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Product Information Database

User Manual

IT Intl Projects & Applications


User Manual

This user manual is targeted to both, experienced users of previous PID versions and users new to
PID. It is designed to serve as well as information usable for initial (self-) trainings, as for reference
later on. Therefore, it starts with basics and goes further on into the details later on. It can be used by
all user groups, no matter if they edit, download or just read information. At the respective places,
some user group specific remarks are provided. However, specialised knowledge (e.g. administrator
functionality, article creation, editing stati along with their required data fields) is not scope of this
manual. In most cases, user group specific trainings and documents are a far better way instead of
explaining everything for everyone within one overloaded manual.
The user group specific training material is available at IT Int'l Projects & Applications department.
Please feel free to contact the PID team anytime for feedback or further information (see chapter 1.2).

PID User Manual
Actuality: 2010-02-08
PID Release Version: 3.4

Author: Jochen-Matthias Wienke
IT Int'l Projects & Applications

Copyright 2006-2010 by Puma AG.
All rights reserved.


User Manual

Table of Contents
1 Basics ............................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Login and Logout ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Contact .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Quickstart ................................................................................................................................. 6
2 Article Data ....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Style and Color Simple Search ................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Article Data Navigation .......................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Search Result List ............................................................................................................. 11
2.2.2 Overview and Details Pages ............................................................................................. 11
2.3 Advanced Search .................................................................................................................. 13
2.3.1 Select Query Level: Style, Color or Supplier ..................................................................... 13
2.3.2 Select Search Criteria Fields and Enter Search Values into Input Fields ......................... 13
2.3.3 Select Logical Operators ................................................................................................... 14
2.3.4 Save Query (Optional) ....................................................................................................... 17
2.3.5 Click Search Button ........................................................................................................... 18
3 Download ....................................................................................................................................... 19
4 My Account ..................................................................................................................................... 19
5 Background Information ................................................................................................................. 20
5.1 PID and the Article Data Maintenance Process .................................................................... 20
5.1.1 Creation of Basic Article Data per Season in PRM ........................................................... 20
5.1.2 Sign-off and Download to PID ........................................................................................... 20
5.1.3 First Release Status and Barcode Creation ...................................................................... 21
5.1.4 Subsidiary Release Status and Sourcing Release Status ................................................ 21
5.2 About Deleting, Locking, Quarantine and Discarding ........................................................... 23
5.2.1 Locking .............................................................................................................................. 23
5.2.2 Quarantine and Discarding ................................................................................................ 24
6 Frequently Asked Questions .......................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Article Data Navigation: Why are some Tabs disabled in certain situations? Why can't I jump
e.g. from Color Overview page to Size Overview or Size Details page by using the Size Tab? ....... 26
6.2 Is it possible to change the Size Table of a Style in PID? ..................................................... 26


User Manual
6.3 Will changes made in PRM also be taken over to PID? ........................................................ 27
6.4 Can I see or even download the Country of Origin in PID? .................................................. 27
7 PID Field Reference ....................................................................................................................... 28
7.1 Style Details - Season Independent Fields ........................................................................... 28
7.1.1 Style Basics ....................................................................................................................... 28
7.1.2 Customs Codes ................................................................................................................. 29
7.1.3 Style Typology ................................................................................................................... 30
7.1.4 Technical Classification ..................................................................................................... 31
7.1.5 Style Codes ....................................................................................................................... 31
7.2 Style Details - Season Dependent Fields (Style Season) ..................................................... 32
7.2.1 Product Label Information ................................................................................................. 32
7.2.2 Style Season ...................................................................................................................... 33
7.3 Color Details - Season Independent Fields (Color Basics) ................................................... 35
7.4 Color Details - Season Dependent Fields (Color Season) .................................................... 35
7.5 Size Details ............................................................................................................................ 38
7.6 Supplier Details...................................................................................................................... 39
7.7 Order Window Details ............................................................................................................ 40
7.8 Price Details ........................................................................................................................... 40


User Manual
1 Basics
1.1 Login and Logout
PID is an internet application accessible from each workstation within the Puma network. Access wont
work from outside the Puma VPN network as PID is intended to be an internal application along with
confidential contents. Please start your internet browser application (Internet Explorer), enter pid into
Address field and press Enter key. As a result, PID start page should appear. If PID is accessed from
outside a headquater (e.g. from a subsidiary) entering just pid might not work due to IT infrastructure
settings might be different. Then, following URL has to be used regarding PID Live system:
In order to work with PID, additionally a personal account is necessary. PID administrators (for
contact details see chapter 1.2) can create the account and provide you with the User-ID and the
information how to create an initial password. Enter these data at login page and press Login button in
order to log in to PID.
You have to log in each time after you either have logged out before or your previous session expired
for other reasons (e.g. after a long period of inactivity or after a restart of PID server).
Furthermore, it is not possible to log in twice with the same account (e.g. from another workstation or
using a different browser window at the same time). An error message will appear at login page in
these cases. Therefore, PID should not be quit by just closing the browser window. Please click on
Logout hyperlink in the top right corner of PID window, before. Otherwise, your session might still
continue to exist and you most likely will get above mentioned error message at next login.
However, if for any reason you can't log in to the system since your session hadnt been terminated
regulary, you can send an email without any special text to This will release
the session automatically on base of the email-address of the sending person (which is PID User-ID at
the same time, so its not possible to log out a person from a different mail account). There is also an
Already logged in? hyperlink on Login page, opening your email application with such a mail prepared
for you. You'll just have to send the mail without adding further information into it.
In case of password is forgotten, enter User-ID at Login page and click on Forgot your password?
hyperlink there. As a result, you'll receive an email along with a new password. If a password is
entered wrongly 3 times in a row, the account will be locked for security reasons! In this case,
PID administrator has to be contacted in order to unlock the account. However, it will take some time
until it is possible to re-open the account. Sometimes, under certain conditions, Internet Explorer or
other browsers confuse passwords. So it is recommended to enter the password manually (instead of
using auto-entering functionality of the browser) in case PID denies login due to a wrong password.
This should be done anyway regarding Puma systems for security reasons.


User Manual

1.2 Contact
The PID team can be contacted by using following email addresses:

1) Regarding technical and administrative issues (e.g. user accounts, system functionality):

2) Regarding article data issues and changes:

Thanks and praises are welcome under all the addresses. ;-)
It is highly recommended to use above mentioned addresses rather than writing to certain persons, so
someone can take care of the request even if the respective person is out of office, in meetings, etc

1.3 Quickstart
After successful login, you will find yourself within main screen of Article Data application part. Picture
01-01 shows basic elements of this page.
The Application Dropdown is used to switch between different parts of PID. Beside Article Data, there
is e.g. an application for downloading data files (which can be imported into other systems) or where
user can see and maintain settings of his PID account. The Details of those application parts are
described below within the respective chapter of this manual or the additional user group specific
First, you can change the initial password you received along with account data into an own one.
Therefore, use Application Dropdown and select My Account. A page containing your account settings
appears. Replace content of fields Password and Confirm Password by a password of your choice.
For security reasons, the password has to consist of at least 6 characters and include at least one
letter, one number and one special character. Save your change by clicking either Save button or
Save icon in the toolbar of this page. Use Application Dropdown again in order to return to Article Data


User Manual

In Article Data application, we will do a Simple Search for a Style. Enter a valid Style Number (e.g.
300465) into field Style of the search mask displayed on the screen and click on Search button. A
result list should appear containing a record for each season this style is available. By clicking on the
hyperlink of its number or name youll get into the details of the record displayed. Leave Details page
again by clicking either Cancel button or respective toolbar icon on this page. If you are interested in
which Colors are available for a Style in a specific season, click on COL icon of the respective Style
Season in your search result list. Maybe you'd like to browse around for a while by yourself. Next
chapter will begin with some inevitable theory. You might also want to go and get some coffee before
continuing with next chapter. ;-)

Application Tabs
Application Dropdown
Icon Toolbar

Simple Search
Criteria Fields
List Action Dropdown

List Navigation Bar
Picture 01-01


User Manual
2 Article Data
Within Article Data application you can search for, view and (depending on user rights) edit article
related data. It is the most important and comprehensive part of PID.
Picture 02-01 shows a general overview how article information is stored in PID. Don't worry, at first
glance it looks quite complex. But it isnt really after a while and a few sips of coffee. This is the magic
key picture which helps to understand the whole Article Data application. A kind of helpful map, no
matter if it's about navigating in PID or understanding certain procedures. Whenever within this
manual is talked about certain/higher/lower levels or season (in)dependent data, you can reference
to this picture as additional help and visualization.
Furthermore, the Field Reference (see chapter 7) at the end of this manual describes the respective
data fields of the certain levels in the picture, and which of them are season dependent or
independent, in detail.

