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Schedule 22 cef

Schedule 22 - Phase Impact Assessment

A Phase Impact Assessment provided pursuant to clause 11.3 shall contain:
A draft strategy to demonstrate how the Buyer, if it was to commence work on the proposed
Demolition Phase, intends to:
1.1 maintain reasonable, safe, commodious and (where appropriate) adequately lit pedestrian,
bicycle and vehicular to and egress from the Remaining Estate such that residents living on
the Remaining Estate can still access their properties and move throughout the Remaining
Estate and onto the surrounding roads;

1.2 in relation to the delivery of Council provided services to the Remaining Estate (e.g. waste
collection, highway maintenance) and emergency access, maintain sufficient access to the
Remaining Estate such that any works and/or other steps taken by the Buyer in order to
progress the development of the proposed Demolition Phase will not:
1.2.1 result in the standard of the provision of such services being materially worse than
the standard existing at the date on which the Buyer serves on the Council the
Phase Impact Assessment; and/or
1 .2.2 impact, to a material degree, on the ability of the Council or the emergency
services to provide such services (e.g. the effect of the works increase materially
the cost of providing a service or the effect of the works make it materially more
difficult for a service to be provided);

1.3 maintain the utilities and drainage services provided to the Remaining Estate at all times
(save for any temporary interruption to such services as is necessary during the carrying out
and completion of the development on the Demolition Phase) including any plans that the
Buyer may have to maintain such services by providing alternative services on a temporary
or permanent basis;

1.4 make safe and accessible any buffer zones between construction and residential areas
including where and how it will use landscaping to enhance the visual amenity of such

1.5 maintain access to any existing amenities (e.g. open space, play space, community space,
allotments) that are located on:
1.51 the Remaining Estate; and/or
1.5.2 the Demolition Phase, in the event that the Buyer intends to retain any such
existing amenities during any part of the works;

1,6 in relation to any existing amenities located on the Demolition Phase and which the Buyer is
proposing to remove, make available any alternative facilities (if the Buyer considers, acting
reasonably, that the availability of such facilities is likely to be necessary in order to secure a
confirmed CPO and/or Reserved Matters Approval or Planning Permission in relation to the
proposed Demolition Phase) and, if so, where it proposes to locate such facilities;

1.7 maintain the safety and security of the Demolition Phase and the Remaining Estate such
that any works and/or other steps taken by the Buyer in order to progress the development
of the proposed Demolition Phase will not impact on, to a material degree, the safety and
security of the Remaining Estate;
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Schedule 22
1 . 8 in the event that the proposed Demolition Phase includes any car parking facilities that are
used by residents who live on the Remaining Estate, make available temporary car parking
facilities for use by such residents including:
1 . 8 . 1 the proposed number and location of such temporary car parking spaces; and
1 . 8 . 2 where the Council has notified the Buyer that the current car parking facilities are
used by residents with valid disabled parking permits (in which case, the Council
shall also notify the Buyer of the number of residents with such permits and their
addresses), how the journey from any temporary car parking space to the front
door of the residents home will not be any more difficult than their existing journey.
Information in relation to the following matters (to the extent that they are applicable to a
Demolition Phase and to the extent that the Buyer has such information available at the time
it provides a Phase Impact Assessment pursuant to clause 1 1 . 3):
2,1 the Buyers anticipated demolition and construction timescales for the proposed Demolition
Phase and proposed Build Phase;
2. 2 the Buyers proposed "meanwhile" uses of the Demolition Phase following the transfer to it
of the Demolition Phase and prior to it undertaking works on the Demolition Phase;
2. 3
the Buyers strategy for mitigating disruption to residents living on the Remaining Estate
during works to the Demolition Phase;
2. 4 any surveys and inspections that may be required in relation to:
2. 4. 1 the Demolition Phase, prior to the Demolition Phase being transferred to the Buyer
pursuant to clause 1 2; and/or
2. 4. 2 the Remaining Estate,
and such information shall include an indication as to how intrusive the surveys are likely to
be and when they are likely to take place.
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Draft 8 November 201 2RGB/908 8 3. 00001 /951 0001 1 1

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