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Volume 1 No. 2 Winter 2009

… And We’re Still Shining …. The Paradoxical Truth ….

Anointed Reflections …. A Dream Fulfilled—A Tree of Life ….
The Rear Guard Generation…. A Life Changing Mission
Free Issue
astor Michael C. McQueen and Associate Pastor
Annmarie McQueen have been ministering together
since November 1993, when they took over
leadership of Faith Ministries International,
Bamberg, Germany.
They have been married for 28 years and have three lovely children together,
Michelle, 28, Michael, Jr., soon 25, and Miguel, 11 years old. The family had been on
the mission field in Germany for 16 years, with Pastor Michael serving as the senior
pastor and Annmarie as the associate pastor, until the family relocated to the US in
July 2006. They have continued to minister in Germany and Europe.

Pastor Michael is an ordained Elder in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the

World Inc. and a strong advocate of the Apostles’ doctrine which he preaches and
teaches under the anointed power of Jesus. He has received a Associates Degree in
Biblical Studies from ICI University. He is a veteran of the First Persian Gulf War,
where he served as a medic.

Pastor Annmarie is an anointed teacher and preacher of the Gospel of Jesus

Christ and holds a theological degree in Christian Education as well as a Bachelor of
Science degree in ISM, and a Master of Education degree. Pastor Annmarie has been
ministering the Word of God as the Spirit gives utterance for over 25 years, is the
author of three books, and travels throughout Europe and the United States as well
as in Africa, preaching the Word of God and teaching His truth, crossing cultural,
educational, economical, and denominational lines, and always doing those things
that please the Father.

Together, they are committed to healing the broken-hearted, to preach

deliverance to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty them
that are bruised, and to leading God’s people into victorious living in spite of the

Calendar of Events: Features
The Founders 02

11th Annual Making A On the Cover 05

Difference Conference
Dec 4-6, 2009 Through God’s Love...Shine in 2009 06
Unteröwisheim Castle,
Kraichtal, GER The Leader’s Voice 08

Anointed Reflections 12
Making A Difference Fast
January 2010 A Life-Changing Mission 16

Thank you 18
Making A Difference
Prayer Conference,
The Rear Guard Generation 20
Frankfurt, Germany
January 2010 A Dream Fulfilled—A Tree of Life 24

Editorial Team
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Annmarie McQueen
Editors: Donnett Ekwerike, Anke Stoye
Art Director: Diana Roberts

Michelle McQueen is anointed by
God to usher in God’s Glory
through liturgical dance. The call
to dance came after a serious knee
injury which threatened her ability
to ever walk again. She has been
dancing for eight years since that
call. Her life exemplifies that of
Christ. Her dancing is truly
Or call: 1-817-307-3108

The cover picture and the ones below were taken during Pastor Annmarie’s mission to
Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone, the country of Unity, Freedom, and Justice as stated in its Coat of Arms,
is a land rich in natural resources, such as gold and diamonds. Yet, according to statis-
tics, it is one of the poorest nations of the world. People suffer from hunger and die of
easy-to-treat illnesses due to the lack of a health care system.
We visited a number of schools, all of which were needy. In addition to schooling their
children, the people need health clinics, too. At Faith in Christ Primary School the
children do have a building which has a roof. Some children do not have a school
building at all. Other schools have a structure but no roof - or the roof has been blown
off. In some cases, a bundle of tin or two would shelter them from the rain in the rainy
season—and protect the clay walls from getting soaked and collapsing.
Many of the children come to school hungry—and do not get lunch at school either. It
would just take 100 euros / 100 dollars or 100 pounds to feed an entire school for a
whole month. Teachers often do not get paid. We’d like to see them get a ‘salary’ of
10 euros / 10 dollars / 10 pounds.
See page 18 for more information.

ctáàÉÜ TÇÇÅtÜ|xËá @ Praise Report For The Year 2009

“Through God’s Love We Will Shine in 2009”

...And We’re Still Shining!
Wow! What a year it's been. T he Lord has done some great and mighty things. From the time we entered
the fast in January, the Lord began to move and He has not stopped doing new and wonderful things.
He has added to us, expanded us, taught us, sharpened us and even surprised us. Thank You, Jesus!!!

