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SAP Material Management Frequently Asked Question

Q: Is there any available SAP MM Configuration Books?

A: Currently, there is only one MM configuration books which can bought fro
Aa!on :
"he book title is : Instant Access: Sa# $eference for Materials Manageent
Q: I have soe other Materials Manageent %uestion, where can I aske& it?
A: 'ell, consi&er (oining a MM foru)
Q: *ow can I e+ten& all aterial to a new #lant?
A: "he SAP #rogra , $M-A"I.- is use& to create /u#&ate aterial aster recor&)
Q: *ow can we &elete aterials #eranently fro Material aster?
A: 0se transaction MM12 , Material Master,34ther,3$eorgani!ation,3Material,
Buil& variant with selection range of aterial aster recor&s to be selecte& for
&eletion an& aintain
run #araeters)
0se transaction MM16 , Material Master,3 other,3 $eorgani!ationn,,3Material,
Buil& a secon& variant
Maintain run #araeters an& e+ecute)
It is also i#ortant to reove the recor&s anually fro info recor&, P4s, P$s,
reservation etc
for successful &eletion of the aterial)

Q: SAP only #rovi&es oving average value for current, #revious #erio&, an& #revious
year) SAP
&oes not #rovi&e transactions/re#orts that will #rovi&e oving average value for a
given &ate)
*ow can I re#ort oving average #rice for aterial nuber 62222222 at #lant 2226
on 7uly 8,
699: )
A: "ry any of these solutions:
6) Change the u#&ating level of the structure ;S2<6= to >&aily>) In ?IS the total value
an& the total
stock are available) -ivi&e value by the stock) It is #ossible to calculate this
&ynaically when
the analysis is run an& to &is#lay the result)
@) Create your own structure in ?IS an& #o#ulate it by co#ying the Moving Average
Price fro the
aterial aster every tie there is a transaction) Aou will have &ata on those &ays
when there
was a transaction)
Q: 'e have &efine& all the variables for the aterials) *owever, when I atte#t to use
Match co&e ob(ect MA"6, I get the res#onse >.o #ossible entries foun&>) 'hy?
A: Match co&e I ) &) >B>, >Material by bill of aterial> has a selection con&ition for fiel&
S"?.$ .5 B B)
S"?.$ is the B4M nuber associate& with a aterial in table MAS") *ence the
essage , >no
#ossible entries)))> #o#s u# if there are no bills of aterials associate& with your
aterial nubers)
Aou get the atch co&es as long as the aterial referre& by you has B4M nuber
associate& with

Q: "he atch co&e ob(ect selection is &efaulte& to atch co&e I- >B>) I woul& like to
change to M >
Material by -escri#tion> 'hat is the solution?
A: Press the #ull &own arrow on the aterial nuber fiel& an& atch co&e >B> is
&is#laye&, #ress
CD &ouble,click atch co&e i) &) >M>, then #ress CE ) "his will set atch co&e >M> as
the &efault)

Q: 'e have one aterial aster : F an& the unit of easure is B#csB an& two serial nuber
: A,B
Cor this aterial we ake two Pos
Cirst P4 calls aterial F , 6 #cs #rice 622 ;will use serial nuber A=
Secon& P4 calls aterial F , 6 #cs #rice @D2 ;will use serial nuber B=
Goo&s $ecei#t is &one an& by filling serial nuber for the fist P4 with A an& the
secon& P4
with B)
'e want to transfer aterial F serial nuber A to another #lant an& want the valuation
of this
aterial as 622) *ow we can &o it ?
A: 0se >s#lit valuation>) Stocks ay be receive& into se#arate storage locations) "ransfer
stocks ay
be &one fro a storage location/#lant to another storage location/#lant)

Q: 'e want to change the calculation of Moving Average Price) 'e know that the sae is
MB5',H5$P$ an& two transactions to consi&er , M$*$, MB26) Is there a
transaction to
change MAH or all the #laces it is nee&e&?
A: Any Goo&s recei#t or issue ;in case of s#lit valuate& aterial= changes Moving
Average #rice
&e#en&ing u#on the valuation ty#e which is use& when #osting the goo&s issue) Aou
have to go
through all the transactions involving thoseI
Cor 5+a#le:
Material F is using s#lit valuation by origin:
Malaysia : MAH E2 0S- , total stock 622 units
In&ia: MAH D2 0S- , total stock @22 units
"otal stock <22 units MAH D<)<<
*ere , goo&s issues will also affect the global MAH, &es#ite not changing MAH fro

Q: 'hat is the use of configurable aterial)?
A: Configurable aterial is useful if you have a large nuber of cobination of #arts that
go into a
#ro&uct) It eans &ifferent #erutations an& cobinations of the #arts for sae
aterial) If you
aintain a uni%ue aterial co&e for each cobination , you re%uire a large nuber of
nubers) JMA" ay be use& in such a case where you aintain (ust one generic
#ro&uct co&e)
A su#er B4M is aintaine& for such a aterial consisting of all #ossible alternatives)
A routing is
also aintaine& consisting of all #ossible o#erations that coul& be use&) "y#ically
aterial is use& in Ma&e "o 4r&er ;M"4= environent) *owever fre%uently or&ere&
configurations ay be #lanne& with a aterial variant which nee&s to have a aterial
aster recor&)
"hus Material variants ay have stock an& value) -e#en&ing u#on characteristic
values chosen at
sales or&er entry Sales 4r&er B4M is create&) $outing o#erations are also chosen
&e#en&ing u#on
which B4M co#onents are assigne& to the)

Q: 'ill Source ?ist autoatically a##ear in Material Master as &efault if aintaine& at
#lant level
using 4M5D?
A: If you have aintaine& source list re%uireent in 4M5D an& have not aintaine& the
source list
for the aterial) P4 cannot be release&) Aou are re%uire& to aintain source list for all
in the #lant where the in&icator is set if you aintain source list at #lant level) 5lse you
can ake use
of info recor& to &o so autoatically)

Q: 'e have 4ne co#any with a #lant an& another co#any with a sales organi!ation)
'hich is better
o#tion between these , P4 or Stock "ransfer 4r&er ?
A: Cross co#any Stock "rans#ort 4r&ers can be &one)
6) Configure using transaction 4MG.)
@) -e#en&ing u#on the sen&ing an& receiving #lants, aintain sales organi!ation an&
custoer &ata
in custoi!ing)
<) Maintain the su##lying #lant as a ven&or an& attach the #lant to the ven&or in the
Hen&or Master)
8) Material ty#e has to be *A?B or *A'A)
D) 5nsure that the co#any with sales 4rgani!ation has a #lant to take care of
E) "he P4 use& is .B an& not Stock "ransfer P4)
1) Configure S- for inter,co#any billing to enable #icking u# the #ricing
#roce&ure for billing)
:) Carry 4ut &elivery through #rocess &elivery &ue list an& billing through #rocess
billing &ue list)
Q: 'e can ake fiel& an&atory) 'e want to ake a &efault value to a Particular fiel& in
the Material
Master) Say, 'e want that the #erio& in&icator in the M$P@ view as >P>) 'hat is the
best way?
A: 0se transaction variant) "ransaction S*-2 an& then "ransaction S59<)
SAP Workflow
Q: "he following is set u# for workflow:
6)'orkflow organi!ation Structure with @ #ositions is create& an& assigne& a #erson to
both #ositions
@)Assign tasks to agent
"S 222219:E $e%uisition release , "4 74BS
"S 2222:268 Purchase re%uisition release refuse& , G5.5$A?
"S 2222:26: $e%uisition release& , G5.5$A?
"S 2222:<8: $e%uisition release reset , G5.5$A?
'S 222222<: 'orkflow for #urchase re%uisition release , "4 74BS
<)Activate event linkage
'S 222222<: 'orkflow for #urchase re%uisition release
'5 B0S@229 $5?5AS5S"5PC$5A"5 Purchase re%uisition $elease ste# create is
8)Activate& release co&es for workflow
K6L $ole resolution with grou#, co&e, an& #lant ;"6EC'=M
D)Assigne& release co&es to agent ;74BS create& in 6=
"he following error a##ears
>'ork ite E211@: ?inkage to ob(ect B0S@229 event $575C"5- cannot be written >)
A: 0se transaction S'5@) Make sure >ob(ect B0S@229 event $575C"5-> is enable&)
Q: We could create two Purchase Orders for full amount & quantity
out of one Purchase Requisition. two goods receipts and invoice
receipts on their respective POs. How can We avoid this kind of
double transactions
!or PO "s#
$e%ne buyers" functional authori&ations in the customi&ing for
purchasing' there you can unmark PO w(o reference allowed. )uyer"s
functional authori&ation ' say "abc" can be created using transaction
code O*+,. -ssign this "abc" to a particular user by using parameter
.$ /+!)/ 0trans su123.
!or 4R and .R#
*ake the warning message as an error in customi&ing of messages
under .nventory *anagement or .nvoice 5eri%cation' respectively.
!or .R#
*ark the indicator in the vendor master for checking of double

Q: .s there a transaction or Report available to see the scrapped
quantity of a particular material where goods issue is done using
movement type 116
A: .f you want to manage the inventory of 7crap' create another
material .$ for scrap and receive as by8product. When you issue goods
against *ovement type 116' the material is removed from inventory
by writing it o9 the books.

