Benjamin Banneker

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Benjamin Banneker (real name Benyamin Banna), was a Moor by Nationality (and a Nubian Ptahite, i.e. an
indigenous woolly-haired black man by race) born in Maryland, Baltimore on November 9, 1731. He spent
most of his time on the tobacco farm he inherited from his father. He helped to establish the foundation of the
United States of America. Benjamin was a self taught mathematician and astronomer. While farming he taught
himself astronomy. At the age of 22, he constructed a clock made entirely of wood, with each gear carved
entirely by hand. In 1789 A.D, U.S President George Washington appointed Banneker to the commission
charged with planning the construction of Washington D.C, with Major Andrew Ellicott. As a competent
surveyor, he helped survey the site of the national capital between 1791 A.D and 1793 A.D.

He attended a school open to black and whites, showing that it was not about being a slave, where you
attended only a black school, because Moors were not considered slaves. This was because of The Treaty
of Peace and Friendship 1787 A.D, Article 21 made with the emperor of Morocco, Sidi Muhammad Ibn
Abduallah, also known as Mohammed III, which states that Moor(s) would be treated as equal as the
citizens of the United States

. This treaty is strengthened by Article 3 Section 2 Article 6 Second Paragraph
of the U.S Constitution.
Benjamin Banneker served as assistant to Major Andrew Ellicott in 1791 A.D, the surveyor appointed by
President George Washington to lay out the boundaries of the District of Columbia. The United States was
established and built by Moors, who left it in the hands of the Caucasians, and returned to France. This is why
there are two symbols on the Dollar Bill. Benjamin Banneker was also the designer of the White House, which
is a replica of the White House or Casa Blanca known in Arabic as El Dar El Beida in Morocco. He was also
known as Big Ben Bey as designer of Big Ben the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament in Westminster,

Benjamin Banneker also became widely known as the compiler of the Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,
and Virginia Almanac and Ephemeris (WHAT?), published annually from 1792-1802 A.D. He sent the
manuscript of the first almanac to revolutionary leader and future U.S President Thomas Jefferson, then
Secretary of State. With the manuscript, Banneker included a letter in which he protested slavery and disputed
J effersons claim that blacks were intellectually inferior to whites. Abolitionists used the almanac as evidence of
the intellectual capabilities of blacks.

Almanac: A book or table, containing a calendar of days, and months, to which astronomical data and various statistics are often added, such
as the times of the rising and setting of the sun and moon, eclipses, hours of full tide, stated festivals of churches, terms of courts, etc.
Ephemeris: A publication giving the computed places of the heavenly bodies for each day of the year, with other numerical data, for the use of
the astronomer and navigator; "today computers calculate the ephemerides"
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

It was Benjamin Banneker who was responsible for abducting George Washington into the Freemasonic Order
in Fredricksburg, Virginia on November 1752 A.D in the Order of the Wigs. This is why Washingtons
haircut is in the shape of the Namuz, the Egyptian head-dress of the Pharaohs, which represents the mane of the
African lion as seen in the symbol of the Sphinx.

George Washington had to be initiated into the Order
of the Wigs in order for him to become president.
Other prominent presidents that were Freemasons:
George Washington - J ames Monroe - Andrew J ackson - J ames Polk -J ames Buchanan - Andrew Johnson -
J ames Garland - William Mickinley - Theodore Roosevelt - William Howard Taft - Warren Harding - Franklin
D. Roosevelt - Harry S Truman - Gerald Ford - Dwight D. Eisenhower - J immy Carter - George Bush I -
Lyndon B. J ohnson - Herbert Hoover - William J . Clinton - George Bush II

The Imperial Grand Potentate, Noble: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York 33/720, Amun Nebu Re Akh Tah.
Excerpted from Lets Set the Record Straight, Scroll #360, a portion of The Sacred Records of the Moor.

This is a small portion of the proof that the United States stole, betrayed and used the secrets of Freemasonry
given to them by the Moors to enslave Moors in order to build an Economic World Empire (New World
Order) run by an Enlightened (Illuminati) Sect of Europeans and their descendents. The same crimes
committed against the Red Indian tribes breaking treaties, stealing land, intellectual property, resources
and persons for the purpose of cheap labour - were committed against indigenous Nubian (i.e. from
Africa) and Native American Moors before them by the same Europeans.

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