January.......We started the year with our usual January fast, which July.....Travelled to Germany and met the German Bible Study group for the
normally includes many people and churches in Germany, many first time. We had a wonderful time together.
states in America, England, Nigeria, Spain, Italy and others. THIS . PRAISE HIM.
year, however, we were joined for the first time by a large group in
Trinidad and Tobago, and Switzerland. August and September found Pastor Annmarie McQueen back in Germany,
HALLELUJAH! ministering on a very personal level to a 'Daughter of Abraham'.
February.......Because of the flood of requests, we were forced
October.................First five-day-crusade in London, England.
to begin sending out a daily Bible Study. In the past, we
A three-day-prayer conference is held in London every year, but
ended with January. We also did our first MAKING A
this was our first crusade in the city. NOT BY MIGHT NOR
November.....Revisiting God's Miracle Chapel International
March.......By request, we started our weekly GABCAST in Genoa, Italy, after five years, was very powerful.
Bible exhortation in March. MIGHTY GOD! JESUS IS LORD!
April.......By request, we began a long distance German December.....Our first Making A Difference RETREAT to be
Bible Study Group. We did 1 1/2 hour of Bible study and held at the beautiful YMCA Castle, 'CVJM-Schloss Unteröwisheim'.
prayer once a week via a conference line. GOD IS GREAT!
All these were larger ministry accomplishments; time would not allow
May.......We published our first MUM magazine. A special Thank us to speak of the many, many hurdles and victories we've had this year.
You to Diana Roberts for your insight! IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR Many souls were saved, healed, delivered and drew closer to the Lord as a
GOD....WHERE WOULD WE BE, INDEED? result of the many conferences, revivals and meetings, Pastor Annmarie and
other members of the MUM team ministered in. WE GIVE GOD ALL
June.......We did our first Making a Difference Conference in Sierra OF THE GLORY.
Photo: Four Seaason Tree
Leone, West Africa.
ctáàÉÜ TA `vdâxxÇ

The Paradoxical Truth About
the Mountain and Valley Ministry
Written by Pastor Francis Quansah

1 Cor. 9:20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are un-
der the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;

1 Cor. 9:21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under
the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.

1 Cor. 9:22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all
men, that I might by all means save some.

First of all let me ask you, “Are you the called of God?” If you are called, “Do you know your
assignment?” Are you willing to go anywhere or to do whatever the Master assigns to you?

This message is directed to all Christian workers, whether they are pastors, evangelist, missionar-
ies, etc. The aim of this message is to help you clearly define your assignment. I have realized
that there are many saints out there who are honestly and sincerely committed to the work of
God but, unfortunately, they are confused and frustrated. Especially, when they compare
themselves and their ministry to others and find out that they are struggling while others are
enjoying themselves. They are not even sure of what they are doing. They keep moving from
one thing to another, one place to another and are still wondering whether they are doing the
right thing or not. A lot of these people are really disappointed at the result of their ministry.

To help them fill this void, they resort to carrying all kinds of titles just to impress their peers. I
am very sorry for you if you find yourself in such a situation. I just want to help you get an un-
derstanding of what I term as a “Paradoxical Truth” with regard to the ministry of the Lord Je-
sus Christ.

The plain truth is that:

1. God did not call us all to do the same thing.

2. God did not send us all with the “same” message emphasis.
3. God did not assigned us to the same place and people.

Whoever you are, that is called of God, know this: for all of us who have acknowledged this call
to duty, there is only one important prayer to be prayed:

“Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” (ACTS 9:6, KJV)

Recently, after my usual private dawn prayer, I sat quietly reflecting over my ministry. It’s been
a little over a quarter of a century since I acknowledged the call of God to preach His Word. I
realized that it has been about two decades of consistent pastoral work.

