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Presents the 2014 Public Relations

Campaign for
About PRecision Communications:
Always on Point
We strive for excellence.
Everything we do is done
with signifcant care and
consideration for our client.
Always Prompt
Everything we do is done in
a timely manner. Our client
comes frst, and we meet the
deadline, always.
Always Precise
All of our work is done
meticulously and diligently.
We want our work to be as
effective as possible.
Communications Team Writing Team
Research Team Media/Budget Team
Executive Team Graphics Team
Meet the Team
Kyle Johnston, Chelsea Newman, and
Chelsea Bladen
DAnthony Davezan, Lyndsey Misenar, Bronwyn Knight,
and Jordan Brawer
Katelyn Grifth, Courtney Althof, Kelsey Callanan, Hana
Ashchi, and Mackenzie Hanna
Kaylie Dieterle, Maddie Lamb and Courtney Craig Georgia Compton and Angie Grab Kayla Kubart and Juliano Schibeci Chantelle Williams and Ellie Strube
Table of Contents
Executive Letter
Organizational Profle
History of Wealth Watchers
About Wealth Watchers
Wealth Watchers Workshops
Secondary Research
Target Audience
Primary Research
Focus Group
Campaign Overview
Overall Campaign Goal
Campaign Events
Page 6
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 14
Page 16
Page 18
Page 19
Page 24
Page 27
Page 28
Page 30
Problem Statement
Objectives & Tactics
Creative Strategy
Magazine Ads
Promotional Materials
Media list
Press Kit
Budget Proposals
Page 32
Page 33
Page 34
Page 37
Page 40
Page 43
Page 44
Page 49
Page 52
Page 56
Page 60
Page 62
Executive Letter

To Ed Gaston and all employees at Wealth Watchers Inc.:
On the behalf of PRecision Communications, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity we were
given. It means so much to us that you would give us this amazing opportunity to impact not only your company, but
the lives of North Florida residents. We have never been given a task like this before and who knows when we may
have the chance to do something like this again. The campaign has allowed each of us to gain important insights on
being fnancially prepared for all of our futures.
We have built a campaign with several dimensions that we hope will build brand
awareness and establish new relationships for Wealth Watchers Inc. Our group has
designed several advertising and writing materials to draw the public to the organization.
We want the public to be as enthusiastic about fnancial safety just as you are passionate
about helping them with their fnancial situations.
With great pleasure I present to you, Key To Wealth, a public relations campaign created
for your specifc needs.
Chelsea Newman
Campaign Director
Organizational Profle
History of Wealth Watchers
Headquartered in Northeast Florida, Wealth
Watchers Inc. offers services throughout
the state of Florida, and in Southeast and
Southwest Georgia. Wealth Watchers Inc.
offers homebuyer
training and foreclosure
counseling. The organization also sells
homes at affordable prices.
ccording to the Wealth Watchers
Inc. website, Wealth Watchers Inc.
is a HUD-certifed housing-counseling
organization, which was established
as a nonproft 501 (c)(3) organization
in December 2001.
It began with
a group of
fnancial services
professionals who
believed that education was the basis for
homeowners fnancial success as well as
maintaining economic stability within
the community.
Building Wealth for Future Generations
About Wealth Watchers
ealth Watchers Inc. is based in North Florida and has
services available throughout the State.
Wealth Watchers is a HUD certifed Housing Counseling
and Community Development organization developed as a
nonproft 501(3) in December 2001 as a result of a series of
meetings of local Financial Services Professionals.
Te staf of Wealth Watchers Inc. is committed to providing
cyclical approach to building wealth amongst Florida citizens.
Wealth Watchers Inc. recognizes that homeownership is
the main vehicle for building wealth among many citizens;
therefore, Wealth Watchers Inc. positioned itself to be a viable
resource for citizens pursuing homeownership opportunities
and those who were in jeopardy of losing their home due to
Wealth Watchers Inc. is committed to:
Te promotion of home ownership for new homebuyers
Te preservation of home ownership for vulnerable
Te stabilization of transitional families
Te revitalization of distressed neighborhoods
Te expansion of small business development opportunities
Te promotion of fnancial education
Wealth Watchers Inc. Mission
The mission of Wealth Watchers Inc. is to build
strong communities by expanding the knowledge and
understanding of the importance of basic fnance and
accumulation of wealth for low-to-moderate income
Providing lending and education achieve this mission as
well as neighboring stabilization, community revitalization
strategies and small business services to clients.
Wealth Watchers Programs
Home Buying Education Class
These eight-hour classes takes future
home buyers deeper into the planning of
buying their new home. They provide the
opportunity to develop a savings plan for
down payment and closing costs, make a
comprehensive assessment of income and
expenses, and teach money-management
skills. Completion of the eight-hour course
satisfes the requirement for many down-
payment assistance programs offered by
participating lenders.
Home Buying Education Counseling
For future homeowners, Wealth Watchers
offers private counseling sessions with
a HUD Certifed Housing Counselor. In
these sessions, the counselor and client
will discuss home ownership goals and
a specifc action plan to reach successful
home ownership.
Foreclosure Prevention Counseling
For homeowners, a one-on-one counseling
on foreclosure prevention is offered for
those who are experiencing a fnancial
hardship and having diffculty meeting
their mortgage payment obligations.
The counselors of Wealth Watchers
provide useful advice to help homeowners
understand all of the available options to
help them remain in their home as well
as the appropriate way to get out of their
home and avoid foreclosure, if need be.
ealth Watchers competitors in Jacksonville
include (but are not limited to), Operation
New Hope, Northwest Jacksonville Community
Development Corporation, Metro North Community
Development Corporation, Grace and Truth
Development Corporation and more. All of the
organizations listed have Facebook pages and Twitter
accounts. Most of these accounts have low numbers
of followers, subscribers and likes. Tere are very
little mentions in the news, shares, likes, etc. for most
of these organizations, except Operation New Hope.
Operation New Hope is nationally recognized, has a
large social media presence, easy to navigate website,
multiple endorsements and numerous mentions in
the news.
Wealth Watchers recieves most of its funding from HUD along with Fannie Mae.
Wealth Watchers has also been able to partner with other local businesses such as:
Publix, Lowes, Home Depot and Wells Fargo.
Secondary Research
81.2 percent of Jacksonville residents are living in the same
house for one year or more (2008-2012)
Home ownership rate (2008-2012): 62.4 percent
Median value of owner occupied housing units (2008-2012):
Median household income (2008-2012): $48,143
Housing units in 2010: 366, 273
Single family detached housing makes up 61.09 percent of
Jacksonville housing.
Many of the Jacksonville houses were built in the 70s and
80s, 28.67 percent of homes were built between 1940 and
1969, and 20.03 percent were built in 2000 or later.
According to RealtyTrac, a foreclosure tracking frm, the
mortgage crisis hit Florida particularly hard in 2008. During
that time, Florida ranked fourth in the nation in foreclosures.
In Duval County alone, 1,036 homes were foreclosed in June
As of 2013, Floridas average foreclosure rate was 24
percent, according to RealtyTrac.

