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First Baptist

July 23, 2014
Pastor Rev. Paul Medley
Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Minister of Youth & Students Rev. Jeff Baxley
Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer
Sunday July 20, 2014
Budget Receipts
Budget Needs To Date
Budget Receipts YTD
Receipts Under Budget By
Bible Study

July 30
Chicken & Wild Rice Casserole
Green Beans
Seven Layer Salad
July 27
Ron & Beth Gilliard, Patsy Henry, Janone Doss, Shirley Gardner,
Tresa Rayfield, Charley Rayfield and Debbie Shepard.

Tyler & Katie Askew in the birth of their son, Conner Harum Askew,
7 lbs 8 oz & 21 inches long. Grandparents are Kathy & Ben Harrell
and Hollis & Susan Askew.

Calling all Women of First Baptist Church to a PAINT PARTY
Friday, August 15
from 6:00 until in the FBC Fellowship Hall
Bring your favorite salad or dessert!!!
The total cost is $25 per person which includes cutout, paint, brushes
and bow. To sign up, bring a $10 deposit and the cutout shape you
request to the church office or see Kathy Dugan in the Education
Building hallway during the Sunday School hour. (Remaining balance
of $15 is due night of party.)
How blessed we were this past Sunday with the solo
by Hal Burrell, our Chancel Choir singing and our Mens
Choir Sunday evening. Worship is a participating event. We
are blessed when we express ourselves to the Lord. Thank
you singers, musicians, instrumentalist and Art for leading us
in worship. When you come this Sunday, come lifting your
voices to the Lord.
Thank you Darren Deal for securing our watermelons
for last Sunday evenings fellowship. They were delicious.
The Baxleys were Pounded. And, the fellowship was
outstanding. Makes you glad to be a part of this congregation.
Are you praying for Revival? I know the dates have
been set for October 12-15, but the spirit of revival should be
here long before then. Even now we need to be praying for
immediate revival. I want to encourage Sunday School
classes, small groups of friends, individuals and all of us to
pray for revival now. Let your prayer end with the words
from a great old hymn, Let it begin in me.
This Sunday we will honor Clarene Jones on her
retirement as Administrative Assistant at the Church. Clarene
has served faithfully for over 17 years and will be greatly
missed. I deeply appreciate all she has done for our Lord here.
Come Sunday afternoon and thank her personally.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.


Sunday, July 27
Early Worship 8:30 AM
Bible Study 9:45 AM
Morning Worship 11:00 AM
Reception for Clarene 2:00 PM
Examining Council 4:00 PM
in Baraca Classroom
Evening Worship 6:30 PM

Tuesday, July 29
Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM
Childrens Bible Study 10:30 AM

Wednesday, July 30
Kids Pool Party @ Bruces 6:00 PM
Student Ministry 6:00 PM
Family Supper 6:00 PM
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
Chancel Choir 7:45 PM

Join us at noon on Monday, August 4, as our Fellowship
Club resumes its activities for the fall. Our planning team is
meeting and is looking for your input on programs which
interest you. Share your ideas with Lewis & Clarene Jones,
Harold & Barbara Fleshman, Ernest Purcell, Betty Moore or

Watch this space next week for all the details concerning
the beginning of our graded choir program for the children.
Lots of great opportunities for spiritual and musical growth
are in store for your kiddos.

A special word of thanks to Darren Deal for providing all
those delicious watermelons for our fellowship last Sunday
evening. They were all great (I think I tried each one of
them) and the smiles on the faces of the eaters told the
whole story. We appreciate your blessing us, Darren!

Mark Monday, August 4 on your calendars as the starting
date to begin another great year of singing and ministry in
the SAINTS ALIVE CHIOR. Last year was our best ever
with many new members and lots of opportunities to lead
worship and share Gods love with hundreds of folks in as-
sisted living facilities. The new music for our Sr. Adult
Choir Festival is in. Well discuss the dates and share our
plans for 2014-2015 at our 10:30 AM rehearsal that day.
Bring a friend and have some fun with Saints Alive.

A pounding has never felt so good. Thank you so very much
for the gift cards, money, and food that you have blessed my
family with. We are so grateful for each gift and for the way
you have welcomed our family to Bainbridge. We are

Six Flags
This Saturday our students will be going to Six Flags in
Atlanta. We are leaving Saturday morning bright and early at
5:30 A.M. and will return close to 10:00 P.M.

Wednesday Night Meals
Wednesday night, August 6th will be our first night back
offering a meal on Wednesday night. Supper will start at 6:00
with worship kicking off at 6:45.

Fall Kickoff
We will be kicking off our fall Wednesday nights on August
13th. This will be a night of food, fellowship, and worship.
Make plans now to be here for this night!!


July 26 Six Flags
July 30 Youth Supper & Bible Study
August 6 Youth Supper & Bible Study
August 13 Fall Kickoff

CentriKid Camp
Thank you, Darren Deal, Allie Deal and Jackson Harrell for sacrificing a
week of your time to have so much fun with FBC kids!

Pool Party! Wednesday, July 30
The Bruce's 362 River Chase Drive 6-7:45 pm
Join us for some fun in the water! Dinner included. FREE! Children must be
accompanied by an adult.

AWANA Sunday, August 10
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Ages 3 years through 5th grade
Help your child hide God's Word in his or her heart! AWANA helps children
memorize scripture, learn more about God and have tons of fun. Plus,
AWANA kids are involved in service projects throughout the year.

We are still looking for more adult help in making this program a success!
Please be a part of helping a child learn more about Christ. There are several
levels of involvement and we would love to discuss options with you. Email
AWANA Commander Julie Cottles at or Stacey (see
contact info below).

Prayer Walk Bainbridge Schools! Saturday, August 2
Meet in FBC Parking Lot 10 am
If you are interested in joining us as we lift up teachers, staff and students in
prayer at all the elementary school in Bainbridge, please join us! We will
meet at FBC, divide into teams and pray at the same time for our community
all across Bainbridge!

Extended Session
We need a few more people to help out in extended session this year! Please
consider serving on one of our 8 teams. You will be in the nursery during the
11 am service roughly 7 times in 2014-2015.

Children's Ministry
There are still a few big holes in the 2014-2015 year for service. I know that
means God is calling you to serve possibly as a Sunday School teacher,
AWANA leader or RA/GA leader. I may not have spoken to you yet, but
please be obedient to the Lord as He leads you into service for our church
during the next year. The first step is to call and talk with me!


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