As I sat pondering these thoughts, I enjoyed moments of joy and glorious times when I saw
myself on top of the mountain of honor and fame. Everything went well and what a joy
there was in ministry. I then recounted moments of distress where the going had been tough
and unpleasant. As I looked deeply into all those disappointing times, I was tempted to open
my mouth and say, “Years wasted”. I was so sad for all those periods in my ministry when I
experienced opposition and slow progress. Should I consider those years of my life and minis-
try as wasted years? There came suddenly a hush from the Holy Spirit. Gradually, I was
thrown into a deep trance and what I saw was a Mountain and a Valley. In this vision, I saw
certain ones who were trapped on a snow-capped mountain, and down below there were
also those who were trapped in a flooded Valley. Both groups needed to be rescued. It was
only there and then that the Lord opened my understanding to comprehend the paradoxical
truth of the mountain and valley ministry.

Now considering the life of Jesus Christ, what shall we say about Him?

• Master or Servant?
• Judge or Lawyer?
• Rich or Poor?
• God or Man?

Eph 4:10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all
heavens, that he might fill all things.

To make it plain and simple, what I am saying is that there are some who are called to climb
the mountain to reach a place where the wealthy and highly privileged ones in society
are. These could be influential personalities in places of authority in this world.

On the other hand, there are those who are called to descend from the top into the valley to
rescue those who are trapped in the valley of poverty, sickness, despair and shame.
Then the Lord asked me which one was easier? Then I said, Neither!

Cont’d on following page

This is what the Apostle Paul had to say:

Phil. 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith
to be content.
Phil. 4:12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I
am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

I came to conclude here that as servants of God, some might be called to minister to the
rich and wealthy in society. That being the case, the quality of their life and outward dis-
position could reflect such an assignment. Others, however, may be called to minister to
the poor and down-trodden in society. If that was so, it could have a serious impact on
the quality of their lives and their outward disposition. It must be understood that, no
matter what position a person may find themselves in, none is better than the other. We
all have to be content with the Master’s will and remain faithful.

In the Bible, we can speak of prophets like Nathan who was privileged to minister to the
King. And there was also Jeremiah who was considered to be a public nuisance.

In our time and generation, we have witnessed with our own eyes, contrasting ministries
such as that of Billy Graham, who served President after President, and that of Mother
Teresa serving and living among the poor in Calcutta.

One thing is worth learning from both—and that is faithfulness. They responded to the
call in obedience and faithfulness.

Thank you and Shalom!

F. Quansah
Chariot Of Fire Outreach Church
Doraville, Georgia

Reflections Part No. 1—
Evangelist Marlene Walters

I have been blessed to attend all the previous Prayer Conferences at

Faith Chapel, and have derived a spiritual refreshing from each of
them. This year was most exhilarating and held my attention from
the late night session on Friday till its climax on Sunday afternoon.
This was followed by our first five-night Revival Crusade.

The topic of the Prayer Conference, "Lord, Heal Our Land", was
divinely chosen. Pastor Annmarie expounded on this appeal in such
a way that we were left thirsty for more of the Word.

The theme of the Revival, "A Time of Refreshing", continued this

awe inspiring teaching and revelation and gave us insight into
where we are as individuals in the body of Christ as an assembly.

After hearing this impacting, empowering, profound Word of God

delivered with inspiration and conviction, I was left with no choice
but to receive who I am in Christ with a deeper and more personal
meaning. It confirmed and upheld my own convictions of my place
in the Kingdom, replacing misconceptions and doubts. The Word
was delivered with such power and authority.