Q: We want to run multi8plant planning for : plants -' ) and ; ' where
the requirements of plant - and ) are transferred to Plant ;. Plant ;
is e<pected to consolidate the requirement and convert these
requirements into requisitions and then into POs. When we do a
planning at Plant ;' we are unable to see the requirements for plant -
and plant ). We are using the special procurement key => for all the
materials being planned. ;an we do multi plant planning at plant level
as well as *aterial level
A: ,he special procurement key is de%ned for the Planning plant and
does not contain supplying plant. ,his key may be copied to create
new key. ,hen enter the supplying plant in it. ?se this key in material
master. @ow all the requirements of plant - and ) will be called in
planning plant ;.

Q: We are doing goods receipt with PO . How can we %nd whether
there is any ?7+R +A., available which is triggered before the
document is saved
A: ,he ?ser e<it in your case could be *)B;!>>6 and use transaction
7*O$ to look for user e<its

Q: In MM #ricing schea, there are a list of selection fro A to M an& 6 to :) *ow can
we ake use of the con&ition sub,total fiel& ?
A: Subtotal fiel& on Pricing schea are useful in nuber of cases)
N Cor 5+: 6 is Carry over value to J4MP,JO'I6)
N 1 is use& for &eci&ing on the basis for which to calculate $ebate subse%uent settleent)
N S is use& for the final net inclusive, cash &iscount, rebates an& any other con&itions
inclu&ing statistical
N Cor re#orting in ?IS
N 0se& in the layout for #rinting)

Q: "here are soe co#laints that though the &ata is correct in 0ser Info ;0S$2<= ,
Purchase or&er is being #rinte& with wrong inforation ) Cor 5+a#le: tele#hone
.uber) 'here can I fin& correct Purchase grou# Inforation?
A: Purchase grou# inforation is in table "2@8)

Q: 'hat are the tables generally use& for MM Queries ?
A: Soe tables are liste& below ) *owever a host of others can be seen using "echnical
hel# after activating the %uery
Purchasing "ables
Purchase $e%uisitions
Purchase 4r&er
Material Master
Material aster
Material aster , segent C
Material to B4M ?ink
Material Haluation
B4M "ables
B4M *ea&er
B4M ite
B4M Sub,ite
Purchase Grou# inforation "2@8
M$P "ables
M$P *ea&er
M$P "able

Q: 'hat are the ty#ical transaction co&es for IM P P4?
A: "ransaction co&es can be checke& using enu #ath Syste,3Service,3Status)
IM transaction co&es start with MB++)
P4 transaction co&es start with Me++)

Q: -uring a goo& issue for a inventory #ro&uct ;*IB5=, we assign by the autoatic
account assignent a G? account in relation to the valuation class of the #ro&uct)
*owever we woul& like to change this G? account autoatically &e#en&ing of the cost
center re%ueste& the #ro&uct for consu#tion) *ow can we &o it?
A: "ry 4JB9 where you can fin& the cost center account assignent table) *owever this
G? account becoes &efaulte& for all the #ro&ucts use& by the cost center)
.ote that GBB/HB$ #rocess key governs the cre&it #osting for cost center issues in
Autoatic Account Assignent ;AAA= )
If you want change Account assignent for e+ce#tion aterials , try the following
6)Cor all e+ce#tion aterials &efine a new valuation class an& setu# all inventory #osting
accounts for this e+ce#tion valuation class) *ere the AAA autoatically #icks u# the G/?
@)In the inventory screen allow the user to enter G/? a/c anually ) Configure the IMG in
inventory so that user account overri&es the AAA &eterine& account
<) -efine a new oveent ty#e by co#ying @26 to say 926) "hen in Haluation IMG
&efine a transaction key for 926 un&er account grou#ing for oveent) ty#es) -efine G/?
accounts for this new transaction key) Cor e+ce#tion issues users have to use this new
oveent ty#e)

Q: 'e have s#ecifie& in M$P for re%uisitions to be create&) "he &ocuent ty#e of the
re%uisitions create& is always the ty#e .B) *ow can we change the &ocuent ty#e
A: $efer transaction B4M*DB) -efine the &ocuent ty#e re%uire& that you want in M5D6)

Q: 'e have create& a workflow for the #urchase re%uisition a##roval #rocess ) 'hen the
event ;B0S@229, $5?5AS5S"5PC$5A"5-= is triggere& to kick off 'C , the following
error essage is a##earing
'ork ite FFFFFF: ?inkage to ob(ect B0S@229 event $575C"5- cannot be written)
-iagnosis: "he instance linkage between the re%uire& event an& the s#ecifie& work ite
cannot be entere& in the ty#e linkage table of the event anager)
"he reason is either a &atabase error or an error when generating internal linkage
'hat to &o: Check the nuber range ob(ect BS'5Q5H"I-B *ow can this be fi+e&?
6) Must u#&ate the nuber range for events ob(ect S'5Q5H"I- with transaction S.$4)
5+: S'5Q5H"I-: 26 222222222226 999999999999)
@) S'5@, &ouble click on B0S@229 entries, check G?4BA? fiel&, 5.AB?5 fiel& will
be u#&ate&
<) 5rror when e+ecuting the 'orkflow) "ransaction co&e S'?5 not &efine&) A##ly 4SS
note 8<9:E to fi+)

Q: *ow can we ake a "a+co&e as &efault on #urchase or&er ite &etail screen ?
A1: 0se con&ition ty#e .AHS with access se%uence 222< to &efault the ta+co&e in the
#urchase or&er ite using con&itions)
A2: Go to IMG)
Materials Manageent ,3 Purchasing ,3 Purchasing or&er #rocessing ,3&efine screen
layout at &ocuent level)
Search for the transaction M5@6)-ouble click on M5@6) "hen search for "a+Co&e) It is
a&visable to configure also the info recor&) "he ta+ co&e shoul& be a re%uire& entry, an&
whatever you s#ecify here will be the &efault value in the Purchase or&er)
Materials Manageent ,3 Purchasing ,3 Purchasing info recor& ,3 &efine screen layout)
'hen you get here you search for the transaction M56@ ,&ouble click hereR search for
In#ut HA" in&icator)

Q: 'e have &efine& 5A ;each= as 2 &ecial #lace in configuration) But transaction
M5@? shows this fiel& with three &ecial #laces) *ow can I change to actual nuber of
&ecial #laces?
A: "he %uantity ;M5.G5= in that re#ort ust have been set for < &ecial #laces) "able
5JP4 ay have to be correcte& accor&ingly)

Q: 'e have create& a new oveent ty#e an& assigne& to a sche&ule line) 'hen goo&s
issue is #oste&, essage , oveent ty#e !!! is not allowe& for custoer goo&s
oveent? 'hy?
A: 0se transaction co&e 4M77 an& check the >Allowe& "ransactions> for custoi!ing
oveent ty#es)

