Performance Guarantee Test Procedure

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Performance Guarantee Test Procedure| 1

Performance Guarantee Test Procedure

Performance Guarantee Test Procedure| 2
P135/CMWSSB Nemmeli esalination Plant
Contract No! CNT/WSS/"CB/G#"/$S%&/''5/2''()'*
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure| 3
C+ennai Metro,olitan Water Su,,l- and Se.a/e Board
No!10 Pum,in/ Station 1oad0 C+intadri,et0 C+ennai)2'' ''20 Tamil
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure| 3
M$C#N &imited
No4 (*0sout+ end road 0 Basa5an/udi Ban/alore )52'''3 0 "ndia
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure| 5
6%T$C7 W%B%G &td
Wa8a/ 7ouse0 2'' 9eet MM1T 1oad0 C+ennai)2'' 11:
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure| 2
Contents! Pa/e
14'4 #5er 5ie.4 3
1414 Sco,e4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure| :
1424 Guarantee 6alues4
1434 1eference ocuments and codes4
143414 ocuments4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure| (
143424 Codes and standards4
24'4 Test #r/ani;ation and res,onsi8ilities4
34'4 Test Procedure4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure| *
3414 Conduction of Test4 2
3424 Selected Main $<ui,ment Test and Preliminar- C+ec=s
3434 Preliminar- Tests and %d>ustments4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
3434 Conditions for test and duration4
3454 9re<uenc- of readin/s and sam,lin/s4
3424 %ccurac- of t+e instruments4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
34:4 Test ata Collection and su8mission4
34(4 6alidation of t+e test
34*4 Test 1e,ort
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
34'4 Test results and Calculations
3414 Total Permeate ,roduction 12
3424 Total Consum,tion
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
3434S,eci?c Consum,tion
343 1eco5er-
3454 Net ,roduct .ater <uantit-
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
14 "nta=e %rea! @iA "nta=e s-stem ,arameters lo/ s+eet
@iiA Sea .ater %nal-sis re,ort
@iiiA "nta=e s-stem ,um,s ,arameters re,ort
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
24 Pretreatment area !@iA Pretreatment s-stem Parameters lo/ s+eet
@iiA "ndi5idual B9 s=id <ualit- ,arameters
@iiiA "ndi5idual B9 s=ids ,erformance ,arameters
34 1# s-stem %rea ! @iA 1# s-stem ,arameters lo/ s+eet
@iiA 1# feed and ,ermeate .ater anal-sis
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iiiA Cartrid/e ?lter feed ,um,s lo/ s+eet
@i5A 7i/+ Pressure ,um,s lo/ s+eet
@5A Booster ,um, lo/ s+eet
@5iA 1# indi5idual s=ids ,erformance s+eet
@5iiA $1 Performance lo/ s+eet4
34 Post treatment area ! @iA Post treatment Section lo/ s+eet
@iiA Pota8le .ater %nal-sis
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iiiA Post treatment ,um,s ,erformance
54 1e>ect and B9 %rea ! @iA 1e>ect CB9 lo/ s+eet
@iiA 1e>ect and B9 ,um,
,erformance s+eet
24 C+emical %rea ! @iA C+emical consum,tion lo/ s+eet
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
:4 S,eci?c consum,tion lo/ s+eet
a4 "nstrument c+ec=list4
iA #r/ano/ram for acti5it- .ise man, allocation4@to 8e
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
iiA %dditional resources / instruments to 8e ,rocured for
Performance testin/4@to 8e includedA
1.0. Over view:
141 Sco,e!
T+e sco,e of t+is document is to de?ne t+e ,erformance /uarantee
testin/ ,rocedure for t+e 1'' M& Nemmeli esalination Plant4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
142 Guarantee 6alues!@%s ,er Cl4114241 of C+a, )1 of 6ol ""% of contract
s,eci?cation A
escri,tion Bnit 6alue inclusi5e of
Manufacture and all
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
ot+er tolerances
1 !er"ea#e $a#er %uali#& ' %uan#i#& a# #(e )u#le# )*
S$+O s,ids a# -1.00 pp" inle# T/S and 01 de2.C
aA Boron ,,m
as B
MaD4 1
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
8A TS ,,m E3:5
Net ,ermeate Fo.
from eac+ B9 S=id
G 315
cA Net ,ermeate
<uantit- for12 S=ids
/+r G 32''
dA 1eco5er- H G 3543H
1 !)#able wa#er a*#er p)s# #rea#"en#
aA Pota8le .ater <ualit- "S 1'5'' as ,er
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
,arameters ta8le )2
8A &an/elier Saturation
"ndeD @&S"A
cA 1esidual c+lorine ,,m 1
dA Net ,roduct .ater
m3 /
G 312:
3 !re#rea#ed wa#er %uali#&
aA S" of ultra ?lter I3
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
8A Min4 reco5er- in B9
Net ,ermeate Fo.
from eac+ B9 S=id
m3 /
G 315
cA Net B9 ,ermeate
<uantit- for 3'
m3/+r G *255
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
dA C+lorine inlet at 1# Nil
- 9or t+e com,lete desalination ,lant
aA S,eci?c ,
consum,tion for
com,lete Plant at
sea .ater TS
31*'' ,,m4 32JC
at ?ft+ -ear of
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
8A Noise le5el of rotatin/
e<ui,ment in
esalination ,lant
d8% I (5
1.0 +e*erence /)cu"en#s and c)des:
143414 ocuments!