Floridas foreclosure rate is higher than the national
average, which is 9 percent. Florida now ranks among the top
three states for the most foreclosures.
Te above map breaks down the state of Florida into counties. Te color
coding on the map displays brief foreclosure information. Light green
insinuates less foreclosures and dark green represents more foreclosures.
Duval County is closer to dark green, and is noted for a high risk of
foreclosures, according to RealtyTrac.
Foreclosure in Florida
ccording to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs,
as of 2011 the United States and Puerto Rico include more than
21.5 million veterans. The median age of male veterans is about 64
years old. The median age for female veterans is about 49 years old.
The largest segment of male veterans served during the Vietnam
Era (August 1964 to April 1975), while the largest segment of female
veterans served on the Gulf War II (September 2001 or later).
According to the United States Department of Veterans
Affairs, as of September 2013 more than 1.5 million
veterans live in Florida, including 166,222 females and
more than 1.3 million males.
According to the United States Department of Veterans
Affairs, Florida is among the top 4 states with the most
veterans. As of 2012 California, Florida, New York and
Texas include 50,000 or more veterans each.
As of 2012, Florida has more counties than any other
state with a high concentration of veterans.
Duval County ranks among the top counties in Florida
with the most veterans.
According to DemographicsNow, suburban homes be-
came a popular choice for young veterans and their fam-
ilies following World War II. Between 1950 and 1960, a
steady infux of veterans settled into family-style homes
in modest neighborhoods around the United States.
More than half of this group is older than 65 and retired
living off of midscale incomes.
Most of these individuals have lived at their current
residence for more than 25 years.
Military Veterans in Florida
Individuals with low to moderate incomes:
Individuals with low to moderate income, nicknamed
Struggling Societies, are the second most popular
group of people amongst Jacksonville. This group is
defned as middle-aged, downscale singles and divorced
individuals in transition; a majority of these individuals
are renters because they have been restricted from
homeownership due to their income level. They live
in neglected neighborhoods, aging apartments and
dilapidated homes. Most will admit that they are not
fnancially knowledgeable and they distrust banks;
therefore they usually pay with cash, debit cards, or
money orders. This group values convenience over all
other qualities and generally prefers local companies
to national chains. Their consumer characteristics vary
greatly, which makes them relatively diffcult to target
in the marketplace. These individuals still rely on
traditional media, such as TV, radio and newspaper for
their main source of information, but are also usually
responsive to Internet ads.
Seniors in college, recently graduated college students:
College seniors and recent graduates, nicknamed Singles
and Starters, typically live their life on the go; they receive
the majority of their information and entertainment on
mobile devices and keep a constant online presence. The
Internet is their main source of information. Advertisers
typically have a hard time connecting with this group
through traditional media. When it comes to housing, a
large amount of these individuals are renting and more than
two-thirds have lived at their current address for less than
three years. This group is concerned about what the future
holds. They are constantly striving to fnd better rent, better
transportation and ways to make their lives easier.
Active Duty Veterans:
With a high concentration of veterans and active military in
Florida, these highly mobile, and often single-family house-
holds are an important audience to target. Educational
achievement of these veterans is often below average and
very few of these households can afford the down payment on
a home. They are likely to shop at discount department stores
and dont often purchase consumer gadgets. A large margin
of active military and veterans say their military service
experience infuences the decisions they make in their daily
lives, and that they seek to buy from businesses that offer a
military discount over those that dont. These military mem-
bers typically distrust banks and choose to use cash or money
order to pay bills. With their on-the-move lifestyle, they are
twice as likely than the average American to access the In-
ternet on their phone, and also very likely to open to online
advertising. Attention these militants receive with tailored
marketing messages is usually appreciated.
Target Audience
** All psychographics information came from DemographicsNow
PRecision Communications PR
frm conducted a survey to evaluate
Wealth Watchers presence and brand
recognition throughout the Jacksonville,
Fla. community. We issued 418 surveys
throughout Jacksonville, focusing on
our target audiences prevalent areas
including Downtown, Northside,
Eastside and Westside Jacksonville.
The survey was designed to help better
understand the targeted transitioners
attitudes and opinions towards subjects
such as fnancial counseling and
personal spending.
The survey also addressed respondents
current fnancial status, how they
budget, and where they currently receive
fnancial information. Participants were
also asked to list specifc media outlets
Primary Research
they use most in an effort to determine the
most effective advertisement placement.
Analyzing the results of this survey helped
us better characterize our target audience
as well understand their spending
behaviors, opinions and lifestyles.
The average respondent was between the
ages of 19 and 25, single, and working
full-time. Out of 418 respondents 67
percent of those surveyed were Caucasian;
60 percent female, 40 percent male, and
most reside in the west, south, or beach
areas of Jacksonville, Fla. The majority
of respondents make less than $25,000 a
year and 9 percent are veterans.
Understanding the Target Audience
The majority of respondents had little
to no awareness of Wealth Watchers. Of
the individuals surveyed, 89 percent had
not heard of Wealth Watchers. More than
68 percent of respondents thought the
organization specialized in investment
services, 14 percent said retirement
planning, 9 percent said foreclosure
avoidance assistance and 8 percent chose
home-buying education.
When it comes to the competition, 384
of the 418 respondents have heard of at
least one of the competitor; 90 percent
of those 384 have heard of Habitat
for Humanity, the most well-known
nonproft organization this group was
familiar with.

