Canberra Theatre Trust Ordinance

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Canberra Theatre Centre By-laws 449


BY-LAWS 1965, No. 1*
1. These By-laws may be cited as the Canberra Theatre Centre By-laws. Citation.
2. In these By-laws, unless the contrary intention appears Definitions.
" auditorium " means an auditorium with fixed seating;
" liquor " has the same meaning as in the Liquor Ordinance 1929-
" prescribed hours " means
(a) in relation to a foyer adjoining an auditorium of a
theatre in the Centre
(i) the period commencing ten minutes before an
interval of an entertainment or other function
held in that theatre and ending at the con-
clusion of that interval; and
(ii) such other period or periods before or after the
performance of an entertainment or function
held in that theatre as the Trust fixes for a
particular occasion; and
(b) in relation to another part of the Centrea period fixed
by the Trust for a particular occasion in that part of
the Centre;
" the Centre " means the Canberra Theatre Centre.
3.(1.) A person shall not sell or supply liquor to a person under the SaieofUquor
. . . to young
age of eighteen years. persons
(2.) It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence against this by-law
if the defendant proves that he had reasonable grounds for believing that
the person to whom the liquor was sold or supplied had attained the age of
eighteen years.
4. A person under the age of eighteen years shall not consume, purchase, consumption,
obtain or have in his possession or control liquor at or from the Centre. by

5. A person shall not bring liquor into the Centre without the approval Bringing in
Of the Trust. liquor to the
6. A person shall not sell, supply, consume, purchase, obtain or have in where liquor
his possession or control liquor at the Centre elsewhere than in a foyer ^ ^ ^
adjoining an auditorium in the Centre or in such other part of the Centre
as the Trust approves for a particular occasion.
7. A person shall not sell or supply liquor in a part of the Centre except Hours of tale
during prescribed hours relating to that part of the Centre. of liquor.
Made under the Canberra Theatre Trust Ordinance 1965 on 28 June, 1965; notified in the Common-
wealth Gazette and commenced on 7 October, 1965.
Authorised by the ACT Parliamentary Counselalso accessible at
' S ? u^or
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' ^ person shall not consume, purchase or obtain liquor in a part of
may be the Centre except during prescribed hours relating to that part of the Centre
columned, &c.
a Q(
e r
f ten minutes immediately following those prescribed hours.
Lost property. 9. A person who finds in the Centre property which he believes to have
been lost or abandoned shall, forthwith, deliver the property to an employee
of the Trust.
Claims for
lost property.
Sale or
disposal of
unclaimed lost
10. A person who satisfies an employee of the Trust who has taken
possession of property delivered to him under the last preceding by-law
that he is entitled to possession of the property may, upon giving a receipt
for the property, be given possession of the property.
11.(1.) Where, after the expiration of a period of three months after
the date on which possession of property was taken under by-law 9 of these
By-laws, possession of the property has not been given to a person under the
last preceding by-law, the property may be sold by public auction by a
person authorized by the Trust to conduct the sale and, for the purpose of
the sale, the Trust shall be deemed to be the absolute owner of the property.
(2.) When the person authorized to conduct the sale fixes a time and
place for the holding of the sale, he shall give notice of the sale and of the
time and place by advertisement published at least seven days before the
date fixed for the holding of the sale in a newspaper published and circulating
in the Territory.
(3.) If property submitted for sale at an auction sale held under this
by-law is not sold, it may be disposed of or destroyed in such manner as
the Trust directs.
(4.) No action lies against the Trust, an employee of the Trust or the
person authorized to conduct a sale under this by-law by reason of the
taking or giving of possession, or the sale, disposal or destruction, of
property under this by-law.
Animals in
the Centre.
12. A person shall not, without the permission of the Trust, cause,
permit or allow a dog or other animal belonging to him or in his charge
to enter or remain in the Centre.
Display of
notices by
the Trust.
13. The Trust may cause to be displayed in or adjacent to a building or
part of a building in the Centre a notice or notices prohibiting entry into,
or prohibiting smoking in, that building or that part.
parts of
14. Where a notice under the last preceding by-law prohibits entry into
a building or part of a building, a person shall not enter or remain in the
building or part without the permission of the Trust.
15. A person shall not smoke
(a) in an auditorium in the Centre; or
(b) in another part of the Centre in which smoking is prohibited
by notice under by-law 13 of these By-laws.
Penalty for 16. A contravention of a provision of these By-laws is an offence against
t h
a t
provision punishable upon conviction by a fine not exceeding Twenty
Authorised by the ACT Parliamentary Counselalso accessible at

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