Contract ocument 6olume " and "" %0 ""B 1of 2 C ""B 2 of 24
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
143424 Codes and standards! standards .ill 8e follo.ed durin/ t+e ,erformance test!
%STM 31*5 Standard /uide for .ater anal-sis for 1e5erse
#smosis %,,lications
%STM 3:3* Calculation and ad>ustment of t+e &an/elier
Saturation "ndeD @&S"A for 1#
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
%STM 31(* Silt ensit- @S"A of .ater4
%STM 31*3)#,eratin/ C+aracteristics of 14#4e5ices4
%STM 3512)Standardisin/ 14#4Performanceata4 @ 7-dranauticLs
normali;ation ,ro/ramA
%STM 35(2)Calculation and ad>ustment of t+e StiM and a5is
sta8ilit- indeD for 14#4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
%STM 32*2)Calculation and %d>ustment of Sulfate Scalin/ Salts
for 14#4
%STM 3**3)Calculation and %d>ustment of Silica scalin/ for 1#4
1.0. Tes# Or2ani3a#i)n and resp)nsibili#ies:
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
T+e test or/ani;ation s+all 8ein sco,e of contractor@ 9ield Test
Coordinator) 9TCA
T+e 9TC .ill 8e res,onsi8le for t+e!
) To ma=e ,reliminar- test run and set t+e ,arameters4
) To or/ani;e t+e test team
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
) To 5erif- all necessar- testin/ instruments are in ,lace and to
c+ec= t+eir correct installation and functionalit-
) To ?nali;e t+e testin/ date and intimate to client t+rou/+
) To direct t+e test
) To ,re,are t+e c+ec=list and lo/ s+eets for recordin/ t+e data
) To collect all test data as $lectronic re,orts from CS or as lo/
s+eet entr-4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
) Com,ilation C Su8mission of test data and re,orts to
client/consultant for a,,ro5al
1.1 4anp)wer res)urceu#ili3a#i)n Or2an)2ra":
T+e man, to 8e en/a/ed in t+e ,erformance /uarantee testin/
acti5it- alon/ .it+ t+eir res,onsi8ilities is ,ro5ided in t+e
#r/ano/ram c+art4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
0.0. Tes# !r)cedure:
341 Conduction of Test!
T+e test ,rocedure in t+is document s+all consider t+e ,erformance of
t+e ,lant as a .+ole unit4 "ndi5idual e<ui,ment ,erformance
/uarantee tests sti,ulated in t+e contract a/reement s+all 8e carried
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
out se,aratel- 8ased on t+e a,,ro5ed test sc+edule and test
,rocedure @se,arate test ,rocedureA from t+e client4 %t t+e end of t+e
test0 t+e data .ill 8e consolidated 8- t+e contractorand t+e test
results .ill 8e com,iled in t+e form of re,orts for su8mission and
a,,ro5al from client/consultant4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
342 Selected Main $<ui,mentTest and Preliminar- C+ec=s!
Prior to start of t+e ,erformance test for t+e ,lant as a .+ole
unit0indi5idual ,erformance test on t+e main e<ui,ment suc+ as
sea.ater ,um,s0 ra. .ater ,um,sC0 cartrid/e ?lter feed ,um,s .ill8e
,erformed to c+ec=and ascertain t+eir?eld ,erformance data as
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
sti,ulated in t+e tec+nical s,eci?cation of t+e contract a/reement
c+a,ter 20 5ol)""%4
"n case t+e indi5idual e<ui,ment site ,erformance /uarantee test
cannot 8e carried out due to re<uirement for uninterru,ted drin=in/
.ater su,,l- to t+e cit-0 a ,rior a,,ro5al from t+e client s+all 8e
o8tained in .ritin/ for t+is eDem,tion47o.e5er0 t+e contractor s+all
see= ,rior ,ermission from t+e client in .ritin/ indicatin/ t+e sc+edule
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
of testin/ and also ,ro5idin/ t+e time ,eriod re<uired for testin/ of t+e
indi5idual e<ui,ment alon/ .it+ t+e corres,ondin/ antici,ated
reduction in ,roduction ca,acit- durin/ testin/4
9urt+er0 ,rior to start of PG test for t+e ,lant as a .+ole unit0
satisfactor- .or=in/ status of instruments .ill 8e con?rmed as ,er t+e
"nstrument c+ec=list and clearance from client/consultant s+all 8e
o8tained 8- t+e contractor in .ritin/ to ,roceed .it+ t+e test4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
Performance testin/ ,rocedure for t+e .+ole ,lant t+erein
com,rises ,erformance testin/ ofons+ore C oMs+ore inta=e s-stem0
B9 s-stem0 1# s-stem 0Pressure $Dc+an/ers s-stem07i/+ ,ressure
and 8ooster ,um,in/ s-stem0 ,ost treatment s-stemfor assessin/
t+e ,erformance of t+e ,lant as a .+ole for t+e ,erformance
/uarantee ,arameters s,eci?ed in cl4 142 a8o5e4 T+e test ,rocedure
includes t+e details of )normali;ation,rocedure for ,ro5idin/ t+e
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
normali;ed ,erformance data considerin/ t+e mem8rane a/e and
sea .ater TS of 31*'' ,,m4 Considerin/ t+at 7-dranautics ma=e0
SWC5 maD 1# mem8ranes are used in t+e ,lant0 t+e normali;ation
cur5es for 7-dranautics ma=e a5aila8le in t+e contract a/reement
5ol4""%0 c+a,ter)"" s+all 8e used for e5aluatin/ t+e ,lant ,erformance
.4r4t 1# ,ermeate <ualit-0 feed ,ressure 0sea .ater
tem,erature0s,4 consum,tion and noise le5el4%s t+e ,lant
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
+as 8een ,roducin/ and su,,l-in/ drin=in/ .ater to t+e cit- since
234'24130 t+e mem8rane a/e for normali;ation s+all 8e considered
for PGT test as 2nd -ear of o,eration4
T+e ,erformance of ,lant units for t+e inte/rated PGT .ill 8e e5aluated
for its desi/n ca,acit- C ,roduct <ualit- as ,er t+e!