The survey measured the brand
image of Wealth Watchers and overall
knowledge of fnancial counseling
by asking questions related to both
Those members of the group that
do receive fnancial advice said they
typically go to the internet and their
family for answers. If participants were
to go to a fnancial counseling program
for advice, most seemed to want to
know how it was going to beneft them.
Understanding the Target Audience continued...
Focus Group A: Military Experience
mages, web content and radio were well perceived and regarded as highly motivational. Participants expressed being more
susceptible to seek fnancial counseling in any communication tactic that was found to be either relatable or familiar. Positive
imagery and comforting tones in verbal messages were strongly preferred over high energy and fast paced alternatives.
When it came to the ads, focus group participants liked the fact that they embodied the idea that you can never be too young
or old to start planning for the future. The group was also in an agreement that the ads portrayed the message that Wealth
Watchers builds wealth for future generations and provides security for families and children. Majority agreed that adding the
word fnancial to the ads would increase the overall understanding of the ad messages. The group participants were more
attracted to the images that were less literal and had a deeper meaning than just the straightforward picture.
I like how its done here, where you see still part of her in the house, in the background. Its like a transition, like youre
moving into that future, youre moving into that house.
Most participants thought the target audiences for the ads were clear and that if minor changes were made regarding the picture
and color quality, there was potential for strong brand recognition through the ads.
In regards to social media, respondents felt that the fow of the current Facebook page could be easier to follow.
Needs to be easier. Eye catching for the intended audiences.
The active website was seen as user-friendly amongst the group, but that there were defnitely room for improvements.

Website is very easy to navigate but tabs may not be completely representative of what services are offered.
The group overall supported the improvements made for the potential website. They saw the addition of the pictures of the
employees on the contact page as a positive change that made them feel as they knew who they were putting their fnancial trust
Its good to have a biography. Its good to have a history of how long they have been there.
Focus Group B: Low to Moderate Income,
Recently Graduated and College Seniors
articipants found the imagery to be much more compelling than written text and verbal messages. Participants preferred a
simplicity in layout and verbal message and a basic color scheme that would create brand recognition for the organization.
Overall the group did not have a basic understanding of who Wealth Watchers Inc. is or what they do and noted that awareness
should be the primary objective.
Participants were more attracted to the straight to the point ads that had clear message, as opposed to fghting through busy
text. They also wanted to see a bigger logo to make it clear who the ad was about.
More Wealth Watchers logo, so it can be seen better. Less text overall.
The group appreciated that the ads targeted a more family oriented audience. They felt that the message being conveyed through
the ads was that there are numerous options to fnancial help and that the ads reciprocated the idea of building the future.
However, participants did not feel that the ads built enough brand recognition and they wanted the use of colors to emphasize
brand identity through the colors and pictures.
When it came to social media, this group saw the Facebook posts as being slightly unclear about the services offered by Wealth
Watchers, and felt that the posts were targeting a very specifc audience.
Give more detail about services offered to specifc target population.
When comparing the active website to the potential changes, the group was very receptive to the addition of the pictures and
biographies of the employees. They felt it would make them more comfortable getting information and reaching out for help when
they had an idea of what to expect.
I like having the picture there to know who Im talking to.
In comparison of the radio and television ad, this group was more attracted to the radio. Participants noted that they liked the
friendly, yet informative voice.
Have you heard of Wealth Watchers?
Of the individuals surveyed, 89 percent had not heard of Wealth Watchers.
Out of the 44 respondents who had heard of Wealth Watchers, 18 of
them were between 19 and 25. Only 9 of them were between 26 and 33,
10 individuals were between 34 and 40, and 7 were 41 or older. Wealth
Watchers needs to put an emphasis on brand recognitions and spreading
awareness and familiarity.
Of the 44 respondents who have heard of Wealth Watchers, 61 percent say
it was through word of mouth, 18 percent said the internet, 12 percent said
brochures, 10 percent TV and 10 percent magazine.
Where have you heard of Wealth Watchers
What services do you think Wealth Watchers provides?
When asked what services
they think are offered when
they hear Wealth Watchers
68 percent of respondents
chose investment services,
14 percent said retirement
planning and only 9 percent
said foreclosure avoidance
assistance and 8 percent
home buying education.
Of the 44 respondents
who have heard of Wealth
Watchers, 61 percent say
it was through word of
mouth, 18 percent said the
internet, 12 percent said
brochures, 10 percent TV
and 10 percent magazine.
When it comes to the competition, 384 of
the 418 respondents have heard of at least
one of the competitors. 90 percent of those
384 have heard of Habitat for Humanity,
37 percent knew of Jacksonville Urban
League, and 17 percent knew of Family
Foundations. 16 percent had heard of
Jacksonville Legal Aid, Inc. and only 10
percent knew of Neighborhood Assistance
Corp. of America.
Which of the following nonproft organizations have you heard of?
Where do you seek fnancial advice?
When asked how often they have received
fnancial advice in the past year, 44
percent of participants answered that
they have not received any. 25 percent
said twice a year, and the numbers
decrease rapidly after that, with 15
percent answering quarterly, 9 percent
said twice a month, 6 percent answered
weekly, and only 2 percent said daily.
SWOT Analysis
Jacksonville is the largest city in the state
Wealth Watchers offers its services statewide
Large budget available for spending on public
relations work
State funding
Federal funding
Provides a wide range of services
Staff is experienced in the nonproft sector
Counsels people through informational,
hands-on workshops
Lack of identity and community awareness
Lack of website maintenance
Social media platforms are weak

Low involvement in the community
There is only one offce location
Limited number of bilingual staff

Increased foreclosures in Jacksonville
Can expand offce locations
Opportunities with national partners
Potential for new sponsors, partnerships and
Social media presence
Establish an internship program
Increasing need for affordable housing
Media coverage
Advertisement/ promotional work
Participating in One Spark
Reduction in funding
Not enough community support
Clients may be ashamed
Potential for bad media coverage
Budget issues/reduction in funding
Campaign Overview
he Merriam-Webster dictionary defnes a key as usually a metal instrument by which the bolt
of a lock is turned. Te answer to fnancial stability needs to be unlocked. Wealth Watchers Inc.
strives to help families not only with their fnancial situation, but also with purchasing a home. For
this campaign, a simple key represents much more than a metal instrument.
Generally, a key unlocks a door. Tat door can be to your home, to your goals, and even to your
future. Te campaign theme for this book and presentation is Key to Wealth. Te Wealth Watchers
Inc. organization is that specifc key that you need to unlock and improve your fnancial situation.
Our campaign has allowed for the word key to mean both an object that can unlock doors and
also represent strategic ideas that can improve ones fnancial situations.
A metal key is not simple, it is complex. A simple key is flled with hope, love and above all family.
Overall Campaign Goal
Timeline for the Campaign
May June July August September October November

