?MOO A@..: Too To

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?MOOa@.. we In thr or(ur In whloh I (lot tb8, m..

tlrw 87 Ulln&

taken dewn~ttbiaBnetlngl , er 1uod1litel# wternxlle, 10 tar them far

aat tbo7 we rerth. All netor are fra Mr, 0'0 mrtlngr unlerr othbr-
wire rtated.

One thought abmrvii mothor, not L. pr do6 OkOFPO.

rratin(( llfo lr a diffomnt fbsr of ~UbjrotlYe rl0.p komro 10 obrerw
8eoluaic~lly through l rtorWl l8prurrlom. EnOw l urthmo ken
mqulnd kforoit ir ueod. Four klrdr of l brcy. Moohanicml enem,
vohimr l to. Life w&y. plant@, oellul8r @to. Plyahlo , thought&,
8botlona @to. Splrltual; roqulreb b7 trmrmufrtion of othorrtlu. Ilothtn(t
04~ Mpp.n Q thou@& alone. '?Mn 18 0 rplritml &ir&Wt&oa OorWrpond-
lng to our ph7rloal llaltatlon, But both un be gnat17 lnonmmq.
tl8ltatlon brpnd8 00 l tfortr bade. All foroer of thcUnlverr* rmitert
ham. All lit@ d8padron tk &yslcrl hon. Llfr rtP¶hr notee arb
w nrpond. Llfm bar no mod oi~balanoodt aan, Earth only :mqulrrr
roohmkiml mm.
Thmw ma thmr, Vaym. I ht. Inmtlnotin, fakir. &I. Monk, motloml.
fib. Intellrotual, R8J8 P-i. O'Harerap tir87I vn but lmporrlble,
l # fakir koaer piurttrod, bi& rulnb. Honk koarr 'rtupld mint',
lmpoarl81. of 18prtul tdleu#ht, Yml knowa but too malt to gQ.
Saner olrol~rti h-nit7 mplra rpolal poplo for work l 8 l .6. th@
Oothlo rW&edral~ 8al ahew the 4th Wa7, thlr ly, In raturn. In thlo
Way mercy lo (;lvea w rprk 'tmdltioaml' mathoU. In Lord’r
hryrr, b&lo l nr6y lr all04 (r mmgly tramla%od u 'Our daily bawd'
?1mt grt #et l olf/kmuao6$o, uwn ralf-om8trel . s bva A0 ime Will,
oenl~ nrpowae to lifm'lr foawa. em 1 f ~grlznf ulother 1. m Uve
To have numwoua ‘f’a’, lb *n tkwy are prriv0, wa got I Ilf)r ooarola
‘k nopod on aaoount of l wwry, ww two no oholrn, Lit@ foroa# war&
l utcmbtlwlly throwh us, thmr0 ¶a l mrpms@ to OM end net td tb, 0-r
ko*uro onola more mnrltln owing to mener nomory.
In llio bon, the outor 01r010, thon la Solmoo, Ph~lorophy, Rollglon
and Art, all 4sfSmm& opposln(l. In In-nor olrolo, Qrlrment, in third
alrols, knorlodgo, ln 4th. proGloa1 8ork.
X2nd l er~ Dao, 1921
All our l *lrtiq knoWledge 00~1 from l xtornal i8proraionr of nor
or of pet, ewrythlng laprermd on ‘gramqh&ne moorUm’, and wa mwoly
Wdl. Wq hme romothfng whtoh oan control unrolling. 3-y find k indc
pondOat oi o8tmmul 2niluOnO.r. Be l speOtatOP, trko'photographs'of meli,
when rn~ tbkon can kgln to IOO what 10 look like,. Wo hnw a 'Mamter
in w, ml all our n'f'r'murt koom %s paaim to him, rorvantr . Ora
I(rr tiot million maotare. BIbora komalng rommtr aurt be knom, by ' I
Otmrvlng l xl mmbflng.
to oontrol enotlon teet 20, to W able to oreat@ it to order. fnrtinotlvo
rind much ~ulolt~r rnd olrvarcir than'thlnklng'.Bmforo gong hl&har m
l urt ba inrttnotln, l ~otlonal, a~& lnt~llootu~l all tpg*thOr. All
omntror vibiwta at ditterent rrter, aurt got 18n ret@, reeady the

dlrproportton . Whoa 811 thmo ribr8te unltormly, than J oan rraot , rwt
rnd not Jurt bnepwt . Thou@t aan orode emotion, &nd than aotion,
obrrrw ~11 tkwoo 1~ thll aotlon. Or rim mrla.