a5 In#a,e s&s#e" 6
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
iA ca,acit- ) 11'2' m3/+r to ,roduce net B9 ,ermeate NO *255
m3/+r4 T+e same .ill 8e e5aluated 8- measurement of inta=e
c+am8er sum, le5el at 11'2'
3/+r of sea .ater ,um,in/ and
com,arin/ .it+ desi/n .ater le5els antici,ated
iiA Performance of sodium +-,oc+lorite dosin/ s-stem at oMs+ore
sea .ater inta=e s+all 8e e5aluated 8- measurement of free
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
residual c+lorine at t+e inta=e c+am8er4 No sodium +-,oc+lorite
dosin/ s+all 8e carried at t+e inta=e c+am8er4
iiiAMeasurement of sea .ater <ualit- ,arameters4
b5!re#rea#"en# s&s#e"
iA T+e net ,ermeate ca,acit- of indi5idual B9 units NO 315
m3/+r and t+e total net ,ermeate <uantit- NO *255 s+all 8e
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
e5aluated 8- measurin/ t+e ,er da- total B9 ,ermeate
,roduction and t+e B9 ,ermeate utili;ation for c+emical
cleanin/ and of B9 mem8ranes4
iiA T+e B9 ,ermeate reco5er- s+all 8e e5aluated 8- measurin/
t+e ,er da- total feed Fo. to t+e B9 mem8ranes and t+e
total net B9 ,ermeate ,roduction4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
iiiA T+e B9 ,ermeate .ater <ualit- s+all 8e e5aluated 8- t+e
measurement of Silt densit- "ndeD of t+e B9 ,ermeate .ater4
c5 +O s&s#e"
iA T+e 1# reco5er- s+all 8e e5aluated 8- measurin/ t+e ,er
da- total feed Fo. to t+e 1# mem8ranes and t+e total net
1# ,ermeate ,roduction i4eNO 32'' m3/+r for 12 s=ids4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
iiA T+e feed and 1# ,ermeate .ater <ualit- s+all 8e e5aluated
8- t+e measurement of TS and la8 anal-sis for its
constituents includin/ 8oron concentration4
iiiA 1# inlet c+lorine0 feed ,ressure and tem,erature
i5A Pressure eDc+an/er @PPA ,erformance for salinit- increase
Qmem8ranes @24:HA/QPP @5HA0 5olumetric miDin/ @2HA0
lu8rication Fo./arra- @:m3/+rA0 PP o5erall eRcienc-
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@*54*HA/PP net transfer eRcienc- @*54:HA0 noise I (5 d8 at
1 m distance4
5A Normalisation cur5es
Post Treatment
iA Net ,roduct .ater <uantit- after eDcludin/ internal
consum,tion NO312: m3/+r4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
iiA Pota8le .ater <ualit- as ,er "S)1'5'' for its constituents
t+rou/+ la8 anal-sis0 residual c+lorine @1 ,,mA0 ,ositi5e
&an/lier saturation indeD @&S"A
1e>ect is,osal S-stem!
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
1A TS of re>ect at t+e dis,osal ,oint in t+e sea for
measurement to.ards com,liance to 8rine dis,ersion as
a,,ro5ed 8- M#$94
Com,lete desalination ,lant!
