Roc 1-20

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RULE 1General ProvisionsSECTION 1. Title of the Rules. These Rules shall be knon an! "ite!

the Rules of Court. #1$SECTION %. In hat "ourts a&&li"able. These Rules shall a&&l' in all the
"ourts( e)"e&t as otherise &rovi!e! b' the Su&re*e Court. #n$SECTION +. Cases ,overne!. These
Rules shall ,overn the &ro"e!ure to be observe! in a"tions( "ivil or "ri*inal( an! s&e"ial &ro"ee!in,s.
#a$ - "ivil a"tion is one b' hi"h a &art' sues another for the enfor"e*ent or &rote"tion of a ri,ht( or
the &revention or re!ress of a ron,. #1a( R%$- "ivil a"tion *a' either be or!inar' or s&e"ial. .oth are
,overne! b' the rules for or!inar' "ivil a"tions( sub/e"t to the s&e"ifi" rules &res"ribe! for a s&e"ial
"ivil a"tion. #n$#b$ - "ri*inal a"tion is one b' hi"h the State &rose"utes a &erson for an a"t or
o*ission &unishable b' la. #n$#"$ - s&e"ial &ro"ee!in, is a re*e!' b' hi"h a &art' seeks to establish
a status( a ri,ht( or a &arti"ular fa"t. #%a( R%$SECTION 0. In hat "ases not a&&li"able. These Rules
shall not a&&l' to ele"tion "ases( lan! re,istration( "a!astral( naturali1ation an! insolven"' &ro"ee!in,s(
an! other "ases not herein &rovi!e! for( e)"e&t b' analo,' or in a su&&letor' "hara"ter an! henever
&ra"ti"able an! "onvenient. #R10+a$SECTION 2. Co**en"e*ent of a"tion. - "ivil a"tion is
"o**en"e! b' the filin, of the ori,inal "o*&laint in "ourt. If an a!!itional !efen!ant is i*&lea!e! in a
later &lea!in,( the a"tion is "o**en"e! ith re,ar! to hi* on the !ate of the filin, of su"h later
&lea!in,( irres&e"tive of hether the *otion for its a!*ission( if ne"essar'( is !enie! b' the "ourt.
#3a$SECTION 3. Constru"tion. These Rules shall be liberall' "onstrue! in or!er to &ro*ote their
ob/e"tive of se"urin, a /ust( s&ee!'( an! ine)&ensive !is&osition of ever' a"tion an! &ro"ee!in,. #%a$
RULE %Cause of -"tionSECTION 1. Or!inar' "ivil a"tions( basis of . Ever' or!inar' "ivil a"tion
*ust be base! on a "ause of a"tion. #n$SECTION %. Cause of a"tion( !efine!. - "ause of a"tion is
the a"t or o*ission b' hi"h a &art' violates a ri,ht of another. #n$SECTION +. One suit for a sin,le
"ause of a"tion. - &art' *a' not institute *ore than one suit for a sin,le "ause of a"tion.
#+a$SECTION 0. S&littin, a sin,le "ause of a"tion4 effe"t of . If to or *ore suits are institute! on
the basis of the sa*e "ause of a"tion( the filin, of one or a /u!,*ent u&on the *erits in an' one is
available as a ,roun! for the !is*issal of the others. #0a$SECTION 2. 5oin!er of "auses of a"tion. -
&art' *a' in one &lea!in, assert( in the alternative or otherise( as *an' "auses of a"tion as he *a'
have a,ainst an o&&osin, &art'( sub/e"t to the folloin, "on!itions6#a$ The &art' /oinin, the "auses of
a"tion shall "o*&l' ith the rules on /oin!er of &arties4#b$ The /oin!er shall not in"lu!e s&e"ial "ivil
a"tions or a"tions ,overne! b' s&e"ial rules4#"$ 7here the "auses of a"tion are beteen the sa*e
&arties but &ertain to !ifferent venues or /uris!i"tions( the /oin!er *a' be alloe! in the Re,ional Trial
Court &rovi!e! one of the "auses of a"tion falls ithin the /uris!i"tion of sai! "ourt an! the venue lies
therein4 an!#!$ 7here the "lai*s in all the "auses of a"tion are &rin"i&all' for re"over' of *one'( the
a,,re,ate a*ount "lai*e! shall be the test of /uris!i"tion. #2a$SECTION 3. 8is/oin!er of "auses of
a"tion. 8is/oin!er of "auses of a"tion is not a ,roun! for !is*issal of an a"tion. - *is/oine! "ause
of a"tion *a'( on *otion of a &art' or on the initiative of the "ourt( be severe! an! &ro"ee!e! ith
se&aratel'. #n$
RULE +Parties to Civil -"tionsSECTION 1. 7ho *a' be &arties4 &laintiff an! !efen!ant. Onl'
natural or /uri!i"al &ersons( or entities authori1e! b' la *a' be &arties in a "ivil a"tion. The ter*
9&laintiff9 *a' refer to the "lai*in, &art'( the "ounter:"lai*ant( the "ross:"lai*ant( or the thir! #fourth(
et".$ &art' &laintiff. The ter* 9!efen!ant9 *a' refer to the ori,inal !efen!in, &art'( the !efen!ant in
a "ounter"lai*( the "ross:!efen!ant( or the thir! #fourth( et".$ &art' !efen!ant. #1a$SECTION %.
Parties in interest. - real &art' in interest is the &art' ho stan!s to be benefite! or in/ure! b' the
/u!,*ent in the suit( or the &art' entitle! to the avails of the suit. Unless otherise authori1e! b' la or
these Rules( ever' a"tion *ust be &rose"ute! or !efen!e! in the na*e of the real &art' in interest.
#%a$SECTION +. Re&resentatives as &arties. 7here the a"tion is alloe! to be &rose"ute! or
!efen!e! b' a re&resentative or so*eone a"tin, in a fi!u"iar' "a&a"it'( the benefi"iar' shall be
in"lu!e! in the title of the "ase an! shall be !ee*e! to be the real &art' in interest. - re&resentative
*a' be a trustee of an e)&ress trust( a ,uar!ian( an e)e"utor or a!*inistrator( or a &art' authori1e! b'
la or these Rules. -n a,ent a"tin, in his on na*e an! for the benefit of an un!is"lose! &rin"i&al
*a' sue or be sue! ithout /oinin, the &rin"i&al e)"e&t hen the "ontra"t involves thin,s belon,in, to
the &rin"i&al. #+a$SECTION 0. S&ouses as &arties. ;usban! an! ife shall sue or be sue! /ointl'(
e)"e&t as &rovi!e! b' la. #0a$SECTION 2. 8inor or in"o*&etent &ersons. - *inor or a &erson
alle,e! to be in"o*&etent( *a' sue or be sue!( ith the assistan"e of his father( *other( ,uar!ian( or if
he has none( a ,uar!ian a! lite*. #2a$SECTION 3. Per*issive /oin!er of &arties. -ll &ersons in
ho* or a,ainst ho* an' ri,ht to relief in res&e"t to or arisin, out of the sa*e transa"tion or series of
transa"tions is alle,e! to e)ist( hether /ointl'( severall'( or in the alternative( *a'( e)"e&t as otherise
&rovi!e! in these Rules( /oin as &laintiffs or be /oine! as !efen!ants in one "o*&laint( here an'
<uestion of la or fa"t "o**on to all su"h &laintiffs or to all su"h !efen!ants *a' arise in the a"tion4
but the "ourt *a' *ake su"h or!ers as *a' be /ust to &revent an' &laintiff or !efen!ant fro* bein,
e*barrasse! or &ut to e)&ense in "onne"tion ith an' &ro"ee!in,s in hi"h he *a' have no interest.
#3$SECTION =. Co*&ulsor' /oin!er of in!is&ensable &arties. Parties in interest ithout ho* no
final !eter*ination "an be ha! of an a"tion shall be /oine! either as &laintiffs or !efen!ants.
#=$SECTION >. Ne"essar' &art'. - ne"essar' &art' is one ho is not in!is&ensable but ho ou,ht
to be /oine! as a &art' if "o*&lete relief is to be a""or!e! as to those alrea!' &arties( or for a "o*&lete
!eter*ination or settle*ent of the "lai* sub/e"t of the a"tion. #>a$SECTION ?. Non:/oin!er of
ne"essar' &arties to be &lea!e!. 7henever in an' &lea!in, in hi"h a "lai* is asserte! a ne"essar'
&art' is not /oine!( the &lea!er shall set forth his na*e( if knon( an! shall state h' he is o*itte!.
Shoul! the "ourt fin! the reason for the o*ission un*eritorious( it *a' or!er the in"lusion of the
o*itte! ne"essar' &art' if /uris!i"tion over his &erson *a' be obtaine!.The failure to "o*&l' ith the
or!er for his in"lusion( ithout /ustifiable "ause( shall be !ee*e! a aiver of the "lai* a,ainst su"h
&art'.The non:in"lusion of a ne"essar' &art' !oes not &revent the "ourt fro* &ro"ee!in, in the a"tion(
an! the /u!,*ent ren!ere! therein shall be ithout &re/u!i"e to the ri,hts of su"h ne"essar' &art'. #>a(
?a$SECTION 1@. Unillin, "o:&laintiff . If the "onsent of an' &art' ho shoul! be /oine! as
&laintiff "an not be obtaine!( he *a' be *a!e a !efen!ant an! the reason therefor shall be state! in the
"o*&laint. #1@$SECTION 11. 8is/oin!er an! non:/oin!er of &arties. Neither *is/oin!er nor non:
/oin!er of &arties is ,roun! for !is*issal of an a"tion. Parties *a' be !ro&&e! or a!!e! b' or!er of the
"ourt on *otion of an' &art' or on its on initiative at an' sta,e of the a"tion an! on su"h ter*s as are
/ust. -n' "lai* a,ainst a *is/oine! &art' *a' be severe! an! &ro"ee!e! ith se&aratel'.
#11a$SECTION 1%. Class suit. 7hen the sub/e"t *atter of the "ontrovers' is one of "o**on or
,eneral interest to *an' &ersons so nu*erous that it is i*&ra"ti"able to /oin all as &arties( a nu*ber of
the* hi"h the "ourt fin!s to be suffi"ientl' nu*erous an! re&resentative as to full' &rote"t the
interests of all "on"erne! *a' sue or !efen! for the benefit of all. -n' &art' in interest shall have the
ri,ht to intervene to &rote"t his in!ivi!ual interest. #1%a$SECTION 1+. -lternative !efen!ants.
7here the &laintiff is un"ertain a,ainst ho of several &ersons he is entitle! to relief( he *a' /oin an'
or all of the* as !efen!ants in the alternative( althou,h a ri,ht to relief a,ainst one *a' be in"onsistent
ith a ri,ht of relief a,ainst the other. #1+a$SECTION 10. Unknon i!entit' or na*e of !efen!ant.
