DR Nagi Safa: How Effective Is Weight Loss Surgery

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July 27, 2014
Though there are mn factors tht n impact
n individual patient's weight-loss success,
weight-loss surgery (Bariatric Surgery) s simply
th mst effective long-term weight loss nd
healthy lifestyle solution fr severely obese
Dr Nagi Jean Safa
Certified Weight Loss Surgeon

Advanced BMI Clinics
Dr Nagi Jean Safa Weight Loss Surgery

Beirut Zalka Highway - Tel: 04 715 036 Cell: 76 3773 76
Email: info@a-bmi.com Website: a-bmi.com

For severely overweight individuals tht hv failed t s rsults frm diet
nd exercise ln, weight-loss surgery hs bm th safest nd mst
effective mns f achieving sgnfnt weight loss. n fact, studies hv
shwn tht wth diet nd exercise ln, nrl 95% f obese patients will
gain ll th lost weight bk wthn 5 years. n th thr hand, long-term
success rates fr weight-loss surgery - including th Restrictive Bariatric
procedures - r remarkably high, allowing patients t maintain loss f
btwn 50-70% f thr excess body weight. hugh thr r mn
factors tht n impact n individual patient's weight-loss success, bariatric
surgery s simply th mst effective long-term weight loss nd healthy
lifestyle solution fr severely obese patients.
Studies shw tht mst patients tht undergo weight-loss surgery will lose
btwn 50-70% f thr excess body weight wthn th frst three years
fllwng thr procedure. hs tht undergo gastric bypass surgery will
lose excess body weight mr rapidly n th frst 12 months thn ths tht
choose gastric plication or gastric sleeve surgery. wvr, gastric bypass
patients typically experience greater number f complications nd side
effects thn gastric plication or gastric sleeve patients, s th restrictive
procedures allows fr mr gradual nd natural long-term weight loss.
From clinical perspective, weight-loss surgery s considered successful
whn th patient loses t lst 50% f thr excess body weight nd ks
th weight ff fr t lst fv years. Whl mrtnt lifestyle changes nd
t b md t ensure tht th weight loss s maintained n th long term,
studies hv shwn tht mst weight loss surgery patients r bl t
maintain 50-60% loss f excess body weight 10 years ftr th surgical
procedure. wvr, t s mrtnt t note tht weight loss f ust 10% f
total body weight n bgn t hv positive health effects n resolution f
obesity-related condition lk asthma, gastric reflux (GERD), nd diabetes.
s weight-loss surgery s usull performed n patients tht r t lst 35 -
40 kg overweight r hv Body Mass nd (BMI) f t lst 35 wth
Weight loss surgery has become the safest and most effective
means of achieving significant weight loss.
Advanced BMI Clinics
Dr Nagi Jean Safa Weight Loss Surgery

Beirut Zalka Highway - Tel: 04 715 036 Cell: 76 3773 76
Email: info@a-bmi.com Website: a-bmi.com

health condition, vrll weight loss n range nwhr frm 20 kg t vr
50 kg. ut th patient s rll th leader bhnd achieving ths results.
While patients will rtnl lk nd feel better ftr weight-loss surgery,
thr r ls numerous health benefits associated wth successful weight
loss. n mst cases, health conditions tht develop s result f excessive
body weight r r worsened b obesity n b improved un r, n sm
cases, remedied b weight-loss surgery.
But thr r thr ways t measuring success wth weight-loss surgery, lk
th LAP-BAND System. Fr instance, mn weight loss surgery patients tk
great pride n bng bl t perform rtn activities tht m nt hv
bn ssbl fr number f years, lk crossing thr legs, bending vr t
tie shw, walking u stairs wthut bng easily winded r sitting
comfortably n n airplane seat.
While mst patients tht undergo weight-loss surgery experience incredibly
positive rsults, thr r mn factors tht n impact th vrll success
f n individual patient's procedure nd follow-up treatment. r r sm
mrtnt factors t consider s u tr t determine whthr weight loss
surgery s rght fr you.
Pre-surgery Weight
Generally speaking, th higher patient's pre-surgery weight r BMI, th
mr excess weight th patient n lose ftr surgery. wvr, recipients
f weight-loss surgery wth lss excess body weight will eventually m
closer t thr ideal weight whn committed t long-term diet nd exercise.
ls, resolution r improvement n obesity-related diseases n occur wth
vn moderate amounts f weight. ftn mn diseases n bm closer
t cured thn improved wth earlier intervention t lower weight.

Advanced BMI Clinics
Dr Nagi Jean Safa Weight Loss Surgery

Beirut Zalka Highway - Tel: 04 715 036 Cell: 76 3773 76
Email: info@a-bmi.com Website: a-bmi.com

Overall Health
While pre-existing health conditions n impact th vrll success f
weight-loss surgery (fr instance, patients wth type 2 Diabetes typically lose
lss excess body weight ftr surgery), studies hv shwn tht mn
diseases linked t obesity r thr improved un r fall nt remission
ftr successful procedure. Fr instance, 2000 study performed n 500
weight loss surgery patients shwd tht nrl 96% f health conditions
associated wth obesity - suh s high blood pressure, depression, sleep
apnea, bk pain nd diabetes - improved greatly fllwng loss f excess
weight nd long-term commitment t diet nd exercise.
Surgical Procedure
As thr r potential risks nd complications associated wth n surgical
procedure, potential patients shuld lws seek t hv thr weight-loss
surgery performed b trusted medical staff. Prospective patients shuld
inquire but thr surgeon's success rates wth weight-loss surgery nd
listen t th experiences f frmr patients. Additionally, patient's weight-
loss success m ls b impacted b th quality f post-surgery care nd
counseling provided b thr bariatric outpatient facility.
Diet nd Exercise
As diet nd exercise r tw f th mst mrtnt factors n n weight loss
plan, patients wth th physical ability t exercise ftr weight-loss surgery
hv increased chances f meeting thr goals. maintain th weight loss
achieved b surgery, bth exercise nd healthy eating habits must bm
integral parts f patient's lifestyle.
The ability t remain committed t suggested dietary guidelines, exercise
regimens nd n follow-up care recommended b th bariatric outpatient

Advanced BMI Clinics
Dr Nagi Jean Safa Weight Loss Surgery

Beirut Zalka Highway - Tel: 04 715 036 Cell: 76 3773 76
Email: info@a-bmi.com Website: a-bmi.com

facility s mrtnt fr bth short-term weight loss nd long-term weight
Patients tht r motivated t lose weight nd wllng t follow thrugh wth
diet nd exercise prior t receiving weight loss surgery m experience
greater levels f success mmdtl fllwng th procedure nd n th
long term. st people dd nt find thmslvs severely obese overnight. t
tk years t reach tht weight nd thrfr patients shuld b patient wth
th weight-loss process, whh will ls nt occur overnight. Successful
patients find small victories lng th w t celebrate nd stay motivated.
As weight-loss surgery will require sm time w frm everyday activities,
t s mrtnt t hv th support f family, friends nd coworkers bfr
undergoing n surgical procedure. Furthrmr, s th ongoing weight-loss
process fllwng bariatric surgery m require rtn level f emotional
support, prospective patients m wnt t establish support network -
including friends nd family members tht n join n n exercise nd
healthy eating.

Dr Nagi Jean Safa
Certified Bariatric and Metabolic Surgeon

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