Styles and Colors in PID consist of season independent (meaning that information is equal in every
season like e.g. Style/Color Number, Style/Color Description) and season dependent (meaning that
information can be different for different seasons like e.g. PLM or Product Character) information.
Each Style consists of one or more Colors. A Color consists of one or more sizes. The number of
sizes and conversions are defined within a Size Table, which is the same for all Colors of a style. It is


User Manual
e.g. not possible to use leading sizes S,M,L,Xl, for one color, and sizes 46, 48, 50, 52, for a
different Color of the same style. However, Size data itself (like e.g. which sizes are actually open or
locked and measurements) are stored for each Color separately. However, since this is all season
independend data, it is not possible to use here different values for different seasons of the same
Style, Color or Size.
For every Style (or Color), exists also at least one Style Season (or respectively Color Seasons)
containing the season depending data. Like it is the case with season independent information, also
every Style Season has at least one Color Season.
For a Color Season, one or more "Suppliers" (to be more exactly, whenever Supplier Level or a
Supplier data record is mentioned in PID, it actually means a Supplier-Factory combination!)
can be maintained with one of these being the "Default Supplier" for the Color Season. A new
order arriving at GBS will be addressed to the sourcing organization of the Default Supplier. If there
are multiple Factories valid for one supplier, there would be multiple Supplier records in PID
maintained. There is also a Default Supplier flag of the sourcing organization. If there are multiple
Supplier records for a sourcing organisation maintained, one is being marked as the Default for the
sourcing organisation. If a GBS order is switched to a different sourcing organization, the Default
for Sourcing Organization Supplier will be used as new supplier. This supplier has also to be sourcing
released therefore.
Below of the Supplier level, there is the price data level, which can be different for different sizes.

A season in PID is displayed as numeric value with 6 digits.
Whereas the first 4 digits mean the year, the last two digits
represent the quarter within the year (see table on the left).
For example, 200621 means season Q3 of 2006 or also
commonly said "Autumn 2006".

2.1 Style and Color Simple Search
The first action to perform in order to access article data is a search. Afterwards, you can browse
within the result list of your search, and from there go further into the details pages of the articles
you're interested in. The Simple Search allows quick article searches by using very basic criteria (like
e.g. Style Number or Description, Color Number or Description, Season) which will be sufficient in
many cases.
If you are just interested in Style and Style Season related data, click on Style Application Tab if it's
not already selected. In case of the result list should contain Color Seasons or search should be
based upon Color related criteria (like Color Number, Sourcing Status), select the Color Application
Period Number Period
11 Q1 ("Spring")
12 Q2 ("Summer")
21 Q3 ("Autumn")
22 Q4 ("Holiday")


User Manual
In order to perform a search, select respectively enter a value of one or more Simple Search criteria
fields and click Search button. Afterwards, the Search Result list will appear containing matching Style
Seasons or Color Seasons.
Picture 01-01 shows the result list of a Simple Search for Styles. As search criteria, only the Style
Number was entered. In this case, the list contains all available Style Seasons for the selected Style
It is also possible to combine multiple Search Criteria fields.
Picture 02-02 shows a Color Simple Search for all Apparel Color Seasons of season 200911 where
Sourcing Status is Undefined.

Another helpful feature regarding Search functionality
is the possibility to enter so called Wildcard
characters into Search Criteria fields. A Wildcard
character stands for one or more arbitrary characters
of your search criteria value. For example, a Search
for Style Number 300?25 will lead to styles numbers like 300125, 300325, 300625 within the result
list. A search for Style Number 732* will lead to all style numbers beginning with 732 within the result
list. This is especially useful when searching for Style or Color Descriptions. For example, a Style
Simple Search for Product Division Footwear and *Speed* as criteria for Style Description will deliver
all Speed Cat shoes (along with other shoes where Speed is contained in Style Description).
The table above shows all possible Wildcard characters.

Wildcard Meaning
* 0 or more arbitrary characters match.
? Exactly one arbitrary character matches.
% Same as asterisk (*).
_ Same as question mark(?).
Picture 02-02


User Manual

2.2 Article Data Navigation
2.2.1 Search Result List
Initial point for any navigation through article data pages is the result list of a Simple (see chapter 2.1)
or Advanced (see chapter 2.3) Search. In case of the list consisting of multiple pages, you can click on
hyperlinks of List Navigation Bar in order to browse through the pages. Entering a page number into
Go To field and clicking Go button brings you directly to a desired target page. You can also change
the default number of records displayed per page by choosing a different value in the respective
dropdown of List Navigation Bar. PID will remember and use this value from this time on also for other
search result lists and overview pages until you change the value again.
Depending on if the search was performed on Style, Color or Supplier (in case of an Advanced
Search) level, each list record contains Style Number (and Description), Color Number (and
Description), Supplier and Factory Code as hyperlinks which lead directly to the respective Details
page. For example, a click on a Style Number will lead to the respective Style Details page.
Since Style and Color Details pages contain beside season independent information also season
dependent information that differs for different seasons, it matters on which list record the same Style
Number or Color Number is clicked. For example, clicking the Style Number hyperlink of a list record
with season 200821 will lead to Style Details page containing season dependent information of
season 200821. While using for the same style number the Style Number hyperlink of the list record
for season 200911, Style Details page contains season dependent information of season 200911.
You can return from any Overview or Details page (see chapter 2.2.2) to your Search Results page by
clicking on the Search Results Tab. In case of an Advanced Search was used, it is possible to return
to Search Criteria page by clicking on Search Criteria Tab.
2.2.2 Overview and Details Pages
For all levels below Style, there are two pages available: On the one hand, an Overview Page
displaying all records for a selected object of a higher level. On the other hand, a Details Page
containing all the information of one certain Style (Season), Color (Season), Size, Supplier or Price
record. Within Details pages, also information can be edited (depending on user rights).

Overview Pages:
The Color Overview page is a list with all available Color Seasons of a previously selected Style
Season. The Size Overview page lists up all size records of a previously specified Color. The
Supplier Overview page is a list of all suppliers available for a previously specified Color Season.
The Price Overview page is a list of all available (by size) prices for a previously selected Supplier.


User Manual
Picture 02-03 shows a Color Overview page with all available Color Seasons of style 301953 in
season 200911. Similar to search result pages, it is posssible to navigate into a Color Details page by
clicking the respective Color hyperlink. On a Details page, you can get back to the Overview page by
either pressing the Overview Tab, the Cancel Button or the Cancel Icon from toolbar.
It is also possible to get into Overview page of a lower level by using the respective icon of a record
from current Overview list. For example, on Color Overview page of Picture 02-03 you can navigate
directly to Supplier Overview page or Size Overview page of a certain Color (Season) by clicking on
the SUP or SIZ icon of the respective Color Season record.
From an Overview page, you can navigate to Details page of a higher level by using the respective
Tab. For example, clicking the Style Tab on Size Overview page will lead you to the Style Details page
of the respective Style.

Details Pages:
From a Details page, you can navigate to the Overview page of the next lower level by using the
respective Tab on Top of the page. Tabs, where a direct navigation isn't possible, are disabled. For
example on Color Details page, use Size Tab or Supplier Tab to navigate directly to the respective
Overview page. Price Tab is disabled here because a direct navigation to the Price Overview page is
not possible. The reason is that on Color Details page, just a certain Color Season is selected,
meaning enough information for Size or Supplier Overview pages. But Price information is stored for
each Supplier seperately and for a Color Season, multiple Suppliers can be maintained. So first via
Picture 02-03


User Manual
Supplier Overview page the respective supplier has to be selected for which price data should be
From a Details page, it is also possible to navigate to Details page of a higher level by using the
respective Tab. For example clicking on the Style Tab on Size Details page will lead you to the Style
Details page of the respective Style.
For users with editing tasks: When doing changes within any Details pages, go sure to save
these before leaving the page. This can be done by clicking Save button or Save Toolbar Icon.
Otherwise, changes get discarded without any requests for confirmation!