7henever the i!entit' or na*e of a !efen!ant is unknon( he *a' be sue! as the unknon oner( heir(
!evisee( or b' su"h other !esi,nation as the "ase *a' re<uire4 hen his i!entit' or true na*e is
!is"overe!( the &lea!in, *ust be a*en!e! a""or!in,l'. #10$SECTION 12. Entit' ithout /uri!i"al
&ersonalit' as !efen!ant. 7hen to or *ore &ersons not or,ani1e! as an entit' ith /uri!i"al
&ersonalit' enter into a transa"tion( the' *a' be sue! un!er the na*e b' hi"h the' are ,enerall' or
"o**onl' knon.In the anser of su"h !efen!ant( the na*es an! a!!resses of the &ersons "o*&osin,
sai! entit' *ust all be reveale!. #12a$SECTION 13. Aeath of &art'4 !ut' of "ounsel. 7henever a
&art' to a &en!in, a"tion !ies( an! the "lai* is not thereb' e)tin,uishe!( it shall be the !ut' of his
"ounsel to infor* the "ourt ithin thirt' #+@$ !a's after su"h !eath of the fa"t thereof( an! to ,ive the
na*e an! a!!ress of his le,al re&resentative or re&resentatives. Bailure of "ounsel to "o*&l' ith this
!ut' shall be a ,roun! for !is"i&linar' a"tion.The heirs of the !e"ease! *a' be alloe! to be
substitute! for the !e"ease!( ithout re<uirin, the a&&oint*ent of an e)e"utor or a!*inistrator an! the
"ourt *a' a&&oint a ,uar!ian a! lite* for the *inor heirs.The "ourt shall forthith or!er sai! le,al
re&resentative or re&resentatives to a&&ear an! be substitute! ithin a &erio! of thirt' #+@$ !a's fro*
noti"e.If no le,al re&resentative is na*e! b' the "ounsel for the !e"ease! &art'( or if the one so na*e!
shall fail to a&&ear ithin the s&e"ifie! &erio!( the "ourt *a' or!er the o&&osin, &art'( ithin a
s&e"ifie! ti*e( to &ro"ure the a&&oint*ent of an e)e"utor or a!*inistrator for the estate of the !e"ease!
an! the latter shall i**e!iatel' a&&ear for an! on behalf of the !e"ease!. The "ourt "har,es in
&ro"urin, su"h a&&oint*ent( if !efra'e! b' the o&&osin, &art'( *a' be re"overe! as "osts. #13a(
1=a$SECTION 1=. Aeath or se&aration of a &art' ho is a &ubli" offi"er. 7hen a &ubli" offi"er is a
&art' in an a"tion in his offi"ial "a&a"it' an! !urin, its &en!en"' !ies( resi,ns( or otherise "eases to
hol! offi"e( the a"tion *a' be "ontinue! an! *aintaine! b' or a,ainst his su""essor if( ithin thirt'
#+@$ !a's after the su""essor takes offi"e or su"h ti*e as *a' be ,rante! b' the "ourt( it is satisfa"toril'
shon to the "ourt b' an' &art' that there is a substantial nee! for "ontinuin, or *aintainin, it an! that
the su""essor a!o&ts or "ontinues or threatens to a!o&t or "ontinue the a"tion of his &re!e"essor. .efore
a substitution is *a!e( the &art' or offi"er to be affe"te!( unless e)&ressl' assentin, thereto( shall be
,iven reasonable noti"e of the a&&li"ation therefor an! a""or!e! an o&&ortunit' to be hear!.
#1>a$SECTION 1>. In"o*&eten"' or in"a&a"it'. If a &art' be"o*es in"o*&etent or in"a&a"itate!(
the "ourt( u&on *otion ith noti"e( *a' allo the a"tion to be "ontinue! b' or a,ainst the in"o*&etent
or in"a&a"itate! &erson assiste! b' his le,al ,uar!ian or ,uar!ian a! lite*. #1?a$SECTION 1?. Transfer
of interest. In "ase of an' transfer of interest( the a"tion *a' be "ontinue! b' or a,ainst the ori,inal
&art'( unless the "ourt u&on *otion !ire"ts the &erson to ho* the interest is transferre! to be
substitute! in the a"tion or /oine! ith the ori,inal &art'. #%@$SECTION %@. -"tion on "ontra"tual
*one' "lai*s. 7hen the a"tion is for re"over' of *one' arisin, fro* "ontra"t( e)&ress or i*&lie!(
an! the !efen!ant !ies before entr' of final /u!,*ent in the "ourt in hi"h the a"tion as &en!in, at
the ti*e of su"h !eath( it shall not be !is*isse! but shall instea! be alloe! to "ontinue until the entr'
of final /u!,*ent. - favorable /u!,*ent obtaine! b' the &laintiff therein shall be enfor"e! in the
*anner es&e"iall' &rovi!e! in these Rules for &rose"utin, "lai*s a,ainst the estate of a !e"ease!
&erson. #%1a$SECTION %1. In!i,ent &art'. - &art' *a' be authori1e! to liti,ate his a"tion( "lai* or
!efense as an in!i,ent if the "ourt( u&on an e) &arte a&&li"ation an! hearin,( is satisfie! that the &art' is
one ho has no *one' or &ro&ert' suffi"ient an! available for foo!( shelter an! basi" ne"essities for
hi*self an! his fa*il'.Su"h authorit' shall in"lu!e an e)e*&tion fro* &a'*ent of !o"ket an! other
laful fees( an! of trans"ri&ts of steno,ra&hi" notes hi"h the "ourt *a' or!er to be furnishe! hi*.
The a*ount of the !o"ket an! other laful fees hi"h the in!i,ent as e)e*&te! fro* &a'in, shall be
a lien on an' /u!,*ent ren!ere! in the "ase favorable to the in!i,ent( unless the "ourt otherise
&rovi!es.-n' a!verse &art' *a' "ontest the ,rant of su"h authorit' at an' ti*e before /u!,*ent is
ren!ere! b' the trial "ourt. If the "ourt shoul! !eter*ine after hearin, that the &art' !e"lare! as an
in!i,ent is in fa"t a &erson ith suffi"ient in"o*e or &ro&ert'( the &ro&er !o"ket an! other laful fees
shall be assesse! an! "olle"te! b' the "lerk of "ourt. If &a'*ent is not *a!e ithin the ti*e fi)e! b'
the "ourt( e)e"ution shall issue or the &a'*ent thereof( ithout &re/u!i"e to su"h other san"tions as the
"ourt *a' i*&ose. #%%a$SECTION %%. Noti"e to the Soli"itor General. In an' a"tion involvin, the
vali!it' of an' treat'( la( or!inan"e( e)e"utive or!er( &resi!ential !e"ree( rules or re,ulations( the
"ourt( in its !is"retion( *a' re<uire the a&&earan"e of the Soli"itor General ho *a' be hear! in &erson
or throu,h a re&resentative !ul' !esi,nate! b' hi*. #%+a$
RULE 0Cenue of -"tionsSECTION 1. Cenue of real a"tions. -"tions affe"tin, title to or &ossession
of real &ro&ert'( or interest therein( shall be "o**en"e! an! trie! in the &ro&er "ourt hi"h has
/uris!i"tion over the area herein the real &ro&ert' involve!( or a &ortion thereof( is situate!.Bor"ible
entr' an! !etainer a"tions shall be "o**en"e! an! trie! in the 8uni"i&al Trial Court of the
*uni"i&alit' or "it' herein the real &ro&ert' involve!( or a &ortion thereof( is situate!. #1DaE(
%DaEa$SECTION %. Cenue of &ersonal a"tions. -ll other a"tions *a' be "o**en"e! an! trie! here
the &laintiff or an' of the &rin"i&al &laintiffs resi!es( or here the !efen!ant or an' of the &rin"i&al
!efen!ants resi!es( or in the "ase of a non:resi!ent !efen!ant here he *a' be foun!( at the ele"tion of
the &laintiff. #%DbEa$SECTION +. Cenue of a"tions a,ainst non:resi!ents. If an' of the !efen!ants
!oes not resi!e an! is not foun! in the Phili&&ines( an! the a"tion affe"ts the &ersonal status of the
&laintiff( or an' &ro&ert' of sai! !efen!ant lo"ate! in the Phili&&ines( the a"tion *a' be "o**en"e!
an! trie! in the "ourt of the &la"e here the &laintiff resi!es( or here the &ro&ert' or an' &ortion
thereof is situate! or foun!. #%D"Ea$SECTION 0. 7hen Rule not a&&li"able. This Rule shall not
a&&l' #a$ In those "ases here a s&e"ifi" rule or la &rovi!es otherise4 or#b$ 7here the &arties have
vali!l' a,ree! in ritin, before the filin, of the a"tion on the e)"lusive venue thereof. #+a( 2a$
RULE 2Unifor* Pro"e!ure in Trial CourtsSECTION 1. Unifor* &ro"e!ure. The &ro"e!ure in the
8uni"i&al Trial Courts shall be the sa*e as in the Re,ional Trial Courts( e)"e&t #a$ here a &arti"ular
&rovision e)&ressl' or i*&lie!l' a&&lies onl' to either of sai! "ourts( or #b$ in "ivil "ases ,overne! b'
the Rule on Su**ar' Pro"e!ure. #n$SECTION %. 8eanin, of ter*s. The ter* 98uni"i&al Trial
Courts9 as use! in these Rules shall in"lu!e 8etro&olitan Trial Courts( 8uni"i&al Trial Courts in Cities(
8uni"i&al Trial Courts( an! 8uni"i&al Cir"uit Trial Courts. #1a$
RULE 3Fin!s of Plea!in,sSECTION 1. Plea!in,s !efine!. Plea!in,s are the ritten state*ents of
the res&e"tive "lai*s an! !efenses of the &arties sub*itte! to the "ourt for a&&ro&riate /u!,*ent.
#1a$SECTION %. Plea!in,s alloe!. The "lai*s of a &art' are asserte! in a "o*&laint( "ounter"lai*(
"ross:"lai*( thir! #fourth( et".$:&art' "o*&laint( or "o*&laint:in:intervention.The !efenses of a &art'
are alle,e! in the anser to the &lea!in, assertin, a "lai* a,ainst hi*.-n anser *a' be res&on!e! to
b' a re&l'. #n$SECTION +. Co*&laint. The "o*&laint is the &lea!in, alle,in, the &laintiffGs "ause or
"auses of a"tion. The na*es an! resi!en"es of the &laintiff an! !efen!ant *ust be state! in the
"o*&laint. #+a$SECTION 0. -nser. -n anser is a &lea!in, in hi"h a !efen!in, &art' sets forth
his !efenses. #0a$SECTION 2. Aefenses. Aefenses *a' either be ne,ative or affir*ative.#a$ -
ne,ative !efense is the s&e"ifi" !enial of the *aterial fa"t or fa"ts alle,e! in the &lea!in, of the
"lai*ant essential to his "ause or "auses of a"tion.#b$ -n affir*ative !efense is an alle,ation of a ne
*atter hi"h( hile h'&otheti"all' a!*ittin, the *aterial alle,ations in the &lea!in, of the "lai*ant(
oul! nevertheless &revent or bar re"over' b' hi*. The affir*ative !efenses in"lu!e frau!( statute of
li*itations( release( &a'*ent( ille,alit'( statute of frau!s( esto&&el( for*er re"over'( !is"har,e in
bankru&t"'( an! an' other *atter b' a' of "onfession an! avoi!an"e. #2a$SECTION 3. Counter"lai*.
