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2007 Customer
Care Satisfaction
Benchmarking report
Benchmarking Satisfaction
for Better Performance

Benchmarking is an essential part of Our goal at Convergys is to compile the

Benchmarking is critical becoming and remaining a world-class
contact center. It is a tool that contact
landmark data resource on contact center
customer satisfaction and to provide a
to helping organizations center managers can use to become among
the “best of the best.” Assessing one’s
benchmark of customer expectations
across care types and verticals. To that
deliver a superior competitive performance is a necessary
step on the path from satisfaction
end, our Satisfaction Benchmarking
Database—launched in 2002—warehouses
customer experience. measurement to truly improving the
customer experience. Seeing beyond a
individual contact centers’ customer
satisfaction data and enables accurate
contact center’s day-to-day operational comparisons of caller satisfaction both
metrics to key impacts on customer within and across industries.
relationships allows organizations to tailor
service programs that build customer This benchmarking database includes
loyalty and drive growth. essential customer feedback on overall
satisfaction as well as three established
satisfaction drivers:

1. Satisfaction with the agent

2. Total issue resolution
3. First call resolution

2 • 2007 Customer Care Satisfaction Benchmarking report

Benchmarking Defined
At Convergys, we believe a successful benchmarking program includes
four key components:
1. Internal benchmarking: This is the process of comparing your performance to other competitive centers within your
organization. Results can be used for compensation as well as performance management.

2. Competitive benchmarking: Designing and implementing a satisfaction measurement program assessing your competitors’
performance within your customer base helps understand and react to competitive pressures. This provides an assessment of
your strengths and weaknesses and alerts you to encroaching threats.

3. Vertical benchmarking: Assessing satisfaction within your vertical helps you understand overall market positioning as well as
potential opportunities among new customers.

4. Service quality benchmarking: As a core component of the customer experience, customer contacts represent the single most
frequently occurring customer experience with your organization. Given its mission-critical status, understanding how your
contact experience stacks up is indispensable in creating loyal customers.

When launching our satisfaction Benchmark Study of Satisfaction Responses summarized here include more
benchmarking database, we created with Customer Care than 1,000,000 surveys from customers
a rigorous set of standards for data who had a contact center experience.
inclusion. We now have warehoused more Now in the second year of industry In addition to containing a performance
than two million surveys that meet these reporting, we created the following 2007 analysis for the industry at large, we also
standards, spanning 15 industries and Customer Care Satisfaction Benchmarking provide comparisons of contact centers by
myriad types of customer support. report to give contact center managers vertical: *
a snapshot of how well the industry is
satisfying customers. • Cable TV / Satellite TV
• Communications
• Financial Services
• Healthcare / Insurance
• Retail
• Shipping
• Technology
* Industry and support breakouts are not shown in this
report unless at least three companies are represented.

2007 Customer Care Satisfaction Benchmarking report • 3

Study Findings
Two Overall Metrics Showed Slight Increases in 2007. Over the last four years, overall experience ratings across the contact center industry
remained steady, ranging between 80% and 82%. Agent scores nudged up slightly in the past year, from 85% to 86%, marking three consecutive
years of gradual increases. Issue resolution dropped one point to 79%. First call resolution showed the greatest gain (three points), up to 58%;
this reflects a two-year improvement.

Performance Trends across the contact center industry

% 4 & 5 Combined (5-point scale)

Overall Experience 100

and Overall Agent
scores represent 90
“top-two scoring” on 80
a 5-point scale. Total 70
issue Resolution scores 2004
represent “yes” on 2005
whether the caller’s 2006
issue was resolved. First 40
Call Resolution scores 30
represent “yes” to issue 20
resolution combined
with “1” for the
number of calls to 0
resolve the issue Overall Overall Total Issue First Call
Experience Agent Resolution Resolution

Scores for Customer Care Revealed Similar Trends. Looking specifically at customer care contacts, scores for overall experience remained
steady at 81%. Overall agent ratings notched up another point from last year to 86%. Total issue resolution remained unchanged at 80%.
First call resolution improved several points, with 60% of customers reporting their issue was resolved on the first contact

Performance Trends for customer care contact

% 4 & 5 Combined (5-point scale)

Overall Experience
and Overall Agent 100
scores represent 90
“top-two scoring” on 80
a 5-point scale. Total
issue Resolution scores 2004
represent “yes” on 60
whether the caller’s 50
issue was resolved. First 2006
Call Resolution scores 2007
represent “yes” to issue
resolution combined 20
with “1” for the 10
number of calls to 0
resolve the issue
Overall Overall Total Issue First Call
Experience Agent Resolution Resolution

4 • 2007 Customer Care Satisfaction Benchmarking report

Insurance / Financial Services and Healthcare Perform Highest Overall. Across all industries reported here, healthcare /
insurance and financial services led in satisfying customers; more than 82% of respondents provided a top-two rating in these industries.
Technology (79%) and shipping (78%) were close behind. At the other end of the scale, cable and communications had the lowest overall
scores (66% and 62%, respectively).