Q: Is it #ossible to generate #acking list for goo&s issue& in MM?
A: S- P 'are *ouse anageent have the functionality of #icking/Packing lists)
Q: *ow can we track re%uisitions that have the &eletion in&icator set? Can we track the
&ate in which the &eletion in&icator was set?
A: Aou can refer the change &ocuent tables c&#os an& c&h&r) Aou can also refer
"ransaction M5D< un&er enu #ath goto,statistics,changes, where the co#lete au&it
trails of changes, inclu&ing &eletion are store&)
Q: Is it #ossible to generate Purchase re%uisition ;P$= with reference to Sche&uling
A: P$ can be create& with reference to another P$ an& can not be create& referencing a
P4 or Sche&uling agreeents) P4 P Sche&uling are create& an& controlle& by #urchasing
organi!ations) P$ can be create& by even en& users) Cor creating P$ with reference to
another P$, follow the enu #ath:
$e%uisition,3Co#y reference an& enter)
*owever re%uireent can be generate& with reference to Sche&uling agreeent when
M$P is run) Cor this to ha##en, source list has to be aintaine& for that ite,ven&or
cobination an& the M$P shall be #ro#erly set)
Q: 'here can I locate the latest Purchase 4r&er #rice an& the latest #urchase or&er
nuber for a aterial?
A: ?ogistics,Material Manageent,Purchasing,Master &ata,Info recor&,?ist &is#lay,
4r&er Price *istory
Q: Autoatic generation of P4 is by using BAutoatic Hia Purchase $e%uisitionB o#tion
in #urchasing, $e%uisition,Collow on Cunctions, Create P4) *owever P4 can not be
create& autoatically after M$P run) Is there a #rovision in SAP to release Purchase
4r&ers autoatically after M$P run?
A: "ick the autoatic P4 an& Source ?ist fiel&s in #urchase view of the aterial aster
for the ven&ors on who you woul& like to release P4 autoatically) Create a #urchase
info recor&) Create source list) In the last colun in the &etails screen of the source list
check the fiel& relevant for M$P set the correct #araeters for running M$P) But P4 can
not be create& autoatically after M$P run)
"he autoatic P4 creation flag enables you to run a batch (ob that will convert all
selecte& Purchase $e%uisitions to be converte& Purchase 4r&ers in the backgroun&)
Aou ay consi&er sche&uling agreeents if you want M$P to kick out Purchase 4r&ers)
Set the flag in the source list for the sche&uling agreeent to >@> enabling M$P to kick
out &elivery sche&ules for future re%uireents) If you want to fi+ the sche&ule within a
certain #erio& you have two o#tions)
6) 0sing fir !one , firs all or&ers within this #erio& ) $efer a&&itional &ata screen of
the sche&uling agreeent at the ven&or aterial level)
@) Planning tie , all new or&ers outsi&e of the #lanning tie fence , refer M$P 6 view
of the aterial aster
Q: I woul& like Convert M$P generate& 622 P$s into 622 P4s autoatically) .ot one by
one anually) Is it #ossible?
A: 0se transaction M5D9
Q: *ow can I #rint an 0n,invoice& $ecei#ts $e#ort which shows Purchase 4r&ers for
which goo&s are receive& , but not yet invoice& ? 'e re%uire this re#ort with sub,totals
an& tie& to 0n,invoice& $ecei#ts G/? Account
A: $e#ort $M21MSA? analyses G$/I$ balances accor&ing to goo&s receive& but not
invoice& an& invoices receive& where goo& have not been fully &elivere&)
Q: *ow can I calculate the net #rice of an inforecor& for a given &ate?
A: $un #rice siulation in the ?IS,Purchasing on the Hen&or,info recor& an& S#ecify the
re%uire& &ate) ;"ransaction co&e is : M5I?=
Q: Can we release a Purchase 4r&er with #rice e%uals !ero? ; like in S-, free of charge
sales 4r&er=
A: Create the P4 with I$ fiel& un,ticke& in Ite -etail screen an& change the line ite
#rice to 2)
Q: "he net #rice is calculate& by suing u# the gross #rice con&ition ty#e an&
subtracting /a&&ing all &iscount/surcharge ty#e con&ition ty#es res#ectively) Any
con&ition ty#e which is not arke& as statistical will be consi&ere& for net #rice
calculation) 'e have a surcharge that is not arke& as statistical an& shoul& be inclu&e&
in the net #rice but e+clu&e& in the ta+ation base value) Can I have a #roce&ure where the
ta+es are calculate& on the net #rice calculate& till the con&ition ty#e .AHS an& then
have this a&&itional surcharge ty#e?
A: Create Pricing Schea with all con&ition not arke& in Statistical colun if you nee&
all con&ition $ecor& to be calculate&)
Cor 5+a#le :
Level CondTy Description From To

100 PB00 Gross Price
200 RA01 Discount % on Gross
300 !"P !#r$ "p %v#lue&
'00 B#se (#lue )or T#* 100 300
+00 D,- Disc. /*cluded T#*
000 1et Amount
200 !-T T#* '00 '00
300 1et Amount
'ith this Schea:
, .et Aount will be calculate& fro PB22, $A26, OM0P, O-IS)
, "a+ will be calculate& fro PB22, $A26, OM0P)
"otal aount will be calculate& fro net aount an& "a+) So, O-IS will inclu&e& in .et
Aount an& e+clu&e& for "a+)

Q: Can we change the nae of the Hen&or in a P4 release& on another Hen&or?
A: .4) Aou ay create another P4 on the ven&or re%uire& by referencing any P4 )

Q: 'e want to return unuse& aterial #rocure& fro a ven&or an& u#&ate stock or
e+#ense Account) *ow to &o this effectively?
A: 6) 0se oveent ty#e , 6@@ to reverse recei#t an& reo#en #urchase or&er) "his can be
&one if you can i&entify the P4 against which the aterial was receive&) An& also cre&it
shall be sae as P4 Price
@) S#ecial oveent ty#e has to be setu# if the P4 is not known) "he #rice ay have to
be negotiate& with ven&or)

Q: *ow &o I &efine a new currency ? *ow can i set nuber of &ecial #laces ore than
A: -efine a new currency in Custoi!ing with transaction 4A2<
If you change the current currency all of your accounting &ocuents will be re,evaluate&
by $< an& this coul& cause a&verse affects to your financials)
0se transaction
4A28 to assign nuber of &igits to new currency
4BBS to &efine conversion factors for currency conversion
4B2: to enter e+change rates
FJ2@ to assign new currency to Hen&or Master
M566 to create a Purchase Info recor&
Create MM &ocuents with the new e+ten&e& #rice)
*owever you notice that accounting &ocuents will still reflect the @ &igit #rice an&
roun&e& to the nearest 6/622th)

Q: 4ur su##lier &elivers his #ro&uct for an Auction) 'e sell it in auction an& #ay the
su##lier) 'hat is the best way to han&le this?
A: Aou can try consignent #rocess) In this #rocess, Hen&or hol&s the goo&s until they
are sol&) "he #rice to the su##lier can be reset when the goo&s are sol& in settle
consignent liabilities)

Q: *ow can I o#en a #revious MM #erio&?
A: "ransaction , MMPH
Menu #ath , ?ogistics,3Materials Manageent,3MaterialMaster,34ther,3 Close Perio&

Q: 'e can ake a #articular in&icator an&atory) Can I have a &efaulte& value for the
in&icator while creating Material aster that can be change& later in MM2@?
A: "ry using transaction variant, transaction co&e S*-4) An& then S59<) In S59<
choose the o#tion of variant transaction

Q: *ow can I generate a re#ort of cancelle& P4 ?
A1: 0se a Query with table 5JJ4 whose fiel& ?45JO is the &eletion in&icator)
A2: Go to the initial screen of #urchasing) "hen go to P0$C*ASI.G ,3 ?IS"
-ISP?AAS ,3 BA P4 .0MB5$ ,3 5-I" ,3 -A.AMIC S5?5C"I4.) "his allows you
to select certain fiel&s fro the 5JJ4 table an& 5JP4 table) -eletion in&icator can also
be seen here) 0se B&ynaic selectionsB to &eterine your selection criteria an& run the
A3: Aou can also &o this via the IMG
Go to "ransaction 4M5M or Menu #ath , MM ,3 Purchasing ,3 $e#orting ,3 Maintain
Purchasing ?ists
Click on Sco#e of ?ist Create .ew entry)
Check on Change -ocuents fiel&) .ae the new Sco#e with relevant nae) "his will
now a##ear in Sco#e of ?ist fiel& in all Purchasing ?ist -is#lay screens) "he out#ut will
show the &etails of the changes like &ate an& tie of change, ol& value, new value etc)

