Motor Bike For Sale Cdrking Colton

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Table of contents Page

About Colton 1
Features And Specification 2
Getting Started 4
Riding The Electric Biccle !
Safet Guidelines "
#perating Re$inders
The Basics for Safet %
Before our First Ride &
'et 'eather Riding 1(
Additional Safel Points 11
Routine #perating 12
Batter Care and )aintenance 1*
Charging the Batter 1!
)echanical )aintenance 1%
Troubleshooting Chart 1&
AB#+T C#,T#-
1 1(
! 12
2 14
" 1!
% 12
& 1%
13 Rear 0ie4 )irror 1(3 Front Panel
23 E/Throttle 113 Saddle
*3 Signal ,ight 123 Tail light 5 Signal ,ight
43 6eadlight 1*3 Rear )ud Guard
!3 Front +tilit Bo7 143 Suspension
23 For8 1!3 Rear Tire
"3 )ud Guard 123 Foot Rest
%3 Front Tire 1"3 Stand
&3 Base +nit 1%3 Pedal
Rated po4er9 4!('
Rated :oltage9 4%0
Speed9 +p to 4( 8ph
Range Per/Po4er9 +p to 2( 8$
)otor tpe9 Brushless
Cli$bing po4er9 %/12;
Batter9 Sealed ,ead/Acid
0oltage9 4% 0olts <120 7 4=
Capacit9 123(Ah
'eight9 Appro73 43*(8g <&34%lbs= > cells
Recharge Ccle9 4(( Ti$es
Batter9 ?eatachable
Charging Ti$e9 2 to % hours
'eight9 2!8g 4ith batter
)a7 ,oading9 1((8g
Front9 ?ru$ Bra8e
Rear9 E7pansi:e Bra8e
Front9 12 7 23!(
Rear9 12 7 23!(
?i$ension9 12"( 7 2%( 7 11*( $$
<-ote9 Speed > Range@ )a depends on the riders 4eight@ terrain3=
Speedo$eter Rear 0ie4 )irror
6ead ,ight Front Co$part$ent
Taillight Center Stand
Batter ,e:el Side Stand
Signal ,ights Rear Footrest
Front For8 Suspension <spring tpe=
Rear Shoc8 Absorber <spring tpe=
4%0 13%A B Php "322
*20 13!A B Php 43!*
'atts B 0 7 A
B *20 7 13!A
B !4 'atts
Cost Per 6our B Rate 7 <appliance 4attage > 1(((C=
B Php 1(3!( 7 <!44atts > 1(((C=
B Php 1(3!( 7 <(3(!4 8ilo4atts=
B Php (3!2"
Cost per %/6our Charging B Php (3!2" 7 % 6ours
B Php 43!*
1((( 'atts B 1 8ilo4atts For$ula ta8en fro$ the DBasis for co$puting
the esti$ated electricit consu$ption of ho$e appliance for the )eralco
Appliance Calculator <)eralco AppCal=D under D For all the other
Appliances D Categor3
Price per 8ilo4att/6our <84h= under the D Sa$ple Assu$ed )eralco
Residential Electricit Rate per <)onthl= Bill A$ount Brac8et of Php
2@11( to Php *@2"1 D based on Eune 2(1( )eralco electrical rates3
Asse$bling the Claton Side )irror
13 T4ist the nut trough the side $irrorFs scre4 counter cloc84ise3
23 +se 4rench to tighten the side $irror b t4isting it cloc84ise3
Asse$bling the C,AGT#- Pedal
+se 4rench and tighten counter cloc84ise3 After ou put the right
pedal@ tighten cloc84ise3
Sa$e as the ,eft Pedal for asse$bling3
Riding the electric biccle
Riding an electric bi8e is si$ilar to riding a non/electric bi8e but
there are so$e differences to note3 An electric bi8e is hea:ier and
reIuires $ore ti$e to stop3
To ride put ourself in a balance position on the biccle3
This electric biccle is eIuipped 4ith 0ariable Po4er Control <0PC= 4here
ou can either choose to pedal 4ith the pedal assist sste$ or use the
accelerator alone to control the speed or both3
To $a7i$iJe the batter life pedal faster@ to $a7i$iJe
boost pedal slo4er3 Gour bi8e is also eIuipped 4ith a po4erful $otor
that pro:ides a boost $ost noticeable 4hen starting fro$ a stop@ riding
uphill or into a head4ind3 The boost is e7hilarating@ but ou $ust be
co$fortable 4ith sensation before riding in cro4ded or congested areas3