Start distributing
promotional items
for Veterans day
promotion and
breaking ground of
Oakland Commons
September 1,
Launch bus
July 7,
Launch Wealth
Watcher s
Begin social media
May 1, 2014
Submit press kits
to major media
outlets May 5,
Launch billboard
June 1, 2014
Launch radio and TV
October 6, 2014
Launch print
August 1, 2014
Young professionals
mixer event for
college graduates

Wealth Watchers Campaign Timeline
Silent Auction
benefiting veterans -
November 8, 2014
Veterans day
holiday -
November 11,

December January February March April May

One Spark
April 15, 2015
week April 21-
26, 2015
Toy drive at
churches for
families and
December 6,
Submit payment
and information to
Folio Weekly to be
featured in their
One Spark issue
January 1, 2015
End of
May 1, 2015

End of toy drive
February 6,
E newsletter for
One Spark
March 15,
Feature in
One Spark
creator gallery
Folio Weekly
April 15,
Campaign Events
College Graduates Mixer (August 1,2014)
Representatives from Wealth Watchers
current sponsors will be invited as well as
other employers throughout Jacksonville.
This event is designed to give recent grads
a chance to meet and mingle with future
employers and help graduates begin taking
a step in the right direction towards their
future. This event will potentially be held
on August 1, 2014 at a venue in Town
Center shopping center. This event will
is a networking opportunity for recently
graduated individuals.
Silent Auction benefting Veterans
(November 8, 2014)
This event was designed to create a stronger
relationship with the military community
in Jacksonville. Wealth Watchers will hold a
silent auction benefting Veterans currently
living in Jacksonville. The event will
potentially be held on November 8, 2015
in downtown Jacksonville. The auction
will create brand recognition for veterans
throughout the Jacksonville community
and generate a stronger bond with veterans
needing Wealth Watchers services.
Toy Drive ( December 6, 2014- February
6, 2015)
This event is to create a positive
relationship between Wealth Watchers
and families within north Florida. By
conducting a Toy Drive, Wealth Watchers
will gain positive media coverage and
generate brand awareness throughout
the Northeast Florida community. The
Toy Drive will begin December 6, 2014
and end February 6, 2015. Various churches
throughout the community will be designated
drop offs for new and gently loved toys. The
toys will then be distributed to families in
need throughout the Jacksonville community.
This event will allow Jacksonville residents a
chance to give back in their community with
the help of Wealth Watchers.
One Spark (April 15, 2015)
Wealth Watchers presence at One Spark
2015 is a wonderful opportunity for
individuals to learn about Wealth Watchers
mission and services. Promotional items,
employees and other information collateral
will be distributed to spread awareness
of Wealth Watchers. One Spark is a great
opportunity to connect with individuals living
in Jacksonville that have never heard about
Wealth Watchers.
Community Development Week
(April 21-26, 2015)
National Community Development week
begins April 21st and ends April 26th.
During this week, locally responsive
programs for making communities better
places to live and work are encouraged
to make an impact in their community.
This is a prime opportunity for Wealth
Watchers to spread awareness throughout
the community. During this week of our
campaign guerilla-marketing tactics will
be employed. Fake money trees will be
placed in prolifc, urban areas around
Jacksonville. The money trees will
feature bills with Wealth Watchers logo and
encourage passerby participants to visit
Wealth Watcher website, sign up for classes
and events.
Problem Statement
ealth Watchers Inc. struggles for a sustainable brand recognition and audience.
Although a small population is aware of Wealth Watcher Inc., there needs to be
a signifcant awareness among the greater Jacksonville community in order for the
organization to thrive.
A solution to gain a larger audience and brand recognition is to create a media press kit with
specifc materials to help with this. These materials include targeted advertisements that are
relatable to people within the Jacksonville community. These advertisements include radio
ads, as well as televised and print advertisements. Other recognizable materials include
social media posts, a stronger online presence feature stories, press releases and special
events geared towards the specifed target audience.
By developing proper advertisements and active social mediums, Wealth Watchers Inc. will
gain brand recognition, which will ultimately build a strong foundation within Jacksonville,
and improve the fnancial state of Northeast Florida citizens.
Become a household name by creating awareness throughout the community
through positive media coverage, strategic message placement and social
Build a credible online presence by keeping up with online platforms
frequently with new information.
Build benefcial relationships with the media through consistent, although
non-intrusive contact.
Establish brand recognition and generate more awareness in Florida
(specifcally Jacksonville) by putting out more tangibles including newspaper
articles, press releases and ad placements.
Create events geared towards drawing in our target audiences and making
them aware of Wealth Watchers services.
Objectives & Tactics
Objective #1:
Increase target audiences awareness of
organization and its mission by 15 percent by
the end of the campaign.
-Update brochures, fiers and postcards and
distribute collateral at all events to inform
target audiences of Wealth Watchers mission
and the services that they provide.
Objective #2:
Drive a minimum of 1,000 individuals to
the Wealth Watchers website between the
beginning and the end of our campaign.
-Update all social media platforms frequently
to drive target audiences to special events and
website to build a credible online presence and
keep target audiences informed of upcoming
Objective #3:
Generate 500 likes on Facebook and 150
followers on Twitter between the beginning and
the end of our campaign.
-Advertisements will also include website
address and social media accounts to increase
name recognition and increase likes and
followers on social media accounts.
Objective #4:
Introduce 344 new families into the Wealth
Watchers service program by the end of our
- Create print, radio, video advertisements,
billboards and bus wraps for Wealth Watchers
designed to raise awareness about Wealth
- Advertisements will be distributed and
strategically placed to drive individuals to seek
Wealth Watchers professional help.
Objective #5:
Establish name recognition in Jacksonville, so that
at least 1 in every 10,000 of individuals has heard
of Wealth Watchers by the end of our campaign and
understands what they do.
- Create a press kit for Wealth Watchers designed to
raise media awareness throughout the campaign.
- Distribute press kit to local media outlets to
increase the amount of positive media coverage and
brand awareness in Jacksonville.
- Hold special events throughout the year, that
cater to each of our target audiences, to boost
name recognition and give Jacksonville a better
understanding of Wealth Watchers mission and
Creative Strategy
With Wealth Watchers help,
this family was able to learn
what steps to take in order to
manage their fnances while
purchasing their new home.
As this young mother and
her husband prepare for the
day, they think about how
grateful they are that Wealth
Watchers was there.
Wealth Watchers: The
key to building fnancial
stability for young and
upcoming families.
Create a better future with
Wealth Watchers. Multiple classes
available. For more information visit
A Family.
A Foundation.
A Fresh Start.
A Student.
A Leader.
A Go-getter.
With Wealth Watchers help,
this recent college graduate
was able to take courses on
learning how to secure a new
home for herself before she
turned 25.
Wealth Watchers: The
key to generating fnancial
security for young adults.
Create a better future with
Wealth Watchers. Multiple classes
available. For more information visit
With Wealth Watchers
help, she saw her veteran
father learn how to stay
fnancially secure while
making the transition from
the battlefeld into his new
home. She now knows
anything is possible.
Wealth Watchers: The key
to building fnancial dreams
for future generations.
Create a better future with
Wealth Watchers. Multiple classes
available. For more information visit
A Daughter.
A Dreamer.
A Believer.
Promotional Materials


