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Lesson Plan for Implementing

Name Victoria Williams

School/District DeKalb County School System
Phone 848-MATH102 // 848-628-4102
Grade Level(s) 7
Content Area Social Studies
Time line 3 weeks

The intent of the standards is for students to be able to locate selected countries and major physical features in
Southwest Asia using a world and regional political-physical map. The students will also investigate several major
environmental issues in Southwest Asia while comparing it with environmental issues in their local area. They
should identify the elements affect on the economy and population of their local area and Southwest Asia.
Students should be able to provide background on the issues and their consequences. The students will explain
how location, climate and distribution of natural resources have impacted population distribution and trade in
Southwest Asian and their local community. While doing the aforementioned, students will understand the
diversity of the cultures in Southwest Asia and their local communities. They will understand what factors make
cultures unique and what factors differentiate them from other groups (Georgia Standards, 2013). For the
technology portion the student will demonstrate creative thinking and apply existing knowledge to generate new
ides or processes through a class blog on Weebly.Com. Students will use Weebly to format their personal
portfolio while contributing to a class account for blogging purposes. Students will communicate and collaborate
by interacting and publishing information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences while developing cultural
understanding and global awareness. Students will use digital tools to gather evaluate and use information. This
will require critical thinking and problem solving before making decisions. Prior to having access to the Internet
students will demonstrate and advocate safe, legal and responsible use of information and technology while
selecting and using applications effectively and productively. Students will transfer current knowledge to learning
of new technologies. There are connections to Language Arts and Economics but for the sake of emphasis, the
main concentration will be on Social Studies and Technology (ISTE, 2012).

Content Standards SS7G5, SS7G6, SS7G7
NETS*S Standards: ISTE NETSS// 1.a,b,c,d-2.a,b,c,d-3.a,b,c,d-4.a,b,c,d-5.a,b,c,d-6.a,b,c,d

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Students will create an e-portfolio using On their website they will insert an blog in which other
students will respond to topics of discussions. Students will take short videos and photographs of their
environment and share short videos through Videolicious on their class portal. Socratic discussions will take
place on Voice Thread. All discussions on the students blog will be approved and facilitated by teacher. The
end product for this lesson will be a student created video on Screencast, Podcast, Videolicious or IMovie.
End product must explain and elaborate of difference in geographical locations, i.e. Southwest Asia, Georgia, St.
The activity for the student is to create a map with artistic mediums, then produce a video on the process of
creating the map, the second portion is to locate designated features of Southwest Asia on the map then present
themselves locating these designated areas in video format. Students will teach each other how to locate the
designated areas of Southwest Asia via podcast, screencast or Videolicious.
Students will continuously collaborate through blogs on topics related to standards associated to this lesson.
Students will take quiz on Schoolology.
Students from St. Thomas and Georgia will be in collaboration with each other, comparing and contrasting
difference in their local communities via photographs, videos and blogs.

Essential Questions and Guiding Questions
How does location affect the economy, culture and development of an society? What are the different types of
maps used to locate geographical locations? What resources are needed to locate nations on a map? How do
water pollution and the unequal distribution of water impact irrigation and drinking water? How does the
distribution of resources affect the development of a community and/or society? How does physical features
affect the population in terms of where people live, the type of work they do and how they travel? Compare and
contrast the various religions, customs, traditions and governments in Southwest Asia and your community. What
is the definition of diversity and how does it apply to your community (Georgia Standards, 2013)?
Why does change always follow conflict? What cultural conflicts can you identify in your school or community?
What cultural conflicts can you identify in Southwest Asia? How does society and government adapt to each
others growing complexities? What jobs are available or unavailable because of the physical geography in
Southwest Asia and your community? What are the reasons people move? How do opportunities change (jobs,
food, homes, standard of living, clothes, etc.) depending on where people live? What are the elements that make
up an economy?

Students will produce:
1. Students will research information pertaining to the development of videos, photographs and interactive
collaborations via the web.
2. Creative maps of their community and Southwest Asia.
3. Essays pertaining research representing to topics associated to standards.
4. Videos, photographs pertaining to topic.
5. Periodic assessments will be contained in Schoolology.

Students will choose whether to work as individuals or in groups. They will generate essays via blogs and take
quizzes via Schoolology. Teachers, parents and peers will continuously observe students. Rubric attached to the
end of the lesson.

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Material and Resources
Material and Resources
The following technologies will support student learning by allowing students to meet aforementioned standards.
Student will have access to handouts and templates located in the following books, Georgia CRCT Coach, 7

Grade Social Studies Georgia Performance Standards and Georgia CRCT TEST PREP.
Technology- IMovie, Weebly, Voice Thread, Screencast, Podcast, Videolicious, Schoolology, Mobil devices with
cameras and internet access, laptops or desktops with cameras and internet access. The research sites include
The previous technology skills students should have is the basic knowledge of accessing the internet and
manipulation of all Web.2 previously mentioned in this lesson.

