aue added out%ome! 0Sen ; B#atta%#ar*a(
-+""46+ T#e interreation!#i- &et)een t#e organi8ationa and t#e !o%ia /reationa out%ome! i!
e'ident* 'i!i&e+
T#ere are t)o main $un%tion! o$ t#e !ta,e#oder t#eor* $or &u!ine!! et#i%!. -ur-o!e!+
Fir!t( it a )a* o$ arguing $or de'eo-ment o$ di!tri&uti'e ?u!ti%e )it#in t#e %a-itai!t !tru%ture.!
%on$ine! 07aignan ; Ferre "225( -+>AD6+ Se%ond*( it i! u!ed to ea&orate t#e CSR
under!tanding a! a mean! o$ %atering $or t#e 'ariou! organi8ationa intere!t grou-!. intere!t! and
need!( not on* !#are#oder!+
In term! o$ -rin%i-e and -ra%ti%e !uita&iit*( t#e !ta,e#oder t#eor* #a! &een $undamenta in
it! $o%u! in e9e%uting t#e $un%tion! o$ CSR demanded &* &ot# e9terna and interna !ta,e#oder
and t#e e@uit* $un%tion! )it# t#e %om-an*+ T#roug# t#e manageria a--roa%#( t#e !ta,e#oder
t#eor* #a! attained t#e!e $un%tion!+
Ho)e'er( t#ere are 'ariou! imitation! to t#e !ta,e#oder t#eor* and t#e* $a in t#ree
%ategorie!( )#i%# o$ten o'era-+ T#e* @ue!tion t#e e$$i%ien%*( morait* o$ t#i! t#eor* and t#e
e9tent in )#i%# t#e t#eor* %an &e im-emented in -ra%ti%e 0Ben!en "22"( -+">DAE6+
7orait*: Com-anie! are t#e !#are#oder.! -ri'ate -ro-ert*: #en%e( an* attem-t to
o-erate t#em $or t#e &ene$it! o$ ot#er grou-! a-art $rom t#e o)ner! i! a &rea%# to t#e rig#t! o$
-ro-ert*+ Sin%e t#e o)ner! o$ t#e %om-anie! are t#e !#are#oder!( it im-ie! t#at t#e e9e%uti'e!
and dire%tor! are t#e !#are#oder!. agent!+
E$$i%ien%*: t#e ma9imi8ation o$ t#e e%onomi% e$$i%ien%* i! t#roug# -ur!uit o$ -ro$it!+
T#e rea!on $or !#are#oder! in'e!ting in &u!ine!! i! &e%au!e t#e* #o-e to ma9imi8e t#e )eat#
t#roug# in%rea!e in -ro$it!+ T#ere$ore( u!ing t#e!e -ro$it! $or $un%tion! ot#er t#an t#e &ene$it! o$
!#are#oder! re!ut! into e%onomi% ine$$i%ien%*+
Im-ementation: =i'en t#e di'er!e and range grou-! o$ !ta,e#oder! a &u!ine!! ma* &e
deaing )it#( it i! di$$i%ut to e$$e%ti'e* and $u* im-ement t#e !ta,e#oder t#eor*+ T#e %on$i%t
ari!e! &e%au!e di$$erent grou-! o$ !ta,e#oder! #a'e %on$i%ting intere!t+ It i! im-o!!i&e to
!ati!$* t#e de!ire $or o)er -ri%e! &* %u!tomer!( #ig#er di'idend! &* !#are#oder! and #ig#er
)age! $or t#e manager!+
It i! a manageria o--ortuni!m e9%u!e: T#e im-erati'e )eat# ma9imi8ation o$
!#are#oder i! moti'ated &* t#e agen%* -ro&em! $re@uent*+ T#i! in'o'e! t#e manager! o$ t#e
&u!ine!! enri%#ing t#em!e'e! at t#e organi8ation.! e9-en!e+ T#e -ro&em i! t#e !e-aration o$ t#e
de%i!ion ma,ing and t#e ri!, &earing+ T#ere$ore( t#e manager.! intere!t i! -ur-orted to &e
e9%u!i'e* ma9imi8ation o$ )eat# and t#e !ta,e#oder t#eor* %on!idered immora+ T#i!
