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Lesson Plan Format

Class: Stage 2 Year 2

Date: Duration: 5 lessons in total = 180 mins (4x 30 min, 1 x 60 min)
Key Learning Area: Religious Education

Lesson Topic: Sacrament of Reconciliation What is a sin? How can I maintain my relationship with God through
Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
During Stage 1, students have developed an understanding and appreciation of the Church's sacraments. Students can determine the differences between the sacraments and can
demonstrate an understanding of how they are use to welcome (initiate) a person into the Churchs community.
In relation to Reconciliation, students can identify and describe how their choices affect their relationship with God and others; they can make connections between their personal
experiences of reconciliation and the elements of the sacrament of reconciliation. Students also develop an understanding of how they can experience God's forgiveness in the Church's
celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Syllabus Outcome(s):

Demonstrate an understanding and
appreciation of Jesus present in the
sacramental life of the Church and who
sends us the Holy Spirit to enliven and
guide us.

Demonstrate an understanding and
appreciation of the sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist where we
celebrate our initiation into the Church,
and of the sacraments of Penance and
Anointing of the Sick as sacraments of
Gods forgiveness and healing.

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:
By the end of this lesson, the students will:

4. Students are able to identify the presence of Jesus in the celebration of the
5. Students investigate how Jesus teaches us about healing and forgiving

2. Students develop an understanding of how they can seek forgiveness off God
as well as others they care about. Students identify and describe the importance
of reconciliation.

Strategies which will be used to assess learners
attainment of learning outcomes. Should be linked to
each learning indicator.

- Classroom teacher will continuously
observe students interactions with the
activities and make notes on their ability
to recall, describe and present their new
learnings and understandings
- Students will perform a role play to
demonstrate their understanding of
different types of sin they will be
assessed on the relevance and
appropriateness of the sin scenario
- Teacher will read students entries into
the forum to ensure they are conveying
correct understandings about
forgiveness and reconciliation

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
iPads (Ss can view the Weebly page, take photos of their work and then email to the teacher)
Scanner Students can scan their work and then email to teacher
A4 Copies of the Activity worksheet
Interactive Whiteboard
Internet connection
Weebly website

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning Timing
Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

Assessment and Evaluation


2. Students develop an understanding of how
they can seek forgiveness off God as well as
others they care about. Students identify and
describe the importance of reconciliation.

4. Students are able to identify the presence of
Jesus in the celebration of the sacraments

5-7 min

20 min

T will guide the class in a prayer: Our Father.
T introduces Ss to the Website/Webquest and explains its purpose
throughout the unit of work.
T will encourage Ss to think pair and share with peers to identify the seven
sacraments. T will repeat this strategy and ask Ss to identify what they know
about each sacrament.
T will ask Ss to come back into the learning space and ask them to identify
and briefly explain each sacrament. T will type their responses into the table
on the Website.
T will tell Ss that over the next few lessons they will be learning about the
Sacrament of Reconciliation.
T briefly explains the purpose of the sacrament;
- Sacrament of initiation
- People confess about times when they did not follow Christs word
(their sins)
- Bring people closer to God and Jesus

T informs Ss that there are different stages within the sacrament of
Prior to playing YouTube video, T tells Ss to listen carefully to the different
stages in the sacrament of reconciliation plays YouTube video NAME OF
After playing the YouTube clip, T asks Ss think pair and share the five steps
of confession. T invites Ss to mention each stage and writes each one on

- Teacher will informally assess
students interactions during think
pair and share and their
contributions to the class discussion

3-5 min
the board.
T tells Ss that during the lesson, they will be split into collaborative working
groups in which they need to identify, draw and briefly describe each stage
within reconciliation.

T asks each group to come out to the front of the classroom and present
one stage of the confession process. T asks groups to identify the
importance of each stage.
T will provide Ss with additional time to scan and upload their work onto the
Weebly page.
4. Students are able to identify the presence of
Jesus in the celebration of the sacraments
5. Students investigate how Jesus teaches us
about healing and forgiving

2. Students develop an understanding of how
they can seek forgiveness off God as well as
others they care about. Students identify and
describe the importance of reconciliation.

7 min

15 min

7 min

T will guide Ss in opening prayer Our Father.
T introduces the word sin to students. T explains to Ss that sin is when
someone has done something wrong, e.g. not listening to parents, not
following the word of the Lord etc.
T plays YouTube clip of The lost son. Prior to playing, T asks Ss to listen
carefully to learn what it was the son had done wrong.
After playing the story, T asks Ss to identify the sons sin and if he was
forgiven by his father. T asks Ss to identify the way the father forgave the

T explains to Ss that there are different kids of sin; original sin, mortal sin
and venial sin. T uses the resource on the Weebly site to describe each
type of sin.
T asks Ss to identify what kid of sin the son showed to his father during the
Ss will be split into groups and will be given a slip of paper that has the
name of a sin (original, mortal and venial sin) on it. As a group Ss will need
to portray the sin through a role-play.

