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Lesson Plan Format

Class: Year 3

Date: 27/07/2014 Duration: 5 weeks (1 hour lesson per week)
Key Learning Area: Religious Education

Lesson Topic: The Eucharist: Jesus is with Us
Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):

Students are beginning a new unit on the Eucharist but from their previous religious education lessons in preceding years they have become familiar with God and some
of the Catholic teachings. The students have already completed the sacrament of reconciliation in the year prior, and are vaguely familiar with running of the Mass.

Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the syllabus
reference number AND write out in full.

- Demonstrate an understanding of the
importance of the Eucharist

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:
Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote
syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum
Content Strands may be used as headings.

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

- Learn about the ways we celebrate with family, friends and the

- Learn about the importance of the celebration the Eucharist

- Learn about the presence of Jesus in the celebration of the Eucharist

Strategies which will be used to assess learners
attainment of learning outcomes. Should be
linked to each learning indicator.

- Students will illustrate and write about a
celebration they attended outlining the traditions
and symbols that were significant, as well as
who they celebrated with and why (what was the

- Students will draw and label the symbols that
are used within the celebration of the Eucharist

- Students will complete a comparative study
using a Venn diagram on the similarities and
differences between Jesus Last Supper, and
the celebration of the Eucharist at Mass

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.

- Butchers paper - Organising a talk with the Parish Priest
- Whiteboard and whiteboard markers - ?
- Ss reigion books
- Interactive Whiteboard
- Last Supper Godly Play Box with script
Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.
Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:
(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what
students (Ss) will do.
Assessment and Evaluation

The T will use a KWL Chart for the first
lesson as an introduction to the unit, and to
see what the Ss may already know. This
can assist the T in planning future lessons
depending on the Ss prior knowledge.

KWL Chart:
What I
What I
What Ive
This will
assist the T
in gaining
the Ss prior
on the topic
The T can
use this
section to
assist in
The T can
complete this
section at the
end of the
unit to see
what the Ss

The T will be introducing the Eucharist as a
celebration, and will be getting Ss to think
about their own experiences and other
celebrations that they may have attended





Ss will be seated on the floor at the front of the classroom in front of
the T. The T will be seated out the front of the classroom with a
piece of butchers paper clipped to the whiteboard with a KWL chart
that he/she will use to gain an understanding of the Ss prior
knowledge on the topic of the Eucharist (communion).

The T will give a brief explanation of what the Eucharist is and will
discuss with the Ss that is a celebration of Jesus life and it is how
we remember him when we attend mass. The T will ask the Ss what
other celebrations we might attend (birthdays, Christmas, cultural
events, wedddings) and will create a mindmap on the whiteboard.

The T will ask Ss to go back to their desks and write in their religion
books about a celebration they have attended. The T will ask Ss to
specifically include the types of food, music, people, games,
decorations etc. that are needed for that celebration to occur. Ss
should accompany their celebration with an illustration underneath.

At the end of the lesson the T will choose a few Ss with different
celebrations to share their illustration and what they wrote with the
rest of the class.

T will briefly reflect with Ss afterwards on how celebrations can be
different and how each celebration has its own meaning and specific
items or foods that make it special or significant to that celebration.

T will first gain Ss prior knowledge to
assist in progressing the lesson and
determining what needs to be focused

T will observe Ss and focus on how
many celebrations they can think of. The
T wil prompt Ss if they are struggling to
think of more celebrations.

The T will mark the Ss religion books as
they finish their activity. The T will be
looking at what they wrote about a
particular celebration, and whether they
were able to list and include the types of
things that would be needed for that
celebration, as well as also looking at
their illustrations.


The T will read the story of the Last Supper
to the Ss using Godly Play, which is visual
and more engaging for the Ss than just
reading a passage from the Bible.

Ss are able to reflect on the story
themselves and can individually think about
any questions or wonders they had about
why or how something happened within the

Ss are able to share with their peers and
see how similar or different their I wonder
questions were.

The Ss are to write a short story from the
persona of someone else, and will answer
their own I wonder question based on what
they think could be the answer. Drawing on
the Ss creativeness and writing skills.






The T will have a box out the front of the classroom, ready to act out
a Godly Play of the Last Supper for the Ss. The T will double check
everything is there and will create an area out the front of the room
that is large enough for the Ss to sit in a semi-circle facing the T so
that they can see the reenactment.

The T will collect the Ss from the door of the classroom and will ask
them to enter quietly and sit in a semi-circle facing the box at the
front of the classroom.

The T will sit down at the front of the semi-circle, next to the Godly
Play box, and will begin the Last Supper story.

At the end of the Godly Play the T will ask a few I wonder questions
I wonder why Jesus did
I wonder if the disciples knew
I wonder how Jesus felt when

The T will ask the Ss to quietly stand and collect a pen and their
religion books and to find a quiet place in the room to reflect on the
story and write their own I wonder questions.

The T will ask the Ss to get into groups of 2-3 and share some of
their I wonder questions with each other, and thinking of any more
during the group discussion as well if they can.