Q: *ow can we &etect a change in a Purchase 4r&er?
A: Cor *ea&er level changes: Go to *ea&er ,3 Statistics ,3 Changes
Cor Ite level changes: Go "o Ite,3 Statistics ,3 Changes

Q: 'e want to #o#,u# a screen to show the total value of P4 before saving the P4 so that
user can &eci&e whether to save the P4 or &iscar& it) 'hat is the best way ?
A: "ry using 5FI"QSAP?5I.SQ226) It is entere& &uring the saving o#eration of a P4 )
Aou can review the P4 , #resent a #o#u# &ialog using one of the P4P0PQS functions
enabling the user to &eci&e either to save or abort the P4 )

Q: P4 ite te+t is being a&o#te& fro the Material aster) "he te+t has got a&o#te&
status an& is not store& in the te+t I- tables S"F* an& S"F?) *ence #rint #rogra is not
able to #rint these te+ts) *ow can we solve this?
A: Purchase or&er te+ts can be a&o#te& fro Info recor& or aterial aster) All the te+ts
finally gets store& in table S"F* with &ifferent te+t a##lication ob(ects) Incase of P4
hea&er te+t it is 5JJ4 an& P4 Ite te+t it is 5JP4) 5ven if the te+ts are a&o#te& fro
either of these, there is a #ossibility that it can be altere& at P4 level) *ere it will get
store& with ob(ect 5JJ4 or 5JP4)
"here is no nee& to store this at P4 level if there is no change a&e to the te+t at P4
"ry these: Check for te+ts in 5JJ4 or 5JP4 ; &e#en&ing on hea&er or ite level=
If no te+t gets returne& back check in ob(ect 5I.A for info recor& or MA"5$IA? for
aterial aster long te+t); table is sae i)e) S"F*=

Q: 'hile creating a #urchase or&er we can see that there is the >Info rec) u#&ate> in the
bo+ ite &etail screen) *ow can we change the &efault setting for this bo+?
A: In MM Purchasing configuration ;use "ransaction co&e: 4MCI=, you can assign the
&efault value of info recor&s u#&ate for buyers then assign it through #araeter I- 5H4
;check the configuration &ocuentation=

Hen&or 5valuation
Q: . want to have multiple addresses of a vendor 8 for e<# mailing'
shipping' payment remittance' several billing addresses' etc. 7uppose
we have 21 addresses for one company' what is the best way without
creating 21 separate companies and their addresses
A: Cou can solve this problem by using Partner functions. ?sing
,ransaction WODP' Partner roles and partner schemas at vendor level
and purchasing $ocument level can be de%ned. ;reate as many
vendor numbers as required 0say 21 8in this case3 and assigning to the
respective partner roles.

Q: "he source list is create& for a aterial ie) source list re%uire& is arke&) 'hen a P4
is create& a &ifferent ven&or can still be selecte& an& even if Bfi+B in&icator in source list is
arke&, syste only shows warning sg) *ow can we fi+ a #urchase or&er to only a
fi+e& ven&or for a aterial ?
A1: "ry changing the warning essage into an error essage) .ote the essage nuber)
"hen use enu
4?M5 ,3 5nvironent,3 syste essage)
A2: "ick the in&icator >Source ?ist> in the aterial aster ;#urchasing view= By ticking
this, the #rocureent woul& be only #ossible fro sources s#ecifie& in the source list)
Aou ay also think of aking the fiel& an&atory in the aterial aster)

Q: 'e want the Hen&or co&e as Babc6@<8B where first < characters are al#ha an& the last
four &igits are &igits serial nubers) 'hat is the solution?
A: 0se an user e+it) 'ith this user e+it, you can check but can not force the user to enter
the value correctly)

Q: 'e want to set u# a Preferre& Hen&or list to enable users to &eterine the Hen&or to
be calle& for the aterial re%uire& while raising the $e%uisition) 'hat is the best way?
A: 0se "ransaction M526 to Maintain Source ?ist) At the #referre& ven&or, click the Ci+
check bo+) By this #referre& ven&or is autoatically assigne& whenever BCollow on
functionB is calle& for your P$ ;Create P4=)

Q: 'hat is the SAP stan&ar& way for &eleting all the ven&ors centrally fro the syste?
A: 6) Mark ven&ors for &eletion: FJ2E@)
@) $un SAPC281 which creates an entry in an internal SAP table which is use& later
<) $un SAPC2D:) Check >General Master recor&> an& >MM -ata> bo+es on, >"est $un >
off) 5nter Purchase 4rgani!ations)
8) $un SAPC2D:) Check >General Master recor&> an& >CI -ata> bo+es on, >"est $un >
off) 5nter Purchase 4rgani!ations) ABAP #rograer can create an ABAP #rogra to &o
Back to top
Inventory Management
Q: How can we create one inventory doc with all your materials to
count instead of generating one doc for each material
A1: Cou can carry out transaction *.>6 8 by referencing your plant &
storage location. Cou can then enter as many inventory materials as
you want.
A2: 7et ma<imum number of items to say 1> using ,ransaction *.;@.
,he same can be preset using transaction O*;@.
Q: *ow is G$/I$ account relate& to Inventory?
A: If you are involve& with inventory, then you nee& the G$/I$ account ;Inventory
Account= when the I$ is #oste&)
If you are not involve& about inventory, then the syste &oes not nee& the G$/I$ account
when the I$ is #oste&, the syste nee&s a G/? instea& of the G$/I$ account)
Q: 'e trie& $MCB2<22 to fin& out logical value for stock ite by &ate) But after re,
valuation, stock value is su##orte& by onth instea& of &ate) *ow can we fin& the logical
value for stock ite by &ate?
A: ?se ,ransaction *;=E
*enu path #
6) Inforation systes ,3 ?ogistics ,3 Inventory anageent,3Material ,3 -ocuent
5valuations ,3 Stock value ,3 Mean inventory or
@) ?ogistics ,3 ?ogistics controlling ,3 Inventory Controlling 5nvironent ,3 -ocuent
evaluations ,3 Stock value ,3 Mean Stock Halue)
Q: How can we transfer stock from one vendor to another vendor
A: $O 1=2 and then 1=6 to the new vendor.

Invoice verification
Q: How can . cancel a posted invoice ,he error message ")7+48
47)+R is not an input %eld" is appearing. +ven O77 note 8E=E:2 did
not help.
A: ,he error is due to suppression of )usiness area %eld in the %eld
status group. $ue to this' while reversing the document' the system
%nds this %eld is suppressed and hence does not proceed further.
Docate the %eld status group for the recco account entered in the
vendor master and the relevant %eld status variant.
.n .*4' go to !. 4lobal settings8$ocuments8 Dine items8;ontrol8
*aintain %eld status variant.
Here for the relevant %eld status variant and the %eld status group
you may %nd the business area %eld has been suppressed.

Ware House
Q: - storage location from di9erent plant can be assigned to the
warehouse of any Plant. )ut di9erent storage location within the same
plant cannot be assigned to the same warehouse number. Why
A: $i9erent storage locations from di9erent plants can be assigned to
the same warehouse. )ut di9erent storage locations within the same
plant can not be assigned to the same warehouse number. ,hese
storage locations may be de%ned as storage types or storage sections.

Q: 'e are using only fi+e& bins an& &o not want to use autoatic bin creation nor any
strategy for reoving/loa&ing goo&s to the storage? In what way 'are *ousing hel#s
A: Aou ay go for 'are *ouse o&ule if,
you have aterials in ore than one bin
you anage several &ifferent ty#es of storage ;high rack, block )))=,
you nee& a very fle+ible control for #rintouts
onsum!tion "ased Planning
Q: We have a lot si&e procedure here which is creating more order
proposals. How do you set the limit value for ma<imum number of
*RP order proposals per date in .*4
A: ?nder customi&ation' play around with materials
management(consumption based planning(maintain all plants

Q: What is the di9erence between /planned consumption/ and
/?nplanned consumption/ ;an safety stock calculation be done on
either of these
A: While customi&ing movement types 0O*FF3 it is de%ned as to which
set of consumption values gets posted during the material movement.
!or some it may always be the total consumption and for some it is
always the unplanned one and for some it is dependent on whether
the issues were done with reference to a reservation ie.' a planned
consumption. ,he way these consumption values are taken into
account in *RP is de%ned in the customi&ing of *RP types.
!or Reorder point planning 05*3 the total consumption is used to
calculate the safety stock and the reorder point.
!or !orecast based planning 0553 the total consumption is used to
build the forecast which will be used to compile the order proposals.
!or $eterministic *RP 0P$3 the unplanned consumption is used to
calculate the forecast which in turn is added to the actual demand.

