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This agreement made and entered into this ____ day of ____________, by and
between________________, of legal age and residing at______________________________________ ,
herein called "Landlord," and _______________________, of legal age and residing at
_____________________________, herein called "Tenant." Landlord hereby agrees to rent to Tenant the
real property located in_______________________________________________ commencing on the ___
_day of _________ and monthly thereafter until the ___ day of ________, at which time this agreement is
terminated. Landlord rents the demised premises to Tenant on the following terms and conditions:
1. The term of this Rental Agreement shall be a period of ____ months beginning on the ___ day of
__________, to continue up to and including the ____ day of ______________ with automatic etension
unless Tenant is in default of the rental or as pro!ided herein.
Tenant agrees to pay Landlord as base rent the sum of "hp___________ per month, due and payable
monthly in ad!ance on the _____ day of each month during the term of this agreement. Rent must be
recei!ed by #:$$ ".%. &f the rent has not been recei!ed by ':$$ A.%. on the ____ of the month, then
collection charge will be imposed. ("lease refer to )o!enant *+
The Tenant is gi!en the option by the Landlord to etend his,her lease sub-ect to rental ad-ustment or
increase as may be mutually agreed upon in writing by both parties.
*. Tenant hereby ac.nowledges that late payment will cause Landlord to incur costs not contemplated by
this Rental Agreement, the eact amount of which will be etremely difficult to ascertain. &n the e!ent
rent is not recei!ed prior to #:$$ ".%. on the _____ of the month, regardless of cause including
dishonored chec.s, Tenant further agrees to pay a late charge to Landlord e/ual to eighty pesos
("hp0$.$$+ each wee. the rent is late. 1either ill health, loss of -ob, financial emergency or other ecuse
will be accepted for late payment.
2. &n the e!ent Tenant3s chec. is dishonored and returned of any reason to Landlord, Tenant agrees to pay
as additional rent the sum of one hundred pesos ("hp1$$.$$+ for each occurrence. This amount shall be in
addition to all late fees, if chec. is not paid prior to the first of the month. &f for any reason a chec. is
returned or dishonored, all future rent payments will be cash or money order.
4. The Tenant agrees to use the premises only as a residence for self, and ____ members of immediate
family including house.eeper. 5y no means may Tenant allow any additional persons to occupy premise
beyond limit as agreed upon. Tenant agrees to assume all responsibility for actions ta.en by any person
entering the property. Landlord will hold Tenant solely responsible for all damages to property or for
*2'6$66#0.doc "age 1
!iolations against this rental agreement. The Tenant shall ha!e the en-oyment of the Leased "remises
during the full term of the Lease Agreement and any etension or renewal thereof.
#. 1o guest shall be permitted longer than 7 days within any 2$ day period. Tenant assumes all legal
responsibility of the acts 8 conduct of any guests or !isitors and assumes financial liability for any
damages done to premises.
#. Resident agrees not to assign this agreement, nor to 9ub:Let any part of the property, nor to allow any
other person to li!e therein without first re/uesting permission from the ;wner and paying the
appropriate surcharge. <urther, that co!enants contained in this Rental Agreement, once breached, cannot
afterward be performed.
6. Tenant hereby ac.nowledges that they ha!e a legal obligation to pay their rent on time each and e!ery
month regardless of any other debts or responsibilities they may ha!e. They agree that they will be fully
liable for any bac. rent owed. They also ac.nowledge that defaulting on this Rental Agreement could
result in a case being filed against them.
7. The Tenant shall use customary diligence in care of the "remises. The Tenant is encouraged to treat
this as their home, in that all minor repairs are epected to be performed by or at the direction of the
Tenant, at the sole responsibility of the Tenant. Any and all repairs made at the direction of the Tenant
shall be done by a competent professional, or by the Tenant pro!iding that the Tenant is capable and
/ualified to ma.e said repairs. All repairs shall be done in compliance with all applicable codes and
regulations. Any repair that is estimated to cost more than one thousand ("hp1$$$.$$+ must recei!e
permission of the Landlord prior to being made. =nder no circumstances will Landlord be responsible for
any impro!ements or repairs costing more than "hp1$$$.$$ unless the Tenant is gi!en written
authori>ation to ma.e repairs or impro!ements in ad!ance. The Tenant ac.nowledges responsibility for
any damages caused by their negligence and that of their guests or in!itees.