It was evident that Pastor Annmarie walked in the full knowledge of who
she was in Christ and, therefore, had the ability to usher others into this
place of receiving their blessings from God. The visual illustration of
"being seated together in Christ", where she used a chair to demonstrate
our place in Christ, was simple but ever so effective.

The events culminated with Pastor Annmarie patiently ministering to

every soul that joined the prayer line. She did not merely touch and utter
a few words, but showed concern as she spoke and prayed with each per-
son as if they were the only ones at the altar. This truly inspired and
humbled me. I was honored to be of some assistance to her.

We had a glorious time every night of these events. I have personally

endeavored to read the book of Proverbs as often as possible and also the
52 points of "Who I am/What I have in Christ". I look forward to our
next conference with great anticipation and will continue to pray for Pas-
tor Annmarie and her ministry.

Sis Marlene Walters

Faith Chapel, London

Cont’d on next page.

Caesarea Philippi: largest springs

which feeds the River Jordan.

Reflections Part No. 2 —
Evangelist Hilary Kamara:

Through the power of God, the

ministry of Pastor Annmarie has
been instrumental and of great
inspiration in my spiritual
life. Her God-given ability to
deliver the Word and bring about
change is unique. Each year, I
look forward to this event and am always refreshed and strengthened
by the Word.

This year's Prayer Conference and Revival Crusade were astounding!

Through the preaching and teaching, I have developed a clearer under-
standing about prayer in general, praying in the spirit, praying accord-
ing to the Word and most of all I have a greater revelation of who I am
in Christ and my place in His Kingdom.

The recordings of these meetings give me the opportunity to revisit the

various areas that Pastor Annmarie expounded on so I can glean more.
May the Lord Jesus continue to bless her as she continues to minister
to the people of God.

Evangelist Hilary Kamara

Faith Chapel, London, England

Reflections Part No. 3—Sister Nicola Walters:

What a powerful and impacting Prayer Conference this was! As I rel-

ished the Word and received from the Spirit, the Lord began to deal
with me. He began a process of healing. Through Pastor Annmarie's
obedience and anointing, the Lord was able to speak to me, correct me
and heal me.

The Lord began to reveal to me the battlefield in my mind, showing me how the mind
can hold you captive, even though, physically, you appear free.

Pastor Annmarie reminded us of who we are in Christ, of what we are able to achieve in
His name, and more so, what is required of us as children of the living God, according
to His Word. She gave us strategies and tools to do spiritual warfare as situations pre-
sent themselves to us on a daily basis. She encouraged us to continue trusting in the
Lord, praying His Word into our lives, speaking with Him and praising Him daily.

Having a relationship with the Lord has helped me to receive His instructions, through
Pastor Annmarie, one of His obedient vessels. As we were reading II Chronicles 12-17,
the Lord began to show me the things that I battle with in my mind on a frequent basis,
the feelings that have controlled some of my actions and motives; negative thinking,
worry and doubt. These things affected my state of mind. The Lord was telling me not
to be afraid. He was encouraging me to fight these thoughts and feelings with His
Word, the sword of the Spirit, and to have faith in Him. He reminded me that the battles
in my mind have already been won, and that the land (my mind) was already healed. I
only needed to command my mind to come into alignment with God with the power and
authority given to me in Acts 1:8, and cast down all thoughts and suggestions that come
against a Christ-like mind.

Through effective teaching and preaching, Pastor Annmarie empowered and encouraged
us to live the Word, and apply it to our lives daily. She referred to it as the instruction
manual to a life of peace, love, understanding, abundance and a whole lot more in Jesus

Each year, the Prayer Conference have been a great blessing! They have helped me in
my marriage, ministry and a number of other areas of my life. They have impacted me
spiritually and encouraged me to keep my faith in the Lord...because He shall never for-
sake me nor leave me! The state of my mind is changing and I see the results and re-
wards of walking in faith and obedience to the Word.