- "ounter"lai* is an' "lai* hi"h a !efen!in, &art' *a' have a,ainst an o&&osin, &art'.
#3a$SECTION =. Co*&ulsor' "ounter"lai*. - "o*&ulsor' "ounter"lai* is one hi"h( bein,
"o,ni1able b' the re,ular "ourts of /usti"e( arises out of or is "onne"te! ith the transa"tion or
o""urren"e "onstitutin, the sub/e"t *atter of the o&&osin, &art'Gs "lai* an! !oes not re<uire for its
a!/u!i"ation the &resen"e of thir! &arties of ho* the "ourt "annot a"<uire /uris!i"tion. Su"h a
"ounter"lai* *ust be ithin the /uris!i"tion of the "ourt both as to the a*ount an! the nature thereof(
e)"e&t that in an ori,inal a"tion before the Re,ional Trial Court( the "ounter"lai* *a' be "onsi!ere!
"o*&ulsor' re,ar!less of the a*ount. #n$SECTION >. Cross:"lai*. - "ross:"lai* is an' "lai* b'
one &art' a,ainst a "o:&art' arisin, out of the transa"tion or o""urren"e that is the sub/e"t *atter either
of the ori,inal a"tion or of a "ounter"lai* therein. Su"h "ross:"lai* *a' in"lu!e a "lai* that the &art'
a,ainst ho* it is asserte! is or *a' be liable to the "ross:"lai*ant for all or &art of a "lai* asserte! in
the a"tion a,ainst the "ross:"lai*ant. #=$SECTION ?. Counter:"ounter"lai*s an! "ounter:"ross:"lai*s.
- "ounter"lai* *a' be asserte! a,ainst an ori,inal "ounter:"lai*ant.- "ross:"lai* *a' also be file!
a,ainst an ori,inal "ross:"lai*ant. #n$SECTION 1@. Re&l'. - re&l' is a &lea!in,( the offi"e or
fun"tion of hi"h is to !en'( or alle,e fa"ts in !enial or avoi!an"e of ne *atters alle,e! b' a' of
!efense in the anser an! thereb' /oin or *ake issue as to su"h ne *atters. If a &art' !oes not file
su"h re&l'( all the ne *atters alle,e! in the anser are !ee*e! "ontroverte!.If the &laintiff ishes to
inter&ose an' "lai*s arisin, out of the ne *atters so alle,e!( su"h "lai*s shall be set forth in an
a*en!e! or su&&le*ental "o*&laint. #11$ECTION 11. Thir!( #fourth( et".$:&art' "o*&laint. - thir!
#fourth( et".$:&art' "o*&laint is a "lai* that a !efen!in, &art' *a'( ith leave of "ourt( file a,ainst a
&erson not a &art' to the a"tion( "alle! the thir! #fourth( et".$:&art' !efen!ant( for "ontribution(
in!e*nit'( subro,ation or an' other relief( in res&e"t of his o&&onentGs "lai*. #1%a$SECTION 1%.
.rin,in, ne &arties. 7hen the &resen"e of &arties other than those to the ori,inal a"tion is re<uire!
for the ,rantin, of "o*&lete relief in the !eter*ination of a "ounter"lai* or "ross:"lai*( the "ourt shall
or!er the* to be brou,ht in as !efen!ants( if /uris!i"tion over the* "an be obtaine!. #10$SECTION 1+.
-nser to thir! #fourth( et".$:&art' "o*&laint. - thir! #fourth( et".$:&art' !efen!ant *a' alle,e in
his anser his !efenses( "ounter"lai*s or "ross:"lai*s( in"lu!in, su"h !efenses that the thir! #fourth(
et".$:&art' &laintiff *a' have a,ainst the ori,inal &laintiffGs "lai*. In &ro&er "ases( he *a' also assert a
"ounter"lai* a,ainst the ori,inal &laintiff in res&e"t of the latterGs "lai* a,ainst the thir!:&art' &laintiff.
RULE =Parts of a Plea!in,SECTION 1. Ca&tion. The "a&tion sets forth the na*e of the "ourt( the
title of the a"tion( an! the !o"ket nu*ber if assi,ne!.The title of the a"tion in!i"ates the na*es of the
&arties. The' shall all be na*e! in the ori,inal "o*&laint or &etition4 but in subse<uent &lea!in,s( it
shall be suffi"ient if the na*e of the first &art' on ea"h si!e be state! ith an a&&ro&riate in!i"ation
hen there are other &arties.Their res&e"tive &arti"i&ation in the "ase shall be in!i"ate!. #1a(
%a$SECTION %. The bo!'. The bo!' of the &lea!in, sets forth its !esi,nation( the alle,ations of the
&art'Gs "lai*s or !efenses( the relief &ra'e! for( an! the !ate of the &lea!in,. #n$#a$ Para,ra&hs. The
alle,ations in the bo!' of a &lea!in, shall be !ivi!e! into &ara,ra&hs so nu*bere! as to be rea!il'
i!entifie!( ea"h of hi"h shall "ontain a state*ent of a sin,le set of "ir"u*stan"es so far as that "an be
!one ith "onvenien"e. - &ara,ra&h *a' be referre! to b' its nu*ber in all su""ee!in, &lea!in,s. #+a$
#b$ ;ea!in,s. 7hen to or *ore "auses of a"tion are /oine!( the state*ent of the first shall be
&refa"e! b' the or!s( 9first "ause of a"tion(9 of the se"on! b' 9se"on! "ause of a"tion(9 an! so on for
the others.7hen one or *ore &ara,ra&hs in the anser are a!!resse! to one of several "auses of a"tion
in the "o*&laint( the' shall be &refa"e! b' the or!s 9anser to the first "ause of a"tion9 or 9anser to
the se"on! "ause of a"tion9 an! so on4 an! hen one or *ore &ara,ra&hs of the anser are a!!resse! to
several "auses of a"tion( the' shall be &refa"e! b' or!s to that effe"t. #0$#"$ Relief . The &lea!in,
shall s&e"if' the relief sou,ht( but it *a' a!! a ,eneral &ra'er for su"h further or other relief as *a' be
!ee*e! /ust or e<uitable. #+a( R3$#!$ Aate. Ever' &lea!in, shall be !ate!. #n$SECTION +. Si,nature
an! a!!ress. Ever' &lea!in, *ust be si,ne! b' the &art' or "ounsel re&resentin, hi*( statin, in
either "ase his a!!ress hi"h shoul! not be a &ost offi"e bo).The si,nature of "ounsel "onstitutes a
"ertifi"ate b' hi* that he has rea! the &lea!in,4 that to the best of his knole!,e( infor*ation( an!
belief there is ,oo! ,roun! to su&&ort it4 an! that it is not inter&ose! for !ela'.-n unsi,ne! &lea!in,
&ro!u"es no le,al effe"t. ;oever( the "ourt *a'( in its !is"retion( allo su"h !efi"ien"' to be
re*e!ie! if it shall a&&ear that the sa*e as !ue to *ere ina!verten"e an! not inten!e! for !ela'.
Counsel ho !eliberatel' files an unsi,ne! &lea!in,( or si,ns a &lea!in, in violation of this Rule( or
alle,es s"an!alous or in!e"ent *atter therein( or fails to &ro*&tl' re&ort to the "ourt a "han,e of his
a!!ress( shall be sub/e"t to a&&ro&riate !is"i&linar' a"tion. #2a$SECTION 0. Cerifi"ation. E)"e&t
hen otherise s&e"ifi"all' re<uire! b' la or rule( &lea!in,s nee! not be un!er oath( verifie! or
a""o*&anie! b' affi!avit.- &lea!in, is verifie! b' an affi!avit that the affiant has rea! the &lea!in,
an! that the alle,ations therein are true an! "orre"t of his &ersonal knole!,e or base! on authenti"
re"or!s.- &lea!in, re<uire! to be verifie! hi"h "ontains a verifi"ation base! on 9infor*ation an!
belief9( or u&on 9knole!,e( infor*ation an! belief(9 or la"ks a &ro&er verifi"ation( shall be treate! as
an unsi,ne! &lea!in,. #0a$ #-s a*en!e! b' SC Cir"ular No. 0>:@@( effe"tive 8a' 1( %@@@.$SECTION
2. Certifi"ation a,ainst foru* sho&&in,. The &laintiff or &rin"i&al &art' shall "ertif' un!er oath in
the "o*&laint or other initiator' &lea!in, assertin, a "lai* for relief( or in a sorn "ertifi"ation
anne)e! thereto an! si*ultaneousl' file! thereith6#a$ that he has not theretofore "o**en"e! an'
a"tion or file! an' "lai* involvin, the sa*e issues in an' "ourt( tribunal or <uasi:/u!i"ial a,en"' an!(
to the best of his knole!,e( no su"h other a"tion or "lai* is &en!in, therein4#b$ if there is su"h other
&en!in, a"tion or "lai*( a "o*&lete state*ent of the &resent status thereof4 an!#"$ if he shoul!
thereafter learn that the sa*e or si*ilar a"tion or "lai* has been file! or is &en!in,( he shall re&ort that
fa"t ithin five #2$ !a's therefro* to the "ourt herein his aforesai! "o*&laint or initiator' &lea!in,
has been file!.Bailure to "o*&l' ith the fore,oin, re<uire*ents shall not be "urable b' *ere
a*en!*ent of the "o*&laint or other initiator' &lea!in, but shall be "ause for the !is*issal of the "ase
ithout &re/u!i"e( unless otherise &rovi!e!( u&on *otion an! after hearin,. The sub*ission of a false
"ertifi"ation or non:"o*&lian"e ith an' of the un!ertakin,s therein shall "onstitute in!ire"t "onte*&t
of "ourt( ithout &re/u!i"e to the "orres&on!in, a!*inistrative an! "ri*inal a"tions. If the a"ts of the
&art' or his "ounsel "learl' "onstitute illful an! !eliberate foru* sho&&in,( the sa*e shall be ,roun!
for su**ar' !is*issal ith &re/u!i"e an! shall "onstitute !ire"t "onte*&t( as ell as a "ause for
a!*inistrative san"tions. #n$
RULE >8anner of 8akin, -lle,ations in Plea!in,sSECTION 1. In ,eneral. Ever' &lea!in, shall
"ontain in a *etho!i"al an! lo,i"al for*( a &lain( "on"ise an! !ire"t state*ent of the ulti*ate fa"ts on
hi"h the &art' &lea!in, relies for his "lai* or !efense( as the "ase *a' be( o*ittin, the state*ent of
*ere evi!entiar' fa"ts. #1$If a !efense relie! on is base! on la( the &ertinent &rovisions thereof an!
their a&&li"abilit' to hi* shall be "learl' an! "on"isel' state!. #n$SECTION %. -lternative "auses of
a"tion or !efenses. - &art' *a' set forth to or *ore state*ents of a "lai* or !efense alternativel'
or h'&otheti"all'( either in one "ause of a"tion or !efense or in se&arate "auses of a"tion or !efenses.