Air Fresheners Key Chains Tote Bags
Phone: (904)-265-4736
Fax: (904) 265-1408
Address: 1225 W. Beaver Street, Suite
110, Jacksonville Florida 32204
Wealth Watchers
Wealth Watchers Inc. strives
to help as many people as
they can with all their finan-
cial needs. By offering these
classes the hope that they
will be able to prevent any
issues with their home
buying or foreclosure
Building Wealth For Future Generations
Outside of Brochure Inside of Brochure
Begin your journey to home ownership by par-
ticipating in a one on one counseling session
with a HUD Certified Housing Counselor. Buy-
ing a home is one of the biggest decisions a
family will make. Being prepared for home
ownership and making a good purchase deci-
sion is essential for you and your familys fu-
In a one-on-one session, the counselor and you
will discuss your home ownership goals, The
counselor will create an individual action plan
with specific steps to reach the goal of success-
ful home ownership. Your action plan will in-
Comprehensive assessment of income and
Review of balances and monthly payments
to creditors
Money-management skills for homeowners
Development of a savings plan for down pay-
ment and closing costs.
Classes Offered
Wealth Watchers is a Housing and Urban De-
velopment (HUD) Certified Housing Counsel-
ing Agency serving Northeast Florida as well as
Southeast and Southwest Georgia. Wealth
Watchers services include a landlord and ten-
ants-rights workshop for renters.
For potential homebuyers, Wealth Watchers
also offer one-on-one counseling and group
homebuyer-education courses. The eight-hour
homebuyer-education course satisfies the re-
quirement for down-payment assistance
through the City of Jacksonvilles Headstart to
Homeownership program, theState of Floridas
Housing Finance Corporation and various oth-
er down-payment assistance programs offered
by participating lenders.
Wealth Watchers provides foreclosure preven-
tion counseling for homeowners who are expe-
riencing a financial hardship that makes it diffi-
cult to meet their mortgage payments obliga-
tion. Wealth Watchers foreclosure-mitigation
counselors help homeowners understand all
the available options to help them remain in
their homes or when appropriate the liquida-
tion options to gracefully exit and avoid fore-

Homebuyer Education Foreclosure Prevention Housing Program
Wealth Watchers is a Certified Housing Devel-
opment Organization (CHDO) dedicated to
providing communities with the highest quality of
housing opportunities. Wealth Watchers believes
that one of the keys to a viable community is
having housing options that are affordable, well
built, energy efficient and conducive to a healthy
environment. Wealth Watchers offers many di-
verse types of housing, including:
Affordable single- and multifamily rentals
New construction for homeownership
Renovation for homeownership
Whether through ownership or rental, housing is
far more than just a roof over your head. A
home is the place where people live their lives,
raise their children, share time with their loved
ones, enjoy the company of friends and build
their dreams. Stable housing is the beginning of
many other positive outcomes in peoples lives
because it makes an impact on their optimism
and educational outcomes while enhancing stabil-
Carrie Davis, President of Wealth Watchers Inc.
States Wealth Watchers is committed to working
with residents and other stakeholders to help build
communities where citizens can live, work, play and
receive a good educate their children. Therefore it is
imperative that all communities have access to jobs
that pay living wages, quality and affordable housing,
recreational space and good schools.
Building Wealth for Future Generations
P: 904-265-4736
Assistance Courses
Flyers for
Thank You | tel: 904 - 265 - 4736 | fax: 904 - 265 - 1908
1225 W. Beaver Street, Suite 110, Jacksonville Florida 32204
Front of Thank You Card Back of Thank You Card
A Family. A Foundation. A Fresh Start.
Wealth Watchers: The key to building fnancial stability for young and upcoming
Create a better future with Wealth Watchers. Multiple classes available. For more
information visit
A Family. A Foundation. A Fresh Start.
Wealth Watchers: The key to building fnancial stability for young and upcoming
Create a better future with Wealth Watchers. Multiple classes available. For more
information visit
Wealth Watchers: The key to generating
fnancial security for young adults.
For more information visit
A Student. A Leader. A Go-getter.
Bus Wrap
Media List
Print media outlets:
Florida Times Union and Folio Weekly
Radio media outlets:
FM WAPE 95.1 (WAPE, Cox Radio),
FM RadioNOW 97.9 (WNWW, Clear Channel Comm.), FM WQIK 99.1
(WQUIK, Clear Channel Comm.), FM The Beat 93.3 (WJBT, Clear Channel
Comm.), FM Gator Country 99.9 (WGNE, Renda Broadcasting) and FM X
102.9 (WXXJ, Cox Radio)
Television media outlets:
WJXX First Coast News (ABC), WTLV (NBC), WAWS (FOX), WTEV (CBS)

Digital media outlets:, Facebook and Twitter

WHAT: Wealth Watchers Mortgage Help Center Network in Partnership with Fannie Mae is
hosting a Housing Prevention Event March 8, 2014
WHEN: From 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Location: 1225 W. Beaver St, Jacksonville, FL 32204
WHY: To help families who are having foreclosure and/or mortgage issues. This event
could possibly help qualify you for lower mortgage payments and participants may qualify
for programs that could assist them with their mortgage payments.
WHERE: 1225 W. Beaver St, Jacksonville, FL 32204
CONTACT: (904) 674-6700 or (888)-317-9119