Q: We are trying to use reservations to block our e+isting un,restricte& #lant stock
against a Sales 4r&er ?ine Ite) But the reservation is inclu&e& in the Planning file when
M$P is run)) 'e want to &isable the reservation in M$P) *ow can I &o this?
A: 0se transaction 4PPI)
Menu #ath : Custoi!ing,3Pro&uction,3M$P,3Planning,3M$P Calculations,3Stock,
3-efine Availability
Check >block Stock>

Q: 'e &o not want to convert Planne& or&ers to re%uisitions in our M$P run an& kee#
soe aterials in the ste# of #lanne& or&ers) Can we &o this?
A: Check the in&icator in transaction B4PP$B) Assign the in&icator s#ecifying #lanne&
or&ers only)

Material Master
Q: How can . e<tend all material to a new plant
A: ,he 7-P program 8 R*$-,.@$ is used to create (update material
master record.

Q: How can we delete materials permanently from *aterial master
A: ?se transaction **G> 8 *aterial *aster8HOther8HReorgani&ation8
)uild variant with selection range of material master records to be
selected for deletion and maintain run parameters. +<ecute.
?se transaction **G6 8 *aterial *aster8H other8H Reorgani&ation8
)uild a second variant
*aintain run parameters and e<ecute.
.t is also important to remove the records manually from info record'
POs' PRs' reservation etc for successful deletion of the material.

Q: 7-P only provides moving average value for current' previous
period' and previous year. 7-P does not provide transactions(reports
that will provide moving average value for a given date.
How can . report moving average price for material number
6>>>>>>> at plant >>>6 on Fuly =' 6EEI .
A: ,ry any of these solutions#
6. ;hange the updating level of the structure 07>:63 to /daily/. .n D.7
the total value and the total stock are available. $ivide value by the
stock. .t is possible to calculate this dynamically when the analysis is
run and to display the result.
2. ;reate your own structure in D.7 and populate it by copying the
*oving -verage Price from the material master every time there is a
transaction. Cou will have data on those days when there was a

Q: We have de%ned all the variables for the materials. However' when
. attempt to use *aterial *atchcode obJect *-,6' . get the response
/@o possible entries found/. Why
A: *atchcode i.d. /)/' /*aterial by bill of material/ has a selection
condition for %eld 7,D@R @+ " ". 7,D@R is the )O* number
associated with a material in table *-7,. Hence the message 8 /no
possible entries.../ pops up if there are no bills of materials associated
with your material numbers. Cou get the matchcodes as long as the
material referred by you has )O* number associated with it.

Q: ,he matchcode obJect selection is defaulted to matctcode .$ /)/.
.would like to change to * /*aterial by $escription/ What is the
A: Press the pull down arrow on the material number %eld and
matchcode /)/ is displayed' press !1 double8click matchcode i.d. /*/'
then press !K . ,his will set matchcode /*/ as the default.

Q: 'e have one aterial aster : F an& the unit of easure is B#csB an& two serial
nuber : A,B
Cor this aterial we ake two Pos
Cirst P4 calls aterial F , 6 #cs #rice 622 ;will use serial nuber A=
Secon& P4 calls aterial F , 6 #cs #rice @D2 ;will use serial nuber B=
Goo&s $ecei#t is &one an& by filling serial nuber for the fist P4 with A an& the secon&
P4 with B)
'e want to transfer aterial F serial nuber A to another #lant an& want the valuation of
this aterial as 622) *ow we can &o it ?
A: 0se >s#lit valuation>) Stocks ay be receive& into se#arate storage locations) "ransfer
stocks ay be &one fro a storage location/#lant to another storage location/#lant)

Q: 'e want to change the calculation of Moving Average Price) 'e know that the sae
is in MB5',H5$P$ an& two transactions to consi&er , M$*$, MB26) Is there a
transaction to change MAH or all the #laces it is nee&e&?
A: Any Goo&s recei#t or issue ;in case of s#lit valuate& aterial= changes Moving
Average #rice &e#en&ing u#on the valuation ty#e which is use& when #osting the goo&s
issue) Aou have to go through all the transactions involving thoseI
Cor 5+a#le:
Material F is using s#lit valuation by origin:
Malaysia : MAH E2 0S- , total stock 622 units
In&ia: MAH D2 0S- , total stock @22 units
"otal stock <22 units MAH D<)<<
*ere , goo&s issues will also affect the global MAH, &es#ite not changing MAH fro
origin country)

Q: 'hat is the use of configurable aterial)?
A: Configurable aterial is useful if you have a large nuber of cobination of #arts
that go into a #ro&uct) It eans &ifferent #erutations an& cobinations of the #arts for
sae aterial) If you aintain a uni%ue aterial co&e for each cobination , you re%uire
a large nuber of aterial nubers) JMA" ay be use& in such a case where you
aintain (ust one generic #ro&uct co&e) A su#er B4M is aintaine& for such a aterial
consisting of all #ossible alternatives) A routing is also aintaine& consisting of all
#ossible o#erations that coul& be use&) "y#ically configurable aterial is use& in Ma&e
"o 4r&er ;M"4= environent) *owever fre%uently or&ere& configurations ay be
#lanne& with a aterial variant which nee&s to have a aterial aster recor&) "hus
Material variants ay have stock an& value) -e#en&ing u#on characteristic values chosen
at sales or&er entry Sales 4r&er B4M is create&) $outing o#erations are also chosen
&e#en&ing u#on which B4M co#onents are assigne& to the)

Q: 'ill Source ?ist autoatically a##ear in Material Master as &efault if aintaine& at
#lant level using 4M5D?
A1: If you have aintaine& source list re%uireent in 4M5D an& have not aintaine& the
source list for the aterial , Po can not be release&) Aou are re%uire& to aintain source
list for all aterials in the #lant where the in&icator is set if you aintain source list at
#lant level) 5lse you can ake use of info recor& to &o so autoatically)

Q: 'e have 4ne co#any with a #lant an& another co#any with a sales organi!ation)
'hich is better o#tion between these , P4 or Stock "ransfer 4r&er ?
A: Cross co#any Stock "rans#ort 4r&ers can be &one)
N Configure using transaction 4MG.)
N -e#en&ing u#on the sen&ing an& receiving #lants, aintain sales organi!ation an&
custoer &ata in custoi!ing)
N Maintain the su##lying #lant as a ven&or an& attach the #lant to the ven&or in the
Hen&or Master)
N Material ty#e has to be *A?B or *A'A)
N 5nsure that the co#any with sales 4rgani!ation has a #lant to take care of stocking)
N "he P4 use& is .B an& not Stock "ransfer P4)
Configure S- for inter,co#any billing to enable #icking u# the #ricing #roce&ure for
N Carry 4ut &elivery through #rocess &elivery &ue list an& billing through #rocess billing
&ue list)

Q: 'e can ake fiel& an&atory) 'e want to ake a &efault value to a Particular fiel& in
the Material Master) Say, 'e want that the #erio& in&icator in the M$P@ view as >P>)
'hat is the best way?
A: 0se transaction variant) "ransaction S*-2 an& then "ransaction S59<)