7hen to or *ore state*ents are *a!e in the alternative an! one of the* if *a!e in!e&en!entl' oul!
be suffi"ient( the &lea!in, is not *a!e insuffi"ient b' the insuffi"ien"' of one or *ore of the alternative
state*ents. #%$SECTION +. Con!itions &re"e!ent. In an' &lea!in, a ,eneral aver*ent of the
&erfor*an"e or o""urren"e of all "on!itions &re"e!ent shall be suffi"ient. #+$SECTION 0. Ca&a"it'.
Ba"ts shoin, the "a&a"it' of a &art' to sue or be sue! or the authorit' of a &art' to sue or be sue! in a
re&resentative "a&a"it' or the le,al e)isten"e of an or,ani1e! asso"iation of &ersons that is *a!e a
&art'( *ust be averre!. - &art' !esirin, to raise an issue as to the le,al e)isten"e of an' &art' or the
"a&a"it' of an' &art' to sue or be sue! in a re&resentative "a&a"it'( shall !o so b' s&e"ifi" !enial( hi"h
shall in"lu!e su"h su&&ortin, &arti"ulars as are &e"uliarl' ithin the &lea!erGs knole!,e. #0$SECTION
2. Brau!( *istake( "on!ition of the *in!. In all aver*ents of frau! or *istake( the "ir"u*stan"es
"onstitutin, frau! or *istake *ust be state! ith &arti"ularit'. 8ali"e( intent( knole!,e or other
"on!ition of the *in! of a &erson *a' be averre! ,enerall'. #2a$SECTION 3. 5u!,*ent. In &lea!in,
a /u!,*ent or !e"ision of a !o*esti" or forei,n "ourt( /u!i"ial or <uasi:/u!i"ial tribunal( or of a boar!
or offi"er( it is suffi"ient to aver the /u!,*ent or !e"ision ithout settin, forth *atter shoin,
/uris!i"tion to ren!er it. #3$SECTION =. -"tion or !efense base! on !o"u*ent. 7henever an a"tion
or !efense is base! u&on a ritten instru*ent or !o"u*ent( the substan"e of su"h instru*ent or
!o"u*ent shall be set forth in the &lea!in,( an! the ori,inal or a "o&' thereof shall be atta"he! to the
&lea!in, as an e)hibit( hi"h shall be !ee*e! to be a &art of the &lea!in,( or sai! "o&' *a' ith like
effe"t be set forth in the &lea!in,. #=$SECTION >. ;o to "ontest su"h !o"u*ents. 7hen an a"tion
or !efense is foun!e! u&on a ritten instru*ent( "o&ie! in or atta"he! to the "orres&on!in, &lea!in, as
&rovi!e! in the &re"e!in, se"tion( the ,enuineness an! !ue e)e"ution of the instru*ent shall be !ee*e!
a!*itte! unless the a!verse &art'( un!er oath( s&e"ifi"all' !enies the*( an! sets forth hat he "lai*s to
be the fa"ts4 but the re<uire*ent of an oath !oes not a&&l' hen the a!verse &art' !oes not a&&ear to be
a &art' to the instru*ent or hen "o*&lian"e ith an or!er for an ins&e"tion of the ori,inal instru*ent
is refuse!. #>a$SECTION ?. Offi"ial !o"u*ent or a"t. In &lea!in, an offi"ial !o"u*ent or offi"ial
a"t( it is suffi"ient to aver that the !o"u*ent as issue! or the a"t !one in "o*&lian"e ith la.
#?$SECTION 1@. S&e"ifi" !enial. - !efen!ant *ust s&e"if' ea"h *aterial alle,ation of fa"t the truth
of hi"h he !oes not a!*it an!( henever &ra"ti"able( shall set forth the substan"e of the *atters u&on
hi"h he relies to su&&ort his !enial. 7here a !efen!ant !esires to !en' onl' a &art of an aver*ent( he
shall s&e"if' so *u"h of it as is true an! *aterial an! shall !en' onl' the re*ain!er. 7here a !efen!ant
is ithout knole!,e or infor*ation suffi"ient to for* a belief as to the truth of a *aterial aver*ent
*a!e in the "o*&laint( he shall so state( an! this shall have the effe"t of a !enial. #1@a$SECTION 11.
-lle,ations not s&e"ifi"all' !enie! !ee*e! a!*itte!. 8aterial aver*ent in the "o*&laint( other than
those as to the a*ount of unli<ui!ate! !a*a,es( shall be !ee*e! a!*itte! hen not s&e"ifi"all'
!enie!. -lle,ations of usur' in a "o*&laint to re"over usurious interest are !ee*e! a!*itte! if not
!enie! un!er oath. #1a( R?$SECTION 1%. Strikin, out of &lea!in, or *atter "ontaine! therein. U&on
*otion *a!e b' a &art' before res&on!in, to a &lea!in, or( if no res&onsive &lea!in, is &er*itte! b'
these Rules( u&on *otion *a!e b' a &art' ithin tent' #%@$ !a's after the servi"e of the &lea!in,
u&on hi*( or u&on the "ourtGs on initiative at an' ti*e( the "ourt *a' or!er an' &lea!in, to be
stri"ken out or that an' sha* or false( re!un!ant( i**aterial( i*&ertinent( or s"an!alous *atter be
stri"ken out therefro*. #2( R?$
RULE ?Effe"t of Bailure to Plea!SECTION 1. Aefenses an! ob/e"tions not &lea!e!. Aefenses an!
ob/e"tions not &lea!e! either in a *otion to !is*iss or in the anser are !ee*e! aive!. ;oever(
hen it a&&ears fro* the &lea!in,s or the evi!en"e on re"or! that the "ourt has no /uris!i"tion over the
sub/e"t *atter( that there is another a"tion &en!in, beteen the sa*e &arties for the sa*e "ause( or that
the a"tion is barre! b' a &rior /u!,*ent or b' statute of li*itations( the "ourt shall !is*iss the "lai*.
#%a$SECTION %. Co*&ulsor' "ounter"lai*( or "ross:"lai* not set u& barre!. - "o*&ulsor'
"ounter"lai*( or a "ross:"lai*( not set u& shall be barre!. #0a$SECTION +. Aefault4 !e"laration of .
If the !efen!in, &art' fails to anser ithin the ti*e alloe! therefor( the "ourt shall( u&on *otion of
the "lai*in, &art' ith noti"e to the !efen!in, &art'( an! &roof of su"h failure( !e"lare the !efen!in,
&art' in !efault. Thereu&on( the "ourt shall &ro"ee! to ren!er /u!,*ent ,rantin, the "lai*ant su"h relief
as his &lea!in, *a' arrant( unless the "ourt in its !is"retion re<uires the "lai*ant to sub*it evi!en"e.
Su"h re"e&tion of evi!en"e *a' be !ele,ate! to the "lerk of "ourt. #1a( R1>$#a$ Effe"t of or!er of
!efault. - &art' in !efault shall be entitle! to noti"e of subse<uent &ro"ee!in,s but not to take &art in
the trial. #%a( R1>$#b$ Relief fro* or!er of !efault. - &art' !e"lare! in !efault *a' at an' ti*e after
noti"e thereof an! before /u!,*ent file a *otion un!er oath to set asi!e the or!er of !efault u&on
&ro&er shoin, that his failure to anser as !ue to frau!( a""i!ent( *istake or e)"usable ne,li,en"e
an! that he has a *eritorious !efense. In su"h "ase( the or!er of !efault *a' be set asi!e on su"h ter*s
an! "on!itions as the /u!,e *a' i*&ose in the interest of /usti"e. #+a( R1>$#"$ Effe"t of &artial !efault.
7hen a &lea!in, assertin, a "lai* states a "o**on "ause of a"tion a,ainst several !efen!in,
&arties( so*e of ho* anser an! the others fail to !o so( the "ourt shall tr' the "ase a,ainst all u&on
the ansers thus file! an! ren!er /u!,*ent u&on the evi!en"e &resente!. #0a( R1>$#!$ E)tent of relief
to be aar!e!. - /u!,*ent ren!ere! a,ainst a &art' in !efault shall not e)"ee! the a*ount or be
!ifferent in kin! fro* that &ra'e! for nor aar! unli<ui!ate! !a*a,es. #2a( R1>$#e$ 7here no !efaults
alloe!. If the !efen!in, &art' in an a"tion for annul*ent or !e"laration of nullit' of *arria,e or for
le,al se&aration fails to anser( the "ourt shall or!er the &rose"utin, attorne' to investi,ate hether or
not a "ollusion beteen the &arties e)ists( an! if there is no "ollusion( to intervene for the State in or!er
to see to it that the evi!en"e sub*itte! is not fabri"ate!. #3a( R1>$
SECTION 1. -*en!*ents in ,eneral. Plea!in,s *a' be a*en!e! b' a!!in, or strikin, out an
alle,ation or the na*e of an' &art'( or b' "orre"tin, a *istake in the na*e of a &art' or a *istaken or
ina!e<uate alle,ation or !es"ri&tion in an' other res&e"t( so that the a"tual *erits of the "ontrovers'
*a' s&ee!il' be !eter*ine!( ithout re,ar! to te"hni"alities( an! in the *ost e)&e!itious an!
ine)&ensive *anner. #1$SECTION %. -*en!*ents as a *atter of ri,ht. - &art' *a' a*en! his
&lea!in, on"e as a *atter of ri,ht at an' ti*e before a res&onsive &lea!in, is serve! or( in the "ase of a
re&l'( at an' ti*e ithin ten #1@$ !a's after it is serve!. #%a$SECTION +. -*en!*ents b' leave of
"ourt. E)"e&t as &rovi!e! in the ne)t &re"e!in, se"tion( substantial a*en!*ents *a' be *a!e onl'
u&on leave of "ourt. .ut su"h leave *a' be refuse! if it a&&ears to the "ourt that the *otion as *a!e
ith intent to !ela'. Or!ers of the "ourt u&on the *atters &rovi!e! in this se"tion shall be *a!e u&on
*otion file! in "ourt( an! after noti"e to the a!verse &art'( an! an o&&ortunit' to be hear!.
#+a$SECTION 0. Bor*al a*en!*ents. - !efe"t in the !esi,nation of the &arties an! other "learl'
"leri"al or t'&o,ra&hi"al errors *a' be su**aril' "orre"te! b' the "ourt at an' sta,e of the a"tion( at
its initiative or on *otion( &rovi!e! no &re/u!i"e is "ause! thereb' to the a!verse &art'. #0a$SECTION
2. -*en!*ent to "onfor* to or authori1e &resentation of evi!en"e. 7hen issues not raise! b' the
&lea!in,s are trie! ith the e)&ress or i*&lie! "onsent of the &arties( the' shall be treate! in all
res&e"ts as if the' ha! been raise! in the &lea!in,s. Su"h a*en!*ent of the &lea!in,s as *a' be
ne"essar' to "ause the* to "onfor* to the evi!en"e an! to raise these issues *a' be *a!e u&on *otion
of an' &art' at an' ti*e( even after /u!,*ent4 but failure to a*en! !oes not affe"t the result of the trial
of these issues. If evi!en"e is ob/e"te! to at the trial on the ,roun! that it is not ithin the issues *a!e
b' the &lea!in,s( the "ourt *a' allo the &lea!in,s to be a*en!e! an! shall !o so ith liberalit' if the
&resentation of the *erits of the a"tion an! the en!s of substantial /usti"e ill be subserve! thereb'.
