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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Course No Cours Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits

CSE101P FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTING 11361 :: Vikas Verma 0 0 3 2
Course Category NA
Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) Salient Features
Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference)
Vikas Verma, "A Workbook on C", Cengage Learning 1 Text Book:
Other Specific Book:
Forouzan and Gilberg, "Computer Science - A Structured Programming Approach using C", Cengage Learning 2
Byron Gottfried, "Programming With C ", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi 3
Ashok N. Kamthane, "Programming with ANSI & Turbo C", Pearson Education 4
B. W. Kernighan and D.M. Ritchie, "The C Programming Language " , Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 5
E. Balagurusamy, "Programming in ANSI C " , Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi 6
Relevant Websites
Other Reading
*Each experiment of the lab will be evaluated using following relative scheme:
Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Labs
1 Approved for Spring Session 2011-12
Component % of Marks
J/E 50
WR 20
List of experiments :-
Lecture Topic Pedagogical Tools Or Equipment Planned lab Manual
Individual 1 Writing algorithms and pseudo-codes PCs with Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 2 Implementing flowcharts using Raptor PCs with Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 3 Implementing flowcharts using Raptor PCs with Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 4 Simple C programs using formatted I/O functions PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 5 Simple C programs using variables, constants and
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 6 Simple C programs using variables, constants and
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 7 C programs using various control statements(if , if else,
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 8 C programs using various control statements(for) PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 9 C programs using various control statements(while, do
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 10 C programs using various control statements
(combination of decision and loops)
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 11 C programs using built-in math functions and
unformatted I/O functions.
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 12 C programs using built-in math functions and
unformatted I/O functions.
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 13 C programs to implement user-defined functions. PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 14 C programs to implement recursive functions. PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 15 C programs to implement user-defined functions and
recursive functions.
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 16 Programs in C illustrating the use of 1D int arrays. PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
2 Approved for Spring Session 2011-12
Individual 17 Programs in C illustrating the use of 2D arrays. PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 18 Programs in C illustrating the use of 1D and 2D arrays
(int and float).
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Mid Term
Individual 19 Programs to demonstrate the use of simple pointers,
pointer to a pointer.
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 20 Programs to demonstrate the use pointer arithmetic
and pointers with arrays.
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 21 Programs to demonstrate the use of pointers with
arrays and pointer to arrays.
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 22 Programs on working with strings and string functions
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 23 Programs on working with strings and string functions
(user defined)
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 24 Programs on 2-D character arrays. PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 25 Programs to implement structures. PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 26 Programs to implement unions and enumerations PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 27 Programs to implement nested structures. PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 28 Program to implement structure pointer. PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 29 Program to implement structures with functions. PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 30 Program to implement bit-fields in a structure. PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 31 Programs on working with disk files (reading). PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 32 Programs on working with disk files (reading, writing) PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 33 Programs on working with disk files (appending) -
updating a file
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Spill Over
Individual 34 Programs on Dynamic memory allocation using
pointers(malloc), free
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
Individual 35 Programs on Dynamic memory allocation using
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
3 Approved for Spring Session 2011-12
Individual 36 Programs on Dynamic memory allocation using
PCs with C compiler, Raptor software Not Applicable
4 Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

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