E/T6R#TT,E K to accelerate and control the speed of the E/bi8e3
Control the speed of the biccle using the
accelerator and the bra8es3 'hen the bra8e
handle is sIueeJed it cuts to the po4er
BRAHE K 'hen the bra8e handle is sIueeJed it
cuts to the po4er accelerator and to stop the
Claton for acceleration3
/ Right Bra8e for front 4heel bra8e3
/ ,eft Bra8e for rear 4heel bra8e3

SAG-A, ,AG6T S'ATC6 K to s4itch the light on a E/bi8e that can be
$ade to flash on the side to4ard 4hich the dri:er intends to steer
6EA?,AG6T S'ATC6 K to s4itch on@ the light 4ith a reflector and
lens $ounted on the front of the E/bi8e3
6#R- / +sed to 4arn others of the approach our E/bi8e to our


P#'ER / it represent if the E/bi8e ha:e a po4er3
BATTERG ,E0E, / it sho4s the a$ount of the batter3
SPEE?#)ETER / a $eter that $easures and displa our speed3
,i8e an sport biccling in:ol:es ris8 of inMur and da$age3 B choosing
to ride a biccle@ ou assu$e the responsibilit for that ris8 so ou need
to 8no4 and to practice that rules of safe and responsible riding and of
proper use and $aintenance3 Roper use and $aintenance of our biccle
reduces ris8 of inMur3
This electric biccle is intended for use b adult riders onl3 As a parent
guardian ou are responsible for the acti:ities and safet of our $inor
child3 The includes $a8ing sure that our $inor child can safel ride and
control all of the operations of the biccle@ and full understands all
4arnings as indicated in this +ser )anual3
#perating Re$inders
13 Re:ie4 all the instructions carefull before operating the $otoriJed
23 Follo4 all the rules and regulations in our area for operating a
$otoriJed biccle or $oped3
*3 The $otoriJed biccle 4or8s best on le:el ground3 +se caution
4hile going do4n an incline@ such as a hill or ra$p3 E7cessi:e hill
cli$bing 4ill e7haust the batter rapidl3
43 Release the throttle before bra8ing3 ?o not NrideO the bra8es3
!3 Gour $otoriJed biccle has a electrical bra8ing cutoff sste$3 'hen
ou engage either bra8e the throttle beco$es inoperati:e3
23 The batter does not reIuire deep discharging3 Charge the batter
as often as is con:enient3 Af ou put our $otoriJed biccle into
storage re/charge its batteries at least once e:er &( das3
"3 ?o not lea:e our $otoriJed biccle in direct sunlight for an
e7tended ti$e3
%3 Store our $otoriJed biccle onl in good 4eather3 E7posing our
$otoriJed biccle to rain sno4 or other precipitation $a result in
&3 ?o not allo4 others to use the $otoriJed biccle 4ithout proper
S6#+,? C#-ACT G#+R A-S+RA-CE C#)PA-G #R AGE-T3
The Basics For Safet
13 Al4as 4ear a ccling hel$et@ 4hich $eets the latest certification
23 Be careful to 8eep bod parts and other obMects a4a fro$ the
sharp teeth of chain ringsC the $o:ing chainC the turning pedals and
cran8sC and the spinning 4heels of our biccle3
*3 Al4as 4ear9
Shoes that 4ill sta on our feet and 4ill grip the pedals3 -e:er
ride barefoot or 4hile 4earing sandals3
Bright@ :isible clothing that is not so loose that it can be tangled
in the biccle or snagged b obMects at the side of the road or
Protecti:e ee 4ear@ to protect against airborne dirt@ dust and
bugs K tinted 4hen the sun is bright@ clear 4hen itFs not3
43 Ride at a speed appropriate for conditions3 Ancreased speed $eans
higher ris83
!3 #bser:e all local biccle la4s and regulations3 Gou $ust also be
a4are of all local la4s and ordinances that go:ern and>or restrict