The T will instruct the Ss to go back to their desks and to choose
ONE of their I wonder questions that they liked or really wanted
answered, and to pretend to answer it from the perspective of that
For example if the I wonder question was, I wonder why Jesus
washed the disciples feet then the Ss must answer their own
question by pretending to be Jesus and explaining why they think
Jesus washed the disciples fee, but they will be speaking as if they
are Jesus.

The T will collect the Ss books at the end of the lesson and mark

The T will observe how the Ss interact
with each other and share their
questions, and will ensure all students
are focused and staying on task.

The T will look at the Ss I wonder
questions and will read their own
answers to their chosen question as
well. The T will look at their creativeness
and how well they answered their
question, and how convincing they were
taking on the persona of Jesus or one of
the disciples. The T will also correct the
Ss spelling and punctuation as it is a
writing task.

The Ss will be learning about the
importance of the Eucharist, the associated
signs and symbols, and its relevance to the
Last Supper.

Ss are able to listen to the Priest and can
ask questions at the end if there was more
that they wanted/needed to know.




The T will take the class to the chapel for this lesson where the
Parish Priest will talk to the Ss about the sacrament of the Eucharist
and its importance. The T will have had to pre-arrange this lesson
and organised for the priest to talk with the Ss.

Before heading to the chapel the T will explain to the Ss that they will
be listening to the Priest talk about the sacrament of the Eucharist,
and that he will be showing them some symbols and signs that are
used. The T will ask the Ss to remember these symbols and signs
for future lessons, and activities that will follow the talk with the
Priest. The T will tell the Ss that as they are entering a Church they
need to be very respectful and quiet, and that inappropriate
behaviour and talking will not be acceptable.

The T will take the Ss to the chapel where they will sit in a small
room within the Church. The Ss will be seated on the floor in front of
the Priest ready to listen to him.

The Priest will talk to the Ss about the sacrament of the Eucharist
and its relation to Jesus and the Last Supper, as well as its
importance in being the final sacrament of the process of initiation
into the Catholic faith, and church community. The Priest will show
the Ss the tabernacle where the bread is stored within the Church,
and will show the Ss the bread, and will show the Ss the chalice that
the wine would usually be in during a Mass. The Priest will talk about
the Liturgy of the Eucharist part of the Mass and will outline some of
the signs and symbols that would be seen during this.
Such as
Cupping your hands
The Bread
The wine
Sign of the cross

After the talk the T will thank the Priest for his time and will take the
Ss back to the classroom to reflect on what they had learned, and to
ask Ss what they remember about the signs and symbols and the
Eucharist within the Mass.

The T will reflect with the Ss once they
are back in the classroom to test what
they remember from what the Priest had
said about the Eucharist and the signs
and symbols that are associated with
the sacrament.

-Cupping your hands
-Sign of the cross

-Eucharist (host)

The Ss will be re-capping and learning more
about the signs and symbols of the
Eucharist, as well as reflecting and relating
it to their own lives by writing why they think
it is important and what it means to them.




The T will begin the lesson by asking the Ss what they remember
from the talk with the Priest about the signs and symbols that are
used during the liturgy of the Eucharist in the mass. The T will
brainstorm some of the Ss responses on the whiteboard.

The T will go through the signs and symbols with the students and
will write them on the whiteboard as well, but separately to the

The T will get the Ss to return to their desks and to draw and label
each of the signs and symbols in their religion books.

Ss will also need to right a few sentences about why they think
receiving the Eucharist at mass is important, and what it means to
them personally.

As each Ss finishes the teacher will
come around and mark their books and
ensure they have all of the signs and
symbols and have correctly labeled and
illustrated them.
Ss are able to work in groups and discuss
their ideas; some Ss may have different
points that another student may not have
thought of.

The Ss will complete a comparative study
on the Last Supper and the Eucharist at
mass, using a venn diagram, where they
can clearly state the similarities and
differences between the two.
The Venn diagram worksheet is on the
resource website as a download.




The Ss will be seated at the front of the classroom in front of the T.
The T will group the students into groups of 3-4 and will ask them to
discuss with each other some of the connections that they can
remember/establish between the Last Supper and the Eucharist at
mass. Ss are able to move to a different area of the classroom with
their group.

The T will call the Ss back to the floor and will ask a few groups to
share their ideas and the T will write the ones on the board that she
thinks are most relevant.

The T will give the Ss a venn diagram worksheet and will explain to
them that they are to write information on one half about the Last
Supper, and information on the other half about the Eucharist at
mass, and in the centre is where Ss will write the similarities/things
that were the same at both events. Ss are to work on this individually
and can look back through their religion books at work from previous
lessons to assist them if necessary.
When making the comparison between the two, Ss are to think
about things like

Ss will hand in their worksheet once they have completed it for the T
to mark. If the T is not happy with the amount they have written they
are to go back and try to add more information.

The T will mark the Ss Venn diagram to
ensure they have understood the
content of the lessons and to see what
they have remembered as well.

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