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1 describe the rules of tag questions and give

*We use tag questions to check information or ask for agreement
Yesterday you were going to the post office in order to senda a letter to your mother in
franch, werent you!
*"he tag question for i am is arent i
in 1##$ after a great dinner with my girlfriend i went out to a party and i meet luis since that
date % am with once of my best friends ever, arent i!
*after nothing,use it in tag question
&fter a party with friends from school we reali'ed that nothing had happened all was a
dream,did it!
( explain and traslate the following words
&nybody here can understand what i am trying tos ay,so i think that is better if i yield the
word to an other person
&nything in this live would be eternal sayed my grand father,but i think that my actions that
i do every second are eternal
&nybody in this World can tell what they really want maybe because all of us are scared
about claim our succes
)ontt let anybody tell you that you cant make what you want.
% really sorry but we dont have any sodas we are empty
&nybody is doing what i am doing every single day, but i am not doing what they are
doing,so i live my life
%t does not matter how talent you are,if you do not study hard anybody is going to reclain
upon you
% do not have any ideas about what i would write in this essay,but i think with time i will be
*verything that i make contact with will be gold in a short future
*verybody dance when they are in a disco with beers and the cra'y moment
*verything that i am writing right now is a reflect about what kinds of ideas go inside to my
*veryday the sun is more an more hot in the beachs while i am dieing by the chilly
*verybody is going to carlas party because i +eard that she will make a present to all her
once somebody tell me that if i want something i have to go and get it.
,omeday the girl that i want is going to come with me to a pandas concer
% thing that something different could happend if i really have open my eyes
,omething that i love is my video games in special world of war craft that is a great game
to me
,omehow my litle brother always get what he want and i -ust keep the mouth open
.using models of especulation /ight, could, must and
% do not know where is freed but i think that he might be near the pool, he love swim
% lost my favorite video game two weeks ago, i remember that the last time i saw it where
near my dogs house , it might be there
% might be sleeping right now but id rather complete all my homework
You might lost your credit carts if you continued in that way
%f i were you i might eat more vegetables and fruts, they are healthy
You could have call before if you had listened me
0ould you call me back when i return from %talia!
+e could sleep if he finished his homework
& lot of people could call -im to have a personal assistent in big companies
"iticacalake could be in (1(1 once of the world wonder
%f i know what write i could do it faster.regrettably now i dont have a lot of ideas about what
i could write
% could be 2eading a great book or playing guitar if i had been more ordered
You havent had anything toe at all day. You must be starving
"hey cant know many people. "hey have only -ust moved here
3 using 4will5 and 4 be going to5 explain the diferences
betwen them and give 11 examples
"he diference betwen will and be going to is that will is for a future not exactli and maybe a
far future and be going to is for a future near and most probable
Yesterday a new student come to clases his name is ben, and i think that he will be the
new school president.
you are goning to fall off that chair if you lean back like that. ,o be careful i would hate see
you fall
yesterday i decided that i am going to study law, but i am not sure where and when yet
i think i will go to that party that my friend was telling me yesterday but first i have to pay
my coffe
yesterday i had a party and we ate and drank a lot so i do not think taht i will have anything
toe at today
today we are going to travel with my best friends so i think that i will surf in /iami beachs
i will study really hard in order to pass the test that somepeople said that is hard
she will be my girlfriend when i invite her to take a coffe with me and we pass a lot of time
he is going to the movies tomorrow with his new girlfriend after their clases
they are alone a lot of time and i think that he will kiss her at any time
6explain the future continues future perfect give .1
We use future continues to talk about something in progress at a definite time in the future
We use future perfect to talk about something which will be completed before a defenite
time in the future
7ane will be studing the whole week for the final test.
/arine will be having dinner with their grandparents tonight
8est 9riday i will be cutting the grass with my brother in the new gim
%n the school a teacher punish my frind for have a large hair, tomorrow he will be having
his hair cut.
7eniffer will be moving to her new neighbourhood nest ,aturday after the game
% think that the meeting will be taking place at the office because i do not have time to goa
n other place
%sabela will be achieving her ambition of being an engineer next week
&t this time tomorrow i will be seeing the doctor i feel really bad
%n the next birthday sam will be getting a new dog beacuse i bought once and is a beautiful
,cientits will be explaining the functions of the human body at the laboratory tonight
8ext year tom woll be starting a new carrer and cr:ate a new compani with his money
/y father will be earning a lot of money next month
"he doctor will be attending a lot of patients next /onday
;y # o<clock she will have prepared the dinner
+e will have cleaned his desk before he leaves the office
We will have travelled to =ondon by this evening
"hey will have visited the museum by the time they get home
"he film fot the great new movie will have finished by #>.1 pm
% will have finished all my homework by the time you get home
% challenge to my frind to -ump a puddle but he will have decided to leave
"hey will have studied the inglish gramar lesson that we saw today by ,aturday
% will not have cleaned the house by ,aturday
You will not have finished your exam by the end of the classs
+e won<t have translated the letters by the time she leaves
,he will not have visited her mother by noon
You will not have travelled to peru by the end of the year
"hey won<t have forgotten by then.