Media Alert


Wealth Watchers Inc.
1225 W. Beaver Street, Suite 110
Jacksonville Florida 32204


Established in 2001, Wealth Watchers is a HUD certified Housing Counseling and Community
Development organization formed as a nonprofit 501 (c) (3). The formation of Wealth Watchers
Inc. was in result of several meeting of local Financial Service Professionals, who believed that
education was the foundation of economic stability, community and financial success. Wealth
Watchers is based in North Florida was services available all around Florida.
Wealth Watchers Inc. has a direct mission to build viable communities by expanding the
knowledge of low-to-moderate income individuals for the purpose of understanding the
importance of basic financing skills and establishing wealth. Wealth Watchers achieves this by
providing education, neighborhood stabilization, community revitalization strategies and small
business services.
Empowering individuals and families to achieve their goals, with a measure of significant control
over the process as it goes on.
1. Dealing respectfully and compassionately with the people and organizations we serve for
the benefit of our community.
2. Being good stewards for our communitys resources.
3. Being an inspiring, optimistic organization that will always be open to new ideas and
innovative ways of being successful.
4. Being an organization that people can count and deliver and go through with their

Service Offerings
1. Foreclosure Information: Wealth Watchers provides foreclosure prevention
counseling for homeowners who are experiencing a financial hardship that makes it
difficult to meet their mortgage payments. Foreclosure-mitigation counselors help
homeowners understand all the available options to help them remain in their homes
or when appropriate, to leave and avoid foreclosure.
2. Homebuyer Education: A counselor will discuss homeownership goals with their
clients including specific steps that will help them reach their goals. An action plan
will include:
a. Comprehensive assessment of income and expenses.
b. Review of balances and monthly payments
c. Money-management skills
d. Development of a savings plan

Fact Sheet

Communication Major Interns


Wealth Watchers Inc. is a nonprofit organization located in the Jacksonville area targeting
audiences that need financial coaching and help with transitioning into homes. Wealth Watchers
Inc. mission is to build viable communities by expanding the knowledge of low-to-moderate
income individuals for the purpose of understanding the importance of basic financing skills and
establishing wealth. Wealth Watchers Inc. services include providing education, neighborhood
stabilization, community revitalization strategies and small business services.


Under the supervision of the Program Coordinator, the intern will participate in designing and
implementing an evaluation of the Healthy Start program. Specific tasks are given below.
! Keep up with affiliated social media.
! Write and edit press releases or other written materials.
! Conduct interviews and focus groups with clients to help the clientele grow.
! Sit with the Program Coordinator to brainstorm ideas and strategies that will help
advertise the financial classes and other services provided by Wealth Watchers Inc.


Junior or Senior. Must be doing this internship for class credit. Communications, Public
Relations, Journalism or Advertising Major preferred.


! Excellent oral and written communication skills, with ability to communicate with
diverse populations
! Professional demeanor
! Experience using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
! Knowledgeable about social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter)
! Well organized with attention to detail and ability to carry out tasks independently
! Knowledge of AP Style
! Ability to meet deadlines


Minimum commitment: 190 hours over a minimum of 12 weeks, beginning Spring 2015.
Flexible schedule of 15-20 hours per week, some tasks may be able to be performed outside of
the office.


This is an unpaid internship. You will be receiving college credits.


Email resume to:
Internship Packet Information
Press Release
Wealth Watchers Inc.
1225 W. Beaver Street, Suite 110, Jacksonville, FL 32204

Chantelle Williams

Veterans Will Have a Place They Can Call Home
Jacksonville,Fla.- Feb. 22, 2014 - In December 2014, the C.B. Dailey Villas, a veteran housing
community, will be open to all veterans who are making transitions from battleground to home
The $3.4 million C.B. Dailey Villas will be constructed within the heart of Jacksonville
in the established Eastside neighborhood at 1055 East 1
Street, less than one mile from the
river. This housing will provide 24 permanent homes for veterans, accommodating to their
needs with one bedroom, one bathroom units. There will also be other amenities such as Wi-fi,
fenced parking, community parks, a community room and full-functioning appliances.
This wonderful housing was influenced by Rev. Dr. Charles B. Dailey (Aug. 9, 1927-
Dec. 22, 2004). He served as the Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Oakland for 47 years. He
dedicated his life to helping others within his community. Under his influence, Dr. Dailey and
his church created the first African-American credit union in the Southeast. He also developed
housing for senior citizens and new single family residents, building more than 23 houses on the
Eastside helping low and moderate-income families. He will always be remembered for
what he contributed to the community, and his legacy will live on through the C.B Dailey Villas.

Radio PSA


Length: 0:30
Subject: Homebuyer Education Classes
Date of Use: Winter 2014 (more detailed date to be announced)