the use of po4ered scooters3 The la4s and ordinances :ar greatl
fro$ $unicipalit to $unicipalit3 At is our responsibilit to 8no4
and abide b our local restrictions3
23 -e:er ride 4ith headphones3 The $as8 traffic sounds and
e$ergenc :ehicle sirens@ distract ou fro$ concentrating on 4hat
is going on around ou@ and their 4ires can tangle in the $o:ing
parts of the biccle@ causing ou to lose control3
"3 -e:er carr anthing 4hich obstructs our :ision or our co$plete
control of the biccle@ or 4hich could beco$e entangled in the
$o:ing parts of the biccle3
%3 -e:er hitch a ride b holding on to another :ehicle3
&3 ?onFt do stunts@ 4heelies or Mu$ps3 The can cause ou inMur and
da$age our bi8e3
1(3 -e:er ride our biccle 4hile under the influence of alcohol or
113 Af possible@ a:oid riding in the bad 4eather@ 4hen :isibilit is
obscured@ at dus8 or in the dar8@ or 4hen e7tre$el tired3 Each of
these conditions increases the ris8 of accident3
Before Gour First Ride
'hen ou buc8le on our hel$et and go for our first
fa$iliariJation ride on our ne4 biccle@ be sure to pic8 a controlled
en:iron$ent@ a4a fro$ cars@ other cclists@ obstacle or other haJards3
Ride to beco$e fa$iliar 4ith the controls@ features and perfor$ance of
our ne4 bi8e3
13 Fa$iliariJe ourself 4ith the bra8ing action of the bi8e3 Test the
bra8es at slo4 speed@ putting our 4eight to4ard the rear and gentl
appling the bra8es@ rear bra8e first3 Sudden or e7cessi:e application of
the front bra8e could pitch ou o:er the handlebars3 Appling bra8es too
hard can loc8 up a 4heel@ 4hich could cause ou o lose control and fall3
23 Af our bi8e has suspension@ fa$iliariJe ourself 4ith ho4 the
suspension responds to bra8e application and rider 4eight shifts3
*3 Chec8 out the handling and response of the bi8eC and chec8 the
'et 'eather Riding
+nder 4et conditions@ the stopping po4er of our bra8es
<as 4ell as the bra8es of other :ehicles sharing the road= is dra$aticall
reduced@ and our tires donFt grip nearl as 4ell3 This $a8es it harder to
control speed and easier to lose control3 To $a8e sure that ou can slo4
do4n and stop safel in 4et conditions@ ride $ore slo4l and appl our
bra8es earlier and $ore graduall than ou 4ould under nor$al@ dr
-ight Riding
A rider is :er difficult for $otorists and pedestrians
to see at dus8@ at night@ or at other ti$es of poor :isibilit3 Af ou $ust
ride under these conditions@ chec8 and be sure ou co$pl 4ith all local
la4s about night ridingC follo4 the Rules of the Road@ and ta8e the
follo4ing additional precautions9
)a8e sure that our bi8e is eIuipped 4ith correctl positioned and
securel $ounted reflectors3
'ear light colored@ reflecti:e clothing and accessories@ an reflecti:e
de:ice or light source that $o:es 4ill help ou get the attention of
approaching $otorists@ pedestrians and other traffic3
)a8e sure our clothing or anthing ou $a be carring on the bi8e
does not obstruct a reflector or light3
Ride slo4l3
A:oid areas of hea: traffic@ dar8 areas@ and roads 4ith speed li$it o:er
A:oid road haJards3
Af possible@ ride on routes alread fa$iliar to ou3
Additional Safet Points
Al4as conduct a Safet Chec8 before o ride the bi8e3
-e:er allo4 children to ride3
-e:er Carr a passenger that e7ceeds in the $a7i$u$ carring
capacit of 1(( lbs3
Thin8 about our speed@ and 8eep our speed consistent 4ith safe