14 Plant S,eci?c , consum,tion after normali;ation for
feed TS0 tem,erature and mem8rane a/e4
24 Noise le5el
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
34 ail- C+emical consum,tion .4r4t to sodium +-,oc+lorite0
sul,+uric acid0 sodium 8i sul,+ite0 antiscalant0 caustic soda C
343 Preliminar- Tests and Necessar- settin/s!
Prior to resum,tion of test contractor .ill ma=e ,reliminar- runs .it+
t+e ,ur,ose of
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
) %scertainin/ ,lantLs suita8ilit- for t+e ,erformance test4 T+is s+all
include t+e c+ec=in/ and ascertainin/ of ,lant C e<ui,ment
installation to t+e re<uirements contract a/reement and
s,eci?cation4 %,art from t+e com,liance of defect lists/8alance
>o8s as mentioned in 6%T$C letter no4 P135/6%TWS/N$MM$&/523 %
and in ,articular full com,liance to defects ,ertainin/ to n-lon
net at t+e inta=e0 Plant re>ects dis,osal includin/ 1# re>ects0 B9
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
and disc ?lter .aste t+rou/+ re>ect outfall ,i,eline and
,um,in/ s-stem0recti?cation of outfall ,i,eline0PP acoustics and
?eld and control room instrumentation and controls includin/
.ireless communication s-stem s+all 8e necessaril- ,ro5ided4
) $B ,lanned s+utdo.n in t+e testin/ ,eriod
) Ma=in/ settin/s as re<uired .it+ or .it+out ,lant s+utdo.n4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
) B9/1# Mem8rane and PP cleanin/ if re<uired4 "nta=e ,i,e
cleanin/ if found to 8e essential4 Necessar- s+utdo.n to 8e
,ro5ided 8- t+e client4
) C+ec=in/ instruments and e<ui,ment status4
) 9amiliari;in/ t+e ,ersonnel nominated for t+e test4
) C+ec=in/ and ensurin/ t+e a5aila8ilit- of s,ares4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
3434 Conditions for test and duration!
T+e Plant test .ill 8e conducted 8- contractor in t+e ,resence of
Consultant CClient4
T+e #$M re,resentati5es for Sea .ater and ra. .ater ,um,s0
isc ?lters 0 B9 mem8ranes 0 Cartrid/e ?lter feed ,um,s0 re>ect
transfer ,um,s0 1# mem8ranes 0 7i/+ ,ressure and 8ooster
,um,s0 Pressure eDc+an/ers 0 s+all 8e made a5aila8le durin/ t+e
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
test for .itnessin/ t+e ,erformance of t+e res,ecti5e
e<ui,ment/units4 T+e test record of t+e rele5ant units/e<ui,ment
are to 8e 5etted 8- t+e manufacturer for its site ,erformance4
1eadiness for t+e ,erformance test .ill 8e intimated 8-
contractorin .ritin/ to t+e Client and t+e Consultant atleast 15
da-s in ad5ance alon/ .it+ t+eir com,liance re,ort mentioned in
clause 343 a8o5e4 T+e com,liance re,ort s+all 8e 8ac=ed 8- >oint
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
certi?cate from t+e consultants C contractor to ascertain t+at t+e
defect lists/8alance >o8s +a5e 8een attended for acce,tance4
#nl- on recei,t of t+e a8o5e0 t+e client C consultant .ill indicate
t+eir consent for t+e suita8le mutuall- a/reed date of test4 T+e
,lant s+all 8e o,erated at ,roduct .ater ca,acit- of 1'' M&4 T+e
test for t+e sta8ili;ed ,erformance of t+e com,lete s-stem for:2
+ours uninterru,ted test duration s+all 8e carried out4 9ield and
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
control room data .ill 8e lo//ed durin/ t+is test duration0 at t+e
fre<uenc- in t+e lo/ format formin/ a ,art of t+is document4
%ll installed instruments used for test data measurements s+all
+a5e a 5alid cali8ration certi?cate on t+e date of test44 %ll t+e
eDternal and master instruments re<uired for PGT s+all 8e of
ade<uate accurac- limits and ,ossess 5alid cali8ration certi?cate
from a,,ro5ed inde,endent a/enc-/re,uted la8orator-/institute
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@N%B& accreditedA 4 "n case of ne. instruments manufacturerLs
certi?cate s+all 8e ,ro5ided .it+ 5alid date4 S+ould t+e PG test of
SW1# ,lant 8e aMected or interru,ted for reasons includin/ 9orce
Ma>eures related to relia8ilit- or ,erformance of e<ui,ment0 t+e
test s+all 8e sto,,ed and re,eated in full .+en faults +a5e 8een
remedied 8- im,lementin/ ade<uate solutions4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
"n t+e e5ent t+at t+e ,lant fails to meet t+e ,erformance criteria0
t+e tests s+all 8e re)run after t+e re<uirednecessar- correcti5e
action +as 8een ta=en4
S+ould t+e results of t+e ,erformance test s+o. t+at t+e
e<ui,ment+as failed to meet t+e s,eci?ed /uarantees0 t+e
contractor s+all carr- out t+e modi?cation0 at +is o.n cost to
meet t+e /uaranteed 5alues4 "n suc+ a case0 t+e ,erformance C
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
/uarantee test s+all 8e re,eated 8- t+e contractor as soon as t+e
e<ui,ment is read- after correcti5e actions4 T+e correcti5e
actions and t+e ,erformance0 tests s+all 8e carried out till t+e
s,eci?ed /uarantee ,arameters are ac+ie5ed4
@T# B$ "NC&B$ "N "N"6"B%& $SB"PM$NT PGT ACurrent0
5olta/e0 8earin//motor .indin/ tem,erature0 6i8ration and noise
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
le5el of ,um,s s+all 8e recorded and demonstrated atsite as a
,art of Performance /uarantee test4