L/t/@ Nothing oaa be daa, with on oentn 8otlrity. Xmrn OoaMNtlon

a6 oantror tbum l t -11. ketlea quioker then thou@t. Wo ru8t know the
throw oontror well aim-o Lncrrln# ‘highor’. .'Hlgh*r 8on+@l’ uay k 1~04
at l awntr but than w lam l oa8olow~yoI l nb bpln@ Wok nothing. fWmo in
Ue muat comblw posltlva 8nd mgntit, rlonntr of mob oontro, Pyot

tmnrarn4 plrr of 0ppoalUm. Be& klndmf un, Iartinotlve, @motion&

intelleobwl., blmaed, I, Ilnowle4@, Will. All pbllooophl*r mfon te
un, but. to WI:iah Rln4, twx’efox’e no a@‘eOmOnt bet8oen them. All we
r86ht in a li81+lr4 way.

or mind-wandorlng) our Ohlot l ,rylaf ?a~ thtr. pkglm ln auofional oontrm

rn4 nin4givmmatsr~l f0F It. It 18 08prity of ukinl( men-1 plctunr
ofour 4erlr.r. Vo arm only rbnoorr in our ImS6lrUion. It oontlnuem
in rub-oon. 4urintJ work, oftom due to •X~BZ?W~ lmprmrrl on whloh l ot#
IBU moor4 unrolling. Rbaa ‘4fYam8’ to origin, Memory ¶a faoutbyot
r4adin5 ro3.m.
Ugnetla centre; 'Oentrs ‘of roll8 f&me4 by gonsolou~ impnrrlon.~ml

~nfluencwr. V~ree influ0noes. I, unoanaolou8 ln orlgln an4 unoonaolow

in octWn (0.g. ordlnery works). 2Conralour in origin, unoonrolour ln
roflon (Budda’E doctr¶nor,o.g.) ‘S,ConaOlour In origin, Qon@olour in l OtlQn
1, l ocidenta21y throrn out an4 plohd up. 2; aonBOlour4 M 6lYen bd
unoonrclauely reoelvo4. 3, dlroot temhing, ‘~W%m@U88’
raklr wry to dwelop will through torture, upl and than vmry quiok l ttrlr
merit oi KnorloSge possible, but haly alrmys heyon raystr. Yank my,

l ttalna (put emotional power but mind mtak f.0 ohmgo vloW#. Yogi way,
no forosr for the l @ slnlmm l otlon, too fOobl*.
We brvo no’ mtml body, only l ~rtral’utter’.. lrirrr l rtral bo4~ mental
&&& ~CwUldWatlon. Do not ai~ci~~;,,l.o, rlthbn, but, without. try
4nd ho indifferent Within tut ri&mtbr without. 3hor 8ympath.y not aormly
Ron we fro1 but whoa WC)ahooor an& ought. Croat,8 fwoc by ruling fool-

Iqr, bre&te ob@t@o&rr tar machlno. Automtiu ob~taalso a inoutfioirn$

for ut~rmlumr;tS8r.non-i4ent~flo&t~on, Uocality )I rubpo)iva
trxlnln(5, Chw Fnnnlddgs dopnd* an and aorrerpondr to our Bming.
Jnareara or change bs1n.g rnd knomlsdga lnaroamo~ An4 ohanger. All our
‘intorwtlon’ ir aaqulred In rlrep and tki@r*fO~ not OUFUat ClI, Our

bot+rr than time. Inner olrclo ?Plp ua through l goiotlo reaaono, 10 We

muat help them ¶n Weir rork flret.. !3ppoee habits and 8ee result,

rrpoially 00mpenrRtoFy Mbit. The lee6 WI understwnd the more Wordr W

p8/2/22 Btudy ono'a own mrahlna far bett,cr thw studlng ot,her’e Ideal.
Oonoentxatlon dirri0uit. olrlng tr entry af e8otlowl centre. Language On4
mado for rimple thingo, no word@ wairablo for ‘hlgh@r’ thonw, worda
I*re n8 undsrrtand rordr dl?feF-