T provides time for each group to present their sin role-play to the class.
After presenting, groups will need to describe why this sin is either; original,
mortal, venial.

- T will ensure that Ss can verbally
and actively provide a
representation of what a sin is.
- T will watch Ss role play to ensure
that students are all involved in
demonstrating the sin
- T will decide whether the
representation (scenario) of the sin
was appropriate to the type of sin,
e.g. original, mortal and venial

2. Students develop an understanding of how
they can seek forgiveness off God as well as
others they care about. Students identify and
describe the importance of reconciliation.

10 min

15 min

5 min
T reflects on the Parable of the Forgiving Father through a whole class
T encourages Ss to think about how the young son felt and acted at the
beginning and at the end of the story. T asks Ss to recall a time where they
acted in a similar way.
T asks Ss to think about ways or things they could do to receive forgiveness
off someone.
T asks Ss to think about some other ways that they can ask others for

T asks Ss to reflect on a time when they did something wrong and they
needed to ask for forgiveness, either to God or to someone they care about.
T will display the images on Weebly to assist students of thinking of a time
where they seeked forgiveness.
T asks Ss to think about how they showed forgiveness
T prompts Ss to think about how their actions made themselves and others
around them feel.
Ss will post their reflections onto the Weebly page.

T asks Ss to form inside outside circles and encourages Ss to share what
they wrote with their partners.
T regains Ss attention and asks Ss of why they think it is a good idea to
keep up with confessions.
T plays some soft gentle music and encourages Ss to engage in meditation
and to think about ways they could change their behavior or actions to
ensure that they dont need to confess about the same thing again.

- Teacher will mark students entries
they submitted on the online forum
- T will engage Ss in online questions
about Reconciliation and asses
their improved understanding

2. Students develop an understanding of how
they can seek forgiveness off God as well as
others they care about. Students identify and
describe the importance of reconciliation.

4. Students are able to identify the presence of
Jesus in the celebration of the sacraments

10 min

40 min

T will begin to read out of the Childrens Bible, the Parable of the Forgiving
Father. T will engage Ss in a discussion about what they think happened
next within the story.
T engages Ss in a discussion about the younger sons jealously and what
the son could do differently to not experience this feeling.

Ss will have the option to select one of the following activities to portray an
image of what happened next in relation to the biblical story.
Ss can either create a newspaper report about the conflict between the two

10 min
brothers and how the situation was resolved (i.e. how they asked for
forgiveness), and whether or not their approach to reconcile was
appropriate. Ss will need to include if a similar issue arose later on or if they
continued living the way Jesus liked.
Ss can create a comic strip online (following the link that is on the weebly
account) to retell this story from a characters point of view. They will need to
include the characters thoughts throughout the period of conflict and
reconciliation. The comic strip should include what happened next.
After completion of this activity, Ss will need to provide a link and/or email
their work to the teacher.

Students will share their work with their peers. Students will mark eah others
spelling and creativity.
Students will reflect on how this activity has further shaped their
understanding and importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in their
2. Students develop an understanding of how
they can seek forgiveness off God as well as
others they care about. Students identify and
describe the importance of reconciliation.

4. Students are able to identify the presence of
Jesus in the celebration of the sacraments

10 min

15 min

5 min

T asks Ss to sit around in a circle and asks each student to identify one
word they have learnt during the unit or a word that helps them understand
the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
As Ss begin to respond, T enters their responses into Tagexdo. After all of
the Ss have responded, T enlarges Tagexdo for all Ss to see.
T praises Ss on their achievement so far throughout the unit.

Ss will be split into groups and given the opportunity to either;
- Create a poster advertising that Jesus will be coming to town and
that people in the community must repent and reconcile with one
another prior to him visiting
- Create an acrostic poem using the word RECONCILIATION
- Create and write a prayer about reconciliation (that will be entered
into the class prayer book)
T will advise Ss to use the iPads or the computer to look back at the Weebly
site to help them with their choice.

T will play soft, gentle music to allow students to meditate on the importance
of reconciliation and how they can ensure they are living the way Christ

- Teacher will add students new
understandings about the
Sacrament of Reconciliation to the
document on Weebly in another
colour. T will observe how their
thinking has evolved.
- T will collect and mark the activity in
which Ss decided to do

would like.
T invites a Ss who wrote a class prayer to lead class through prayer.

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