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Lesson Plan Format

Class: Stage 1

Date: Duration: 5 Days
Key Learning Area: Religious Education

Lesson Topic: Baptism
Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):

Understanding of Jesus as a friend who welcomes and affirms them in a special way. Students know how children are initiated to the Catholic Faith.

Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the syllabus
reference number AND write out in full.

- S1.7.2 Identify key symbols, signs and
rituals of the Catholic Tradition

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:
Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote
syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum
Content Strands may be used as headings.

By the end of this lesson, the students will:
- explain the meaning of Baptism as a special celebration where we are
welcomed into Gods family

- name key rituals and symbols associated with Baptism

- discuss some of the ways in which children are welcomed into and
shown that they belong to families and groups such as sporting teams and
youth organizations

- Baptism is an important practice for many Christians.

Strategies which will be used to assess learners
attainment of learning outcomes. Should be
linked to each learning indicator.

- Pre assessment with KWL chart

- Designing a poster

- Questioning

- Reflection

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
-IWB (Interactive White Board) -doll -tub
-Baptism video YouTube -oil bottle -white garment
-Celebration images -water -candle
-Cardboard cut outs Symbols -cup -9 steps of the structure of Baptism printed and cut from and A4 sheet

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.
Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:
(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what
students (Ss) will do.
Assessment and Evaluation


Venn Diagram construction
(Students are to copy completed

L coloumn left blank for post assessment, T
reminds ss

T asks ss to bring in photos of their baptism,
and if not baptized to bring in an image of a
baptism from any other resources (internet,
magazine, newspaper...)





Students brainstorm Baptism by constructing a Venn diagram of
the groups they are involved in.
o Students are asked what groups they belong to outside of School.
o Top two groups are taken an placed on each circle
o Discussion of what each group has (symbol) and how do u
become part of it. (Students to write in books)
o What parts in each group relate?

T holds up images of different symbols of celebrations
T asks ss
- What is this picture of?
- Where would you find this?
- How do you use this?
T holds up symbols of baptism and prompts ss to identify this
T introduces KWL chart on IWB and as a class fill in the K and W
column of baptism

In groups of 3, ss draw/create a poster of their image of baptism
using symbols that were previously displayed in introduction onto

Ss present poster to class

By end of unit, ss reflect back on poster
and add what they learnt

Class sit in circle on the floor and ask to share picture they brought
in on baptism and asked to share their photo with students on either
side of them and compare the images of what they are
wearing/colour, symbols any similarities they can spot in both

Steps/Structure of Baptism
1. Naming of the child.
2. Sign of the cross.
3. Liturgy of the word.
4. Anointing with oil of catechumens.
5. Renunciation of sin & profession of faith
by parents and godparents.
6. Immersion or pouring of water.
7. Anointing with oil of chrism (forehead)
8. Clothing with white garment.
9. Lighting of candle from Easter candle.
(This steps are to be printed on cardboard
and place in a bag to be used for sorting by

T gets ss to reflect on previous lesson and talk about why there are
those specific similarities they identified in each photo e.g. white
gown because pure colour for baptism

Class watch video of a baptism while T points out specific rituals
done throughout the ceremony and structure of ceremony and
prompts ss to think about why and ask questions
- What did the priest do?
- Where did he put the oil?
- What did the priest say?
T explains reasons to why specific things are done and why the
objects and ointments they use are important and what they

Use cut outs to match the symbols with actions of baptism clip on baptism



Steps/Structure of Baptism
1. Naming of the child.
2. Sign of the cross.
3. Liturgy of the word.
4. Anointing with oil of catechumens.
5. Renunciation of sin & profession of faith
by parents and godparents.
6. Immersion or pouring of water.
7. Anointing with oil of chrism (forehead)
8. Clothing with white garment.
9. Lighting of candle from Easter candle.
(This steps are to be printed on cardboard
and place in a bag to be used for sorting by



Sacrament of Baptism:

Teacher demonstrates the structure of baptism to the class with a
few students volunteers. (props are brought for each symbol used)

The nine steps focused on in previous lesson are discussed with
the students.
Ask students, How are these steps related to the groups initiations
listed previously?
The teacher places each step into a bag, as they are discussed by
Teacher emphasizes that demonstration is not a real baptism

Sacrament Sort:

Students (who have been behaving) will be chosen from the class to
collect a part of the sacrament from the bag and stand in front of the
class to be sorted in order by the groups of students left over.