%ll interloc=s and ,rotections relatin/ to t+e ,um,s0 motors and
motori;ed 5al5es C ,neumatic o,erated 5al5es s+all 8e
demonstrated /tested as ,er control lo/ic4 T+e met+odolo/- to
demonstrate t+e interloc=s and ,rotections for t+e a8o5e
e<ui,ment s+all 8e ,ro5ided as a ,art of t+e PGT ,rocedure4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
Contractor s+all demonstrate t+e /uaranteed S,eci?c
Consum,tion furnis+ed in t+e /uaranteed 5alues on da- 8asis4T+e
/uaranteed s,eci?c , consum,tion is furnis+ed in t+e
contract for sea .ater esi/n TS of 310*'' ,,m at 32JC at t+e
end of t+e ?ft+ -ear o,eration for 1'' M& @312: m3/+rA ,roduct
.ater +a5in/ <ualit- as ,er "S 1'5'' indicated in ta8le)24 "n
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
case of or +i/+er TS C tem,erature durin/ t+e
,erformance /uarantee test run0 t+e S,eci?c , consum,tion
s+all 8e suita8l- corrected and modi?ed 8- eDtra,olatin/ C
Normali;in/ 8ased on t+e normali;in/ TS C tem,erature
correctin/ /ra,+s furnis+ed alon/ .it+ t+e contract4
T+e successful ,erformance test run s+all 8e for a minimum of
uninterru,ted :2 7ours o,eration of t+e com,lete ,lant4 An&
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
e%uip"en#0 ins#ru"en# s 0 tools and tac=les re<uired for t+e test
.ould 8e ,ro5ided 8- contractor4 T+e test s+all also include
measurement of 5i8ration0 noise le5el and 8earin/ tem,erature
rise for ,um,s and motors4
Noise measurement s+all 8e done as ,er 7-draulic "nstitute
Standard@7"SA4 T+e tests s+all 8e carried out .it+ t+e mac+ine
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
o,eratin/ at t+erated S,eed4 Correction for 8ac=/round noise
s+all 8e a,,lied in line .it+ 7"S 4
3454 9re<uenc- of readin/s and sam,lin/s!
urin/ t+e test t+e readin/s .ill 8e ta=en in t+e
lo/s+eets from ?eld instruments as .ell as from t+e control room
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
CS as ,er t+e fre<uenc- indicated4T+e ta/ nos4 for t+e ins#alled
7eld ins#ru"en#s to 8e ,ro5idedfrom .+ic+ t+e
readin/s are o8tained4 T+e sam,lin/ locations / ,ro5isions for
ta,,in/s s+all 8e identi?ed and indicated in t+e ,rocedure4
a5 In#a,e Area :
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iA Sea .ater <ualit- ,arameter anal-sis s+all 8e carried
out at e5er- ( +rs4 T+e ,arameters to 8e anal-sed is
,ro5ided in Sea .ater %nal-sis re,ort @1e,ort no4
@iiA Sea .ater conducti5it- 0 TS @calculatedA0 ,70 tur8idit-
0 91C0 sea .ater c+am8er sum, le5el 0 s+all 8e
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
recorded from t+e CS at e5er- 2 +our inter5al and t+e
sea .ater T#C at e5er- 3 +our inter5al4
@iiiA Sea .ater sam,le for TSS measurement s+all 8e
collected at e5er- ( +ours and .ill 8e anal-sed in t+e
@i5A 1a. .ater ,70 conducti5it- 0 TS@ calculatedA 0tur8idit- 0
91C s+all 8e recorded from t+e CS at e5er- 2 +our
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
inter5al and 1a. .ater TSS measurement s+all 8e
carried out in t+e la8 at e5er- ( +our inter5al4
@5A T+e ,erformance ,arameters for inta=e s-stem ,um,s
in o,eration 0 i4e40 Sea .ater ,um,s 0 1a. .ater ,um,s
and irt- .ater transfer ,um,s .ill 8e recorded as ,er
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
) Pum,s disc+ar/e ,ressureC isc+ar/e Fo. Q 2+rs
inter5al 0 s,eed of rotation 0 5i8ration 0 motor .indin/
tem,erature0 Noise le5el at e5er- 3 +ours inter5al s+all
8e recorded in t+e ?eld usin/ ?eld instruments4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
) Pum, sum, le5el0 Motor %m,s0 6olta/e 0Motor KW s+all
8e recorded in t+e CS/Control room @for electrical
,arametersAat e5er- 2 +our inter5al4
b5!re#rea#"en# Area
@iA 9or indi5idual B9 s=ids @3' nos4A ) T+e feed ,70 9eed
tur8idit-0 9eed TSS0 9eed 91C 0 ,ermeate ,70 Permeate
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
tur8idit- 0Permeate S"0 Permeate 91C s+all 8e carried
out once in a da- 8- sam,le collection and la8 anal-sis4
T+e indi5idual s=id ,erformance ,arameters includin/
feed Fo. 0 ,ermeate Fo.0 feed inlet ,ressure 0
,ermeate ,ressure 0 TMP0 per"eabili#& 8 9ux and
rec)ver& s+all 8e recorded for e5er- 2 +ours from t+e
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iiA T+e S" 0 91C0 ,70 for t+e common B9 ,ermeate s+all
8e recorded at e5er- t.o +ours from t+e la8 4T+e
tur8idit- of t+e common B9 ,ermeate at e5er- 2 +ours
is recorded from t+e CS4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iiiA T+e total B9 feed Fo.0 B9 ,ermeate Fo. and t+e Total Fo. .ill 8e recorded on a ,er da- 8asis from
t+e CS4
c5 +O Area
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iA T+e 1# common feed .ater and Permeate <ualit- ,arameter
anal-sis s+all 8e carried out at e5er- ( +our inter5al 8- &a84
@iiA T+e 1# common feed .ater ,70 conducti5it- 0
TS@calculatedA0 91C0 #1P 0S" and tem,erature s+all 8e
recorded at e5er- 2 +our inter5al from CS4 T+e 1# feed T#C
s+all 8e monitored at e5er- 3 +our inter5al from CS4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iiiA T+e total 1# feed Fo. rate and t+e total 1# ,ermeate Fo.
