Monthly Test 2

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Monthly Test No.

Passive Voice
I. Transform these sentences from active voice to passive voice. (Tenses)
1.My father waters this flower every morning.
2.John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.
3.Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.
4.e sho!ld clean o!r teeth twice a day.
".#!r teachers have e$plained the %nglish grammar.
&.'ome dr!nk drivers ca!sed the accident in this city.
(.)om will visit his parents ne$t month.
*.)he manager didn+t phone the secretary this morning.
,. -id Mary this bea!tif!l dress.
1/.0 won+t hang these old pict!res in the living room.
11.)he 1erman didn+t b!ild this factory d!ring the 'econd orld ar.
12.)he 1reens are going to paint this ho!se and these cars for 2hristmas -ay.
13.3nn had fed the cats before she went to the cinema.
14.)he st!dents have disc!ssed the poll!tion problems since last week.
1".Have the thieves stolen the most val!able painting in the national m!se!m.
1&.'ome people will interview the new president on )4.
1(.How many lang!ages do they speak in 2anada.
1*.3re yo! going to repair those shoes.
1,.He has broken his nose in a football match.
2/.Have yo! finished the above sentences.
Score: /20
II. Transform these sentences from active voice to passive voice. (Double Obects)
1.)he waiter brings me this dish.
2.#!r friends send these postcards to !s.
3.)heir grandmother told them this story when they visited her last week.
4.)im ordered this train ticket for his mother.
".5o! didn+t show me the special camaras.
&.'he showed her ticket to the airline agent.
(.He lends his friend his new shoes.
*.'he left her relatives five million po!nds.
,.)he shop assistant handed these bo$es to the c!stomer.
1/.)he board awarded the first pri6e to the reporter.
11.Have yo! sent the christmas cards to yo!r family.
12.)he committee appointed 3lice secretary for the meeting.
13.He hides the broken c!p in the drawer.
14.)hey keep this room tidy all the time.
1".)hey all voted the party a great s!ccess.
1&.e gave 3nn some bananas and some flowers.
1(.)hey moved the fridge into the living room.
1*.'he bo!ght some c!ps of tea to the visitors in the ne$t room.
1,.)hey find the new pro7ect worthless.
2/.)he secretary didn+t take the note to the manager.
21. )hey are going to clear those sl!ms.
22. )hey are going to mend the roof tomorrow morning.
23. )he farmer is going to enlarge the farm.
24. 'he is going to b!y a cookery book ne$t month.
2". 'omeone is going to serve Jack breakfast in bed on his birthday
Score: /25
III. Transform these sentences from active voice to passive voice. (Mo!al Verbs)
1. 5o! sho!ld open the wine abo!t three ho!rs before yo! !se it.
2. 5o! m!st not hammer nails into the walls witho!t permission.
3. 8eople m!st not leave bicycles in the hall.
4. Members can keep books for three weeks.
". 8eople sho!ld send their complaints to the main office.
&. 5o! m!st t!rn off all the switches before leaving the room.
(. 5o! m!st make an appointment in advance.
*. 'omeone might steal the car.
,. 5o! m!st keep the room tidy.
1/. )hey can+t solve the problem.
Score: /10
IV. Transform these sentences from active voice to passive voice. ("ausative #orm)
1. 0 had my nephew paint the gate last week.
2. 'he will have 8eter wash her car tomorrow.
3. )hey have her tell the story again.
4. John gets his sister to clean his shirt.
". 3nne had had a friend type her composition.
&. 9ick will have a barber c!t his hair.
(. 0 will get the dressmaker to make a new dress.
*. He had a mechanic repair his car.
,. 'he often gets the technician to maintain the heater.
1/. )hey had the police arrest the shoplifter.
11. 3re yo! going to have the shoemaker repair yo!r shoes.
12. 0 m!st have the dentist check my teeth.
13. 'he will have a veterinary s!rgeon e$amine her dog.
14. e had a man take this photograph when we were on holiday last s!mmer.
1". )he 1reens had a carpet cleaner clean their carpet.
1&. e had them repair o!r car.
1(. :an got his brother to clean the windows last week.
1*. 0 have the hairdresser c!t my hair.
1,. Jill got the tailor to make her new dress.
2/. Melissa made his h!sband wash her feet every evening.
Score: /20
V. Transform these sentences from active voice to passive voice. ($pecial "ases)
1. 8eople don+t !s!ally allow their children to do what they want.
2. )he teacher is making his st!dents do the homework.
3. 8arents don+t make their children work hard.
4. 0 have had her sing this song several times.
". He won+t let yo! do that silly thing again.
&. 0t is important that yo! sho!ld wash clothes with warm water.
(. 0 have never made him do anything against his will.
*. My father always has me get his cigarettes after l!nch.
,. My friends+ parents always let them go o!t at the weekend.
1/. 'he allowed her h!sband to kiss her in the cheek.
Score: /10
VI. Transform these sentences from active voice to passive voice. (To V%infinitive)
1. He wants everybody to serve him.
2. He doesn+t want people to make him a fool.
3. 'he wo!ld like someone to post this letter.
4. 'omeone has to look after the garden.
". )hey had to c!t down that tree.
&. He likes people to give him presents.
(. He loves his friends to help him.
*. He wants to his girlfriend to care abo!t him more.
,. 0 wo!ld like yo! to cook my steak really well.
1/. 0 need yo! to get me my coat.
Score: /10
VII. Transform these sentences from active voice to passive voice. (V%in&)
1. 0 don+t like people sho!ting at me.
2. 0 hate people staring at me.
3. 0 can+t stand people telling me what to do.
4. 0 don+t like people interr!pting me.
". 0 dislike people making 7okes abo!t me.
&. He en7oys people praising him.
(. He can+t stand her parents watching her all day.
*. He doesn+t mind people critici6ing him.
,. 'he hates people asking her abo!t her past.
1/. e dislike people cheating !s.
Score: /10
VIII. Transform these sentences from active voice to passive voice. (Interro&ation)
1. ho cleans the ho!se every morning.
2. hy did they cancel all the flight.
3. How often do people !se this road.
4. ho is !sing the comp!ter at the moment.
". hat have yo! cooked today.
&. ho have the police released.
(. hat co!ld a small fire have ca!sed.
*. ho has robbed the bank near my ho!se.
,. How did the old man treat the little boy.
1/. hat did my brother b!y yesterday.
11. hat did the boy carry into the room last week.
12. ho did o!r parents warn not to go alone at night.