Sister Nicola Walters,

London, England

This year, MUM went to Sierra
Leone for the first time. There, we
did seven full days of teaching and
preaching, in addition to visiting
different schools and all the facili-
ties. The trip was life-changing for
We were invited to go by District
Elder June Cranston-Young of
London, England, who had been
working with the saints there for
almost thirty years. Her heart was
captured during her first trip when them about becoming producers
she noticed how big the children's and not consumers. We taught
bellies were and that many of them about depending on the Lord, in-
had open sores all over their bod- stead of on people. We encour-
ies. She sought God for answers aged them, especially the women
for these conditions. and widows, to learn trades and
He gave her what she asked for begin home-based businesses. In
and thirty years later, after an all- the schools, we encouraged the
out civil war along with everything teachers to teach the children Eng-
else, she was inspired and, as she lish so that they can function better
puts it, 'carried bricks', and built in society.
four schools, nine churches, and a We talked about good nutrition
clinic. By the time we visited, Sis- and family relations. We did all
ter June, as we lovingly call her, we could and before it was over
had done most of the hard work. with, we were out of time and
Today, there is still much to be money. Again, it was a life-
done, however. Because of the changing experience for me. I had
war, many of the structures were never seen so much poverty in my
destroyed and the people seem life and I was embarrassed that I
hopeless and very needy. We could not do more. Thanks to all
spent a great deal of time teaching six of us putting our resources to-

gether, a lot was done. We were me to list all the needs: more
able to put walls and roofs up, we school fees, books, computers,
put in a bathroom, got land legally medical supplies, monies to pay
registered, supplied books and teachers, lunch program... The list
other school supplies and, since goes on and on. These are just a
returning, have received help to few. Deuteronomy 8:18 tells us
begin lunch programs, pay school that God does give us the power to
fees and much, much more. get wealth. We must know what to
A big Thank You to Sister June, do with what we get.
Sister Nina, Sister Lorna, Sister On the way home, on the plane,
Kay, and Anke. Sister June was Kay and I became emotional when
able to leave business-starting our food was brought to us.
items, such as clothes, shoes, tires, Through tears, she told me that she
books, appliances, coolers to sell kept seeing the faces of the chil-
cold drinks, and much, much more. dren. She wanted to do more as
There is still much to do, though well. My life was changed in Si-
much was done. With all of that, erra Leone. Among many, many
however, I still felt ashamed. things, I will mention one thing
I wanted to do more and though I that I learned: If I only have
taught during the day and preached enough for me.... it is NOT all
every night, it was not enough be- right.
cause we needed more tangible Annmarie
resources. Space will not permit

Thank You!

I would like to extent a great big

THANK YOU to District Elder June
Cranston-Young for thirty years of
awesome service for the Lord in
Sierra Leone and throughout the
world. She has done a remarkable
(and often thankless) job under very
difficult circumstances. She has
carried bricks, laid tiles, walked for
miles, tended wounds, packed
boxes, spent thousands of pounds,
and much more. Much of her work
has gone unrecognized, but McQueen Universal Ministries would
like to recognize Sister Cranston-Young for all she has done. Your
work speaks for you and your labor of love will never be
For those who would like to help the Missionaries Making A Difference in
Sierra Leone, please continue to pray for the work there and if you would
like to give gifts or make donations, contact us at:

If you are in Europe, please contact: If you are in the US, please contact:
D.E. Cranston-Young McQueen Universal Ministries
32 Rogers Rd. c/o Michelle McQueen
Tooting PO Box 34082
London SW17 0EA Fort Worth
England TX 76162-4082

Favour Productions Ltd was formed in 2007 by the
husband and wife team of Micah and Nicola Walters.
Our flagship business is our record label which started
production in January 2008, the main focus being the production and distribution
of our 'New' style of Christian music, such as R&B, Hip Hop, Reggae and a few
others which are popular and entertaining to the younger generation today. We
anticipate other companies will be birthed through Favour Productions in the near

Our music and lyrics impact the younger generation by:

•Demonstrating a passion for worship.