Q: "he following is set u# for workflow:
6) 'orkflow organi!ation Structure with @ #ositions is create& an& assigne& a #erson
to both #ositions
@) Assign tasks to agent
"S 222219:E $e%uisition release , "4 74BS
"S 2222:268 Purchase re%uisition release refuse& , G5.5$A?
"S 2222:26: $e%uisition release& , G5.5$A?
"S 2222:<8: $e%uisition release reset , G5.5$A?
'S 222222<: 'orkflow for #urchase re%uisition release , "4 74BS
<)Activate event linkage
'S 222222<: 'orkflow for #urchase re%uisition release
'5 B0S@229 $5?5AS5S"5PC$5A"5 Purchase
re%uisition $elease ste# create is activate&
8)Activate& release co&es for workflow
K6L $ole resolution with grou#, co&e, an& #lant ;"6EC'=M
D)Assigne& release co&es to agent ;74BS create& in 6=
"he following error a##ears
>'ork ite E211@: ?inkage to ob(ect B0S@229 event $575C"5- cannot be written >)
A: 0se transaction S'5@) Make sure >ob(ect B0S@229 event $575C"5-> is enable&)
SAP MM Sam!le Questions for Materials Management
#ou wis$ to !ro%ure a material using a !ur%$ase order& #ou wis$ to take deli'ery of
t$e material at different times& A graduated dis%ount s%ale e(ists for t$e material&
How do you !ro%eed if you wis$ to take ad'antage of t$e dis%ount arrangement)
A 5nter several or&er ites with the sae aterial nuber an& &ifferent &elivery &ates
B 5nter one or&er ite with the aterial nuber an& assign the aterial to &ifferent
C 5nter an or&er ite with the aterial nuber an& create a nuber of sche&ule lines
- 5nter a nuber of #urchase or&ers for the aterial an& s#ecify &ifferent &elivery
*n t$e !ur%$ase order on w$i%$ t$e goods re%ei!t is +ased, you defined a !ur%$ase
order unit t$at differs from t$e !ur%$ase order unit& W$at is t$e signifi%an%e of t$e
!ur%$ase order !ri%e unit and w$at s$ould you take note of in t$e %ase of a goods
A "he #urchase or&er #rice unit is store& in the aterial aster recor& or #urchasing
info recor& an& &efines the unit of
easure in which the aterial is or&ere&)
B "he syste establishes the relationshi# between the #urchase or&er #rice unit an& the
#urchase or&er unit conversion
in the #urchase or&er)
C At the tie of goo&s recei#t, both the %uantity in the #urchase or&er unit an& the
%uantity in the #urchase or&er #rice
unit have to be entere&, however, the %uantity in #urchase or&er #ice unit is
calculate& by the syste) Aou have to
change it when the calculate& %uantity &iffers fro reality)
- Both at the tie of goo&s recei#t an& invoice verification, the aterial is valuate& on
the basis of the #urchase or&er unit)
#ou enter a goods issue and re%ei'e t$e following message: -W: .n /%urrent date0,
only 1&111 !ie%es are a'aila+le-& W$at do you %on%lude from t$is)
A) .o stocks of the aterial e+ist anywhere in the entire #lant) "herefore, nothing can
be with&rawn)
B) 4nly the s#ecifie& storage location &oes not contain any stocks of the aterial)
"herefore, nothing can be with&rawn)
C) "he aterial e+ist in the s#ecifie& storage location on the current &ay, however, it is
unavailable, because of other
-) "he essage re#resents a warning which you can ignore by #ressing the 5."5$ key)
W$i%$ of t$e following statements on !ro%uring a material of t$e material ty!e
23A4 are %orre%t)
A) "he #urchase or&er ust be acount assigne&)
B) "he goo&s recei#t ust always be unvaluate&)
C) when you enter an invoice, you can change the account assigneent as long as the
goo&s recei#t was unvaluate&)
-) 'hen the aterial is for consu#tion, no &ocuent is ever create& in Cinancial
W$i%$ of t$e following sto%k transfer are rele'ant to 'aluation)
A) Stock transfer fro storage location to storage location in the sae #lant or co#any
B) Stock transfer fro consignent stores of ven&or FA to our unrestricte&,use stock in
storage location 2226)
C) Stock transfer fro stock in %uality ins#ection in storage location 226 to stock in
%uality ins#ection in storage
location 222@ in the sae #lant)
-) Stock transfer of a aterial fro storage location 2226 fro #lant 2226 to #lant
222@) "he #lants belong to
the sae co#any, however the valuation areas are &ifferent ;valuation level is #lant=)
Answers for SAP MM Certification Sa#le Question
How %an you store long5term !ri%es for ser'i%es in t$e form of ser'i%e %onditions)
Answer 6 At the service level
Answer @ At the service an& #lant level
Answer < At the service an& ven&or level
Answer 8 At the service, ven&or an& #lant level
Answer 6 ,< an& 8 , ?ong ter #rices can be aintaine& at Service level, Service an&
Hen&or level or Service, Hen&or an& Plant level)
W$at would you e'aluate if you want to tra%e w$et$er your !ur%$ase requisition
items $a'e +een !ro%essed)
Answer 6 Material status
Answer @ Processing status
Answer < Ite Status
Answer .o) @: Processing status
SAP MM 6i!s +y : 7ttama 8wi'edi, Arfeen 9$an
Answers highlighte& in "rown)
1:#ou want to a%ti'ate 'ersion management for %ontra%ts& W$i%$ %om+ination of
fields do you need ;true<false:)
a= -ocuent category T -ocuent ty#e T Co#any co&e
+: 8o%ument %ategory = 8o%ument ty!e = Pur%$asing organi>ation
c= -ocuent category T Purchasing organi!ation T Purchasing grou# &=-ocuent ty#e T
Purchasing organi!ation T Plant
2: A %onfirmation %ontrol key requiring an order a%knowledgment from t$e 'endor
$as +een entered in a !ur%$ase order& 6$e data in t$e a%knowledgment differs from
t$at in t$e P.: *nstead of t$e w$ole P. quantity on t$e desired date, t$e 'endor
%onfirms deli'ery of $alf of t$e total quantity on ea%$ of t$e two dates one week
a!art from ea%$ ot$er& How do you enter t$is a%knowledgment ;one %orre%t
a= Aou enter two ites with the confire& %uantities an& &ate on the >Confirations> tab
#age in the ite &etails
b= Aou set the #artial &elivery in&icator on the >-elivery > tab #age in the ite &etails) As
a result, an a&&itional entry screen a##ears, on which you can enter the confire&
%uantities an& &ates
%: #ou enter two deli'ery s%$edule lines wit$ t$e %onfirmed quantities and deli'ery
dates on t$e -8eli'ery S%$edule- ta+ !age in t$e item details
&= Aou change the &elivery &ate of the e+isting P4 ite an& re&uce the P4 %uantity by
half) Cor the reaining %uantity, you enter a new P4 ite in which you s#ecify the other
&elivery &ate
A+out Solution Manager:
3: W$i%$ of t$e following are Solution Manager 7sage S%enarios) ;6rue<False:
a= Manage Change $e%uests
b= Monitor SAP Su##ort -esk
c= 0#gra&e SAP Solutions
&= ?ink to SAP 5&ucation
e: *m!lement SAP Solutions
6) 'hat is the &ifference between the stock transfer between two #lants belonging to
sae co#any co&e an& those belonging to &ifferent co#any co&e?
@) 'hat are the fiel&s in Purchasing view?
<) 'hat are the ste#s in autoatic account assignent config)
8) *ow &o you create oveent ty#es? 'hat are the ste#s involve&? 'hen will you
recoen& a new oveent ty#e?
D) 'hat is eant by access se%uence? 'hen it is use&?
E) *ow &oes the P4 #ick u# the #ricing schea?
1) 'hat are the ste#s involve& in creating a #ricing #roce&ure?
:) 'hat are the ty#es of s#ecial stocks available?
9) 'hat are the ty#es of inforecor&s?
62) 'hat is eant by consignent stock?
66) 'hat are the ste#s involve& in consignent cycle?
6@) "ell e about the subcontracting cycle)
6<) *ow is scra# accounte& in subcontracting?
68) *ow are the by#ro&ucts taken care of in subcontracting?
6D) "ell e about the various oveent ty#es an& usage)
6E) 'hat is eant by scales? Can scales be use& in stan&ar& #urchase or&er?