13. hat are they b!ilding ne$t year.
14. hat did they have to postpone beca!se of the storm.
1". hat will they send yo! as soon as they are finished.
1&. hat had his colleag!es given him before he was retired.
1(. ho installed a new p!mp last week.
1*. ho did the secretary tell to stay o!tside.
1,. hat do people !se comp!ters for.
2/. hat will the boss have offered 3nn by the time she is at the office.
21. hat was the teacher doing when 0 arrived.
22. How will the st!dents be st!dying at this time ne$t week.
23. ho has collected the r!bbish.
24. How sho!ld we prepare the onions.
2". hat are people killing animals for.
2&. hich book has the a!thor written for the children.
2(. How many cards have yo! checked so far.
2*. ho has cleaned this motorbike.
2,. hat had she given him when he met her.
3/. 2an yo! tell me what we can do to help.
31. How is she going to redecorate with the ho!se.
32. hat sho!ld 0 do now.
33. hat has 7!st bitten me.
34. Have yo! ever watched that f;lm.
3". hen will she see that man.
3&. hat is one the the parents doing with the cake.
3(. 0s a st!dent pilot flying that airplane.
3*. How fast has she been doing homework.
3,. hat do they know abo!t the man.
4/. hat m!st the st!dents follow when they are at school.
Score: /40
Total: /145

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