%riti%i!m i! e9tended to t#e agen%* t#eor* meta-#or 0Cam-&e "22C( -+ 4DC6+ Su--o!e t#e
manager! are $idu%iarie! or agent!( t#en it i! not to t#e !#are#oder! &ut t#e organi8ation+ T#e
argument ad'an%ed &* !%#oar! i! t#at( t#e !ta,e#oder t#eor* -ro'ide! a read* e9%u!e $or
un!%ru-uou! manager! to a%t in t#eir o)n !e$Aintere!t+ T#i! mean! t#at !e$A!er'ing &e#a'iour
o$ manager! )i de$inite* !er'e t#e intere!t! o$ !ome grou-! o$ !ta,e#oder! and )or, again!t
t#e ot#er!. intere!t!+ A &u!ine!! t#at i! a%%ounta&e to a end! u- not a%%ounta&e to an*one+ It
%an a!o not -ro'ide a Cor-oration.! !-e%i$i% o&?e%ti'e $un%tion+
Radi%a under determini!m: T#i! i! anot#er ,e* )ea,ne!! o$ t#e !ta,e#oder t#eor*+ It
!tate! t#at t#ere i! a $aiure &* t#e t#eor* to -ro'ide a &en%#mar, $or dai* de%i!ion ma,ing &*
manager!+ T#e -ro&em i! #o) to determine and $u$i t#e intere!t! o$ !ta,e#oder!+ It a!o
di!-ute! t#e a--roa%# o$ !#are#oder to &u!ine!! a! )eat# ma9imi8ation o$ !#are#oder i! #ig#*
%ontro'er!ia 0=arriga ;7eF "225( -+ D56+
Baron( D( P( "22C( Cor-orate !o%ia re!-on!i&iit* and !o%ia entre-reneur!#i-( $o!rnal of
Economics % Management Strategy( &'0>6( 3E>AC1C+
Bu%#o8( R+A+ and Ro!ent#a( S+B+ "22D( <To)ard a Contem-orar* Con%e-tua Frame)or, $or
Sta,e#oder T#eor*.( $o!rnal of (!siness Ethics( Go+ DE( --+1>2A15E
Cam-&e( B( L( "22C( 1#* )oud %or-oration! &e#a'e in !o%ia* re!-on!i&e )a*!H An
in!titutiona t#eor* o$ %or-orate !o%ia re!-on!i&iit*( "cademy of management Revie)(
*+0>6( 453A43C+
Friedman( 7( "22C( The social responsibility of b!siness is to increase its profits 0--+ 1C>A1CE6(
S-ringer Berin Heide&erg+
=arriga( E( and 7eF( D( "225( Cor-orate !o%ia re!-on!i&iit* t#eorie!: ma--ing t#e territor*(
$o!rnal of b!siness ethics( ,*01A"6( D1AC1+
Hu!ted( B+ 1( and de Be!u! Saa8ar( B( "223( Ta,ing Friedman Seriou!*: 7a9imi8ing Pro$it! and
So%ia Per$orman%eI+ $o!rnal of Management St!dies( -*016( CDA41+
Ben!en( 7+C+ "22"( <Gaue 7a9imi8ation( Sta,e#oder T#eor* and t#e Cor-orate O&?e%ti'e
Fun%tion!.( (!siness Ethics .!arterly( 1"0"6( ">DA"D3+
Lanto!( =( P( "221( T#e &oundarie! o$ !trategi% %or-orate !o%ia re!-on!i&iit*( $o!rnal of
cons!mer mar#eting( &/0C6( D4DA3>"+
7aignan( I and Ferre( O+C+ "225( <Cor-orate So%ia Re!-on!i&iit* and 7ar,eting: An
Integrati'e Frame)or,.( $o!rnal of the "cademy of Mar#eting Service( >"016>A14+
7%1iiam!( A( Siege( D( S( and 1rig#t( P( 7( "223( Cor-orate !o%ia re!-on!i&iit*: Strategi%
im-i%ation!I( $o!rnal of management st!dies( -*016( 1A1E+
P#ii-!( R+( Freeman( R+E and 1i%,!( A( C( "22>( <1#at Sta,e#oder T#eor* i! Not.( (!siness
Ethics .!arterly( 1>056 5C4AD2"+
Sen( S( and B#atta%#ar*a( C( B( "221( Doe! doing good a)a*! ead to doing &etterH Con!umer
rea%tion! to %or-orate !o%ia re!-on!i&iit*( $o!rnal of mar#eting Research( ""DA"5>+
Sto( 7( L( "22E( <Ba%,a!# Hit! Bu!ine!! Et#i%!: Finding E$$e%ti'e Strategie! $or
Communi%ating t#e Im-ortan%e o$ Cor-orate So%ia Re!-on!i&iit*.( $o!rnal of (!siness
Ethics( CE+ --+ 1CA"5+
1ind!or( D( "223( Cor-orate !o%ia re!-on!i&iit*: t#ree ,e* a--roa%#e!( $o!rnal of management
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