The "ourt *a' ,rant a "ontinuan"e to enable the a*en!*ent to be *a!e. #2a$SECTION 3.
Su&&le*ental &lea!in,s. U&on *otion of a &art' the "ourt *a'( u&on reasonable noti"e an! u&on
su"h ter*s as are /ust( &er*it hi* to serve a su&&le*ental &lea!in, settin, forth transa"tions(
o""urren"es or events hi"h have ha&&ene! sin"e the !ate of the &lea!in, sou,ht to be su&&le*ente!.
The a!verse &art' *a' &lea! thereto ithin ten #1@$ !a's fro* noti"e of the or!er a!*ittin, the
su&&le*ental &lea!in,. #3a$SECTION =. Bilin, of a*en!e! &lea!in,s. 7hen an' &lea!in, is
a*en!e!( a ne "o&' of the entire &lea!in,( in"or&oratin, the a*en!*ents( hi"h shall be in!i"ate! b'
a&&ro&riate *arks( shall be file!. #=a$SECTION >. Effe"t of a*en!e! &lea!in,s. -n a*en!e!
&lea!in, su&erse!es the &lea!in, that it a*en!s. ;oever( a!*issions in su&erse!e! &lea!in,s *a' be
re"eive! in evi!en"e a,ainst the &lea!er4 an! "lai*s or !efenses alle,e! therein not in"or&orate! in the
a*en!e! &lea!in, shall be !ee*e! aive!. #n$
RULE 117hen to Bile Res&onsive Plea!in,sSECTION 1. -nser to the "o*&laint. The !efen!ant
shall file his anser to the "o*&laint ithin fifteen #12$ !a's after servi"e of su**ons( unless a
!ifferent &erio! is fi)e! b' the "ourt. #1a$SECTION %. -nser of a !efen!ant forei,n &rivate /uri!i"al
entit'. 7here the !efen!ant is a forei,n &rivate /uri!i"al entit' an! servi"e of su**ons is *a!e on
the ,overn*ent offi"ial !esi,nate! b' la to re"eive the sa*e( the anser shall be file! ithin thirt'
#+@$ !a's after re"ei&t of su**ons b' su"h entit'. #%a$SECTION +. -nser to a*en!e! "o*&laint.
7here the &laintiff files an a*en!e! "o*&laint as a *atter of ri,ht( the !efen!ant shall anser the
sa*e ithin fifteen #12$ !a's after bein, serve! ith a "o&' thereof.7here its filin, is not a *atter of
ri,ht( the !efen!ant shall anser the a*en!e! "o*&laint ithin ten #1@$ !a's fro* noti"e of the or!er
of a!*ittin, the sa*e. -n anser earlier file! *a' serve as the anser to the a*en!e! "o*&laint if no
ne anser is file!.This Rule shall a&&l' to the anser to an a*en!e! "ounter"lai*( a*en!e! "ross:
"lai*( a*en!e! thir! #fourth( et".$:&art' "o*&laint( an! a*en!e! "o*&laint:in:intervention.
#+a$SECTION 0. -nser to "ounter"lai* or "ross:"lai*. - "ounter"lai* or "ross:"lai* *ust be
ansere! ithin ten #1@$ !a's fro* servi"e. #0$SECTION 2. -nser to thir! #fourth( et".$:&art'
"o*&laint. The ti*e to anser a thir! #fourth( et".$:&art' "o*&laint shall be ,overne! b' the sa*e
rule as the anser to the "o*&laint. #2a$SECTION 3. Re&l'. - re&l' *a' be file! ithin ten #1@$
!a's fro* servi"e of the &lea!in, res&on!e! to. #3$SECTION =. -nser to su&&le*ental "o*&laint.
- su&&le*ental "o*&laint *a' be ansere! ithin ten #1@$ !a's fro* noti"e of the or!er a!*ittin, the
sa*e( unless a !ifferent &erio! is fi)e! b' the "ourt. The anser to the "o*&laint shall serve as the
anser to the su&&le*ental "o*&laint if no ne or su&&le*ental anser is file!. #n$SECTION >.
E)istin, "ounter"lai* or "ross:"lai*. - "o*&ulsor' "ounter"lai* or a "ross:"lai* that a !efen!in,
&art' has at the ti*e he files his anser shall be "ontaine! therein. #>a( R3$SECTION ?. Counter"lai*
or "ross:"lai* arisin, after anser. - "ounter"lai* or a "ross:"lai* hi"h either *ature! or as
a"<uire! b' a &art' after servin, his &lea!in, *a'( ith the &er*ission of the "ourt( be &resente! as a
"ounter"lai* or a "ross:"lai* b' su&&le*ental &lea!in, before /u!,*ent. #?( R3$SECTION 1@.
O*itte! "ounter"lai* or "ross:"lai*. 7hen a &lea!er fails to set u& a "ounter"lai* or a "ross:"lai*
throu,h oversi,ht( ina!verten"e( or e)"usable ne,le"t( or hen /usti"e re<uires( he *a'( b' leave of
"ourt( set u& the "ounter"lai* or "ross:"lai* b' a*en!*ent before /u!,*ent. #+a( R?$SECTION 11.
E)tension of ti*e to &lea!. U&on *otion an! on su"h ter*s as *a' be /ust( the "ourt *a' e)ten! the
ti*e to &lea! &rovi!e! in these Rules.The "ourt *a' also( u&on like ter*s( allo an anser or other
&lea!in, to be file! after the ti*e fi)e! b' these Rules. #=$
RULE 1%.ill of Parti"ularsSECTION 1. 7hen a&&lie! for4 &ur&ose. .efore res&on!in, to a
&lea!in,( a &art' *a' *ove for a !efinite state*ent or for a bill of &arti"ulars of an' *atter hi"h is
not averre! ith suffi"ient !efiniteness or &arti"ularit' to enable hi* &ro&erl' to &re&are his res&onsive
&lea!in,. If the &lea!in, is a re&l'( the *otion *ust be file! ithin ten #1@$ !a's fro* servi"e thereof.
Su"h *otion shall &oint out the !efe"ts "o*&laine! of( the &ara,ra&hs herein the' are "ontaine!( an!
the !etails !esire!. #1a$SECTION %. -"tion b' the "ourt. U&on the filin, of the *otion( the "lerk of
"ourt *ust i**e!iatel' brin, it to the attention of the "ourt hi"h *a' either !en' or ,rant it outri,ht(
or allo the &arties the o&&ortunit' to be hear!. #n$SECTION +. Co*&lian"e ith or!er. If the
*otion is ,rante!( either in hole or in &art( the "o*&lian"e thereith *ust be effe"te! ithin ten #1@$
!a's fro* noti"e of the or!er( unless a !ifferent &erio! is fi)e! b' the "ourt. The bill of &arti"ulars or a
*ore !efinite state*ent or!ere! b' the "ourt *a' be file! either in a se&arate or in an a*en!e!
&lea!in,( servin, a "o&' thereof on the a!verse &art'. #n$SECTION 0. Effe"t of non:"o*&lian"e. If
the or!er is not obe'e!( or in "ase of insuffi"ient "o*&lian"e thereith( the "ourt *a' or!er the strikin,
out of the &lea!in, or the &ortions thereof to hi"h the or!er as !ire"te! or *ake su"h other or!er as
it !ee*s /ust. #1D"Ea$SECTION 2. Sta' of &erio! to file res&onsive &lea!in,. -fter servi"e of the bill
of &arti"ulars or of a *ore !efinite &lea!in,( or after noti"e of !enial of his *otion( the *ovin, &art'
*a' file his res&onsive &lea!in, ithin the &erio! to hi"h he as entitle! at the ti*e of filin, his
*otion( hi"h shall not be less than five #2$ !a's in an' event. #1DbEa$SECTION 3. .ill a &art of
&lea!in,. - bill of &arti"ulars be"o*es &art of the &lea!in, for hi"h it is inten!e!. #1DaEa$
RULE 1+Bilin, an! Servi"e of Plea!in,s( 5u!,*ents an! Other Pa&ersSECTION 1. Covera,e. This
Rule shall ,overn the filin, of all &lea!in,s an! other &a&ers( as ell as the servi"e thereof( e)"e&t
those for hi"h a !ifferent *o!e of servi"e is &res"ribe!. #n$SECTION %. Bilin, an! servi"e( !efine!.
Bilin, is the a"t of &resentin, the &lea!in, or other &a&er to the "lerk of "ourt.Servi"e is the a"t of
&rovi!in, a &art' ith a "o&' of the &lea!in, or &a&er "on"erne!. If an' &art' has a&&eare! b' "ounsel(
servi"e u&on hi* shall be *a!e u&on his "ounsel or one of the*( unless servi"e u&on the &art' hi*self
is or!ere! b' the "ourt. 7here one "ounsel a&&ears for several &arties( he shall onl' be entitle! to one
"o&' of an' &a&er serve! u&on hi* b' the o&&osite si!e. #%a$SECTION +. 8anner of filin,. The
filin, of &lea!in,s( a&&earan"es( *otions( noti"es( or!ers( /u!,*ents an! all other &a&ers shall be *a!e
b' &resentin, the ori,inal "o&ies thereof( &lainl' in!i"ate! as su"h( &ersonall' to the "lerk of "ourt or
b' sen!in, the* b' re,istere! *ail. In the first "ase( the "lerk of "ourt shall en!orse on the &lea!in, the
!ate an! hour of filin,. In the se"on! "ase( the !ate of the *ailin, of *otions( &lea!in,s( or an' other
&a&ers or &a'*ents or !e&osits( as shon b' the &ost offi"e sta*& on the envelo&e or the re,istr'
re"ei&t( shall be "onsi!ere! as the !ate of their filin,( &a'*ent( or !e&osit in "ourt. The envelo&e shall
be atta"he! to the re"or! of the "ase. #1a$SECTION 0. Pa&ers re<uire! to be file! an! serve!. Ever'
/u!,*ent( resolution( or!er( &lea!in, subse<uent to the "o*&laint( ritten *otion( noti"e( a&&earan"e(
!e*an!( offer of /u!,*ent or si*ilar &a&ers shall be file! ith the "ourt( an! serve! u&on the &arties
affe"te!.SECTION 2. 8o!es of servi"e. Servi"e of &lea!in,s( *otions( noti"es( or!ers( /u!,*ents
an! other &a&ers shall be *a!e either &ersonall' or b' *ail. #+a$SECTION 3. Personal servi"e.
Servi"e of the &a&ers *a' be *a!e b' !eliverin, &ersonall' a "o&' to the &art' or his "ounsel( or b'
leavin, it in his offi"e ith his "lerk or ith a &erson havin, "har,e thereof. If no &erson is foun! in his
offi"e( or his offi"e is not knon( or he has no offi"e( then b' leavin, the "o&'( beteen the hours of
ei,ht in the *ornin, an! si) in the evenin,( at the &art'Gs or "ounselGs resi!en"e( if knon( ith a
&erson of suffi"ient a,e an! !is"retion then resi!in, therein. #0a$SECTION =. Servi"e b' *ail.