2.3 Advanced Search
While Style or Color Simple Search (see chapter 2.1) is a quick and easy way of searching, and is
sufficient in many cases, certain tasks require a far more sophisticated functionality.
Advanced Search offers a wide variety of Search Criteria fields and offers the possibility to have result
pages not only on Style Season and Color Season level, but also on Supplier level. Furthermore, the
Search Criteria fields can be combined using logical operators (AND, OR, AND NOT, OR NOT).
In Article Data application, a click on Advanced Search Tab leads you to your Search Criteria page.
Below you find the steps to do for an Advanced Search:
2.3.1 Select Query Level: Style, Color or Supplier
On the one hand, this setting defines the output level of result list. For example a Style search will not
have different Colors for a Style within result list.
On the other hand, this setting defines which fields can be selected as search criteria. If fields from
Color level should be used, Color or even Supplier has to be selected. If fields from supplier level
should be used, Supplier has to be selected.
2.3.2 Select Search Criteria Fields and Enter Search Values into Input Fields
For each criteria field required, the respective data field has to be selected within the Selection
Dropdown at the beginning of a row. Depending on the type of the selected field (Numeric, Text, Date,
Reference), an input field appears where a search value can be entered. It is also possible to search
for empty fields (e.g. to search for not (yet) maintained data).
Rows not required can be left as they are. Remove a row by clicking on its trashcan icon. If the
number of required search criteria is higher than available rows, you can add additional rows by
clicking Add More button.
Like in Style or Color Simple Search, also in Advanced Search wildcards can be used (see chapter


User Manual
Most numeric values can be entered as a range. You can search for e.g. all style numbers from an
entered minimum value to a second entered maximum value. If you just want to search for one certain
number, it is enough to enter the value into the first field and leave second one empty.

2.3.3 Select Logical Operators
For each Search Criteria field (except for the first one), it has to be selected how it should be included
from logical point of view. Therefore, the operators AND, OR, AND NOT and OR NOT are available:

Operator Meaning
The most common option. If two criteria are combined with AND, both criteria have to be fulfilled in order a
record will appear in result list. It's not enough if just one criteria is fulfilled.

AND Color Description "black"
Result: just articles being black and fulfilling the first criteria will be in the result list
If two criteria are combined with OR, it's enough that one criteria is fulfilled in order that a record will appear
in result list. The word "or" has in this case not an exclusive, but an alternative meaning. Like e.g. used in
"either or".

OR Color Description "black"
Result: all black articles will be in the result list, regardless of first criteria.
Works like AND, but inverts the criteria following the AND NOT operator.

AND NOT Color Description "black"
Result: any articles except black ones will be in the result list
Works like OR, but inverts the criteria following the OR NOT operator (see also AND NOT).

Picture 02-04 shows an Advanced Search for all Southern Hemisphere national collection styles (
POD is National Southern Hemisphere) that are unlocked and available in season 201011.

If operator of criteria Season would be changed from AND to AND NOT, the result would be all
unlocked Style Seasons of POD National Southern Hemisphere, except those of season 201011. This
would not necessarily mean a style available in this season would not be shown at all: If the style is
available in other seasons, these season records of the style would appear in the result list. Only style
record for season 201011 would not be included.


User Manual

Our next example task is a quite more complex one: assumed, regarding Advanced Search of Picture
02-04, not only style season records of season 201011, but also those of season 201012 should be
included to the result list in the same way.
Picture 02-05 shows an Advanced Search that will not work (!) for the above mentioned task:
Picture 02-05
Picture 02-04


User Manual

The result list of above Advanced Search will be empty. Why that? Well, if you remember the
operator AND means that all criteria must be fulfilled. But a Style Season record cant belong to
multiple seasons at a time. Either a Style Season belongs to season 201011 or to season 201012. But
never to both seasons at a time. So it is a good idea to switch the Operator of second season criteria
from AND to OR. Since with OR previous criteria dont need to be fulfilled, Season 201012 records can
be included into the result list without them at the same time being Season 201011 records, which is
not possible.
Picture 02-06 shows how we have developed our Advanced Search so far:

This time, we wont have an empty result list. But is it the solution for our above mentioned task?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. Above, we said that with operator OR previous criteria dont need to
be fulfilled. However, this is not only true for the previous criteria Season 201011, but for all the
criteria specified before (POD, Style Season Locking).
What does this mean for our result list? Our first part of the Advanced Search is basically the same as
shown in Picture 02-04 and will lead to the same result records. The second part of our Advanced
Search uses Operator OR, every criteria restriction defined before gets ignored. So additionally to the
result records of part one, every style available in PID for season 201012 is included into our
result list!
Picture 02-06


User Manual
More easily said: after using operator OR (OR NOT), the whole game starts from the beginning!
Every restriction criteria will have to be set again.

Picture 02-07 shows the complete Advanced Search to use for our above mentioned task:

As you see, Advanced Searches can get soon very comprehensive when complex tasks should be
solved with just one Search Query. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use, whenever
possible, multiple smaller search queries instead of one overloaded one.
In our above example, we could also have left everything as it is shown in Picture 02-04. Then, do first
a search with season set to 201011, afterwards search again with season set to 201012.

2.3.4 Save Query (Optional)
Every user can save their personal search queries in order to not building them again from scratch
each time. This makes much sense for nearly all complex and/or regulary used Advanced Searches.
Picture 02-07


User Manual
In order to save current built query, enter a name into field Query Name and click on Save Query
For loading a previously saved query, click on My Saved Queries button. The window My Search
Queries, containing all queries of a user, opens. Finally, click on the name of the desired query to
You can also delete queries within My Search Queries window by clicking trashcan icon of the
respective query.

2.3.5 Click Search Button
The Search is executed by clicking Search button. You can return to Search Criteria page (and modify
criteria and/or search again) from Search Result List or later on from other pages by clicking on
Search Criteria Tab.


User Manual
3 Download
In Download application part (not available for all user groups), user can create and download
Subsidiary Download files, which can be imported into other systems (e.g. ERP systems of
Additionally, files for PID reference data and other system relevant files (e.g. Barcode Masterfile, Style
Reporting Code file) are available for download within this section.
Users with download rights can also download media files (like article pictures) from PID.
There is special training material available describing the Download application part in details.

4 My Account
Within My Account application part, user can see their account details (e.g. role and organization) and
also edit some fields by themselfes (e.g. name or contact information).
Particularly, the password can be changed on this page. Change the default password for your
account into an own one, here.
Therefore, replace content of both fields, Password and Confirm Password, by a password of your
choice. For security reasons the password has to consist of at least 6 characters and include at least
one letter, one number and one special character. Save your change by clicking either Save button or
Save icon in the toolbar of this page.


User Manual
5 Background Information

5.1 PID and the Article Data Maintenance Process
Apart from a few exceptions, article data (and also new seasons of an article) usually isn't created in
PID. The "birth" of article data ordinary takes place in Product Range Manager (PRM), where basic
information (e.g. typology data) is created. Later in PID, additional data (e.g. barcodes, reporting
codes, customs information, measurements, prices) is added by several different departments. Once
everything required is complete, an article is ready for downloading into other systems and also can
be sourced (e.g. by GBS).

5.1.1 Creation of Basic Article Data per Season in PRM
Product Development and Product Management use PRM to create
and update for each season Style and Color related documents.
They contain basic article data like Style or Color name, product
typology and size information (which Size Table is used and which
sizes are open).
For some product divisions, the respective World Cat department
even maintains Supplier and Price information already in PRM.