?*xplain 4when5 and 4how5 we use 4-ust in case5 give
16 examples
We use -ust in case when we are talking about the future and to explain why somebody did
"hnks to lend me your car i will use it -ust in case of necessity
We took our swimsuits in case there was a pool near the place that we are going to go
You should insure your bicycle in case someone steals it
% am ging to apologi'e again -ust in case she is still angry with me.
% will take some extra money with me -ust in case that i spend all with my friends in the big
% should go to my institute -ust in case to confirm them that i am with life
% will go to that party -ust in case that the girl that i like have gone
,he will play futball -ust in case that some team select her top lay in profesional way
+e took a lot of w@ter with him -ust in case that he will thirsty
% did twenty sentences -ust in case to be wrong with someone
)o not call me tonight -ust in case i will be watching the game
)o not call since now -ust in case i willl not have my celphone with me
Alease pull this handle -ust in case there was fire and all will be right
You should do all your homework -ust in case that the profesor decided chek all
% don<t think you should take all that sugar -ust in case you are going to be so hyperactive
B explain the simple past, past continues, past perfect,
C11 sentences with each one
*Dse the ,imple Aast to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific
time in the past.
% saw a movie yesterday with my new friend in mega center
% did not see a play yesterday really i do not en-oy that things
=ast year, i traveled to -apan with a friend from there and it was perfect
=ast year someone said if i want to travel to korea but i did not answer
)id you have dinner last night!
she washed her car with a lot of w@ter and i helped her
he did not wash his car since 1##$
i finished work, walked to the beach and found a nice place to swim
he arrived from the airport at $>11 checked into hotel at #>11 and meet other at 11>11
*Dse the Aast 0ontinuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted
% was watching "E when she called.
When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
What were you doing when the earthquake started!
% was listening to my iAod, so % didnFt hear the fire alarm.
You were not listening to me when % told you to turn the oven off.
While 7ohn was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
,ammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane.
While % was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off.
&> What were you doing when you broke your leg!
;> % was snowboarding.
*"he Aast Aerfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the
% had never seen such a beautiful beach before % went to chile.
% did not have any money because % had lost my wallet.
"ony knew =a pa' so well because he had visited the city several times.
+ad ,usan ever studied "hai before she moved to **DD!
,he only understood the movie because she had read the book.
Gristine had never been to an opera before last night.
We were not able to get a hotel room because we had not booked in advance.
We had had that car for ten years before it broke down.
;y the time &lex finished his studies, he had been in =ondon for over eight years.
"hey felt bad about selling the house because they had owned it for more than
forty years.
$explain the seven rules of article 4the5 4an5 write B
*with inventions and species os animals.
"he giant panda is an endangered species
*with national groups
"he bolivians are so cool
*when there is only one of something
"he sun is really hot today.
"he moon is of chees
*with rivers, oceans, and seas
% do not the medirranean sea because i do not left my country
*with superlatives
;olivia is the most interesting place i have been
*with particular nouns when it is clear what is being referred to
Would you be so kind to turn off the light!
*With previously mentioned nouns
Would you like an &pple or a bannana for your dinner!
# explain compound ad-etives and give 11 examples
Compound adjetives are a adjetives that are coumpound by two words
An English-speaking country.
A time-saving gadget.
A thirty-floor building.
& partCtime -ob
&n openCmind person
& goodClooking boy
& wellCknown writer
& brightlyClit room
& worldCfamous ,inger
& lastCminute solution
11 explain the rules of position adverbs
"here are three normal positions for adverbs in a sentence
1Hinicial position Ibefore the sub-etH
"wo of the workers were sacked and as a result everybody went on strike
(Hmid position Ibetwen the sub-et and the verbo r inmediatly after be as a main verbH
+e won<t be back yet, but i will -ust see if brenda<s home.i will give her a ring
.H end position Iat the end of the clauseH
+ow long have you been here! 8ot long. We arrived about five minutes ago
11 explain the real conditional, present unreal, past
unreal and give 11 examples of each one
*real conditional
"he Aresent 2eal 0onditional is used to talk about what you normally do in realClife
%f % go to a friendFs house for dinner, % usually take a bottle of wine or some flowers.