Overall Contact Experience By Vertical



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% 4 & 5 Combined (5-point scale)

Similar Results Were Revealed for Agent Performance Scores. Vertical-level results for agent performance scores showed a
similar pattern to overall scores. Healthcare / insurance and financial services organizations (92% and 87%, respectively) were the clear
leaders. Additionally, shipping and technology scored well, with agent ratings over 80% for each. At the low end was retail (71%) followed
by communications (64%).

Agent Performance By Vertical







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% 4 & 5 Combined (5-point scale)

2007 Customer Care Satisfaction Benchmarking report • 5

Healthcare, Finance and Shipping Lead in Issue Resolution. Customer perceptions that their issues were resolved during the contact
experience were 65% or higher across all verticals, with resolution rates at 79% or higher in three verticals: Healthcare / insurance, finance
and shipping. The strength of these scores highlights an increasing industry focus on issue resolution as a cost-reduction lever as well as a key
customer satisfier. Again, at the low end of the scale were communications and retail; each scored just 65% on overall resolution rates.

Total Issue Resolution By Vertical







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% Resolved

Across Industries, First Call Resolution Rates Need Improvement. First call resolution rates were less than 60% in all industries except
healthcare / insurance (64%). In verticals where resolving a call the first time can be more difficult, e.g. technology, FCR scores were very
low (43%). Communications showed the lowest performance by far at just 32% first call resolution. Collectively, these results show an area
ripe for organizational focus.

First Call Resolution By Vertical







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% Resolved

6 • 2007 Customer Care Satisfaction Benchmarking report

Conclusions Interestingly, we did see an impressive About the Author
lift in first call resolution scores for 2007.
Over the past four years, customer While this increase may only help maintain John Georgesen, Ph.D., is Senior Director,
satisfaction with contact center experiences satisfaction scores overall, it has the Analytics and Decision Sciences at Convergys
show slight movement upward followed by additional impact of creating cost savings Corporation. Through its Global Consulting
a period of stabilization. In the same time through reduced repeat call volume. So while Services, Convergys integrates marketing
period, however, there was a heavy industry the satisfaction needle itself grows harder research and database modeling techniques
and organizational focus on improving the to swing, contact centers still can effect to develop distinct, market-based strategies
customer experience. Why don’t we see that meaningful changes in other metrics that will at each stage of the customer lifecycle. We
focus reflected in increased scores? both keep satisfaction high and also drive have built an in-house team of research
the bottom line. and database professionals, including
There are two possible reasons. One, Ph.D.-accredited Decision Scientists and Six
customer satisfaction with transactions One option to consider when facing the Sigma Black Belts. Our focus is on driving
may be plateauing for organizations with a challenge of improving satisfaction an improved customer experience across all
matured customer service focus meaning scores is implementation of a Customer touchpoints offered by an organization.
that the impact of internal efforts to focus Experience Scorecard. More and more
on satisfaction performance have maximized companies use a scorecard approach to
the resulting score changes. Second, measure key metrics significant to gauging
customer expectations are higher than ever the health of the company and indicating
and are possibly increasing at the same rate areas that need improvement. Prioritization
as organizational improvements. Together, of these metrics is greatly impacted by
these could lead to relative stability in scores both industry and customer demographics;
across many customer contact settings. for example, what is important in a retail
experience is not the same as a healthcare
experience. Also, what is important by age
will vary between “Baby-Boomers”, “Seniors”
and “Gen X and Y.” With a scorecard as a
strategic element of the business, executives
can be certain they are directing funds
and efforts to the appropriate areas,
focusing on factors most likely to deliver
a superior customer experience and drive
profitable growth.

2007 Customer Care Satisfaction Benchmarking report • 7

About Convergys
Convergys Corporation (NYSE: CVG)
is a global leader in relationship management.
We provide solutions that drive more value
from the relationships our clients have with
their customers and employees. Convergys
turns these everyday interactions into a source
of profit and strategic advantage for our
clients. For more information,

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Convergys refers to Convergys Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiaries. PV5-044N Customer Care Benchmark rev 6.4.08

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