l ntly. X0 aro trlbratloa +.r8nmaittOrr rob thb Hoan. %know anything We

Ear% mrmundod b flla of organlo llfr, kept La blmoo by planotr ,
firth @xx! Moon. Organ10 life l d rtrong that nonm owt ohatye alma.
I Earth too m-11 to k rffootod w Will. C@ntrW UO lWO@lVWO f@?
dlfferrnt rater of ri~tlon,.eentnr nut 8ffO0t0a mqually. Crntrro
are awlvwu W4 tnnra$ttlw rWtlon@. ‘POl top rlnA madering l urt
nor uw rorom but there l r) rownlorrl wayr ot doing it 1Mm. m
trying tortopt it fl now wo forgo weapona for lakruro. Okorvlrq imgln-
ation rt Ml&la b# dlnrtlgtho l rwr#y from ty it tr tb rolf-ohmor-
tatlon feulty.

Certrinplaoar in braina for f88illor or #rou* of lmprorrlonm.

lltudy mn w posturea. Judge lutlor@llty by danoln& Eaah Ntlon ham 8
llmlted roprtolre of rowrnti and iherof6rOOf thoughfr. Oapcity to
get nor lm~r~lon8 we&kona Witbb@@. ChlldWn got nar lmprvrolono and
later only arkon thaw old onom. Now t rmal lmpnrrlon only by vlU@rW,
Qlffloult am our foroc lr llmlted, gyroat effort neoasl)Wy. Our l nerSy
aochsnicall eoqulrod and mohanlooaly @pmt. m.n oonralou~ly BOqUlP@a
oonociouel~~ rpent. Thare an Hthodm fo$Ottlng new 0-1-w (plokau
aad poundor, ch?) Uo have oxtough onorgy for l llfr but not for oo~olou~
l otittlom, 8wt l oquln ~0~s. X~pomlblm to got 80m onorgy alone (who
l lo toapply thm red popper or l tlok the pltoh-fork you know whore).
(IO orn O&J llrton too& om though- ld l reoolatlon# rbn lmarnlng,
l onew thoughtr l~porrlblo. Nor mthodm nOOOmmarl,.OW thinking hi-ndormd
by feellag antI lnrtlnotl*o Wntrer. C-et, now thoughtm only by ok~&ngiw
othr two oontnr. bupriolrm DIoeamWy fur thim and Uohlno rurt k
premed.‘b wakrrt MO more forw than 1s naosssaxy for llfo. ,‘p$
10 ruted , im*inetion, oontraotlon of 8umolom, l to. SW0 wrtad
l hoyynnd uw it for oonooloua wwk.
R rlautlon. "'0 pofu ot fin% neodm oaer~. R.lax by Wblt. Maohlno
omadaa energy for awhlno, and a little mom for l¶fe, cre*+ma fr,llngr
through thoughta. All our ‘mood1 are the re6u168 oi ow eagerlenoor .The
'trained' O&I-Inbd t&m. 'hrw ori6lnal associat1onm rind then we orn am&
any erotlon.

t~rsun~ hypnotlrn is q&cksr. Our oentrer ~pnotSre l 8ah other.

)Orsmal!ty not our1, not born with It, WQUIZW~ . E. 11 all rh8tra 8rr)
km rlt.11, P. is what m3 ouqulre in lib. Change &n P. very imay, in
x. perhapr lap9ool’~l~. Unoonro~ous ohango in P. 1s temporary, oonratour
ohtinge purmanent. Wa mot alaraify P. and E. in selt. P. oannot oontrol
S. Interplay of P. and E. oherniwl. Pweonalitisr love yk l aah othez’,
&eencee of’ smne hate ef.ah other. E’r quarrel m-4 P'S forgiro. Dur ro~ll@d
rlli 1s rrm P.,E. has no *ill jut derirer. Part8 a? t. and P. in

-not lnflwnoe E. tg logtool argument or oonvlnor it,, but P. can bo

4ully iniluenaod. Mind know hut l alonco t¶mt& Mind knows ought to .lprr
all but orrnoe oAnnot. E. grown tlllabout S, e 8row oldrr. Cmnot
till how E. can b 0-a un841 we knom ‘1A~uup’ l nd Mrs mere knmf-
-0. By rrlf-obwv&loa n'll know wlmt to omngo and individual
IroyUU 0uI only be mmwp4l ior poplo in Inatttuta rt)er lone rtudy

l y utluwr mid bp l oar.