operating conditions3
Al4as 8eep in $ind that there is a direct relationship bet4een
speed and controllabilit3
Routine #perating
13 Pre/Ride Safet Chec8
a3 Be sure the tires ha:e enough air3 A lo4 tire pressure
ris8 ri$ pinching <tube failure= and lo4ers our $a7i$u$
b3 Be sure the batter is full charged3 Riding on a lo4
state/of/charge 4ill reduce the $a7i$u$ $ileage@ and can cause
da$age to the batter3
c3 0erif the proper adMust$ent and function of the
d3 )a8e sure the bi8e is in good $echanical order3
0isuall inspect and hand/chec8 the :ehicle@ and snug an loose
bolts@ scre4s3 #r other fasteners3 Secure the batter3
e3 Appl the bra8e to stop the $otor3 0erif that the
throttle is inoperati:e 4hen either bra8e is applied3
23 Step to startup
a3 AdMust the rear :ie4 $irrors so that ou can see
clearl behind ou3
b3 Ansert the 8e into the He s4itch and turn on the 8e
fro$ #FF to #-3
This is ho4 ou choose
.#-1 4hich )ode to use3
*3 Return the 8e to the #FF position and ta8e out the 8e after riding@
to secure our propert and to sa:e Batter po4er3
43 S4itching in ,oc8 )ode3
a3 S4itch ,oc8 $ode to loc8 the handlebar for securit of
our E/bi8e3
Batter Care and )aintenance
13 'hat to E7pect of our Batteries@ Adeall
The batter is a sealed lead/acid tpe@ using a gel electrolte3
'ith nor$al use@ it can last for 4ell o:er 4(( charge>discharge ccles3
Hno4 that nor$al use should $ean partial@ and not co$plete
discharging3 Thus it is good to charge the batter after each ride3 A
partial discharge 4ill reIuire less ti$e on the charger3
23 'hat to e7pect333 Realisticall
This batter can 8eep its perfor$ance for about 4((
charge>discharge ccles@ 4ith high current and deep <&(Q= discharging3
The storage capabilit of the batter 4ill decline after 2(( ti$es
recharging3 Af ou can re/charge the batter before it is e7hausted@ ou
$a dra$aticall e7tend the batter ccle/life3

*3 An Su$$ar
Al4as tr to recharge the Batter Pac8 4ithin 1* / 1! hours
after use to $a7i$iJe batter ccle life and pre:ent da$age to the
batter3 Af ou dri:e our bi8e a lot@ it is :er i$portant for ou to for$ a
habit of charging the batter e:er da3
Batter Trouble
Should a batter e:er lea8@ do not touch the batter
liIuid3 Af ou are e7posed to the solution@ flush the affected area 4ith
4ater3 Af ou $ust handle the batter@ 4ear glo:es3 Replace the batter if
there are lea8s@ :isible brea8s or crac8s3 ?ispose of the batter according
to state and local la4s3
Batter Te$perature Sensiti:it
A$bient te$perature 4ill affect al$ost e:er 8ind of
batter3 +suall@ the batter sho4s good discharging capabilit at higher
air te$perature3 'hen the air te$perature is under ( ;F@ the batter
po4er 4ill decline $ore than one third3 So it is natural that the bi8e 4ill
not reach itFs nor$al $ileage in 4inter or in cold 4eather3 'hen the air
te$perature is up to 2% ;F@ the bi8e 4ill achie:e its nor$al range
'hen the a$bient te$perature is o:er 11( ;F <as 4hen
e7posed to su$$er sunshine for a long period=@ batteries and other
electric co$ponents usuall run in an abnor$al fashion3
'hat does N)a7i$u$ RangeO $eanR
To deter$ine the bi8eFs $a7i$u$ per/charge distance@ the
testing en:iron$ent 4as9
Rider 4eight9 under 1((Hgs Air te$perature9 "" ;F
-o 4ind@ s$ooth@ le:el road@ infreIuent bra8ing and stead speed3