0. Tenant to %aintain dwelling unit as follows:
1. )omply with all obligations primarily imposed upon tenant by applicable pro!isions of building
codes materially affecting health and safety.
*. ?eep that part of the premises that he occupies and uses as clean and safe as the condition of the
premises permit.
2. @ispose from his dwelling unit all rubbish, garbage, and other waste in a clean and safe manner.
4. ?eep all plumbing fitures in a dwelling unit or used by the tenant as clean as its condition permits.
#. 1ot deliberately or negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair, or remo!e any part of the premises
or .nowingly permit any person to do so.
7. )onduct himself and re/uire other persons on the premises with his consent to conduct themsel!es
in a manner that will not disturb his neighbor3s peaceful en-oyment of the premises.
*2'6$66#0.doc "age *
Resident warrants that he,she will meet abo!e conditions in e!ery respect, and ac.nowledges that failure
to perform the obligations herein stipulated will be considered grounds for termination of this agreement
and loss of any or all deposits.

'. The Tenant has deposited with, and the Landlord ac.nowledges receipt of Php__________ as a
9ecurity @eposit. This 9ecurity @eposit is to guarantee the return of the "remises to the Landlord in the
same or better condition as when accepted by the Tenant, reasonable wear ecepted, and to satisfy any
obligations of the Tenant unfulfilled at the termination of this Lease Agreement, as specified herein.
9atisfactory compliance with this section includes remo!ing all trash and belongings of the Tenant. &f any
pro!ision of this Lease Agreement is !iolated, the 9ecurity @eposit is forfeited. The 9ecurity @eposit is to
indemnify the Landlord against damage and,or loss of !alue as a result of the Tenant3s action, mista.e, or
inaction during the term of occupancy. The 9ecurity @eposit may not be applied by the Tenant as and for
payment of any rent due the Landlord. 9hould the Tenant be responsible for damage and,or loss of !alue
to the "remises greater than the !alue of the 9ecurity @eposit, the Tenant hereby agrees to reimburse the
Landlord for such loss immediately upon the presentation of a bill for said damage and,or loss. The
Landlord shall return the balance of said 9ecurity @eposit, if any, to the Tenant at the Tenant3s forwarding
address, upon !acating, return of .eys to the Landlord and termination of this contract according to other
terms herein agreed. The deposit will be returned within thirty (2$+ days after the Tenant !acates the
"remises, along with an itemi>ed statement as to the deductions, if any, from said 9ecurity @eposit. The
9ecurity @eposit must be paid in full prior to Tenants mo!ing into building.
The Tenant will pay his,her ad!ance payment _____ days upon occupying the "remises. This ad!ance
payment is agreed upon to be independent form the base rent to be paid on the date stated in co!enant 1.
&n the e!ent the Tenant !acates the "remises before the epiration of this Lease Agreement, the 9ecurity
@eposit cannot be returned and one month ad!ance cannot be consumed by the Tenant and must be
retained with the Landlord.
&n the e!ent the Tenant !acates the "remises , he,she may be allowed to consume his,her ad!ance payment
pro!ided he,she has not been in default of this rental agreement. The 9ecurity @eposit shall be retained
with the Landlord to pay for the electric and,or water bill epenses and,or damage when necessary and if
there be any amount remaining, it shall be returned to the Tenant.
&n the e!ent the Tenant decides to !acate the "remises, he,she shall notify the Landlord in writing at least
2$ days prior to his !acating the "remises and he,she settles all rental payments due and con!ey in good
order all furnished furniture to the Landlord.
*2'6$66#0.doc "age 2
1$. Tenant agrees not to put or pour any debris, grease, paper towels, A:tips, tampons, newspaper, food, or
any other matter in the sin. drain or toilets. Tenant agrees to pay the B1T&RB A%;=1T on bills for all
sewer cleaning ser!ices resulting from clogged pipes,sewer bac.:up. Tenant must not o!erload electrical
circuits. ;nly two electrical operated items may be plugged in any electrical receptacle.
11. Tenant agrees to cooperate with ;wner,agent in showing property to prospecti!e tenant, prior to
termination of occupancy.
