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Convert Multi-Sheet Workbook to Stanalone Executable

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Convert Multi-Sheet Workbook to Standalone Executable
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! "#cel Sheet ! Convert Te#t ! "#cel $orkbook ! "#cel %&&' Macros
23-23-4225$ 2/627 AM
Convert Multi-Sheet Workbook to Standalone Executable
My company has
developed a fairly
sophisticated, multi-
sheet Excel
workbook that they
would like to
"productize" by
converting and
compiling it to a
standalone, executable
program. he intent is
provide their clients
with the program,
allowing them to run it
without the need for
Excel. !s there a simple convert and compile
process that works, while protecting the company"s proprietary
algorithms and data#
$ny guidance would be appreciated.
9eorge :r&ell
Excel Constraint
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04-04-2005, 03:06 AM
RE: Convert Multi-Sheet Workbook to Standalone Executable
!"d assume that the
worksheets are simply
tables of data#
!"d also assume that
some sheets are used
to display % manipukate
the data.
&irst, take the data and
put it into a database -
'() 'erver databases
what we use, and the
good news is that its
very simply to suck
data into a
'() database table from an Excel *orkbook.
+ext, you"d need to define exactly what it is you"d want to do with
the data
in terms of displaying and editing the tables...usually a ,ob for an
on larger pro,ects.
&inally, using say -isual ./ or -01 or some such language, build
your gui.
!n the meantime, what you might cinsider is a ./ or -0 application
that can
invisibly open your Excel, manipulate the data etc and then dump the
out as re2uired. his is trivial !& the procedures currently in place are
robust enough.
he following is a -0 'cript that ! used once, save to a E3 file, say
using +otepad and rename to something with .-0' as the extension
4ption Explicit
5im 3)$pp
5im wbMain
'60 Main78
" instantiate an instance of the Excel $pplication
'et 3)app 9 .reate4b,ect7"Excel.$pplication"8 " +ew
"""3)app.visible 9 true " for testing
" open the workbook
'et wbMain 9 3)$pp.*orkbooks.4pen7"':;demo;MyExceldemo.xls"8
"run the code
with 3)$pp
.<un "=roc>Main", s.ontrol5ate, ts)og, raders, Exports
" now clsoe it without saving
3)app.5isplay$lerts 9 &alse
wbMain..lose &alse
.5isplay$lerts 9 rue
'et wbMain 9 +othing
Patrick Molloy
Simle Pro!ect
$ver %&'''&''' eole have
tried Smartsheet. (t)s easy.
Try it *ree+
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End *ith
"close excel % release emory
'et 3)$pp 9 +othing
End 'ub
his is an examp?e of opening a workbook, calling a procedure called
=roc>Main which has four parameters. he procedure is withing a
module in
Excel that munges whatever, printing out results, saving text files
'hould give you some ideas.
&or those interested, -0'cript is part of *indows3=.
ry this, right click on your desktop and select +ew --@ext
4pen the new text document and type one line
msgbox "hello worldA"
save this and rename the document as hello.vbs say on your desktop
now double click the new hello.vbs icon. guess whatA
=atrick Molloy
Microsoft Excel M-=
"Ceorge 4rwell" wrote:
@ My company has developed a fairly sophisticated, multi-sheet Excel
@ workbook that they would like to "productize" by converting and
@ compiling it to a standalone, executable program. he intent is to
@ provide their clients with the program, allowing them to run it
@ without the need for Excel. !s there a simple convert and compile
@ process that works, while protecting the company"s proprietary
@ algorithms and data#
@ $ny guidance would be appreciated.
@ !$.
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04-05-2005, 11:06 PM
Re: Convert Multi-Sheet Workbook to Standalone Executable
+o. Dou need 3) installed on the client"s =..
!f you wanted to make the application an E3E, not reliant on 3) being
installed on the client"s =., then that EcanE be done, however, you
need to do it in -0 and use a custom grid control which, depending
on your
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wb, might need to support in-cell formulae. Dou can either use a
version or buy a license to one on the net- there are a few availableA
+ote that the "conversion" to -0 is a lengthy one as worksheet
will have to be changed to grid-control references and you will need
manually codeFsimulate workbook % worksheet events. 0elieve me,
the best
idea is to keep it as-is as most desktops these days have 3) loaded.
!"ll do it for you, at a priceA
"Ceorge 4rwell" I$nonymous-<emailerJ'ee..omment.Beader@
wrote in message
@ My company has developed a fairly sophisticated, multi-sheet Excel
@ workbook that they would like to "productize" by converting and
@ compiling it to a standalone, executable program. he intent is to
@ provide their clients with the program, allowing them to run it
@ without the need for Excel. !s there a simple convert and compile
@ process that works, while protecting the company"s proprietary
@ algorithms and data#
@ $ny guidance would be appreciated.
@ !$.
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