•Encouraging listeners to live clean, wholesome lives.
•Fostering self esteem and self respect.
•Teaching values and life lessons.
•Being relatable to the current environment.
•Presenting the power of God to change lives.

Favour Productions’ services also include:

•Public and private appearances for artists

•Promoting our artists (God‘s Military)
•Organising concerts
•Setting up radio interviews and television performances, etc.
•Collaborating with other gospel artists
•Spreading the gospel in unique ways

Favour Productions: called in this season to advancing the Kingdom, spreading

the Word, Power and Love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and doing all things in the
name of Jesus our Saviour.

Favour Productions: Stepping out of the box, taking the limits off Christ and
reaching the world!
Favour Productions Ltd
2 Delvan Close, London, SE18 3TA
Interested in our services? Tel. +44-20 8855 3903
Contact us today! Mobile: +44-7905 939 887

We are the generation com- about His life's purpose?
ing up in the rear. Not that Was He wondering about
we are trying to put any His mate? Was He looking
pressure on you but if you into getting a career?
are reading this then you
have been chosen. God In the book of Luke chapter
loves you!!! GO to the na- 2, the Bible speaks about
tions and PREACH His Gos- when Jesus was twelve
pel. Being a young adult years old. He was down-
myself, I have often asked town Jerusalem for the
the Lord if I needed to be yearly traditional feast. He
doing more. Most of the was not distracted by the
time I felt like God was tell- things the market had to
ing me to do less. I felt like sell. He was not catching
I was moving forward up with the guys he met
but still not sure if I was last year. He was looking
fully grasping my for ways to learn. In the
life's purpose by the horns. end, He found a group He
With this unsurety, the could relate to: priests, law-
Lord began to show me yers, scribes and scholars.
Himself. What did Jesus do He was listening to them
at my age? Did He worry and asking them questions.

Jesus had a desire to learn from the age of twelve.
He learned about people, the church and the govern-
ment. The Bible continues to paint the picture that
for the rest of His days, throughout His teenage years
and all of His twenties, Jesus "increased in wisdom
and stature, and in favor with God and man." Luke
2:52. The Lord then showed me that this was my
purpose for this season. Now, the next question may
be, “How do we do this?” I'm glad you asked.

1: Fear the Lord and do His commandments.

Psalm 111:10. The Bible says, "The fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good under-
standing have all they that do His command-

2: Seek God's Kingdom first. Matthew

6:33. Don't seek a career or how to make money
first. Seek first His Kingdom and build His King-
dom and the career and money will come.

3: Dwell in the secret place of the Most

High. Psalm 91:1. "And the child grew, and
waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and the
grace of God was upon Him." Luke 2:40. You can
grow and wax strong in spirit like Jesus if you use
these special years of your life to dwell in the se-
cret place of the Most High by praying and medi-
tating on God's Word.

4: Listen to HIM as He
speaks to you. "For the Lord
gives wisdom; from His
mouth comes knowledge and
understanding. He stores up
sound wisdom for the up-
right.” Proverbs 2:6-7. Be
taught of the Lord and great
shall be your peace. Isaiah

5: Study to show yourself approved. 1 Timothy
2:15. Sharpen yourself in the Lord, so that when your
time comes in the Lord, you will not put yourself and/or
God to shame. You will want to shine as a light. And
when people see you, they will see Jesus. John 12:45-46.

6: Be like Daniel, do not defile yourself with the things

of this world. Daniel 1:4, 8-21. Be careful what you
watch on TV, listen to or what activities you engage
in. For God to promote you like He did Daniel, God is
looking for a pure and praying heart.
So, be pure in heart, so that you and your generation will
see God!!! - Matthew 5:8, Psalm 24.