rate s+all 8e recorded on a ,er da- 8asis from t+e CS4
@i5A T+e 1# indi5idual s=ids @12 nos4A ,erformance data s+all 8e
recorded at e5er- 2 +ours from t+e CS4
@5A T+e ,erformance data for indi5idual e<ui,ment Pressure
$Dc+an/er units s+all 8e recorded as ,er t+e
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
) 9or cartrid/e ?lter feed ,um,s Suction Pressure 0Total
disc+ar/e Fo. 0 Current 0 6olta/e 0 KW is recorded from
CS /Control room @for electrical ,arametersA and
isc+ar/e Pressure from ?eld at e5er- 2 +ours 0 r,m
05i8ration 0.indin/ tem,erature0 noise le5el from ?eld at
e5er- 3 +our inter5al4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
) 9or 7i/+ ,ressure ,um,s C Booster ,um,s0 "ndi5idual
o,eratin/ ,um,s suction 0disc+ar/e ,ressures 0 disc+ar/e
Fo.s 0r,m0 motor current 0 6olta/e 0KW s+all 8e recorded
from CS/ Control room @for electrical ,arametersA at 2 +r
inter5al and 5i8ration 0 Windin/ tem,erature0 and noise
le5el at e5er- 3 +our inter5al from ?eld measurement4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
) 9or indi5idual o,eratin/ Pressure $Dc+an/er de5ices t+e
,erformance data .ill 8e recorded from t+e CS4 T+e
sound le5el measurement s+all 8e carried out from t+e
?eld at e5er- 3 +our inter5al4
d5!)s# #rea#"en# Sec#i)n
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iA Pota8le .ater <ualit- ,arameter anal-sis s+all 8e carried
out 8- la8 at e5er- ( +rs4
@iiA T+e ,erformance ,arameters for ,um,s in t+e ,ost
treatment area are recorded as follo.s4
) T+e ,um, ,erformance ,arameters of +ecarb)na#i)n
#)wer *eed pu"ps 0a8sor8er feed 8ooster ,um,s0 and
ser5ice .ater ,um,s for suction/disc+ar/e ,ressuresCFo. at
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
e5er- 2 +our inter5al 0 s,eed of rotation 0 5i8ration 0 noise
le5el 0 .indin/ tem,erature s+all 8e recorded at e5er- 3
+ours inter5al at ?eld 4 T+e ,um, ,erformance ,arameters
for Current0 5olta/e0 KW s+all 8e recorded from t+e CS
/Control room @for electrical ,arametersA for e5er- 2 +our
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iiiA T+e ,ota8le .ater <uantit- /enerated s+all 8e recorded on
,er da- 8asis from CS4 Com,lete inor/anic anal-ses @"onic
concentrationsA4 Conducti5it-0 ,70 Tur8idit-0 TS0 #r/anics
and residual c+lorine0 lan/lier saturation "ndeD @&S"A as ,er
t+e ,arameters @Ta8le 2 8elo.4A and t+eir s,eci?ed ran/e
stated from "S)1'5''! 1**1
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
Ta8le )2
S.No Parameter Units Limit
1 Color, Max Hazen 5 Once in sift
2 O!our Uno"#ectiona"le Once in sift
3 $aste %&reea"le Once in sift
3 $ur"i!ity, Max N$U Once in sift
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
5 pH 'alue (.5 to ).5 Once in sift
$otal Har!ness as CaCO*,
m&+l *,, Once in sift
: -ron as .e, Max m&+l ,.* Once in sift
( Clori!es as Cl, Max m&+l /5, Once in sift
* 0esi!ual .ree Clorine, Max m&+l ,./ Once in sift
1' .luori!e as ., Max m&+l 1.5 Once in sift
11 2issol'e! Soli!s, Max m&+l 5,, Once in sift
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
12 Calcium as Ca, Max m&+l 35 Once in sift
13 Ma&nesium as M&, Max m&+l *, Once in sift
13 Copper ac Cu, Max m&+l ,.,5 Once in sift
15 Man&anese as Mn, Max m&+l ,.1 Once in sift
12 Sulpate as SO4, Max m&+l /,, Once in sift
1: Nitrate as NO*, Max m&+l 45 Once in sift
Penolic Compoun!s as
C(H5OH, Max
m&+l ,.,,1 Once in a !ay
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
1* Mercury as H&, Max m&+l ,.,,1 Once in a !ay
2' Ca!mium as C!, Max m&+l ,.,1 Once in a !ay