Video: Image of a front door with
key hole/lock and handle show-
ing. Text appears Wealth Watch-
ers is the KEY to
SFX: Instrumental version of
Treasure by Bruno Mars
SFX: Song continues soft in back-
Video: A childs hands hold a play
house key
MVO: My key to fun. (Young girl)
SFX: Song continues soft in background
Video: A new set of male hands are
shown holding a house key.
MVO: My key to my future. (Teenage
SFX: Song continues soft in
Video: A new set of female hands
are shown holding a house key.
MVO: My key to my fnancial
stability. (Adult female)
SFX: Song continues soft in
Video: A new set of female hands
are shown holding a house key.
MVO: My key to my fnancial
stability. (Young adult female)
SFX: Song continues soft in
Video: A new set of an older male
hands are shown holding a house key.
MVO: My key to strength. (Older male)
Storyboard continued...
SFX: Song continues soft in background
Video: A set of an older male hands are
shown holding a house key.
MVO: My key to success. (Older male)
SFX: Song slowly begins to fade out.
Video: A hand is opening the front door to a
home and website is shown
MVO: Let Wealth Watchers open every
fnancial door for you.
For more information visit Wealth Watchers:
The Key to building wealth for future
Budget Proposals
Blueprint Level
Item Quantity Source Price Detail
Collateral Materials
Postage Stamps 500 $245 100 stamps=$49
Invitations 500 FedEx $300 250 invites=$149.99
Key Chains 300 $489
Air Fresheners 250 $280
Totes 100 $139
Posters 20 FedEx $400
Flyers 500 FedEx $695
Thank You Cards 500 FedEx $300 250 invites=$149.99
Total $2,848
Kaluby's Banquet Ballroom 1 hour Southside/Baymeadows $195
BB's Call for Availability San Marco TBD
Friday Musicale L'Engle Hall 4 hours Riverside $400
Pinwheel Sandwiches 120 people Publix $279.96
Fruit & Cheese Platters 120 people Publix $239.96
Cutlery $30
One Spark Registration Fee $40
Total $990
Print Ad
12(full runs weekdays) Florida Times Union $997.52
Veterans 4(full run charity ads)
Young Upcoming Families 6(full run charity ads)
College Graduates 2(full run holiday ads)
3(10" weekly runs) Nassau County Record $122.93
Veterans 1(26 runs in week)
College Graduates 1(13 runs in week)
Young Upcoming Families 1(13 runs in week)
8(1/4 page color) Campus Voice (FSCJ) $1,800
Young Upcoming Families 2(1/4 page)
College Graduates 4(1/4 page)
Veterans 2(1/4 page)
Television Ad
Television PSA 30 seconds 0
Radio Ad
Wealth Watchers video 12(60 seconds) Folio Weekly $420
Wealth Watchers 6(30 seconds) $120
Radio PSA 30 seconds 0
Outdoor Ad
Billboards 7(31 or more showings per day) Clear Channel $1,750
Bus Wrap 1(4-week tailight ad 21x72) Chris Cusimano Direct Media Inc, $16,454
Total $21,664
$24,938 Blueprint
Much of the budget will be allocated
towards advertisements. It includes special
events in diverse areas of Jacksonville.
Print and radio ads will be dispersed
through media outlets such as Florida
Times Union (311,308 daily readers) and
Folio Weekly (140,000 readers).
Foundation Level
Item Quantity Source Price Detail
Collateral Materials
Postage Stamps 500 $245 100 stamps=$49
Invitations 500 FedEx $300 250 invites=$149.99
Key Chains 300 $489
Air Fresheners 250 $280
Totes 100 $139
Posters 20 FedEx $400
Flyers 500 FedEx $695
Thank You Cards 500 FedEx $300 250 invites=$149.99
Total $2,848
Kaluby's Banquet Ballroom 1 hour Southside/Baymeadows $195
BB's Call for Availability San Marco TBD
Friday Musicale L'Engle Hall 4 hours Riverside $400
Pinwheel Sandwiches 120 people Publix $279.96
Fruit & Cheese Platters 120 people Publix $239.96
Cutlery $30
One Spark Registration Fee $40
Total $990
Print Ad
12(full runs weekdays) Florida Times Union $997.52
Veterans 4(full run charity ads)
Young Upcoming Families 6(full run charity ads)
College Graduates 2(full run holiday ads)
3(10" weekly runs) Nassau County Record $122.93
Veterans 1(26 runs in week)
College Graduates 1(13 runs in week)
Young Upcoming Families 1(13 runs in week)
8(1/4 page color) Campus Voice (FSCJ) $1,800
Young Upcoming Families 2(1/4 page)
College Graduates 4(1/4 page)
Veterans 2(1/4 page)
Television Ad
Television PSA 30 seconds 0
Radio Ad
Wealth Watchers video 12(60 seconds) Folio Weekly $420
Wealth Watchers 6(30 seconds) $120
Radio PSA 30 seconds 0
Outdoor Ad
Billboards 7(31 or more showings per day) Clear Channel $1,750
Bus Wrap 1(4-week tailight ad 21x72) Chris Cusimano Direct Media Inc, $16,454
Total $21,664
$26,292 Foundation
This level of the budget includes all of the advertising
and promotions as the previous level. Additionally, the
space reserved for our special events were lengthened
and more advertisement spots were purchased to
reach all of our audiences.
Home Level
Item Quantity Source Price Detail
Collateral Materials
Postage Stamps 500 $245 100 stamps=$49
Invitations 500 FedEx $300 250 invites=$149.99
Key Chains 300 $489
Air Fresheners 250 $280
Totes 100 $139
Posters 40 FedEx $800
Flyers 700 FedEx $973
Thank You Cards 500 FedEx $300 250 invites=$149.99
Total $3,526
Kaluby's Banquet Ballroom 3 hours Southside/Baymeadows $585
BB's Call for Availability San Marco TBD
Friday Musicale L'Engle Hall 4 hours Riverside $400
Pinwheel Sandwiches 120 people Publix $279.96
Fruit & Cheese Platters 120 people Publix $239.96
Cutlery $30
One Spark Registration Fee $40
Total $990
Print Ad
20(full runs weekdays) Florida Times Union $1,713.84
Veterans 6(full run charity ads)
Young Upcoming Families 8(full run charity ads)
College Graduates 6(full run holiday ads)
4(10" weekly runs) Nassau County Record $211.72
Veterans 1(26 runs in week)
College Graduates 1(26 runs in week)
Young Upcoming Families 1(26 runs in week)
1(26 runs in week)
8(1/4 page color) Campus Voice (FSCJ) $1,800
Young Upcoming Families 2(1/4 page)
College Graduates 4(1/4 page)
Veterans 2(1/4 page)
Television Ad
Television PSA 30 seconds 0
Radio Ad
Wealth Watchers video 12(60 seconds) Folio Weekly $420
Wealth Watchers 6(30 seconds) $120
Radio PSA 0
Outdoor Ad
Billboards 7(31 or more showings per day) Clear Channel $1,750
Bus Wrap 2(4-week tailight ad 21x72) Chris Cusimano Direct Media Inc, $32,908
Total $38,924
$42,699 Home
Our highest level of the budget is intended
to maximize Wealth Watchers exposure.
We have added a tremendous increase in
advertisements, for example purchasing two
taillight bus wraps which will almost double
our outreach not to mention tripling our
digital advertising image by purchasing three
banner ads on
Tis survey is being conducted by students enrolled in a public relations
class at the University of North Florida. We are attempting to gain insight
into the opinions of Florida residents regarding their fnancial state and
the efectiveness of nonproft fnancial services. You may stop this survey
at any time. We appreciate your participation.

