Important Relations:: 1. Single Person Blood Relations (SPBR)

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Mothers (or) fathers son - Brother

Mothers (or) Fathers Daughter Sister
Mothers brother Maternal Uncle
Fathers Brother Paternal uncle
Mothers (or) Fathers sister Aunt
Mothers (or) Fathers father Grand father
Mothers (or) Fathers other Grand other
Sons !ife Daughter in la!
Daughters husband Son in la!
"usbands (or) #ifes father Father in la!
"usbands (or) #ifes other Mother in la!
"usbands (or) #ifes brother Brother in la!
"usbands (or) #ifes sister Sister in la!
Sisters husband Brother in la!
Brothers (or) Sisters son $e%he!
Brothers (or) Sisters daughter - $iece

&hese are 'elations bet!een t!o %eo%le onl()
Brea* the gi+en sentence at is/was/as and resol+e it fro last %oint to is/was/as to get eas( solution for the %roble)
,arefull( obser+e the gi+en e-a%les)
Ex - 1Pointing to a lad( 'a+i said./ She is the onl( daughter of the father of ( sisters brother/) "o! is she related
to 'a+i0
So!"io# :
Brea* the gi+en sentence at is)
Fro the last. in the +ie! of 'a+i.
M( sisters brother brother
Father of brother father
Daughter of father sister
So.that becoes 1she is ( sister/
So$ a#sw%& is sis"%&.
Ex-' : 2ohn introduces Mar( as the daughter of the onl( son of ( fathers !ife) "o! is Mar( related to 3ohn0
So!"io# :
Brea* the gi+en sentence at as)
'esol+ing fro the last . 4n the +ie! of 3ohn.
M( fathers !ife other
5nl( son of other hiself i)e) 3ohn
Daughter of 3ohn daughter)
So$ a#sw%& is (a!)*"%&.
NOTE : Soeties the( ight as* li*e ho! is 3ohn related to Mar() 4n that case ans!er is father) So. dont a*e
ans!ers !ithout clear understanding in this t(%e of %robles)
Brea* the gi+en sentence at is/was/as)
'esol+e the sentence fro last u%to is/was/as.
And also resol+e the sentence fro the first u%to is /was/as.
&hen (ou !ill get eas( solution) 5bser+e the belo! e-a%les)
Ex-+ :Pointing to a an in the %hotogra%h. a #oan sa(s./ "is others onl( daughter is ( other/) "o! is an
related to !oan0
So!"io# :
Brea* the sentence at is.
Fro the last. u% to is 6 ( other #oan7s other
Fro the first. u% to is 6 his others onl( daughter his sister
"is sister 8 !oans other)
So$ "*% a#sw%& is Mo"*%&,s -&o"*%& i.%. .#/%.
4f he as*s li*e ho! is !oan related to that an0 &hen ans!er is sisters daughter i)e) niece)
Ex-0 :4ntroducing Suresh. 9al%ana said.: "is brothers father is the onl( son of ( grandfather/) "o! is 9al%ana
related to Suresh0
So!"io# :
Brea* the sentence at is.
Fro the last u% to is 6 &he onl( son of ( grandfather father
Fro the first u% to is 6 his brothers father father
Sureshs father 8 *al%anas father
So. the( are brother ; sister)
A#sw%& is sis"%&.
NOTE : <i*e in the abo+e t(%e of %robles
Fro either ends if it is li*e Father 8 Father Uncle8 Uncle
Mother 8 Mother Aunt 8 Aunt
&hen the( both a( be brothers= sisters= bother ; sister de%ending u%on their se-)
4n this. utual blood relations de%ending on ore than t!o %ersons entioned) &hese t(%e of %robles can
be sol+ed !ith the hel% of diagras)
Follo! these s(bols in the diagra to a+oid confusion)
2 - Ma% /a#(i(a"%
- - F%3a% /a#(i(a"%
