Dear Parent DHHS Letter July 2014

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26 July 2014

Jerry Joy, Department of Health and Human Services Child Support Enforcement
Raymond Ritchie, Enforcement Agent
Mary Mayhew, Commissioner Department of Health and Human Services

In response to your letter of 16 July 2014 issued to me by Raymond Ritchie, let me respond to
the questions that Mr. Ritchie put to me.
Dear Parent, you write to me, although by the State of Maines corrupt DHHS system and family
courts, you have taken my child from me and I havent been able to be a parent for going on four
years now.
Youll recall the case because Dr. Larry Ritchie, whom I cannot help wondering if he is related
to you Raymond Ritchie or not, declared beyond a shadow of a doubt that my two year daughter
had been sexually abused by her father.
Youll recall this case because you, DHHS, ordered and paid Dr. Larry Ritchie to conduct the
investigation and you told me, as my daughters mother, her dear parent that you DHHS would
abide by Dr. Larry Ritchies decision.
Instead, you DHHS, worked with Maines most corrupt and incompetent judge, Jeff Moskowitz
to take my child from me and put her in the sole custody of the man confirmed of raping her at
the age of two years oldher father Igor Malenko a criminal alien from former Yugoslavia.
Dear DHHS do you recall this case?
But that was not the end of what the State of Maine did to me as a dear parent. No. You went
onto to illegally set my child support at more than five times the legal State of Maine limit and
take half my pay check that is while I still had a paycheck.
Under Jerry Joys direction, Director of Child Support Enforcement, working closely with Maine
lawyer and billionaire real estate heir of Finard Properties fame Michael Waxman, pro bono
lawyer for eternity to Igor Malenko, you not only illegal took half my pay check and five times
the Maine State Child Support limit you also took the rent that the US Post Office pays to me for
renting the first floor of my homeclaiming it was for back child support owed.
Id like one DHHS official to answer how I could be charged $610 for back child support
when you had been illegally taking five times the child support limit for over two years, every
month, from my pay check?
Cant explain it? No. I didnt think you could.
So Igor Malenko has been receiving $2,310, tax free, from me, for over two years. That is
$27,720 per year tax free.
During this time that Igor Malenko, grace of Jerry Joy, Michael Waxman and Judge Jeff
Moskowitz was taking $27,720 per year from me tax-free I earned $48,000 per year.
That is a fact.
That is until I lost my job as the most popular professor at American University and the one with
the best student evaluations, having received a merit award for my outstanding service.
And I lost my job entirely to felony stalking by Michael Waxman.
Felony stalking that the Department of Justice, has just told me they are refusing to prosecute
Michael Waxman for and instead would like to protect Michael Waxman.
What a shock. Lawyers at the Department of Justice, under AG Eric Holder, refusing to
prosecute extremely wealthy, billionaire corporate real estate business men? Sounds familiar?
Like the Department of Justice refused to prosecute the billionaire Wall Street Bankers?
So, DHHS you ask me 15 questions in your 16 July 2014 letter.
Question: Does the amount of the support order vary from the Maine Child Support Guidelines
by more than 15%.
Answer: You know it does. Jerry Joy and Mary Mayhew have received this information for
going on four years now. First from my lawyer Judy Potter and now from my lawyer Marsha
Jerry Joy and Mary Mayhew have received hundreds of emails, motions, information, evidence,
etc. All of it has been totally ignored for years now.
Question: What is my current income?
Answer: Currently, entirely thanks to DHHS, Michael Waxman and Judge Jeff Moskowitz it is
near zero.
You have taken a parent, a mother, and an upstanding, law-abiding US citizen who, at the start of
this nightmare had substantial saving, retirement, a perfect credit score, a $90,000 year job, two
homes worth half a million each and even a college saving account already starting for her infant
child and
In the course of eight years of illegal and criminal activity all done in the best interest of the
child my child, you have stripped me of it all.
Both homes are in foreclosure. My career is destroyed. I have been fired as a direct result of
Waxman felony stalking and that was the third job that I lost due to DHHS Waxman, Malenko
and Moskowitz.
I have been unemployed for a 1.5 year now not yet homeless due to the charity of friends.
And now I learn from you, DHHS, that my daughters father, her rapist, with a long, documents
history of domestic violence not only against me but his other former wives as well and other
innocent victims, Ive just learned he is on Maine State Welfare.
Congratulations DHHS. You have taken a good mother, earning a good living for her child and
you have destroyed her, taken all of her money and ability to support her child and herself and
you have given this child to a violent criminal who is now on Maine State Welfare to support the
child he is abusing.
Great use of Maine State Tax Money. Brilliant use of Maine State Tax Money. So hard-working
Mainers are now supporting a violent criminal from former Yugoslavia, confirmed for the rape
of his own child, with a long documented history of domestic abuse against at least two former
wives in Maine..
And the Great State of Maine has destroyed a mother who was loving, caring for and finally
providing for her child.
You want to know why Governor LePage doesnt support welfare.
This case, the story of what you have done to me and my childend result of which a child and
wife abusing criminal alien from Yugoslavia is now living off the hard work and sweat of honest
Mainers.. This is why welfare should be eliminated.
Congratulations DHHS. You have worked, hard long hours, paid for by Federal and State Tax
Payers to grind one competent, financially successful parent into poverty and put a criminal
abusive parent on welfare.
You must be so proud. One more person in Maine on welfare. That helps your Federal numbers
Because that is what this is really all about. Someone, I assume Jerry Joy, has been profiting
from all this. After all, in order to keep getting Federal funds, Maine needs to keep putting
people on welfare.
In my case, and my daughters case, you manufacture the newest welfare receipt Igor Malenko.
Well done. I know it took you eight years and you had to work hard to do it.
But finally, your efforts paid off. One more person in Maine on welfare.
You, Mr. Ritchie, should go celebrate. Job well done.
You are all criminals. You will be held accountable under the law sooner or later.
Dr. Lori Handrahan
Glover Park, Washington DC 202-910-2585

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