+nder these conditions@ using both Batteries A and B@ the bi8e $a7i$u$
range is up to 2(8$
FreIuent bra8ing and acceleration@ dri:ing into head4inds@ up hills or
4ith cargo@ 4ill all cost a lot of batter energ3 An these conditions@ the
bi8e 4ill not reach its nor$al range3
Gi:e the bi8e so$e acceleration and speed b first using our feet@
and then appl the throttle3 Tr not to bra8e and accelerate needlessl3
'hen ou dri:e against a strong 4ind or up an abrupt slope@ use our
feet to gi:e the bi8e additional po4er3
Charging The Batter
Before riding the electric biccle for the first ti$e ou
$ust charge the batter for 2/%hours using the supplied charger3
The electric Biccle is po4ered b four 120>12Ah batteries 4ired in series
to pro:ide 4% :olts of po4er3 All batteries charge si$ultaneousl3 Gou
should charge ou E/bi8e after each ride3 Gou $ust charge our E/bi8e if
it has not been used for *( das or $ore3 Recharging ti$e is bet4een 2/
0erif that ou are using the correct charger for our :ehicle@ and
that the charger input po4er is co$patible the Nhouse currentO in our
Heep charger and batter a4a fro$
4ater to pre:ent electrical shoc8 and
shorting3 Ti$e charger is intended for
indoor use onl3
#pen the seat
co$part$ent and re$o:e
the batter to charge
Plug the end of the chargerFs cord into the soc8et of the bi8e or
batter first3 Then plug the chargerFs AC cord into the 4all outlet3
Read the charger label to learn about the chargerFs
indicator lights and their $eanings3
/Af the light indicator is red@
it $eans that the batter is charging3
/Af the light indicator turns Green@
it $eans that the batter is full
Generall@ a short dri:e 4ill reIuire a short ti$e to re/
charge@ and a long ride 4ill reIuire a longer ti$e3 A
co$plete <&(Q= discharge $a reIuire 2/% hours to
recharge3 To pre:ent electrolsis <batter fluid loss b
hdrogen generation@= do not charge for longer than
eighteen hours3
Charging #utdoor
To charge the batteries outdoor@ Plug the charger into the charger
soc8et located on belo4 the saddle3
/ #pen the outlet shield
to plug the AC cord to charge
the E/bi8e3
Circuit brea8er K $aintain to s4itch off
the brea8er 4hen charging3
)echanical AdMust 5 )aintenance
Gour ne4 bi8e 4ill periodic $aintenance and adMust$ent3
Af ou ha:e Iuestions about its adMust$ent@ contact our sales and ser:ice
+tilit Poc8et 4ith ,oc8 K it needed a 8e to
open the utilit bo73
Troubleshooting Chart
Pheno$enon Cause Resolution
Connect the po4er@ but
the $otor doesnFt 4or8
13 A batter 4ire is
23 Apparent Ndead
*3 A 4ire in the throttle
is loose or
43 A bra8e sensor is
13 Reconnect
23 Chec8 the fuse
*3 Solder or re/cri$p
43 Replace bra8e
handle sensor
)ileage per charge is
not as e7pected3
13 -ot enough air
pressure in tires
23 -ot enough batter
is da$aged
*3 The batter is
43 FreIuent bra8ing 5
acceleration@ dri:ing
into 4ind 4ith cargo@
or up hills3
13 Pu$p up the tires
23 Charge the batter
Chec8 the connections
*3 Replace batter
43 +se the pedals to
gi:e the bi8e additional
The charger doesnFt
13 A disconnected
or loose plug
23 The fuse is blo4n
*3 Charger is da$aged
13 Reconnect
23 Change the fuse
*3 Replace charger
#thers 13 Gou canFt detect or
resol:e the proble$
23 )otor@ controller@
charger or batter is
da$aged inside
Please ta8e our E/bi8e
to our ser:icing
Contact +s9

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