Servi"e b' re,istere! *ail shall be *a!e b' !e&ositin, the "o&' in the &ost offi"e( in a seale! envelo&e(
&lainl' a!!resse! to the &art' or his "ounsel at his offi"e( if knon( otherise at his resi!en"e( if
knon( ith &osta,e full' &re:&ai!( an! ith instru"tions to the &ost*aster to return the *ail to the
sen!er after ten #1@$ !a's if un!elivere!. If no re,istr' servi"e is available in the lo"alit' of either the
sen!er or the a!!ressee( servi"e *a' be !one b' or!inar' *ail. #2a$ #Corre"te! b' .ar 8atter No. >@+(
Su&re*e Court Resolution !ate! Bebruar' 1=( 1??>$SECTION >. Substitute! servi"e. If servi"e of
&lea!in,s( *otions( noti"es( resolutions( or!ers an! other &a&ers "annot be *a!e un!er the to
&re"e!in, se"tions( the offi"e an! &la"e of resi!en"e of the &art' or his "ounsel bein, unknon( servi"e
*a' be *a!e b' !eliverin, the "o&' to the "lerk of "ourt( ith &roof of failure of both &ersonal servi"e
an! servi"e b' *ail. The servi"e is "o*&lete at the ti*e of su"h !eliver'. #3a$SECTION ?. Servi"e of
/u!,*ents( final or!ers or resolutions. 5u!,*ents( final or!ers or resolutions shall be serve! either
&ersonall' or b' re,istere! *ail. 7hen a &art' su**one! b' &ubli"ation has faile! to a&&ear in the
a"tion( /u!,*ents( final or!ers or resolutions a,ainst hi* shall be serve! u&on hi* also b' &ubli"ation
at the e)&ense of the &revailin, &art'. #=a$SECTION 1@. Co*&leteness of servi"e. Personal servi"e
is "o*&lete u&on a"tual !eliver'. Servi"e b' or!inar' *ail is "o*&lete u&on the e)&iration of ten #1@$
!a's after *ailin,( unless the "ourt otherise &rovi!es. Servi"e b' re,istere! *ail is "o*&lete u&on
a"tual re"ei&t b' the a!!ressee( or after five #2$ !a's fro* the !ate he re"eive! the first noti"e of the
&ost*aster( hi"hever !ate is earlier. #>a$SECTION 11. Priorities in *o!es of servi"e an! filin,.
7henever &ra"ti"able( the servi"e an! filin, of &lea!in,s an! other &a&ers shall be !one &ersonall'.
E)"e&t ith res&e"t to &a&ers e*anatin, fro* the "ourt( a resort to other *o!es *ust be a""o*&anie!
b' a ritten e)&lanation h' the servi"e or filin, as not !one &ersonall'. - violation of this Rule *a'
be "ause to "onsi!er the &a&er as not file!. #n$SECTION 1%. Proof of filin,. The filin, of a &lea!in,
or &a&er shall be &rove! b' its e)isten"e in the re"or! of the "ase. If it is not in the re"or!( but is
"lai*e! to have been file! &ersonall'( the filin, shall be &rove! b' the ritten or sta*&e!
a"knole!,*ent of its filin, b' the "lerk of "ourt on a "o&' of the sa*e4 if file! b' re,istere! *ail( b'
the re,istr' re"ei&t an! b' the affi!avit of the &erson ho !i! the *ailin,( "ontainin, a full state*ent of
the !ate an! &la"e of !e&ositin, the *ail in the &ost offi"e in a seale! envelo&e a!!resse! to the "ourt(
ith &osta,e full' &re&ai!( an! ith instru"tions to the &ost*aster to return the *ail to the sen!er after
ten #1@$ !a's if not !elivere!. #n$SECTION 1+. Proof of servi"e. Proof of &ersonal servi"e shall
"onsist of a ritten a!*ission of the &art' serve!( or the offi"ial return of the server( or the affi!avit of
the &art' servin,( "ontainin, a full state*ent of the !ate( &la"e an! *anner of servi"e. If the servi"e is
b' or!inar' *ail( &roof thereof shall "onsist of an affi!avit of the &erson *ailin, of fa"ts shoin,
"o*&lian"e ith se"tion = of this Rule. If servi"e is *a!e b' re,istere! *ail( &roof shall be *a!e b'
su"h affi!avit an! the re,istr' re"ei&t issue! b' the *ailin, offi"e. The re,istr' return "ar! shall be
file! i**e!iatel' u&on its re"ei&t b' the sen!er( or in lieu thereof the un"lai*e! letter to,ether ith the
"ertifie! or sorn "o&' of the noti"e ,iven b' the &ost*aster to the a!!ressee. #1@a$SECTION 10.
Noti"e of lis &en!ens. In an a"tion affe"tin, the title or the ri,ht of &ossession of real &ro&ert'( the
&laintiff an! the !efen!ant( hen affir*ative relief is "lai*e! in his anser( *a' re"or! in the offi"e of
the re,istr' of !ee!s of the &rovin"e in hi"h the &ro&ert' is situate! a noti"e of the &en!en"' of the
a"tion. Sai! noti"e shall "ontain the na*es of the &arties an! the ob/e"t of the a"tion or !efense( an! a
!es"ri&tion of the &ro&ert' in that &rovin"e affe"te! thereb'. Onl' fro* the ti*e of filin, su"h noti"e
for re"or! shall a &ur"haser( or en"u*bran"er of the &ro&ert' affe"te! thereb'( be !ee*e! to have
"onstru"tive noti"e of the &en!en"' of the a"tion( an! onl' of its &en!en"' a,ainst the &arties
!esi,nate! b' their real na*es.
The noti"e of lis &en!ens hereinabove *entione! *a' be "an"elle! onl' u&on or!er of the "ourt( after
&ro&er shoin, that the noti"e is for the &ur&ose of *olestin, the a!verse &art'( or that it is not
ne"essar' to &rote"t the ri,hts of the &art' ho "ause! it to be re"or!e!. #%0a( R10$
RULE 10Su**onsSECTION 1. Clerk to issue su**ons. U&on the filin, of the "o*&laint an! the
&a'*ent of the re<uisite le,al fees( the "lerk of "ourt shall forthith issue the "orres&on!in, su**ons
to the !efen!ants. #1a$SECTION %. Contents. The su**ons shall be !ire"te! to the !efen!ant(
si,ne! b' the "lerk of "ourt un!er seal( an! "ontain6 #a$ the na*e of the "ourt an! the na*es of the
&arties to the a"tion4 #b$ a !ire"tion that the !efen!ant anser ithin the ti*e fi)e! b' these Rules4 #"$
a noti"e that unless the !efen!ant so ansers( &laintiff ill take /u!,*ent b' !efault an! *a' be
,rante! the relief a&&lie! for.- "o&' of the "o*&laint an! or!er for a&&oint*ent of ,uar!ian a! lite*( if
an'( shall be atta"he! to the ori,inal an! ea"h "o&' of the su**ons. #+a$SECTION +. .' ho*
serve!. The su**ons *a' be serve! b' the sheriff( his !e&ut'( or other &ro&er "ourt offi"er( or for
/ustifiable reasons b' an' suitable &erson authori1e! b' the "ourt issuin, the su**ons. #2a$SECTION
0. Return. 7hen the servi"e has been "o*&lete!( the server shall( ithin five #2$ !a's therefro*(
serve a "o&' of the return( &ersonall' or b' re,istere! *ail( to the &laintiffGs "ounsel( an! shall return
the su**ons to the "lerk ho issue! it( a""o*&anie! b' &roof of servi"e. #3a$SECTION 2. Issuan"e of
alias su**ons. If a su**ons is returne! ithout bein, serve! on an' or all of the !efen!ants( the
server shall also serve a "o&' of the return on the &laintiffGs "ounsel( statin, the reasons for the failure
of servi"e( ithin five #2$ !a's therefro*. In su"h a "ase( or if the su**ons has been lost( the "lerk( on
!e*an! of the &laintiff( *a' issue an alias su**ons. #0a$SECTION 3. Servi"e in &erson on !efen!ant.
7henever &ra"ti"able( the su**ons shall be serve! b' han!in, a "o&' thereof to the !efen!ant in
&erson( or( if he refuses to re"eive an! si,n for it( b' ten!erin, it to hi*. #=a$SECTION =. Substitute!
servi"e. If( for /ustifiable "auses( the !efen!ant "annot be serve! ithin a reasonable ti*e as
&rovi!e! in the &re"e!in, se"tion( servi"e *a' be effe"te! #a$ b' leavin, "o&ies of the su**ons at the
!efen!antGs resi!en"e ith so*e &erson of suitable a,e an! !is"retion then resi!in, therein( or #b$ b'
leavin, the "o&ies at !efen!antGs offi"e or re,ular &la"e of business ith so*e "o*&etent &erson in
"har,e thereof. #>a$SECTION >. Servi"e u&on entit' ithout /uri!i"al &ersonalit'. 7hen &ersons
asso"iate! in an entit' ithout /uri!i"al &ersonalit' are sue! un!er the na*e b' hi"h the' are
,enerall' or "o**onl' knon( servi"e *a' be effe"te! u&on all the !efen!ants b' servin, u&on an'
one of the*( or u&on the &erson in "har,e of the offi"e or &la"e of business *aintaine! in su"h na*e.
.ut su"h servi"e shall not bin! in!ivi!uall' an' &erson hose "onne"tion ith the entit' has( u&on !ue
noti"e( been severe! before the a"tion as brou,ht. #?a$SECTION ?. Servi"e u&on &risoners. 7hen
the !efen!ant is a &risoner "onfine! in a /ail or institution( servi"e shall be effe"te! u&on hi* b' the
offi"er havin, the *ana,e*ent of su"h /ail or institution ho is !ee*e! !e&uti1e! as a s&e"ial sheriff
for sai! &ur&ose. #1%a$SECTION 1@. Servi"e u&on *inors an! in"o*&etents. 7hen the !efen!ant is
a *inor( insane or otherise an in"o*&etent( servi"e shall be *a!e u&on hi* &ersonall' an! on his
le,al ,uar!ian if he has one( or if none( u&on his ,uar!ian a! lite* hose a&&oint*ent shall be a&&lie!
for b' the &laintiff. In the "ase of a *inor( servi"e *a' also be *a!e on his father or *other. #1@a(
11a$SECTION 11. Servi"e u&on !o*esti" &rivate /uri!i"al entit'. 7hen the !efen!ant is a
"or&oration( &artnershi& or asso"iation or,ani1e! un!er the las of the Phili&&ines ith a /uri!i"al
&ersonalit'( servi"e *a' be *a!e on the &resi!ent( *ana,in, &artner( ,eneral *ana,er( "or&orate
se"retar'( treasurer( or in:house "ounsel. #1+a$SECTION 1%. Servi"e u&on forei,n &rivate /uri!i"al
entit'. 7hen the !efen!ant is a forei,n &rivate /uri!i"al entit' hi"h has transa"te! business in the
Phili&&ines( servi"e *a' be *a!e on its resi!ent a,ent !esi,nate! in a""or!an"e ith la for that
&ur&ose( or( if there be no su"h a,ent( on the ,overn*ent offi"ial !esi,nate! b' la to that effe"t( or on
an' of its offi"ers or a,ents ithin the Phili&&ines.If the forei,n &rivate /uri!i"al entit' is not re,istere!