%f the weather is nice, she walks to work.
%f % have a day off from work, % usually go to the beach.
%f % owned a car, % would drive to work. ;ut % donFt own a car.
% would read more if % didnFt watch so much "E.
/ary would move to 7apan if she spoke 7apanese.
%f i study hard i will past the test
%f somebody call me i won<t callback because i dont have money
%f i play a lot of soccer i will tired in the night
%f i use a lot of computer i will be less creative
*present unreal
We use present unreal conditional to talk about something imaginary
%f i lived in palace i would give parties all the time
%f i had a car i would drive everywhere
%f lisa went to cusco she would spend a great time there
%f i had money now i would supply many things to myself
%f i bought some flowers to &licia she would be happy
%f i were a Ging i would contribute in many charity associations in all the worls
%f i had enough time i could take dancing clases
%f you spoke Jerman you could translate this letter for me
%f i won the lottery i would travel around the whole world
% would travel around the whole world if i won the lottery
*past unreal
We talk about past unreal conditional to talk about imaginary actions that he could
do in the past
%f he had died Young he would not have had children
%f i had not aten too much i would not have had a stomachache
%f i had gotten a ma-or in medicine i would have worked in successful hospitals
%f lisa had gone with us she would have spend a great time
%f the company had not laid him off he would not have gotten a better position
%f it had been sunny we would have gone at the beach
%f he had not been tiren he would have taken for a drive
%f she had died yound she would not have a great life
%f i had done my homework at time i would have been scared about the
%f /ichael had done his work he would have been here
1( explain used to, would, get used to 6 each one
*use to talk about past habits and states that do not happen now
% used to cath the buss to work, but now i go by bike
When i was Young i used to creep a lot but now a know how to walk
When i was a baby i used to cry to get something but no i know talk
% used to be scared about go alone to a new places but now i dont
+e used to play whit toys but now he plays with games
*use would to talk about past habits but not past states
When we were =ittle we would watch cartoons on tv
+e would pay to his brother to made his homework
/y family would always go to the same place for their summer vacations
+e would sleep in shelters last vacation
% would sleep in my bed
*use get used to to describe the proces of becoming accustomed to a new situation
We are getting used t olive in a small town in the country but is still litle strange
+e is getting use t olive in a big city the cars are really news for him
,he is getting used to walk to her -ob is too tiren to her
We are getting used to sleep really early somedays i cant sleep
"hey are getting used to take the pumas katary buss ti their stops
1.explain the diference betwen can, be able to ,
manage to, succed give 11 examples
*"he diference is that can is informal be able to is a modal and secced is more polite
Where can % buy a ticket!i can not find anywhere
% was wondering where can % get a ticket!
You can ask "om if you nees help. +e is a goos boy
You can dance every single day, canFt you!
;eggars canFt be choosers.
0an you mail these for me !i will be so thanks full with you
% have been able to swim since i was five
You will be able to speack perfect english very son
% would like to be able to fly an airplane
*ven % canFt believe that. % have to accept that it is real
13 explain the meaning at although, however,
nevertheless 6
i am tired, nevertheless i must finish all my homework
Her date was a bit of a slob, but she had fun nevertheless.
It was a predictable, but nevertheless funny, story.
I wil be late by the test, nevertheless i have to be there
I dont like his company nevertheless i have to work together with him
"he real story of the 1#?1s girl groups, however, changed &merican music forever.
"he story, however, isnFt always that simple.
&cidity, however, isnFt the exclusive domain of white wines.
+is skills, however, have kept pace with the times.
"he timing of the return -ourney, however, would be critical.
/ost players wore -acket and tie, although )onovan didnFt require it.
%Fm not referring to some horror movie monster, although thatFs what the line most likely
con-ures up in the imagination.
"his isnFt really a confession, although it may sound like one.
Aeople have never stopped writing, although itFs reaching a point where you wish a lot of
them would.
%Fd like to think heFll be flattered, although % canFt be sure.
16 explain the difference betwen direct and indirect
questions and give 11 examples.
"he difference is that indirect question is more polite than direct questions
% was wondering if you could tell me how arrive to the lastra hotel
Yould you be so kind to help me to croos the ,treet!
i would like ask you a favor would you be so kind tol et me pass first!
% was wondering if you could help me i am lost in this big city and i do not know anybody
0ould you tell me the direction to arrive to the metal<s concert here in =a Aa'!
Would you be so kind to give me directions to arrive to the rock concert pli'!
i would like ask you some things may you help me i can not find the exit
Would you be so kind to introduce yourselve
/ay i ask you if you are confortable with my compani!
would you be so kind to do my homework i have to do another things

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