21 %rsenic as %s, Max m&+l ,.,1 Once in a !ay
22 Cyani!e as CN, Max m&+l ,.,5 Once in a !ay
23 Lea! as P", Max m&+l ,.,5 Once in a !ay
23 5inc as 5n, Max m&+l 5 Once in a !ay
25 Cromium as Cr(6, Max m&+l ,.,5 Once in a !ay
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
22 %luminum as %l, Max m&+l ,.,* Once in a !ay
2: 7oron as 7, Max m&+l 1 Once in a !ay
2( %l8alinity, Max m&+l /,, Once in a !ay
2* Lan&lier Saturation -n!ex positi'e Once in a !ay
e5 :; bac,was( and re<ec# area
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iA T+e Total B9 Fo. rate on ,er da- 8asis is
recorded from t+e CS4
@iiA T+e re>ect concentration at dis,osal ,oint @diMuser
outlet A s+all 8e measured in line .it+ M#$9
re<uirements on a ,er da- 8asis from t+e ?eld and
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
@iiiA T+e B9 ,um, ,arameters s+all 8e recorded
as follo.s
) T+e ,um, suction /disc+ar/e ,ressures at e5er- 2 +our
inter5al and motor .indin/ tem,erature0 noise le5el0
5i8ration s+all 8e recorded at e5er- 3 +ours from ?eld4
T+e ,erformance ,arameters of Fo. 0 Current 0 s,eed0
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
5olta/e 0 KW s+all 8e recorded from CS /Control room
@for electrical ,arametersA at e5er- 2 +our inter5al4
@i5A T+e re>ect dis,osal ,um, ,arameters s+all 8e recorded as
) T+e ,um, suction /disc+ar/e ,ressures0 Fo. at e5er- 2 +ours
C motor .indin/ tem,erature0 noise le5el0 5i8ration s+all
8e recorded at e5er- 3 +ours from ?eld4 T+e ,erformance
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
,arameters of Fo. 0 Current 0 s,eed0 5olta/e 0 KW s+all 8e
recorded from CS /Control room @for electrical
,arametersAat e5er- 2 +our inter5al4
*5 C(e"ical Area
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
25 T(e c(e"ical c)nsu"p#i)n *)r An#iscalan#8 S)diu"
bisulp(a#e8 =aOH8
-8 =aOCl8 CO1 and li"es#)ne
s(all be rec)rded *)r ever& > ()ur in#erval *r)" #(e
/ consum,tion ,er cu8ic meter of ,roduct .ater
,roduced4 T+e readin/s for , consum,tion s+all 8e lo//ed
from t+e ener/- meter installed at t+e ,lant4
3424 %ccurac- of t+e instruments!
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
%ccurac- of "nstruments to 8e ,ro5ided 8- t+e contractor for
testin/ s+all 8e as follo.s4
!ara"e#ers Ins#ru"en# Accurac&
1 ?)l#a2e 4ul#i"e#er@Cla"p
A @ 0.BC
U/)'4:HU 2 di/its
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
Curren# Cla"p "e#er A 0.BC
1 Speed Tac() "e#er n)n
c)n#ac# #&pe
A @ 1rp"
0 Te"pera#ure /i2i#al #(er")
A@ 0.1de2
U/)2H de/ C
- ?ibra#i)n I+/ 00> )r
A 0.B C
B =)ise Level /ecibel "e#er A@ 1 db
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
D !ressure Gau2e A@0.BC
Trans"i##er A@0.1C
E Ti"e S#)p wa#c( A@ 0.BC
> ;l)w ;l)w ele"en# A@1.BC
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
34: Test ata Collection and su8mission!
Test data lo/ s+eets.itnessed >ointl- 8- t+e Consultant/Clients
and contractor/#$MSand dul- si/ned 8- t+em .ill 8e collectedC
com,iled 8- t+e contractor4
9or instruments connected to CS0 necessar-re,orts+all 8e
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
3 co,ies of test re,orts are to 8e made44
34(4 6alidation of t+e test!
"f durin/ t+e test or durin/ su8se<uent anal-sis or inter,retation
of t+e o8ser5ed/recorded data and o85ious inconsistenc- is found
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
.+ic+ eMects t+e 5alidit- of t+e results0 t+e ,arties s+ould 8e
ma=e eMort to ad>ust or eliminate t+e inconsistenc-
34*4 Test 1e,ort!