1. In the past year, how ofen have you sought fnancial advice?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Twice a month
d) Quarterly
e) Twice a year
f) I have not sought fnancial advice
2. Which of the following sources do you use for fnancial counseling
(Check all that apply)
__Credit unions
__Independent fnancial planning services
__Family and/ or friends
__Online resources
__Other (please list) :
3. Do you think you could beneft from fnancial advice?
a) Yes
b) No
4. Would you attend a workshop on fnancial advice?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Dont know
5. If you answer no, would an incentive change your mind?
a) Yes
b) No

6. Which of the following factors has the most potential to prevent you
from attending a fnancial advice workshop?
a) Cost
b) Lack of time
c) Location/ convenience
d) I do not need fnancial advice
e) Other (please list) :
7. Do you create a budget to help you plan for your expenses?
a) Yes
b) No
8. How closely do you stick to your budget?
a) Very closely
b) Somewhat closely
c) Not that closely
d) Not at all
9. How many credit cards do you have?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3-5
d) 6 or more
e) I do not have any credit cards
f) I do not know how many credit cards I have
10. How much do you owe on your credit card(s)?
a) Zero
b) Less than $1,000
c) $1,000- $3,000
d) $3,001 - $5,000
e) $5,001 - $7,000
f) $7,001- $9,000
g) More than $9,000
11. How much do you currently owe in student loans?
a) Zero
b) Less than $1,000
c) $1,000- $3,000
d) $3,001 - $5,000
e) $5,001 - $7,000
f) $7,001- $9,000
g) More than $9,000
12. How much other debt do you have (car loan, bank loan, etc., but
not including credit cards and student loans)?
a) Zero
b) Less than $1,000
c) $1,000- $3,000
d) $3,001 - $5,000
e) $5,001 - $7,000
f) $7,001- $9,000
g) More than $9,000
13. How difcult do you feel it would be to eliminate your debt?
a) Extremely difcult
b) Very difcult
c) Moderately difcult
d) Somewhat difcult
e) Not difcult at all
14. Have you ever been at risk of foreclosure?
a) Yes
b) No
15. How comfortable are you in seeking fnancial advice?
a) Very comfortable
b) Somewhat comfortable
c) Not comfortable
d) Very uncomfortable

16. How trusting are you in the capability of professionals to help
improve your current fnancial state?
a) Very Trusting
b) Somewhat Trusting
c) Not Very Trusting
d) Not Trusting At All
17. What are the top two types of media you use most frequently? (Please
only check your top two.)
__Other (please list):
18. List your 3 most listened to radio stations with your most listened to
station frst.
1. _____________ 2. __________ 3. __________
19. List your 3 most watched television stations with your most watched
channel frst.
1. _____________ 2. __________ 3. __________
20. List your top 3 news sources in order of most utilized to least
1. _____________ 2. __________ 3. __________
21. What type of advertising do you most respond to?
a) TV
b) Magazine
c) Billboard
d) Brochure
e) Radio
f) Social media

22. Have you ever heard of Wealth Watchers?
a) Yes
b) No
23. If so, where have you seen or heard of Wealth Watchers? (Check all
that apply)
__Word of mouth
__Other (please list):
24. How informed are you on what services Wealth Watchers
a) I havent heard of Wealth Watchers
b) I have heard of it but have no knowledge of Wealth Watchers
c) Im slightly informed of Wealth Watchers services
d) Im moderately informed of Wealth Watchers services
e) Im very informed of Wealth Watchers services
25. When you hear Wealth Watchers what service(s) do you
think it ofers?
a. Investment services
b. Homebuyer education
c. Retirement planning
d. Foreclosure avoidance assistance
26. Which of the following nonproft organizations have you heard of?
(Check all that apply)
__ Family Foundations
__ Habitat for Humanity of Jacksonville
__ Jacksonville Urban League
__ Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America
__ Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc.
Please tell us about yourself:
27. What is your gender?
a) Male
b) Female
28. How old are you?
a) 18 or younger
b) 19-26 years
c) 26-33 years
d) 34-40 years
e) 41 or older
29. What is your ethnicity?
a) Caucasian
b) African American
c) Pacifc Islander
d) Asian
e) Hispanic
f) Native American
g) Other (please list):
30. What is your marital status?
a) Single
b) Married
c) Divorced
d) Widowed
31. What is your employment status?
a) Full-time
b) Part-time
c) Seasonal
d) Unemployed
e) Not seeking employment
32. Are you a veteran?
a) Yes
b) No
33. What was your annual income?
a) Less than $25,000
b) $25,000 to $34,999
c) $35,000 to $49,999
d) $50,000 or more
34. What is your highest completed level of education?
a) Less than high school
b) GED
c) High school Diploma
d) Two-year Degree
e) Four-year Degree
f) Masters/ Doctorate
g) Post-doctorate
35. What city do you live in currently (if Jacksonville, please also list
the sub-area).
36. Do you currently, or have you ever, owned a home?
a) Yes
b) No

Low to Middle Income Families
This campaign is created to make Wealth Watchers a household name and raise awareness and understanding to the low to
middle income families of Jacksonville, Fla. and other surrounding areas that struggle with foreclosure.
Due to the high number of homelessness in veterans returning from active duty, creating awareness within this community is
important and will be benefcial to both parties.
College-Aged Students and Young Professionals
As a rising group of individuals into home-ownership, this target audience will beneft from the awareness of Wealth Watchers to
prepare for the future and learn as much as possible about home ownership, buyer education and foreclosure prevention.
The media is an anchor outlet in which we feel will be able to get our message out to the Jacksonville area and will be a large
component in raising awareness of this campaign. Through distribution of a press kit to local media outlets that our target
audiences favor and ad placements, radio announcements and video announcements that contain specifc messages that are
tailored to each audience will be distributed throughout the media. This will establish better brand recognition and generate
more awareness in Florida (specifcally Jacksonville) and by putting out more tangibles including newspaper articles, press
releases and ad placements. This campaign aims to build and establish benefcial relationships with the media through
consistent, non-intrusive contact.
This campaign is designed to increase the target audience awareness and its mission by 15 percent by the end of the campaign.
The goal is to introduce 344 new families into the Wealth Watchers service program by the end of the campaign, as well as
establish name recognition in Jacksonville so that at least 1 in every 10,000 individuals has heard of the organization by the end
of the campaign. This campaign also includes events geared towards drawing in our target audiences and making them aware of
Wealth Watchers services. Our objective is to drive a minimum of 1,000 individuals to the Wealth Watchers website between the
beginning and end of the campaign, as well as increase social media presence with an additional 500 likes on Facebook and 150
followers on Twitter.
PRecision Communications would like to give a special thanks to all the individuals
and organizations who have served as sponsors to our public relations campaign.
Tim Gill & Quinton Harris of Bank of England
Farhad Jaberi of Rosinas Pizza & Italian Bistro
Juliano Schibeci of Librettos Pizzeria & Italian Kitchen
Sean Ferguson of UNF Graphic Design Program
Dr. Stephynie Perkins
Wealth Watchers Inc.
Printing provided by:
Digital Press, Inc.
Building Wealth for Future Generations

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