5.1.2 Sign-off and Download to PID
Once a color document is ready and approved, the status is set to
signed-off in PRM. An article can't be downloaded to PID without
being signed-off. Inline products of a season usually get
downloaded all at once accordingly to a timetable, while SMU
download is an ongoing process. Responsible for download procedure is the Intl Product Information
Management team (PID-Changes mailbox ; please see also chapter 1.2).
After download from PRM to PID, the data is stored in both systems completely independent from
each other. Changes done in PRM after download to PID won't have an effect on PID data and
vice versa! For any change after sign-off, Intl Product Information Management team (PID
Changes mailbox ; please see also chapter 1.2) has to be notified. IO will check if a change is
still possible, will take care of synchronizing PRM and PID and also will have to contact
relevant persons (e.g. regarding GBS orders already placed for those articles).
Global Business System
Sign Off


User Manual
Changes after sign-off in PRM should therefore only be done in rare exceptional cases. Sign-
off Status means article data from PRM is approved.

5.1.3 First Release Status and Barcode Creation
As soon as the first Color Season of a new Style arrives in PID, there have to be some Style related
and season independent information maintained before proceeding. For example Reporting Product
Codes (RPC), Reporting Business Unit (RBU), Retail DCS Codes and Fedas Codes have to be
created for this Style. If any doubts occur regarding style typology (e.g. Size Table does not fit to
Gender, Marketing Station does not to fit to Business Unit), the Style is on-hold until the issue is
clarified. Otherwise, Intl Product Information Management team (PID-Changes mailbox ; please see
also chapter 1.2) will set First Release Status of the Style to Released.
As a result, for every open size of all available Colors belonging to the Style, barcodes (one EAN and
one UPC) get generated. New Colors of a style, where First Release Status is already Released, get
barcodes during download from PRM to PID.
For a style with First Release Status Released most Typology fields including Gender and Size
Table won't be changeable anymore!
The First Release Status of a Style can only be set back from Released to In Work or Undefined as
long as no Color Season of it has Subsidiary Status Released.

5.1.4 Subsidiary Release Status and Sourcing Release Status
If a Color Season is new in PID, data will have to be entered and/or confirmed in order to be ready for
download and the further sourcing process. Among these is data of suppliers, prices and certain data
on size level (e.g. Quantity in Outcarton, weight, measurements). Also, an article should not yet be
ordered (e.g. since its development has not yet been finished).
After all data is available and confirmed, Subsidiary Status is released in order to allow data
download to other systems (e.g. subsidiary ERP systems). As soon as the article should also be
orderable in GBS, additionally Sourcing Status is released.
On Color and Supplier Overview and Search Result pages, the Subsidiary Status and the Sourcing
Status is displayed for a Color Season or Supplier. So user can instantly see the status of a record
without having to go into the details page.
The symbology used in PID is as follows:

Subsidiary Status Undefined

Subsidiary Status In Work

Subsidiary Status Released


User Manual

Sourcing Status Undefined

Sourcing Status In Work

Sourcing Status Released

Once a Color Season was downloaded from PID, Subsidiary Status can't be set back from Released
to In Work or Undefined anymore.
Since measurements and weight are often not available (and also not needed) until a far later point of
time in sourcing process, they are not longer mandatory for Subsidiary Status Released! This allows
earlier downloads from PID to other systems (like ERP systems of subsidiaries). However this means,
a target system importing from PID has to cope with the fact that at first measurements might not be
maintained and have to be updated later on.
From PID Release 2.7 on it is also possible to download article data already before Sourcing Status is
released (as soon as Subsidiary Status is released). This means an earlier download possibility in
many cases, but requires a target system that can cope with the situation that an article is
downloadable but not yet orderable in GBS. In order to do this the target system would have to update
regulary at least the Sourcing Status field of already downloaded articles.
Usually sourcing data along with Subsidiary Status and Sourcing Status is maintained by World Cat
for ordinary articles. Regarding licensee products, Intl Product Information Management team (PID-
Changes mailbox ; please see also chapter 1.2) is usually responsible for data maintenace including
Sourcing Status.


User Manual

5.2 About Deleting, Locking, Quarantine and Discarding
Usually, no data will be deleted (in a sense that once existing records get lost or disappear) from PID.
No matter if it's about e.g. Style Seasons, Color Seasons or Suppliers. If Sourcing Status of a Color
Season is Released, a deletion of its related data (e.g. Color Season itself or the respective Style
Season) will even be impossible.

5.2.1 Locking
Since data is not deleted from PID, invalid data has to be marked. This is done by Locking Flags.
There is a Locking Flag on Details page of each Style Season, Color Season, Size, Supplier (Default
Supplier can't be locked) and Price. A checked box means locked, an unchecked one means open.
Furthermore, on Search Result pages and Overview pages, locked records are displayed with a lock
icon ( ) behind the Style Number/Color Number/Size Number/Supplier Code/Price (Size) Number.
There can no orders be created in GBS for locked Color Seasons, Sizes, Suppliers or Prices!
Theoretically, locking and unlocking - no matter on which level - can be done anytime. In Sourcing
Download files also locked records are included, so a sub-system is able to notice when a record
previously open is now locked.

A Style Season usually will be locked when all of its Color Seasons are locked and it's at least
unlikely that new Color Seasons will be created for the respective Style Season. However, a Style or
Color locked in a certain season can be open in a different one. Reasons for locking a Style Season or
Color Season are e.g. that article won't be produced due to insufficient forecasts; article was
maintained in wrong season; there were major errors (e.g. wrong size table) within data of an article
with Sourcing Status Released, which made it necessary to create a new article with a new article
number. The reason for locking should be noted within remark fields of the Style or Color.
Styles and Colors are (un)locked by Intl Product Information Management team (PID-Changes
mailbox ; please see also chapter 1.2).
Sizes, not available for a Color, are locked. There is nearly no Color for which all possible sizes
(determined by the Size Table the respective Style uses) are available. Not only sizes from lower and
upper border of the size table, but also particular sizes in between the whole range can be locked.
Sizes are (un)locked by Intl Product Information Management team (PID-Changes mailbox ; please
see also chapter 1.2).


User Manual
Suppliers may also be locked, if they are e.g. not valid anymore for the respective Color Season.
However, for a Color Season with Sourcing Status Released, there must be always at least one
Supplier which is Default. And the Default one can't be locked. Suppliers are (un)locked by World Cat.
A Price will be locked if the respective Size of the respective Color is locked. In order to open a
Price, the respective Size of the Color has to be opened first by Intl Product Information
Management team (PID-Changes mailbox ; please see also chapter 1.2). Furthermore, if the
Color has Sourcing Status Released, all fields of the Price mandatory for Sourcing Status
Released have to be maintained. Prices are (un)locked by World Cat.

5.2.2 Quarantine and Discarding
Sooner or later, the end of an article's lifecycle is reached. But even if a Color should not be produced
anymore, article data of it won't be deleted from PID. However, knowing a Color will never be
produced again, it's senseful re-using its barcodes for other articles in future. In fact, it's even a
requirement of EAN and UPC allocation organisations.
This can't be done in short terms. Those barcodes have to be retained for years since they are still in
use by several other systems (e.g. ERP, logistics, retail, systems) during that period. After that period,
Color Status of a Color can be set to Discarded. As a result, barcodes get deleted from article data
and are added to the pool of barcodes to be re-assigned to new articles.
Regarding Color Status, it is either Active, Quarantine or Discarded (see field Color Status on Color
Details page). Color Seasons belonging to a Color with Status Quarantine or Discarded are displayed
with a Quarantine icon ( ) / Discarded icon ( ), instead of the Locking icon used for locked and
Active Color Seasons.
Colors are Active, if no discarding process is going on. Before a Color can be discarded, it must have
had Status Quarantine for a certain period. Therefore, when a Color is set to Quarantine, field Life
Cycle End Year is maintained, containing the last year where its barcodes will be valid (usually 3 years
after setting Quarantine Status). All existing Color Seasons have to be locked before a Color can be
set to Status Quarantine. Color Status can be set back from Quarantine to Active, and also Life Cycle
End Year can be changed, later on.
In the year after Life Cycle End Year, the Color can be discarded.
Setting Color Status to Discarded will have following effects:
No data will be editable anymore within Color, its Color Seasons or on lower levels
All Sizes of the Color get locked
All barcodes get deleted from the Color and added to a re-usage pool
Color won't be included in a Sourcing Download anymore
No Color Seasons can be created anymore for this Color. Not manually created, not
copied and not downloaded from PRM


User Manual
Once Color Status was set to Discarded, it can never be set back to Active or Quarantine again!
Even if Color data won't be deleted, the Color is factually dead!