61) 'hat is the &ifference between a contract an& a sche&uling agreeent?
6:) *ow &oes the syste calculate ta+es?
69) *ow &oes the syste calculate non&e&uctible ta+es?
@2) 'hat is eant by batches? *ow can the batches be searche&?
@6) *ow is a shelf,life ite anage& in SAP? 'hat is the full cycle?
@@) 'hat are the settings re%uire& for %uota arrangeent?
@<) 'hat is eant by M$P "y#e an& lot si!ing?
@8) Can it be configure& in such a way that the e+ternal re%uisitions can also be taken into
account while M$P runs in consu#tion,base& #lanning if HB is selecte& as M$P ty#e?
@D) 'hat is a reference #urchase organi!ation? 'hen can it be use&?
@E) 5+#lain the conce#t of s#lit valuation an& when can it be use&? 'hat are the settings
@1) 'hat are valuation area, valuation category an& valuation class?
@:) 'hat is eant by a cre&it eo?
@9) *ow are free ites anage& in a P4?
<2) 'hat is eant by a release strategy?
<6) 'hat are release grou#s an& release co&es?
<@) 'hat are the &ifferences between release #roce&ure with classification an& release
#roce&ure without classification? 'hen are they use&?
<@) Is it #ossible to have a release #roce&ure without classification for a P4?
<<) 'hat is the a+iu nuber of levels available in SAP?
<D) Is it #ossible to have scales in a %uotation?
<E) 'hat is G$ blocke& stock? 'hen it can be use&?
<1) 'hat is the oveent ty#e for return to ven&or? *ow to reverse it?
<:) *ow are the variations in subcontracting taken care of in SAP?
<9) 'hat are the tools available for &ata igration in SAP?
82) 'hat is ?SM'?
86) 'hat is the &ifference between ?SM' an& CA""?
8@) *ow to give s#ecifications for &evelo#ents?
8<) *ow &o you #lan for a ven&or rating syste an& ove about?
88) 'hat is $"P?
8D) 'hat is the oveent ty#e use& in recei#t of $"P?
8E) *ow is an ite with serial no) anage&?
81) *ow &o you ake variants?
8:) 'hat are the ty#es of tables in SAP?
89) *ow to inventory e+cise &uty in SAP?
D2) 'hat are the &ocuents generate& in the MIG4 626 oveent ty#e? 'hat are the
accounts hit?
*ere are soe SAP MM Certification sa#le %uestions you shoul& know the answer to:
Aou wish to #rocure a aterial using a #urchase or&er) Aou wish to take &elivery of the
aterial at &ifferent ties) A gra&uate& &iscount scale e+ists for the aterial) *ow &o you
#rocee& if you wish to take a&vantage of the &iscount arrangeent?
A= 5nter several or&er ites with the sae aterial nuber an& &ifferent &elivery &ates)
B= 5nter one or&er ite with the aterial nuber an& assign the aterial to &ifferent
C= 5nter an or&er ite with the aterial nuber an& create a nuber of sche&ule lines)
-= 5nter a nuber of #urchase or&ers for the aterial an& s#ecify &ifferent &elivery
In the #urchase or&er on which the goo&s recei#t is base&, you &efine& a #urchase or&er
unit that &iffers fro the #urchase or&er unit) 'hat is the significance of the #urchase
or&er #rice unit an& what shoul& you take note of in the case of a goo&s recei#ts?
A= "he #urchase or&er #rice unit is store& in the aterial aster recor& or #urchasing info
recor& an& &efines the unit of easure in which the aterial is or&ere&)
B= "he syste establishes the relationshi# between the #urchase or&er #rice unit an& the
#urchase or&er unit conversion in the #urchase or&er)
C= At the tie of goo&s recei#t, both the %uantity in the #urchase or&er unit an& the
%uantity in the #urchase or&er #rice unit have to be entere&, however, the %uantity in
#urchase or&er #iece unit is calculate& by the syste) Aou have to change it when the
calculate& %uantity &iffers fro reality)
-= Both at the tie of goo&s recei#t an& invoice verification, the aterial is valuate& on
the basis of the #urchase or&er unit)
Aou enter a goo&s issue an& receive the following essage: >': 4n , only 2)222 #ieces
are available>) 'hat &o you conclu&e fro this?
A= .o stocks of the aterial e+ist anywhere in the entire #lant) "herefore, nothing can be
B= 4nly the s#ecifie& storage location &oes not contain any stocks of the aterial)
"herefore, nothing can be with&rawn)
C= "he aterial e+ist in the s#ecifie& storage location on the current &ay, however, it is
unavailable, because of other reservations)
-= "he essage re#resents a warning which you can ignore by #ressing the
5."5$ key)
'hich of the following stateents on #rocuring a aterial of the aterial ty#e .?AG are
A= "he #urchase or&er ust be account assigne&)
B= "he goo&s recei#t ust always be unvaluate&)
C= 'hen you enter an invoice, you can change the account assignent as long as the
goo&s recei#t was unvaluate&)
-= 'hen the aterial is for consu#tion, no &ocuent is ever create& in Cinancial
'hich of the following stock transfer are relevant to valuation?
A= Stock transfer fro storage location to storage location in the sae #lant or co#any
B= Stock transfer fro consignent stores of ven&or FA to our unrestricte&,use stock in
storage location 2226)
C= Stock transfer fro stock in %uality ins#ection in storage location 226 to stock in
%uality ins#ection in storage location 222@ in the sae #lant)
-= Stock transfer of a aterial fro storage location 2226 fro #lant 2226
to #lant 222@) "he #lants belong to the sae co#any, however the valuation areas are
&ifferent ;valuation level is #lant=)
ommon SAP MM Questions
an any one tell me w$at is MM %losing and w$at is F* %losing) How %an * know if
!eriod is %losed)
MM closing eans that you can not #ost aterials &ocuent) In MM area you have two
o#en #erio&s current an& #revious)
If you &o not set other in MM$H , here you can check which are the o#en MM #erio&s
for co#any co&e) If you check Allow #osting to #revious #erio& , it will forbi& MM
#osting in #revious #erio&)
CI o#en #erio& ;obD@= allow to #ost CI &ocuents) As I know you can allow #ostings for
soe accounts , for e+a#le forbi& aterial accounts for #revious #erio& in or&er to
#revent MM #osting until you finish all CI &ocuents)
S,,Monika *ubanova
Moveent 5rror , Posting 4nly Possible Between
Moveent "y#e Posting 5rror In -elivery
How to add an atta%$ment to a Pur%$ase .rder in SAP)
Aou can attach anually any &ocuent to P4 without using -ocuent Manageent
Syste ; -MS = in SAP 8)EC)
But you cannot attach &ocuent while you create P4 in "/Co&e M5@6.
Save you P4 ; M5@6. = an& again o#en with change ; M5@@. = then you can attach
&ocuent through Service for 4b(ect button) Service for 4b(ect button available &own
si&e of Coan& screen ; in your P4 screen M5@@. =
Click your Service 4b(ect button ,3 Create ,3 Create attachent
then select your win&ow &irectory ; which file you nee& to attach= select your file .ow
your syste shows essage Service >Create attachent> is starte&)
Save again your P4) Aou can see ;o#en= your attachent in sae fiel& ; Service for
4b(ect = select an& Create an& check attachent list) Aou can attach as any &ocuent in
your P4)
.ote: "his is only inforation for internal or you can #rint se#arately this &ocuent for
sen&ing to ven&or ; fa+ = Syste will not #rint autoatically along P4 #rint out)
SAP MM 6i!s +y : "a$adur
W$at is t$e differen%e +etween "lanket Pur%$ase .rder and t$e Framework .rder&
In general the Blanket P4s are use& for consuable aterials such as Feror+ #a#ers with
a short te+t ;&oes not nee& to have Master $ecor&= with Ite Category B BB i)e)liit,
where in the P4 vali&ity #erio& as well as the liits are to be entione& for the