in the Phili&&ines or has no resi!ent a,ent( servi"e *a'( ith leave of "ourt( be effe"te! out of the
Phili&&ines throu,h an' of the folloin, *eans6a$ .' &ersonal servi"e "ourse! throu,h the a&&ro&riate
"ourt in the forei,n "ountr' ith the assistan"e of the Ae&art*ent of Borei,n -ffairs4b$ .' &ubli"ation
on"e in a nes&a&er of ,eneral "ir"ulation in the "ountr' here the !efen!ant *a' be foun! an! b'
servin, a "o&' of the su**ons an! the "ourt or!er b' re,istere! *ail at the last knon a!!ress of the
!efen!ant4"$ .' fa"si*ile or an' re"o,ni1e! ele"troni" *eans that "oul! ,enerate &roof of servi"e4 or!$
.' su"h other *eans as the "ourt *a' in its !is"retion !ire"t. #10a$ #-s a*en!e! b' SC Resolution(
-.8. No. 11:+:3:SC( 8ar"h 12( %@@1$SECTION 1+. Servi"e u&on &ubli" "or&orations. 7hen the
!efen!ant is the Re&ubli" of the Phili&&ines( servi"e *a' be effe"te! on the Soli"itor General4 in "ase
of a &rovin"e( "it' or *uni"i&alit'( or like &ubli" "or&orations( servi"e *a' be effe"te! on its e)e"utive
hea!( or on su"h other offi"er or offi"ers as the la or the "ourt *a' !ire"t. #12$SECTION 10. Servi"e
u&on !efen!ant hose i!entit' or hereabouts are unknon. In an' a"tion here the !efen!ant is
!esi,nate! as an unknon oner( or the like( or henever his hereabouts are unknon an! "annot be
as"ertaine! b' !ili,ent in<uir'( servi"e *a'( b' leave of "ourt( be effe"te! u&on hi* b' &ubli"ation in a
nes&a&er of ,eneral "ir"ulation an! in su"h &la"es an! for su"h ti*e as the "ourt *a' or!er.
#13a$SECTION 12. E)traterritorial servi"e. 7hen the !efen!ant !oes not resi!e an! is not foun! in
the Phili&&ines( an! the a"tion affe"ts the &ersonal status of the &laintiff or relates to( or the sub/e"t of
hi"h is( &ro&ert' ithin the Phili&&ines( in hi"h the !efen!ant has or "lai*s a lien or interest( a"tual
or "ontin,ent( or in hi"h the relief !e*an!e! "onsists( holl' or in &art( in e)"lu!in, the !efen!ant
fro* an' interest therein( or the &ro&ert' of the !efen!ant has been atta"he! ithin the Phili&&ines(
servi"e *a'( b' leave of "ourt( be effe"te! out of the Phili&&ines b' &ersonal servi"e as un!er Se"tion
34 or b' &ubli"ation in a nes&a&er of ,eneral "ir"ulation in su"h &la"es an! for su"h ti*e as the "ourt
*a' or!er( in hi"h "ase a "o&' of the su**ons an! or!er of the "ourt shall be sent b' re,istere! *ail
to the last knon a!!ress of the !efen!ant( or in an' other *anner the "ourt *a' !ee* suffi"ient. -n'
or!er ,rantin, su"h leave shall s&e"if' a reasonable ti*e( hi"h shall not be less than si)t' #3@$ !a's
after noti"e( ithin hi"h the !efen!ant *ust anser. #1=a$SECTION 13. Resi!ents te*&oraril' out of
the Phili&&ines. 7hen an' a"tion is "o**en"e! a,ainst a !efen!ant ho or!inaril' resi!es ithin
the Phili&&ines( but ho is te*&oraril' out of it( servi"e *a'( b' leave of "ourt( be also effe"te! out of
the Phili&&ines( as un!er the &re"e!in, se"tion. #1>a$SECTION 1=. Leave of "ourt. -n' a&&li"ation
to the "ourt un!er this Rule for leave to effe"t servi"e in an' *anner for hi"h leave of "ourt is
ne"essar' shall be *a!e b' *otion in ritin,( su&&orte! b' affi!avit of the &laintiff or so*e &erson on
his behalf( settin, forth the ,roun!s for the a&&li"ation. #1?$SECTION 1>. Proof of servi"e. The
&roof of servi"e of a su**ons shall be *a!e in ritin, b' the server an! shall set forth the *anner(
&la"e( an! !ate of servi"e4 shall s&e"if' an' &a&ers hi"h have been serve! ith the &ro"ess an! the
na*e of the &erson ho re"eive! the sa*e4 an! shall be sorn to hen *a!e b' a &erson other than a
sheriff or his !e&ut'. #%@$SECTION 1?. Proof of servi"e b' &ubli"ation. If the servi"e has been
*a!e b' &ubli"ation( servi"e *a' be &rove! b' the affi!avit of the &rinter( his fore*an or &rin"i&al
"lerk( or of the e!itor( business or a!vertisin, *ana,er( to hi"h affi!avit a "o&' of the &ubli"ation
shall be atta"he!( an! b' an affi!avit shoin, the !e&osit of a "o&' of the su**ons an! or!er for
&ubli"ation in the &ost offi"e( &osta,e &re&ai!( !ire"te! to the !efen!ant b' re,istere! *ail to his last
knon a!!ress. #%1$
SECTION %@. Coluntar' a&&earan"e. The !efen!antGs voluntar' a&&earan"e in the a"tion shall be
e<uivalent to servi"e of su**ons. The in"lusion in a *otion to !is*iss of other ,roun!s asi!e fro*
la"k of /uris!i"tion over the &erson of the !efen!ant shall not be !ee*e! a voluntar' a&&earan"e. #%+a$
RULE 128otionsSECTION 1. 8otion !efine!. - *otion is an a&&li"ation for relief other than b' a
&lea!in,. #1a$SECTION %. 8otions *ust be in ritin,. -ll *otions shall be in ritin, e)"e&t those
*a!e in o&en "ourt or in the "ourse of a hearin, or trial. #%a$SECTION +. Contents. - *otion shall
state the relief sou,ht to be obtaine! an! the ,roun!s u&on hi"h it is base!( an! if re<uire! b' these
Rules or ne"essar' to &rove fa"ts alle,e! therein( shall be a""o*&anie! b' su&&ortin, affi!avits an!
other &a&ers. #+a$SECTION 0. ;earin, of *otion. E)"e&t for *otions hi"h the "ourt *a' a"t u&on
ithout &re/u!i"in, the ri,hts of the a!verse &art'( ever' ritten *otion shall be set for hearin, b' the
a&&li"ant.Ever' ritten *otion re<uire! to be hear! an! the noti"e of the hearin, thereof shall be
serve! in su"h a *anner as to ensure its re"ei&t b' the other &art' at least three #+$ !a's before the !ate
of hearin,( unless the "ourt for ,oo! "ause sets the hearin, on shorter noti"e. #0a$SECTION 2. Noti"e
of hearin,. The noti"e of hearin, shall be a!!resse! to all &arties "on"erne!( an! shall s&e"if' the
ti*e an! !ate of the hearin, hi"h *ust not be later than ten #1@$ !a's after the filin, of the *otion.
#2a$SECTION 3. Proof of servi"e ne"essar'. No ritten *otion set for hearin, shall be a"te! u&on
b' the "ourt ithout &roof of servi"e thereof. #3a$SECTION =. 8otion !a'. E)"e&t for *otions
re<uirin, i**e!iate a"tion( all *otions shall be s"he!ule! for hearin, on Bri!a' afternoons( or if
Bri!a' is a non:orkin, !a'( in the afternoon of the ne)t orkin, !a'. #=a$SECTION >. O*nibus
*otion. Sub/e"t to the &rovisions of Se"tion 1 of Rule ?( a *otion atta"kin, a &lea!in,( or!er(
/u!,*ent( or &ro"ee!in, shall in"lu!e all ob/e"tions then available( an! all ob/e"tions not so in"lu!e!
shall be !ee*e! aive!. #>a$SECTION ?. 8otion for leave. - *otion for leave to file a &lea!in, or
*otion shall be a""o*&anie! b' the &lea!in, or *otion sou,ht to be a!*itte!. #n$SECTION 1@. Bor*.
The Rules a&&li"able to &lea!in,s shall a&&l' to ritten *otions so far as "on"erns "a&tion(
!esi,nation( si,nature( an! other *atters of for*. #?a$
RULE 138otion to Ais*issSECTION 1.Groun!s. 7ithin the ti*e for but before filin, the anser
to the "o*&laint or &lea!in, assertin, a "lai*( a *otion to !is*iss *a' be *a!e on an' of the
folloin, ,roun!s6#a$ That the "ourt has no /uris!i"tion over the &erson of the !efen!in, &art'4#b$ That
the "ourt has no /uris!i"tion over the sub/e"t *atter of the "lai*4#"$ That venue is i*&ro&erl' lai!4#!$
That the &laintiff has no le,al "a&a"it' to sue4#e$ That there is another a"tion &en!in, beteen the sa*e
&arties for the sa*e "ause4#f$ That the "ause of a"tion is barre! b' a &rior /u!,*ent or b' the statute of
li*itations4#,$ That the &lea!in, assertin, the "lai* states no "ause of a"tion4#h$ That the "lai* or
!e*an! set forth in the &laintiffGs &lea!in, has been &ai!( aive!( aban!one!( or otherise
e)tin,uishe!4#i$ That the "lai* on hi"h the a"tion is foun!e! is unenfor"eable un!er the &rovisions of
the statute of frau!s4#/$ That a "on!ition &re"e!ent for filin, the "lai* has not been "o*&lie! ith.
#1a$SECTION %. ;earin, of *otion. -t the hearin, of the *otion( the &arties shall sub*it their
ar,u*ents on the <uestions of la an! their evi!en"e on the <uestions of fa"t involve! e)"e&t those not
available at that ti*e. Shoul! the "ase ,o to trial( the evi!en"e &resente! !urin, the hearin, shall
auto*ati"all' be &art of the evi!en"e of the &art' &resentin, the sa*e. #n$SECTION +. Resolution of
*otion. -fter the hearin,( the "ourt *a' !is*iss the a"tion or "lai*( !en' the *otion( or or!er the
a*en!*ent of the &lea!in,.The "ourt shall not !efer the resolution of the *otion for the reason that the
,roun! relie! u&on is not in!ubitable.In ever' "ase( the resolution shall state "learl' an! !istin"tl' the
reasons therefor. #+a$SECTION 0. Ti*e to &lea!. If the *otion is !enie!( the *ovant shall file his
anser ithin the balan"e of the &erio! &res"ribe! b' Rule 11 to hi"h he as entitle! at the ti*e of
servin, his *otion( but not less than five #2$ !a's in an' event( "o*&ute! fro* his re"ei&t of the noti"e
of the !enial. If the &lea!in, is or!ere! to be a*en!e!( he shall file his anser ithin the &erio!