7: Save yourself from this untoward generation! Acts

2:40. “And with many other words did he testify and ex-
hort, saying, save yourselves from this untoward genera-
tion.” At all cost, find yourself in Christ. With reverential
fear! That equates to loving God. If mother, father, sister,
brother, and friends don't go, you must GO! Go and re-
lentlessly pursue all that God has purposed for you to
be! Without distraction seek, watch, fast and pray; stand
and stay in the God's will.

Do these steps and you are guaranteed to gain

ground in your walk with God. Let the Lord
increase you in wisdom and stature, and in
favor with God and man. The world will have
to watch out because you will be coming to
turn many from the power of Satan to the
Power of God. Acts 26:18, Isaiah 61:1.

Written by Michelle McQueen

from Pastor Annmarie for the Year 2010

Next year will be a year of more deception (shadows) than

ever. Darkness on top of darkness and shadows on top of
shadows. But the children of God have light and we should
keep on looking up. It will be similar to this year at first, where
things will seem to be spiraling down (in the world, of course)...
then suddenly, things will pick up. Do not be deceived by the
way things seem to be... do not trust the external voices of the
systems of this world, especially the religious ones. Pay atten-
tion to the Voice of God. Line up the Voice with the Word and
plan to be meticulously obedient.
Look at Exodus 27-30. Moses was obedient to every detail
and, indeed, God was detailed with him. Careful obedience is
what will keep you in an enlarged wealthy and blessed place. A
lot of quiet meditation will be a requirement, take another look
at the Sabbath. You are never too busy to be Spirit-led. Be
serious about your Word intake. Let the Word continue to
transform and inform you. Stay in the Psalms (I’m talking
about hilarious praise), stay in the Proverbs (I'm talking about
the wisdom of God) and the Epistles (I’m talking about who you
are in Christ.) Use what you have already. Multiply, multiply,
multiply. It's in you.
Read Daniel Chapter 7 often.


If you have not been born again, then it is time for you to confess
and repent of your sins. In Acts 2:38, when Peter was asked what
men should do to be saved, he said, ‘Repent, be baptized in the
Name of Jesus and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.’ I
encourage you, if you have not done this, do it now. The Lord is
waiting on you to come home to Him.

If you would like someone to pray with you as you confess your
faith in Christ, please email us at
or call +1-817-346 6096.

Proverbs 13:12 promises that “a
dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” As a 2008, God allowed my path to cross
young girl, God placed a dream in my with Pastor Annmarie McQueen. After
heart for the people of Africa. That several conversations, I learned that
dream lay dormant in my heart until she was an Evangelist and Pastor, and
2006 when God reminded me of the founder of Making a Difference Institute.
desire he had placed there. When she told me she was going to
Nigeria, Africa, in July, I spoke to her
In 2006 my church offered a Bible about my heart’s desire concerning Af-
Institute class on missions. I thought rica. God continued to connect us at
that would be a way to connect with different events as well as at church. I
other people who had a heart for mis- asked her to pray about me going with
sions. One of our assignments was to her on a future mission trip to Africa.
write down our vision for missions.
When I started writing, the Holy Spirit As I continued to seek God’s direc-
stirred up the memory of my love for tion, He instructed me to apply for a
Africa. God began to awaken the passport. This may sound like a simple
dream in my spirit to serve Him in Af- step, but I had never traveled interna-
rica. tionally so getting a passport was a big
step for me. Even before I knew God’s
As I sought for the how and when of exact time and place for me, I believed
this dream to be fulfilled, God directed He would show me the necessary re-
me to Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord quirements to travel to Africa.
with all your heart, do not depend on
your own understanding. Seek His will When I went back to my job in the
in all you do, and He will show the path fall, Alexis Cox, one of my third grade
to take.” (NLT) In my own understand- students, told me how God had touched
ing, I did not know how or when I would her heart for a country in Africa. She
go to Africa, but I knew He would com- shared with me about the poor people in
plete the work He started showing me Sierra Leone, West Africa.
the path to take. As I sought Him, in