Fields Color Status and Life Cycle End Year are also included in Sourcing Download files. Systems
importing PID data should regulary check, if barcodes of a Color with Status Quarantine still
will be required after Life Cycle End Year. If this is the case, Intl Product Information
Management team (PID-Changes mailbox ; please see also chapter 1.2) has to be contacted
early enough. At least, before Life Cycle End Year is over. A later Life Cycle End Year can be defined
and maintained, then. It is in responsibility of these systems to do this in time.
Intl Product Information Management Team will discard all Colors with Status Quarantine,
when respective Life Cycle End Year expired. Systems importing data from PID should be
prepared that barcodes of discarded Colors will be used later on for new articles.


User Manual
6 Frequently Asked Questions

6.1 Article Data Navigation: Why are some Tabs disabled in certain
situations? Why can't I jump e.g. from Color Overview page to
Size Overview or Size Details page by using the Size Tab?
From some pages within Article Data application it's not possible to get to certain other pages directly
by using one single Tab hyperlink, because multiple options exist. For example on Color Overview
page multiple Colors are displayed. But the Size information (which sizes are open/locked,
measurements, weight ) is stored in PID for each Color individually. Therefore, on Color Overview
page is for each list record a different SIZ Icon hyperlink which leads to the Size Overview page of the
respective Color.
When on the other hand, you are within Details page of a certain Color, there is a Color Season pre-
selected and therefore the Size Tab can be used to navigate to Size Overview page.

6.2 Is it possible to change the Size Table of a Style in PID?
Short answer:
It depends, but in most cases not!
Such fundamental article data should be accurate and approved already until sign-off time in PRM.

Long answer:
A Size Table (as it is with most other article data fields) can be changed in PID, if First Release Status
of a Style is not Released. Released Status is set usually immediately after a new Style is downloaded
from PRM to PID. If this Style was already in PID in a previous season, First Release Status will be
Released anyway. However, as written in chapter 5.1, First Release Status can be set back to
Undefined or In Work for a Style, as long as none of its Color Seasons (including previous seasons)
has Subsidiary Status Released and was not already downloaded from PID into other systems. The
time of setting Subsidiary Status to Released is varying, but is in general within 2-3 weeks after
download of the Color Season from PRM.
As soon as only one Color Season has be downloaded from PID into other systems (like ERP
systems of subsidiaries), the Size Table (along with most other article data fields) won't be
changeable anymore. A Size table change would mean to re-build (new size table can have more or
less sizes, other size codes, other conversions, other key sizes, ) whole size dependent data


User Manual
including generation of new barcodes (EAN and UPC). But barcodes have already been downloaded
to other systems and from there elsewhere (logistics systems, warehouses, customers systems, )
which is out of control of PID. Since a once assigned barcode has to be unique (there may not be two
or more different barcodes used for one SKU (Size of a Color of a Style)), a Size Table change is
impossible, then. If the defined Size Table is absolutely inacceptable, the only way out will be to
cancel/lock the whole style along with its Colors in PRM and PID. And afterwards, creating in
PRM a new Style (with a new style number) using the correct Size Table.

6.3 Will changes made in PRM also be taken over to PID?
There is for most data fields no automatic data synchronization or e-mail notification between
PRM and other systems! For changes to take effect in PID it is necessary to send a respective mail
to the Intl Product Information Management team (PID-Changes mailbox ; please see also chapter
1.2). They will check if a change is still possible, update PID and also notify certain other affected
departments (e.g. World Cat, GBS super users). For some data fields, PRM offers a possibility to send
a mail automatically to the Intl Product Information Management team (PID-Changes mailbox ;
please see also chapter 1.2) after confirmation of the editing person in PRM. As exceptions to the rule,
the data fields Promotion Contract, Material and Target Retail Price can be updated from PRM to PID
automatically without the need of notifying explicitely. This is also true for the Style Labeling
Information data fields.
Please note also, that different data of a new season's Style Brief or Colorway Document in
PRM won't update season independent data in PID when downloaded: Assumed, in PRM are two
Style Briefs for two different seasons of the same Style. They contain each a different Style
Description. The PID will use just one Style Description for all seasons. It will be the one of first Style
Brief downloaded and won't change automatically when second Style Brief is downloaded to PID.
Particularly, as also mentioned in Size Table question, the same is valid for Size Tables. Even if PRM
allows selecting a different Size Table for a new season, such a change would be ignored by PID.

6.4 Can I see or even download the Country of Origin in PID?
It is not possible from article master point of view having a one-value-data-field Country of Origin.
Even if for every possible factory there is a Supplier record maintained, those factories can be of
different countries. Which factory finally is used can be different for each order later on and is defined
by World Cat in coordination with the suppliers.
But if everything is well maintained, you can see (and download) at least all possible factories of a
Color Season. And the country of a factory is e.g. included in Supplier Reference data files.


User Manual
7 PID Field Reference
7.1 Style Details - Season Independent Fields
7.1.1 Style Basics
Field Description
In PID 2, also for other Brands than PUMA article data can be maintained.
E.g. Tretorn articles and with introduction of PID 2 also Licence articles have their own
Brand. In future, other Brands might follow.
A Brand can be viewed as kind of highest level in article data hierarchy. Theoretically, a
Brand can have different references and even product divisions. Therefore, many data
records are stored brand dependend (which means e.g. multiple data records regarding
However, to keep things simple, a Brand is tried to be handeled as so called Child Brand,
using exactly equal reference data of a Parent Brand like PUMA. If this is not possible, a
Brand can be created as an own Parent Brand or later set from Child Brand status to
Parent Brand status.
However, a Style Number has to be unique over all Brands. Also, a Style always belongs
to just one Brand. It's e.g. not possible that one and the same Style has different colors
belonging to different Brands.
Product Division
Product Division (e.g. Footwear, Apparel, Accessories).
Important field for reporting and regarding the fact that for some styles (e.g. Licensee,
Marketing, National styles) not the conventional style number ranges (e.g. 100000-499999
for Footwear) are used.
Style Number
Number of a Style being unique over all Brands.
Range is 1-999999 and it is defined with 6 digits. If number is lower than 100000, leading
zero(s) should be used whenever a style number is displayed or printed (e.g. 050123
instead of 50123).
Style Description
Style name as used in systems, catalogue, price list, etc
Style Print Description
Style name to print on product (barcode) labels (max. 28 characters) or anywhere where
space is limited. Same as Style Description when length of Style Description <= 28
characters, otherwise an abbreviation of it.
Style FRS
First Release Status (FRS) of a Style. Possible values:

Style is completely new in PID and hasn't been approved yet.

In Work:
Something has to be clarified before setting to Released.

Barcodes have been created. Reporting Codes are maintained. Most Style data fields are
now uneditable. Color Seasons of the Style can be set to Sourcing Status Released.
Style Ref. No.
Reference to another style number, if product is based on another style (e.g. Asian size
specs in Apparel) or licensee partner uses different style numbers.
Style Brief No.
PRM Style Brief No. of first season downloaded to PID (see also Style Season for season
dependent Style Brief No).
Style Family
Optional classification of a style if belonging to a certain group of styles (e.g. Speed Cat
Rough material description. Currently, only used for Apparel and Accessories products.


User Manual
Style Remark 1-3
Three optional fields reserved for special remarks, e.g. why FRS of a Style is still In Work
or why a Style is locked in one or more seasons.
Size Table No.
Size Table, defined already in PRM, which all Colors of the Style will use. The Size Table
defines the number of possible sizes and the size conversions. Based on it, barcodes get
generated. It's not possible to change Size Table anymore when FRS is Released!
Marketing description of a product, e.g. for catalogue information.