1*. The Tenant agrees to hold the Landlord harmless from any liability by reason of personal in-ury to any
person and for property damage occurring on or about or connected with the "remises or resulting from
the Tenant use thereof. The Tenant hereby ac.nowledges this and agrees to ma.e no such claims for any
losses or damages against the Landlord. The Tenant agrees to secure the premises and their property from
damage or in-ury caused by fire, theft, burglary, and brea.age, and electrical connections and hereby
relie!es the Landlord of all ris.s that may be insured thereunder. They ac.nowledge that if they fail to
secure the premises or procure their own insurance, it is their responsibility and they alone shall bear the
12.&f Tenant lea!es the premises unoccupied for 1# days without paying rent in ad!ance for that month, or
while owing any bac. rent from pre!ious months, which has remained unpaid, the Landlord and,or his
representati!es ha!e the right to ta.e immediate possession of the property and to bar the Resident from
returning. Landlord will also ha!e the right to remo!e any property that the Residents ha!e left behind
and store it at Tenant3s epense.
14. The Tenant ac.nowledges that the said property is in good habitable condition. &f there is anything
about the condition of the property that is not good, they agree to report it to Landlord within 2 days of possession of the property. They agree that failure to file any written notice of defects will be
legally binding proof that the property is in good condition at the time of occupancy.
1#. Cood house.eeping is epected of e!eryone. Tenant agrees to .eep /uarters clean and in sanitary
condition. The Tenant agrees not to permit any deterioration or destruction to occur while they are
occupying the property. They agree to maintain the walls, woodwor., floors, furnishings, fitures ,
windows, doors, fences, plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems as well as the general structure and
appearance of the property. Tenant agrees to follow all Landlord instructions, especially where posted.
16. Tenant shall ma.e no alterations, decorations, additions or impro!ements in or to the premises without
the Landlord3s prior written consent, and then only by contractors or mechanics appro!ed by Landlord.
All alterations, additions, or impro!ements upon the premises, made by either party, shall become the
*2'6$66#0.doc "age 4
property of Landlord and shall remain upon, and be surrendered with said premises, as a part thereof, at
the end of the term hereof.
17. Tenant will be responsible for payment of all utilities, garbage, water and sewer charges, telephone,
electric or other bills incurred during their residency. Tenant specifically authori>es Landlord to deduct
amounts of unpaid bills from their 9ecurity @eposits in the e!ent they remain unpaid after termination of
this agreement.
10. Tenant agrees to notify Landlord immediately if roof lea.s, water spots appear on ceiling, or at the
first sign of termite acti!ity.
1'. The Tenant hereby states that any wor. or repairs that need to be done will be handled by competent
professionals, unless Tenant is /ualified and capable of doing the wor. themsel!es and doing it properly,
in a safe manner that meets all local regulations. Tenant further state that they will be legally responsible
for any mishap they either do themsel!es or hire others to do. Landlord will be held free from harm and
liability along with his agents and representati!es. &n the e!ent that needed repairs are beyond the Tenant
capacity, they are urged to arrange for professional help.
*$. The ;wner reser!es the right to enter the residence at reasonable times to inspect, ma.e necessary
repairs, supply ser!ices or show it to prospecti!e residents, purchasers, mortgages,, or
contractors. Dhene!er practicable, Tenant shall also permit inspection of the leased premises e!ery si (6+
months at a reasonable time during the day after one (1+ day notice prior to inspection by the Landlord or
her authori>ed representati!e.
**. Resident is responsible for any ongoing pest control ser!ice, if the Resident desires such a ser!ice.
;wner is not responsible for any damage done to the Resident3s person, or property by such pests, or to the
person or property of Resident3s family or any other persons on the premises.
*2. All rights gi!en to Landlord by this agreement shall be cumulati!e in addition to any laws that eist
or might come into being. Any eercise of any rights by Landlord or failure to eercise any rights shall
not act as a wai!er of those or any other rights. 1o statement or promise by Landlord, its agents or
employees, as to tenancy, repairs, amount of rent to be paid, or other terms and conditions shall be binding
unless it is put in writing and made a specific part of this agreement.
*4. The Tenant signing this Rental )ontract hereby state that all /uestions about this Rental Agreement
ha!e been answered, that they fully understand all the pro!isions of the agreement and the obligations and
responsibilities of each party, as spelled out herein. They further state that they agree to fulfill their
obligations in e!ery respect or suffer the full legal and financial conse/uences of their actions or lac. of
*2'6$66#0.doc "age #
action in !iolation of this agreement. 9ignature by the Tenant on this Rental Agreement is
ac.nowledgment and he,she has recei!ed a signed copy of the Rental Agreement.
Accepted this ___ day of ____________________.
_______________________________ ____________________________________
, Landlord , Tenant

Ditnessed 5y:
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
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