si#licity of #rocureent)"he &oc ty#e is BC4B ;Craework 4r&er=)
"he G$ or Service 5ntry for the P4 are not necessary in case of Blanket P4s as well as
one nee& not to ention the account assignent category &uring creation of P4 it can be
B0B,unknown P can be change& at the tie of I$)
A+$i@i A.s$i&
* $a'e two issues:
1: Auto P&.&: *n MM? B Cendor Master ?e%ord ;ontrol data: * $a'e %$e%ked
DAuto P.D&&&&* $a'e %reated t$e Pur%$ase ?eq for t$e Material&&&&&2ow * want to
know $ow t$e automati% P. will %ome into for%e&&&* mean w$at ste!s to do after
%reating P?eq&
2: Sour%e 3ist: * $a'e %$e%ked DSour%e 3istD *n Pur%$asing 'iew of MM?&&&Ha'e two
'endors for t$is material for w$i%$ sour%e list is also maintained;ME11:&&&&W$ile
%reating P.&&t$e system takes +y default t$e first 'endor&&&&* tried to assign t$e
se%ond 'endor ;made sure t$at 'alidity !eriod are in range:&&+ut %ouldnDt do so&&&an
you suggest $ow t$e system will tell me to sele%t one of t$e 'endor * want to assign to
t$e P.&
6) Cor Auto P4 , yo shoul& #rocee& as follows:
S Auto P)4): In MM$ P Hen&or Master $ecor& , checke&;MM2@/FJ2@=
S Maintain Source ?ist P select the in&icator for source list recor& as M$P relevent)
S If ore than one source list recor&s are generate&, ake one of the as fi+e&)
S $un M$P , the P$Bs generate& will be #reassigne& with the source of su##ly);M-26=
S 5nter " Co&e M5D9 for autoatically creating P4Bs fro P$Bs)
@)S Check if the assigne& Source in P$ is not fi+e& in Source ?ist)
S Check if the info recor& for source not assigne&, is having vali& con&itions)
Prem "$ardwa@
W$y system gi'ing me only warning message instead of error message w$en * am
trying to make 4? wit$ a material w$i%$ already ti%k for deletion flag& *s t$ere any
%onfiguration mistake )
"hrough 4MCQ , set essage no M1 8<2 for error)
W$en * want to settle Framework order& .n *nformation 6e(t, * $ad a message
-*n'oi%ing !lan: 2o message was found for !artner 111FGF<%om!any %ode 2111- *
$ad in'estigate t$at error on message determination and still t$e
error o%%urs& May+e * miss t$e setting in message determination& an you tell me
$ow to set Framework order Settlement message determination&
Accor&ing to SAP .otes, when an invoicing #lan is settle&, you can create a &ocuent/e,
ail or etc to notify your su##lier or internal #ersonnel) "he IMG setting ;SAP 8)1= can
be set in Material Mgt ,,3 ?ogistic Invoice Herification ,,3 Message &eterination)
Another way is if the creation of these &ocs are not re%uire&, turn off the essage by
setting the essage &is#lay fro B5rrorB to BInforationB) "he IMG setting can be set in
Material Mgt ,,3 ?ogistic Invoice Herification ,,3 -efine Attributes of Syste
Messages) "his is what I &i& on y si&e)
Ha'e any one you done t$is in *M: *na%ti'ating t$e standard Mo'ement 6y!es& Say
for eg& * donDt want to end user to use t$is M6y!e G115 ?e%ei!t wit$out ref to P.&
* donDt want to delete t$is mo'ement ty!e, +eing an SAP standard one& .ne o!tion
w$at * t$oug$t of is to %ontrol in t$e aut$orisation !rofile, !rofile to e(%lued sele%ted
mo'ement ty!es&
*s t$ere any ot$er way we %an do t$is)
Aou can &elete the accounts assignents which are use& for D26 oveent ty#e, in "2<2
table) "ransaction co&e is 4BAC)
6) 0se transaction 4M77
@) 5nter oveent ty#e D26
<) $eove MB26 fro allowe& transactions
SAP Material Management *nter'iew Questions
Pro+lem is t$at after goods re%ei!t and AF6E? in'oi%e 'erifi%ation, re'ersal of
goods re%ei!t is +eing done& lient wants t$is more %ontrolled as t$e 4?*? a%%ount
is +eing affe%ted& So no re'ersals to +e done after *n'oi%e 'erifi%ation& How to
a!!roa%$ t$is)
Make this setting: SP$4 3 Materials Manageent 3 Inventory Manageent an& Physical
Inventory 3 Goo&s $ecei#t 3 Cor G$,Base& IH, $eversal of G$ -es#ite Invoice
*ere reove the tick against Mvt 62@ P 6@@)
.ow the syste will not allow to return the Goo& at any case) H55 "&Anand dai'ara@a
* $a'e %reated a new 'endor& 3ater * found t$at t$ere were some mistakes and t$at
* want t$at t$e system s$ould not allow me to make any P. or !ost any entries to
t$is 'endor& How to dea%ti'ate t$is 'endor)
Aou can block a ven&or at the following levels:
All co#any co&e
Single co#any co&e
All Purchase org
Single Purchase org
W$ere to 4et t$e 4oods Mo'ement 6y!e 3ist)
Ste# 6= $un s#ro coan&/"C
Ste# @= "hen ove to >SAP $eference IMG> screen
Ste# <= "hen navigate following #ath:
IMG ,,3 Materials Manageent ,,3 Inventory Manageent an& Physical Inventory ,,3
Moveent "y#es ,,3 Co#y, Change Moveent ty#es
*ere with >Co#y, Change Moveent ty#es> o#tion a hel# tutorial is available
;rectangular blue colour icon=) In that go to >Curther inforation> section where you can
fin& a big list of oveent ty#es with soe brief e+#lanation)
W$ere t$e s%$edule margin key is %ustomi>ed)
Aou &efine the or&er float in the sche&uling argin key, "he sche&uling argin key is
co#ie& fro the aterial aster) "he float before #ro&uction or float after #ro&uction an&
the release #erio& are &efine& in the sche&uling argin key
Cor Custoi!ing for Sho# Cloor Control, by choosing 4#erations ,,3 Sche&uling ,,3
-efine Sche&uling Margin Jey )
"he sche&uling argin key is assigne& to the aterial ; M$P area in the aterial aster=
an& is transferre& when the #ro&uction or&er is create&) "hese values can be change& in
the #ro&uction or&er)
W$at is t$e fun%tion of ."#)
Cunction of the 4BAC stan& for Configure Autoatic Postings) In this ste#, you enter
the syste settings for Inventory Manageent an& Invoice Herification transactions for
autoatic #ostings to G/? accounts)
Postings are a&e to G/? accounts autoatically in the case of Invoice Herification an&
Inventory Manageent
transactions relevant to Cinancial an& Cost Accounting)
Cor e+a#le, Posting lines are create& in the Stock account an& Consu#tion account)
6ell me w$at is Hmake to orderH)
Make,to,or&er #ro&uction is a #rocess in which a #ro&uct is in&ivi&ually anufacture&
for a #articular custoer) In contrast to ass #ro&uction for an uns#ecifie& arket where
a aterial is anufacture& any ties, in ake,to,or&er #ro&uction a aterial is create&
only once though the sae or a siilar #ro&uction #rocess ight be re#eate& at a later
In global tra&e, you often nee& to #rocess several &ifferent kin&s of transactions at the
sae tie) "he "ra&ing 5+ecution 'orkbench ;"5'= #rovi&es a central cock#it where
tra&ers can #rocess tra&ing contracts an& their subco#onents, such as #urchase or&ers
an& sales or&ers an& follow,on &ocuents) In a&&ition, "5' autoates a large #art of the
&ata entry, aking #rocessing %uicker, easier, an& ore error,free)
How to delete a material %om!letely)
"ry MM-5 transaction but be careful this will reove all aterial fro Client)
W$at is t$e use of 6a+les in MM& i&e& How t$e ta+les get %reated)
"hrough S566 you can create a new "able) In MM if you create a Material Master
MA$A, MA$M, MA$C,MA$-, MB5' P MHJ5 will u#&ate&) In Hen&or Master
?CA6, ?CB6 P ?CM6 will be u#&ate&) "he sae a##lies to 5JJ4,5JP4 for P)4,
MS5G P MJPC for MIG4 P $BJP for MI$4)
*f in any error, only t$e message no& I or t$e ta+le no& is s$own , t$en $ow to resol'e
t$e error using message no& or ta+le no&)
Contact ABAP or BASIS #erson to resolve this)
How to %reate new transa%tion %odes)
In transaction co&e S59< you can create, Change P -is#lay a "ransaction Co&e)

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