7.1.2 Customs Codes
Field Description
Customs Code Confirmation
Optional flag which can be used by customs department(s) in order to mark where
Customs Codes information they maintain finally is confirmed or not along with a date.
Remark 1-2
Two optional fields where customs department(s) can save some additional (also internal)
remarks if required.
Anti-Dumping Status
Defines in how far a style is relevant in reference to the Anti-Dumping duties of the EU.
New data field with PID 2.9.
Possible values:
Dependend on CIF Price
Within this section, multiple Customs Code data records can be added for the respective style. Each record consists of below
mentioned data fields, wherby not all of them have to contain a value.
One Customs Code record is marked as the Default one for the style.
Multiple different Customs Code records for a style can be valid e.g in case of a set of different items or e.g. if children sizes
use a different code than adult sizes.
The maintenance of these data fields is done by international Customs department for international products.
The Harmonized System (HS) Number is the globally normed first 6 digits part of the
Customs Code.
This data field is intended to contain the European extension part. It is only valid within
European countries, but may help also other coutries for a more detailed customs
classification of the product.
Category EEC
Category USA
Category CAN
Category NQ
These datafields are intended to contain Quota Category information (as far as existing) for
the respective regions/countries.
These new datafields replace the data fields prevoiusly have been on Supplier level.
Customs Info.
May contain further text information about the Customs Code data record in conjunction
with the style. E.g. regarding multiple Customs codes, which one is valid in which case.


User Manual

7.1.3 Style Typology
Field Description
Business Unit
Business unit from system technical point of view, not from Puma organization point of
E.g. big parts of forecasting, reporting (RPCs), World Cat business, GBS user
management and PLM responsibilities are based upon this structure.
This field was introduced to systems far before Puma introduced the actual business unit
structure and therefore still has this slightly misleading name. For the business units from
Puma organization point of view, please have a look below at the Reporting Business Unit
(RBU) within Style Codes section.

Possible values:
Athletic / Sport Leisure
Fashion (only Black Station!)
Motorsport Teamware (as technical data field for separate handling within GBS)

A basic high-level classification. Based on the Category, style numbers are defined in
PRM. In combination with field Activity Group very impoprtant to define accurate Reporting
Product Codes (RPC ; see Style Codes section below) of the style.
Activity Group
A further basic classification. In combination with field Category very impoprtant to define
accurate Reporting Product Codes (RPC ; see Style Codes section below) of the style.
Article Group
Especially used for Apparel and Accessories products: e.g. defines Tops, Pants,
Article Type
Especially used for Apparel and Accessories products: e.g. which kind of Top: Shirt, Tee,
Performance Level
Is not used for detailed analysis anymore and will be removed from PID soon.
Possible values:
Age Group
E.g. Adults, Youth, Pre-School, Infant.
Be carefull with Teamsport Apparel: "All Ages" or "Youth + Adults" are possible.
Body Style 1
Only used in Apparel. Product Details especially important for FEDAS code (see Style
Typology Coding).
Body Style 2
Only used in Apparel. Product Details especially important for FEDAS code (see Style
Typology Coding).
Silhouette Type
Only used in Apparel. Similar to Article Group, but a bit more detailed.
Product Classification
Only used in Apparel. Meanwhile this field is linked to a certain Article Type and specifies it
more detailed.
Duty Classification
Necessary customs relevant information, e.g. to define Harmonized System Number (see
Style Basics).
Additional Collection Mark
Used for internal reporting purposes of product management in order to assign some
special styles to a certain collection.


User Manual

7.1.4 Technical Classification
Field Description
Within this section, there is special technical information (e.g. about kind of toolings) regarding footwear articles. World Cat
can e.g. use this information in order to perform capacity planning. These fields should not have any deeper relevance for
e.g. reporting or customer systems purposes.


Last Code

Heel Counter

Cell Unit

7.1.5 Style Codes
Field Description
Reporting Category
Reporting Line
Reporting Consumer
Global standardized financial Reporting Product Codes (RPC). Very important for
reporting purposes.
There is further information material available about these codes in detail.

Reporting Category:
Describes the combination of the Product Division (Footwear, Apparel, Accessories) and
the most important Product Categories of the Puma business, which are mainly the market
segments: Team, Athletic, Sport Leisure, Fashion and Licence.

Reporting Line:
Describes with three digits the segmentation of our products in sports activities,
subcategories or lines for which the products were designed or developed. One digit
contains the information of the Marketing Station (Red, Blue, Black or White) of the

Reporting Consumer:
Gives the reduced Gender and Age information (Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Infant) of the
Reporting Business Unit
Reporting Business Unit (RBU)
Associated business unit in terms of Puma organizational business unit structure.
Defined Retail Zone for the style depending on Business Segment (data field "Concept").
Earliest styles were maintained with a Zone from seasons 200921/200922 onwards.
Retail DCS Department
Retail DCS Class
Retail DCS Sub Class
Global standardized Retail DCS Codes. Used by Puma Retail for reporting purposes.
Successor of the Retail Reporting Codes (RRC).
Retail Main Group
Retail Main Class
Global standardized Retail Reporting Codes (RRC). Used by Puma Retail for reporting
purposes and will be replaced in future by the new Retail DCS codes.


User Manual
Retail Sub Class
Fedas Category
Fedas Activity
Fedas Main Group
Fedas Sub Group
Fedas Size Run
Fedas Codes
European Coding System for key accounts like Intersport or Sport 2000.
Contrary to RPC, RBU and Retail DCS Codes, Fedas Codes are not mandatory for a style.
But orders can't be placed for those Key Accounts when not maintained.
IPC Main Group
IPC Consumer Group
IPC Codes
Precursor of the RPC. These fields won't be maintained anymore and are likely to be
removed in future from PID!

7.2 Style Details - Season Dependent Fields (Style Season)
7.2.1 Product Label Information
Field Description
Within this section, product specific labeling is defined. Currently information regarding Standard Hang Tags, Barcode
Sticker, Shoe Tongue Labels and other optional product labels can be maintained. In future, support for additional product
label types (e.g. size labels, care labels) might follow. GBS will take over the values into an order and then also into the GBS
XML data files for label suppliers. These values will earliest be maintained from PID seasons 201011/201012 on.
Standard Hang Tags
Hang Tags for the style as defined by product management and product development.
Usually, Standard Hang Tags are included within the product price as defined in PID and
are not subject to individual changes e.g. for certain customers.
Optional Product Labels
Within Optional Product Labels, labels can be assigned to a style that can be overruled by
GBS orders with the purpose of realizing a customer specific labeling. A value different
than "Without Optional Product Labels" is only maintained in cases of a certain product
label is attached to the product by default, and customers have the choice to remove it
along with their GBS orders. As usual case, a style is maintained without optional product
labels and customers with special requirements can add respective label reference values
(e.g. MSRP Hang Tag for PNA) along with their GBS orders. Usually, additional Optional
Product Labels will lead to label dependent surcharges for the customer.
Barcode Sticker
Kind of barcode sticker to be used. Depending on product division and type of Hang Tag
or shoebox used, there might be a different type of barcode sticker. In some cases the
sticker type is different by size of the product (different size of shoeboxes require a
different size of barcode sticker). In this case, the reference value is described as "Size
Dependend" and further information regarding barcode sticker can be found within data
field "Label Type" on size level (see chapter 7.5).
Similar to Optional Product Labels, a custumers can overrule the value maintained in PID
along with their GBS orders in case of special requirements (e.g. in case of PNA MSRP
Hang Tag no additional barcode sticker is required or special customer specific barcode
stickers are required).
Shoe Tongue Label
Kind of Shoe Tongue Label to be used. Dependent on article, different sizes and types
(printed or heat transfer) exist.


User Manual
7.2.2 Style Season
Field Description
Style Season Locking
Locked Style Seasons are kind of invalid for some reason and it won't be possible ordering
colors of this style in the respective season in GBS. Style and/or Color Remark fields might
give further information about the reason for the locking.
Style Brief No.
PRM Style Brief No. of the Style Season.

