Sait TDC Ilb Student Guide

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Table of Contents
How to install the SAIT Training and Development Centre ........................................................................................3
How to log in ...............................................................................................................................................................9
SAIT TDC Today ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Quick Links .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
News ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Qualification Summary............................................................................................................................................. 12
Scheduling ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
How to View SAIT TDC Learning (My Job) ............................................................................................................. 13
My Job Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Tree Control ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Context View ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
View a SAIT TDC Task ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Completing a Knowledge Assessment .................................................................................................................... 18
Helpful Hints ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................................... 24

How to install the SAIT Training Development Centre

1. Using Internet Explorer 6.0 or greater, navigate to
Your browser will prompt you to install the InstallShield ActiveX control. You may be
immediately prompted to install it, or you may see the Internet Explorer security bar
appear at the top of your browser window, as shown below. Install the ActiveX control,
and the Please Wait > button will turn blue and will say Install > once it is ready.
To Install the ActiveX Control:

1. Select Install ActiveX Control

2. When prompted, click Install

3. You will now have a blue Install button in the main browser window. Click this button.


4. Click Next.

5. The installer will download all necessary files.

6. Click Next to begin the installation.

7. The install wizard will install SAIT TDC program on your machine, as well as any missing
prerequisites (such as the .NET Framework 2.0)

8. The SAITTDC program can now be launched from your start menu.

How to Log in

You will need your email address and the password that was emailed to you to log in for the first time. As soon
as you log in you will be asked to change your password. If you ever forget your password, you can contact us
and we will reset your password.


After you log in, this is what you will see. This is your home page. Everything happens from here.

My Job Summary

This is a summary of your learning.
Revised Displays previously completed Tasks that have
been revised/updated.
About to Elapse Displays previously completed Duration
Tasks that are about to expire.
Attempted Displays Tasks in which knowledge
assessments (quizzes) have been attempted, but
unsuccessfully completed (failed).
Elapsed Displays any Duration Tasks that have expired
since completion.
High Priority Displays any Tasks that have been defined as High Priority.
Saved Assessments Partially completed knowledge assessments (quizzes) that have been saved can be
accessed here.

Quick Links

This is one-click access to the tutoring centre, and any other sites/information that is determined to be a good
resource for you.


This displays any important news or bulletins. Announcements, reminders, and other postings will be visible

Qualification Summary

This is your pie. As you complete knowledge assessments (quizzes) your pie will fill up. When your course is
complete your pie will be completely black.

You can personalize your learning schedule and create a reminder system for your course if you like. This feature
allows you to plan out your entire course. You can access this feature by clicking on the button (top
right corner of the screen, above your pie).

How to View SAIT TDC Learning (My Job)

The main view of SAIT TDC is called My Job and can be accessed in one of three ways:

1. Select View / SAIT TDC Main View from the main drop down menu (see pic above)
2. Select the house icon from the tool bar (top left corner of screen)
3. Select located above the Qualification Summary section (your pie).

My Job

This is where you find your course material - modules to read, quizzes to complete, etc..

Tree Control

The left hand side of the My Job view is called Tree Control. It shows you the layout of your course(s), broken
into levels. This example shows the layout for GPO Level B.

The Tree Control is formatted using a similar style as Windows
Explorer for ease of use. Courses can be expanded to display all
associated Levels, Tasks and Knowledge Assessments.
Course (GPO)
Level (GPO B)
Task (Quiz)
Resource (Module Content)

Context View

Depending upon what you highlight inside the Tree Control you will see different screens.

Course selected from Tree Control Level selected from Tree Control

Task selected from Tree Control
Resource selected from Tree Control

View a SAIT TDC Task

When you have a Task selected from the Tree
Control inside the My Job view, this is what you

Description If applicable, a detailed description
of the Task is displayed.
Status Detailed information regarding Task
Status is displayed. Critical information on
Knowledge Assessments and Task Priorities are
Prerequisites In some cases, Prerequisites (other
Tasks) may have to be completed prior to
attempting a Knowledge Assessment (Quiz). In
such cases, the Prerequisite Task(s) will be
identified here.
Resources A Resource is your learning material
(Module Content) to prepare you for the Quiz.

Task Actions Once you have read the module (found in the Resources area), you can do a few different things
depending on which Task Action icons are displayed at the bottom of the Context View.

Icon Action Description

Once you have read the Resources (module content) and you feel confident
in your knowledge, a Knowledge Assessment (Quiz) can be attempted.
When you pass the Knowledge Assessment (Quiz) you get a piece of pie
and the Task is considered to be complete. If you fail your first attempt, you
will have one more try. It is strongly recommended that you re-read the
module BEFORE re-trying the Quiz. If you fail twice, your quiz will have to
be re-set by the assigned SAIT Administrator.

If applicable, the Coaching Report will contain a summary of how you
performed on the Capability Assessment, including corrective feedback and
Supervisor comments.

If applicable, you can view a copy of the Capability Assessment to be
conducted by the Supervisor. You can ensure that youll be familiar with
the material and subjects to be evaluated.

If applicable, you can send a request to a Supervisor for a Capability
Assessment once youve completed a Knowledge Assessment. You and
your Supervisor can then coordinate an appropriate time and place.

You are able to send Feedback to a SAIT Administrator about the content or
resources within the Task.

View Task
Historical information about the Task, including completions, failed
attempts or qualification status changes, can be viewed here. Comments
from both you and your Supervisor can be saved here.

Learning activities can be added to a personalized Learning Schedule, with
defined Start and End Dates.

Completing a Knowledge Assessment

This is what you will see for a Knowledge Assessment (quiz) for each module. You access the Knowledge
Assessment by clicking this icon on the bottom right of your screen. You are allowed two attempts to
pass the assessment, if you fail both attempts you are not allowed to try a third time. You will have to contact
the tutor centre for assistance, or use the send feedback button.


After you have completed the assessment, you will click finish and your assessment will be automatically
graded. This window pops up to show you your score, and any incorrect answers you have chosen. You only get
one chance to print your Assessment Summary.


Once you have completed and passed the Knowledge Assessment, the square beside the module will turn black,
indicating that it is complete. If you go back to your home screen, you will notice that your pie is a bit larger as

Helpful Hints:


If you wish to save your place in a module or assignment, click Bookmarks on the toolbar pictured above.
1. Click Add Bookmark

2. Click OK


3. To go back to your module, repeat step 1, but go to Bookmarks

4. To go back to an assignment, repeat step 1, but go to Saved Assessments

NOTE: When you go back into a saved assessment, you are still on the attempt you had when you first

Global Toolbar:

This provides you with instant access to SAIT forms, feedback, and the tutor centre no matter where you
are on the TDC site.
1. Click on View

2. Select Global Toolbar (make sure there is a checkmark beside it)


3. The top of your screen should look like this:


Make sure you are currently running the latest version of Internet Explorer. Some
using Firefox will have issues loading this program and may not be able to install
the program.

Forbidden Access Denied

For security purposes, your computer may be currently set to block this site.
Please take the following steps while in the internet to verify it is a trusted site.

Select Tools on the toolbar
Select Internet Options

Select Security

Select Trusted Sites

Select Sites

Verify that the box that requires server verification is unchecked. Once you
have done this, add the site to the upper box and enter CTRL and F5 to

Select OK and head back out of the Internet Options

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