&res"ribe! b' Rule 11 "ounte! fro* servi"e of the a*en!e! &lea!in,( unless the "ourt &rovi!es a lon,er
&erio!. #0a$SECTION 2. Effe"t of !is*issal. Sub/e"t to the ri,ht of a&&eal( an or!er ,rantin, a
*otion to !is*iss base! on &ara,ra&hs #f$( #h$ an! #i$ of Se"tion 1 hereof shall bar the refilin, of the
sa*e a"tion or "lai*. #n$SECTION 3. Plea!in, ,roun!s as affir*ative !efenses. If no *otion to
!is*iss has been file!( an' of the ,roun!s for !is*issal &rovi!e! for in this Rule *a' be &lea!e! as an
affir*ative !efense in the anser an!( in the !is"retion of the "ourt( a &reli*inar' hearin, *a' be ha!
thereon as if a *otion to !is*iss ha! been file!. #2a$The !is*issal of the "o*&laint un!er this se"tion
shall be ithout &re/u!i"e to the &rose"ution in the sa*e or se&arate a"tion of a "ounter"lai* &lea!e! in
the anser. #n$
RULE 1=Ais*issal of -"tionsSECTION 1. Ais*issal u&on noti"e b' &laintiff . - "o*&laint *a' be
!is*isse! b' the &laintiff b' filin, a noti"e of !is*issal at an' ti*e before servi"e of the anser or of a
*otion for su**ar' /u!,*ent. U&on su"h noti"e bein, file!( the "ourt shall issue an or!er "onfir*in,
the !is*issal. Unless otherise state! in the noti"e( the !is*issal is ithout &re/u!i"e( e)"e&t that a
noti"e o&erates as an a!/u!i"ation u&on the *erits hen file! b' a &laintiff ho has on"e !is*isse! in a
"o*&etent "ourt an a"tion base! on or in"lu!in, the sa*e "lai*. #1a$SECTION %. Ais*issal u&on
*otion of &laintiff . E)"e&t as &rovi!e! in the &re"e!in, se"tion( a "o*&laint shall not be !is*isse!
at the &laintiffGs instan"e save u&on a&&roval of the "ourt an! u&on su"h ter*s an! "on!itions as the
"ourt !ee*s &ro&er. If a "ounter"lai* has been &lea!e! b' a !efen!ant &rior to the servi"e u&on hi* of
the &laintiffGs *otion for !is*issal( the !is*issal shall be li*ite! to the "o*&laint. The !is*issal shall
be ithout &re/u!i"e to the ri,ht of the !efen!ant to &rose"ute his "ounter"lai* in a se&arate a"tion
unless ithin fifteen #12$ !a's fro* noti"e of the *otion he *anifests his &referen"e to have his
"ounter"lai* resolve! in the sa*e a"tion. Unless otherise s&e"ifie! in the or!er( a !is*issal un!er this
&ara,ra&h shall be ithout &re/u!i"e. - "lass suit shall not be !is*isse! or "o*&ro*ise! ithout the
a&&roval of the "ourt. #%a$SECTION +. Ais*issal !ue to fault of &laintiff . If( for no /ustifiable
"ause( the &laintiff fails to a&&ear on the !ate of the &resentation of his evi!en"e in "hief on the
"o*&laint( or to &rose"ute his a"tion for an unreasonable len,th of ti*e( or to "o*&l' ith these Rules
or an' or!er of the "ourt( the "o*&laint *a' be !is*isse! u&on *otion of the !efen!ant or u&on the
"ourtGs on *otion( ithout &re/u!i"e to the ri,ht of the !efen!ant to &rose"ute his "ounter"lai* in the
sa*e or in a se&arate a"tion. This !is*issal shall have the effe"t of an a!/u!i"ation u&on the *erits(
unless otherise !e"lare! b' the "ourt. #+a$SECTION 0. Ais*issal of "ounter"lai*( "ross:"lai*( or
thir!:&art' "o*&laint. The &rovisions of this Rule shall a&&l' to the !is*issal of an' "ounter"lai*(
"ross:"lai*( or thir!:&art' "o*&laint. - voluntar' !is*issal b' the "lai*ant b' noti"e as in Se"tion 1 of
this Rule( shall be *a!e before a res&onsive &lea!in, or a *otion for su**ar' /u!,*ent is serve! or( if
there is none( before the intro!u"tion of evi!en"e at the trial or hearin,. #0a$
RULE 1>Pre:TrialSECTION 1. 7hen "on!u"te!. -fter the last &lea!in, has been serve! an! file!(
it shall be the !ut' of the &laintiff to &ro*&tl' *ove e) &arte that the "ase be set for &re:trial. #2a(
R%@$SECTION %. Nature an! &ur&ose. The &re:trial is *an!ator'. The "ourt shall "onsi!er6#a$ The
&ossibilit' of an a*i"able settle*ent or of a sub*ission to alternative *o!es of !is&ute resolution4#b$
The si*&lifi"ation of the issues4#"$ The ne"essit' or !esirabilit' of a*en!*ents to the &lea!in,s4#!$
The &ossibilit' of obtainin, sti&ulations or a!*issions of fa"ts an! of !o"u*ents to avoi! unne"essar'
&roof4#e$ The li*itation of the nu*ber of itnesses4#f$ The a!visabilit' of a &reli*inar' referen"e of
issues to a "o**issioner4#,$ The &ro&riet' of ren!erin, /u!,*ent on the &lea!in,s( or su**ar'
/u!,*ent( or of !is*issin, the a"tion shoul! a vali! ,roun! therefor be foun! to e)ist4#h$ The
a!visabilit' or ne"essit' of sus&en!in, the &ro"ee!in,s4 an!#i$ Su"h other *atters as *a' ai! in the
&ro*&t !is&osition of the a"tion. #1a( R%@$SECTION +. Noti"e of &re:trial. The noti"e of &re:trial
shall be serve! on "ounsel( or on the &art' ho has no "ounsel. The "ounsel serve! ith su"h noti"e is
"har,e! ith the !ut' of notif'in, the &art' re&resente! b' hi*. #n$SECTION 0. -&&earan"e of &arties.
It shall be the !ut' of the &arties an! their "ounsel to a&&ear at the &re:trial. The non:a&&earan"e of a
&art' *a' be e)"use! onl' if a vali! "ause is shon therefor or if a re&resentative shall a&&ear in his
behalf full' authori1e! in ritin, to enter into an a*i"able settle*ent( to sub*it to alternative *o!es of
!is&ute resolution( an! to enter into sti&ulations or a!*issions of fa"ts an! of !o"u*ents. #n$SECTION
2. Effe"t of failure to a&&ear. The failure of the &laintiff to a&&ear hen so re<uire! &ursuant to the
ne)t &re"e!in, se"tion shall be "ause for !is*issal of the a"tion. The !is*issal shall be ith &re/u!i"e(
unless otherise or!ere! b' the "ourt. - si*ilar failure on the &art of the !efen!ant shall be "ause to
allo the &laintiff to &resent his evi!en"e e) &arte an! the "ourt to ren!er /u!,*ent on the basis
thereof. #%a( R%@$SECTION 3. Pre:trial brief . The &arties shall file ith the "ourt an! serve on the
a!verse &art'( in su"h *anner as shall ensure their re"ei&t thereof at least three #+$ !a's before the !ate
of the &re:trial( their res&e"tive &re:trial briefs hi"h shall "ontain( a*on, others6#a$ - state*ent of
their illin,ness to enter into a*i"able settle*ent or alternative *o!es of !is&ute resolution( in!i"atin,
the !esire! ter*s thereof4#b$ - su**ar' of a!*itte! fa"ts an! &ro&ose! sti&ulation of fa"ts4#"$ The
issues to be trie! or resolve!4#!$ The !o"u*ents or e)hibits to be &resente!( statin, the &ur&ose thereof4
#e$ - *anifestation of their havin, availe! or their intention to avail the*selves of !is"over'
&ro"e!ures or referral to "o**issioners4 an!#f$ The nu*ber an! na*es of the itnesses( an! the
substan"e of their res&e"tive testi*onies.Bailure to file the &re:trial brief shall have the sa*e effe"t as
failure to a&&ear at the &re:trial. #n$SECTION =. Re"or! of &re:trial. The &ro"ee!in,s in the &re:trial
shall be re"or!e!. U&on the ter*ination thereof( the "ourt shall issue an or!er hi"h shall re"ite in
!etail the *atters taken u& in the "onferen"e( the a"tion taken thereon( the a*en!*ents alloe! to the
&lea!in,s( an! the a,ree*ents or a!*issions *a!e b' the &arties as to an' of the *atters "onsi!ere!.
Shoul! the a"tion &ro"ee! to trial( the or!er shall e)&li"itl' !efine an! li*it the issues to be trie!. The
"ontents of the or!er shall "ontrol the subse<uent "ourse of the a"tion( unless *o!ifie! before trial to
&revent *anifest in/usti"e. #2a( R%@$
RULE 1?InterventionSECTION 1. 7ho *a' intervene. - &erson ho has a le,al interest in the
*atter in liti,ation( or in the su""ess of either of the &arties( or an interest a,ainst both( or is so situate!
as to be a!versel' affe"te! b' a !istribution or other !is&osition of &ro&ert' in the "usto!' of the "ourt
or of an offi"er thereof *a'( ith leave of "ourt( be alloe! to intervene in the a"tion. The "ourt shall
"onsi!er hether or not the intervention ill un!ul' !ela' or &re/u!i"e the a!/u!i"ation of the ri,hts of
the ori,inal &arties( an! hether or not the intervenorGs ri,hts *a' be full' &rote"te! in a se&arate
&ro"ee!in,. #%DaE( DbEa( R1%$SECTION %. Ti*e to intervene. The *otion to intervene *a' be file!
at an' ti*e before ren!ition of /u!,*ent b' the trial "ourt. - "o&' of the &lea!in,:in:intervention shall
be atta"he! to the *otion an! serve! on the ori,inal &arties. #n$SECTION +. Plea!in,s:in:intervention.
The intervenor shall file a "o*&laint:in:intervention if he asserts a "lai* a,ainst either or all of the
ori,inal &arties( or an anser:in:intervention if he unites ith the !efen!in, &art' in resistin, a "lai*
a,ainst the latter. #%D"Ea( R1%$SECTION 0. -nser to the "o*&laint:in:intervention. The anser to
the "o*&laint:in:intervention shall be file! ithin fifteen #12$ !a's fro* noti"e of the or!er a!*ittin,
the sa*e( unless a !ifferent &erio! is fi)e! b' the "ourt. #%D!Ea( R1%$
RULE %@Calen!ar of CasesSECTION 1. Calen!ar of "ases. The "lerk of "ourt( un!er the !ire"t
su&ervision of the /u!,e( shall kee& a "alen!ar of "ases for &re:trial( for trial( those hose trials ere
a!/ourne! or &ost&one!( an! those ith *otions to set for hearin,. Preferen"e shall be ,iven to habeas
"or&us "ases( ele"tion "ases( s&e"ial "ivil a"tions( an! those so re<uire! b' la. #1a( R%%$SECTION %.
-ssi,n*ent of "ases. The assi,n*ent of "ases to the !ifferent bran"hes of a "ourt shall be !one
e)"lusivel' b' raffle. The assi,n*ent shall be !one in o&en session of hi"h a!e<uate noti"e shall be
,iven so as to affor! intereste! &arties the o&&ortunit' to be &resent. #=a( R%%$

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