Year - Season - Category - PRM Server location where the style brief has been saved first
- Style Number
(= Business Segment)
Major assignment to a certain collection. From Autumn/Holiday 09 collection on the
Concepts available were restructured to certain defined Business Segments.
So far this field was also used to separate national collections (e.g. "National USA",
"National Japan") from international ones. With Spring/Summer 2010 collection, national
articles should also use international Business Segments. For separation of national
articles, POD field (see below) can be used now.
Business Sub-Segment
A Business Segment (see also field Concept) consists of multiple more detailed
categorized Business Sub-Segments. And a Business Sub-Segments consists of multiple
more detailed categorized Lines (see also field Line Name).
Line Name
More detailed product categorization. Reports are often based upon this field.
Is not used for detailed analysis anymore and will be removed from PID soon.
Marketing Station
Possible values:
Black (for Black Station/Fashion products only)
POD (Point of Development - within Footwear business also called "PLM Category")
reflects the assignment to a certain business segment and/or responsible PLM Group (e.g.
Teamsport, Sport Leisure, Headwear, SMU).
Meanwhile available for all Product Divisions and is mandatory for all styles. With
Spring/Summer 2010 collection, also the assignment to national collections is done by this
field instead of using Concept data field.
Therefore, also some edit rights are depending on POD data field in PID.
Distribution Channel
Product Distribution Channel. Up to 6 are possible. One key distribution channel needs to
be defined. This one is used whenever only one value is awaited (e.g. reporting and sorting
Sourcing Region
Default Sourcing Region of the style. Needed to see sourcing region before any real
suppliers and factories are maintained for a certain Color Season. The data field can not
handle the case of multiple sourcing within different regions, different sourcing between
colors and will also not be updated later on.
So as soon as maintained, Supplier/Factory data should be taken instead!
Development Type
Mainly used in Footwear in order to define "New Toolings, etc
Not used for any deeper analysis.
Price Positioning
(= Product Positioning)
Classification of an article from price point of view. With PID 3.2, new references will be
used for new article data and the data field it is not longer mandatory anymore.
In PRM this data field is also re-named from Price Positioning to Product Positioning.
In future it will only be maintained within product division Apparel.
Promotion Contract
For all styles where royalties need to be paid, this field includes the corresponding
Important field and base of calculations as well as reports of Int'l Finance & Controlling
Product Line Manager
Name of the responsible Product Line Manager (PLM).


User Manual
Target Retail Price1:Price1
Target Retail Price1:Price2
Target Retail Price2:Price1
Target Retail Price2:Price2
Target Retail Price Split Info
Suggested Retail Price from International Merchandise.

There can be a price maintained for two different currencies (Price1, Price2).
Meanwhile Price 1 field may only be a price of EUR currency since calculations and reports
are based upon it. Price 2 may be a price of any else currency.

For both prices, a second field (e.g. Price1:Price2) is used, when there is a price split (e.g.
the style includes sizes for adults and children and there are different prices for these). In
these cases Price Split Info contains the border size for the price split.


User Manual

7.3 Color Details - Season Independent Fields (Color Basics)
Field Description
Color Number
Number of a Color being unique within the respective Style.
Range is 01-99 and it is defined with 2 digits. If number is lower than 10, a leading zero
should be used whenever a Color Number is displayed or printed (e.g. "01" instead of "1").
Color Description
Color name as used in systems, catalogue, price list, etc
Color Print Description
Color name to print on product (barcode) labels (max. 28 characters) or anywhere where
space is limited. Same as Color Description when length of Color Description <= 28
characters, otherwise an abbreviation of it.
Color Ref. No.
Reference to another color number, e.g. if licensee partner uses different color numbers.
Color Remark
Optional field reserved for special remarks, e.g. why a Color is locked in one or more
Color Status
Lifecycle Status of the Color. Possible values:

Color is in use and no discartion process is going on.

Color is going to be discarded, if no objection is raised in time. All Color Seasons are
locked. In field Lifecycle End Year the last valid year is maintained. Afterwards, Color can
be discarded.

Color is out of use. Barcodes got deleted from Color and can be re-used in future for other
articles. All sizes get locked. Color is not included in Sourcing Downloads anymore and
there won't be any new season for this Color in future.
Lifecycle End Year
When a Color is set to Status Quarantine, Life Cycle End Year has to be defined (usually 3
years after current year). The year after, Color can be discarded.
Lifecycle Comment
Comment field for additional information to Color Status and Lifecycle End Year fields.

7.4 Color Details - Season Dependent Fields (Color Season)
Field Description
Color Season Locking
Locked Color Seasons are kind of invalid for some reason and it won't be possible ordering
the Color in respective season in GBS. Style and/or Color Remark fields might give further
information about the reason for the locking.
Short Lead Time
Flag to define Short Lead Time articles. If not set, GBS won't allow placing Short Lead
Time orders for the Color in the respective season.
Product Status
Possible values:
Carry Over
A lot of reports are based on it.
Old is used for very special articles. For example, ancient articles created before PRM/PID
times. Or as exeption case, a Color is approved to be ordered in a season originally it was


User Manual
not planned. These articles regulary also won't have a counterpart document in PRM.
Product Character
Possible values:
Exclusive SMU
Inline SMU
A lot of reports are based on it. Important also for defining which articles appear in
international collection price lists.
Product Request
If its a SMU, the country who requested the article is maintained here.
Ref. Customer
Further details concerning the requester, e.g. which customer within the country asked for
Additional Catalogue
Defines the Core and PR range (mandatory articles for the countries).
CR articles have to be ordered.
Delivery-in-Store Date
Important for Sales: planned In-Store-Date of the article.
Last Change Date
Very important for the Subsidiary Download. Shows date when last update has been on
this Color Season or on its lower levels. Also, if a change of a Style or Style Season is
done in PID, this field gets updated in all affected Color Seasons.
This allows to define queries for changes.
Subsidiary Status
Previously both, the point of time when a Color Season can be downloaded from PID and
the point of time when it can be ordered in GBS, was set simultaneously by releasing
Sourcing Status (see below). With introduction of the Subsidiary Status it will be possible to
download article data before an ordering in GBS is possible.
This reflects the new footwear sourcing process (Article Activation) where an article may
not be ordered as long as the development is not completely finalized. At the same time it
allows subsidiaries to download information early enough into their systems without having
to wait as long.
So Subsidiary Status Released alone will be enough to download a Color Season from
PID, even if Sourcing Status is not yet released. However, for ordering in GBS Sourcing
Status released is required in addition.
All checks for mandatory data previously done at Sourcing Status are now done already at
Subsidiary Status in order to ensure a download of complete mandatory data.

Possible values:

For the Color Season and its lower levels, still important data (like supplier information,
prices, size information) is missing or at least they have not been maintained in PID, yet.

In Work:
All data might be avaiable, but something has to be clarified before setting to Released.

Color Season can be included in Subsidiary Downloads and the barcodes of the Color will
be included in the barcode masterfile (if not anyway already within there because of
previous seasons).

World Cat is responsible for Subsidiary Status of ordinary articles. Which soucing
organization (e.g. World Cat Europe, World Cat Far East, World Cat America) may set
Subsidiary Status depends on the Default Supplier (see Supplier Details).
Sourcing Status
While downloading article data from PID Subsidiary Status (see above) released will be
enough, ordering in GBS requires additionally Sourcing Status to be released. Otherwise,
orders will be rejected.

Releasing Sourcing Status requires Subsidiary Status to be released. If this is not the case,
PID will try to release Subsidiary Status automatically when trying to release Sourcing
Status. If Subsidiary Status can't be released for any reason (e.g. mandatory data is
missing) also releasing Sourcing Status will fail.

Possible values:


User Manual

Even if Subsidiary Status is already released (which means basically that all required data
is available), it might be that article development is not yet finished and therefore (e.g.
following the new footwear sourcing process) GBS ordering is not yet possible.

In Work:
Something has to be clarified before setting to Released.

Color Season can be ordered in GBS (if not other circumstances like Locking or Season
Closing are avoiding it).

World Cat is responsible for Sourcing Status of ordinary articles. Which soucing
organization (e.g. World Cat Europe, World Cat Far East, World Cat America) may set
Sourcing Status depends on the Default Supplier (see Supplier Details).