On October 26, 2008, she wrote a letter to What dream has God given you? As you
the class about her desire to send money to commit your work, desires and dreams to your
help them. I explained to her about the dream Heavenly Father, He will bring them to pass as
God had place in my heart concerning Africa promised in Psalms 37:5, “Commit thy way
when I was her age. God connected our unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall
hearts with a common desire and soon the bring it to pass.” Even though dreams may
path had increased with people who had a take what we perceive as a long time, God re-
dream to bless Africa. minded me that what we learn along the path is
as valuable as the destination.
On the following Sunday, I saw Pastor
Annmarie who had been ministering in the UK. Be encouraged to never give up. In 2 Corin-
While there, she met with Missionary June thians 4:15-16, Paul admonishes us, “As God
Cranston-Young who shared with her about the reaches more and more people, there will be
missions and schools God had used her to de- great thanksgiving and God will receive more
velop in Africa. Sister June asked her to pray and more glory. That is why we never give
about ministering in these missions. As she up.” (NLT) All glory be to God who made the
spoke about the possibility of going to Africa, way through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and sent
my excitement grew when she asked if I would us the Holy Spirit to empower us to walk the
consider going. Without any hesitation, I said, path to fulfilled dreams.
“Yes!” Then I asked where in Africa? When
she said Sierra Leone, I knew God had cleared
the path! I shared about Alexis and how God In God’s Grace!
had spoken to her about this same country only Kay Waters
six days earlier. My heart jumped for joy to
know that my Father was leading the way.
As God continued to prepare me spiritually
and physically, the dream became reality June
4, 2009. As we stepped onto the plane headed
for Sierra Leone, West Africa, a heart of thank-
fulness welled up inside me for a Father who
loved me so much. Proverbs 13:19 says, “It is
pleasant to see dreams come true.” (NLT) The
night I stepped on African soil, it was more
pleasant than I had ever imagined. Praise
God, my life long dream was now a reality! To
be face to face with Sister June Cranston-
Young and the people of Sierra Leone brought
great joy to my heart. What a marvelous God
we serve!

We are here to help! Life Strategist Annmarie McQueen. Do you need help in any of
these areas?
Developing a Life Plan, Organizing your Life, Increase Self Confidence, Marriage Coun-
seling, Weight Loss Guidance, Support & Tutoring for Youth, Stress Management.
Motivational Speaker, Group Seminars, Business Strategies, Career Development,
Corporate Ethics & Etiquette, Conflict Resolution.

Annmarie McQueen, Strategist

Email: Website:
P.O. Box 34082 Fort Worth TX 76162-4082

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We are praying for you.

Our leadership team meets

and prays for you every Mon-
day night from Europe to the

To order sermons, obtain extra copies of the magazine for your

church or group or make a donation, please contact us.
Interested in writing an article or feature for the magazine?
We would love to hear from you!

If you are in the US, please contact:

Michelle McQueen
McQueen Universal Ministries
PO Box 34082
Fort Worth, TX 76162-4082
Phone: +1-817-346-6096

MUM will bring a
Making A Difference Conference
to you!
Teacher/Facilitator: Pastor Annmarie McQueen
This exciting conference is power-packed with teachings.
You will learn about prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit,
and hearing the voice of God. As the anointing is ush-
ered in, learn from this humble servant of intercessory
prayer, as she guides you into the presences of God.
Expect revelation, healing, and deliverance! You will
never be the same again.
Upcoming events:
Making A Difference Retreat at the YMCA Castle
in Unteröwisheim, Germany—December 2009
First Making a Difference Prayer Conference
in Frankfurt, Germany—January 2010
Subject line: MDI Prayer Conference
Phone: +1-817-346-6096
Sponsored by McQueen Universal Ministries.

McQueen Universal Ministries 
P.O. Box 34082 
Fort Worth, TX 76162‐4082

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