1. A student is selected to hold a part.
2. Another student will be selected and place in the queue.
3. More students selected until all parts are exhausted.
4. Remaining students will raise their hands to be allow to sort each
step, one at a time.

Consultation: Survey of prior knowledge
about Baptism.


See the process by which students
come to an agreement on steps order.

Take note of individual contributions

5. When students agree to a sorted structure, question standing
students on correct order.
6. fix by modeling order with students if necessary

Students will demonstrate their knowledge/understanding of the nine
steps by re-ordering the unsorted steps

Teacher will remove all traces of the structure/symbols of the
Baptismal ritual and begin to query students on structure and
symbols of the rite by writing on the board the steps/symbols
provided by students.

Observation (focused)

Observe students
knowledge/understandings of the
Fill out checklists under student names
in book

Connecting ss real life scenarios to learning

Questioning to enhance on childrens
thinking skills and remembrance

Play a simple game with the children that involves 2 teams (i.e.,
soccer) for a few minutes. Choose one child and tell him/her to keep
switching teams, without telling the other children what he/she is

Talk to the children about how hard it was to know who was on their
team and who wasnt.
Ask them what would make it easier to identify who was on what
team (uniform).
T point out, we discover that when we are baptized, baptism is like
uniform, which tells everybody that you are part of the church.
Did you know that Jesus also was baptized? He put on the uniform
of baptism. That means that when a person is baptized, that person
is telling the world he/she is on Jesus team!

Get three volunteers, one to read each of the following paragraphs.

After reading the paragraphs, T ask the Ss:
Where was John baptizing?
What descended and came to rest on Jesus?
Who saw this happen?
Who said, You are my beloved son in whom I am well pleased?
Why do you think Jesus was baptized?
Jesus told John that he was baptized to fulfill all righteousness.
Can anyone tell me what that means? (A: It really means that it was
the right thing to do.)
Why do you clean your room? Why do you do your chores? Why do
you do your homework? Why do you come to church?

T explains some of us do these things because we get things for it.
Some people get rewarded for cleaning our room; or stickers for


doing out homework. But some things are good to do just because
they are the right thing. When Jesus was baptized, he did it because
it was the right thing to do. If you ever decide to join Gods family
and get baptized, you should do it for the same reason as Jesus
not because you will get something like a sticker or a reward but
because it is the right thing to do when you love God.


T and ss recap on the past lessons and
reflect on meanings

As a class T fills out the L column in the KWL chart that class started
in beginning lesson.

Ss are asked to look over there poster again and see what they put
on the poster.
After learning about baptism, Ss are asked to add more information
they gained through the lessons and images of symbols they would
find in a baptismal ceremony and also go back and talk about what
the symbols represent and why the priest does and says specific
things through the process.

Ss are than to present their new posters and talk about what they
learnt throughout these lessons and what the most interesting thing
they didnt know about baptism.

Recap on past lessons

Display their learning on a poster

Talk about what they learnt


P1: John had been baptizing in the Jordan River. One day Jesus came from Nazareth
in Galilee and asked John to baptize him. John protested because he felt that Jesus
was the one who should be baptizing him. But Jesus told him that they needed to do
this to fulfill all righteousness. It was the right thing to do. So John baptized him in the

P2: Immediately after he was baptized, as he was praying, the heavens were opened
and a dove came down and rested on Jesus. It was the Spirit of God in the form of a
bird that had come down to show who Jesus was. Jesus saw it and John also saw the

P3: Suddenly there was a voice from heaven saying, "You are my beloved Son, in
whom I am well pleased." The dove and the voice of God were a sign to John that
Jesus was the messiah who had been promised.

1. Naming of the child.

2. Sign of the cross.

3. Liturgy of the word.

4. Anointing with oil of catechumens.

5. Renunciation of sin & profession of faith by parents and godparents.

6. Immersion or pouring of water.

7. Anointing with oil of chrism (forehead)

8. Clothing with white garment.

9. Lighting of candle from Easter candle.

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