User Manual

7.5 Size Details
Field Description
Size Locking
In most cases not all sizes of the Size Table, defined on Style level, are available. For
unavailable sizes, Size Locking Flag is set. A locked Size can't be ordered in GBS.
Packing Type
Packing Type is optional. If selected, fields Length, Width and Height are preset
accordingly to Packing Type. Since PID 3.1 this is also possible for (Product) Label Type
on size level. Otherwise, these values are entered manually.
Length of product (e.g. poly bag, shoebox) in mm.
Width of product (e.g. poly bag, shoebox) in mm.
Height of product (e.g. poly bag, shoebox) in mm.
Weight of the product (e.g. poly bag, shoebox) in gms.
Quantitiy in Outer Carton
Number of products (e.g. poly bags, shoeboxes) in one Outer Carton.
Packing Unit
Sometimes, one product (as used above) consists of multiple elements. Possible values:
Maybe in future also others (e.g. Set, Pack) will be used and maintained. However, there is
not a general concept defined so far.
Label Type
This field includes further product labeling information in cases of a different labeling by
size (see also chapter 7.2.1). This information will be used to include in GBS Order and
GBS Label file for label suppliers.

In addition to standard values, World Cat Europe Footwear department used special
reference values combined with shoe tongue label information in the past. These
references will still be valid but most likely to be inactivated in future.
Very Big Object
This flag is optional and can be set to mark very big and bulky products.
EAN for Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).
A SKU is a certain Size (!) of a certain Color of a Style. Each SKU has a unique barcode.
UPC for Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).
Local Barcode
For some special national articles that are also created n PID, a local barcode information
can be maintained within this data field as reference for the local ERP system.
Local Barcode Description
Contains further information about the kind of barcode used within field Local Barcode.
Size Information
At bottom of Size Details page, information about key size, size code, size number and
conversions (up to 8 are possible) displayed. However, these settings depend on Size
Table which is the same for all Colors of a Style.
Which conversions, of the possible ones, are printed on a (barcode) label (or in which
order) can't be seen here.


User Manual
7.6 Supplier Details
Field Description
Supplier Code
Defines supplier, or if not known so far, the responsible sourcing organization. As soon as
a (Default) supplier is maintained here, field Sourcing Region of Style Season (see above)
should better be ignored.
Factory Code
Factory, belonging to the supplier, where product is going to be produced. Can be the
same as Supplier Code (if supplier is also factory), different or empty (empty only until
Sourcing Status Released from PID Rel. 3.2 on).

The country of origin depends on the factory, where the product is actually produced.
Which factory is used (in case of multiple suppliers/factories) can be different for each
order and is defined by World Cat in coordination with suppliers. If there are factories from
different countries maintained, there are multiple options for the country of origin.
Therefore, in PID it isn't possible to have a 100% reliable data field for country of
Default Supplier
for Color
There is always one Supplier-Factory combination ("Supplier") which is marked as Default
Supplier for the Color Season. The Default Supplier of a Color Season with Sourcing
Status Released can't be locked.
Only the Sourcing Organization of Default Supplier can set Sourcing Status for the
respective Color Season! Also, for double sourced articles, all orders in GBS get
directed first to the sourcing organization with Default Supplier.
However, every Sourcing Organization may set Default Supplier Flag to a Supplier-Factory
combination belonging to them.
Default Supplier
for Sourcing Organization
This field is important for World Cat e.g. when switching orders within GBS to a different
sourcing organization.
In case of multiple Supplier-Factory combinations of the same sourcing organization exist,
only one of them is marked as Default Supplier for Sourcing Organization.
In case there are Supplier-Factory combinations of different Sourcing Organizations, each
sourcing organization has one Supplier-Factory combination marked as their default one.
The Default Supplier for Colr is automatically also the Default Supplier for its Sourcing

Supplier Local Currency
This flag has to be enabled in order to make use of sourcing from within same country than
customer and therefore use local prices and currency (see also chapter 7.8 Price Details).
The flag can only be activated, when GBS Supplier master data allows local sourcing for
the respective supplier.
Supplier Locking
Locks an invalid Supplier-Factory combination.
The Default Supplier for Color may not be locked. In order to do so, another Supplier-
Factory combination would have to be made Default Supplier before.
For a locked Supplier-Factory combination, no orders can be placed.
Origin Countries
This field is optional and, if maintained at all, contains countries of possible factories as
free text input. This data was entered before real Factories are maintained and most likely
is not updated afterwards!
This field has just information value as long as no real Supplier/Factory information
is maintained and won't be updated later on! It can also not handle the cases of
multiple sourcing in different region or countries. Therefore, as soon as maintained,
Supplier/Factory data should be taken instead!
Style Min. Order Quantity
If there is a minimum order quantity (for customers!) by style, a quantity can be maintained
With PID 2.9 a value is mandatory for Sourcing Status "Released" since data is required for
capacity planning.
Color Min. Order Quantity
If there is a minimum order quantity (for customers!) by color, a quantity can be maintained
With PID 2.9 a value is mandatory for Sourcing Status "Released" since data is required for
capacity planning.
Production Min. Order
If there is a minimum order quantity (for production), a quantity can be maintained here.
With PID 2.9 a value is mandatory for Sourcing Status Released, since data is required for
capacity planning. This value refers to the style and is not a color specific minimum order


User Manual
Lead Time
Lead time of the article at the respective supplier in days. Field is new with PID 2.9 and a
value is mandatory for Sourcing Status "Released" since data is required for capacity
Quota Category EEC
Quota Category USA
Quota Category CAN
Quota Category NQ
Previously, if quota categories existed for certain countries, they used to be maintained
here. Maintenace of these fields was done by Customs Department for international
Meanwhile this data gets maintained along with the Customs Codes on Style Level
(see above) and in future these fields are likely to be removed from PID!
Subsidiary Status
Subsidiary Status of the Supplier.

When setting Subsidiary Status Released on Color Season level, all its Suppliers which
can be (mandatory data is maintained) released, but at least the Default Supplier for Color,
get released automatically. In case of mandatory data of other suppliers or even whole
suppliers are maintained afterwards, they have to be released manually. For not Subsidiary
released suppliers, no download (supplier along with price level) will be possible!
Sourcing Status
Sourcing Status of the Supplier.

When setting Sourcing Status Released on Color Season level, all its Suppliers which can
be (mandatory data is maintained) released, but at least Default Supplier, get released
automatically. In case of mandatory data of other suppliers or even whole suppliers are
maintained afterwards, they have to be released manually. For not Sourcing released
suppliers, no orders can be placed in GBS!

7.7 Order Window Details
The Order Window Level got removed from PID with Release 3.4 as the formerly intended concept did
not meet todays requirements.

7.8 Price Details
Field Description
Price Locking
All prices, belonging to locked sizes, are locked.
If a size is being opened, the respective prices will not be opened automatically. The
sourcing organization responsible for the supplier will have to enter/check price and
afterwards open prices manually.
When a price is locked, no order can be placed in GBS for the respective size which uses
this Style/Color/Season/Supplier combination.
Price Validity Date Optional field with information of price validity. Likely to be removed in future from PID!
Ex WC Price
Ex World Cat Price. Valid for all subsidiaries and licensees, where no other price (see
below) applies.
WC Sign Off Price USA
Price valid for the USA.
WC Sign Off Price CAN
Price valid for Canada.


User Manual
WC Sign Off Price NQ
Non Quota Price, valid for all Non Quota countries, like Southern Hemisphere or
B Grade Price
B Grade Price, calculated on base of Ex World Cat Price.
Direct Ship Price
Direct Ship Price (DSP), valid for distributors. Calculated on base of Ex World Cat Price.

All metioned price data fields are available a second time within an additional section "Price
Information (Local)". In cases where a sourcing from within same country of customer should be
done, and invoicing should be done with local price and currency, these data fields are used for
maintenance of the local price data. If Supplier Local Currency Flag (see chapter 7.6 Supplier Details)
is enabled, same checks as with International price information are also done with local price
information with Subsidiary Status "Released".

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