- Co!4%
------- - Sa3% )%#%&a"io# i.%.-&o"*%& 5-&o"*%& (o&) sis"%&-sis"%& (o&) sis"%& "o -&o"*%&
6666666 - Di77%&%#" )%#%&a"io#s i.%. 7a"*%&-so# (o&) 3o"*%&-so# (o&) 7a"*%& 5
(a!)*"%& (o&) Mo"*%& - (a!)*"%&
&he follo!ing list of generation ight be hel%ful to (ou)
Fi&s" )%#%&a"io# : G&a#( 7a"*%&$ G&a#( 3o"*%&
S%/o#( )%#%&a"io# : Fa"*%&$ Mo"*%&$ .#/%$ A!#".
T*i&( )%#%&a"io# : S%7$ Sis"%&$ B&o"*%&$ Sis"%& i# aw$ B&o"*%& i# aw
Fo!&"* )%#%&a"io# : So#$ Da!)*"%&$ N%4*%w$ Ni%/%.
Better to use the sae generation in one hori>ontal ro! in the diagras)
E1 5 8 :A and B are brothers and , and D are sisters) As son is Ds brother) "o! is B related to ,0
B( using abo+e notations !e can dra! the belo! diagra) A.B are ta*en ?@ and , .D
are ta*en as ?-) 4t sees that A.B belongs to one generation and ,.D belongs to another generation)
So. A.B are ta*en in one hori>ontal ro! and ,.D are ta*en in other hori>ontal line)
4t sa(s that A is ,s father) Fathers brother is uncle) So$ a#sw%& is !#/%.
Sometimes they might as !a"ag"a!h #$estio%s i% &'oo( "e'atio%s ty!e !"o&'ems.
E1 5 9 :
'ead the inforation carefull( and ans!er the Auestion gi+en belo! it)
B) A fail( consists of C ebers P. D . '. E. F. G)
H) D is the son of ' but ' is not other of D)
I) P and ' are arried cou%le)
J) F is the brother of '. E is the daughter of P)
K) G is the brother of P)
:!%s"io#s :
B) #ho is the brother in la! of '0
H) "o! an( feale ebers are there in the fail(0
I) "o! is D related to E0
J) "o! is F related to P0
Dra! the diagra !ith gi+en instructions belo!)
B) D is son of ') dra! this one !ith thic* line in different hori>ontal ro!s) Both are ale so ta*e as@)
H) Use L8M bet!een P and ' in sae ro!. because the( are cou%le)
I) Add F to ' !ith dotted line in sae ro!)
J) Add E to P !ith thic* line do!n!ards to different ro!) "ere. E is ??)
K) Add G to P and ta*e G as ?@)
C) So. D and E are brother ; sister)
A#sw%&s :
B) Brother in la! eans !ifes brother i)e) G
H) &!o feale ebers are there !ith ?-? s(bols i)e) P and E)
I) D is brother of E)
J) F is husbands brother to P) i)e) brother in la!)
NOTE : 4$ S5<N4$G M4EOD B<55D 'O<A&45$S MA9O SU'O &"A& F5U' D4AG'AM 4S 4$ ,5''O,&
CODED BLOOD RELATIONS : 4n this t(%e. relationshi%s re%resented b( codes and s(bols li*e @ . - . = . P) Fou ha+e to anal(se
the reAuired relation based on the gi+en code) 4n this also (ou a( need diagraatic re%resentation of %roble to sol+e it) Use the sae
re%resentation used in i-ed blood relations)
4n the coding eAuation better to sol+e the code fro last letter)
Ex -; :4f P@D eans P is husband of D. P=D eans P is the sister of D. PPD eans P is the son of D) ho! is D related to A in DPB@,=A0
So!"io# :
,=A , is sister of D)
B@,=A B is brother in la! of A (sisters husband brother in la!)
DPB@,=A D is ne%he! of A (sisters husbands son eans sisters son i)e) ne%he!))
So$ a#sw%& is N%4*%w.
Fou should reeber all the relations to sol+e blood relations t(%e of %robles) #ithout *no!ing relations (ou cant do an(thing)
5ut of all t(%es. Single %erson blood relations are i%ortant in the %oint of e-ainations +ie!)

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