Instructional Plan
All students will have a pre-test and post test for this unit. Reading scores will be excessed via school portal.
Previous CRCT data will also be examined for grouping of students. If students are within a range of 3 grade
levels above or below there are no prerequisites to this course. Difficulties might arise for students who are
reading 4 or more grade levels below expectations.

Classroom management derived from the Montessori methods. Students will use Ipads and computer labs.
Students will work within the classroom, computer lab and independently at home. The class will be managed by
placing students in small groups, whole groups and allowing some to work as individuals.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities
Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities
The researched based instructional strategies used for this lesson are the Montessori methods of hands on
instruction and the Flipped Classroom environment. The learning environment will support these activities
because student will have unlimited opportunities to work at home and in the class. The student is the facilitator of
obtaining new knowledge. Higher order thinking will be assessed in the students essays and oral presentations
via video production. The authentic, relevant, and meaningful learning activities and task the students will
complete are presented within the Voice Thread, Videolicious, IMovie, blogs and e-portfolios. Students will use all
digital tools to communicate and collaborate with each other and others. The teacher through directives and
observations of all activities will facilitate the collaboration.

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Instruction will differentiate based upon content, process and product. Assistive technologies and resources will
be used as need arise. Headphones will be used for assistive technology. Headphones will be attached to the
computers and mobile devices to assist with the reading of resources. Map skills will be incorporated for the
levels below standards and advance mapping skills for those above standards. All concepts will broad based
allowing for assessments for all students. Instruction will address same concepts but the level of difficulty will be
adjusted for each learner. Flexible grouping will be consistently used. Small or paired groups will follow all big-
idea grouping. Pre-assessment is mandatory. On-going assessment of students growth will be continuous.
Formal and informal assessments will be conducted. Products will be assessed in accordance to the rubric.
Students will learn in collaboration with others and independently work. They will compare and contrast poetry,
photography and essays independently generated. Including economics and government in with the theme of
geography will incorporate extensions and enrichment opportunities.

The culminating activity will be the display and showing of videos and artwork produced. Students will not focus
on standard based grades, but the meaningfulness and worth of completing the activities. Lesson will be
implemented Fall 2014.

As for me creating this lesson, it was a challenge due to time constraints. I learned of my aunt who established a
school in St. Thomas, which is still in effect. I made visit to the school and presented my idea. It has been
accepted and I used the content of my summer courses to give guidance to the process of having the
collaboration between students in St. Thomas and Georgia up and running by fall 2014. Again the challenge was
time constraints. I was not able to absorb material in depth. I was in attendance at the ISTE conference 2014; I
exposed myself to as much technological advances as humanly possible in five days, while testing the material. If
I were to advise others to do the same I would extend the time allowed.

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4 3 2 1
Teamwork Students meet and
discuss regularly. All
students contribute to
the discussion and all
are listened to
respectfully. All team
members contribute a
fair share of the work.
Students meet and
discuss regularly. Most
students contribute to
the discussion and are
listened to respectfully.
All team members
contribute a fair share
of the work.
A couple of team
meetings are held. Most
students contribute to
the discussion and are
listened to respectfully.
All team members
contribute a fair share
of the work.
Meetings are not held
AND/OR some team
members do not
contribute a fair share
of the work.

Concept Team has a clear
picture of what they are
trying to achieve. Each
member can describe
what he or she are
trying to do and
generally how his/her
work will contribute to
the final product.
Team has a fairly clear
picture of what they are
trying to achieve. Each
member can describe
what they are trying to
do overall but has
trouble describing how
his/her work will
contribute to the final
Team has brainstormed
their concept, but no
clear focus has
emerged for the team.
Team members may
describe the goals/final
product differently.
Team has spent little
effort on brainstorming
and refining a concept.
Team members are
unclear on the goals
and how their
contributions will help
them reach the goal.

All necessary
equipment/supplies are
located and scheduled
well in advance. All
equipment (sound, light,
video) is checked the
day before the shoot to
ensure it is operational.
A backup plan is
developed to cover
possible problems with
power, light, etc.
All necessary
equipment/supplies are
located and scheduled
a few days in advance.
All equipment (sound,
light, video) are
checked the day before
the shoot to ensure they
are operational. A
backup plan is
On the day of the shoot,
all necessary
equipment/supplies are
located and checked to
ensure they are
operational. There may
or may not be a backup
supplies/equipment are
missing OR were not
checked before the

Research Note cards indicate that
the group members
developed questions
about the assigned
topic, consulted at least
3 reference sources,
developed a position
based on their sources,
and correctly cited their
Note cards indicate that
the group members
consulted at least 3
reference sources,
developed a position
based on their sources,
and correctly cited their
Note cards indicate that
the group members
consulted at least 2
reference sources,
developed a position
based on their sources,
and correctly cited their
There are fewer than
two notecards OR
sources are incorrectly


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Georgia Standards. (2013, January 1). Retrieved July 2, 2014, from Georgia Standards:
ISTE. (2012). NETS for Adminstrators. Washington, DC, USA: Interantional Society for Technology in

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