#n com,letion of ,erformance test0 .it+in t.o .ee=s0 contractor s+all
su8mit a test re,ort to t+e Client .it+ a co,- su8mitted to t+e
consultant statin/!
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
aA W+et+er t+e s-stem +as ,assed or failed t+e ,erformance test
accom,anied 8- suRcient data and calculations to demonstrate
t+e le5el of ,erformance attained .it+ res,ect to t+e /uaranteed
8A T+e le5el of ,erformance ac+ie5ed .it+ res,ect to t+e desired
le5el of ,erformance4
T+e re,ort s+all include t+e!
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
FI5 escri,tion of test ,rocedure4
FII5 Standards t+at .ere used4
FIII5 "nstrumentation details and cali8ration
FI?5 ;ull sc(e"a#ic dia2ra"s wi#( indica#i)n )* ins#ru"en#
#es# l)ca#i)n and iden#i7ca#i)n #a2 nu"bers .
F?5 Test lo/s and summar- of test readin/s used for ,erformance
F?I5 Com,utation of test results
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
F?II5 Conclusion of ,erformance test! Test ,assed or not4
34' 4Test 1esults and Calculations!
- .Tes# +esul#s and Calcula#i)ns:
3414 Net ,ermeate Fo. from eac+ B9 S=id @m3/+rA!
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
=e# !er"ea#e T)#al :; !er"ea#e :; Gac,was(
;l)w *r)" eac( H !r)duc#i)n in 1- ()urs in 1- ()urs
:; s,ids 00 F=) )* s,ids in 7l#ra#i)n5I 1-
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
Total B9 Permeate Production in 23 +oursO ;IJK:; !E+4
@"nitial)9inal 6alues ta=en from Totali;erA4
B9 Fo. in 23 +ours H :;K1 #) 1B G$A :;K 1D #)
00 G$ @"nitial)9inal 6alues ta=en from Totali;erA4
3424 Net Permeate Suantit- for 12 1# S=ids @m3/+rA!
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
=e# !er"ea#e Juan#i#& *)r H +O !er"ea#e pr)duc#i)n
in1- (rs."0@(r
11 +O S,ids 1-
1# Permeate ,roduction in 23 +rs4 O ;IJK+O !E+4 F"nitial)
9inal 6alues ta=en from Totali;erA4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
3434 1# 1eco5er- @HA!
+O +ec)ver& H +O !er"ea#e ;l)w in 1- (rs.I 100 C
+O ;eed ;l)w in 1- (rs.
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
1# Permeate 9lo. in 23 +rs4O;IJK+O !E+4 @"nitial)9inal 6alues
ta=en from Totali;erA4
1# 9eed 9lo. in 23 +rs4O;IJKC; ;EE/@"nitial)9inal 6alues ta=en
from Totali;erA4
3434 Net ,roduct .ater <uantit- @m3/+rA!
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
=e# !r)duc# $a#erH +O !er"ea#e ;l)w in 1-(rsService
$a#er ;l)w in 1- (rs
Juan#i#& "0@(r 1-
1# Permeate 9lo. in 23 +rs4O;IJK+O !E+4 @"nitial)9inal
6alues ta=en from Totali;erA4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
Ser5ice .ater Fo. in 23 +rs4 O ;IJKSE1 @"nitial)9inal 6alues
ta=en from Totali;erA
3454 1eco5er- in B9 s=ids @HA!
:; S,ids +ec)ver&H =e# per"ea#e 9)w *r)" all :; S,id in
1- (rs
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
=e#:; ;eed ;l)w in 1- (rs
=e# :; ;eed ;l)w H Gr)ss :; ;eed FT)p ' G)##)" ;lus( ;l)wA
Se# Cr)ss ;l)w5
Total B9 Permeate Production in 23 +rsO ;IJK:; !E+4
@"nitial)9inal 6alues ta=en from Totali;erA4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
Gross B9 9eed Fo. in 23 +rsH;IJK:; ;EE/ F"nitial)9inal
6alues ta=en from Totali;erA
To, C Bottom 9lus+ in 23 +rs4 O;IJK:; T'G ;lus( @"nitial)
9inal 6alues ta=en from Totali;erA
3424 S,eci?c Consum,tion!
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
T+e a5era/e s,eci?c ener/- consum,tion can 8e o8tained 8- means of calculations4
Speci7c Ener2& F E
5 H T)#al p)wer c)nsu"ed durin2 #(e
#es# peri)d
C)nsu"p#i)n T)#al !er"ea#e pr)duc#i)n durin2
#(e #es# peri)d
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
in =.+/m
T)#al !)wer C)nsu"p#i)n F E
Plant total , consum,tion @$
A is /i5en 8- Total =W+ recorded on
t+e 11' K6 incomer of Main 1ecei5in/ Su8station @M1SSA meter
after deductin/ &CT @M1SSA , feeder meter readin/ from t+e
start of t+e test run until t+e com,letion of test run on da- 8asis4
Performance Guarantee Test Procedure|
=W+ recorded at M1SS from start to ?nis+ of test run on da-
=W+ recorded at & C T @M1SSA from start to ?nis+ of test run on
da- 8asis4
in =W+

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