W3B La8 of 7 or Uw of ratinuity a# VlbCbtlon@. Ml mvsmante,
~ltlc~, r@fi(liOUO 080. b.&lt ath 080 dlTOO8iaa ud i$n$@h wit& fl#,
B¶nlJ.arly rrli-dewlepaont laspoaslble without addftton&lfora~ fwm without

I;_.r0fw8 other* to act,, When on0 fpm to 'iah', may drag 0thmrm to ‘rd.
‘411 should t@ at rtstio nobe other*ira loglded, and dangerOur. QIW OOnw

eovlr& OeutrO, rhlob ~)raUuUly oIB8em to functloa proprrly rnd’otton m

awlq rlwp m8*~ouro rntlrely and on@ ary cm56 mu heart fbtr)Kj bmtiw.
In my oa60, dlicste oaohlnery la apailt, acrow uay be oleslna rrhioh
crmot he rrplror4.
,6/4/12p I$ aolf-romea?nwi~, obasmt,fon etc v aoqu:ro 'highsr' Rotter
vttlghar oentrvs' Tul.1~ dvvelopod but, lcwr unahl,e touec thtim an vibrai&W
too qulok, mat lncreae ifitenelty of lowar cenWc9. By narcotlaa,lowr
can contact, hIThor, hut r:!¶nd cannot pwcofve anythin& too 610~. Coruoioue
p@ZQlewin pro.?uce any ?mprrsel::: they ploaeu on people, and show then -
sc)voa at ~111, pXay any role +.her sfsh. In Life Re only train ae~ory.
Our foalinga naver eduonted, not movseente. Our aduae+,lon 16 one-arntred,
thareiorv WC arv afl w am, hopelera. We Lava t.ro straxgere in our how..
srld can do nothing with them. fn s1.l schools the toaahlng 1s the wme,

two. 3.6. ir getting u,p in tllorntn&, life comp*lti UB. 'alaire Ah +.!:e 3A L
fores. Study positive and negat2oa of each oa:,tre, anfl 1:~ b0t.h. A dtroq
positive met imply 8. otrong ner,&t,ive an& vice ver98. lRna Both sfrbni3

no& 'okdtent' only aftm? rtrugglae end #elf'-observation acd +.ln;o, thou
WI) USC)both at ~111. Cannot +ul 0n#l’reumkber’ slmult8naourl.3- aI, M
ma ‘rome8bvr’ with forumtory conlre,but br pr4cflce oan rveember with
ather oontrom. Stop fcrollngr an&wing, Hop thorn l t bO@nnlng, ior if
8ot they mu8t exWu*t thrmrolar rithln ~85. We drorm day anC night. In
clap rrs don’t. ebeerve bhen, a6 night don't remal~kr them. Dredge ba#la
in dlWamt;?t eantros.
IO/#/23 Ifit0 real hyp&isa in bflt,. No one Mu the power, mrely aqgrstr
t,hlnge tmc tafter @2lmg lnilualng a high state of su~eatibi&lty.
Cannot hypnotles againat our ~111, only petty thlnqs. mr0 16 only
ona hllld of xtqoo, and that, le Doing. Root of word fram ‘C.0 do’, ‘X0 blrak
or any other eolaur. ‘%er neg bu ¶a¶totars ai raR1 mqi?, wm don’t
finish sahools. All maglclsna sgototfa, %u+. the real have n n!,r?sr bnb
higher claw. All ornatad tonUer.Ctald Fopnf thenuelvvil. Every effort
enoler At next aeossltm, Every ~ndmytrm~ alao ssaler. Watch RI@ lwu
wsr ‘onntrv of qravlty t hovers f&n one centre to another. lk3 iahould k
19 a??. +~ttrae at onoe.

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