Simple Future

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We form the will-future with the auxiliary will and the infinitive of the verb.
We use the the same form of the verb every time regardless the subject.
In British English we sometimes use shall instead of will for the first persons (Iwe!.
will " infinitive
Affirmative sentences
$e will play football.
NOTE: shortcontracted form in the will-future#
$e'll play football.
Negative sentences
$e will not play football.
NOTE: shortcontracted forms in the will-future#
$e won't play football. or
$e'll not play football.
Will he play football%
Afrmative form
&! 'omorrow it in the north-west. (to rain)
(! )y friend &( next )onday. (to be)
*! $ey +ohn, Wait a minute. I a word with you. (to ave)
-! .he her boss next wee/. (to contact)
0! I thin/ you this job. (to get)
1! 'hey at about 1 pm. (to arrive)
2! 'he teacher this exercise. (to e!"#ain)
3! $e the bottle of water. (to $ro")
4! 5ots of accidents in that weather. (to a""en)
&6! .he if you show her the spider. (to scream)
&! 'omorrow it will rain in the north-west.
(! )y friend will be &( next )onday.
*! $ey +ohn, Wait a minute. I will have a word with you.
-! .he will contact her boss next wee/.
0! I thin/ you will get this job.
1! 'hey will arrive at about 1 pm.
2! 'he teacher will explain this exercise.
3! $e will drop the bottle of water.
4! 5ots of accidents will happen in that weather.
&6! .he will scream if you show her the spider.
7ut in the verbs in brac/ets into the gaps and form negative sentences in will-future.
'he rain 8888888888 in the afternoon. (not%to sto")
'he rain &i## not sto" in the afternoon. or
'he rain &on't sto" in the afternoon.
'oggle example
&! 'im the teacher. (not%to te##)
(! I hope I the train to )anchester. (not%to miss)
*! .he her hair green. (not%to $(e)
-! $e brea/fast tomorrow morning. (not%to "re"are)
0! 'he manager trees in front of the office building. (not%to "#ant)
1! )elissa jeans at her party. (not%to &ear)
2! )y friends in a city. (not%to #ive)
3! We about the bad weather. (not%to &orr()
4! I in this la/e. (not%to s&im)
&6! 9ou the vase on the shelf. (not%to reac)
&! 'im will not tell the teacher.
(! I hope I will not miss the train to )anchester.
*! .he will not dye her hair green.
-! $e will not prepare brea/fast tomorrow morning.
0! 'he manager will not plant trees in front of the office building.
1! )elissa will not wear jeans at her party.
2! )y friends will not live in a city.
3! We will not worry about the bad weather.
4! I will not swim in this la/e.
&6! 9ou will not reach the vase on the shelf.
7ut in the verbs in brac/ets into the gaps. :se the will-future. )ind the word order in ;uestions.
Example: 888888888888888 school this year% (Susan%to finis)
Answer: )i## Susan finis school this year%
'oggle example
&! me <06% ((ou%to #en$)
(! When to the country% (te(%to move)
*! the exam in =rench% (Laura%to $o)
-! When us the file% (*im%to sen$)
0! a mile in 0 minutes% (+on%to run)
1! the garden bench% ((our fater%to "aint)
2! $ow many days in >ome% (se%to sta()
3! the ?rand @anyon Aational 7ar/% (&e%to visit)
4! it in BraBil% ()i##iam%to #i,e)
&6! ICm going to a bas/etball match. with me% ((ou%to come)
&! Will you lend me <06%
(! When will they move to the country%
*! Will aura do the exam in =rench%
-! When will !im send us the file%
0! Will "ohn run a mile in 0 minutes%
1! Will your father paint the garden bench%
2! $ow many days will she stay in >ome%
3! Will we visit the ?rand @anyon Aational 7ar/%
4! Will William li#e it in BraBil%
&6! ICm going to a bas/etball match. Will you come with me%

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